Take Your Power!

The Rightful Role of the Truth Warrior

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

It’s amazing how people have been backed into a corner by this barrage of social programming and outright intimidation. People actually feel apologetic about speaking the truth when it counters the politically correct entrained mass mindset of the world today.

Telling someone the truth is the most loving thing anyone can do. Of course it needs to be done wisely so as not to give a ready excuse for holding on to their illusion. That’s a clever mechanism that needs to be avoided. But there is also a time the truth hurts but still needs to be said. If it hurts, so be it. To withhold the truth from someone who is clearly in need of it is the most unloving and self serving thing any of us can do.

Let the chips fall where they may. Telling the truth is a fundamental form of love.

Taking Authority is Contrarian in a Spineless, Programmed World

I often think about this, the need for all of us who have awakened to take authority in our awareness and live in it fully and boldly. It’s totally contrary to everything we’ve been conditioned with. The collective mind is built on dependence and allegiance to imposed authority. This is nothing less than fear and submission programming.

From Pavlovian bells ringing between classes and fire and atom bomb drills as school children, to stop lights and sirens wailing in the streets and figures in uniforms, it’s all conditioning. Think about those strange costumes of authority figures we were entrained to “respect” – from religious garb and battle gear to dark suits and lab coats with “degrees” behind their names – these authorities were to be implicitly trusted as well as feared and obeyed.

The conditioning runs deep. And needs to be shirked.

The result of this programming which we can see all around us is a weak, limp and spineless humanity, willing to go along with whatever program comes next, with just enough free range within their confined space to give the illusion of freedom and autonomy. Very clever, very insidious and completely debilitating.

Entrapment, Intimidation and Assumptive Posturing

These are all mechanisms of subjugation. Devious baited traps of entangled low-level left brained arguments, all with assumptive conclusions. You’ll often hear “why can’t you consider both sides?” as if there’s some sort of neutral ground to a life threatening situation, all in an attempt to neutralize your conviction which is contrary to theirs.  Have “they” fully considered” both sides? Total hypocrisy.

This type of mind manipulation leads the unsuspecting subject into mental and social cages of seemingly logical yet conflicting conclusions, often accompanied by just plain bullying with the projected atmosphere of unquestionable authority. It’s a nasty response system to these mechanisms that’s been engrained into humanity, both the thinking and the unthinking. We’re dealing with a very deep spiritual source of disinformation that works on the unsuspecting, the overly programmed and those who are self justifying and self serving.

All are devious responses and affirmations of severely entropic forces – mental, spiritual and physical designs to break down our natural spiritual state. The need to see and wake up to these is absolutely imperative.

It happens in all walks of life. The mind weave of guilt tripping and subordination programming is admittedly slippery and surreal, but very very present. The effects are everywhere.

What we witness in these usurping rulers posturing themselves as authority figures is a perfect manifestation of this form of falsely based intimidation which trickles down through society right into interpersonal relationships. It’s taught and reinforced from birth because it’s unnatural and must be learned and is essential to the control system. It’s an imposed false paradigm born in lies and perpetrated by lies. It’s literally an illusion perpetrated by nothing but fabricated innuendo, continued reinforcement, and backed by brute force, the extension of which is their hierarchy of control supported by a mechanized policing military machine.

Again, this is a woefully misused mimic of the true power of loving empowerment, a false projection in this 3-D reality play we’re all playing a part in.

We are an intrinsic element of the true Authority and it’s time we took our rightful place.


Awaken and Take Authority

We need to be proactive and confidently assertive in our convictions. We cannot waver or bend to these influences, however complex, corrosive or intimidating they may be. Ours is to defy the lie, denounce the liars, expose the agenda, and march on in full confidence in the Truth and freedoms we’ve been endowed with. Forget national altruism and the futile law-riddled political and religious maze, ours is to stand as parts of the creative universal Source itself – autonomous, free thinking, creative and imaginative agents of love and positive change.

We have far greater and more powerful tools, even weapons, at our disposal than we realize. When thinking about this I was reminded of the light saber we saw popularized in the Star Wars films. My problem with that imagery is that the dark side has an equally powerful light weapon. That’s not true. Their sabers should have had a black beam. There’s power there, but only operable in dark places. It cannot stand up to the power of light and would easily be cut to shreds by the wand of Truth and Light.

We have such a weapon. If you’ve ever seen adepts use the power of chi to literally knock people backwards, as well as wonderfully heal, you’ve seen it in action. Sure, the interdimensionals have influences at their disposal we are now becoming familiar with, but they cannot affect those living in the full light of awakened truth.

What arouses this truth force within us is living it and not compromising or living apologetically on the defensive, riddled with doubt about our calling or capabilities.

There’s much to learn for all of us but this tremendous resource awaits our activation. And it has everything to do with taking and using the authority with which we’ve been endowed.

The Time to Decide is Now – Always Now

Either you’re on board or you’re not. Either you’re compromised and impotent and left languishing on the banks of the river of truth….or not, and in allowing the spontaneous process of creative activation.

The choice is ours. What we’re up against has been clearly spelled out to us in this massive awakening and sharing of empowering and enlightening information we’re experiencing. At that point either we utilize it, or we succumb. There’s no standing still in this current. We either stand strong and forge ahead upstream or get washed over the falls in the polluted river of lies.

It’s ours to decide. Empower and help change the course of now, or hide in shame, doubt and disgusting fear and self-serving self pity.

Personally, I have no pity for the liars and those who adamantly defend the lie and thereby exert this oppressive system on others. They are the problem. We and the truth we bear are the solution. We must treat those who’ve been subverted with love, but love takes many forms, and telling and living the Truth are intrinsic to it, come what may.

And take heart. The reign of the dark forces of the Kali Yuga (or age of vice) is over. What we’re witnessing is its death throes. The cycle is ending and this is our time to come forth, but it will be a challenge as we pass through the debris of ages past and its remnant psycho-spiritual effects on our planet.

Let’s help these dark minions on their way to oblivion in style. When we disconnect, disengage and do not comply but rather stand confidently and boldly in the truth we know and then move forward proactively, their fabrication of deceit will shred, shatter and fall to our feet.

My lightsaber’s turned on and burning furiously. How’s yours? It simply awaits activation.

It’s time to awaken the weapons of loving truth – and wield them with full authority.

Much love, Zen

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/60095-2/

Things are just Not in Control

Don’t Worry – Everything is Not Under Control

by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner

What a farce. Telling everyone “everything is under control” is perhaps the most dulling and disempowering phrase ever uttered.

My fascination with language just keeps expanding. I love looking at expressions, words, colloquialisms, so-called “sayings” and the like with fresh awakened eyes. I can’t help it. The supposed, accepted and unconscious meanings of these imposed “expressions” are what direct our minds and turn our attention.

So much of what we’ve been handed down is contorted, manipulated and eventually nestled in the collective mindset to twist our hearts away from simple truth.

How many times has this expression been used to bring seeming comfort to someone; “Don’t worry, everything’s under control.” Really? What control? Who’s controlling what? And why?

So often this is used to imply some powerful force is behind everything directing what’s going on. Remind you of anything? Yes – religion, hierarchy, and social, political and economic so-called “controllers”. How debilitating can you get when it comes right down to it, playing on people’s insecurity and lack of conscious awareness?

“It’s under control” is comforting to people? It’s the picture of personal disempowerment!


External Control? Or Creative Freedom!

Sure, there is a wonderful creative Source we are all intrinsically part of, but it’s not “controlling” anything in a living, expanding Universe with beings of all sorts with free will and self determination in an alive multidimensional environment. If anything, this Creative impetus is tearing down control systems that attempt to foist themselves on its process, put there either by conscious intent or the manifestation of hardening mindsets in the social fabric.

Earth processes attest to this, as well as our spectacular expanding and ever changing Universe. Nature itself is alive with new sprouts of life in the animal, plant and mineral worlds, never mind other realms of existence.

Look at earthquakes and volcanoes, or the sun and astral influences. As much as some try to analyze or predict major events that affect earth that still brings no control, only a measure of preparedness on rare occasion. And that type of insecurity is good for us. It’s humbling and keeps us in check.

This process is what the awakening is all about!

While some earth changes may be exacerbated by human activity, the big stuff is way out of our control. Thankfully. That’s what makes life life, and also why the insane would-be captivators of humanity and its planet work so feverishly in their mad pursuits to try to control natural processes. Control is their yardstick and without it they have no temporal security or power, which to them equates some weird form of normalcy or equilibrium.

How upside down can you get.

Be it geoengineering our climate, genetically modifying the natural progression of life forms, or attempting to install artificial intelligence to run their soulless programs, these maniacs are desperate for control in every shape and form. Why? They cannot meld or harmonize with what’s natural since their psychopathic, demonic intentions have nothing to gain, all while the rest of us thrive on being part of the fantastic empowering natural processes of Creation Itself.

Therein lies the rub. Quite apparently we’re in a world of conflicts of interest. That’s our current playing field, if you will. Or won’t. It’s just the way it is.


Let Go Into Conscious Anarchy

I like the anarchy approach. Anarchy is an example of another twisted word. It’s doesn’t mean putting a society into deliberate chaotic destruction, it means living without hierarchical control mechanisms. Something most groomed humans are scared spitless of thanks to generations of social programming.

You mean to tell me if we didn’t have so-called “government” that everything would fall apart? Baloney. People are resourceful and essentially responsible, at least their inner nature is, that hasn’t been perverted by all of this programming to the contrary. That very dependence on external control systems is what the hierarchy is literally banking on which is why the repeated memes of fear of scarcity or personal security.

There’s plenty for everybody. All we need to do is work together locally and share with other communities in a range of sizes and distances. Real commerce in loving cooperation, not the regulated systems that have been foisted upon us. We’ve been weaned from personal responsibility into a system of statist dependence, like someone who’s stopped using their muscles and is dependent on some mass produced contraption for their mobility when there’s nothing wrong with them at all.

They just need to exercise their innate capabilities.

Just because people have become spiritually atrophied in large numbers doesn’t mean that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Exactly like waking up, it’s time to arise and use the magnificent body of capabilities we’ve all been given, and let go of these false crutches and systems of hierarchy and walk into life and live!



That false assurance that everything’s under control by external forces as if we individually have virtually none has got to go. Being comforting in times of stress and turmoil is one thing, but propping people up with some external dependence reinforcement is fundamentally wrong.

It’s time to be conscious – in our words, our thoughts and our actions.

It’s really not that difficult. The main thing you’ll confront is ignorant, unenlightened opposition from those who’ve grown deeply accustomed to this dependency programming, as if it’s some form of respect for the “great ones” who rule them.

It’s very deep and will take time to overcome for most. But remaining in that conscious space, no matter what ridicule or obstacles assail you, is the very solution we each are longing for.

It begins with each of us. Standing our ground and then moving forward in conscious, loving action.

Do it. Bravely. The time for humanity to arise is now.

Much love, be well, and fully empowered,



from:    http://www.zengardner.com/dont-worry-everything-not-control/

Choosing Creativity

Dancing with the Hologram

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

You have to admit, even if all of this is a construct for some seemingly unknown purpose, this is an incredible world we’re inhabiting. This spontaneous creative Force we’re engulfed in and intrinsically interwoven into is absolutely spectacular despite all the obstacles we encounter.

That there’s an invasive parasitic force at work trying to gum up the works and usurp this magnificent design and claim whatever weirdness it simulates as some sort of alternative reality is absolutely ludicrous, yet this is the contest humanity and our planetary existence finds itself in.

What is wonderful and should be the center of our focus and attention is the magnificent power of true Creation and its stunning beauty, intricacy and unlimited potential. We’re only just discovering its wonders, but as we do Creation itself becomes more manifest in new and amazing ways as we respond in conscious awareness and resultant responsive actions.

This so dwarfs the puny efforts of these measly low density control freaks that no one should ever fear or be awed by their furious temporal psychopathic designs no matter where they come from or how much they scream and try to intimidate humanity.

The jig is up. We’ve awakened from slumber and the tide of iniquity is being shoved back into their wicked faces and readily busting up their phony façade, no matter how elaborate or real the false construct they’ve erected may appear to be.


The Regenerative Power of Our Fractal Universe

Just as our very bodies miraculously heal and rebuild themselves, so Universe keeps unfolding and regenerating life ceaselessly and unstoppably. Whatever transpires in this temporal existence we find ourselves in, we are born with an innate knowing that all is ultimately well and truth reigns eternal.

And is astoundingly wondrous.

Just look at your hands, look into someone’s eyes, study a tree or an animal, look at the sky, the mountains and the sea. This is one amazing place we have the privilege to inhabit, even if only for a short while. We cannot ever forget or minimize that. Despite the storms of life and all of its obstacles and challenges, we are imbued with the same creative force we have the honor to witness at work around us, day in and day out, hour by hour, minute by minute.

Therein lies our very strength. To sense the overwhelming love behind this magnificent Creation, including ourselves, is our everlasting fountain of peace and joy. Nothing can take that away from any of us.

That is, unless we allow something to. The decision lies with each of us individually. Not collectively. We each can, and must, make that simple commitment to not allow anything that robs us of our connection to Source and our standing fast in that knowledge.

Fractal Magic Surrounds

Just look at the fractal nature of Creation, the amazing regenerative geometric patterns from the inconceivable macrocosm to the infinitesimal microcosm of the very smallest of particles. They scream wonder and awe at every possible level. That even settled science is awakening to the fact that consciousness and empirical discoveries are intrinsically interwoven is one manifestation of the awakening age we are blessed to be a part of.

That sages have known this for eons naturally comes to the fore, bringing worlds of understanding into a magnificent confluence of new found awareness for a surging number of awakening people worldwide.

Couple this with the growing discoveries of ancient archeological finds and the release of suppressed historical truths, and the fractal nature of the awakening comes into view in a very practical manner. That the powers that shouldn’t be have openly announced their concerns about a massive global political awakening is another such outcropping.

The evidence is everywhere, and simply a natural progression in this time of revelation, the very apocalypse foretold by many, yet a word twisted to mean our destructive end when in fact it’s a massive awakening of humanity. The crumbling of the matrix is just another symptom of the revealing, the revelation of Truth and the infinite, unstoppable power of the Universe to which we are all not just connected, but living crystals of resonance pulsing with this same enormous power of eternal Creation.


Cycles Within Cycles and Our Opportunity of the Ages

I find it fascinating how many things work in cycles, be they ages, also known as epochs or yugas, or even repeating themes and  lessons throughout history. We’ve been given so many clues to help us find our conscious footing in this strange world we’ve landed in. Sure we’re up against massive efforts to close our hearts and minds through generations of social engineering and cauterizing lies and violence, but that’s part of the challenge and apparently important to our growth cycle.

While I’m absolutely inspired about the worldwide awakening we’re witnessing, what concerns me is that so many still don’t understand the magnitude of the opportunity before us. We’re so close to rolling the humongous boulder of a very real critical mass of revelation and thus liberation of humanity on to the heads of these entities and their construct, yet many still do not yet get the enormity of this opportunity of the ages to end their cycles of deceit and destruction.

Many such opportunities for awakening have happened in the past. Most civilizations, at least from recent recorded history, only used their new found understandings of the workings of the Universe to assert more and more human control over others and our planet, instead of returning to natural cycles based on love and cooperation. Power mad usurpers seem to have eventually infiltrated and taken control of just about every so-called civilization. From what we’re learning about Atlantis and Lemuria it appears that was the case there as well, as with ancient Vedic history, where their societies ended with horrific catastrophic destruction apparently wrought by their own hands in that same disturbed competitive power mad control paradigm.

Arise or Repeat – A Time to Choose

Some cycles are meant to be broken. Just because they repeat doesn’t make them right. It’s much like the law of karma and reincarnation. Many have apparently come back to this plane to have another go at getting the point of being here. It makes sense and from what I’ve learned has a lot of validity.

However personally, I don’t subscribe to the inevitability of anything. While Universe is way too wondrous, powerful and creative to be caught up in any type of destructive loop, we apparently create such loops by our own reactive design, all based on individual decisions on whether we’re going to go along with the collective herd or wake up and become who we truly are.

The social constructs simply follow and repeat themselves, just as old patterns of control and subservience do in our current societies. It appears to be a matter of fact at some base level, for reasons deconstructed by many an enlightened researcher.

The awareness of these cycles and their inherent nature are profound when taken to heart, not just to the head. Can we break out? Are we being told to be resigned to such a fate, when in fact we can escape this great mandala of control and repeated insanity?



We’re not just meant to be free, but already are. Therein lies perhaps the most powerful Truth available to humanity. We already are who we are seeking; we have everything we need, we have every answer supposedly sought by the outside projection of life and its search for meaning.

We are it. We already possess every skill and ability needed to manifest the true world of love and cooperation. All that awaits is awakening these inherent gifts we each were born with.

Take this for what you will, but for me it is fact. It is a truth so profound and powerful that it has been suppressed for countless centuries by those who seek to dominate humankind.

It’s time to arise. It’s time to manifest who we each truly are. It’s clearly an individual decision but one that must be made. Consciously, and with heart and determination.

The time has come.

Arise. It’s literally now or never. And always has been.

And now more than ever. Keep heart, keep love, keep true.

The awakening is upon us – let’s help it manifest and proliferate with reckless abandon!

from:   http://www.zengardner.com/dancing-hologram/

Committing to Moving Forward

Further – The Oft Neglected Path

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

How many times have we been faced with the decision to move on to the next level of commitment to truth? How often has a new level of personal sacrifice been standing at our door, beckoning? How did we respond? Were we willing to go further, no matter the cost?

That’s pretty much what it takes in the pursuit of truth. A constant shedding of the old, no matter how attached we’ve become to our self image and familiar surroundings; to be relentlessly following the signal from this esoteric siren of love and a greater reality that we know awaits. Much like mountain climbing, the decision comes first, then the climbing. But each step of the way presents more decisions. Will we go on in spite of fatigue, doubts, discouragement and obstacles? Which path will I take at each upcoming juncture?

It’s not a one time thing. The decision to pursue quickly leads to a myriad of ensuing decisions along the way. We don’t decide once and for all and then on the truth train we chug up the mountain to a land of ecstasy and complete fulfillment. It doesn’t work that way. This is why so many faint along the way and give up. They become daunted with the often lonely and arduous task. They turn around and move back down to the security of the valley with all of its comforts and self assuaging reinforcement.

It happens to many and we’ve all been there. The initial rush of adventure wears off and the stark reality of the life and death endeavor of the nitty gritty pick and shovel work and climbing through thick and thin starts to dissuade the less determined. But in spite of the fatigue and humiliation, living  in foreign mental and spiritual surroundings in usually spartan and often excruciating living and social conditions, the real true seeker eventually faces, confronts and overcomes these mirage-like obstacles.

Opting Out for Comfort and Security and Its Many Levels

The previous life of relative comfort repeatedly calls the less committed back into the seemingly easy way inside the matrix of deceit and its delicacies. It’s a compromise, but so welcomed by the throngs waiting for us back in the valley who don’t want to hear there even is a mountain to climb, never mind see someone climb it.

This is not an easy saying for most. We’ve all compromised at one point or another. But those who’ve kept on know who they are, and the price they’ve had to pay. It’s really miniscule compared to the rewards, but it seems a daunting task to those with no truth seeking musculature, conveniently snipped and shorn in their formative years. They hear the distant call, but feel it’s not for them, especially since so few seem to hear and heed the call and have been so relentlessly conditioned against it.

 This is one of the worst travesties of our spiritually quenched and dumbed down societal condition.

Ignoring Is No Excuse

But there really is no excuse for ignoring the call. It is what drives the heart of man and is the natural draw of every living soul. This is why youth are so altruistic and idealistic until the educational system and societal “norms” start to clip their wings. And even those who begin the quest often opt out for convenient way stations on the climb to full-on truth. People park on their particular perch which they feel is sufficiently above the valley of deceit and think they have enough perspective to pass judgement on the rest.

The very fact of this judgmental, dishonoring attitude is a symptom of settling for partial truth, and a subconscious stance to protect one’s unwillingness to go all the way or remain open to new and even greater possibilities. However, that very openness to greater truth is the attitude we should each maintain.

Those still attached to their status, income, good deeds, moral high ground, or sense of superior intellect or spirituality in an exclusive and judgmental manner can be the worst enemies to full on truth and spiritual freedom. It takes on many forms and we all fall for these attitudes when in an unconscious or semi-conscious state. After all, it’s fiercely reinforced by the matrix and its tear down mentality.

They will dis and dismiss anything that surpasses their little ledge of advantage they think they’ve climbed to, and be quite militant and aggressive about it. If it doesn’t meet their criteria, it’s to be vigorously attacked as false information. A very sad psychological state to be in, but we see it in society at every level and have all experienced it from both ends.

The most obvious manifestation of this mindset is how anything contrary to the mainstream narrative is marginalized as “politically incorrect”, “conspiracy theory” and now even “terrorist activity”. But this permeates every level of information sharing, and is a huge hindrance to those seeking the full on clarity and empowerment awaiting anyone with the will to pursue it.

Hence the battle we all face and the very serious challenge of climbing the mountain to truth.

Such Is Our Challenge

The simple solution is to keep climbing. The distractions along the way are expected and endemic to our controlled society and upbringing, cloaked in the sheepskin of “normalcy”. Not just political correctness but social correctness are both very confining while appearing to be guiding principles to true freedom of speech and expression.

The question I wish to pose is – are you willing to go further? Even all the way, no matter the cost?

That’s a serious proposition. There are very real personal costs involved, including a complete forsaking of self. It requires sharing – of your thoughts and dreams and conflicts, even using your so called “assets” for the quest over personal security. The beauty is Universe meets us as we step out on faith and conviction. Those who care, give of themselves completely and unselfishly. Those who only think they care, don’t. They hang back, for whatever reason. Everything is conditional to them with all kinds of strings attached, a defense mechanism of matrix infected thinking. Again, we’ve all been there.

It comes down to heart vs mind in many ways. Where do we invest our time and energy? In things that reinforce our personal security and support our personal stance? Or in unselfish efforts that resonate with our own hunger for real truth and social justice for the betterment of all in an atmosphere of love? Are we willing to even lay our lives down? It happens one step at a time.

In Summary

Some things to consider. March on fearlessly. The battle rages, mainly to keep us from getting to the top of the mountain where clarity and boundless empowerment await. From there all becomes clear. But remember – we can’t take our baggage with us. And that’s not a sacrifice, that’s liberating!

Don’t stop. Every awakened soul is already where they need to be in many ways and we can operate in peace once we’re truly aware of what’s going on. But climbing on up even further as life’s signs call and synchronicity so frequently prods and confirms is absolutely imperative.

Further. Together. Now’s the time to step on the gas. We cannot leave the world they’re proposing for our children and grandchildren to inherit. It’s our time to take the stand – and keep climbing.

We’re in this together.

With much love, Zen

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/further-the-oft-neglected-path/

On The Awakening

The Unstoppable Awakening of Humanity

by Zen Gardner

We’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.

It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.

It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in consciousness is experiential.  It appears in the form of social trends and changes, but once someone crosses that threshold of awakening they’re already living in that new reality. To what degree it affects their lifestyle will of course vary from person to person, but change they will. As will the lives they in turn affect.

And so it unfolds.

It’s Beyond Explanation

First of all, the natural mind, earthbound logic and reasoning, will not explain the important things in life. Explain love for example. Thankfully it’s wonderfully beyond words, as is all the important stuff. Really, words hardly suffice for real communication but are rather a limited means of information transfer. It’s only in our lower level density words take on such importance. And it’s there they’re more a limiting and confining aspect of the matrix than a help.

They certainly never quite cut the mustard when it comes to conveying Truth or true conscious awareness. In the words of Lao Tzu:

“Existence is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.
In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,
Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.
If name be needed, wonder names them both:
From wonder into wonder
Existence opens.”

– Lao Tzu

Symptoms of the Shift

The point above being we’ll be witnessing physical changes as this shift takes place, but the true esoteric nature of the important inner change in humanity is hard to quantify. However, it’s not impossible amongst those who are experiencing this changeover. There’s a lot of chatter about this as some say we’re moving into a new dimension and others think it’s a move to another timeline.

I don’t know what it is. But I’m experiencing this vibrational change as well, most profoundly in an intuitive sense. I just know it because it’s happening to me, and then I read about and see it in others, as is the case of so many in the awakened community. While this is by no means complete, here are a few symptoms various people are experiencing to varying degrees, myself included.

–A different sense of time. In most cases people are noticing time seems to be compressing, with the feeling that it’s moving quicker and quicker. There seems to be less time in a day, a week, a month and before you know it another year just flew by. This has been proven to be true in a physical sense, but not nearly as profound as this fleeting experience so many are experiencing.

–Sensory changes. Some are experiencing heightened senses of smell and hearing, or fleeting shifts in what they’re looking at.

–Paranormal experiences. Many are seeing shadow figures or fleeting ephemeral movements, often out of the corner of the eye. Some are seeing morphing entities they’ve never seen before, and several have reported having a sense of transparency come over them personally.

–Strange sleep cycles and increased dream activity. This has been huge for me and I know many others. Every night there’s a new “movie” playing or several short ones. Some of the dreams don’t even feel like dreams, but just stepping into a another parallel world.

–Relationship changes. Many things that have been suppressed seem to be coming to the surface for many. This is a good thing, although it can be disruptive while the information gets processed and reconciliation is reached.

–A sense of letting go. The past and previous attachments seem to be falling away. And oh so naturally. It’s like letting go of a robe you were wearing and just leaving it behind as you walk towards to this gorgeous landscape, much like the picture at the top of moving into a wonderful, natural world.

–Increased openness to change and new truths. While this is a fundamental element to waking up, this aspect I find is stepping up big time. There’s a wonderful bleed-over effect as I see it, where various information fields are merging. Maybe it’s just increased tolerance of differing takes from lightworkers to social activists, but the meld is on and it’s a beautiful thing.

–Moving away from dwelling on the dark side. While it’s important to expose the tricks and lies of these feudal would-be overlords, the trend is moving towards emphasizing encouragement and positive solutions. Nothing wrong with a good rant at the right time or particularly perceptive exposes and take downs, but it’s becoming increasingly important to dwell on the bright side and work to strengthen this new awareness with positive, affirming words and actions. And it’s happening naturally, which to me is again this vibrational change we’re all experiencing working through each of us to manifest this evolving change in humanity.

Anyway, those are just a few aspects and if you’d like to add your experiences and observations below it would be fun to chat about.

But it’s real. And fantastic!

Don’t Be Too Surprised…

…When strange things happen to you. They will. Learn to roll with it. Personally, I think the power of expectancy is huge. It has pulling power. When you’re aware of and even look around for these manifestations, whether a kind of voice in your mind’s ear, a strong intuitive pull, a fleeting glimpse of something, or another amazing synchronicity, it’s a blast! But for some it goes way past that. But we all have that potential.

I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. And it’s way more than just the power of intention, which is cool enough in itself. Universe is just waiting to be manifest through each of us more and more and continually. No angst there, just amazing potential waiting to be discovered by anyone and everyone.

And don’t be surprised if your life gets “disrupted”. This isn’t all puppies and flowers. This changeover comes with some expense.

Some are getting hit with health challenges they’ve never had, or work or money issues, or as I mentioned about relationship issues. Some are very anxious and nervous suddenly and need to learn to get a sounder grip on their spirituality. That or detach from crap in their lives that Universe is trying shake them free of. There are lots of things going on.


The Matrix is Crumbling

This ugly matrix that we’ve been shoe horned into is a very complex, controlling nasty thing. And it can’t hold up by the very manufactured nature of it. It’s not real, it’s created, by ugly forces to harness and abuse others for its own satisfaction. No way it can last in the face of an inherently loving and natural creative Universe.

Much like earth. As hard as they try to control it for their own devices, Gaia will win out in the long run.

This is the reason they’re working feverishly to clamp down on humanity. And it always backfires. Little do they know they’re accelerating their own downfall and humanity’s awakening. The more freedoms they take away the more wake up to what they had and want back. More than that, the more step back and ask how things got this way and how far back does this go.

That, my friends, is the recipe for awakening. You got questions? Universe has answers!

Yugas, Yogis and Cycles of Awakening

Did you know Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Zoroaster and Heracletus were all contemporaries? That was the wake up of their day! Between 500 and 600 BC their awakening hit and like the 100th monkey it was spontaneous in different parts of the world! Siddhartha Gautama who become the Buddha was teaching in India the same time Mahavira was expounding Jainism, both radical departures from the spiritual teachings of their day, both teaching about transcendence to an all connected oneness, with Jainism emphasizing non-violence and respect for all living things.

Around the same time the teachings of Lao Tzu summarized in the amazing Tao Te Ching were changing the direction and consciousness of China and eventually the entire world. Meanwhile over in Persia there was Zoroaster teaching a new spirituality, while in Greece the pre-Socratic philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenodes and others were having an awakening of their own, espousing very esoteric teachings on the timeless and constantly changing nature of the Universe. These later morphed into the more heady Socratic discourses and philosophies, pulling further and further away from the transcendental dimension and inter-connectivity and oneness of the Universe espoused by the pre-Socratic teachers.

Pythagoras also lived in this time, believed to have had many mystical and alchemical insights and teachings that have been passed down through the mystery schools.

These were all within 100 years of each other, overlapping lifetimes, several apparently teaching simultaneously. Again, these “coincidental” awakenings prove the wave idea, where waves of vibrational change are somehow amplified by both Universe and the receptivity of those who awaken.

And these waves of awakening have corresponding planetary and galactic alignments. There are teachings from many cultures regarding these planetary and stellar based timelines divided into epochs, yugas or cycles of some sort. In each scenario we see the waxing and waning of season-like cycles, some even within others.

Clearly the momentous galactic alignment and shift out of the Piscean age we’re experiencing is both symbolic and largely causal of our awakening and changeover into a new, golden era, the one foretold by many a seer. After all, it’s a cycle.

Or should I say a spiral? Hmm.

Perfectly Put

I’ll end this with some quintessential David Icke, where he’s speaking about this wonderful shift we’re undergoing.

This awakening is for everyone! So pass it on!

Thank you, David. Your years of loving work have changed the world!

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/unstoppable-awakening-humanity/

Moving Into The Shift

Slipping Into The Cosmos

Slipping Into The Cosmos30th May 2014

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Shift Is On

You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, much less classify.

Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting people in different ways, and most may not be fully aware of what’s going on.

While world events can make us feel so disempowered and degraded, something else is urging us on. It’s very strong, subtle and beautifully powerful. The energetic and information supply line we’re receiving is a huge boost, but more than that there’s a connectivity we’re each experiencing, a sense of not just awareness, but a collective desire to help bring about a shift in the world to which we’re being subjected. What we’re experiencing is deeply coupled with this innate hunger to be connected to each other, and to the wonderful spiritual and vibrational sources with which we’re aligned.

Intuitive connectivity with kindred souls, Gaia, and ultimately the wonderful, overarching Cosmic Universal Reality is what our hearts crave, however one may perceive or even explain it. Huge forces are at play and we’re in the midst of and participants in this changeover. Hence some of the forces you may be sensing.

Ear To The Ground

This is how the native Americans knew what was coming. Listen to the earth. She resonates. She does not lie. She is constant and trustworthy. She is honest, and when she shrugs there’s a purpose.

Such should be our attitude toward all true natural resources, both physical and spiritual. As well as our interactive relationship with these marvelous sources. This is a time to connect with what is trustworthy – family, true friends and trusted sources, and the true understandings we’re being given. Much of this is intuitive but it’s nevertheless just as, if not more, profound.

Listening is key to our spiritual strength. The encouragement available is almost overwhelming when you tap into it. Without that sense of trust and grounding we’re going to feel “lost at sea” and very confused and disoriented. Dig into it.

Forget The Past – Now Is All That Matters

If you’re suffering from personal condemnation from past failures or unconscious living,  you’re not alone. None of us are up to the perfection level we innately sense should be our standard. However, it’s not meant to be that way. Nothing is expecting perfection or “attainment” of any sort. We are encased spirits in human form attempting to grasp the Universe. Parts of us get it, and other parts are digging their heels in. This conflict is our predicament and challenge.

It’s apparently meant to be part of our growing process.

We can only assume these events to be so because this is what we experience.  While we realize we’re living in a contrived matrix of deceit, our rooting and budding within this earthbound form is a very natural process. As we grow, we leave previous forms behind. Letting these go can be a dilemma but it’s actually quite simple.

Let them go. Release them. New awarenesses and awakenings are budding and that’s all that matters. While we can always learn from the past, we must not be condemned by it. Time is a river, and it moves on, just as you are not the same person dipping your foot in the river now as you were before, nor is the river the same. It moves on.

All is in flux.

The Practical Application

While this all may seem somewhat esoteric, it’s not completely. The decisions we make, as well as personal resolutions, are what determine our current reality. Our next decision is based upon our current understanding. That’s how we grow.

When we find ourselves awakened in a hostile environment it’s only natural to want to escape. When we’re confronted with untruths that beg to be addressed, we do so naturally. Not to offend, but to inform. As well as stand our conscious ground.

It’s not always easy, I know that. My point is that to respond consciously is being true to our response-ability. It’s that simple. Those who do so will see their lives directed accordingly. Those who don’t also will – but with a much less enlightened outcome.

We Each Are The Difference

When you look at society today it’s important to realize it’s an accumulation of social and spiritual cause and effect. All built on individual responses. This of course explains the mass media; mass educational indoctrination drastically affects our current populace. Our separation from it also does.

We need to break free from these accumulated influences. And have confidence in doing so. There are lot of psycho-spiritual influences working on each of us, and they’re important to identify, but more importantly shun their current and after-effects. We are free conscious being here having an experience. Learn from everything, deal with what needs to be dealt with, but most of all we must affirm our absolute freedom.

Slip on by to the other side. It’s a fun ride. Unhook the hinderances and let it go!

Give it a go; now’s the time to do it as the winds pick up. Leave unneeded baggage behind now. You’ll be glad you did.

Much love, Zen

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2014/05/30/slipping-into-the-cosmos/