WHAT!!!! Increased CO@ Does Not Cause Climate Change?

Cows Do NOT Cause ‘Climate Change,’ Top Study Confirms

A bombshell new study has debunked the globalist narrative that emissions from cows are causing “climate change” while proving that cattle herds actually lower methane gas levels in the atmosphere.

In recent years, unelected foreign organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) have been demonizing the agriculture industry while calling for limits, or even bans, on the general public’s consumption of meat and dairy products.

The WEF, UN, and green agenda politicians argue that methane gasses from cattle, or “cow farts,” cause “global warming.”

This so-called “settled science” on alleged cattle emissions has led to increasing scrutiny of farmers around the world.

Global governments have responded by ramping up regulations for the agriculture industry in an effort to shut farms down.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 11.1% of emissions worldwide come from livestock production.

The FAO released a report last year urging Americans to eat less meat.

The UN argues that if people “fight climate change” by eating less meat, there will be less demand for cows.

If there are fewer cows, there will be fewer emissions, according to the UN.

However, new research from Alltech and Archbold suggests that these anti-cow claims from globalists are a hoax.

According to the new study, blaming cows for methane emissions ignores cattle’s relationship with the land.

The researchers found that, if grazing cattle were removed from pastures, emissions would actually go up, not down.

Besides trying to convince people to change their diets so we can get rid of more cows, other efforts seek to attack the emissions at the source.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded a $4.8 million grant to a London-based company to develop gas masks for cows.

The masks are a similar concept to carbon capture technology.

Other research is looking into food additives that go into the cows’ feed.

Bill Gates is also pushing for cows to be genetically “modified” to advance this agenda.

The additives seek to reduce the amount of methane emissions coming out of the animal.

In Ireland, dairy farmers were looking at possibly having to kill a lot of healthy cattle in order to comply with the WEF’s “Net Zero” emission reduction targets.

Dr. Vaughn Holder, research project manager for beef nutrition at Alltech, and Dr. Betsey Boughton, director of agroecology at Archbold, studied the impacts that cattle production has on the ecosystem on a wetlands pasture at Buck Island Ranch.

The ranch is about 150 miles northwest of Miami, Florida.

The researchers found that 19%-30% of methane emissions were from the cattle.

However, the rest of the methane was from the wetland soils.

If the cows are removed, it actually increases the amount of methane the wetland ecosystems give off, the research shows.

Globalists argue that methane is more potent in terms of “greenhouse warming” than carbon dioxide.

Yet, methane only lasts about 12 years.

So reducing methane can have a more immediate impact on warming than reducing carbon dioxide, according to the study.

Cattle emissions are often demonized in a similar way to fossil fuel emissions, the researchers note.

When we burn fossil fuels, the emissions go into the air. So eliminating a coal-fired power plant, for example, removes an emissions source, which produces a drop in emissions.

“There is a far more complex process in agriculture than it is in fossil fuel systems,” Holder said.

Ruminants, as they’re called, which includes cattle and sheep, have a large chamber in front of their stomach that acts as a fermentation factory.

Inside are bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and other microorganisms that help the animals digest grasses that humans can’t.

Methane is a natural waste product of that process.

In a series of videos on the Buck Island research, Holder explains that cattle take a lot of plants humans can’t eat.

The cows turn them into edible proteins humans can consume, increasing global food security.


The animals also consume a lot of food byproducts that can’t be used for human consumption.

For example, orange pulp used in orange juice production can be fed to livestock.

Those byproducts can be used in composting, but composting increases emissions five times more than feeding it to dairy cows, Holder said.

If byproducts are disposed of in landfills, the emissions go up 50 times over feeding it to dairy cows.

It is possible to put additives in the cows’ diet to inhibit that methane production, but at about 30% inhibition, Holder explained, you start to see negative effects.

There are some viable strategies to reduce emissions with additives, but that can only go so far.

Additionally, cattle are part of a carbon cycle.

If studies only model the emissions coming from the animal, the rest of the ecosystem is being ignored, Holder said.

The study notes that the ecosystem is absorbing carbon as a result of the animals being on the land.

The research alliance between Archbold and Alltech is increasing their understanding of this process, Dr. Holder explained.

“We weren’t looking at food production from an ecosystem standpoint before we came together with Betsey’s [Boughton] group,” Holder said.

“So it really has adjusted our perspective on how big we need to be looking at these systems in order to get this right.”

When cattle graze on land, the plants prioritize root growth over the plant matter above the surface.

The deeper the roots, the more plants sequester carbon in the soil through the photosynthesis process.

Grazing also removes grasses from a pasture, reducing the dead plant matter that falls into the soil and decomposes, which also produces greenhouse gasses.

“It’s a natural process,” Dr. Boughton said.

“We’re not saying that’s bad. Wetlands are good.

“That’s just a natural part of a wetland.”

At the Buck Island Ranch, Boughton and her team measured the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted on a pasture that had no grazing.

They compared it to pasture that had grazing.

What they found is that cattle grazing ends up as a carbon sink, meaning there’s a net reduction in the amount of emissions from that pasture compared to pastures with no cows.

“From my perspective, it’s more of a proof-of-concept type evaluation,” Holder said.

“We’re showing that we need to be looking at more than just emissions if we want to have a decent idea what’s happening in those ecosystems and what the effects are on global warming or food security or whatever it might be.”

There’s a lot of carbon locked up in the soil, he said.

The exact impact of removing grazing from those lands isn’t fully understood.

“It’s sort of an unintended consequence if we pull animals off the land and we don’t know what effect the next land use is going to have on those carbon stocks,” Holder said.

The livestock industry has long held that it’s being unfairly demonized in the effort to stop “climate change.”

The Alltech-Archbold research is showing that farmers are correct and the globalist narrative is nothing more than a hoax.

This news comes after a recent peer-reviewed study provided conclusive scientific evidence proving that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Earth’s atmosphere cannot cause “global warming.”

Dr. Jan Kubicki led a group of world-renowned Polish scientists to study the impact of increases in CO2 emissions on the Earth’s global temperatures.

However, not only did they find that higher levels of CO2 made no difference, but they also proved that it simply isn’t possible for increases in carbon dioxide to cause temperatures to rise.

Kubicki and his team recently published three papers which all conclude that Earth’s atmosphere is already “saturated” with carbon dioxide.

This saturation means that, even at greatly increased levels of CO2, the “greenhouse gas” will not cause temperatures to rise.

READ MORE – Top Study: Carbon Emissions CANNOT Cause ‘Global Warming’

from:    https://slaynews.com/news/cows-do-not-cause-climate-change-top-study-confirms/

Hidden Measures for Vaccination

Bill Gates Says Next-Generation Vaccines to Offer ‘Longer Duration, More Coverage’ and Will Be Administered Needle-Free (VIDEO)

Screenshot: CNBC-TV18/Youtube

At the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) held from January 15–19, 2024, Bill Gates has sparked skepticism with his recent statements about the future of vaccines.

In an interview with CNBC-TV18’s Shereen Bhan, Gates expressed confidence in the development of next-generation vaccines that promise longer duration, broader coverage, and the shift towards needle-free administration.

“We make sure that for all these vaccines, there’s enough capacity; there’s competition. So the prices keep going down, and we will have new vaccines,” said Gates.

“We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even the things like COVID vaccines; we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage. And we’re going to change instead of using a needle to use a little patch. So the pandemic really highlighted that we’ve been underinvested in those innovations, and our partners in India are part of how we’re going to get these breakthrough products done,” he added.


Gates, whose Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently invested $23.6 million in U.S.-based Micron Biomedical to develop needle-free vaccine technology, emphasized the importance of affordable, accessible, and innovative vaccine solutions.

This technology will use a patch-like device with dissolvable microneedles.

Micron Biomedical announced:

Micron Biomedical, a life science company developing first-in-class dissolvable microarray-based products that simplify and improve the transport, storage, and administration of drugs and vaccines, today announced a $23.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will fund mass production of needle-free vaccines.

The manufacturing facility will enable commercialization of the first microarray technology-based measles-rubella vaccine, indicated for children as young as 9 months, once approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities following additional clinical study.

In low- and middle-income countries, measles remains a leading cause of death, primarily due to limited access to vaccines that require refrigeration during transport and storage and clinicians to administer them.  Micron is developing a needle-free version of the measles-rubella (MR) vaccine based on its microarray technology.

The technology reduces the need for a cold chain and allows a community health worker to vaccinate a child within minutes by applying the technology to the skin and pressing a button that confirms administration. The administration of the vaccine is virtually pain-free

from:    https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/01/bill-gates-says-next-generation-vaccines-offer-longer/

“Doctor”(?) Chelsea Clinton Wants Your Kids

‘The Big Catch-Up’: Chelsea Clinton Pushes ‘Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever’

Chelsea Clinton aims to provide childhood immunizations to as many children as possible with a new initiative called “The Big Catch-Up” that she touted as “the largest childhood immunization effort ever.” The WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Immunization Agenda 2030, announced “The Big Catch-Up” last month, which WHO characterized as a “targeted global effort to boost vaccination among children following declines driven by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Clinton complained about the lack of trust in science and public health officials and said that she thinks we need the public sector to stop stripping away  public health emergency powers from state public health agencies.

Chelsea Clinton aims to provide childhood immunizations to as many children as possible with a new initiative called “The Big Catch-Up.”

Speaking at the Brainstorm Health conference hosted by Fortune Magazine last month in Marina del Rey, Calif., the daughter of Bill and Hillary Clinton called the initiative “the largest childhood immunization effort ever.”

“A new effort that we’re a part of is the new initiative launched by the WHO last week to try to catch kids up on their routine immunizations. In 2021 alone more than 25 million kids under the age of 1 missed at least 1 routine immunization and so we’re working with WHO and the Gates Foundation and others to kind of hopefully have the largest childhood immunization effort ever over the next 18 months to catch as many kids up as possible, because no one should die of polio, measles, or pneumonia—including in this country, where we also need people to vaccinate their kids,” she said.

The WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Immunization Agenda 2030 announced “The Big Catch-Up” last month, which WHO characterized as a “targeted global effort to boost vaccination among children following declines driven by the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“This effort aims to reverse the declines in childhood vaccination recorded in over 100 countries since the pandemic, due to overburdened health services, closed clinics, and disrupted imports and exports of vials, syringes and other medical supplies,” WHO described in a press release.

Read full article here…

from:    https://needtoknow.news/2023/05/the-big-catch-up-chelsea-clinton-pushes-largest-childhood-immunization-effort-ever/

Bugs and Video Games

Useless Eaters: Drug Them, Give Them Computer Games, Let Them Eat Bugs

Technocracy is insidious, heartless and dispassionate. The original definition of Technocracy from the 1930s is “The science of social engineering”. They have the science and they will use it to “engineer” minds to accept their conditioning. Like the “Borg”, they say “Resistance is futile” and “We will assimilate”. Technocracy’s war on humanity is existential and the window of opportunity to reject it is rapidly closing. ⁃ TN Editor

I’ve seen several reports that ChatGPT, the new artificial intelligence program that’s all the rage, has been found to have a built-in bias against whites, Christians and Jews.

In an article published at Business Insider, they claimed that ChatGPT must be “woke” if its owner, OpenAI, wants to attract major investors. That’s because the large investors are concerned about the ESG scores and wouldn’t want to invest in any tech firm that’s not woke, meaning they “value diversity, equity and inclusivity,” which is code for those who worship at the altar of racial division, abortion and LGBTQ-plus.

This is the way forward, according to the globalist technocrats who design these programs and then feed them into our institutions. Some newspaper columnists are reportedly already using programs like ChatGPT to automatically produce articles. They just punch in a theme and set a few parameters and the program does the rest of the work for them. Lawyers can do the same thing, saving them tons of time researching case law before filing their briefs. The same goes for songwriters, speechwriters, etc.

Apparently they don’t realize that soon they will be replaced by the A.I. bots and need not report to work at all. Contrary to what many believe, it’s not just the unskilled jobs that will be replaced by robots.

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab spoke this week in glowing terms about the rapidly advancing technologies he says will ring in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”

Schwab spoke about chatbots, machine learning, digital identities and the whole gamut of mind-blowing technology being developed and perfected.

The masters of the universe, the self-appointed globalist elites, will control the digital world and in turn control people, Schwab boasted.

Call me a Luddite but this is not something to be excited about.

“Who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world,” Schwab said.

This is why we are all being herded into digital apps for everything we do in life, including our money, our IDs, our cars, our shopping and church-going experiences, everything. Once we are all shifted from the analog and physical world to the digital world, we will be 100 percent controllable by the small minority of technocratic elites and the politicians who do their bidding.

Even Trump did the bidding of the technocrat Fauci. If they can tame Trump, I guess they figure they can tame just about any political figure. All it takes is the right “crisis” or “emergency.”

Now, back to Schwab. Ten years from now he said we humans will be completely different in our makeup. We will no longer be humans as humans are known and identified today.

He predicts a coming merger of humans’ physical, biological and digital identities into some type of hybrid being.

Here he is speaking this week at the annual World Government Summit in Dubai.

Schwab said, “My deep concern is that [with] Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, if we don’t work together on a global scale, if we do not formulate, shape together the necessary policies, they will escape our power to master those technologies.”

His other big concern is that the individual citizen will feel overwhelmed by the fast-moving changes, and feel as though they are losing control over their own fate. Disillusioned, angry people are dangerous people. They must figure out what to do with them.

That’s why they need to dumb you down, keep you pacified and unable to think critically and independently for yourself. Those still able to function at that level will be labeled as conspiracy theorists, nutjobs who are a danger to both themselves and the “greater good” of the global village. They may be assigned to a mental health ward, or re-education camp, depending on the circumstances.

Children in school today are already being trained to be compliant global citizens, not free American citizens.

Yuval Harari, a top adviser to Schwab, said the world will soon be filled with useless people as A.I. will be able to take over and perform their jobs better than they can perform them.

When asked what the future will be for these useless people, Harari responded by saying the best he could hope for is that they will be pacified by “a combination of drugs and computer games.” Because, as Harari openly admits, it’s far more devastating, psychologically, for humans “to feel useless than it is to feel exploited.”

Listen to the 2-minute video below where Harari describes the Fourth Industrial Revolution as producing an internet of bodies and of minds. He also addresses the question of what to do with the useless people who are unable or unwilling to merge their bodies and minds with A.I. and the other invasive technological advances being promoted by technocrats and transhumanists like himself.

The technocrats are hoping to create a desire in humans to want to get brain implants, embedded chips and other elements of “human augmentation,” which will allow them to compete for jobs and have a successful life, as success is measured in today’s warped materialistic world. Given the choice of sitting around with the drugged-up useless ones or getting into a top university and qualifying for a prestigious, high-paying job, many will opt for the implants.

This is what the transhumanists are openly discussing and working to achieve, a world where humans are no longer needed, at least not 90 percent of them. Technology is their god. And they say that thanks to this wonderful technology, we humans can, for the first time in history, direct our own evolution. We can create an entirely new species. An “upgrade” of humanity, is soon to appear.

This new species, they claim, will be better than the one created by the God of the Bible, whom they openly mock and deride. Under the spell of Satan, they believe they can one-up Almighty God. Humanity 2.0, as some of them have called it.

Dr. Zev Zelenski and others have said that the Covid injections mark the “gateway to transhumanism.” That’s why today’s establishment institutions, all controlled by the globalist predators who see themselves as anointed ones, have relentlessly tried to get every man, woman and child injected with the synthetic mRNA and its self-assembling lipid nano-particles. This is the “software of life,” and they have hacked into it, believing they can change it. These shots never had anything to do with Covid.

Thanks but no thanks. I stand with the God of the Bible and I will retain my God-given body and my God-given immune system. I suggest you do the same.

Read full story here…

from:    https://www.technocracy.news/useless-eaters-drug-them-give-them-computer-games-let-them-eat-bugs/

AH, Klaus(WEF), You’ve Done It Again!!!

World Economic Forum Behind Sudden Push to Ban Gas Stoves

Details have emerged to suggest that Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is behind the recent sudden push from the Democrats and President Joe Biden’s administration to ban gas stoves from American homes.

As Slay News reported earlier, the Biden admin is considering a nationwide ban on gas stoves over claims they emit “harmful pollutants.”

According to a report by Bloomberg, Biden officials claim that a ban on the appliances being used in American homes “is on the table.”

The far-reaching admission was made by U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) commissioner Richard Trumka Jr.

Trumka reportedly told Bloomberg that gas stove appliances are a “hidden hazard” that “can be banned.”

“Any option is on the table,” Trumka told the outlet during an interview.

Reports on the possible ban quickly spread on social media, causing outrage and confusion among baffled citizens.

Several Democrats and “woke” media figures were quick to voice their support for the ban.

Radical Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) responded by taking to social media to speak out in support of banning gas stoves.

Ocasio-Cortez argues, without evidence, that gas stoves cause brain damage.

“Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance?” AOC wrote in a post on Twitter.


Controversial California Democrat State Senator Scott Weiner also put out a statement on Twitter saying he is in favor of the ban, as Slay News reported.

“Gas stoves are toxic to people’s health,” he alleged.

“They cause asthma in children, cardiac problems & other disease,” Weiner claimed, without evidence.

“They need to be phased out.”

The sudden push for banning the household appliances, which have been used in American homes without issue for decades, has left many questioning the true motivation.

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis fired back by arguing that the Biden admin is considering the ban to meet the “green agenda” goals of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF).

“You see, the Biden administration wants to nix gas stoves,” Gov. DeSantis said during a press conference in Bonita Springs, Florida.

“Are you kidding me?”

DeSantis may be right, however.

A new report by Red State points out that prominent Democrats and liberals never demonstrated an iota of concern over gas stoves before.

Despite claiming that gas stoves cause brain damage, AOC had never even mentioned it before this week.

As Slay News highlights in a previous report, the statements put out by AOC, Wiener, and other leftists, eerily echo an article published by the WEF in February last year.

The article argues that gas stoves are a “climate threat” that should be “phased out.”

The WEF claims that “gas stoves have been found to be a bigger contributor to the climate crisis than previously believed.”

A major Twitter leftist named Max Kennerly also got in on the act, pushing the supposed dangers of cooking with gas.

Like AOC, he had never tweeted about gas stoves before this week.

Aside from never mentioning this supposed “threat,” several high-profile Democrats have been pictured using gas stoves before.

A tweet from Libs of TikTok shows images of Kamala Harris, Jill Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and AOC all cooking on gas stoves.

Yet, none of them appear concerned over the potential impact on their health.


So why the manufactured outrage over gas stoves?

Where did this study AOC cited come from?

Red State says it’s uncovered the answer:

“Regardless, it’s worth asking where this is all coming from, right?

“Why did Democrats all start moving in lockstep to ban gas stoves, seemingly with no prior concern at all?

“And sure enough, with a little digging, it’s been revealed that this isn’t just idle science taking place.”

“The company behind the study is called ‘Carbon-Free Buildings.’

“That company is a partner of the World Economic Forum and has a true-believer CEO who wants to rid the world of all carbon emissions (which is impossible and would lead to mass extinction).”


It appears that all of this sudden, manufactured hysteria about gas stoves may have been orchestrated by the WEF.

The WEF and the Democrats both share a common goal of eliminating fossil fuels for the public while they fly gas-guzzling private jets across the globe.

The elimination of gas stoves qualifies as another step toward meeting the goals of the organization’s “green agenda.”

from:    https://slaynews.com/news/world-economic-forum-behind-sudden-push-ban-gas-stoves/

Archbishop Vigano Speaks Out

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: The COVID Pandemic Farce Served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International). ‘There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.’

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International) is grateful to His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, for speaking to us and sharing his thoughts on the current global crisis, which began with the fraudulent concocted Covid-19 pandemic emergency, supported by and maintained by an evil military grade psychological operation, complete with the unashamed use of fear and shame propaganda, which was unleashed in a coordinated manner on the unsuspecting people of the entire world by their own governments in early 2020, with predictably cataclysmic results.

MD4CE International is an international group of medical doctors, scientists, lawyers, journalists, economists, historians, politicians, philosophers, data analysts, bankers, military/intelligence experts and others from all over the world, working determinedly together to expose the terrible truth of what has happened during the past three years to the people of the world, their families, their communities, their countries, and to hold those responsible for the great crimes committed properly to account.

His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano is the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America (19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016).

Dr. Stephen Frost

Below is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International).

Dear and distinguished friends,

Allow me first of all to thank Dr. Stephen Frost for the invitation he has extended to me to speak to you. Along with Dr. Frost I also thank all of you: your commitment to fighting the psychopandemic propaganda is commendable.

I am well aware of the difficulties you have had to face in order to remain consistent with your principles, and I hope that the damage you have suffered can be adequately repaired by those who have discriminated against you, depriving you of work and salary and labeling you as dangerous no-vaxxers.

I am pleased to be able to speak and share with you my thoughts about the current global crisis. A crisis that we can consider to have begun with the pandemic emergency, but that we know has been planned for decades with very specific purposes by well-known personalities.

Stopping at the pandemic alone would in fact be a serious mistake, because it would not allow us to consider the events in their full coherence and inter-connectedness, thus preventing us from understanding them and above all from identifying the criminal intentions behind them.

You too – each with your own expertise in the medical, scientific, legal or other fields – will agree with me that limiting yourselves to your own discipline, which in some cases is extremely specific, does not fully explain the rationale for certain choices that have been made by governments, international bodies, and pharmaceutical agencies.

For example, finding “graphene-like” material in the blood of people who have been inoculated with experimental serums makes no sense for a virologist, but it does made sense for an expert in nanomaterials and nanotechnology who understands what graphene can be used for.

It also makes sense for an expert in medical patents, who immediately identifies the content of the invention and relates it to other similar patents. It also makes sense for an expert in war technologies who knows about studies on the enhanced man (a document of the British Ministry of Defense calls him “augmented man” in transhumanistic terms) and is therefore able to recognize in graphene nanostructures the technology that enables the augmentation of the war performance of military personnel. And a telemedicine expert will be able to recognize in those nanostructures the indispensable device that sends biomedical parameters to the patient control server and also receives certain signals from it.

Once again: the assessment of events from a medical point of view should take into account the legal implications of certain choices, such as the imposition of masks or, even worse, mass “vaccination,” made in violation of the fundamental rights of citizens. And I am sure that in the field of health governance the manipulations of the classification codes of diseases and therapies will also emerge, which have been designed to make the harmful effects of measures taken against COVID-19 untraceable, from placing people on respirators in intensive care to watchful waiting protocols, to say nothing of the scandalous violations of regulations by the European Commission which – as you know – has no delegation from the European Parliament in the field of Health, and that is not a public institution but rather a private business consortium.

Just in the past few days, at the G-20 Bali summit, Klaus Schwab instructed heads of government – almost all coming from the Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow program of the World Economic Forum – about the future steps to be taken in view of establishing a world government. The president of a very powerful private organization with enormous economic means exercises undue power over world governments, obtaining their obedience from political leaders who have no popular mandate to subject their nations to the delusions of power of the elite: this fact is of unprecedented gravity. Klaus Schwab said:

“In the fourth industrial revolution the winners will take it all, so if you are a World Economic Forum first mover, you are the winners” (here).

These very serious statements have two implications: the first is that “the winners will take it all” and will be “winners” – it is not clear in what capacity and with whose permission. The second is that those who do not adapt to this “fourth industrial revolution” will find themselves ousted and will lose – they will lose everything, including their freedom. In short, Klaus Schwab is threatening the heads of government of the twenty most industrialized nations in the world to carry out the programmatic points of the Great Reset in their nations.

This goes far beyond the pandemic: it is a global coup d’état, against which it is essential that people rise up and that the still healthy organs of states start an international juridical process. The threat is imminent and serious, since the World Economic Forum is capable of carrying out its subversive project and those who govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by this international mafia.

In light of these statements – and those of others no less delusional than Yuval Noah Harari, Schwab’s adviser – we understand how the pandemic farce served as a trial balloon for imposing controls, coercive measures, curtailing individual freedoms, and increasing unemployment and poverty. The next steps will have to be carried out by means of economic and energy crises, which are instrumental to the establishment of a synarchic government in the hands of the globalist elite.

And here, dear friends, allow me to speak as a bishop. Because in this series of events that we are witnessing and will continue to witness, your commitment could risk being thwarted or limited by the fact of not being able to see its essentially spiritual nature. I know that two centuries of Enlightenment thought, revolutions, atheistic materialism and anticlerical liberalism have accustomed us to thinking of Faith as a personal matter, or that there is not an objective Truth to which we all must conform. But this is the fruit of a propaedeutic indoctrination, one that happened long before what is happening today, and it would be foolish to believe that the anti-Christian ideology that drove the secret sects and Masonic groups of the eighteenth century had nothing to do with the anti-Christian ideology that today drives people like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates. The driving principles are the same: rebellion against God, hatred for the Church and humanity, and destructive fury aimed against Creation and especially against man because he is created in the image and likeness of God.

If you start from this evidence, you will understand that it is not possible to pretend that what is happening before our eyes is solely the result of profit-seeking or the desire for power. Certainly, the economic part cannot be disregarded, considering how many people have collaborated with the World Economic Forum. And yet, beyond profit, there are unstated purposes that stem from a “theological” vision – one that is turned upside-down, it’s true, but still theological – a vision that sees two opposing sides: the side of Christ and the side of the Antichrist.

There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle. On the other hand, how is it possible to recognize in your noble and high professions the admirable order that the Creator has placed in nature (from the constellations of stars to the particles of the atom) and then deny that man is also part of this order, with his moral sense, his laws, his culture, and his discoveries? How can man, who is God’s creature, presume to not be subject himself to eternal and perfect laws?

Our battle is not against creatures made of flesh and blood, but against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).

On the other front, we must recognize that the City of God is more difficult to identify. Even the religious authorities appear to have betrayed their role of giving guidance to the faithful, preferring to serve power and propagate their lies. The very people who ought to be protecting and sanctifying souls are scattering and scandalizing them, calling good Christians rigid fundamentalists. As you can see, the attack is on several fronts, and thus it is a mortal threat for humanity, striking at both the body and the soul.

And yet, precisely at a time when it is difficult to find authoritative points of reference – both in the religious sphere as well as the temporal one – we see an ever-increasing number of those who are understanding, opening their eyes, and recognizing the criminal mind behind the evolution of events. It is now clear that everything is linked together, without having to dismiss those who say so as “conspiracy theorists.” The conspiracy is already there: we are not inventing it, we are simply denouncing it, hoping that people wake up from this suicidal narcosis and demand that someone put an end to the global coup.

The operations of social engineering and mass manipulation have demonstrated beyond any doubt that this crime was premeditated, and how it is consistent with a “spiritual” vision of the conflict that is now unfolding: it is necessary to take sides and fight, without giving in. The Truth – which is an attribute of God – cannot be cancelled by error, and Life cannot be defeated by death: remember that the Lord, who has said of Himself, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” has already defeated Satan, and what remains of the battle serves only to give us the opportunity to make the right choice, to choose to do those actions which place us under the banner of Christ, on the side of Good.

I trust that this great work you are undertaking will soon bear its expected fruits, putting an end to a time of trial in which we see how the world will become if we do not turn to Christ, if we continue to think that we can coexist with evil, lying, and self-worship. After all, the City of God is the model of those who live in God’s love, self-control, and contempt for the world; the city of the devil is the model of those who live in self-love, conforming to the world and despising God.

I thank you and bless you all.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

from:    https://www.globalresearch.ca/abp-vigano-covid-pandemic-farce-served-trial-balloon-new-world-order/5800281

Digital Currencies = Digital Control

WARNING: Rishi Sunak Will Usher In A Technocratic Age Of Global Totalitarianism Using Central Bank Digital Currencies

With the appointment of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister, the United Kingdom has jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Sunak is an outspoken advocate for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that would replace the existing system of fiat currencies in the world. This would be the capstone for Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

The financial infrastructure of the Great Reset has arrived as Rishi Sunak was named the next UK Prime Minister without a vote – welcome, global currency.

On 14 October 2021, the Group of 7 (“G7”) published a set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CBDCs”).  This was published “alongside a G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Statement on CBDCs and digital payments.”

If you are still unsure why CBDCs will bring about the end to our freedoms there are numerous resources available but you can start by exploring articles we’ve previously written about this subject HERE.

The G7 report was compiled by the CBDC drafting group consisting of representatives from finance ministries, and central banks of the G7 alongside invited contributors from other central banks and international organisations.  The list of contributors to the public policy principles can be seen on pages 26 and 27 of the report and includes representatives from the G7 countries as well as the European Union, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OCED”), International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) and the World Bank.

Recently installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak proudly announced the launch of the G7’s new report on Central Bank Digital Currencies.


With Japan feeling the pressure as China moved forward with a digital yuan in February 2020, the G7’s formal discussions about digital currencies started later that year when The Bank of Japan set up a digital currency working group.  CBDCs were raised again in 2021.

The 2021 G7 Leaders’ Summit held in Cornwall, England, on 11-13 June was presided over by the UK with the aim to “help the world build back better from the Covid-19 pandemic and create a greener, more prosperous future.” The UK invited Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa as guest countries to the meeting.

However, what the stated aims didn’t mention was “digitalisation.” After the Summit, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) wrote that G7 leaders endorsed a shared agenda on a series of trade topics. They called for new rules that would reflect “transformations underway in the global economy, such as digitalisation and the green transition.”  It’s worthwhile noting that IISD is chaired by BlackRock Managing Director Michelle Edkins.

A week before the G7 Summit, on 4-5 June 2021, G7 finance ministers met in London joined by the Heads of IMF, World Bank Group, OECD and Eurogroup to discuss CBDCs. As UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak hosted the meeting of the G7 finance ministers. And now he is Prime Minister.

The financial markets are effectively an extension of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”).  The markets didn’t like Liz Truss. They reacted instantly to her government’s proposed policies and by doing so revealed who really drives the UK government’s policies.  Upsetting the markets could have been the reason for her resignation but we could also speculate whether the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline had a part to play.

Whatever the reason for Truss’ resignation, it is no coincidence that the markets like Sunak.  Sunak is WEF’s puppetSimply Wall St wrote in its latest Market Insights report:

Things continue to move quickly in the UK, with Rishi Sunak taking over as Prime Minister less than a week after Liz Truss resigned. The Conservative Party has come full circle, from electing a leader seemingly oblivious to market forces, to electing a former hedge fund manager who we presume knows all about markets.

Simply Wall St may want to revisit what Sunak’s previous role as a “hedge fund manager” entailed while working for Patrick Degorce at The Children’s Investment Fund Management and Thélème Partners.  It seems he knows less about markets than has been claimed.

Last week Jack Posobiec, host of Human Events Daily, commented on the significance of Sunak’s appointment.  “The financial infrastructure of the Great Reset has arrived as Rishi Sunak was named the next UK Prime Minister without a vote – welcome, global currency,” he said.

Read full story here…

from:    https://www.technocracy.news/warning-rishi-sunak-will-usher-in-a-technocratic-age-of-global-totalitarianism-using-digital-currencies/


The Roots Of ESG And How To Get Rid Of It

ESG exists as part of the WEF’s Great Narrative leading to the WEF’s Great Reset. It is primarily used to attack the US, demolishing the world’s engine of capitalism and free market economics. It also provided the bond between Big Business and Big Government. ⁃ TN Editor

At this point, everyone knows about ESG, and everyone knows that companies and firms that embrace it are intent on pushing an environmental, social, and governance agenda, mostly on America. But the full story is very interesting and extremely disturbing.

Recently, I had the chance to hear Vivek Ramaswamy, the founder of Strive Asset Management, speak about ESG, how it came to be, how it functions, and how to combat it.

Ramaswamy said that the problems of ESG are not state or even national economic ones. They make up a transnational, trans-partisan battle for the heart and soul of democracy itself. It is not Democrats versus Republicans, Left versus Right, black versus white, or gay versus straight. Rather, the real issue at stake is democratic-republican self-governance versus monarchy. Ramaswamy said that it is not a 2022 question but a 1776 question. ESG, says Ramaswamy, is a secular religion that started when ideas such as identity and the ability to achieve in life based on race, gender, or sexual orientation rose to the fore.

According to Ramaswamy, there were two toxic ideologies of the 20th century—the first being German Nazism, and the second Soviet-style Marxism. Blend the identity politics of the first with the oppressor-oppressed philosophy of the second and you have planted the seeds of ESG. This, in turn, allows for the application of labels to those who question the new cultural norm. Those labels include, but of course are not limited to, “racist,” “misogynist,” “climate-denier,” and “bigot.” Once those labels are applied, all debate is silenced.

The current problem, said Ramaswamy, began with the 2008 financial crisis. Ramaswamy was working for a Wall Street investment firm. He said anger began to rise when banks received financial bailouts, causing people to begin to question modern American capitalism. It also served as a nursery of sorts to the Occupy Wall Street movement. This movement, running on the fumes of the old progressive ideology, demanded that money be taken from the rich and given to the poor. But the neo-progressive movement was just starting to come into its own, and this movement postulated that the real problem was not poverty or economic injustice but rather racial injustice, bigotry, misogyny, and climate change.

Ramaswamy said that Wall Street saw a way to get off the hot seat. Corporations realized that they could get activists off their backs by doing things such as putting token minorities on corporate boards and championing the combatting of climate change and its supposedly racist impact. But the corporations said that the price would be for the Left to conveniently look the other way with regards to corporate power. In addition to being left alone, these companies also expected that the movers and shakers in government and these movements would give them certain business advantages. Ramaswamy cited a move by Goldman-Sachs in which it said it would not take a company public if it did not have a sufficiently diverse board. Ramaswamy called it a cynical grand bargain or even an arranged marriage between two sides that didn’t even so much as like one another. Ramaswamy likened it to “mutual prostitution,” which resulted in the “Woke ESG Industrial Complex.” This is a far more powerful entity than Big Business or Big Government, which allowed both elements to accomplish together what they could not do on their own.

This created the chance for new asset management companies to ride in on their proverbial white horses in the wake of the ’08 financial crisis. These included companies like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, which would create “better capitalism.” According to Ramaswamy, these three companies, over 15 years, have acquired enough assets to manage more than $21 trillion of investment funds. This money is then used to advance a progressive agenda that would have never survived a legislative session.

Seeing Wall Street’s success, Ramaswamy said that Silicon Valley realized that it would also like a piece of the action. Even back in 2008, the tech lords knew that it was the Left that posed a threat to their burgeoning monopoly on at least a philosophical level. So the tech lords said they would use their corporate power to advance progressivism, doing things like censoring opinions and eliminating “hate speech,” as the Left defined it. In return, the Left would conveniently ignore the tech monopoly.

Seeing how well things worked out for Wall Street and Silicon Valley, much of corporate America would follow suit. Ramaswamy cited Coca-Cola speaking out against Georgia’s voting laws and forcing its employees to take diversity training, including courses on how to be “less white.” At the same time, Coke could ignore its product’s effects on American obesity. Nike could condemn “systemic racism” in America, while people overseas toiled in sweatshops for slave wages and, as Ramaswamy asserted, in conditions of slave labor to make high-end sneakers for sale in the U.S., often to people who might not be able to afford coats for their children.

Even though the two sides still loathe one another, the system, which is the merger of state and corporate power, stays in place because it continues to work so well. Ramaswamy called it the most powerful force in modern American life. Ironically, liberals allowed themselves to forget about their skepticism of big business, and it duped conservatives because the system was presented in the context of the free market. Ramaswamy said that he knows principled people on the left and the right who are deeply concerned about the issue, in part because free speech and open debate in the public square, where all voices and votes count equally, is being neutralized.

That is the “S” or social prong of ESG. Far more sinister, said Ramaswamy, is the “E” prong, or energy. Climate change has been used to envelop the social prong and make it a Trojan horse. The major asset management firms and banks have served as an arm of the government to implement climate change policies, such as the Green New Deal, which could not have passed Congress. Democrats realized that the private sector could be used to that end. Climate Czar John Kerry was able to get companies across the nation to sign a “climate pledge” to put the Green New Deal into effect without any debate or vote in the legislative branch. Ramaswamy said that the tactic has not only contributed to a generational supply/demand imbalance for global energy, but it also hasn’t even been effective. This is because we are in a global energy market, and countries like China and Russia snap up every unit of energy that ESG takes out of play in the West. So, according to Ramaswamy, on the other side of the world, carbon emissions continue unabated. On top of that, Russian and Chinese energy production is much dirtier than it is in the U.S. Methane produced by those countries is far worse than in the U.S.

Read full story here…

from:    https://www.technocracy.news/the-roots-of-esg-and-how-to-get-rid-of-it/

Let’s Go From Reset to Resistance

Kim Iversen: WEF Is Marching Us Toward a Life of Passive Obedience

Political commentator Kim Iversen, on a recent episode of “The Kim Iversen Show,” dissected “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better,” an article written in 2016 by World Economic Forum contributor Ida Auken.

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When political commentator Kim Iversen read, “Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better” — an article published in 2016 on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website — she waited for the punchline, assuming the article was satire.

But there wasn’t a punchline. The author of the article was serious.

Iversen devoted a recent episode of “The Kim Iversen Show” to dissecting the WEF article, whose “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy” message resurfaced amid growing interest in the WEF’s Great Reset.

Iversen highlighted some of the article’s key statements, which she labeled “absurd” and “insane”:

  • “I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.”
  • “It made no sense for us to own cars anymore, because we could call a driverless vehicle or a flying car for longer journeys within minutes.”
  • “In our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.”
  • “Environmental problems seem far away, since we only use clean energy and clean production methods.”
  • “Shopping? I can’t really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now.”
  • “Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.”

The article, published Nov. 10, 2016, was written by Ida Auken, a member of the Danish Parliament (2007-present) and formerly Denmark’s minister for the environment.

Auken wrote the article in preparation for the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils which took place November 13-14, 2016, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The WEF in early 2017 nominated Auken as a Young Global Leader and promoted her article in a tweet:


“They [WEF leaders] were not joking around,” Iversen said. “This is the future that they envisioned. Everything will move to robotics, everything will be monitored in the name of saving climate.”

Iversen said although she historically called herself an environmentalist — “That’s really where my first foray into politics was, in the environmental movement” — she’s now “questioning the motivation of all of this.”

She added:

“I’ve seen them [WEF global leaders] claim a lot of things are really bad and they’re not. They were exaggerated greatly in order to use those [things] to make us afraid and control us.”

According to Iversen, the WEF is “marching us toward” a life of passive obedience to a centralized system of authorities who control and own everything.

Their message, she said, is “‘just be a good citizen and you have nothing to worry about so long as you don’t speak out against the government, so as long as you follow all the rules … Yes, you won’t have any privacy … You won’t own anything but you will be very, very happy. You just need to do as you’re told.’”

Iversen added:

“Thank goodness more and more people are reporting on this and waking up to this saying, ‘No. We are not going to go along with this agenda.’”

Watch the video here:

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

from:    https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/kim-iversen-wef-great-reset-no-privacy/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=8ad4e1dd-353b-431d-9c30-7212afb73ef1

Yes, Virginia, They are Terrorists

Lee County GOP to consider branding WHO as terrorists and barring IRS and FBI agents

Jacob OglesSeptember 12, 20228min

Another resolution takes aim at use of Dominion electronic voting machines.

Lee County Republicans this week will consider resolutions demanding Florida outlaw electronic voting machines and federal agents. They will also consider whether to declare the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) as terrorist organizations.

The series of controversial resolutions will appear on the agenda for a special meeting to be held Sept. 14 at party headquarters. The meeting will be closed to the public, with only REC members permitted to attend.

Jonathan Martin, Chair of the Lee County Republican Executive Committee (REC), stressed that the resolutions do not represent the view of the REC unless and until a majority of members support adopting them.

“They are not necessarily a priority of the party until the party chooses to make them a priority,” said Martin, a likely incoming state Senator.

Martin said the resolutions were proposed at the last REC meeting, a contentious event that spanned four hours, but came up only after many members had already left and there was no longer a quorum.

Three members proposed four resolutions at that point, but with no ability to take a vote, a special meeting was called, Martin said.

One resolution came from Chris Quackenbush, a former School Board candidate and REC Vice Chair, who proposed an election integrity resolution attacking Dominion and ES&S voting machines. It explains in part that “other countries have abandoned the use of internet-connected voting systems to eliminate the potential of cyberattacks and fraud and reverted successfully to manual counting systems.”

That echoes claims made by former President Donald Trump regarding Dominion voting machines, though internal memos from Trump’s campaign show lawyers already knew allegations were untrue. The Lee resolution does not specify any accusations.

“The Lee County Republican Executive Committee urges Governor (RonDeSantis to use his executive authority to prohibit the use of electronic voting systems in the State of Florida,” the resolution reads. “We urge instead the use of paper ballots and manual counting systems.”

The most aggressive resolution comes from activist Dr. Joe Sansone, who details ways the “federal government has been weaponized against American citizens” including his example of the FBI raiding Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. It also details the controversial spending just approved to hire new IRS agents, as the resolution puts it, “for the purposes of terrorizing the American people.”

He also told Florida Politics he was motivated by the response to the Jan. 6 protest of the certification of the 2020 Presidential Election results.

“The FBI’s actions in the Jan. 6 protest as well as actions during the whole Trump administration has demonstrated the organization is a political arm,” Sansone said to Florida Politics.

“The current Congress and President have created 87,000 armed IRS agents which had a job description stating that they should be willing to use deadly force. These are not accountants. These are SWAT teams designed to target political opposition. They will likely be used to enforce social credit scores in the future. Also, there should be no Capitol Police in Florida. In the past, it was customary for federal agents to get permission of local law enforcement, usually the county Sheriff, to operate in the jurisdiction. After (President JoeBiden’s weird NAZI Satanic-like speech where he criminalized over half the country, it should be evident that a recalibration of the relationship between the federal government and state governments is necessary.”

He also proposed a resolution taking aim at international organizations, and said Biden is also working nefariously with those groups. He wants the local REC to brand the WEF and the WHO as terrorists.

“Back in May, the Biden administration worked with WHO and attempted to amend the treaty granting WHO the power of global Martial law and the ability to force masks, lockdowns, and vaccinations, etc., in the case of a future pandemic. The amendments failed. Now WHO has a draft treaty for 2024 that is seeking to implement the same right to inflict global martial law. This is a direct attack on our right to self government and basic human rights,” he said.

“Regarding WEF: They are much like a secular end-times cult and believe the planet can’t sustain the human population and appear to be implementing a controlled demolition of human civilization. Klaus Schwab brags about penetrating governments with graduates of his young global leaders school in governments around the world.”

Martin said any REC member may propose resolutions, but that doesn’t mean they will win support of the entire party. He noted there’s no threshold that must be met for REC members to bring resolutions forward, and little that an individual has to do to become a member of the REC.

While Martin believes the priority of the party during an election year should be winning elections, his membership also wants to look at policy matters. “We can walk and chew gum at the same time,” he said. “Our priority should definitely be on getting candidates who show themselves to represent conservative values elected.”

Asked about whether adopting the resolutions could be seen as taking extremist positions, Martin stressed the topics have only been raised. Until a vote takes place, the language of the resolution should not reflect upon any institution or person besides the one who proposed the language.

FROM:    https://floridapolitics.com/archives/555400-lee-county-gop-to-consider-branding-who-as-terrorists-and-barring-irs-and-fbi-agents/