Travelers’ Diary – August 24, 2024

WE have requested an audience for there is much in the making, and you seem to be in a position in which you are blocking.  Perhaps it has to do with the physical symptoms you are having at this time —- symptoms that are being dumped on yours a result of things in the air and the atmosphere —not only the air that you breathe, but also the energies that are fomenting around you and your planet as they are attempting to bring about an immense onslaught of evil —-yes, we are calling it evil, and it is true evil – not what that man is calling evil in his book which is merely selfishness and uncaring.  Well, there is much of that in true evil also, but true evil is much greater and mob ore nefarious and frightening

Detoxing is something that must be done at this time.  If you are working on a detox in your daily life, it is good to double or even triple some of the ingredients as there is so much going on that even those who feel themselves to be well protected will find that they much double up on somethings while they let others go.  (NOTE: In doing this, make sure you are cautious in your approach.  You may need to speak to someone who is versed in this area before you develop  or finalize your routine.)

Any supplements or treatments that you desire to do must be clean in their ingredients and in their production.  If possible, buy only from companies that adhere to the highest standards (of purity) and companies that take pride in their standards.  People who work for a buck who bring their own (problems and) issues into work — these will be felt in the things that they create.  We are not judging in this, rather we know that in the nature of man, what it is is to eb pushed by the things (in one’s) life, and we know that right now things are being pushed more and more as the dark forces are working harder and harder to being about their own resurgence — yes, because there was a time in the past when they took control, and what happened?  Destruction of the civilizations that were on the planet.


Dark forces can only last for so long, and the nature of evil is that it will eventually cancel itself out so that the good can come shining through again.

Unfortunately the setting of the evil is oftentimes of limited duration as it seems to sneak forward  to …. yes, Yeats, “Crouching towards Bethlehem to be born again”.  Right now it feels itself to be in charge or at least getting to the point of being in charge, and you must pray in all you do, be grateful for the beauty of the world, ask that the scales fall from your eyes to see things and people for what they really are.

There is so much turmoil now, and it will become worse.  This will result in great confusion, and you can only deal with that by seeing through it to the truth.  One MUST work to see the truth behind the seeming.  There are people out there who feel themselves of good purpose yet they have aligned with dark forces.  Their eyes are closed, and they re being led to the precipice.  You must do what you can to guide them. away. 

This is not an easy time and it will become harder, but stand fast in what you know and what you are. And the Universal Force, however you name it – God, Jesus, Tao, etc. is at work.

Be well.

Be cautious.

Know that you re loved…….