Travelers’ Diary. August 26, 2024

Oftentimes, perhaps even more than often it is best not to pay attention to things on the air waves or, even better, to research what is being said.  If one person says it… Perhaps it is a prophet calling forth in the wilderness.  If there are two, well, perhaps that prophet has a friend, but when three or more are articulating an agenda, it is well to start looking into that agenda for that is the time in which some kind of push is being made.  The question is whether it is for good or for ill.

You need to know and even better trust that your own spiritual and energetic connection to the Universe will never guide you on the wrong path.  The problem is and has always been that so many are troubled by what comes to them through that medium and they tend to turn from it to pay attention to the greater whole that is telling you one thing or the other. 

This is a very critical time for there are many who are prophesying, many who are saying things are one way or the other., many who are telling you this is the truth, the is the way to go, but you cannot take them at their word without first going within and seeing how it affects you. If you are to find a kind of dislike =- we were going to say revulsion for sometimes it is an actual physical essence of revulsion, then you know it is not correct.

Oftentimes we have spoken of what is correct for you and looking for that message in your dealings with things.  Now, we are noting that in much of what is going on today, there is much that is not good for you but more so tan that, there is much that is not good fo people in general, and it needs to be shown.

There is so much show going on within the politics of the various countries, but there comes a time when the show shows itself for being merely that — a seeming, something that does not exist in reality but merely in the script that is being played out o]r being attempted to play out.

You can see the puppet master behind the scenes, and it is time for all to develop that sense of acuity, even more that sense of discernment that allows them to step back from what is going on in front of them and to see within the steps and lines to the script that they are reading and agenda they are promoting.

This is difficult in all times but now these agendas are becoming more and more transparent as those who follow those masters are trying harder and harder to fulfill their roles, but know that that’s individuals are no longer serving their purposes as before, ad they will find themselves becoming more and more marginalized.

The puppet masers are gathering a new round of actor and players – marionettes, and as this occurs, there will be a momentary lapse in their control.

This is the time to take hold of and to allow the positive individuals, those who are motivated by true love for people, true compassion to come forward to take centerstage and work their change.

This is tough.  We are not seeing where it will go from here.

The good always seem to have so much evil to deal with.

You wonder about this, the power of evil, and what we can say now is that while good allows for all to happen, evil will still be on the stage, but know that good is not powerless and much of its power is a kind of spiritual power that is in the air and works within the _____.  We cannot find the right word.  It is kind of an atmosphere of the world within which good works, and as such it is subtle, but ultimately pervasive.

Be wise in your choices,

Be kind in your actions

And be strong in your self.