May 8-14

Overall Color of the Week:    Bright Blue

For all of those who are ” waiting for their real lives to begin”, it is time to realize that not only have your real lives begun, they are in process.  It is time to take hold of your life and your destiny.  This means evaluating everything and everyone that come your way in terms of what they mean to YOU.  What YOU think about them.  How they can fit in YOUR life.  Stop trying to adjust your wishes, wants, beliefs, and desires to the others out there.  They ultimately are not that concerned about you.  When they get up in the morning, the face they see in the mirror is their own.  And they are going to adjust that face to fit their own personal agendas.  You must do the same.  If you go down, it is always best to know that it was on your own terms because then you can learn the lessons and move on,  Additionally, you will find that those who have been blind to and oblivious of the changes that are happening all around will become even more so as time goes by. They need the semblance of normalcy to remain in this energy and to continue in their daily round.  This is not a time to attempt to change others.  This is a time to be centered in who you are, be open to your intuition, trust the thrust of Universal Consciousness, and act in accordance with the wisdom of your heart.

This week will try you on many levels, and while it may seem easier to give in, this is not the time to do so.  You know that which is right and proper for you, and it is your true destiny to be part of that.  It takes bravery on your part, however you will find that with each act of personal courage, your power will grow as will our confidence and your sense of destiny.  This is not a time to give in, although it is difficult.  Trust your heart’s knowing and go there when you are faced with difficult decisions.  This is your life, not that of any other person., and you must in all cases please yourself. That truly is the path to honoring WHO you are.

On a larger scale, you will see more and more coming out about politicians, repression, greed, and the ways in which those in power have attempted to control people.  This will be paralleled by a rise in the stock market, as that organization begins to take a very turbulent and unpredictable trajectory, confusing and confounding those who thought they had it all under control.  Gas prices will be coming down.  There is a sense within the grass roots movements that their power and influence are growing.  You will see this in little outbursts around the globe.  There is an incident involving Tibet that is fomenting.  Watch the volcanoes for they are the next natural force to be making their presence known, as the rest of the atmospheric powers take a bit of an hiatus during the week, although earth movements continue.  Meanwhile, there will be things happening in space that will be hinted at in the news. The Sun is beginning a new phase this week.

Sunday, May 8:    Silky White

Mother’s Day:    There is a lot of smoothness in the air.  Like everything else, there are positive and not so positive effects that can come from that. Things can flow easily, without complications, if you will let them. Be present in what is going on, and much can become clearer.  There are secrets and stories that want to be told, and the energy of the day is conducive to that.  This is a day for understanding and compassion.  Listen carefully, however to the words that people are saying. There is a lot of schmoozing going on. Know where you stand in relation to the people around you.  And be centered and aware of your power.

Crystal Energy:    Purpurite—The energy of this mineral is discriminatory and revelatory.  It is in tune with the crown chakra and can bring knowledge of past events.  It has an Atlantean resonance.

Monday, May 9:    Yellow Orange

As the morning begins, you might feel yourself somewhat out of sorts. There were dream events that have lingered into the day time.  You will encounter some bouts of deja vu which will bring a kind of clarity to the earlier uncertainty that you were feeling.  And then keep your senses alert for the synchronicity that will happen all around you, so much so that you might think that things are not quite real.  They are real, and there is a lightness and a joy to the afternoon and evening. It is a good idea just to enjoy.  Take some time also for a bit of meditation, journaling, or any other kind of centering activity you like.  There are messages that need to come your way.

Crystal Energy:    Arsenopyrite—The vibration of this mineral deals with clarity, community, and support.  It is discriminatory and sees through illusion, fear, and guilt. First Chakra.

Tuesday, May 10:    Frosty White

There is not a lot of clarity around today, so if there are decisions for you to make or important deals to be undertaken, it is a good idea to get all the facts straight, cover all your bases, and ask as many questions as you need.  There are those out there with information that they do not wish to share with you.  They are fearing that their positions are in jeopardy and that secrecy is the only thing that will guarantee them.  You have had some ideas that you were wishing to get out there.  Today might be a good day to do so as people are distracted with their own stuff and therefore, they will be more likely to let things go.

Crystal Energy:    Aquamarine—This stone assists with healing on all levels.  It resonates with water energies, and the body is largely water.  It also acts as a good communicator with the higher realms.

Wednesday, May 11:    Orange Flame

This is a day for beginnings, so take time and know what it is that you need to change and create in your life.  The energy is pervasive and persuasive, so if you are true and dedicated to that one thing, focus, and know that there is nothing that will stand in your way except yourself.  Trust your intuition.  It can take you to the places you have dreamed of,but despaired to encounter.  There is a kind of wild magic in the air today. Grab it if you dare or let it go if you wish.

Crystal Energy:   Blue/Green Smithsonite—The energy of this mineral works with the person to center and relate to others of like mind.  There is a warning and a caution here, but those who align with this mineral are aware. Heart and Throat Chakras.

Thursday, May 12:    Deep Salmon Red

Swimming upstream.  That is what today is all about.  You have a purpose, you have a goal.  There is something you are wanting to get done today, but the waters will be rough, and the way not clearly marked.  This is a day that can test your mettle, your desire, and your resolve.  There will be times when you can back down.  There will be those around you who will suggest that you just give up, tell you that whatever you are working on is not that important.  You must decide.  The energies call for one to be strong in WHO you are.  And if your choice is to do what others want you to, then know that is okay too.  It is your choice.,  There is no blame.  There is no judgement.  Just be aware.

Crystal Energy::    Tunnelite—-This mineral enhances connection and connectivity on all levels.  It can bring through messages that are needed to be heard.  5th through 9th Chakras.

Friday, May 13:    Bright Orange

Friday the 13th:    There will be things coming up and coming out, but many will not be noticed as there is so much stuff in your face this day. That makes it imperative that you analyze situations and events and words and actions in terms of their nuances.  The importance of these things will not be readily apparent, but with time, you will gain clarity.  In personal and financial situations, things can be heating up.  You may find yourself tending towards panic, but let that go.  Take the time to look at things more closely.  Review your options.  You have a much better grip on your world than you are giving yourself credit for.  The problem is one of perspective. This is a day for getting perspective and reminding yourself that things are all within your power to get done to your satisfaction.

Crystal Energy:    Brachiopod—-This fossil assists with survival issues, particularly in adapting to new environments.

Saturday, May14:    Full Blue

Get ready for some surprising things to happen today.  A few of them might actually be life changing.  This is a time in which revelations are coming out in all areas, moreover the energy favors relatively grand ones. As a result, you may find yourself off center and confused, as though some of the very foundations of your life have been shaken.  This is a chance to regroup, reestablish, and reevaluate.  The energy of the day will allow you to meet these challenges on a firm footing as long as you are centered in in WHO you are.  This is important to remember as when crises arise, the tendency is to react from panic, and this takes you out of your power. Stay away from fear.  Take everything as it comes.  Approach events with the true knowing of the heart, and this day can be life changing.

Crystal Energy:    Datolite—-This mineral is attuned to shamanic energies.  It assists in processes for making life changes.  It resonates withall the chakras.

Cosmic Ray Hot Spots

Strange cosmic ray hotspots stalk southern skies

Cosmic rays crashing into the Earth over the South Pole appear to be coming from particular locations, rather than being distributed uniformly across the sky. Similar cosmic ray “hotspots” have been seen in the northern skies too, yet we know of no source close enough to produce this pattern.

“We don’t know where they are coming from,” says Stefan Westerhoff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Westerhoff and colleagues used the IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole to create the most comprehensive map to date of the arrival direction of cosmic rays in the southern skies. IceCube detects muons produced by neutrinos striking ice, but it also detects muons created by cosmic rays hitting Earth’s atmosphere. These cosmic ray muons can be used to figure out the direction of the original cosmic ray particle.

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April 24-30

Overall Color of the Week:    Light Sky Blue

The sky can be beautiful and clear one moment, and then full of clouds and dropping rain the next.  This is how this week will be. Unpredictable at best.  Be prepared at all times to take cover when it is necessary, and provide for the unexpected. This week there is a disconnect between cause and effect.  Be aware of that and prepare for the unexpected

Passion and Compassion are the two major themes of the upcoming week.  There will be much passion in the air on all levels.  Things can start quietly and quickly flare into something else.  People can seem complacent and satisfied and in an instant become agitated and unhappy.  In most cases, you will not see it coming, and then all of a sudden there is that shift.  Emotions will be close to the surface on all sides.  Little things can bring reactions that are totally out of scale with the cause.  This is a week for staying well centered within your heart. This is a week in which it is very important to have your priorities straight, as there will be those who attempt to get you to espouse their causes.Your intuition is keen and you must trust its urges.  By so doing, you can see more clearly what things truly are and where they are going.

On a larger scale, the Earth is shifting and moving more and more.  The west coast will be feeling things it has not felt for a long time.  There is a wale and a sigh in the Earth which will explode in earthquakes, volcanoes, and torrents of water.  The reaction to all of this will be denial. There will be news stories coming attempting to refute some of the conspiracy theories that are becoming more accepted.  The reports, however, will quickly be shown to be motivated by greed and the desire for control.  There will be further uprisings of people in small countries which  no longer want to accept the manipulation of the larger ones. Expect good news on the financial front, but look behind the scenes for what is not being expressed.  The Sun will be throwing out its energies in an unprecedented way, and there will be disruptions to the electronics. There will be rumors of the galactic force or object coming closer as there is a new pull or influence being felt by the outer planets.  This week promises to bring surprises, upsets, and cover ups.  Listen to your own inner knowing in order to discover what is really true.


Sunday, April 24:    Bright Green

Easter Sunday:    This can be a great day … on the surface.  Be aware of what is coming your way and do not get blinded by the light.  There are persons and things out there that are in everyone’s face.  You, however, have the discrimination to know what is what.  The question becomes one of whether or not you truly want to know what is what.  These are times in which decisions have to be made and projects have to be started.  Today is a day on which you can look to yourself to find out what it is that you are truly desiring.  Take time to go within and find the energies and trends that mean the most to you.  If they are not what you are doing now or those with whom you are spending time, then there are choices to be made.  Follow your heart.

Crystal Energy:    Copper—-This metal can bring balance, along with a calming vibration.  It can assist in making choices, some difficult, and moving forward.  It works with all chakras.

Monday, April 25:    Crazy White

This is a day when you will be running around, of course this is on a metaphoric basis, attempting to find what it is that is right for you or wrong for you.  Along the way, you are going to be bumping into all kinds of walls, sort of like “Alice in Wonderland”.  And that is all right.  The realities of the day are not on the surface, so if people tell you things in confidence or assure you that everything is okay, just know that what they are saying might not reflect the facts.  They are playing out their own personal scenarios.  Because of this, it is important for you to know what it is that you want to create in your own life, and to go for it.  You can. Just know that it is so.

Crystal Energy:     Rainbow Moonstone—This stone can interact with the higher chakras to assist one in connecting with the spirit realms and aligning one with these realms.

Tuesday, April 26:    Fibrous White

This is a day whee lots of strands of things are coming together. However, since some of these can gtet crossed and tangled, things can be difficult to unravel.  Listen closely to what people are saying and watch carefully what they are doing.  If you want to know what these things mean, you will need to read between the lines.  There is deception in the air today.  Be careful in what you do and what you sign.  You can be getting yourself into things you might not wish to be part of.

Crystal Energy:    Polyhedron Agate—This unusual stone works on the nervous system, bringing balance and relaxation.  It is also known to align the meridians.  It works with the etheric chakras.

Wednesday, April 27:    Lavender Mist

This is a day for being ready for those emotional ups and downs.  You will be running into people and/or situations that will bring back old memories.  This is a time to put to rest a lot of the illusions about the past.  Things always seem better once they are gone, but it is time to see them for what they truly were.  It is a time for acknowledging the lessons that you have learned, be grateful for the people you knew, and move forward..

Crystal Energy:   Blue Aventurine—The energy of this stone brings maturity to the potential of the spiritual warrior.  Third Eye Chakra.

Thursday, April 28:    Silky Red

There is adventure and intrigue in the air today.  But do not allow yourself to become entranced by the illusion and not see what lies behind.  In some cases the beauty is all there is.  It is there in its fullness and its promise.  In other cases, it is a mere seeming that will shatter and explode if penetrated too deeply.  This is a day for moving into your own power, be the adventurer, be the  conqueror.  See life for what it can be in its total realization.  You will find that you learn much by changing your opinion of self and others.

Crystal Energy:    Black Idocrase—The energy of this mineral resonates to the Black Madonna.  It powers healing through the vortexes of the chakras.

Friday, April 29:    Dark Blue Green

Much will be coming up today to remind you of the past.  You must decide what this means to you.  Is the past past or still there determining your present course of action?  And if it is, why and is it the best choice for you now?  Times are changing.  Change is difficult. The past has the familiarity and comfort of being known.  If you choose to act from patternings and decisions of the past, then take time first to know that your choice is right for now.  There is much learning going on right now.  Much taking on of novelty and letting go of the tried and true.  Go within and know what is your most beneficial path.

Crystal energy:    Sapphire—This gem assists with centering and is a protective stone.  It is helpful for discrimination when life gets in the way.  Third Eye Chakra.

Saturday, April 30:    Light Pink

April goes out with a promise, perhaps an apology.  This has been a month of large ups and downs, leaving you oftentimes caught in the middle and wondering what has happened.  Take time today to reflect on this month.  There were experiences there with a story to tell.  Take time today and just be for a bit.  There is nothing that needs to be accomplished today.

Crystal Energy:    Red Aventurine—-The energy of this stone is tonic and community oriented.  It resonates with Earth, Fire, and Water.  Root Chakra.

Teleportation Happens

Quantum Leap: Bits of Light Teleported to Another Place

Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 14 April 2011 Time: 02:01 PM ET
An illustration of the quantum teleportation of
An illustration of the quantum teleportation of ‘Schrodinger’s Cat’ wave packets of light.

Our world is getting closer to “Star Trek” every day, it seems. Scientists announced today (April 14) they’ve been able to teleport special bits of light from one place to another, a la “Beam me up, Scotty.”

While the advance doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll ever be able to teleport people, it does represent some pretty nifty, mind-bending physics.

Teleportation requires taking advantage of a quirk of quantum physics called entanglement. Two particles can be bonded so that even when separated by large distances, they communicate instantly, and what happens to one affects the other. (It’s a situation so bizarre Einstein called it “spooky action at a distance.”)

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Music Between Earth & Space(Station)

Jethro Tull in Space


I’ve had this song in my head ever since Sunday when I first saw this video, so finally decided I had to post it. Astronaut (and flautist) Cady Coleman on board the International Space Station hooked up with Ian Anderson, founder of the rock band Jethro Tull, to collaborate for the first space-Earth duet. The song, “Bourree in E Minor,” was written by Johann Sebastian Bach, but Jethro Tull made the song famous (again) with their own arrangement of the tune back in 1969, the same year Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped on the moon. Coleman and Anderson played the song in recognition of 50 years of human spaceflight and the anniversary of the first launch of a human to space by cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961.

Coleman played her part from 220 miles above Earth late last week. Anderson played his part while on tour in Perm, Russia, during the weekend. The two parts were then joined.

This is from:

Earth is a ‘Rotating Potato’?

New Results from GOCE: Earth is a Rotating Potato


Although they aren’t particularly fond of the comparison, scientists from the GOCE satellite team had to admit that new data showing Earth’s gravity field – or geoid — makes our planet look like a rotating potato. After just two years in orbit, ESA’s sleek and sexy GOCE satellite (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) has gathered sufficient data to map Earth’s gravity with unrivalled precision. While our world certainly doesn’t look like a spinning tuber, this exaggerated view shows the most accurate model of how gravity varies across the planet.

The geoid is nothing more than how the oceans would vary if there were no other forces besides gravity acting on our planet.

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March 13-19

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Opal

The energies this week are all about value and values.  In the wake of the Japanese disaster, people are seeing that a lot of the stuff that they considered important pales in comparison to life and love.  These are themes that will cause a dramatic shift in how people determine what they do and what they desire.  You can find yourself questioning some of the things that you thought were so important. This can lead to confusion, and perhaps some shock.  Various relationships are changing now, not only with people, but also with money, position, etc.   There is a new thrust towards personal fulfillment, and part of that now is the recognition of community, the love of friends and family.In the opalescent spotlight of the week’s energy, you can see what shines and leads to a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Honor these things. Make them your priorities.  They bring joy to your life.  The energies of this week are showing you this.  There  will be ups and downs as the week progresses, emotional times and some anger.  Go with it all.  Be with yourself as you experience and learn from these things.

On a larger scale, there are more shifts and movements within the Earth.  (If, in fact, as has been alluded to by some, the earthquake has been ’caused’ by certain frequencies controlled by agencies and organizations following some kind of personal agenda, then they will be finding that the Earth will be responding and that any control they felt they had will be severely challenged.)  This is a time for all people to open up to their innate feelings of compassion.  This will bring together and strengthen the energies of community and rightness that are at work at this time.  There will be conflicting messages coming in many different areas, and it is well to check them out in a number of different sources before taking them as facts.  Look to the skies for some interesting sights.  There will also be some discoveries made concerning ancient civilizations that can cause confusion in the academic world.

Sunday, March 13:    Lavender Mist

This is a good day for deja-vu, and not just in terms of an isolated incident, rather quite a few.  Do not be surprised if you find something tugging at your memory, or if you have the sense that there is one more thing to deal with, even though you are not sure just what it is.  There is melancholy in the air today, so be good to yourself.   Nostalgia also is part of the energy.  Accept what has gone before.  Acknowledge the lessons.  Be forgiving of yourself and others.  Remember this human condition thing is shared by all of us, and by understanding, compassion, and working together, we can make the best of it all.

Crystal Energy:    Sillimanite-The energy of this mineral assists informing images out of incoming frequencies and vibrations, as well as psychic hits.  It is associated with the crown chakra.

Monday, March 14:    Rose Gold

This is a day on which it is best to be patient if you are looking for good things to happen.  The message that you have been waiting for is coming your way, however it will come later than expected and contain more information than you are wanting.  It can also contain tasks that you must perform in order to move beyond the issues that are confusing you at this time.  This is a day in which there is much out there to be seen, however a lot of it is facade without substance.  Be discerning.  Look for the clues. You can discover that you know a lot more than you had thought.  There is a strong possibility that someone you relied upon is going to show themselves to be less than reliable.  Be understanding.  There is a story there.

Crystal Energy:    Pearl-The energy of this element has to do with focus and becoming.  It can bring about a kind of manifestation, but how that happens will be determined by the energy and intent that went into the desire.  Associated with the Third Eye.

Tuesday, March 15:    Medium Pink

This is a day of different layers and levels.  You might find yourself confused by issues and choices that come your way, mainly because with this energy you can see the viability, even desirability of more than one option.  Because of this, it is a good idea to put off making any important decisions at least for a day.  Things are going to seem better than usual today, people nicer, situations more pleasant.  In this kind of an atmosphere, it is a good time to deal with unpleasant issues and people.  they are not going to affect you as much as they might otherwise. Be alert for some kind of hint or message relating to an issue in your life that you need to resolve.  Then, as the week progresses, act upon this information.  There are things to learn.  Also, dream time is important, both in terms of content and in terms of getting enough sleep.

Crystal Energy:    Angelite-The energy of this stone allows one to be in touch with one’s purpose and to speak one’s truth.  Throat Chakra.

Wednesday, March 16:    Light Magenta

There is some relief in the air today.  You do not need to be quite so guarded in your dealings with others, especially in terms of your job/profession.  You have the ability now to see bosses and co-workers as equals, like you on this path and dealing with all the craziness of the energies of this time.  Also you have the opportunity today to put things into perspective.  Take time, therefore to determine what is truly important for you.  What you would ‘go to the mats’ (okay, I do not know what this really means, but I do know that it has something to do with ‘The Godfather” and that guys get it, so …. perhaps this part is particularly relevant for them.) for.  Anyhow this is a good day to take some time to deal with priorities.  And if you choose to do so, you will get some insights as to where these things are going and what they mean.

Thursday, March 17:     Pale Apricot

The winds of change are blowing today.  There are times when change is good for you, and this is one of those times.  You have been waiting ofr things to shift, and with the energies of the day, that can happen. This is a day also for being centered and grounded, so take some time before you go out to be with yourself.  Take some time to appreciate WHO you are and all that you have done.  Take some time to protect yourself from outside energies because with change in the air, you never know what is going to happen out there, and it is best to be prepared. There are those who are going to want to tell you what to do, to convince you that it is the best, and to talk you into thinking that it was all your own idea.  Listen carefully, and you will know, by running it through your heart’s own truth, whether this is for you or whether they are just saying this to make themselves feel better.

Crystal  Energy:    Amethyst-The energy of this mineral is calming.  It assists one in understanding what is going on around and to see things with a compassionate eye.  It also brings in appreciation for the spiritual dimension and the ability to work in that area.

Friday, March 18:     Pink

The old adage of things happening in threes may be showing itself in odd ways today.  Be alert for coincidences.  There is something telling in them.  You may feel yourself a bit off, perhaps unwell, not quite like yourself.  When that happens, listen to what your body is saying, and perhaps you will understand what is going on.  There is something outside of you that is affecting not only you but everyone around you too. This is a good day to be aware of community, along with shared interests and aims. You can find that some people with whom you thought you had nothing in common are actually very much on the same page.  Tonight, be quite and rest.  The energies are not favoring activity on a large scale.

Crystal Energy:    Amethyst-The energy of this crystal assist with integration of body, mind, and spirit.  It promotes acceptance, understanding, and a sense of calm..

Saturday, March 19:    Diffuse White

Full Worm Moon*  aka Crow Moon:    This is a day on which things will be coming in small increments.  It is a good day for getting the details cleared up and making sure that everyone is on the same page.  It is important at this time to build a strong foundation and to make sure that things are clear to everyone.  Misunderstandings can quickly spin out of control and end up as arguments.  Emotions can run deep from this time on, and feelings can easily be hurt.  Take time today to ground yourself.  Take some time also to know what is truly important to you, to prioritize. There are messages about that can give you some hope in relation to a situation that has seemed totally too much to deal with.  Know that within your heart is the strength and clarity to assist in all that comes your way.

Crystal Energy:    Chrysoberyl-This stone is good for detoxification, which can assists in getting rid of some of the stuck energy.  When this is done, it also assists in moving forward.

(*This Full Moon is also a ‘Super Moon’, which means that the moon is at a point in which it is closest to the Earth.  It is said that in this position, the moon can be affecting the Earth more strongly than usual.)