July 1 Solar Eclipse Data

Partial Solar Eclipse of July 01


Just one lunation after the previous one, the third solar eclipse of the year takes place at the Moon’s descending node in western Gemini. This Southern Hemisphere event is visible from a D-shaped region in the Antarctic Ocean south of Africa (Figure 4). Such a remote and isolated path means that it may very well turn out to be the solar eclipse that nobody sees. At greatest eclipse (08:38:23 UT), the magnitude is just 0.097.

for more, go to:    http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OHfigures/OH2011-Fig04.pdf


A “Poop Burger”

JUNE 18, 2011 1:41 PM PDT
Japanese scientist creates ‘poop burger’? Surely not
by Chris Matyszczyk

Are you going to be having a burger today? Bacon? Cheese? Pickle? How about feces? I am not being facetious. I am not even being fecetious.
For Digital Trends informs me of a trend that might just have your digits twitching involuntarily.
It seems that a researcher from the alleged Okayama Laboratory in Japan has taken it upon himself to take the concept of “waste not, want not” to a new and delirious level. Mitsuyuki Ikeda is clearly not a man who is faint of heart or of stomach. On allegedly being approached by the Tokyo Sewage company, which was concerned that it was in possession of just so much sewage mud, Ikeda digested the problem very carefully. He poked and prodded at the sewage, actions which revealed that it was rather full of protein, thanks to all the bacteria that was embedded in its sludge. “Why,” he reportedly said to himself, “there is meat in this mud. And there is no murder involved.”

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20072270-71/japanese-scientist-creates-poop-burger-surely-not/#ixzz1PfMmigRS

Invisibility Cloak?

Invisibility carpet cloak can hide objects from visible light

June 15, 2011 by Lisa Zyga

Invisibility carpet cloak can hide objects from visible lightEnlarge

When an input beam (black arrow) reflects off (a) a bump without a cloak, the bump causes a perturbation. When the beam reflects off (b) a bump covered by a cloak, the cloak masks the bump, and the reflected beam is reconstructed as if the bump did not exist. (c) Light after reflection from a flat mirror, a bump without a cloak, and a cloaked bump, at three different wavelengths. Image credit: Majid Gharghi, et al. ©2011 American Chemical Society

he researchers, led by Prof. Xiang Zhang at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have published their study in a recent issue of .

As the researchers explain, most previous invisibility cloaks have used metallic metamaterials for cloaking at . But at , the metal absorbs too much  and leads to significant metallic loss, and Berkeley and other groups have had to design dielectric cloaks at infrared frequencies. More recently, researchers at University of Birmingham (UK) have experimented with using uniaxial  as the cloak material, which can enable cloaking in visible frequencies, but only for a certain polarization of light.

to read more, go to:    http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-invisibility-carpet-cloak-visible.html


More Mysterious Booms

What Are the Mysterious Booms?

© 2011 by Linda Moulton Howe

June 7, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico – After filing several 2011 Earthfiles reports about loud and mysterious booms in several states, I have received more emails about unusual and loud booms from California, Texas, Northeast Philadelphia, Indiana and Oklahoma.

Red dots are locations from White Rock, British Columbia, Canada (upper left circle) to Woodville and Crawfordville, Florida (lower right circle), where residents have heard “loud booms like a cannon” or “rolling, low thunder,” or a “low flying jet,” or “the first half of a lightening strike.” Recent unidentified, mysterious booms have been reported several times since December 2010 into May 2011, and the unexplained boom
phenomenon goes back to reports in 1804.

To read more go to: http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1863&category=Environment


Weekend Solar Blast

Large Detached Solar Prominence

by Stephen W. Ramsden

While displaying the Sun to 500+ kids and their families at the Virginia Highlands Summer Festival in Atlanta, GA, we were all witness to this incredible display of solar activity. Early in the morning a large magnetically supercharged chunk of Hydrogen Plasma was ejected from the limb of the Sun right before our eyes. It just hung there over the Sun almost 25 Earth Diameters high. It was breathtaking to watch and really got the attendees interested in our nearest star.

To see more images and to read more go to:    http://www.spaceweather.com/submissions/large_image_popup.php?image_name=Stephen-W.-Ramsden-spaceweather-submission_1307328834.jpg