New briefing deck on what to do about bird flu
20 slides: concise, complete

Story at a Glance:
•After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed.”
•After seeing countless patient cases which can only be explained by COVID vaccine shedding, a year ago, I initiated multiple widely seen calls for individuals to share suspected shedding experiences.
•From those 1,500 reports, clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology.
•Likewise, after being blocked from publication for over a year, recently, a scientific study corroborating the shedding phenomenon was finally published.
•This article will map out everything that is known about shedding (e.g., what are the common symptoms, how does it happen, who does it affect, does it occur through sexual contact, can it cause severe issues like cancer) along with strategies for preventing it.
When doctors in this movement speak at events about vaccines, by far the most common question they receive is, “Is vaccine shedding real?”
This is understandable as COVID-19 vaccine shedding (becoming ill from vaccinated individuals) represents the one way the unvaccinated are also at risk from the vaccines and hence still need to be directly concerned about them.
Simultaneously, it’s a challenging topic as:
•We believe it is critical to not publicly espouse divisive ideas (e.g., “PureBloods” vs. those who were vaccinated) that prevent the public from coming together and helping everyone. The vaccines were marketed on the basis of division (e.g., by encouraging immense discrimination against the unvaccinated), and many unvaccinated individuals thus understandably hold a lot of resentment for how the vaccinated treated them. We do not want to perpetuate anything similar (e.g., discrimination in the other direction).
•We don’t want to create any more unnecessary fear—which is an inevitable consequence of opening up a conversation about shedding.
•In theory, shedding with the mRNA vaccines should be “impossible,” so claiming otherwise puts one on very shaky ground.
Conversely, if shedding is real, we believe it is critical to expose as:
•Those being affected by it are in a horrible situation, particularly if everyone is gaslighting them about it and insisting it’s all in their head.
•It provides one of the strongest arguments to pull the mRNA vaccines from the market and prohibit the widespread deployment of mRNA technologies in the future.
For those reasons, Pierre Kory and I have spent the last year and a half trying to collect as much evidence as possible to map out this phenomenon with the following data sets:
•Dozens of extremely compelling patient histories1,2,3 from Kory and Marsland’s medical practice, including many responding to spike protein treatment.
•My own experience with patients and friends affected by shedding.
• I read large numbers of reports of shedding in (now deleted) online support groups.
•Roughly 1,500 reports from individuals affected by shedding we were able to collect.
•Extensive menstrual data compiled by MyCycleStory.
From that and the hundreds of hours of work that went into it (particularly reviewing and sorting the 1,500 reports), we can state the following with relative certainty:
1. Shedding is very real (e.g., each of those datasets is congruent with the others), and many of the stories of those affected by it are very sad.
2. People’s sensitivity to it dramatically varies.
3. Most of the people who are sensitive to shedding have already figured it out.
4. Mechanistically, shedding is very difficult to explain. However, now that new evidence has emerged, a much stronger case can be made for the mechanisms I initially proposed a year ago.
Note: if you have a shedding experience you would like to share (or wish to read through them), please do so here, where they are compiled.
By far, the most common symptom of shedding is unusual and disrupted menstrual bleeding (which is also the most common COVID vaccine injury). This in turn, was the first thing that alerted me to the inconceivable possibility the vaccines could shed, as I quickly received many similar reports of highly unusual menstrual bleeding, which appeared to be due to exposure to someone who was vaccinated.
After this, the most common symptoms were headaches, flu-like illnesses, nosebleeds, fatigue, rashes, tinnitus, sinus or nasal issues, and shingles. Other less frequent symptoms are also repeatedly seen (e.g., palpitations, herpes outbreaks, and hair loss).
Additionally, many noticed they could immediately tell when they were in the vicinity of a shedder, typically either due to noticing a unique odor or symptoms immediately onsetting.
Generally speaking, the character of shedding symptoms were quite similar to long COVID and vaccine injuries, but typically were more superficial in nature, suggesting the body was reacting to a harmful external pathogenic factor rather than one already deep inside the body. More severe issues (e.g., cancers or heart attacks) also occurred, but these were much rarer than what you saw in the vaccine injured population, again suggesting shedding was primarily an external reaction. Interestingly, most of the (fairly varied) shedding symptoms overlap with the conditions DMSO treats (e.g., strokes), suggesting that DMSO’s key mechanisms of action (e.g., increasing blood flow, eliminating large and small blood clots, being highly anti-inflammatory, and rescuing cells from the cell danger response) are the exact opposite of what shedding does to the body.
Note: in the following sections, each superscript citation links to individual reports I’ve received about the phenomenon. I provided these citations to show how frequent many of these effects were, so that those who’d experienced them could see many others had too, and so that anyone who wants to research this has access to the primary data. The only shedding symptom I avoided comprehensively citing was abnormal menstruation, as so many reports were received, it was not feasible to compile all of them.
In the same manner that there is a fairly high replicability in the symptoms individuals who are affected by shedding experience, there is also a fairly high congruency in the patterns of how they are affected. Specifically:
1. Some individuals are hypersensitive to shedders and can immediately detect when they are in the presence of a shedder or are on their way to developing harmful symptoms.
2. Others are less sensitive, but quickly notice specific characteristic symptoms consistently occur following shedding exposures (e.g., always feeling ill when a vaccinated husband returns from a long trip away, when going to church each week, when singing with their choir, or when taking a crowded route to work).
In some cases, they are able to identify a “super shedder” (amongst a group) who consistently made them ill, and in many cases they can identify the exact shedding incident that made them ill. Likewise, through tracking serial spike protein antibody levels (e.g., for patients undergoing treatment for long Covid or a vaccine injury) we’ve objectively corroborated that shedding exposures repeatedly worsen these patients (providing an explanation for why their symptoms “inexplicably” ebb and flow), that this can be seen objectively in their lab work and that spike protein treatments after shedding exposures clinically improve these patients.
Note: Pierre Kory’s practice has been able to determine that those they suspect are a shedder (e.g., a husband) test positive (through an antibody test) for a high spike protein levels and that eliminating the shedder from the patient’s life or treating the (asymptomatic) shedder with a vaccine injury protocol frequently significantly improves their patient’s recovery. Likewise, readers here have reported significant improvements from avoiding shedders—which sadly in some cases has required the more sensitive individuals to isolate themselves from society.
3. In the majority of cases, the effects of shedding are temporary and go away, but in a subset of people, they can last for months if not years.
4. Recognition of the shedding phenomenon has forced many to significantly change their lives. This included regretfully terminating a long-term romantic relationship, leaving their line of work (e.g., some massage therapists can no longer handle working on vaccinated clients), or only seeing unvaccinated healthcare providers (e.g., numerous people reported getting ill from vaccinated chiropractors or massage therapists, and we now periodically will have patients state they can only see us if we are unvaccinated).
5. The “stronger” the shedding exposure, the more likely shedding is to cause issues, but conversely, for more sensitive patients, “weaker” exposures also will. More substantial exposures include being around someone who was recently vaccinated or boosted (as shedding is strongest initially), being around more shedders, being in a confined space (e.g., a car) with a shedder for a prolonged period, or having close physical contact with a shedder.
Note: given all of this, I thought flying on airlines would be a significant issue, but I have only received two reports from readers where this was the case.
6. There appear to be some unexplained symptoms otherwise healthy patients now experience that are tied to shedding. However, it’s still often very challenging to tease out when shedding is the culprit due to how many variables are involved and the ambiguity of the subject (which is part of why so much detail has gone into this post so each of you can figure out if you are being affected by shedding).
In general, there are three categories of people who are susceptible to shedding (and in many cases these categories overlap).
The first are the sensitive patients (e.g., those who frequently react to chemicals or get injured by pharmaceuticals). For example, near the start of the vaccine rollout (before I was aware that shedding was an issue), I saw this video and genuinely wondered if it was real as many of its claims were quite extraordinary but at the same time, were somewhat in line with what a highly sensitive patient (of whom I know many) would describe.
To read the rest of the article, go to:
Greetings and Best Wishes,
The FOI described below was inspired by a special lady named
Peggy lives in/at Orange County, California and has helped many people across her nation navigate the “hogwash” rolled out by “public serpents” under the guise of protecting everyone from “the cooties”.
Peggy never bought into the “suffocation devices”, realizes that poisons (quackcines) cannot be made “safer for everyone” and she doesn’t pretend that restoring confidence in the corrupt clown-shows called FDA, CDC or NIH would be a good thing. She’s a breath of fresh air with an optimistic outlook and plans on “marching this all the way to heaven”.
Because “the Orange County Board of Supervisors has refused to hold a public meeting — as required by law” to review the fake-emergency conditions and then to terminate the fake-emergency at the earliest possible date, Peggy filed a “writ of Mandate” against the County in September 2021. She has many articles/videos discussing the corrupt/delusional people at the County:
So, inspired by Peggy, on April 29, 2024 I filed a freedom of information order with Frank Kim (since retired) acting as County Executive Officer, County Administration North, “Orange County” for all studies/reports held by the institution that scientifically:
I included a reminder that scientific proof/evidence requires use of the scientific method to test falsifiable hypotheses through valid, rigorous, repeatable controlled experiments and that this requires a valid independent variable (suspected “virus” particles that were found in sick “hosts” and purified).
And as usual I asked that if records matching my request were held by the County but were already publicly available, I be given citations so that I may identify and access each one. I also clarified that my request was not limited to records authored by someone at the County but included records authored by anyone, anywhere, ever.
May 3, 2024:
David Kim acting as Program Manager, County Executive Office | Government & Community Relations confessed (pg 9) that:
“….the Health Care Agency is unable to locate records responsive to your request”
…which was to be expected since virology has always been pseudoscience, no virus has ever been shown to exist, contagion is “public health” mythology and literally hundreds of previous FOI responses from 40 different countries also yielded zero valid scientific evidence of any purported “virus”.
Also, notice that I didn’t even ask for evidence of the purported virus invading and hijacking cells and replicating. I made the request easy and still they failed.
Because “covid” was a complete hoax.
(“Item 1” in David’s response refers to my additional order for records containing litigation/legal/court expenses/fees/costs/expenditures incurred by the County in defending against Peggy’s writ. I’m not convinced that David responded correctly regarding those records, so I wrote back politely disputing his position (pg 10). David never had the courtesy to respond aka he left the battlefield, but I didn’t pursue the matter any further…. see update further below).
Note: this newsletter has also been sent to the “Reuters Fact Check Team” and ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., and to people calling themselves “Senator” on the land known as Canada, so they can’t claim later that they didn’t know.
Update from Peggy:
I have written back to David Kim who acts as Program Manager, County Executive Office | Government & Community Relations regarding the records of litigation/legal/court expenses/fees/costs/expenditures that were wastefully incurred in defending against Peggy’s writ and I will update this page if I receive a response.
Story at a Glance:
•Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases.
•Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases—a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine.
•Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic.
•Improving the physiologic zeta potential benefits a wide range of acute and chronic illnesses. A strong case can be made that many conventional and holistic therapies work in part by enhancing zeta potential.
Note: this is an abridged version of an article I previously published here. Since I receive many questions on this topic and readers wanted an concise version of it, I worked to distill it down to its key points so this topic could easily be shared with others.
Many medical problems stem from the diagnostic approach of physicians, especially with complex illnesses, which are often misdiagnosed and lead to ongoing patient struggles.
Complex conditions can present with varied symptoms across patients and resemble other illnesses (e.g., fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome). In turn, poorly trained physicians often default to psychiatric explanations, overlooking the true causes.
Vaccine injuries have a wide range of symptoms and hence have confused doctors for over 200 years (with many doctors in the past labeling them as “encephalitis”). Presently, I believe three main mechanisms underlie the myriad of vaccine injury:
Immune Dysfunction: Vaccines frequently cause chronic autoimmune disorders and varying degrees of immune suppression.
Cell Danger Response: Cells can enter a primitive state under threat, stopping normal mitochondrial function. This temporary state can become chronic, underlying many severe conditions. Treating this response has resolved conditions linked to vaccination, like autism.
Impaired Circulation: Vaccines can impair fluid circulation by affecting the body’s zeta potential. This causes fluid clumping (i.e. micro blood clots and blood thickening) and obstructs blood flow in capillaries.
My focus was drawn to the zeta potential concept once I realized that many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the COVID-19 vaccines) were due to the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential. I now believe that patient outcomes would significantly improve if the medical system prioritized the zeta potential.
Andrew Moulden was a Canadian neuroscientist and doctor specializing in neuropsychiatry. During his clinical training, he noticed young children showing subtle neurological signs of strokes that his colleagues missed. Over time, he found these strokes often occurred soon after vaccination and could lead to severe neurological disorders like autism.
Note: vaccine injury reports as far back as the early 1800s contain the same signs Moulden noticed.
Moulden realized that the subtle stroke signs doctors look for in adults should also be assessed in children. Because these strokes in infants are often missed, many conditions are misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes. One scientific challenge is making “invisible” issues visible. In neurology, disruptions in brain function, often due to impaired blood flow, can reveal stroke locations through careful physical examination.
Moulden found that cranial nerves in the brainstem, particularly in watershed areas with less redundant blood supply, were vulnerable to strokes. These strokes, caused by impaired blood flow, often due to increased blood thickness, were missed in infants, leading to conditions misdiagnosed or attributed to unknown causes.
Key cranial nerves indicating vaccine-caused microstrokes include:
Cranial Nerve VI: Controls eye movement; damage causes inward eye resting or jerky side-to-side movement.
Note: We’ve found CN VI is the nerve most frequently affected by COVID-19 injuries.
Cranial Nerve VII: Controls facial muscles; damage causes Bell’s Palsy, facial drooping, or asymmetry (e.g., this appeared to have happened to Justin Bieber).
Cranial Nerve IV: Levels eyes; damage causes head tilting to compensate for uneven eye height.
Note: often, you will see multiple cranial nerve issues on the same face (which suggests more parts of the brain lost their blood supply and hence that deeper neurological damage is also present).
Once you know how to look for these symptoms (e.g., a loss of smooth eye motion), they are very easy to spot, and you will gradually become aware of how far reaching the neurological damage that results from vaccination can be (as any part of the brain can be affected).
Moulden’s work also suggested strokes were also occurring in other watershed areas of the body, such as internal organs and speech centers. Evidence included:
Note: a major issue in conventional medicine is the failure to recognize that neurological damage can lead to psychiatric issues. Consequently, emotional changes in patients with nervous system injuries are often misattributed as the cause rather than a symptom of their illness.
Moulden thus began exploring what universal response was leading to these microstrokes and how they could be treated. From this, he produced three videos describing the problem (which can be viewed here). Unfortunately, shortly before releasing a second series on the solutions for these injuries, he died under suspicious circumstances. However, we now have many clues as to what Moulden discovered.
Knisely’s research, particularly with malaria-infected monkeys, revealed that certain severe illnesses could trigger significant blood sludging, starting in small vessels and eventually spreading to larger ones, which was typically fatal (unless prevented with the anticoagulant heparin). This thickening of blood can be likened to traffic jams, disrupting the body’s natural blood-flow, and eventually leading to gridlock (death).
Additionally, he discovered that this sludging could be seen externally through the eyes, providing a non-invasive way to assess this process throughout the body.
From this, he discovered the greatest blood sludging was seen in critically ill hospital patients—something Pierre Kory MD also observed with point-of-care ultrasound, as once micro clots within the IVC became echogenic (visible), patients died shortly after).
Knisely’s grading scale for blood sludging severity correlated with disease prognosis, highlighting its clinical significance.
After learning of this, we attempted to replicate Knisely’s microscope and have been able to see the same sludging he observed 80 years ago in his patients. This video, for example was taken from the eyes of a COVID-19 vaccine-injured patient:
When particles are placed in water, one of three things can happen:
In the case of colloidal suspensions, their stability is determined by what causes their particles to come together (gravity separating things by weight, the inherent molecular attraction between objects), and what pushes them apart.
The first method (zeta potential) refers to the charge difference between the water ions (that coat the charged ions) and the charge of the surrounding water.
Because electrical repulsion due to zeta potential is easier to control, it is typically the factor focused on when trying to improve colloidal dispersion (e.g., to eliminate blood sludging).
One of the most effective agents for reducing zeta potential is aluminum (which explains why it’s frequently used to separate organic matter from water in sewage plants or to clot wounds). Moulden thus concluded aluminum’s widespread use in vaccines likely accounted for many of their side effects. Similarly, consider the effect the COVID-19 vaccine’s spike protein has on the blood.
The key thing to understand about zeta potential is that when its repulsion no longer suffices to overcome the attractive forces in a colloidal system, it will clump together, initially in small clumps (termed agglomerations), and then as the zeta potential worsens, form larger clumps.
Note: the normal zeta potential of a red blood cell is around -15.7 millivolts. Additionally, as red blood cells age, they lose their negatively charged sialic acid, which worsens their zeta potential.
Thomas Riddick, a pioneer in this field, discovered that the body maintains blood zeta potential near the agglomeration threshold so it can clot in case of bleeding. With further study, Riddick found the degree of blood sludging or loss of physiologic zeta potential significantly varied from person to person (due to modern life disrupting it), and Knisely’s grading scale for blood flow in the eyes could be used to accurately predict who was at risk of an arrhythmia, a stroke, or a fatal heart attack. Most importantly, Riddick discovered that once the colloidal dispersion of the blood was fixed, heart arrhythmias normalized and circulatory problems greatly improved.
Note: many readers here have shared that restoring their zeta potential improved their atrial fibrillation.
For reference, this is the scale Knisely and Riddick (and now us) used to evaluate blood flow in the eyes.
Note: I believe Knisely’s observations of profound blood sludging in the eyes of severely ill hospital patients account for why IV saline (which improves zeta potential) so frequently benefits people who are sick enough to require hospitalization. Likewise, Knisely also observed that certain agents, such as hydroxychloroquine, reversed blood sludging. This led him to suspect a significant degree of the anti-malarial benefit of hydroxychloroquine actually arose from it reducing blood sludging; I also suspect this property may account for hydroxychloroquine’s value in treating autoimmune conditions and COVID-19 (both conditions linked to poor zeta potential).
Riddick gradually discovered blood sludging was widespread in America and eventually concluded our food and water supply were contaminated with positive ions that were destructive to zeta potential.
He attributed this to:
•Potassium being replaced by sodium in processed foods
•Aluminum being used in municipal water systems
•Aluminum kitchenware
•Aluminum being added to many foods (e.g. most salt has aluminum added to keep it from caking).
•Many medications (e.g., antacids) are full of aluminum and other problematic metals
•Many foods are stored in metal cans (acidic foods leach these metals).
Note: the first head of the FDA fought to stop aluminum from entering general use but was muscled out by industry.
Riddick also performed experiments that showed consuming water stored in aluminum significantly impaired microcirculation. Sadly, we are now witnessing a trend of storing water in aluminum cans. For this reason, I will never drink anything from an aluminum can (fortunately, a few zeta-potential restoring bottled water brands still exist).
Note: while I’ve seen positive effects from one brand (which I only consume when traveling), one of the most surprising communications I received was from a reader requesting information on how it could be made at home as it had completely transformed their health but they understandably did not want to purchase the bottled form each day. While this is not typical, it illustrates how some people are very sensitive to small improvements in their zeta potential.
Lastly, in addition to these, I also believe vaccines, EMFs, certain chronic infections, and humans no longer being electrically grounded to the Earth are significantly impairing humanity’s zeta potential.
Note: as mentioned above, a case can also be made impaired zeta potential creates autoimmunity (e.g., aluminum causes both, and Chinese medicine believes blood stasis leads to autoimmunity).
Riddick also concluded that bacterial metabolism of proteins lowers their zeta potential by decarboxylating them. Many sewage treatment systems (e.g., septic tanks) work under this principle, as over time, decarboxylation (which removes negative charges) destroys the colloidal stability of the organic matter suspended in wastewater, causing it to sludge at the bottom.
Riddick next assessed how zeta potential changed in humans during acute infections. Much like Knisely had observed in the eyes of his acutely ill patients, Riddick consistently observed a decrease in physiologic zeta potential during an infectious condition.
These observations were important because they provided a means to explain why the elderly (who cannot tolerate a further drop in their zeta potential) are so much more vulnerable to infections like influenza. Sadly, it also likely explains their greater susceptibility to vaccine injuries (e.g., I once admitted a patient to the hospital who suffered a classic zeta-potential collapse from a pneumococcal vaccine).
Lastly, many microbes carry positive charges, which allow them to adhere to the negatively charged surfaces of the body. These hence cause them to disrupt zeta potential once they’ve sufficiently reproduced in the body. This is a major problem in Lyme disease and chronic mold toxicity, which in part explains why therapies for those diseases often fail unless something (e.g., treating zeta potential) is also done to address the fluid stagnation they create (particularly within the lymphatics). Fortunately, there are many ways to address this. Ozone, for instance oxidizes those charges, and I believe this accounts for the dramatic improvements sometimes observed after one receives an oxidative therapy.
Similarly, a 2022 paper that showed the spike protein directly impaired blood cell zeta potential also found that ivermectin dispersed blood cells the spike protein had clumped together (which may explain the instantaneous normalization of vital signs sometimes seen after ivermectin is given to severely ill hospital patients)
Since folded proteins are essentially colloidal suspensions, ions that disrupt zeta potential can also cause protein misfolding and denaturing (something that also happens to egg whites when they are heated in a pan). I believe this is a key reason why the plaques found in Alzheimer’s disease (which are misfolded proteins) are found to contain aluminum.
Note: since the clearance of Alzheimer’s plaques depends upon the brain’s glymphatic system, it is also possible that the improvement in cognitive decline that is frequently seen after improving zeta potential is due to improved cranial blood flow or cranial venous and lymphatic drainage.
Likewise, the COVID spike protein (produced by the vaccines) has been linked to protein misfolding diseases such as CJD, amyloidosis, and unusual fibrous (amyloid) clots embalmers have found within the vaccinated, which appear to result from misfolded blood proteins the body can’t break down.
Healthy fluid circulation is essential for health, and the zeta potential concept begins to explain why so many different conditions can lead to similar symptomatology. In the case of vaccines, this model explains why:
•Vaccines consistently cause harm.
•There is so much variability in vaccine injuries.
•Vaccine damage is cumulative, as existing impairment of the microcirculation (and other fluid circulations) will progressively worsen with each successive vaccine.
•Many infectious diseases can sometimes cause similar (but not as severe) injuries as vaccines.
The zeta potential concept profoundly changed my medical practice, and I now believe that many effective holistic therapies (e.g., EDTA chelation) work in part because they can restore physiologic zeta potential. Thank you for reading, and I sincerely hope the knowledge here can benefit you in the same way it has many of our patients.
Let the fearmongering begin (again)! Propaganda efforts are making people believe humans can die from the bird flu and that we must “do our part” in preventing the next global pandemic. Wear masks, social distance, sanitize everything, get tested, get vaccinated … It’s kind of like “COVID-19,” but now in dairy cows!
Image from
Similar to “wear masks, stay home, practice social distancing and sanitize everything,” the United States Department of Agriculture is now encouraging farmers to regularly test animals, test the milk weekly, register livestock, step up the use of personal protective equipment, limit traffic onto their farms, and increase cleaning and disinfection practices.
“The most important step we can take today is biosecurity. I am calling on producers to use our resources to enhance their biosecurity measures and states and producers to opt in to our support programs and herd monitoring programs, which are designed to limit the spread of this disease in dairy cattle.” — Secretary of the USDA Tom Vilsack.
Image from Article written by the secretary of the USDA (Tom Vilsack), spreading the message that it is up to the farmers to comply to biosecurity methods to stop the spread.
Similar to “toilet paper shortages,” now there are limitations on number of egg cartons purchased at some stores in Australia as bird flu spreads rapidly across large poultry farms. (Are meat and dairy products next?)
Figure: Coles is one of the two largest supermarket chains in Australia.
Similar to summer event cancellations in 2020 and 2021, state fairs and livestock events are requiring testing1 and some are even being canceled this summer due to the bird flu.2
What’s next?
Image from
This is all a little déjà vu, isn’t it? Can you believe they are trying this again? And all of this may be obvious to you, but when you tune into any mainstream media account right now, people ARE buying it! And there is a massive amount of fearmongering and discussions on “why we should be concerned,” “what to do to prevent a spread.”
For example, Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN produced an “Are We Prepared for Bird Flu” fearmongering special.3 The CDC is now predicting that the next pandemic will be from the bird flu.
“Once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor and then go human to human, that’s when you’re going to have the pandemic … I think it’s just a matter of time.” — Dr. Redfield, former CDC director.
News agencies from across the country are saying the exact same thing. So, is that really “news?” Or has it become propaganda again? Reporting what they want us to hear to spread fear. So in this article, let’s discuss how this bird flu “pandemic” is an attempt to obtain complete control of the food system.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” — Henry Kissinger
I will also touch on what YOU can do to help stop spread the fearmongering — helping others better understand why these types of events are occurring can hopefully help prevent people from falling for this. (AGAIN!)
According to According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “H5N1 is one of several influenza viruses that causes a highly infectious respiratory disease in birds called avian influenza (or ‘bird flu’).” The “bird flu” is not new — it is something agriculture has dealt with for a long time. The CDC actually outlines the history of Avian Influenza from 1880 — 2024 here.
Dr. Mercola wrote about this in 2006 in his book “The Great Bird Flu Hoax:” “The U.S. government is now practically screaming that a new avian super-flu will likely kill millions of Americans. The mainstream media is entirely onboard, as are drug companies and other corporations poised to benefit immensely off the paranoia. But there is NO coming bird flu pandemic.
It’s an elaborate scheme contrived by the government and big business for reasons that boil down to power and money.” Are they really trying this again?
While I do not think humans should be concerned, there is no denying that H5N1 can cause problems for birds. Many people say that H5N1 comes from wild birds — but is Nature really something we should be fearing or trying to separate ourselves from? Where did the strain come from and why is it so problematic? Are there other origins?
Gain-of-function (GOF) research seeks to alter the functional characteristics of a virus to “help” public health experts better understand how viruses can spread and better plan for future pandemics.
In 2010, there was controversial GOF research on avian flu viruses where strains of the H5N1 bird flu viruses were intentionally made to be transmissible via respiratory droplets among ferrets. These studies were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under Dr. Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates has also funded gain-of-function research on H5N1.4
In 2011, the scientists reported that they were successful in modifying the avian H5N1 virus so that it was transmissible between mammals, making the entire situation riskier for humans.5
After being put on pause for a period of time, federal funding for these controversial research projects quietly resumed in 2019.6 And GOF critics have repeatedly discussed the human risks if the virus escaped (or released) from a lab.
Did the current H5N1 strain come from a lab? Were migrating birds infected, which then traveled across the world and country infecting a number of poultry and livestock facilities around the world? There are individuals investigating potential lab origins of HPAI through gain of function research.7
“Genetic analysis indicates that genotype B3.13 emerged in 2024 and exhibits genetic links to genotype B1.2, which was identified to have originated in Georgia in January 2022 after the start of serial passage research with H5Nx clade in mallard ducks at the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia in April 2021.”
Us humans will NEVER win the war against Mother Nature, as She will ALWAYS outsmart us. Image from
Unfortunately, there is now troubling censorship that was recently instated to better control the narrative. Robert Malone reported that in June of this year, amendments to the WHO IHR (International Health Regulations) were illegally approved and prepared behind closed doors.8
“Although the ‘Article 55’ rules and regulations for amending the IHR explicitly require that ‘the text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration,’ the requirement of four months for review was disregarded in a rush to produce some tangible deliverable from the Assembly …
The IHR amendments retain troubling language regarding censorship. These provisions have been buried in Annex 1,A.2.c., which requires State Parties to ‘develop, strengthen and maintain core capacities … in relation to … surveillance … and risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation.'”9
But the bird flu now involves more than just birds … this year marks the first “bird to cow” and “cow to human” transmission.
A multi-state outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in dairy cows was first reported on March 25, 2024. And according to the CDC, there are now 12 states with outbreaks in dairy cows with a total of 126 dairy herds affected.10
According to the Ohio Department of Agriculture, however, most sick cows recover within a few days.
The first reported human case in the US was a dairy farmer in Texas who developed pinkeye earlier this year. “Swab testing” was used to determine this dairy farmer had the same strain of bird flu, H5N1, that is supposedly circulating in dairy cows.
Altogether, there have been four human cases in the U.S., and none involved person-to-person spread — all were infected after exposure to animals presumed to have bird flu. With the goal of spreading fear, the World Health Organization reported that the first human has died from the avian influenza in Mexico on April 24th.
A few important details they do not include in headlines is that this individual had many pre-existing conditions, had no exposure to poultry or other animals, and was bedridden for three weeks prior to the onset of avian flu symptoms.
This accusation by WHO that this man died from the bird flu was denied by the Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer.11 Jorge Alcocer said the 59-year-old man died from other causes, mainly kidney and respiratory failure, NOT the bird flu.
“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case.” — Jorge Alcocer
While the individual who died may have tested positive for H5N2, the current “fear” in the U.S. is the spread of the H5N1 strain in dairy cows. In 2008, scientists documented how testing positive for H5N2 may just be a result of seasonal flu vaccines or antiviral medications.
“A history of seasonal influenza vaccination might be associated with H5N2-neutralizing antibody positivity.12 These results suggest that the administration of Tamiflu (an antiviral) may affect the results of HI tests for H5N2 virus.”13
Again, doesn’t all of this sound so familiar? Pre-existing conditions, false positive faulty testing, fear, misinformation …
Just like with COVID, government agencies are relying on PCR tests as they ramp up testing for bird flu. But PCR tests are extremely inaccurate and lead to significant levels of false positives.14
PCR testing works by replicating tiny fragments of DNA or RNA until they become large enough to identify. The fragments are replicated in cycles, and each cycle doubles the amount of genetic material in the sample. The number of cycles required to create an identifiable sample is the “cycle threshold” (CT). A high CT means many cycles were required to “detect” a virus.
“A persistent sticking point with the PCR test is that it picks up dead viral debris, and by excessively magnifying those particles with CTs in the 40s, noninfectious individuals are labeled as infectious and told to self-isolate.
In short, media and public health officials have conflated ‘cases’ — positive tests — with the actual illness.” — Dr. Mercola, written about PCR testing with COVID. But now we this can be applied to the current bird flu situation.
In December 2020, even the WHO warned that using a high CT would lead to false-positive results. Moreover, Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test, has said it is inappropriate to use the test as a diagnostic tool to detect a viral infection.15
Yet the government is mass producing and encouraging PCR testing with no reporting on CTs. A big part of the CDCs new $93 million plan to reduce the impact of bird flu involves testing.16 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) did not respond to “The Defender’s” inquiry about which CTs are used to test animals for bird flu.17
False positives can help them spread fear, encourage vaccinations, and mandate the mass killing of cattle herds of chicken flocks.
Former CDC Director Tom Frieden, outlined how he thinks the US should respond:18
1)Rapid response — Test, isolate, cull livestock
2)Trust the government and comply, with this type of messaging — “It’s up to our farmers to comply and report testing”
3)Coordination amongst state and federal agencies to monitor more farms
The USDA requires that infected farms depopulate (kill) their flocks to better contain the virus and stop the spread. “The virus, however, is fatal to birds, and state and federal officials require all poultry in infected flocks to be killed to prevent its spread.”19 These mass killings (or “depopulations”) are paid for with public dollars through a USDA Program.20
On June 25, the Feds have paid Michigan farms $81 million to recoup the loss of having to cull millions of birds.21 More than $73 million of that $81 million was provided to the state’s largest egg producer, Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch. Nearly 6.5 million chickens (more than 40% of the state’s egg layers) were depopulated in early 2024.
Image from
Roughly $1 billion has been paid out nationwide since the highly pathogenic avian influenza, H5N1, started spreading in January 2022. Nationwide, large corporate egg producers have received some of the biggest payments to cover the cost of culling their flocks. For example, Jennie-O was provided $105 million, Tyson Foods was provided $29 million, and Cal-Main Foods $22 million.22
More than 92 million chickens have been slaughtered since the recent outbreak began in 2022. And in June of this year, 4.2 million birds were killed at a farm in Sioux County, Iowa. (Why were there 4.2 million chickens at a single farm?)
Corporations are compensated for the mass killings despite the utilization of inhumane depopulation methods that are not approved by animal welfare organizations. More than 80% of the mass culling here in the US use VSD+ (ventilation shut down plus), which is a cheaper option and is banned in other countries. Air is closed off to the barns and heat is pumped in until the temps rise above 104 °F, essentially cooking the birds alive.
In a mass killing of 5 million birds in March 2022 at Remembrandt Foods, some employees reported that it took about a month to pull the dead poultry from the cages and dump them into carts before piling the birds into nearby fields and buried in huge pits.
Image from
Is the massacre of millions of birds really the best way to handle this situation? (It isn’t working, as “avian flu” outbreaks continue to pop up!) What if flocks are massacred due to a single false positive test? What about the concept of “natural immunity?”
The “cull the whole flock with one positive test” approach of approach will just lead to a reduction in the nation’s food supply (or even food shortages) and will lead to even more centralization and regulation in the food supply that is getting worse each year.
The USDA used the H5N1 fearmongering to push a ruling through on April 26th of this year that RFID ear tags are now required for dairy cattle for an “efficient animal disease traceability system.”
Or … is it a way to monitor, track and control the total number of and movement of dairy cows? A way to keep records of mRNA vaccinations, pharmaceuticals and other protocols to maintain in control?
RFID (radio-frequency identification) tagging involves small devices that use radio frequencies to transfer data, mainly to track and identify objects, animals and people.
R-CALF USA is speaking out against this new ruling: “[T]he beneficiaries of this rule are not cattle producers or consumers. Instead, this rule is intended to benefit multinational beef packers and multinational ear tag manufacturers who will profit at the expense of cattle producers and consumers.
In fact, because the rule is cost-prohibitive for independent cattle producers, the agency is using millions of taxpayer dollars to give millions of their unnecessary EID ear tags away … We will fight against the implementation of this disastrous rule that infringes on the freedoms and liberties of our nation’s independent cattle farmers and ranchers. This is government overreach at its worst.” — R-CALF CEO Bill Bullard.
Image from
The CDC still says, “the human health risk assessment remains low,” yet there is extensive vaccine development.
Finland is now the first country to roll out the experimental bird flu vaccine and purchased vaccines for 10,000 people in mid-June,23 from manufacturer CSL Seqirus. This first round is intended for those “most at risk,” including farm workers and veterinarians. This purchase is part of the 40 million vaccine deal the EU has secured with CSL Seqirus.
This “Zoonotic Influenza vaccine Seqirus” (a two-dose vaccine, given 3 weeks apart) was authorized by European regulators based on immunogenicity studies showing that it elicited immune responses that scientists THINK would be protective against avian influenza.24 (How is “we think so” enough?)
The flu vaccine is traditionally made with eggs, and this has scientists worried. “A majority of the approved vaccines are created by incubating doses in chicken eggs, but the [bird flu’s] rate of fatality among poultry poses an issue for these vaccines.”25 So, many manufacturers are shifting towards more mRNA vaccine development.
“The bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows is prompting development of new, next-generation mRNA vaccines — akin to COVID-19 shots — that are being tested in both animals and people.”26
The University of Pennsylvania is developing an mRNA vaccines for the bird flu using the same techniques that produced the COVID vaccines. According to a May 28th report from the Global Center for Health Security, “[a]n experimental mRNA vaccine against the H5N1 avian flu is highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in lab animals, researchers report.”27
Moderna and Pfizer are also competing for federal contracts to build a national stockpile of mRNA vaccines targeted toward the new bird flu.28
24 different companies are working towards the development of a bird flu vaccine for cows.29 Mandatory chicken and dairy cow mRNA vaccinations would then mean we are exposed to mRNA vaccines through our food.
We definitely do not need more vaccines, as more and more studies are coming out documenting that health complications skyrocketed shortly after the Covid vaccinations were released in 2020.30,31,32 From Dr. Joseph Sansone:
“Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote.
Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections,’ ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections,’ and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).”33
There also seems to be a war on raw milk amidst all this fearmongering. The FDA is now encouraging states to discourage and stop sales of raw milk to prevent human bird flu spread.34 If you tune into various news reports from across the country, the message is similar:
“Eggs and pasteurized milk and dairy products from the store are safe to consume. But the FDA warns against the consumption of raw milk.”
The suggestion to avoid raw milk is listed twice on the list of CDC recommendations:
There is no evidence supporting foodborne transmission of HPAI to humans. In fact, the FDA and USDA concluded in 2010 that “HPAIV is not considered to be a foodborne pathogen.”35 HPAI in humans is linked to transmission via animal contact, not by foods.36
The only demonstrated transmission is direct contact with animals — not a single human has developed bird flu from milk.
“Recent risk communications from CDC, FDA, and USDA regarding transmission of influenza A sub-type H5N1 (highly pathogenic avian influenza virus or HPAI) to humans via raw milk include no supporting evidence of viral transmission from raw milk to humans in the peer-reviewed literature …
An extensive body of scientific evidence from the peer-reviewed literature introduced herein does not support the assumption by these US government agencies that HPAI transmits to humans via milkborne or foodborne routes and causes disease. Nor does the scientific evidence support the recommendation that consumers should avoid raw milk and raw milk products.”37
And something that the FDA really doesn’t want you to know is that there is no guarantee that pasteurization truly kills the virus.
When explaining why raw milk is not safe, many government agencies use this study with mice, saying heat treatment to the milk significantly reduces the HPAI virus titers. But the conclusion of the study is very, very important “bench-top experiments do not recapitulate commercial pasteurization processes.”
Enter this study that the FDA and mainstream media isn’t talking about which demonstrates that standard pasteurization protocols in the US for milk isn’t enough to actually inactivate the virus since this virus seems to handle heat surprisingly well.
And on top of that, raw milk has a number of antiviral properties and pasteurized milk does not contain.38
The “pasteurized milk at the store is safe, and raw milk is very unsafe and is filled with bird flu” messaging encourages consumers to continue supporting these MEGA CAFO dairy farmers, and discourages consumers from supporting smaller dairy farms raising cows in synchronicity with Mother Nature.
So no, avoiding raw milk won’t stop human spread. But it will encourage more of a centralized food system.
The FDA’s messaging to avoid consumption of raw milk and raw milk products do not appear to be based on scientific evidence, but instead seem to be stemming from the desire to protect the centralized dairy industry.
FDA and USDA will never do anything to compromise the dairy industry, as the dairy industry spends millions of dollars on lobbying each year to keep control.
With the repeated “outbreaks” occurring in poultry flocks year after year, isn’t it obvious that the current industrial agriculture system IS NOT working?
Why aren’t government agencies discussing how diseases easily spread when animals are stuffed in buildings, overcrowded and locked in confinement? Can you imagine if you were stuffed into a home with thousands of people — wouldn’t it be hard not to get sick?
In CAFOs, animals are often regularly on antibiotics due to the close living conditions. Can a body with a wiped-out gut microbiome handle any amount of disease?
Mega confinement barns, extreme biosecurity, separation from nature, vaccinations and antibiotics — it doesn’t work! But it does help them maintain food control and is a profitable business model for big ag, big pharma, and big food companies.
The development of a vaccine and culling birds is much more profitable path for addressing bird flu relative to the natural immunity path.
The solution is clear — stop supporting their system. Buy from farmers. Remember, the messaging and fearmongering around the bird flu is intentional, with the goal of developing even more food control. Everything through their centralized food system is “safe” — so you can trust the food at grocery stores is safe from HPAI. (So they say …)
Instead, the messaging should be “know where your food comes from, know your farmer and know how the animals are raised.” This discussion on food sourcing and knowing your food comes from is not profitable for industrial ag because they get $0 from that sale, so it isn’t brought up.
The centralization of the food system and shift in farming styles has been somewhat successful in benefiting the big corporations and maintaining food control, while hurting farmers. The size of farms has increased, while the number of farms has shrunk (opposite of what we want for low toxin, nutrient-dense food production.)
In fact, the number of small farms has decreased by over 72% in the last 90 years — in 1935 there were 6.8 million farms, and in 2023 there were 1.89 million farms.
“It is very hard as a farmer to be profitable in the conventional system, so more and more farms are going out of business. And many farms that are in business require an off the farm job to pay the bills.”
We are losing small scale farmers more and more each year, and they need your support to stay in business!
Moral of the story — whenever you can, buy directly from farmers, Cooperatives, or buyers’ clubs — these type of food systems support small-scale, toxin free farming. The prices may be more expensive, but farmers are paid a fair wage and produce higher quality food products.
Plus, with these type of transactions, the big agriculture companies get $0 of this sale, funneling less money into their system. And on top of that, remain grounded and maintain common sense as we head into the next round of bird flu fearmongering.
Ashley Armstrong is the cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs that are shipped to all 50 states (join waitlist here), and Nourish Cooperative, which ships low-PUFA pork, beef, cheese, A2 dairy and traditional sourdough to all 50 states. Waitlists will reopen shortly.
He condemned the COVID ‘pandemic’ as a false pretext by the WHO to drive COVID vaccinations of all peoples in the world. He also condemned the US ‘Warp Speed’ campaign, under then-President Trump, to rush COVID ‘vaccines’ to market that was used to cover up problems with gene therapy shots. He said that Japan’s rush to market its new injection is similar.
Link for video:
Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.
The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years to less than one year. Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected.
That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly in human tissues to stimulate immune system. Because this is a completely new method and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent. However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated.
Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.
The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing a huge amount of subsidies for this project. And factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly.
Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year. It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation’s 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed. Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.
If such things continue, there is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust. If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.
Although it has already been three years since I started to give lectures to educate Japanese people about the dangers of vaccines, it is still difficult to penetrate through the sound barriers of mainstream media. If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day.
Therefore, I put my hope in the publication of a book with the last version of speech and published a book with a title “Withdraw From WHO” It is difficult to stop this movement because it is now politically hopeless to change the situation of the Japanese government. The message I would like to cover convey to the world is that when Disease X occurs in the future, you should never trust the Japan made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcend national boundaries.
I believe that sharing the truth and countries is so important and that this is a step towards unity and solidarity. Only through the process of information exchange between all countries in the world, we can find hope in the midst of despair. I do hope that my statement will help all of you to protect your healthy life and your family. Thank you very much for your attention.
– Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.
About 50% of the world’s chocolate comes from cacao trees in the West Africa countries of Ivory Coast and Ghana. The devastating news coming from there is that a quickly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is made, jeopardizing the global supply of the world’s most popular treat.
The damaging pathogen is attacking cacao trees in Ghana, resulting in harvest losses of between 15% and 50%. Spread by small insects called mealybugs (Pseudococcidae, Homoptera) that eat the buds, flowers, and leaves, the cacao swollen shoot virus disease (CSSVD) is among the most damaging threats to the root ingredient of chocolate.
CSSVD was first observed in the eastern region of Ghana in 1936 by a farmer and its virus nature was confirmed in 1939, but in recent years, it has proliferated.
“This virus is a real threat to the global supply of chocolate,” said mathematics Prof. Benito Chen-Charpentier of the University of Texas at Arlington and an author of the study in the journal PLOS One under the title “Cacao sustainability: The case of cacao swollen-shoot virus co-infection.”
Austrian man Carl Schweizer (R) trades cocoa cobs and beans with local farmers in Piedra de Plata, Ecuador, June 4, 2016. (credit: REUTERS/GUILLERMO GRANJA)
A recent increase in the spread of plant pests and diseases is caused by globalization, climate change, agricultural intensification, and reduced resilience in production systems. A vast number of plant pathogens pose a serious threat to food safety and security, national economies, biodiversity, and rural environment, he said.
“Pesticides don’t work well against mealybugs, leaving farmers to try to prevent the spread of the disease by cutting out infected trees and breeding resistant trees. But despite these efforts, Ghana has lost more than 254 million cacao trees in recent years,” he warned.
Farmers can combat the mealybugs by giving vaccines to the trees to inoculate them from the virus – but the vaccines are expensive, especially for low-wage farmers, and vaccinated trees produce a smaller harvest of cacao, thus compounding the devastation of the virus.
Chen-Charpentier and colleagues from the University of Kansas, Prairie View A&M, the University of South Florida, and the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana have developed a new strategy: using mathematical data to determine how far apart farmers can plant vaccinated trees to prevent mealybugs from jumping from one tree to another and spreading the virus.
“These insects have several ways of movement, including moving from canopy to canopy, being carried by ants, or blown by the wind,” Chen-Charpentier explained “What we needed to do was create a model for cacao growers so they could know how far away they could safely plant vaccinated trees from unvaccinated trees in order to prevent the spread of the virus while keeping costs manageable for these small farmers.”
By experimenting with mathematical patterning techniques, the team created two different types of models that allow farmers to create a protective layer of vaccinated cacao trees around unvaccinated trees.
“While still experimental, these models are exciting because they would help farmers protect their crops while helping them achieve a better harvest,” Chen-Charpentier said. “This is good for the farmers’ bottom.”
According to mounting data, one of the more serious side effects of the COVID mRNA jabs appears to be dementia, and worse yet, this previously untransmissible disease may now be “contagious,” transmissible by way of prions.
In my 2021 interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., she explained why she suspected the COVID shots may eventually result in an avalanche of neurological prion-based diseases such as Alzheimer’s. She also published a paper detailing those mechanisms in the May 10, 2021, issue of the International Journal of Vaccine Theory. As she explained in that paper:1
“A paper published by J. Bart Classen (2021) proposed that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines could cause prion-like diseases, in part through its ability to bind to many known proteins and induce their misfolding into potential prions.
Idrees and Kumar (2021) have proposed that the spike protein’s S1 component is prone to act as a functional amyloid and form toxic aggregates … and can ultimately lead to neurodegeneration.”
In summary, the take-home from Seneff’s paper is that the COVID shots, offered to hundreds of millions of people, are instruction sets for your body to make a toxic protein that will eventually wind up concentrated in your spleen, from where prion-like protein instructions will be sent out, leading to neurodegenerative diseases.
The term “prion” derives from “proteinaceous infectious particle.” Prions are known to cause a variety of neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or “mad cow disease”) in cattle, and chronic wasting disease in deer and elk.
These diseases are collectively referred to as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). They’re characterized by long incubation periods, brain damage, the formation of holes in the brain giving it a sponge-like appearance, and failure to induce an inflammatory response.
In short, prions are infectious agents composed entirely of a protein material that can fold in multiple, structurally distinct ways, at least one of which is transmissible to other prion proteins, leading to a disease that is similar to viral infections but without nucleic acids.
Unlike bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which contain nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) that instruct their replication, prions propagate by transmitting their misfolded protein state to normal variants of the same protein.
According to the prion disease model, the infectious properties of prions are due to the ability of the abnormal protein to convert the normal version of the protein into the misfolded form, thereby setting off a chain reaction that progressively damages the nervous system.
Prions are remarkably resistant to conventional methods of sterilization and can survive extreme conditions that would normally destroy nucleic acids or other pathogens, which is part of why prion diseases are so difficult to treat.
Today, there’s even more evidence to support Seneff’s theory. In August 2022, tech entrepreneur Sid Belzberg wrote2 about, a website he’d set up to collect data on the neurological side effects of the jabs. (This site is no longer live.)
Within a few months, the site had received about 15,000 hits and gathered 60 reports from people who got the jab and suffered neurological deficits shortly thereafter, including six cases of diagnosed CJD.
“Normally this disease affects 1 in a 1,000,000 people,” Belzberg wrote.3 “To get 6 cases you would need 6,000,000 hits to the site assuming everyone reports. The chances of getting 1 case in 15,000 hits is 1 in 66. To see 6 cases in 1 group of 15,000 is 1/66^6 or 1 in 82,000,000,000, or 20 times more likely to win a Powerball lottery! …
To reiterate, CJD is an exceptionally rare disease that is now a known and established severe adverse reaction (SAE) from the DEATHVAX™. Injecting this slow kill bioweapon can cause ailments that are about as likely to develop in the real word as getting struck by lightning twice. The proof is now irrefutable.”
In mid-December 2023, researchers reported4,5,6 that the replacing of uracil with synthetic methylpseudouridine in the COVID shots — a process known as codon optimization — can cause frameshifting, a glitch in the decoding, thereby triggering the production of off-target aberrant proteins.
The antibodies that develop as a result may, in turn, trigger off-target immune reactions. According to the authors, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 30% of people who have received the COVID shot. But that’s not all.
According to British neuroscientist Dr. Kevin McCairn, this frameshifting phenomenon has also been linked to harmful prion production — and that frame shifted prions, specifically, are infectious and can be transmitted from one person to another. As reported in the Journal of Theoretical Biology in 2013:7
“A quantitatively consistent explanation for the titres of infectivity found in a variety of prion-containing preparations is provided on the basis that the etiological agents of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy comprise a very small population fraction of prion protein (PrP) variants, which contain frameshifted elements in their N-terminal octapeptide-repeat regions …
Frameshifting accounts quantitatively for the etiology of prion disease. One per million frameshifted prions may be enough to cause disease. The HIV TAR-like element in the PRNP mRNA is likely an effector of frameshifting.”
McCairn explained this mechanism in a February 19, 2023, interview with Health Alliance Australia (video above). In it, he noted:
“Mis-folded proteins caused by prions can impact every level organ and tissue system in the body … [They] bioaccumulate and are resistant to degradation, thereby building up …”
Prions may in fact be the primary molecule that is being “shed” by COVID jab recipients, and if those prions are due to frameshifting, that could be very bad news indeed, considering their implication in dementia.
Another doctor who believes we’ll be facing an “epidemic of prion disease” is Dr. David Cartland. In late February 2024, he posted8 13 scientific papers linking the COVID jabs, prion diseases and CJD, noting that was just a “small selection” of what’s available in the medical literature.
According to genomics expert Kevin McKernan, Ph.D., prions are also involved in long COVID (or as McKernan calls it, “long vax”).9 In one 2024 study,10 96.7% of long COVID sufferers had received the jab. In an interview with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), McKernan stated:11
“If you frameshift over the stop codons, you’re going to be making proteins that are spike-mito proteins. When I talk to a lot of the long vax patients I hear of all these things that remind me of my time in the mitochondrial disease sequencing space …”
McKernan claims he tried to publish a paper on this in 2021 with Dr. Peter McCullough, but the editor of the journal “stepped in and torpedoed the paper.”12
In related news, the largest study13 to date on the side effects of the COVID jabs was published in the journal Vaccine in February 12, 2024, and it confirms what I and many other alternative news sources have been saying all along, namely that the mRNA jabs are the most dangerous medical products to ever hit the market.
The study — performed by the Global COVID Vaccine Safety (GCoVS) Project and funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Ontario and the Canadian Health Research Institute — evaluated the risk of “adverse events of special interest” (AESI) following COVID-19 “vaccination.”
Data from 10 sites in eight countries (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland) were included, encompassing more than 99 million jabbed individuals.
Of the thousands of side effects Pfizer listed in its confidential report of post-authorization adverse events submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration,14 the GCoVS focused on 13 AESIs that fall into three primary categories: Neurological, hematologic (blood-related) and cardiovascular conditions.
They calculated the AESI risk for each of the 13 AESIs based on the number of observed versus expected (OE) incidents occurring up to 42 days after injection. The “expected” number of side effects were based on vaccine adverse event data from 2015 to 2019. These rates were then compared to the adverse event rates observed in those who got one or more of the COVID jabs, either Pfizer’s BNT162b2, Moderna’s mRNA-1273, or AstraZeneca’s ChAdOx1.
The analysis15 revealed several concerning side effects, including increased risks of myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots in the brain, and various neurological conditions. Here’s a quick summary of the findings:
•Myocarditis and pericarditis:
◦Pfizer vaccine — OE ratios for myocarditis were 2.78 and 2.86 after the first and second shots, with the risk remaining doubled after the third and fourth shots.
◦Moderna vaccine — OE ratios for myocarditis were 3.48 and 6.10 after the first and second shots. Doses 1 and 4 also showed OE ratios of 1.74 and 2.64 for pericarditis.
◦AstraZeneca vaccine — OE ratio for pericarditis was 6.91 after the third shot.
•Blood clots in the brain (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, CVST):
◦An OE of 3.23 for CVST was observed after the first AstraZeneca shot.
◦A significant increase in CVST risk was also noted after the second Pfizer dose.
•Neurological conditions:
◦Guillain-Barré syndrome — An OE ratio of 2.49 was observed following the AstraZeneca jab.
◦Transverse myelitis — Risk nearly doubled with the AstraZeneca shot.
◦Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis — OE ratios of 3.78 (Moderna) and 2.23 (AstraZeneca) were noted.
These findings really underscore the potential for serious side effects from the COVID shots, including conditions that may lead to other consequences in the longer term, such as stroke, heart attack, paralysis and death.
Considering those findings, it’s no surprise to find that effectiveness and safety were exaggerated in clinical trials and observational studies. In a guest post on Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack, Raphael Lataster, Ph.D., writes:16
“An unofficial series of four crucially important medical journal articles, two by me, appearing in major academic publisher Wiley’s Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice reveals that claims made about COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety were exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies, which significantly impacts risk-benefit analyses.
Also discussed are the concerning topics of myocarditis, with evidence indicating that this one adverse effect alone means that the risks outweigh the benefits in the young and healthy; and perceived negative effectiveness, which indicates that the vaccines increase the chance of COVID-19 infection/hospitalization/death, to say nothing about other adverse effects.”
The four papers in question include:
1.“Sources of Bias in Observational Studies of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness” published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice in March 2023, co-authored by BMJ editor Peter Doshi, Ph.D., statistician Kaiser Fung and biostatistician Mark Jones, which concluded that “case-counting window bias” had a significant effect on effectiveness estimates.17
As explained by Lataster, this “concerns the 7 days, 14 days, or even 21 days after the jab where we are meant to overlook jab-related issues, such as COVID infections, for some odd reason as ‘the vaccine has not had sufficient time to stimulate the immune system.’
This may strike you as quite bizarre since all of the ‘fully vaccinated’ must go through the process of being ‘partially vaccinated,’ sometimes even more than once. To make matters worse, the unvaccinated do not get such a ‘grace period,’ meaning that there is also a clear bias at play.
In an example using data from Pfizer’s clinical trial, the authors show that thanks to this bias, a vaccine with effectiveness of 0%, which is confirmed in the hypothetical clinical trial, could be seen in observational studies as having effectiveness of 48%.”
2.“Reply to Fung et. al. on COVID-19 Vaccine Case-Counting Window Biases Overstating Vaccine Effectiveness,” authored by Lataster, which discussed how the counting window bias not only affected effectiveness estimates in observational studies but also safety estimates, suggesting a need for reassessment of vaccine safety.18 The article also addresses “the mysterious rise in non-COVID excess deaths post-pandemic.”19
3.“How the Case Counting Window Affected Vaccine Efficacy Calculations in Randomized Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines,” again co-authored by Doshi and Fung, which detailed how case-counting window issues also overestimated effectiveness in Pfizer and Moderna clinical trials.20
4.A second article by Lataster, in which he highlighted and summarized the evidence showing that clinical trials were affected by adverse effect counting window issues that led to exaggerated safety estimates.21
“Together, these four articles make clear that claims made about COVID-19 vaccines; effectiveness and safety were exaggerated in the clinical trials and observational studies, whilst also finding time to discuss myocarditis and perceived negative effectiveness, meaning that new analyses are very much needed,” Lataster writes.22
Based on data from across the world, it’s beyond clear that the COVID shots are the most dangerous drugs ever deployed. If you already got one or more COVID jabs and are now reconsidering, you’d be wise to avoid all vaccines from here on, as you need to end the assault on your body. Even if you haven’t experienced any obvious side effects, your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots.
If you’re suffering from side effects, your first order of business is to eliminate the spike protein — and/or any aberrant off-target protein — that your body is producing. Two remedies shown to bind to and facilitate the removal of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. I don’t know if these drugs will work on off-target proteins and nanolipid accumulation as well, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to try.
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has developed a post-vaccine treatment protocol called I-RECOVER. Since the protocol is continuously updated as more data become available, your best bet is to download the latest version straight from the FLCCC website at
For additional suggestions, check out the World Council for Health’s spike protein detox guide,24 which focuses on natural substances like herbs, supplements and teas. Sauna therapy can also help eliminate toxic and misfolded proteins by stimulating autophagy.
Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),
The topic of COVID-19 vaccine shedding has long been controversial, but now, some doctors say it is real.
“Shedding is unfortunately real,” said Dr. Pierre Kory at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in early February. “The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) knows that.”
Dr. Kory is a co-founder of the FLCCC, a non-profit advocacy group founded by physicians for the treatment of COVID-19, long COVID, and postvaccine syndromes. He is also the co-founder of the Leading Edge Clinic and has treated over a thousand long-COVID and postvaccine patients.
Fact-checkers have largely denied shedding on the basis of definition. The commonly cited definition comes from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, which defines shedding as the release of viruses, bacteria, and their components from live vaccines.
While mRNA and adenovirus vaccines are not live vaccines, they function similarly to gene therapy products.
All gene therapy products pose a risk of shedding, according to the FDA.
In a 2015 document titled Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products, the FDA defines shedding as “the release of [viral or bacterial gene therapy products] … from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds).”
In the same document, the FDA also explains what gene therapy products are: “All products that mediate their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material.”
The COVID-19 mRNA and adenovirus vaccines fall into this category. They mediate their effects by inducing the body to translate mRNA genetic information into spike proteins.
Some gene therapy products known to shed include an eye treatment branded as Luxturna. Luxturna uses an adenovirus carrier to deliver eye protein DNA to retina cells in patients.
The Luxturna adenovirus and its DNA have been found in patients’ tears, according to the product’s package insert.
Similarly, mRNA and adenovirus COVID-19 vaccines may cause vaccinated patients to release spike proteins or other vaccine components, Dr. Kory explained.
For example, COVID-19 mRNA has been found in the breast milk of vaccinated mothers, indicating possible exposure of the vaccine to infants. Another study showed that spike protein, the product of COVID-19 vaccination, can last for at least half a year in the blood of vaccinated individuals, indicating prolonged spike protein persistence.
The FDA, however, denied that the 2015 document applies to COVID mRNA vaccines.
“COVID-19 vaccines are not regulated as gene therapy products by the FDA; therefore, the guidance document cited is not applicable to the COVID-19 vaccines,” an FDA spokeswoman told The Epoch Times.
Another piece of evidence resides in Pfizer documents, Dr. Kory added.
In Pfizer’s COVID mRNA vaccine protocol, the company instructs investigators to report “environmental exposures” if trial participants expose people around them to the vaccine through inhalation or skin contact.
Examples of such environmental exposures are noted as follows:
The protocol also goes into what Dr. Kory and his clinic co-founder, Scott Marsland, call “secondary shedding.” This occurs when a person who has had environmental exposure to the vaccine then exposes another person.
“An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding,” Pfizer writes, “is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention (the vaccine) by inhalation or skin contact.”
Pfizer has documented hundreds of adverse events that occurred as a result of indirect exposures or exposure to babies during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
In its Periodic Safety Report submitted to the European Union, Pfizer listed several adverse events it deemed not attributable to the vaccine and that should be excluded from discussion.
The document listed 22 cases of adverse events in babies who had received “indirect exposure” to COVID mRNA boosters, suggesting exposure other than a direct vaccination.
The investigators also monitored several special adverse event cases. Two blood-related adverse events involved babies being exposed through breastfeeding. Ten cases of liver-related adverse events and one adverse event of the vasculature system were reported for the same reason.
Two cases of acute kidney or renal failure and eight respiratory cases also involved babies being exposed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Patients who may be affected by vaccine exposure tend to be those with a history of sensitivities and chronic diseases, said Dr. Kory and Mr. Marsland. They also tend to have bad experiences with pharmaceuticals and are more likely to be chronically debilitated by COVID-19 or the vaccine.
Dr. Kory said that after compiling over 800 anecdotal reports, they observed a clear pattern in symptoms that they determined to be shedding.
Typically, the manifestation of symptoms is repeatable and predictable, such as when a person repeatedly becomes symptomatic when going into supermarkets or crowded places.
Dr. Kory gave the example of a patient who noticed he could not handle going into grocery stores.
The patient told Dr. Kory that he just couldn’t “go into grocery stores anymore.” Within five minutes of entering a Trader Joe’s grocery store, he “feels so terrible” that he has to leave. He experienced the same aversion upon going to a crowded farmers market.
At the FLCCC event, Mr. Marsland also shared several cases where he believed shedding was involved.
One case involved a 54-year-old male, who previously suffered from symptoms after the COVID-19 vaccine, meeting up with a friend who received a COVID-19 booster.
They sat close to each other, talking and laughing. “Within hours of spending their time together, [the man] had a headache, myalgia, and joint pain, increased fatigue,” Mr. Marsland relayed.
When the patient went to a busy airport, he felt worse.
He returned home and had sexual contact with his spouse, exchanging bodily fluids. Within minutes, the spouse developed severe “nine out of 10” abdominal pain.
The two believed the pain was from shedding, so both took ivermectin, known to bind to and block spike proteins. Within about half an hour, the spouse’s abdominal pain receded.
“It’s the temporal association and the accumulation of symptoms,” Mr. Marsland reasoned.
Other doctors treating long COVID and postvaccine syndromes, such as Dr. Syed Haider and Dr. Ana Mihalcea, have also reported suspected cases of shedding.
Professors in vaccinology, however, do not acknowledge that mRNA vaccines may induce shedding.
“mRNA leads to the expression of proteins in cells, and this expression is different from shedding, as you would have if you are infected by certain viruses,” associate professor Paulo Verardi of the University of Connecticut told The Epoch Times.
“While SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to virus shedding, and, therefore, transmission of the virus from person to person, shedding of the spike protein does not occur in individuals receiving the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine,” he continued.
While another definition of shedding refers to the release of live viruses in people infected or vaccinated with live vaccines, Dr. Kory reiterated that the shedding discussed in the case of COVID-19 vaccines is different from the shedding of live viruses.
Professor Florian Krammer at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai also told The Epoch Times that shedding does not exist.
He did not reply when The Epoch Times presented him with information regarding the FDA’s documents on gene therapy and shedding.
At the 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) held from January 15–19, 2024, Bill Gates has sparked skepticism with his recent statements about the future of vaccines.
In an interview with CNBC-TV18’s Shereen Bhan, Gates expressed confidence in the development of next-generation vaccines that promise longer duration, broader coverage, and the shift towards needle-free administration.
“We make sure that for all these vaccines, there’s enough capacity; there’s competition. So the prices keep going down, and we will have new vaccines,” said Gates.
“We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even the things like COVID vaccines; we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage. And we’re going to change instead of using a needle to use a little patch. So the pandemic really highlighted that we’ve been underinvested in those innovations, and our partners in India are part of how we’re going to get these breakthrough products done,” he added.
NEW – Bill Gates Says Next-Gen COVID Vaccines Will Have ‘Longer Duration’ and Use Patches Instead of Needles
“We’ll have a TB vaccine, malaria vaccine, HIV vaccine, and even things like Covid vaccines, we need to make them have longer duration, more coverage. And we’re going to…
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) January 16, 2024
Gates, whose Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently invested $23.6 million in U.S.-based Micron Biomedical to develop needle-free vaccine technology, emphasized the importance of affordable, accessible, and innovative vaccine solutions.
This technology will use a patch-like device with dissolvable microneedles.
Micron Biomedical announced:
Micron Biomedical, a life science company developing first-in-class dissolvable microarray-based products that simplify and improve the transport, storage, and administration of drugs and vaccines, today announced a $23.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that will fund mass production of needle-free vaccines.
The manufacturing facility will enable commercialization of the first microarray technology-based measles-rubella vaccine, indicated for children as young as 9 months, once approved by the appropriate regulatory authorities following additional clinical study.
In low- and middle-income countries, measles remains a leading cause of death, primarily due to limited access to vaccines that require refrigeration during transport and storage and clinicians to administer them. Micron is developing a needle-free version of the measles-rubella (MR) vaccine based on its microarray technology.
The technology reduces the need for a cold chain and allows a community health worker to vaccinate a child within minutes by applying the technology to the skin and pressing a button that confirms administration. The administration of the vaccine is virtually pain-free