KASIA CIEPLAK-MAYR VON BALDEGG – Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg is an associate editor at The Atlantic. She curates the Video channel.
Music as a Roller Coaster Ride
JAN 18 2012, 4:55 PM ET 4
This ingenious promotional video for the Zurich Chamber Orchestra transforms the musical notes played by the first violinist in a symphony by Ferdinand Ries into a roller coaster track in real time.
The video was created by the production studio Virtual Republic. On their Vimeo page, they explain, “The notes and bars were exactly synchronised with the progression in the animation so that the typical movements of a rollercoaster ride match the dramatic composition of the music.”

Stills from the video above
from: http://www.theatlantic.com/video/archive/2012/01/zko-roller-coaster/251606/