Facebook Labeling 100% Facts About Vaccine Company Corruption as ‘Misinformation’
The censors at Facebook’s ministry of truth have sunk to a new low. Yesterday at 1:35 p.m. EST, TFTP journalist Don Via Jr received a 24-hour ban on the platform for posting a completely factually accurate meme acknowledging big pharma’s history of rampant corruption.
Unlike other instances of individuals being censored on the platform however, in which the social media company attempts to thinly veil their censorship behind openly biased fact-checkers. This time there was none. No “fact check” for “false information”. Simply a notification of the post being removed from Mr. Via’s Break The Matrix Facebook page, and a notice that all of his accounts were restricted for 24 hours.
Below is the meme in question.
What makes this act of censorship particularly egregious is the blatant nature with which Facebook is now suppressing 100% verifiable facts.
After disputing the decision, Facebook replied with an automated message stating “We don’t allow false information that could cause physical harm. In some cases this includes information that recognized health organizations say could mislead people about how to cure or prevent a disease or that could discourage people from seeking medical treatment.”
In this case though, none of the information stated was false.
For instance, the first tier of the graphic claims that since inception in 1848, Pfizer has racked up nearly 5 billion dollars in criminal charges. While the exact total may vary a bit, the facts regarding their history of rampant corruption and medical malfeasance is.
In 1991, the FDA charged Pfizer subsidiary Shiley with withholding information from safety regulators and deliberately falsifying manufacturing records with regards to faulty heart valves. Nearly 300 people died from Pfizer’s faulty products and ultimately the company spent 205 million dollars settling the tens of thousands of lawsuits filed against them.
Despite this, Pfizer resisted to comply with FDA orders to notify patients and ultimately paid an additional $10 million when the Department of Justice charged them with lying to regulators.
In 2009, among other allegations of human rights abuses, Pfizer agreed to settle a lawsuit for $75 million after a lengthy court dispute in which it was charged with using Nigerian children as human guinea pigs.
In 2012 the company was forced to pay 60 million dollars after it was exposed for bribing foreign doctors to sell their products.
These are only a select few examples of the company’s history rife with criminal activity. More can be seen under Pfizer’s corporate rap sheet via the Corporate Research Project.
The second tier of the meme asserts that Moderna has not successfully completed the production of a viable vaccine in the company’s history. This can be confirmed via a simple internet search. In May of 2020, it was reported by The Daily Mail and CNN that Moderna has a track record of never bringing a successful vaccine to market since the company’s founding in 2010.
Furthermore, despite the company’s dubious past it was reported that Moderna was first tapped to lead U.S. vaccine development in what equated to a gamble. Simply because the company’s slick talking CEO was able to get the attention of former President Trump with bold promises during a meeting with biotech executives.
The third tier of the meme acknowledges the well-documented history of heinous crimes committed by Johnson & Johnson. Of which TFTP has also extensively covered in recent years.
As we reported in 2016, the company was forced to pay out billions of dollars in several lawsuits for continuing the sale of products they knew were causing cancer.
J&J has also been found guilty of irresponsible marketing practices and penalized nearly 600 million dollars for their role in fueling the opiate epidemic. As well as having been caught hiding crucial laboratory data from safety inspectors — resulting in the deaths of hundreds of people.
But these only scratch the surface of the company’s flagrant human rights abuses. Among them, being one of the main financiers alongside, Dow Chemical and the United States Army, funding 20 years of unethical human experiments by Dr. Albert Kligman in Pennsylvania’s Holmesburg prison. Experiments which entailed prisoners being financially coerced to “volunteer” as research subjects to study mind-altering drugs, painful medical procedures, radiation, and chemical weapons such as Agent Orange.
As a matter of fact, in addition to Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson — It is thoroughly documented by the Corporate Research Project that nearly every major company involved in the development of Covid-19 vaccines has an abhorrent history of medical malfeasance, and criminal charges.
Finally, the last section of the meme asserts that AstraZeneca’s covid-19 vaccine has itself already been suspended in 24 countries due to health concerns. Yet again, a simple query in your preferred search engine can corroborate this as a fact.
As a March 16th report from Al Jazeera explains; the countries of Sweden, Latvia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Portugal, Slovenia, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Ireland, Bulgaria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Thailand, Romania, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Austria have all suspended the Oxford / AstraZeneca jab in some capacity.
Since that report the Philippines and Australia have also suspended the shot for individuals under 60 years of age. Venezuela has also refused to authorize it.
What Facebook is doing by deleting this content, which by all accounts is completely accurate, is suppressing vital information that the people have a right to know. Informed consent matters, and it’s not something that can be so freely thrown to the wayside — certainly not as adverse events reported to the CDC are at an all-time high.
Facebook, as we have reported ad nauseam, works alongside government entities to facilitate their censorship. And more recently was even implicated in a lawsuit filed by Robert F Kennedy Jr as directly taking orders from the government to stifle concerns for vaccine safety on its platform.
The company is now essentially working as a cover-up crew to protect those with which they have a vested financial or political interest. While their counterparts in the mainstream media ingloriously propagate the notion that those concerned with vaccine safety are domestic terrorists.
Bodily autonomy is paramount, and individuals have an inherent right to be given all the facts so that they are adequately informed to make proper decisions with regard to their health.
Just because the truth is unpleasant, does not make it misinformation. As a matter of fact, censoring unpleasant truths in favor of biased one-sided narratives is the greatest danger of all.
from: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/facebook-labeling-100-facts-about-vaccine-company-corruption-as-misinformation/