July 20, 2020
Before we get to the focus of today’s blog, I’d like to thank everyone for being patient the past week with the reduced blogging schedule while I had company and took care of some other matters. Also, I’d like to thank people for continuing to send articles and share your insights and thoughts about them. Last week my email inbox was stuffed full of articles and insights, and accordingly, this week’s “honorable mentions” (this coming Saturday), include some of the more interesting articles, many on the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan-Baal Gates corona virus, and also some stories that “slipped under the radar” while the propatainment media continue to focus on the virus.
With that in mind, V.T. found and sent along this story, which merits some consideration, about how Mr. Globaloney is merging “health care”, surveillance, and money in one fell swoop, and as one might imagine, the Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation is at the epicenter of it, along with a few other familiar names like Rockefailure and so on:
Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, “Vaccine Records,” & “Payment Systems”
Now, whether or not you believe that all of this is “the mark of the beast” or not, the following should at least give you pause:
Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record. The biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.
The GAVI Alliance, which is largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned with improving “the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products,” rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website. Similarly, Mastercard’s GAVI partnership is directly linked to its “World Beyond Cash” effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash.
Reducing the use of cash is needed. Cash is impossible to track, but if you use centralized digital currency, the ruling class has complete control over what you can spend.
The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. –Activist Post
(Italicized emphasis added, boldface emphasis in the original)
Consider the following high octane speculation: Dr. Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemist and expert on nano-technology, was arrested toward the beginning of the corona-virus story in the USA, for not having disclosed his financial dealings with the Communist Chinese government in (you guessed it) Wuhan. Dr. Fauci, via his wife, is connected to Baal Gates and his “foundation.” Gates in turn is pursuing a technology to “tattoo” people so that their medical records are carried with them wherever they go (sounds kind of like a “mark” to me). Lieber would thus be the very sort of person one would expect to be associated with this technology and its development. Then we have those “nose swab” tests themselves, which sound suspiciously like those “nasal insertions” we’ve been hearing about for years from the “UFO abductee” crowd. Why such a strange test? I would think simply drawing blood , testing for antibodies, and so on, would be sufficient. Many have suspected that these tests may be “inserting something” into people as well as testing them, and you can number me in that crowd of skeptics, for the very simple reason that there’s been little about the covid narrative that makes a whit of sense to me. Pile on top of that the mad rush in some places of governors and local officials banning church services, or issuing edicts on how they’re to be conducted, and you have a genuine apocalypse theater with all the appropriate memes being driven by politicians and propatainment media. Then there’s the matter of a “cashless” or “digital currency,” whose “value” can be determined by how compliant one is to the dictates of the central banksters. Did you go to church and sing and (perish the thought) take communion in violation of Governor Gruesome’s edict against it? Did the communion wine come from any closed vineyard and not from Governor Gruesome’s (which remained conveniently open)? Shame on you! In punishment, your next digital paycheck has been docked 35% automatically. A digital currency which can thus be automatically changed in value (and auto-deduction of fines and fees is precisely that), is not a currency at all. Currencies depend on relatively constant value in time and place for all users uniformly. Digital currency is thus not a currency; it’s serfdom and slavery.
So why Africa? I suspect you know the answer. If Africa is the test bed for a method of tracking (1) a person’s health and immunization records, and (2) how a person spends money, then we have to ask, Why Africa? Well, you can call me all sorts of names including “conspiracy theorist” if you wish, but I find it highly suspicious that Baal Gates, whose “background” includes a healthy dose of eugenics and good old-fashioned Republic of Venice Malthusianism, is involved with this, and he’s already on record as wanting to make sure blacks get his “vaccine” first. And, oh, look, he’s chosen the poorest (and therefore, most illiterate and therefore, least likely to resist) parts of Africa to test it.
I call that the real “systemic racism.”
See you on the flip side…
from: https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/07/biometric-tracking-when-vaccines-and-money-merge/