March 6-12

It is always most difficult to accept that things have changed to the point at which they will not/cannot return to the way they were before.  But now is the time to accept that as a fact.  Then things will begin to make some sense. Another thing you may begin to notice is the that your sense of smell is becoming more acute.  In certain cases, you will not be able to pinpoint the source of the odor, but analyze it for what it is.  There is some information there

Overall Color for the Week:   Rose Gold

Renewal, self worth, value, personal power,  All of these are issues that will be in front of you this week.  It is a good idea to know what is important for you on a most essential basis.  This is not a good time or energy in which to be playing games or adapting to the whims and wills of others. Trying to do so will ultimately lead to problems and issues as you will find yourself having to choose whether you will follow their path or your own.  .

On a larger scale, there are some bumps in the road in terms of the shifts, earthquakes, eruptions, and weather patterns on the Earth. There can be effects on electronics from Sun activity and otherwise, some kind of energetic pattern that has no known source but is causing issues. There will be patterns in some of these things, so be alert. There are other tinder box types of situations on the globe that will be smoldering.  A little recognized country has an important announcement .More and more information will be coming out about crop failures and seed issues.  People on the grass roots level will begin to question these things as the period of planting and plowing begins in the middle of the United States. There is a wind blowing strongly across western China.  And disruptions in travel services are possible.  There is also some crazy energy around the space shuttle.  Be discerning in what you read and hear. There is much more going on below the surface.  Animal activities are going to be out of season, along with, regrettable more animal deaths.  There will be further evidence of some kind of ET activity.  There will be attempts to discredit the reports, but this time, the evidence is somewhat overwhelming.

Sunday, March 6:    Matte Silk White

Things are not always as they seem.  This is a day for tuning into your inner guide and trying to figure out just what is truly important for you and what all the little physicalsymptoms you have been experiencing actually mean. This is a good day for catching up, as there is something in the air that will allow you to take on that new perspective.  It is always difficult and even threatening some times to see things in a new light, or even as they really are, but right now that is very important.  There are things you have outgrown.  There are things, people, experiences that no longer fit WHO you are becoming.  This is a day for strength.  Strength is different from power.  It has an inner source, and that source is always connected to the greater whole, the greater good.  All true things want you to be strong.  You have support.  Go for it.

Crystal Energy:    Dolomite-This mineral is great for modulating environmental influences and balancing body issues.  It is a quiet energy that works on all levels.

Monday, March 7:     Light Magenta

The heat will be on today in more ways than one.  This means that things that were thought to be out of sight will come into focus.  It also means that you can find yourself in situations in which things can spin out of control if you let them.  Step back from potential confrontations.  Look. Observe.  Take action only when you know that you have considered your options.  And if you are not ready to do anything, make that clear.  Choice is both strategy and power today.  Use it well.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite-This stone works through the energy of the heart to bring both strength and comfort. Heart Chakra.

Tuesday, March 8:     Hazy White

You will need to wait until at least tomorrow to get some clarity on a number of issues.  there are those out there who want to push you to action, but if you are not ready, then it is important that you stand up and let them know that.  There are others who have their eyes on you, and the actions you take today can have far reaching consequences.  Be alert for synchronicity.. There are messages in this.

Crystal Energy:     Smithsonite-This stone allows for you to speak your truth.  It is also a good energy for dealing with allergies.  Throat chakra.

Wednesday, March 9:    Royal Blue

According to the Mayan Calendar, the Universal Underworld begins*:     Darkness and light are the themes of the day.,  Things will be hidden, even as other things are being brought into the light.  It is important today to keep your balance.  Along with balance, you need to use your most discriminating powers of perception.  All of this should be heart centered and in  tune with what your intuition tells you is right.  There is a shift in the air today, and it is time that you got very clear on your own goals and aspirations. It is also critical that you stand firmly in WHO you are and be ready to stand up for your truth.  There are those out there who would wish to challenge you, to find your weaknesses, but you know where you are most able.  Go with that.  I always liked the old Greek adage, “The fox knows many tricks, the hedgehog only one.  One good one.””  Go for your good one.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite-This stone works through the energy of the heart to bring both strength and comfort  It also allows for movement and confidence, as well as true heart-guided vision.. Heart Chakra.

*for more information, check out this site::

Thursday, March 10:    Green-Blue Mystery

And that is what today will be – a mystery, a maze, a conundrum, a whodunit..  And that can be fun – kind of.  Or frustrating -kind of.  Anyhow, it will be interesting.  Things are shifting and moving, and nothing and no one an stay the same.  The energies of the day give you an opportunity to make some great leaps if you are ready, or just to hunker down and let things pass you by.  It is, as always, your choice.  Choice is a big issue now and will  continue to be so more and more as the time progresses.  There is no judgment in the energies of the day.  There is both the observer and the action modes at work.  You can be one, you can be the other or you can be both.  There is a lot of fun to be had today if you will allow yourself it.  And a few ah-ha’s along the way.

Crystal Energy:    Mimetite-The enrgy of this mineral is good for self-realization.  It assists in recognizing one’s life purpose and working upon it.  Solar Plexus Chakra.

Friday, March 11:  Light Grey

Dark and light, in and out will characterize the energies of the day.  Take a moment to reflect upon your dreams of the night before.  There may be some lingering images or situations that are worth considering in terms of events happening at this time in your life.  Things will be moving in the shadows, and there is a kind of rift in the veils today that can cause you to startle.  Be the observer.  Listen closely, and look for substantiation before taking action. There is more out there than meets the eye.  This is a day for being reflective and taking things easy.  And keep your senses alert for there is much to learn.

Crystal energy:    Juniper Blue Jasper – Along with the general healing properties of jasper, this variety is particularly useful for dealing with hearing, smelling,and speaking issues.

Saturday, March 12:    Green Blue

There is something undefined in the air today, so you just might feel yourself a little out of sorts.  You are reacting to an energetic shift that is just now beginning to be felt. Some of it is harnessed to the shifting energy of the Sun, so it would be a good thing to spend some time in the Sun’s energy today.  It can come through, even with cloud cover. Be aware of and listen to your intuition. There are messages out there that you need to know.  People are acting differently, and you will want to be able to see where this is coming from  Some reflects real changes being made as more and more people transition into what they consider a ‘safe’ mode.  Be compassionate today.  judge no one, including yourself, too harshly.  There is love in the air, and if you are open, you can bask in its warmth.

Crystal Energy:    Chalcopyrite—This mineral is an energizer, balancer, grounder, and connector  It assists in bringing a kind of completion and evenness to the body and the spirit.

Earth Magnetics and You

It is time there was a more general recognition that Earth’s magnetics are shifting.  This is affecting plane travel, insect movement, bird migrations, and the activities of our friends in the oceans.  It is also having an effect on us, on how people are acting and reacting.   We all are bio-electric and hence bio-magnetic, beings.  We vibrate, shift, and respond to magnetic impulses. We attract, and we repel.  We have an internal polarity that permeates every part of our being.  As things shift in the external environment, we cannot help but feel on some level.

There is a new vibration in the Universe and within the Earth that, as magnetic and energetic beings, we are aware of on a cellular and even molecular level.  There is a perceiver within that is responding to the shift that is going on which can be thought of as a new frequency of magnetic enervation.  We feel things, perhaps some unexplained vertigo.  We sense things, that something is not quite right.  We see things, but not as clearly as before.  We are confused by these perceptions.  They are out of our ordinary realm of experience, but they are perfectly within the scope of this new field of magnetics and attraction. We need to accept the fact that the world is not as it always has been;  There is a shift going on and an intensification of fields and field energies which are happening, slowly now, but which will gain momentum overtime.

It is important to understand that flux is the nature of this time.  It is a growing flux but there is an incredible rightness to it.  This is a good time to be a little crazy, because that very craziness will allow us to accept things that might previously have seemed impossible, unbelievable, untrue.  It is a good time to connect with the inner knower whom many call The Fool, the one who is willing to take chances in order to further his/her path.  The fool may seem haphazard on the surface, but s/he is connected to the larger picture, the Universal Consciousness.  S/He experiences much, and each experience draws her/him closer to the truth, the essence, the All.  So acknowledge The Fool within.  Honor the wisdom of the child.  Join with whimsy and be open.

It is time to allow our energetic selves to interlock and come into phase with the new magnetics.  In responding to the shifts of the Earth and the Universe, we will experience a gradual deepening of awareness.  The patterns and rhythms of things will become more clear.  We will begin to see the lines of attraction and repulsion that hold things together and keep them apart.  It is all part of the grid, the net that energizes.  It is a dynamic structure, both set and ever-changing.

And as we allow ourselves to feel the shift in the magnetics, our vision will become clearer.  We will begin to see patterns where once there just was randomness or curiosity.  We will feel the inner knowing that will being us to places and experiences that we could not imagine.  And then there will be the people, the groups and communities that are drawn together by their magnetic resonance.

It is time for us to center within our hearts, to honor our feelings and to open to the new magnetics of the Universe.  We are truly persons of the Universe.  We came from stars!  We are of star material. It is time to acknowledge that and connect with the macro and the micro.

As we connect with our inner being, and feel the vibratory nature of WHO we are, we become aware of the energies of attraction that we generate.  In this way, we can achieve greater harmony within. 

Moreover, you will be attracting to yourself new persons, things, and experiences that will assist you in this shifting of the magnetics. 

The Cloak of Many Colors

Every person has a Cloak of Many Colors which they carry with them wherever they go. Most people are unaware of what that is. Although it sounds on the surface to be like the aura, it is actually different. Your aura is an unconscious radiation of your personality. The Cloak of Many Colors, however, is a personally directed vibration in response to what you are feeling, experiencing, desiring, willing. It is a light spectrum radiating outward from the heart into the space around you. You can make your coat be any color you wish it to be, moreover you can change its color based upon how you are feeling.

In order to “wear” your cloak most effectively, it is a good idea to become familiar with what your cloak is and how you can use it. First imagine what a cloak of many colors would look like. Perhaps your see it as a rainbow cape surrounding you. Think about that for a moment. Spend some time working with the idea of having your own personal rainbow garment at the ready. Feel the colors. Feel what the colors mean to you. Know that you have the power to make this coat any color you wish it to be. You can change its color at any time and for any reason.

Perhaps you are feeling the need to be brave. Let us say that to you, brave is the color magenta. Feel your cloak change its color to magenta. See yourself draped in a cloak of magenta. Know that in this cloak, you are invincible. You have the power to come through circumstances, to deal with people, and to overcome obstacles. You can wear the magenta cloak for as long as you need it, and when you are once again feeling safe, your coat can return to its rainbow like state, at the ready for whenever you might need it again.

Again, perhaps you are feeling sorrowful, uncentered. Get out your cloak as you determine what color would be joy to you. Dye your cloak that color, and wrap it around you. Let the vibration of the color of joy melt away the sorrow and uncenteredness.

The Cloak of Many Colors can be a great asset in dealing with people, things, emotions and situations in which you feel the need of assistance, safety, assurance, and/or protection. The energetic vibration of the color of the cloak acts as a shield between you and what is outside of you. The vibration radiates a sense of calm and centering in a situation that otherwise might feel quite uncomfortable.

Become aware of your Cloak of Many Colors. Know that it is always there. Then, when you encounter a person, an emotion, a situation, etc. in which you are feeling sapped, open your cloak, make it into your personal color of strength and safety, wrap yourself in it, and feel your power.

With time, the use of the Cloak of Many Colors becomes automatic. It can be linked with your intention. Know that it is always there and that its vibration is your power and resiliency regardless of what comes your way

Vibrations, Feelings, and the Color of Money

Read the headlines — Stock market down, retirement accounts losing value, jobs being lost, loans defaulted.  What is the knee jerk response?  Fear.  Uncertainty.  Worry.  Distrust.

This a time in which people are finding themselves falling into a panic vibration.  They feel that things are falling apart, that things are out of control.  They feel out of touch with their centers.  And why is this?  For so long, we have been told that our personal worth is a function of our financial situation.  The rich are more ‘worthy’.  Look around and see whom people take as role models?  Generally it is the rich and powerful.  These are the ones they quote.  These are the styles they follow.  Success = lots of money.  Failure = lack of money.

Let us, however, take a different look at money.  Let us see it in a different context.  Let us see what the color of money says about it. Continue reading