Connection — Volcanoes & Hurricanes

Volcanoes and Hurricanes: Mortal Enemies, Best Friends?

The plume from a lateral blast at Pinatubo in the Philippines seen on June 15, 1991. The eruption may have helped stifle hurricane activity in the Atlantic for three years afterwards.

We have had many discussions over the years here on Eruptions about the relationship betweenvolcanic eruptions and weather/climate (remember, they are different things). Most of the time, the concern is how weather will become worse (i.e., much colder or much hotter) due to volcanic aerosols or ash that are kicked high into the atmosphere during large eruptions. Remember, ash plumes from manyplinian eruptions can tower over 35-50 km up, so material can be injected into the upper atmosphere and spread around the world in a matter of weeks. It would be very surprising if these sorts of eruptions – which are relatively rare, only occurring maybe once or twice a decade – didn’t effect weather and climate for years until the aerosols can all settle out.


So, I was quite interested when I saw a new paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research titled “Atlantic hurricane activity following two major volcanic eruptions” by Amato Evan. My instant thought was I actually wasn’t sure what to expect – I mean, how would a large eruption effect the activity of such major, hemisphere-spanning events like hurricanes? Would it make hurricanes worse? As it turns out, this study suggests that major eruptions in the tropics (or close) might actually subdue Atlantic hurricane activity for years after the eruption.

Figure 2B from Evan (2012) showing the drops in sea surface temperature (SST) in the Atlantic after the eruptions of El Chichón (1982) and Pinatubo (1991)

Evan (2012) looks at two eruptions in particular – the1982 eruption of El Chichónin Mexico and the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo* in the Philippines. Both were large eruptions, ranking as VEI 5-6. Both eruptions injected large volumes of aerosols and ash into the upper atmosphere in the tropics, reducing theoptical depth of the atmosphere to 0.1-0.2 (normally it should be closer to 0.01). To give you an idea, that is almost as bad as other large eruptions such as Krakatau in 1883, famous for the vibrant skies it produced worldwide. All these aerosols in the atmosphere increase the albedo of the planet – that is, the planet will reflect more sunlight back into space. This means less sunlight hitting the surface of the Earth, and in particular, less on the oceans in the tropics. This produces colder surface and near-surface waters in what is called the Atlantic Main Development Region (MDR) for hurricanes – between 8-20°N/20-65°W (see right). This decrease in sea surface temperature, in turn, lead to an increase in vertical wind shear in the MDR.

What Evan (2012) found was that the total number of hurricanes in the three years before each eruption and three years after the eruption were markedly different – ~12 per season prior to the eruption and 6-8 per season after the eruption. Not only that, but the storms in the three years after the eruption were weaker and didn’t last as long as prior to the eruption. Even beyond this, the location that hurricanes formed changed as well, where before the eruptions most hurricanes were found in the MDR, after the eruptions there were dominantly found along the eastern United States. So, the long and short becomes large volcanic eruption leads to lower sea surface temperatures and higher vertical wind shear in the locations where hurricanes form, thus fewer hurricanes occur and those that do are weaker.

Now, bear in mind, this study only looked at two major eruptions in the last 35 years – and unfortunately both coincided with an El Niño, so one can’t conclusively link the eruptions and the change in hurricane activity. Evan (2012) mentions that there are at least three other major eruptions that could effect hurricane activity – Agung in 1963**, Santa Maria in 1902 and Krakatau in 1883. However, no pattern emerges from these eruptions as hurricane activity did decrease after Krakatau, it wasn’t effected by Santa Maria and appeared to increase after Agung. Evan (2012) suggests that the Agung eruption might have cooled the South Atlantic preferentially, causing the increase in North Atlantic hurricane activity.

Hurricane Irene off of Cuba and Florida, seen on August 24, 2011. Can volcanic eruptions help or hinder hurricane activity? It is still unclear.

Clearly, there is still a lot of noise in these correlations of hurricane activity and volcanic eruptions. The eruptions that Evan (2012) examined are the big ones – so, what if any effect would smaller eruptions in the tropics have (such as Merapi in 2010 or Nabro in 2011). Taking a look at the hurricane counts for the past century, you can see a number of periods of lower hurricane activity – can these all be correlated with eruptions like Katmai in 1912 (well out of the tropics) and what is causing the low hurricane counts in 2005-08? There are many unanswered questions here – but clearly, a closer examination looks to be in order – or, as the author of the paper suggests, maybe we need a large eruption in the tropics to test this theory out.

* Lockwood and Hazlett (2010) note that a typhoon/hurricane might have helped cause the cataclysmic eruption of Pinatubo in 1991. The lowest atmosphere pressure from the Typhoon Yunya passed over Pinatubo just 3 hours before the largest eruption. It likely didn’t cause the eruption (that was an injection of magma into the system over the prior few weeks), but it could have played a role in pushing the volcano pass the “tipping point” for an eruption.

** This eruption is listed in the paper as 1964, but the activity lasted from February 1963 to January 1964.

{Hat tip to Alex Witze for pointing out this article to me.}

Image 1: Pinatubo erupting in 1991. Image by Richard Hoblitt/USGS
Image 2: Figure 2B from Evan (2012), Journal of Geophysical Research
Image 3: Hurricane Irene in 2011. Image from the NASA Earth Observatory.



Northern Pacific Volcano Update

Northern Pacific Update: Bezymianny Put on Red Alert for Eruption, Seismicity Noted at Iliamna in Alaska

The steaming dome at Bezymianny seen on June 11, 2011.

A few volcanoes along the northern Pacific rim are showing varying signs of potential eruptive activity:

BezymiannyKVERT placed this active Kamchatka volcano (right) on Red Alert status over the last few days after a sharp and sustained increasein seismic activity. They also noted a sizable increase in size and temperature of the thermal anomaly seen at the summit of the volcano (observed by satellite), suggesting that new, hot magma is very close/at the surface. Put these two things together and KVERT suggests that “strong ash explosions up to 43,000 ft (13 km) a.s.l. possible at any time during the next 24 hours.” It has been about 11 months since the last explosive eruption at Bezymianny – and if anything does occur, you can see if the Bezymianny webcam is operating to catch a glimpse.

Iliamna: Over in the lower Cook Inlet of Alaska, seismicity has increased at Iliamna, but not enough to raise the alert status at the volcano above Green. However, the Alaska Volcano Observatory did mention that they will be watching the volcano closely as it has experienced a few small earthquake swarms over the past three months. This seismicity is similar to what was observed in 1996-97, but that did not lead to an eruption and the last confirmed eruption of the volcano was back in 1876 (although there may have been smaller explosions as recently as 1952). If you like watching webicorders trace the seismicity,Iliamna does have real-time monitoring. In a related note, the state and local officials are resisting a planto consolidate all its fighter aircraft in Alaska to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson near Anchorage from Eielson AFB near Fairbanks. Opponents of the move point out that this would put all these aircraft in danger if one of the volcanoes near Anchorage were to erupt.

Image: Bezymianny in Kamchatka by Yu. Demyanchuk/KVERT  


Nevado del Ruiz Volcano in Colombia Heating Up

Increasing Volcanic Unrest Observed at Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia

The crater of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia seen on March 8, 2012. The area is obviously warm and INGEOMINAS scientists noticed ash in the crater area as well.

Eruptions reader Sherine pointed me towards the recent updates from INGEOMINAS in Colombia onNevado del Ruiz. The volcano hasn’t erupted in over 20 years, but the signs are beginning to point towards a potential revival of the volcano.


INGEOMINAS scientists were able to do a flyover with the Colombian Air Force and got a number of shotsof the summit area. They also reported “ash on the glacier, near the crater rim and on the eastern flank of the same,” likely from a February 22 explosion from Ruiz. The steam plume from the main crater on the day of the flyover was ~1.4 km / 4,500 feet. That same day, a seismic signal of tremor associated with multiple small ash emissions were reported along with an increase in sulfur dioxide emissions. All of these events suggest that Ruiz is seeing heating in the summit area and likely phreatic explosions. The increased sulfur dioxide would additionally suggest new magma in the volcano. The shots of the summit area clearly show steam coming from the crater, although it is doesn’t appear to show any new material in the crater. Shots of the entire summit show ash on some of the snow-covered areas as well (see below – grey on foreground slopes of the volcano).

The summit area of Nevado del Ruiz. In the foreground a small dusting of ash can be seen on the snow. The plume seen here reaches ~1.4 km.

Most people are familiar with Nevado del Ruiz due to the eruption in 1985 that killed over 23,000 people. That disaster was caused by a lahar (volcanic mudflow) generated by a small eruption from the summit crater melting the abundance ice and snow at the summit. The most recent pictures of the summit area (see below) show that there is plenty of snow to make lahars a very real hazard if Ruiz where to begin to enter a new period of eruption.


El Hierro Update

El Hierro Volcano : Yellow-Red alert

Last update: March 1, 2012 at 3:49 pm by By 

Update 01/03 – 15:49 UTC
– NO new earthquakes
– NO change in HT
– ITER is currently installing more instruments at the Tacoron area. Currently someone has to go to Tacoron to do a number of manual measurements.  The new instruments will send data in real-time to the analysts. Once this has been tested, people will be allowed to enter this sector of the island.
– Joke Volta March 1 morning images

Update 01/03 – 09:12 UTC
– A short revival of harmonic tremor for a couple of minutes at 01:16. It has not repeated since then.
– The eruption webcam is frozen again for the second day in a row.  Hopefully the disturbance is not due to a serious problem.
– 4 earthquakes since midnight varying from M 0.6 to M 1.3, depths from 10 to 16 km. Epicenters on the usual line from Frontera to the main vent.
– Today is the last day of the INVOLCAN course Joke is following. She is very positive about this initiative. Compared to the Geology course given by Ramon Casillas from the University of La Laguna who was focusing more to the specific technical details of volcanoes and tectonics, the Involcan course is zooming in on the many dangers for property and population. Joke was surprised that Lahars, toxic gases, lava flows, landslides, explosions etc has caused many casualties in the past.  The El Hierro eruption goes on and on and looks like a peaceful event (what it surely is at this time), but in other places of the world volcanoes can cause a lot of misery. The pictures below have been taken during the Involcan course.
– Poets from everywhere in the world showed their solidarity with the people of El Hierro during a poetry event yesterday at La Restinga (pictures of this event : click here)

Involcan course about volcano risks at El Pinar

Update 29/02 – 23:55 UTC
– The day ended with only 4 earthquakes
– almost no HT
– No stain or jacuzzi
– we are very curious for the next couple of days. If the present situation continues for another week, Pevolca might decrease the alert levels

Update 29/02 – 15:46 UTC
– 4 earthquakes so far today
– In the many mails we received from Joke yesterday and after midnight today (yes, she often works until after midnight), something escaped our attention. An earthquake at 05:02 yesterday morning with an epicenter to the east of the La Restinga reef (in between El Hierro and Tenerife).
In a message later yesterday and before Joke had seen this earthquake location, she told us about a stain in that same area. When climbing montaña La Restinga, she usually looks both sides of the La Restinga. She found it strange to see a stain in that part of the sea (especially as we had no more stains above the main vent for many days). She indicated the stain spot in her image series from yesterday afternoon, adding a map with the location.  There are no signs that this is a viable reason for a new emission vent as the quake was reported at a depth of 20 km, but the least we can say is that this event is rather unusual and not immediately explainable, unless the stain drifted away from the main vent.

Update 29/02 – 09:23 UTC
– 2 great videos for Volcano Lovers : with special thanks to AVCAN, who gave us the lead for them.  We have embedded them in our Volcano News updates.

Update 29/02 – 07:55 UTC
– 3 earthquakes so far today. Magnitudes : 1.1, 0.8 and 1.3. Depths in between 7 and 12 km.
– unchanged harmonic tremor
– continuing micro-seismicity
– no visible stain or jacuzzi on the eruption webcam

for more information, go to:

El Hierro Update

El Hierro Volcano : Yellow-Red alert – 7 earthquakes since midnight + test video ROV “Wally”

Last update: February 21, 2012 at 1:37 pm by By 

This is the most recent El Hierro Volcano eruption report

Update 21/02 – 13:34 UTC

– As said yesterday, the Atlantic Explorer is carrying the ROV Sirio which was baptized “Wally“.  Because of the weather conditions during the first mission, the ROV was unable to be set at work. While anchoring at La Restinga, the crew made a test with “Wally” in the port of La Restinga. Here is the result of this test.  The image you see here is the image which you can expect when Wally would be able to dive to the volcano cone next week.

Update 21/02 – 11:53 UTC
– 7 earthquakes since midnight
– Joke Volta set of morning images

Geology course at La Restinga

Update 21/02 – 09:46 UTC
– 6 earthquakes since midnight + continuing not listed weak earthquakes
– no visible jacuzzi or stain
– HT at minimum amplitude
– Another day of Geology course for Joke Volta and she enjoys learning about tectonics,  volcano types, magma types, magma viscosity, historic events which can be seen at the island, etc etc.  Based on what she told us yesterday, earthquake-report calls the geology course a 5-star course. Every important topic is discussed. An example : it is impossible to talk about volcanoes when Ocean ridges are not discussed. Ocean ridges were a part of the course on day 1.
This 3 day course was organized by  the diving centers association and joined by partners like the University of La Laguna and the government of the Canary Islands, etc. The biggest part of the course is given by Ramon Casillas, a professor at the university of La Laguna.  Javier Morales, member of the parliament, is also listed on the leaflet as a co-speaker.


Update 20/02 – 23:35 UTC
– we have stranded on 19 earthquakes today
– other interesting data : unchanged

Update 20/02 – 18:17 UTC
– unchanged situation : continuing micro-seismicity, listed earthquakes and minimal HT
– Jesus Machin, a fisherman at La Restinga has made a coastal walk along the Naos bay. He said to Joke that he has seen a lot of sardines. Sardines are common around this time of the year, but so many was a real surprise to him.

Jesus Machin fisherman at La Restinga

Update 20/02 – 11:10 UTC
– Joke is currently following a “geology” class in La Restinga ! :) .  It is a free lecture with a focus on what is happening below the island.  (click here to see the 5 pictures she has photographed this morning)
– It tends to be a shaky day in El Hierro as we have already 13 listed earthquakes so far.
– The picture below shows that the volcano is still emitting material in the sea (gray area).  The picture dates from this morning

Update 20/02 – 08:13 UTC
– No visible stain or jacuzzi this morning
– Accordingly also almost no harmonic tremor
– Micro-seismicity continues to show the continuing magma pressure
– On top of the microseismicity,  IGN has listed 8 earthquakes since midnight. All these earthquakes had magnitudes above M1. All the epicenters are or below the island (main crater system) or in the Las Calmas sea in between the main vent and Tacoron.

for more information, updates, and history of the eruption, go to:

Tinakula Volcano Eruption As Seen by Satellite

Tinakula volcano (Solomon Islands) eruption captured by satellite

Last update: February 17, 2012 at 12:27 pm by By 

Tinakula is a conical stratovolcano which forms an island north of Nendo in Temotu Province, the Solomon Islands. It lies at the north end of the Santa Cruz Islands. It is about 3.5 km wide and rises 851 m above sea level, but rises three or four km above the sea floor. It erupts approximately every hour in a plume of ash and rocks. The volcano was first recorded in eruption in 1595 when Álvaro de Mendaña sailed past on his round the world voyage.

Image courtesy NASA Earth observatory

This natural-color satellite image (top) shows a plume of volcanic gas, possibly mixed with a little ash, rising above the island’s summit. On February 13th and 14th, 2012, NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) detected heat signatures on Tinakula, and a small plume was apparent in visible imagery (lower image). Over the past decade satellites have detected intermittent “thermal anomalies” that suggest eruptions have taken place, but eyewitness observations are infrequent. The images was collected by the Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite (top) and MODIS on the Terra satellite on February 14, 2012.

Google earth profile image

The island is uninhabited. A previous population was eradicated when the volcano erupted around 1840 and pyroclastic flows swept all sides of the island.
In 1951, polynesians from Nukapu and Nupani settled on the island, which reached a peak population of 130, before it had to be evacuated again during the 1971 eruption. The village of Temateneniwas on the southeast coast. In the late 1980s, two families (less than 10 people) from Nupani made another attempt at settlement.

Transport can be arranged, but landing on the island is very difficult since there are few good beaches. One must bring plenty of water and be prepared to swim ashore. The island is covered with jungle, except for the western side, which is covered with ash. It was scraped by landslides in 1965. When the volcano erupts, it is possible to watch large boulders tumbling down the mountain side.

The island is in the range of the endangered Santa Cruz Ground Dove (Gallicolumba sanctaecrucis), but as ornithologists have not visited the island in a long period, it is unknown whether they survive there. Doctor Gunter Kittel, an Austrian doctor, who came and worked for Lata Hospital climbed Tinakula four times in 2002.

Text : NASA Earth Observatory and Wikipedia


Alaska Volcano Alert Level Upped

Cleveland Volcano alerts upgraded on renewed activity (again)

Alaska Dispatch | Jan 31, 2012

According to the Alaska Volcano Observatory, the aviation color color code and the alert level of Cleveland Volcano was upgraded on Tuesday to “Orange” and “Watch” to reflect new satellite data indicating increased activity.

The east central Aleutian Chain volcano, which sits 45 miles west of the community of Nikolski, has spent much of the past year teasing that it would erupt, and its status has alternated between “Yellow/Advisory” and the more serious “Orange/Watch” four times since July 2011.

The AVO reports that the lava dome that had developed at Cleveland last year was mostly removed by a brief explosive episode at the end of December. But new satellite images indicate that a fresh lava dome,approximately 130 feet in diameter, has formed in the summit crater.

There have been no explosions or ash emissions detected during the current lava eruption, but the AVO notes that it remains possible for intermittent, sudden explosions of blocks and ash to occur at any time, and ash clouds exceeding 20,000 feet above sea level may develop.

Because Cleveland is not covered by real-time seismic sensors, such explosions and their associated ash clouds may go undetected in satellite imagery for hours.

Read the latest from the AVO’s Cleveland status page, here, and read the bulletin announcing the new status upgrade from the U.S. Geological Survey, here.


Ubehebe in Death Valley – Volcano Risk

As if Death Valley wasn’t dangerous enough… geologists discover that one of its volcanoes is due to go off


Death Valley in California has plenty of hazards, ranging from searing temperatures to flash floods, rock falls, rattlesnakes and scorpions.

Now geologists say that one of its volcanoes is actually far younger and more active than previously thought and is due to go off, because it last exploded in 1200 and has an eruption cycle of 1,000 years or less.

A team based at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory found that the half-mile-wide Ubehebe Crater, formed by a prehistoric volcanic explosion, was created just 800 years ago – and not 6,000 years ago as previously estimated.

Explosive: The half-mile-wide Ubehebe Crater in Death ValleyExplosive: The half-mile-wide Ubehebe Crater in Death Valley

The researchers used isotopes in rocks blown out of the 600-foot crater to show that it formed around the year 1200.

That geologic youth means it probably still has some vigour, with the scientists certain that there is still enough groundwater and magma around for another reaction.

Ubehebe is the largest of a dozen such craters, or maars, clustered over about three square kilometres of Death Valley National Park.

The violent mixing of magma and water, resulting in a so-called phreatomagmatic explosion, blew a hole in the overlying sedimentary rock, sending out superheated steam, volcanic ash and deadly gases such as sulphur dioxide.

Study co-author Brent Goehring says this would have created an atom-bomb-like mushroom cloud that collapsed on itself in a donut shape, then rushed outward along the ground at some 200mph, while rocks hailed down.

Any creature within two miles or more would be fatally thrown, suffocated, burned and bombarded, though not necessarily in that order.

‘It would be fun to witness – but I’d want to be 10 miles away,’ said Goehring of the explosion.

Study: Geochemists dated the crater by analysing rocks thrown out when it exploded. Pictured is researcher Peri Sasnett contemplating a sampleStudy: Geochemists dated the crater by analysing rocks thrown out when it exploded. Pictured is researcher Peri Sasnett contemplating a sample

The team began its work after Goehring and Lamont-Doherty professor Nicholas Christie-Blick led students on a field trip to Death Valley.

Noting that Ubehebe remained poorly studied, they got permission from the park to gather some three to six-inch fragments of sandstone and quartzite, part of the sedimentary conglomerate rock that the explosion had torn out.

They pinpointed the dates to when the stones were unearthed to between 800 and 2,100 years ago and noted that this happened in clusters.

The scientists interpreted this as signalling a series of smaller explosions, culminating in the big one that created the main crater around 1200.

A few other dates went back 3,000 to 5,000 years – these are thought to have come from earlier explosions at smaller nearby craters.

Christie-Blick said the dates make it likely that magma is still lurking somewhere below.

He pointed out that recent geophysical studies by other researchers have spotted what look like magma bodies under other parts of Death Valley.

‘Additional small bodies may exist in the region, even if they are sufficiently small not to show up geophysically,’ he said.

He added that the dates give a rough idea of eruption frequency – about every thousand years or less, which puts the current day within the realm of possibility.

‘There is no basis for thinking that Ubehebe is done,’ he said.

The scientists stress that there are currently no signs of it waking up, which would be preceded by shallow earthquakes and the opening of steam vents, events that could go on for years before anything bigger happened.

The study appears in the current issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Read more:

Worldwide Volcano Webcams – List

/1/2012 — All the Volcano Webcams of the world

Posted on January 2, 2012

(mirrored from big think) just in case their site ever goes down


Hawai’i (United States) 

Haleakala – info – webcam

Kilauea – info – webcams: Pu’u O’o | All HVO webcams | Halema`uma`u Crater from HVO | Halema`uma`u Crater overlook |

Mauna Kea – info – webcam

Mauna Loa – info – webcam

Mariana Islands (United States)

Anatahan – info – webcam

Western/Southern Pacific

Japan – The Japanese Meteorological Agency has a page of 40+ webcams, but the names are all in Japanese

Asama – info – webcams: one | two | three

Aso – info – webcams: one | two | three | four – multiple views | five

Bandai – info – one | two

Chokai – info – webcam

Daisetsu – info – webcam

Fuji – info – webcams: one | two | Shimiza port | Fujinomiya City | Lake Tanuki | Lake Saiko | Lake Kawaguchi | Mt. Mitsutoge | Fujiyoshida City | Oshino | Gotemba

Hiuchi – info – webcam

Iwate – info – webcams: one | two

Kirishima – info – webcams: one (sixth and seventh from bottom on right menu) | two |three

this list is quite extensive, and I have included just the few at the start.  To get to the source, the whole list compiled by Dutch Sinse, go to:

Lascar Volcano Activity — Chile

Chile / Lascar (11:47 UTC)
As mentioned already yesterday Lascar volcano in the Atacama desert in Chile is waking up gradually. Sernageomin has detected a lot of earthquakes. Click here for their detailed report published on January 5 (Spanish). A new one is expected soon.
On the webcam this morning, we see sulfur rich fumeroles at the left side of the volcano. Lascar is known to be spectacular if erupting and sending ashes kilometers high in the sky !

Image captures from the Sernageomin webcam near Lascar Volcano Chile
