Church of the SubGenius

Ok, so I do listen to NPR, but only in the car.  Anyhow, they had this great interview on To The Best of Our Knowledge yesterday with Rev. Ivan Stang of the Church of the SubGenius.  Short, curious, and fun.

For example:   Here is a quote from their mentor/god/whatever which seems to kind of sum things up:  “THE STUPIDER IT LOOKS, THE MORE IMPORTANT IT PROBABLY IS.”    — J.R. “Bob” Dobbs.

here is the link:


Oh, and I checked out the website for the Church of the SubGenius — obviously designed by a SubGenius, but some fun and even interesting stuff.

Here is that link:

Disclosure, Exoploitics, Blue Whales, Crop Circles, Etc.

Blue Whales, UFO’s, and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012

February 18, 2012

(NOTE:  As always, use your own discretion, but do your research.  THngs are not always what they seem.)

By Richard O’Connor. M.D.

A blue whale, the largest animal that has ever existed.

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales (called Mysticeti).[3] At 30 metres (98 ft)[4] in length and 180 metric tons (200 short tons)[5] or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.[6]

We are told that blue whales exist, but I have never seen a blue whale. Unlike UFO’s, there is no information war, ortruth embargo, currently in place which attempts to obscure the reality of the existence of blue whales. We are told that blue whales, living at this moment throughout the oceans of this planet, are the largest animals that have ever existed! Other people have seen and photographed them, confirming their real existence for us, and there is really no reason that we should doubt that blue whales do in fact exist. There are many photographs and videos of blue whales. I doubt that the presence of a blue whale has ever been documented by radar, but UFO’s certainly have been so documented through photos, videos, and on radar many, many times. It is estimated that Earth’s population of blue whales currently stands at 5000 – 12,000 worldwide, yet I (and probably you) have never seen a blue whale. We are talking about the largest animal which has ever existed and is claimed to still be living today, yet neither you nor I have ever seen one. How could this be? I have swum and even snorkeled in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea, but I have never had the good fortune to find myself in the physical presence of a blue whale, and no one that I know personally has ever seen a blue whale. I hope to and would be thrilled to see a blue whale one day, before I am gone or before they are gone, but so far I have never been in the right place, at the right time, to actually see one with my own eyes. Think about these things, and then contemplate the following.

Ongoing and Unexplained Phenomena

We have several ongoing and as yet unexplained categories of events, or phenomena, occurring in our world today. These recurring events are not rare and virtually every single day, if one cares to look at sources beyond our mainstream media, a report will be found from somewhere around the world which strongly suggests the real existence of the UFO phenomenon, the Crop Circle phenomenon, theanimal dissection (aka “cattle mutilation”) phenomenon, and the alien abduction phenomenon. The details of these phenomena are ignored by many because we have been deliberately and methodically seduced (defined: “act of leading aside”) into the belief that these events are mutually unrelated and that these are fringe topics which we should perceive to have little or no relevance to our daily lives in which obtaining an education, advancing one’s career, raising a family, saving for retirement, maintaining a social life, or simply paying the rent must, of necessity, remain our primary focus in order that we and those we love may continue to thrive. Through our mainstream media this social engineering has been very effectively implemented in an effort to preserve the normalcy of our nation’s society and the very foundations of our global civilization in their present form for as long as possible, and there are many compelling reasons why those who have controlled this information have chosen this path for us. For those like myself, who daily follow new developments with regard to these phenomena, it is becoming increasingly evident that the winds of change are blowing and that we will, in the very near future, find ourselves in the midst of a gale. We need to be prepared for this.

There is no debate that the evolution and maintenance of our present day human civilization has been a very necessary and long-term project, sometimes painful, and oftentimes difficult. Civilization is an ongoing enterprise that should not to be taken for granted and should not be profoundly amended without due cause but, as recent events such as Occupy Wall Street demonstrate, changes in the underlying foundations of our civilization are sometimes wise, justifiable, and in fact necessary as we strive “to create a more perfect union”.

UFO’s and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012

(Wikipedia): The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) maintains that “the breadth of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act’s (NDAA) detention authority (by the U.S. military of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil) violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war.”

I propose that the recently passed US Defense Authorization Act of 2012 may be considered as a pre-emptive preparation for the coming gale which will result when Disclosure of the reality of the above listed phenomena, and of their relevance to the present and future of our civilization, is either officially announced or, when it simply unfolds as, perhaps, in some type of District 9 scenario. If you haven’t seen the movie, a large UFO quietly parks itself over Johannesburg, South Africa, with no further contact for three months. Imagine if such an event were to actually transpire tomorrow.

Those who have had a “need to know” fully realize that Disclosure is not completely under their control, and that Disclosure may be precipitated on any given day by the Extraterrestrial Intelligence(s) which have arrived here and which are in fact the group(s) most likely responsible for these otherwise unexplainable yet ongoing phenomena listed above. The specific provisions codified in the NDAA of 2012 manifest unprecedented and blatant infringements upon several amendments in the Bill of Rights of our U.S. Constitution which we have all taken for granted as our protection against actions being taken against us by our own U.S. military in the absence of due process. Now, one decade after 9/11, and with no additional major incidents of terrorism having occurred upon U.S. soil, what imaginable anticipated event could and would motivate, and in fact truly warrant, the passage of the these new and specific provisions of NDAA 2012 which have been willingly signed by our President Barak Obama? And, what nature of event would enable those military personnel so ordered, who are also U.S. citizens, to feel justified in following an order to take military action against their fellow U.S. citizens? One does not need to stand ready the entire U.S. military to deal with a single terrorist, or a small group of terrorists, on U.S. soil. The particular and curious provisions of the recent NDAA of 2012 imply that the ground-work is being laid in anticipation of an event of such profound significance to U.S. national security that the passage of this NDAA 2012, with its blatant disregard of several provisions within our U.S. Constitution, is clearly regarded by our nation’s leadership as justified and necessary.

Those “in the know” have thus far successfully dissuaded the majority of our citizenry from any concerns linking the growing base of evidence which confirms the real existence of these phenomena. These ongoing, recurring phenomena now clearly indicate at least this: we are not alone in this universe and we are currently being contacted by likely more than one alien civilization. Our nation’s leadership must insure that they will always remain one step ahead in order to effectively provide for our nation’s security. They must realize the inevitability of an event which comprises an inescapable tipping-point of irrefutable and undeniable evidence of ongoing visitation of Extraterrestrial Intelligence to our planet is just around the corner, as this is most certainly the reality. Video cameras are now everywhere and a single event, obtained under just the right circumstances and with an adequate ensemble of willing-to-testify eyewitnesses, is all that stands between a normal today and Disclosure tomorrow. Those who believe thatExopolitics is of little concern among those who participate in the think-tanks of Washinton D.C., I believe, are gravely mistaken. Through steps such as NDAA 2012, which are now being taken by the U.S. government / military, when Official Disclosure occurs, or, more likely, when unofficial Disclosure self-manifests, the recently passed provisions of NDAA 2012 will insure that the necessary legal means are already in place to maintain law and order through (now legal) U.S. military action against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. While there is no question that the specific provisions of NDAA 2012 constitute an obvious and blatant disregard of several amendments within our U.S. Constitution, and while many have for many years disagreed with the philosophy and means by which the “truth embargo” regarding these phenomena has been deliberately manipulated and obscured by those with an officially declared “need to know”, we must also realize that official or unofficial Disclosure, when it occurs, is going to bring a day unlike any other day which has ever dawned for mankind. Our U.S. federal government and our U.S. military are the only extant agencies which will have the mandate and the means to effectively maintain our nation’s security and deal with the potential firestorm which will very likely ensue when our world comes to a full measure of conscious realization of the following:

The Short List of Concerns and Grievances post-Disclosure

to read the rest of the article, go to:

2011’s Weirdest Stories

The Weirdest Stories of 2011

Life’s Little Mysteries Staff
Date: 30 December 2011 Time: 04:55 PM ET

cloud face
A video shot by a Canadian man appears to show clouds taking the shape of a man’s face.
CREDIT: denisfarmer

Every year, dozens of weird new stories and surprising scientific findings grab headlines across the world. From clouds that looked like Abraham Lincoln to doomsday predictions to research on the psychological roots of alien abductions, 2011 didn’t disappoint. Here, a sampling of the weirdest stories of the year:

Eagle-eyed users of Google Maps spotted several giant, mysterious structures laid out throughout China. Mystery solved: They’re calibration targets for spy satellites.

A YouTube enthusiast spotted a planet-size UFO near Mercury; that one turned out to be an imaging artifact.

Yeti researchers claimed they found “indisputable proof” of the mysterious beast in Russia. Months later, a supposed yeti finger was subjected to DNA analysis and found to be of human origin.

A coroner in Ireland declared a man died of spontaneous human combustion. Meanwhile, a crematorium in England unveiled its plans to convert heat from burning corpses into electricity. Perhaps alarmed by this, a 50-year-old “dead” man woke up after 24 hours in a morgue.

For unknown reasons, 2011 saw a rash of reports of Serbian children who were, supposedly, magnetic.

Lots of funny stuff was spotted in the skies. A swarm of insects in Iowa formed what’s known as a “bugnado,” and clouds in Canada closely resembled Abraham Lincoln’s profile.

A scientist in California conducted several studies that suggest alien abductions and visions of angels are, in fact, very vivid dreams.

Howard Camping, a radio evangelist, predicted, twice, that the world would come to an end in 2011. A spokesperson for Camping says he plans to make no doomsday predictions for 2012.

Dozens of bizarre Guinness World Records standards were set in 2011, but this one got the most double takes: The world’s largest bra was unveiled in London. It was size 1222B. Oh, and the world’s hairiest girl was crowned.

Scientists reported that, if you’ve lost your TV remote, there’s a 49 percent chance it’s wedged in between your couch cushions.

Fans celebrating a touchdown by Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch created a mini-earthquake.

Early in the year, art historians suggested that the woman portrayed in da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” might actually have been a dude. Mysteries abound about the most famous painting in the world, including the new claim that there are secret codes painted in her eyes.

Plenty of weird happenings also took place in the ocean.  A surfer was spotted riding a great white shark, a sea monster washed up along New York City’s East River, and oceanographers discovered a “flying saucer” that crashed in the ocean.

And finally – disgustingly – racehorse owners in New Zealand were given permission to sell stallion semen as an energy drink. Drinking it will give you “as much zizz as a stallion for a week afterwards,” one vendor claimed.


Monsters, Doomsday, & UFO’s for 2012

Monsters and UFOs to Watch For in 2012

Benjamin Radford, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor
Date: 28 December 2011 Time: 07:56 PM

The Flying Saucer movie poster
Promotional poster for the 1950 film ‘The Flying Saucer.’
CREDIT: Colonial Productions

2011 was a year of weird news, and sitting on the cusp of 2012, it’s time to look back on the odd year that was — as well as look ahead to a year that promises a new level of strangeness.

Monster sightings in 2011: Researchers looking in Siberia for the yeti — the Asian version of North America’s Bigfoot — claimed in October to have found “indisputable proof” of the long-sought mystery beast. The Russian team, which included several American scientists, located some odd footprints, as well as some gray hairs in a cave. About a month later, a member of the expedition, biologist John Bindernagel, claimed his group found even more evidence, including nests and shelters made of tree branches twisted together. However, another member of the same group reported finding evidence of hoaxing and branded the whole expedition a publicity stunt.

2011 was also the year that the mystery of the chupacabra, the Hispanic vampire beast, was solved, after some 15 years of mystery. DNA testing on dead “chupacabras” found in Texas and elsewhere revealed them to be mostly dogs and coyotes afflicted with mange, and the legendary creature’s origin was traced back to a 1995 monster movie instead of any real-life encounter.

Monsters to look for in 2012: Will the yeti footprints and hair samples finally reveal the truth? If the claims made by the Russian expedition are not hype or hoax, then perhaps the world will finally get definitive proof of the long-rumored creature. Surely after so many decades of ambiguous sightings and searches, hard evidence of Bigfoot or the yeti is long overdue. As for the chupacabra, people in North America and elsewhere will continue to find mangy dogs and coyotes and assume the unfortunate beasties are chupacabras.

Doomsday predictions made in 2011: The year began on an ominous note when fundamentalist Harold Camping, leader of the ministry Family Radio Worldwide, concluded after careful study of the Bible that the world would end May 21. The announcement made national news, and concerned many believers. Camping and his followers were embarrassed when May 21 came and went without a hitch, and he eventually admitted there must have been a miscalculation somewhere. Camping moved the date back a few months, concluding that October was the real month Armageddon would begin. That doomsday date came and went, as well, and the only thing destroyed was Camping’s credibility.

Doomsdays to prepare for in 2012: The upcoming year is certain to bring more concerns about doomsdays and apocalypse — not necessarily from Bible-thumping evangelicals but (supposedly) from the ancient Mayans, whose calendar “ends” next year. Some New Agers think the world will end along with the end of the Mayan calendar cycle; others believe a new age of global peace and harmony will emerge. For other groups, the concern isn’t so much the calendar date but a collision between Earth and the mysterious (and nonexistent) planet Niburu. Of course, people have been predicting doomsdays for millennia, and while nary one has come to pass, one day, sooner or later, the prognosticators will be right.

UFOs and aliens spotted in 2011: The summer of 2011 was an especially busy period for UFO sightings, according to an organization that tracks such reports. The Mutual UFO Network noted that sightings in some states more than doubled their usual numbers. The group could not explain the apparent increase, saying that it could be real, or possibly just a computer error.

As the reports of sightings soared, so did the lights in the skies. In early October more than a dozen strange lights were seen over the northern Utah city of Washington Terrace just after 11:30 p.m. They emitted a strange, fiery glow as they headed north at an estimated speed of about 70 mph, according to one eyewitness. The lights puzzled the public and police and had the UFO community buzzing. Finally, students at the local Bonneville High School admitted they had launched 16 lit Chinese lanterns that night; the lanterns had been reported as UFOs.

Even close-up views of alien spaceships proved to be of something else. That was the case of a “flying saucer” spotted being hauled down a main street in a Kansas town; it turned out to be a (comparatively mundane) military spy plane.

UFOs and aliens to look out for in 2012: There’s some reason to believe UFO sightings will continue at the same rate, or even increase, through 2012. UFO reports historically occur in clusters or “flaps.” And reports could be on the rise because more and more people carry cellphones with built-in cameras, making it easier than ever to report a potential sighting.

A few sightings tend to encourage even more sightings. Will extraterrestrials finally make their presence clearly known, landing on the White House lawn or staying still long enough to get some clear, sharp photos or videos? That’s been the hope and promise of UFO believers for decades now.


Ufo’s Visiting the Mayans?

UFOs Visited the Mayans, Upcoming Film Claims
Benjamin Radford, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor
Date: 05 October 2011 Time: 02:42 PM ET

According to film producer Raul Julia-Levy, extraterrestrials contacted the Mayan civilization in Mexico thousands of years ago — and he claims he’ll prove it in an upcoming film, “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond.”

Unproven claims of ancient astronauts in the Americas have been made for decades, most prominently by Erich von Daniken, author of the best-selling classic work of pseudoscience “Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past” (Putnam, 1968). Von Daniken wrote that ancient Egyptians had neither the intelligence nor the tools to create the massive pyramids at Giza, and thus they were made by aliens.

Some claim the giant drawings in the Nazca desert of Peru were created by spaceships. In fact, the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca Indians, probably as part of a ceremonial ritual

So the claims in this documentary by Julia-Levy (son of late actor Raul Julia) are nothing new — but the evidence for those claims is said to be.

What is this earth-shaking new evidence? The filmmakers are being coy about what exactly they have (they want you to go see the movie), but a statement issued by Luis Augusto García Rosado, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche, issued a statement that contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials is “supported by translations of certain codices.” (The fact that this stunning revelation was announced by a tourism official — and not, say, a professional archaeologist or anthropologist from the Smithsonian Institution — raises suspicion that it may not be based in solid scientific research.)

García Rosado also referred to “landing pads in the jungle” that date back three millennia. It’s not clear why aliens would need a designated landing pad for their spaceships, since many eye-witness reports of (supposed) extraterrestrial craft suggest that they can land on just about any terrain (though maybe alien landing gear technology has improved over the past 3,000 years).
Julia-Levy and others involved in the film were unavailable for comment.

to read more, go to:

Huge Increase in Recent UFO Reports

UFO Reports Spiked this Summer

Benjamin Radford, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor
Date: 17 September 2011 Time: 07:52 PM ET
The Flying Saucer movie poster
Promotional poster for the 1950 film ‘The Flying Saucer.’
CREDIT: Colonial Productions

According to an organization that tracks UFO reports, this summer has been an especially busy period for UFO sightings. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) noted that sightings increased over the past six weeks, with some states more than doubling their normal numbers.

Are we on the cusp of an alien invasion? Or maybe people just have more time on their hands to spot — and report — strange things in the sky?

“It’s pretty exciting,” said Clifford Clift, the international director of MUFON. “When you average 500 a month [nationwide] and go to 1,013 in one month, that’s an interesting spike in sighting reports.

Clift told Life’s Little Mysteries that he’s not sure what to make of the data at this point. It could be the start of something big, or it could merely be a computer glitch that accidentally counted some reports twice. Another possibility is that we’re simply in the midst of a “UFO flap,” one of many periodic increases in sightings over the years.

There are several reasons UFOs might appear in flaps, or clusters. One is that objects in the sky are usually seen by many people, especially when they appear over urban areas. UFOs typically don’t hover close to Earth or in someone’s back yard; instead, they are often sighted high in the sky — just far enough away so that we can’t see details or get sharp photos. Thus, whatever a particular UFO really is — a plane, a comet, an extraterrestrial spacecraft, or something else — that one object or strange light in the sky could trigger hundreds, or even thousands, of reports. And even reports of the same object will probably differ depending on the reporter’s perspective.

Thus, if there were hundreds of UFO reports in a state during a given period, it’s important to know how those reports were categorized because it might mean hundreds of different UFOs were sighted by single individuals, or that one UFO was sighted by hundreds of people.

There are also psychological and social explanations. Sightings are often fueled by the mass media; people read about mysterious things or see TV shows about them, and interest or concern about them spreads from person to person. It’s not that anyone is hoaxing or making up  sightings: Research has shown that if you tell people what to look for (a phenomenon called “priming”), people will often see what they are looking for — whether those things exist or not.

As Clift noted, “It’s likely that the media and [alien-themed] movies that are coming out, like ‘Apollo 18‘ and ‘Paul,’ are piquing people’s interest in UFOs.” People hear about UFOs, and for a while they tend to look at the sky more often, wondering if they might have their own sighting. And precisely because people are spending more time looking at the sky, they will for the first time notice (normal) lights and objects that have always been there.

So it may not be that UFOs are actually appearing more often, but instead we’re noticing them more. An identical process can be found in the medical field, where an increase in reports of a disease may not represent an increase in the actual number of cases, but instead reflects more public awareness of the disease or better screening techniques. In other words, scientists know that just because more people report a phenomenon does not necessarily mean the phenomenon is occurring more often. [Could NASA Launch a Secret Moon Mission?]

Why might UFOs be seen more often in the summer months? One possibility is that people spend more time outdoors; we spend warm nights outside at parties and barbecues, thus we have more opportunity to notice things in the sky than in the winter when we’re inside watching television. That said, Clift pointed out that his organization doesn’t normally see such dramatic seasonal increases in reports.
Whether the increase in sightings is rooted in reality, a computer glitch, or psychological and social influences remains to be seen. One thing is certain: This is not the first time that UFO reports have increased, and it won’t be the last.

This story was provided by Life’s Little Mysteries, a sister site to LiveScience.

Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and author ofScientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries. His website is

this report comes from:

History Channel: Increase in UFO Sightings

UFO Sightings Increase 67 Percent In 3 Years, History Channel Investigates Unexplained Aerial Phenomena

by Lee Speigel, Huffington Post

First Posted: 8/26/11 08:11 AM ET Updated: 8/26/11 10:14 AM ET

Unemployment, gas prices, and fear over global warming aren’t the only things skyrocketing — so are mysterious objects rocketing through the sky.

The Mutual UFO Network — the largest privately funded UFO research organisation in the world — tells The Huffington Post that more people than ever are reporting unidentified flying objects, mostly in the United States and Canada.

“Over the past year, we’ve been averaging 500 sighting reports a month, compared to about 300 three years ago [67 percent],” MUFON international director Clifford Clift said.

“And I get one or two production companies contacting me every week, wanting to do stories on UFOs.”

So far this week, mysterious aerial lights in Laredo, Texas, and Kansas City, MO., lived up to, at least initially, the strict definition of UFOs, namely “Unidentified” Flying Objects.

That, of course, doesn’t mean that little green men are watching us. It’s generally accepted that 95 percent of all sightings are easily dismissed. Some turn out to be conventional aircraft, others are satellites or weather balloons — and then there are the hoaxers with Photoshopped concoctions.

In the case of the Kansas City sighting, the UFOs turned out to be the Army Golden Knights parachuting team, performing a nighttime jump. But the explanation for the blinking light over Laredo is still up for grabs.

However, the remaining 5 percent of all UFO reports aren’t as easily explained. And many of them are reported by commercial and military pilots. These were examined on “Secret Access: UFOs On The Record,” a new History Channel documentary that premiered on Thursday.


for more and the video, go to:

Scientific Study adopts unrealistic stance on extraterrestrial contact

From the article:

What “A Scenario Analysis” fails to do is to actively engage with the more than abundant evidence that humanity is currently being visited by extraterrestrial life. In the abstract, the authors categorically state: “humanity has not yet observed any extraterrestrial intelligence.” Yet there is an incredible amount of physical evidence concerning sightings of UFOs under intelligent control displaying flight characteristics far above what is known to be possible in conventional or even classified aerospace research. In addition, there are also numerous whistleblower reports concerning crashes of UFOs, and retrievals of extraterrestrial biological entities. Finally, there are also first hand witness reports of contacts, both voluntary and involuntary, with extraterrestrial entities. Rather than acknowledge the existence of such evidence, the scientific study chooses to dismiss it all together adopting the well known SETI perspective that no extraterrestrial contact has yet been made.

Read more at Exopolitics Institute

Cowboys, Indians, & Aliens Out West

‘Cowboys & Aliens’: UFO Sightings in the Wild West

Benjamin Radford, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor
Date: 29 July 2011 Time: 12:28 PM ET
Cowboys and Aliens
Still of Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig in Cowboys & Aliens.
CREDIT: Photo by Zade Rosenthal/Universal Studios and DreamWorks II – © Universal Studios and DreamWorks II Distribution Co. LLC

The new film “Cowboys and Aliens,” starring Harrison “Indiana Jones” Ford and Daniel “James Bond” Craig, opens today and is likely to snatch the top spot at the box office this weekend. The anachronistic sci-fi thriller tells the story of extraterrestrials who attack a small New Mexico town in search of — well, I won’t give away any spoilers.

Cowboys and aliens? Why not? Many people believe that alien contact is nothing new, and that Earth has been visited for millennia. Some, such as best-selling Swiss author Erich von Däniken, have suggested (based on flawed evidence and logic) that aliens built the pyramids in Egypt. Others believe that the giant drawings in the Nazca desert of Peru, in South America, were created by (or for) extraterrestrials in space ships. In fact, there’s good evidence that the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca Indians, probably as part of ceremonial rituals.

But what about sightings and reports of aliens in the Old West? Surprisingly, there actually are a few reports of extraterrestrial encounters in the 1800s.

to read more, go to:

UFO in Hollywood?

July 27, 2011 – UFO Disguised As Blimp Above Hollywood Hills?

Email to Earthfiles, July 27, 2011:  “We live in the Hollywood Hills (top red circle).
(Today) my wife started taping what I thought was a blimp in the sky.
She said it suddenly just appeared. She started recording it, but it zipped away
seconds later and scared the crap out of us. We looked around for
another 2 minutes but it never came back.”

check out the video:
