The theme for this week is Community. There will be hints and even very obvious sightings of what community means for you, what it is for you. This is not a time in which these things will pass you by. There is a coming together that is part of the energy of the year, and it is starting now, only to grow stronger as the year progresses.
You can find yourself this week some what befuddled and confused by things happening around you. There is an air of unreality that will pervade the early part of the week, only to dissipate later on into a sense of reality right in your face. Along with these things, the energies will e growing as the week progresses. This can lead to a desire to withdraw from everything that is around you, from everyone. It will seem that things are just not related to each other, as though long term relationships are some what pointless, and as though stiff is meaningless. Hold on. This is just an indication that your perception is changing. This week, because the way the energies are clashing, it will be difficult to gain focus. This is not a week for worrying about things, even though it seems that stuff is getting out of hand. This is a week for letting the patterns meld into the larger picture. This is not a time for reaction, rather it is a time for stepping back and observing. Much can be learned through this. The end of the week will bring a feeling of lightness and a sense of accomplishment. Hurray! Oh, and there will be more of synchronicity happening this week. Be aware of when things repeat. There is a message in it.
On the larger scale, the relative quietude of the earth in terms of quakes and rifts will begin again this week. There will be attempts to gloss over the importance of all of this, but t will not be successful. The shift has truly begun, and Gaia is making herself felt. She allowed a respite over the holidays as she adapted to many of the new energies coming in, and now she is expressing her reactions through all the elements. The animals, the birds, the creatures of the sea have awakened. They have moved to a new level of spirit, of energy, of manifestation. Look to what is going on in the natural world. There are messages that are being spoken. Take time this week to move out into Nature, and do not be surprised if old paths seem new. There will be some more upheavals in governments this week as factions begin to make a play for more power. This is not a time to buy into what is being said in the media, rather look beyond the words, investigate in other areas. The governments will be reacting to some of the earth movements and they are feeling themselves out of power in relation to the earth in general. Financial markets will be hit by some unexpected announcements this week. There is also a sense that there will be a large catastrophic event that can effect what is going on there. More and more people will begin to make themselves heard, asking for, even demanding change as things get out of control, particularly in the Middle East. There can be sadness associated with this. There is the sense of problems with travel and travel plans. The Sun will begin a new phase this week, something totally unexpected, as though its spin has changed. Meanwhile there will be signs in the skies of visitors from beyond. This week, the theme of the unexpected begins. This year is one that holds many, many surprises and anomalies. You will see evidence of them this week. The nighttime sky will be different, as the galactic energy exerts its force.
Sunday, January 6: Deep Straw Yellow
Three Kings Day and the end to the Holiday Season. And it is time. it is time for moving on. 2012 ended with a popping out of old stuff. The Holiday Season was the time to begin to integrate into the new. You are feeling this today. You are sensing that there has been a change in things, likewise a change in you. You are looking at things rom a new place. There is nostalgia for what went before, and these can be some moments of melancholy, but as they pass, you will realize that you have gone forward. There is support for you when you desire it. Be open to the signs around you. The world of Nature is in love with you. Truly. Today you will see hints of that. The sense of the oneness of all is beginning to blossom, even now, in the depths of the winter.
Monday, January 7: Cherry Yellow
The current energy favors getting things done, and that includes all those little niggling things that you have been putting off. Once you get them out of the way, you will find yourself more open to entertain and begin new projects. There is a feeling that your focus is shifting, and you will be finding in yourself hints of things that you are truly wanting to do and to be. There can be some merriment associated with this, so when it comes, let yourself go. You have been hiding behind something for quite some time now, and today you begin to move forward and into your own light. Be aware of what others are saying, particularly in reference to how you are changing. In their words, you can get a better sense of what is going on with you. Sometimes we need the mirror of others to realize how far we have come.
(NOTE: The daily updates are always available at Chromo Lady on Facebook.)
Question from audience: Can you discuss the concept of octaves?
Bashar: There are many octaves of octaves. It goes on forever. The idea from your particular perspective may make it seem as if the limit, the upward ceiling so to speak, is the eighth density. But that is only a reference to your specific realm. Do you follow me? There are many different manifestations. Anything at all, any variation, any vibration, any subtle frequency, is, in and of itself, a completely different reality, a completely different universe, a completely different dimension of experience. They are infinite. Does that assist you?
Q: Yes, thank you for sharing this with us. I have a question.
B: Yes.
Q: Are there any other civilizations within this particular solar system that reside on other planets other than Earth?
B: Not indigenous in your dimension. Now understand there are many different dimensional planes in your own “solar system.” And in this way, you will find, that perhaps in certain other dimensional planes there are habitations, there are forms of consciousness. But in your-third-density plane, so to speak, you are the only form that is indigenous.
There have been other civilizations that have utilized many of the planets in your solar system from time to time, temporarily, perhaps — as you would call them, reconnaissance bases — from time to time, including what you call your own moon.
But you will find that in order to experience the indigenous life that may or may not be attached to any other planet within your immediate solar system, you would have to create yourself to walk through a dimensional vibratory frequency shift in order to experience them. And then once you do that, your own planet may not seem to contain life.
Q: Do they exist as another civilization in another vibratory rate?
B: Yes, some of them.
Q: Then they do live in this solar system?
B: Some. But again — not in your dimensional plane. You will not see them with your physiological instruments.
Q: Thank you very much.
B: Thank you. “You know that no matter how well you plan, you’re always in the unknown. So it might as well be a place to enjoy because it’s the only place that exists.”
It’s not about creating that reality – it’s really about attracting that reality. Everything already exists. It was already done by Creation, you don’t have to do it again. All you have to do is manifest it through you, in your unique way. That is how you are a co-creator. Don’t confuse the semantics of your language that says you are a creator, that you have to create the reality from scratch. No. You create the manifestation, the expression of a reality, an idea that already exists, through you, by acting like that reality. So it can ‘channel’ through you. You have to become the vibration before you can become magnetically attractive to that reality, so it can express itself through you. That’s why it excites you so much. If it were not so easily manifestable something else would excite you, instead. Because the universe does not do pointless things. The universe does not say, “I will make this your heart’s desire but you can’t have it!” Trust your heart’s desire.
Why base your happiness on what you think must happen outside you? BE HAPPY! And as you are happy you become the vibration of happiness, attracting all the circumstances and situations in life that reflect the concept of happiness. But – be happy because that is what you prefer to be – not just so you will attract those things. Be happy and you will attract those things that are representative of happiness. This is not philosophy, this is physics! What you put out is what you get back. The energy level or frequency you operate on determines the kind of reality you will experience. It’s physics. You have to become a particular frequency in order to be the antennae that will receive an echo of the same frequency. Keep it simple.
It is ALL about vibration – about states of being.
Become as transparent as glass and all that is not of your frequency shall pass right through you.
When you are operating properly in your super conductive state, the physiological cellular structure and molecular structure vibrates at it’s maximum capacity, and in that high frequency range has total
access to the electro-magnetheric level and all the dimensional levels above it. Since it is all made of light in that sense.
What makes a super-conductor a super-conductor is that it vibrates at one coherent frequency, a pure resonant tone. That’s why it works as it does. Super-conductors are in that sense the electro-magnetheric version of what you understand on your planet to be lasers. Laser light being coherent light of one frequency only.Thank you.
Q: Can you discuss the concept of octaves?
B: There are many octaves of octaves. It goes on forever. The idea from your particular perspective may make it seem as if the limit, the upward ceiling so to speak, is the eighth density. But that is only a reference to your specific realm. Do you follow me? There are many different manifestations.
Anything at all, any variation, any vibration, any subtle frequency, is, in and of itself, a completely different reality, a completely different universe, a completely different dimension of experience. They are infinite. Does that assist you?
Q: Yes, thank you for sharing this with us. I have a question.
B: Yes.
Q: Are there any other civilizations within this particular solar system that reside on other planets other than Earth?
B: Not indigenous in your dimension. Now understand there are many different dimensional planes in your own “solar system.” And in this way, you will find, that perhaps in certain other dimensional planes there are habitations, there are forms of consciousness. But in your-third-density plane, so to speak, you are the only form that is indigenous.
There have been other civilizations that have utilized many of the planets in your solar system from time to time, temporarily, perhaps — as you would call them, reconnaissance bases — from time to time, including what you call your own moon.
But you will find that in order to experience the indigenous life that may or may not be attached to any other planet within your immediate solar system, you would have to create yourself to walk through a dimensional vibratory frequency shift in order to experience them. And then once you do that, your own planet may not seem to contain life.
Q: Do they exist as another civilization in another vibratory rate?
B: Yes, some of them.
Q: Then they do live in this solar system?
B: Some. But again — not in your dimensional plane. You will not see them with your physiological instruments.
Q: Thank you very much.
B: Thank you. You know that no matter how well you plan, you’re always in the unknown.
So it might as well be a place to enjoy because it’s the only place that exists.
It’s not about creating that reality – it’s really about attracting that reality. Everything already exists. It was already done by Creation, you don’t have to do it again. All you have to do is manifest it through you, in your unique way. That is how you are a co-creator. Don’t confuse the semantics of your language that says you are a creator, that you have to create the reality from scratch. No. You create the manifestation, the expression of a reality, an idea that already exists, through you, by acting like that reality. So it can ‘channel’ through you. You have to become the vibration before you can become magnetically attractive to that reality, so it can express itself through you. That’s why it excites you so much. If it were not so easily manifestable something else would excite you, instead. Because the universe does not do pointless things. The universe does not say, “I will make this your heart’s desire but you can’t have it!” Trust your heart’s desire.
Why base your happiness on what you think must happen outside you? BE HAPPY! And as you are happy you become the vibration of happiness, attracting all the circumstances and situations in life that reflect the concept of happiness. But – be happy because that is what you prefer to be – not just so you will attract those things. Be happy and you will attract those things that are representative of happiness. This is not philosophy, this is physics! What you put out is what you get back. The energy level or frequency you operate on determines the kind of reality you will experience. It’s physics. You have to become a particular frequency in order to be the antennae that will receive an echo of the same frequency. Keep it simple.
It is ALL about vibration – about states of being.
Become as transparent as glass and all that is not of your frequency shall pass right through you.
When you are operating properly in your super conductive state,
the physiological cellular structure and molecular structure vibrates
at it’s maximum capacity, and in that high frequency range has total
access to the electro-magnetheric level and all the dimensional levels
above it. Since it is all made of light in that sense.
What makes a super-conductor a super-conductor is that it vibrates at
one coherent frequency, a pure resonant tone. That’s why it works as
it does. Super-conductors are in that sense the electro-magnetheric
version of what you understand on your planet to be lasers. Laser
light being coherent light of one frequency only.Thank you.
Then in the year 2003 something very, very exciting occurred. A new Ray of Creation was co-created by Creator and many great beings of Light, led by Archangel Michael. This Ray contained an element that had never been in the creative process before. Within All-That-Is, this element was found here, on the planet Earth. The element in this new Ray is the love that humanity holds for humanity. That simple, pure vibration of Love was put into this new Ray and activated. It began to permeate many, many aspects of the contaminated Fall of Consciousness. And the new Ray worked. And then the new Ray continued to work. The growth of the mutations and wobbles and distortions slowed down.
To this day, the Fall of Consciousness has begun to reverse its influence. For the first time ever, the distortions, mutations, the darkness and Fear that have permeated many aspects of the Creator’s creation are reversing. They are weakening and slowing down, and the Christed Light of Creator has more and more room to expand and reach out. This is all because of You. You are the Great Experiment. The Christed Light was placed as a tiny spark of Light deep within the Sacred Heart to be found, grown ,and brought forth.
The Rays of Creation, their process and their creative power is now very much moving throughout All-That-Is. whether you know it or not, this incredible process came about because of you, The mere fact that you are on this planet at this moment is a testament to how big and significant you truly are.
How is it that you participated?
Simple. You raised your hand and screamed out, “Me—choose me! Send me! I will go.”
If you have read the stories in the Bible of Revelations, they describe multiple paths that could have been chosen in the process of getting humanity to a decision point where we either choose to follow the mutations or the Light of the Creator. Many, many times in humanity’s history, we have fallen back into the darkness and we didn’t have the strength or will to step away from the distortions and wobbles. It was easier to simply give up and fall.
The year 1987 was different. Again, the momentum brought us to a critical moment of decision. Do we, as humanity, agree to let the momentum continue and simply fall back into darkness and wait until eons pass so we can try again? This was the question put forth to you as a Soul. In 1987 we all took a type of vote, and all the souls and all the beings on the planet, together, decided to see if we could change what was in motion. Our purpose in making this change was to bring the Christed Light back to this planet. It was a wild consideration. This was a Light that had not been experienced for hundreds of millions of years. 51 percent of us said “Let’s go for it.” We didn’t know it would even be possible. We had no role models and didn’t know the steps required. But we committed to going forward.
Since that time there have been many grand beings that have birthed onto this planet. These are the children, the little ones. They are Big. These are the ones that were born after that auspicious moment in 1987. They are big, big beings, carrying with them a vibratory field of Light that has been very stimulating to you and me. They come from many Christed places, and many have never been on this planet before. They have arrived with a strong intention.
In 1987 we began to hold a level of possibility that had never been held before. Because of that possibility, and because of our passion, that love for humanity that each of us holds, is transformative. How do you communicate and how do you love one another? As you look around, it may not be very apparent as we all play out our life-game, but in fact, it is very apparent.
Because of what occurred in 1987, many of those potential, predicted catastrophes were averted. In the year 2000, an entirely new energetic was brought onto the planet. A new element of Love was also brought onto Planet Earth. 2003 was the year that the new Ray, brought from Michael, began to end the distortions. All because of you. That Ray is now operating in All-That-Is. All of the universes and sectors of this universe are now very engaged in the Shift of Consciousness.
In 2007 another event occurred which made it possible for the presence of the Christed Light to begin the return to the planet. That possibility began to grow and unfold and reveal itself.
On November 11, 2011 there was a grand, collective focus of energy all over Planet Earth. There were many who were able to hold that Christed vibrational pattern and there were numbers of others who were able to call it forth and re-anchor it into the earth… and it was anchored.
A new high vibration of Love has begun to radiate back out into the waters of Planet Earth. Every drop of water within all life on this planet today is now growing, radiating, and reflecting this Christed Light. The third dimension is now rapidly falling away. Planet Earth has begun to return to that fully Christed status. It now reflects its vibration of unity back into humanity and all her inhabitants.
As of 2011, you are not the same person as you were. On that 11-11-11 date there was a change. That change is now very strongly anchored within the hearts of everyone on Earth and it is growing very, very rapidly. It is believed, by Metatron, Uriel and Michael that because of this creation, coupled with the return of the Christed energy, Planet Earth is now beginning to vibrate in harmonic resonance with the other 11 Christed Light centers in All-That-Is. All who have been affected by the loss of Light and by the Fall of Consciousness are now returning Home to the heart of Creator.
This is Uriel’s story, Metatron’s story and Michael’s story. It describes a shift that they and other great beings held as an intention and believed was possible. In addition to being an amazing story, this is also a personal process. If you would pause right here and feel the story, what you will feel is a crystallized aspect of Light that sits in your Sacred Heart. It is in the form of the geometry known as the star tetrahedron. This Light has always been there, but until 11-11-11 it hasn’t held the capacity that it currently holds. What you feel is the unified aspect of All-That-Is that now has been magnified in the Christed Light.
If you pause, exhale and feel the energies in this story, you will begin to have an idea of what the unified field of consciousness holds for all of us. You will touch and begin to integrate the ability to experience yourself within that unified field. Here,there are no mutations, no distortions, no fear or distrust.
Here you are Home.
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In our purest form, we are consciousness; we are the light that experiences everything. The instrument through which we experience our light – the human body – is essentially created by sound, i.e. atoms vibrating on different frequencies. These vibrations proceed in all kinds, aspects, and densities of the matter that constitutes the Universe, from the finest elements to the coarsest.
Lumen is defined as the total amount of visible light emitted by a source.
When the white light of consciousness enters the body, it refracts and travels through seven different organs and glands with seven different frequencies. Each frequency regulates the characteristics and color of light emitted. For example, when the consciousness light enters the pineal gland, the energy emitted is violet due to the specific vibration of the gland.
By that standard, The LumenOctave is the light of consciousness experienced through an octave of sound frequencies: the seven frequencies plus the origin of the octave.
The explanation behind this can be found in music theory. In a musical scale, there are seven notes: Root, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh are the scale degrees relative to the root note – the origin of the octave. The seven-tone scale is the formula of a cosmic law defined by ancient schools applied to music. However, studying the manifestations of the law of octaves in vibrations of other kinds shows that the law applies to everything else in our reality; that light, heat, chemical, magnetic, and other vibrations are subject to the same principles as sound vibrations. For instance, the light scale is known to physics; in chemistry, the periodic system of the elements is closely connected with the principle of octaves.
Sunlight entering and leaving a drop of water to create a rainbow is a simple natural phenomenon exemplifying this law. When the light of the sun leaves the prism, it is no longer white, but spreads into seven rays of different color: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, depending on the angle though which is enters and leaves.
How does this apply to the Human Experience?
Musical sounds are organized into patterns of harmony. Noise is random, disorganized sounds. A harmonious sound is called a tone, and is produced by vibrations contained in an organized way for the performer to control the loudness, quality and duration of the tone.
Similarly, the harmony of the LumenOctave – essentially the interplay between body and spirit – is determined by a person’s intentional ability to take charge of the tones within the octave and create harmony in life instead of disruption and noise.
The eight tones of the LumenOctave
Each tone of the LumenOctave is the native sound to a specific aspect of the human experience, e.g. finances, sex, relationships, personal boundaries, love, communication, independence, mental clarity and purpose, etc. By that definition, each tone communicates in clear messages about what works within that aspect – and what doesn’t. Below is an overview of each tone, its native region, color and purpose, and most importantly, how it communicates.
Purpose: To establish a strong connection to the higher self
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Bipolar disorder, ADD, dyslexia, epilepsy, MS, Parkinson’s, memory loss or a personal history of strokes or brain tumor
You know your first tone is harmonious when you feel an unconditional love for yourself and everyone around you knows it. You are connected to your higher self and are living out your purpose, expressing your work on the planet on a daily basis. You are fully aware that your purpose is unique, focused and specific to whom you are. Your radiance is evident to others.
You know your first tone is disharmonious when you feel stuck in a dull repetitive job – like you are called to do something great, but unable to identify what it is. You don’t have the courage to break away from the secure monthly paycheck, opening the space to discover your special contribution to the world. You feel abandoned by God.
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent headaches, sinus pressure around the eyes, bad eyesight, cataracts, glaucoma, insomnia, paranoia or depression
Your second tone is active when clarity of mind is a regular and natural state for you. Having a calm, primed mind gives you a powerful presence in this world. You don’t need any external means to stay sharp and clear – in stead, you easily tap into the unlimited resources of your intelligence. Other people respect you for your quick mind and ability to see things clearly. Your life is a series of synchronicities and you feel the flow of life on a daily basis.
You know your second tone is inactive when you feel a lack of mental clarity, good memory, or the ability to handle stress. You are unable to stay focused and efficient, and unable of relaxing your mind to heal negative thought patterns that cloud your life. You feel confused and often lose sight of the big picture. You wish could get a bird’s eye view of what is going on in your life.
Purpose: To ensure that messages from the pineal gland are communicated and integrated within your body. The home of DNA programming and re-programming
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Teeth-grinding, issues with mouth, teeth, or gums, nervous breakdown, neurosis, psychosis, anxiety disorders
You know your third tone is active when you realize that living out your true potential is not defined by right or wrong, good or bad, normal or strange. You live your life in harmony and balance, unaffected by the opinions of others – even if they represent a majority. You have the courage to follow your dreams, free from “I shouldn’t”, “I ought to” and “I must”.
You know you need to focus on your third tone when you are caught in a situation because it is expected of you, or in a relationship because it’s ‘wrong’ to get a divorce. You feel uneasy with the unconventional and easily get embarrassed when those around you act out of the norm – especially in public! You care about what others think to a point where you will change your path to conform, even if deep down, you don’t really want to.
Tone 4: Communication
Physical Location: Thyroid Gland
Native Energy: Electro Magnetic
Native Aspects: Ether, Truth Aura
Color: Sky Blue
Purpose: To give you the gift of clear, truthful verbal and non-verbal communication
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Weakened immunity, swollen throat glands or frequent sore throat or laryngitis, hormonal imbalances, neck or upper back pain, thyroid problems, chronic sinus issues, lymphedema or hypothyroidism
When your fourth tone is active, you are not afraid of voicing your opinion, and those around you value what you have to say. They know you speak the truth, even if it is uncomfortable to some. You feel comfortable talking in front of large groups of people and know how to captivate them with your messages. You are a great judge of character, and are able to decode non-verbal as well as verbal communication.
You know your fourth tone is inactive when you feel uncomfortable delivering a difficult message, to yourself as well as to others. You often find yourself accepting things to be true, even if you know they’re not – “I’m OK with this”, “I’m glad I lost my job”, “It probably happened for the best”.
Tone 5: Love
Physical Location: Thymus Gland, Lung Region
Native Energy: Electrical
Native Aspects: Air, Happiness, Environment
Color: Green
Purpose: To create contentment, happiness, love and freedom
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Frequent upper respiratory ailments, chest pain, high blood pressure, heart problems, asthma, lung issues, breast problems, poor circulation, carpal tunnel, or problems with shoulders or arms
You know your fifth tone is healthy when you feel happy and loved. You know that you are complete in your own being, happy just the way you are, and no one can take that away from you. Loneliness is not a part of your life, but the sense of freedom to do what your heart desires is. You know the true meaning of forgiveness – of yourself and others.
You know that your fifth tone is inactive when you often feel a sense of abandonment and wish that people were there for you. Loneliness and the dominant desire to find the one true love that completes your life are recurring themes in your thoughts. Even if you want to let go and forgive, pain and hurt linger on in you, even years after.
Tone 6: Personal Power
Physical Location: Solar Plexus
Native Energy: Thermal
Native Aspects: Fire, Confidence, Strength
Color: Yellow
Purpose: To create a strong personal foundation and the power to say NO
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Diabetes or low blood sugar, digestive difficulties, liver problems, hiatal hernia, gallstones, varicose veins or stomach ulcers
When your sixth tone is active, you see the importance of taking care of your own needs before helping others. You are admired for your confidence and charisma and like to empower others to feel the same. You master the balance between staying true to yourself and working cohesively in a team. You never let anger bottle up inside, but make sure to address a conflict straight away.
You know your sixth tone is unhealthy when others cross your personal boundaries time and time again. However, you can’t let them know. You either feel very angry or completely powerless when a conflict arises. You put the need of others before your own, even if they don’t truly appreciate your help. You often feel like the scapegoat – as if people are out to get you.
Tone 7: Beauty
Physical Location: Womb or Sacrum
Native Energy: Chemical
Native Aspects: Water, Relationships, Emotions
Color: Orange
Purpose: To create sensations of beauty, gentility, femininity and creativity. The home of sensuality and sexuality
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Gynecological problems (such as fibroids, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, or ovarian problems), prostate problems, bowel disorders, low back pain, or bladder or urinary issues, eating disorder or intestinal parasites
You know your seventh tone is active when you cherish the relationship with yourself as your most important one. You embrace all aspects of your intimate and emotional life, and let yourself feel vulnerable and cry if you feel sad. You are happy with your body and know that it is beautiful because you made it so. Your sense of creativity is expressed in different areas of you life: when cooking, when playing with your children or when making love, just to mention some.
You know your seventh tone is inactive if your sense of perfection overrules your sense of creativity. You feel uncomfortable with the unknown and prefer to stick to the plan. Intimacy is a challenging area of you life, and you don’t like showing emotions. You rarely experience a sense of good chemistry with people you have just met – it takes a while for you to let people in.
Tone 8: Abundance
Physical Location: Rectum
Native Energy: Physical
Native Aspects: Earth, Blood, Sex, Money
Color: Red
Purpose: To make money with what you love. Have great sex. Manifest abundance
Symptoms of Dysfunction: Foot or leg pain, spinal problems, low bone density, adrenal issues, colon problems, hemorrhoids, sexual dysfunction (impotence or frigidity)
You know your eighth tone is active when you are making money, doing what you love. Other people admire you for your ability to create abundance and opportunities in all aspects of your life – money, sex and love – and to act on them with swiftness and grace. You feel safe in life and never let fear get the best of you.
You know your eighth tone is inactive when you feel trapped in money matters – no matter how much you work, there never seems to be enough. You work to live – not live to work. Your sex life doesn’t bring you joy, and neither do spiders, snakes, small rooms or large crowds – phobias are not unknown territory to you.
In this article we will see what various researchers in this field, which has been given the name of Cymatics, have concluded.
– Is there a connection between sound, vibrations and physical reality?
– Do sound and vibrations have the potential to create?
What is a Cymatic water-sound-motion?
Water in a round cup, that is oscillating up and down with a certain frequency, will react on this impulse with waves on her surface. The water oscillates up and down in the middle, like when a stone is thrown in a pool. Like there a ringwave will grow out, and is been followed by other circular waves, all with the same centre, so concentric.
Ernst Chladni
In 1787, the jurist, musician and physicist Ernst Chladni published Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klangesor ( Discoveries Concerning the Theory of Sound). In this and other pioneering works, Chladni, who was born in 1756, the same year as Mozart, and died in 1829, the same year as Beethoven, laid the foundations for that discipline within physics that came to be called acoustics, the science of sound. Among Chladni´s successes was finding a way to make visible what sound waves generate. With the help of a violin bow which he drew perpendicularly across the edge of flat plates covered with sand, he produced those patterns and shapes which today go by the term Chladni figures. What was the significance of this discovery? Chladni demonstrated once and for all that sound actually does affect physical matter and that it has the quality of creating geometric patterns.
Chladni figures.
What we are seeing in this illustration is primarily two things: areas that are and are not vibrating. When a flat plate of an elastic material is vibrated, the plate oscillates not only as a whole but also as parts. The boundaries between these vibrating parts, which are specific for every particular case, are called node lines and do not vibrate. The other parts are oscillating constantly. If sand is then put on this vibrating plate, the sand (black in the illustration) collects on the non-vibrating node lines. The oscillating parts or areas thus become empty. According to Jenny, the converse is true for liquids; that is to say, water lies on the vibrating parts and not on the node lines.
Lissajous Figures
In 1815 the American mathematician Nathaniel Bowditch began studying the patterns created by the intersection of two sine curves whose axes are perpendicular to each other, sometimes called Bowditch curves but more often Lissajous figures (see left and below images).
This after the French mathematician Jules-Antoine Lissajous, who, independently of Bowditch, investigated them in 1857-58. Both concluded that the condition for these designs to arise was that the frequencies, or oscillations per second, of both curves stood in simple whole-number ratios to each other, such as 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and so on. In fact, one can produce Lissajous figures even if the frequencies are not in perfect whole-number ratios to each other. If the difference is insignificant, the phenomenon that arises is that the designs keep changing their appearance. They move. What creates the variations in the shapes of these designs is the phase differential, or the angle between the two curves. In other words, the way in which their rhythms or periods coincide. If, on the other hand, the curves have different frequencies and are out of phase with each other, intricate web-like designs arise. These Lissajous figures are all visual examples of waves that meet each other at right angles.
Lissajous figures. The result of two sine curves meeting at right angles. Illustration: Typoform, Jenny W. Bryant, Swedish National Encyclopedia
As I pondered the connection between these figures and other areas of knowledge, I came to think about the concept that exists in many societies and their mythologies around the world, which describes the world as a web.
For example, many of the Mesoamerican people regarded the various parts of the universe as products of spinning and weaving: “Conception and birth were/…/ compared with the acts of spinning and weaving; all the Aztec and Mayan creation and fertility goddesses were described as great weavers.”(1) A number of waves crossing each other at right angles look like a woven pattern, and it is precisely that they meet at 90-degree angles that gives rise to Lissajous figures.
Hans Jenny
In 1967, the late Hans Jenny, a Swiss doctor, artist, and researcher, published the bilingual book Kymatik -Wellen und Schwingungen mit ihrer Struktur und Dynamik/ Cymatics – The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations. In this book Jenny, like Chladni two hundred years earlier, showed what happens when one takes various materials like sand, spores, iron filings, water, and viscous substances, and places them on vibrating metal plates and membranes. What then appears are shapes and motion- patterns which vary from the nearly perfectly ordered and stationary to those that are turbulently developing, organic, and constantly in motion.
Jenny made use of crystal oscillators and an invention of his own by the name of the tonoscope to set these plates and membranes vibrating. This was a major step forward. The advantage with crystal oscillators is that one can determine exactly which frequency and amplitude/volume one wants. It was now possible to research and follow a continuous train of events in which one had the possibility of changing the frequency or the amplitude or both.
The tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link. This yielded the amazing possibility of being able to see the physical image of the vowel, tone or song a human being produced directly. (se below) Not only could you hear a melody – you could see it, too!
Jenny called this new area of research cymatics, which comes from the Greek kyma, wave. Cymatics could be translated as: the study of how vibrations, in the broad sense, generate and influence patterns, shapes and moving processes.
The Creative Vibration
What did Hans Jenny find in his investigations?
In the first place, Jenny produced both the Chladni figures and Lissajous figures in his experiments. He discovered also that if he vibrated a plate at a specific frequency and amplitude – vibration – the shapes and motion patterns characteristic of that vibration appeared in the material on the plate. If he changed the frequency or amplitude, the development and pattern were changed as well. He found that if he increased the frequency, the complexity of the patterns increased, the number of elements became greater. If on the other hand he increased the amplitude, the motions became all the more rapid and turbulent and could even create small eruptions, where the actual material was thrown up in the air.
The development of a pattern in sand (step by step).
Swinging water drops (by Hans Jenny)
Sand patterns as a function of the size of the plate
The shapes, figures and patterns of motion that appeared proved to be primarily a function of frequency, amplitude, and the inherent characteristics of the various materials. He also discovered that under certain conditions he could make the shapes change continuously, despite his having altered neither frequency nor amplitude!
The vowel A in sand
When Jenny experimented with fluids of various kinds he produced wave motions, spirals, and wave-like patterns in continuous circulation. In his research with plant spores, he found an enormous variety and complexity, but even so, there was a unity in the shapes and dynamic developments that arose. With the help of iron filings, mercury, viscous liquids, plastic-like substances and gases, he investigated the three-dimensional aspects of the effect of vibration.
In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels, while our modern languages, on the other hand, did not generate the same result! How is this possible? Did the ancient Hebrews and Indians know this? Is there something to the concept of “sacred language,” which both of these are sometimes called? What qualities do these “sacred languages,” among which Tibetan, Egyptian and Chinese are often numbered, possess? Do they have the power to influence and transform physical reality, to create things through their inherent power, or, to take a concrete example, through the recitation or singing of sacred texts, to heal a person who has gone “out of tune”?
to read the rest of the article, for sources, etc., go to:
It is completely appropriate that this new year begins on a Sunday, the traditional first day of the week, signifying new beginning, changes, revelations, choices, and so much more. This will be a year of firsts in so many ways. Change will be a major theme this year, and some of it can be dramatic, even cataclysmic. Secrets will be coming out at a faster pace than ever before. There is a potential for war and famine to strike deeply, swiftly, and harshly. And then things will make an 180 degree turn. Peace will return, accompanied by political strife that will not really affect the masses of the population as they have learned many hard lessons through the war times. In drought and famine stricken areas, the weather will become clement, but with the possibility of too much moisture. The happy medium will be difficult to reach, especially in the first half of they year. Continue reading →
This last week of 2011 will be full of bouts of deja vu and all the emotions, oddness, and wonder that these entail. Look around yourself and be aware of your environment. There are subtle shift and changes going on there, as well as in your personal life and with friends and family. These are all part of a larger wave of change that is beginning as the energies crescendo into the coming year. Be aware of the expectations of those around you and do not take them as your own unless you are truly feeling the same way. At this time, many of the old illusions are shattering. This can lead to feelings of anger , fear, and discontent among many. Do not fall into it. This week, stay grounded and centered. Have for yourself a mantra or talisman or other centering device that can get you away from the craziness around you. Trust your intuition. It can lead you out of sticky situations.
On the larger scene, change, change, change. Emotions will run high which can lead to volatile political, social, and economic situations. The anticipation that something was going to develop by year’s end is going to bring about disappointment, blame, and name calling. Earth movements and weather events will continue, but on a smaller scale. This is not because they have stopped or are quieting, rather it is because things are moving towards a crescendo which will unleash as the New Year begins. There can again be strange signs in the skies, some of which will easily be explained away, while others will be commented upon and dismissed as a real explanation cannot be found. There will be an individual in the news who will be making weird and out of character comments. They can be laughed away, but the truth of those words will eventually come out. Also, many people, friends, and animals will be choosing this week to leave. There is a finality in the energy of this week that many are recognizing. They do not chose to deal with the new energies coming in and have decided they need to move on.
Sunday, December 25: Surprise Blue
Merry Christmas to All!!! this is a great day for surprises and surprising, so be open to it all. You will find yourself both nostalgic and excited at future prospects at the same time. Look for some unexpected behaviors and giftings from people you know. There is wonder in the air today a things fall into place, only to shift again into something else. You can find this fun and wonderful or scary, it s all a matter of perception. the energies are merging and melding, it is time to be observer and participant. With what is happening now, you can take a directing hand in what is coming your way. WIsh for and only accept what you truly desire.
Crystal Vibration: Green Vesuvianite—-Ah, the potent energy of Isis is alive in this stone. It links you to the stars, bringing calm and realization, and a feeling of being home. Resonates with the Heart and Upper Chakras.
Monday, December 26: Matte White
This is a good day for kicking back and just relaxing. It is time to do something that you want to do because you wish to do it and not because of anyone or anything else. There is a kind of hinting in the day’s energies os be alert to subtle signals and voices on the wind. There is much you can learn from these things. Plans can change today and it is best to go along with the changes. As the year come to an end, there are lessons that you still need to learn and the blips along your way for the next few days are telling you of what to expect in the coming year.
Crystal Vibration: Aurichalcite—-The energy of this mineral is conductive and can bring energies into the body, while at the same time regulating other seemingly unrelated energies. Resonates with the Crown and Eleventh Chakras.
Tuesday, December 27: Yellow Rose
There is a sense today that everything is returning to normal, but that is merely an illusion. Things that come and go today, though seemingly familiar, will leave you questioning. Look for a message that indicates a new direction. It is something you have known about but have been waiting for because you were not trusting your intuition. It is time to stop questioning when those messages come your way and accept the advice they are giving. This is a day for hearing the meaning behind the words, seeing the movement behind the obvious, and feeling the truth behind the seeming. Stay in your power, and go to your heart’s knowing.
Crystal Vibration: Pyrophylite—-The energy of this mineral creates a vibration between the Root and Crown Chakras. It assists in balance.
Wednesday, December 28: Light Pink
Watch out for excess today. There will be times when you are going to want to say too much, do too much, eat too much, drink too much…. You get the idea. But you can find that these things will come back to haunt you. The energies today favor observation, consideration, and patience. Step back from things going on around you. Do not give your opinion unless you are sure it is what you truly mean. If possible, stay away from people who push your buttons. There are those out there who are just looking for a reason to blame someone else for their stuff. As the day winds down, there will be a quiet calm developing in the evening hours. You can encounter some amazing things in that energy if you are alert.
Crystal Vibration: Sphalerite—-The energy of this mineral assists in the removal of toxins, through vibrationally focusing on and targeting blockages. It can aid when one needs to sort the message out from the chatter. Resonates with the Root, Throat, and Ninth Chakras.
Thursday, December 29: Periwinkle Blue
Celebration is in the air today. You will feel it as you awake. The feeling is more gentle than uproarious, and you might feel that it is something you would like to keep to yourself and treasure. Honor that sense, for as the day moves on, you will find just the right people to share it with. Or perhaps you will choose to infuse that feeling into a creative endeavor. Who can tell. there is something special there, and it is good to take it in and know it. It will bring solace to your heart, and then share it if that seems right. Take time today to center and ground. Meditation is good right now, it can bring some clarity.
Crystal Vibration: Pyroxmangite—-This mineral resonates with the heart, bringing strength and healing. It also hums in tune with the aura and the Grandmother frequency. Resonates with the Crown and Upper Chakras, while tuning into the Root.
Friday, December 30: Light Grey Blue
You can be heaving a sigh of relief today as things that you were dreading have not materialized the way you expected. Take this as a lesson in intention and expectation. By putting too much angst into things that are on your calendar, you can actually blow them out of proportion in terms of what they ultimately mean. You do have more control of matters in your life than you thought. Take a look around yourself today appreciate the things that you have created. Honor yourself. Do not be humble, and do not give credit to others. Oftentimes people cross our paths to give us direction, learning, and help, but you are the one with the choice to heed or not. There is pattern there, a warp and weft, that intermesh to expose the greater pattern that is your life.
Crystal Vibration: Pyroxmangite—-This vibration continues into the energy of today, working with the heart, bringing strength and healing. It tonifies the aura, bringing new light into the physicality. It hearkens to the wisdom of the Grandmother. Resonates with the Heart, Crown and Upper Chakras, while tuning into the Root.
Saturday, December 31: Dark Cerulean
You are looking at today with either a sigh of relief or a feeling of anticipation. Both approaches are correct. The energies of the day are somewhat cyclonic. Things are whirling around and around, and you have the opportunity to choose what it is that you are wanting to pull out of the whirlwind. If you are wanting to create something, be brave enough to make the request then let it go. It will come back according to your desire. Again, watch what you wish for. The vagaries of fate at times take over, but you have the power to shape and mold things to what you truly in your heart are desiring. That which is in harmony with the vibration of Universal consciousness and in your bet and highest interests is what will manifest in this energy if you allow.
Crystal Vibration: Ajoite—-The energies of this stone call forth the hidden elements in one’s nature, bringing them forth from times in which they were beaten down and hidden. Resonates with the Higher Chakras.
Two Diamonds Linked by Strange Quantum Entanglement
Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 01 December 2011 Time: 02:00 PM ET
The vibrational states of two spatially separated, millimeter-sized diamonds are entangled at room temperature by beaming laser light at them (green). The researchers verified this entanglement by studying the subsequent laser pulses beamed through the system.
Scientists have linked two diamonds in a mysterious process called entanglement that is normally only seen on the quantum scale.
Entanglement is so weird that Einstein dubbed it “spooky action at a distance.” It’s a strange effect where one object gets connected to another so that even if they are separated by large distances, an action performed on one will affect the other. Entanglement usually occurs with subatomic particles, and was predicted by the theory of quantum mechanics, which governs the realm of the very small.
But now physicists have succeeded in entangling two macroscopic diamonds, demonstrating that quantum mechanical effects are not limited to the microscopic scale.
“I think it’s an important step into a new regime of thinking about quantum phenomena,” physicist Ian Walmsley of England’s University of Oxford said.”That is, in this regime of the bigger world, room temperatures, ambient conditions. Although the phenomenon was expected to exist, actually being able to observe it in such a system we think is quite exciting.”
Another study recently used quantum entanglement to teleport bits of light from one place to another. And other researchers have succeeded in entangling macroscopic objects before, but they have generally been under special circumstances, prepared in special ways, and cooled to cryogenic temperatures. In the new achievement, the diamonds were large and not prepared in any special way, the researchers said.
“It’s big enough you can see it,” Walmsley told LiveScience of the diamonds.”They’re sitting on the table, out in plain view. The laboratory isn’t particularly cold or particularly hot, it’s just your everyday room.”
Walmsley, along with a team of physicists led by Oxford graduate student Ka Chung Lee, accomplished this feat by entangling the vibration of two diamond crystals. To do so, the researchers set up an apparatus to send a laser pulse at both diamonds simultaneously. Sometimes, the laser light changed color, to a lower frequency, after hitting the diamonds. That told the scientists it had lost a bit of energy.
Because energy must be conserved in closed systems (where there’s no input of outside energy), the researchers knew that the “lost” energy had been used in some way. In fact, the energy had been converted into vibrational motion for one of the diamonds (albeit motion that is too small to observe visually). However, the scientists had no way of knowing which diamond was vibrating.
Then, the researchers sent a second pulse of laser light through the now-vibrating system. This time, if the light emerged with a color of higher frequency, it meant it had gained the energy back by absorbing it from the diamond, stopping its vibration.
The scientists had set up two separate detectors to measure the laser light — one for each diamond.
If the two diamonds weren’t entangled, the researchers would expect each detector to register a changed laser beam about 50 percent of the time. It’s similar to tossing a coin, where random chance would lead to heads about half the time and tails the other half the time on average.
Instead, because the two diamonds were linked, they found that one detector measured the change every time, and the other detector never fired. The two diamonds, it seemed, were so connected they reacted as a single entity, rather than two individual objects.
The scientists report their results in the Dec. 2 issue of the journal Science.
“Recent advances in quantum control techniques have allowed entanglement to be observed for physical systems with increasing complexity and separation distance,” University of Michigan physicist Luming Duan, who was not involved in the study, wrote in an accompanying essay in the same issue of Science.”Lee et al. take an important step in this direction by demonstrating entanglement between oscillation patterns of atoms—phonon modes—of two diamond samples of millimeter size at room temperature, separated by a macroscopic distance of about 15 cm.”
In addition to furthering scientists’ understanding of entanglement, the research could help develop faster computers called photonic processors, relying on quantum effects, said Oxford physicist Michael Sprague, another team member on the project.
“The long-term goal is that if you can harness the power of quantum phenomena, you can potentially do things more efficiently than is currently possible,” Sprague said.
“Happiness is what we feel when our biochemicals of emotion, the neuropeptides and their receptors, are open and flowing freely. . . . It is a scientific fact that we can feel what others feel.The oneness of all life is based on this simple reality. Our molecules of emotion are all vibrating together.” –research biologist Candace Pert, author of the bestselling bookMolecules of Emotion.
Because we human beings are so interrelated from an energetic perspective, there is a refreshing optimism in energy-medicine approaches and in the practice of Healing Touch. In essence, the presence of a focused, intentional practitioner facilitates healing and movement toward well-being for someone who is in distress. The work offers a beacon of hope in relieving physical and/or emotional pain. It serves as a fine complement to conventional medical interventions and is an essential component for preventive and integrative healing practices.
Current science does not yet fully understand all the dynamics involved in achieving the effects noted in energy medicine, but relief from human suffering abounds in the clinical reports of HT practitioners. Even though the exact mechanisms are not yet fully known, use of this well-recognized practice is sought out and welcomed.
Take, for example, people who are very anxious about diagnostic tests or specific medical procedures. It’s common knowledge that anxiety and worry by themselves can increase pain symptoms and block the flow of biochemicals essential for a procedure to be effective. Psychological concerns and expectations, either positive or negative, decidedly help to shape outcomes. The presence of a caring HT practitioner can help promote much-needed relaxation as patients think of new ways to anticipate a procedure and focus on positive outcomes.
In this chapter, we’ll consider the growing scientific evidence for seeing the human body as a series of vibrating electromagnetic fields that can be positively influenced without the invasion of foreign substances such as chemicals or drugs. We begin with the realities of current medical practices that point to the vibrational nature of the body for diagnosis and treatment. We’ll continue with a brief discussion of modern physics with its views toward unlimited, open-ended possibilities as opposed to ideas of direct cause and effect. Emerging concepts in neurosciences such as neuroplasticity will be explored with an eye to the vast capabilities of the human mind to influence health and wholeness. And, perhaps most exciting of all, we’ll look at the new biology that demonstrates the direct effect of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors on cellular messaging and expression of genetic material.
Scientists describe their understanding of the world through theoretical models. The concept of human energies as a vibratory matrix of nonmaterial structures, such as those described in the previous chapter, gives a useful starting place. These vibratory structures seem to interact with identified physical structures such as cells, fluids, and organs to facilitate the flow of information throughout the body. We might think of this informational system as a flowing river that can be impeded where there are blocks to its flow pathways. Such impeded areas can cause disturbance, congestion, and subsequent illness in our bodies. The concept of energy-flow patterns is thus a useful model for understanding human illness and how we might alleviate further suffering. For example, determining how energy flows in a given part of the body is already a part of conventional medical diagnostics. As we shall learn, medicine is becoming more and more energetic in practice, even though the mechanisms for its effects are not yet fully explainable. Other more effective models, theories, and inferences will undoubtedly emerge as science evolves.
Vibrational Medicine
Practitoners of Western medicine are becoming more interested in understanding how energy moves in the body as medical science considers the electrical and magnetic qualities of the human organism. For diagnosis, a variety of noninvasive scanners can now give feedback about molecular exchanges within soft tissue. Sophisticated scans such as CT (computerized tomography), PET (positron emission tomography), and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), show areas of constriction or obstruction that interfere with healthy flow patterns within cells and organ tissue.
The EKG (electrocardiogram) and the EEG (electroencephalogram) measure the electrical outputs of the heart and brain and then compare those outputs to normal electrical outputs in healthy persons. Newer tools, such as the EMC (electromagnetic cardiogram) and EMEG (electromagnetic encephalogram), additionally measure the magnetic outputs of heart and brain, which give even more accurate details of deviations from normal function in these vital organs. Technology using SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) allows scientists to measure the human biofield and evaluate relative bodily strengths.
Medical treatments are also becoming less invasive as comprehension of the electromagnetic nature of the body increases. Orthopedic surgeon Robert O. Becker began to explore the electrical circuitry of the human body to treat complex bone fractures that did not heal with known methods in the late 1960s. He identified numerous direct currents of electricity that flowed throughout the body and found they reversed their flow pattern or direction at the site of an injury. When this “current of injury” was supported with a small amount of electrical stimulation, bone healing occurred.
Over the next several decades, Dr. Becker mapped out the energetic grids of the body and surmised that the energy system paralleled the nervous system in providing the communication of information to all parts of the organism. Unlike the nervous system, however, this system is nonmaterial and electromagnetic in nature. Thus, humans and higher life forms have dual information systems: 1) the nervous system with its many physical components such as nerve cells, dendrites, axons, and the spinal cord, and 2) the subtle energies that are electromagnetic in form, which I like to call the human vibrational matrix. These dual systems seem to augment each other to ensure optimal functioning. If a part of the body is diseased or surgically removed, other cells learn to take over missing functions as much as possible through our energetic information networks.
Almost every day, new concepts for stimulating electromagnetic areas within the body are being developed to treat illness. Current energy-related treatments include high-frequency sound waves to break up kidney stones, electricity to relieve pain and shrink tumors, focused radiation to pinpoint and destroy specific cancers, electromagnetic fields to accelerate bone healing, laser surgeries to minimize tissue damage, and magnetic fields to alleviate inflammation associated with arthritis. Further explorations in modern medicine continue to study the presence of differing electromagnetic frequencies within the body to find new and more effective treatments.
The energy resources of the body can also bring about balance within body and mind to prevent illness or further disability. Working with HT is known to bring about relaxation, relief from anxiety, a sense of well-being, and enhanced wound healing and immune system function. (These effects are confirmed by ongoing and extensive research cited in the next chapter.) Because of these effects, many physicians are now encouraging their patients to explore energy therapies as part of treatment planning.
As the waves of light step up more and more, light, wisdom, and knowledge become increasingly available to us. The more you can anchor the light and re-member “you” the quicker the awakening will be and the more “play” time you get to experience. You will enjoy yourself and become more fluid and flexible in assisting others.
For many, the coming months and years will be very confusing and emotional. Those who rely on the emotional patterns of sympathy and empathy in order to understand or experience others will experience a charged emotional electromagnetic pull into those feelings, beliefs and thoughts of others. Let me say that again: If you rely on empathy and sympathy you will find these charged electromagnetic patterns will pull you into the feelings, thoughts and drama of those standing in front of you.
Reaction Vs Response
Most of us can clearly remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard about the events of 9/11. As the event unfolded, two waves of energy moved around the world:
A 3-D Reaction wave of energy, steeped in fear.
A 4-D Response wave that asked, “What can I do? How can I help?”
The people in New York got the first wave of fear in their space, followed by the second wave which moved many people into a 4th dimensional vibration of compassion that involved no thinking and no conditions. All that mattered was that well-being was brought back into balance. These two waves are moving again and you have the choice of moving between them on your terms. You need to stay observant, clear and purposeful and hold a vibrational tone that keeps you above the vibrations of the lower three chakras.
Many of us are now dissolving and releasing much of these past/future time-loop patterns. You are losing or releasing memories, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and habits that no longer have importance to you but, through the Law of Attraction, they are still magnetizing similar experiences into your life. Have you found that old thought patterns are coming up through your reality?
These patterns are being taken out of your space, so don’t try to stop the patterns or argue with them or ask why they are there. It is old stuff that is being released. It isn’t important where it came from, so just allow yourself to let it go. Then shift your attention to something that is uplifting and be happy. If you can do that you will also find these patterns are being dissolved from the world around you. Soon you won.t even remember a lot of those old patterns because they’re being erased from your 3rd dimensional time-loop.
As you remove a past experience that you were projecting into the future you will be moved right into a present time consciousness where the opportunity to choose is becoming readily available. If you ask why, stay in blame, or look for answers, you will find that those old emotional patterns get stuck. The more patterns you can let go of by just being happy, the easier you will get through the next few years.
An earlier article asked the question, “Do you know where you start and where you stop?” The aura of a balanced person extends about an arm’s length away from their physical body. It radiates in every direction. Hold your arm out in front of you now and pretend you are holding a rose between your fingertips. Using your imagination, envision the universe starting on the other side of that rose. Do the same to the left and right of you and behind you, leaving a rose at each of those points, then place a rose above your head. If you trace imaginary lines and join all the roses you will create a four-sided pyramid around you. Its base will be running through your heart chakra and its apex will be about 18 inches above your crown. Repeat this exercise, only this time place a rose about 18 inches below your feet and connect more imaginary lines to create a downward-pointing pyramid. Connect the bases of each pyramid (base to base) at the level of your heart. This creates an 8-sided, diamond-shaped pattern around you called an octahedron. Next, fill the eight sides (8 triangles) with light. The space inside this geometry is you and everything outside this field defines the rest of the universe.
If you stay within this geometric template of light, you will not be the effect of other people’s emotions, thoughts and erratic behaviors and you will not take on their feelings as if they were your own. Without this geometry in place, and without knowing where you start and end, you feel the effect of other people’s energy. Outside energies have been influencing how you experience yourself all of your life. From inside your octahedron, other people’s energy will feel more like a soft rain pelting against a windowpane instead of like being caught in a raging monsoon.
Remember: What other people think of you, or how other people vibrate, is really none of your business. Your business is only about you. Your safety, your joy, you enthusiasm, your education, and your ability to express yourself are all about you and your path. As you build this geometry and play in it, allow yourself to observe everything from within it. You are going to find that much of the 3-D noise and attention that you have felt from others begins to drop away.
Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North or 775-851-8950 ~ Copyright: You may share this article with your friends as long it is kept whole and our website is included. Thank you.