Overall Weekly Chromoscope

July 7-13

The theme this week is “of all things…”   And it will definitely be a week of all things, so choose wisely what it is that you are wishing to focus upon.  That can make a big difference this week.


Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

So, what you thought you knew, what you thought was so reliable, how you created your routine, all those kinds of things are turning out to be not quite as rock solid as you thought.  Just remember that most of the space in an atom is empty, and you might just find yourself staring into a new kind of emptiness this week as the energies begin to pull things apart, as things start tumbling about.  You will find this week can bring you some interesting confrontations, exchanges, conversations with people you know.  The effect of these will be to make you question a lot of the foregone conclusions that you had had.  Also, you might feel yourself spinning a bit off center as friends you thought you knew so well become somehow different.    The long view of all this is to see that things that once seemed so reliable are changing.  Interestingly, your reactions and doubts and questions can be provoked by a seemingly innocent comment.  As for some of the things you used to love, this week you will begin to look at as not quite so desirable.  You may still enjoy them, but you are becoming aware that a lot of the charm of the old stuff is beginning to fade.  This can lead to some deep questioning.  This week, take time to clear your environment through sound, smudge, etc.  Maintain that clarity as it will assist you in taking on a new perspective.  Also stay grounded.  Be centered in your heart.  Act from your core, and in all circumstances, proceed from love.  There is no clearer light.

On the larger scale, the foundations are coming apart in many, many countries.  Things are being seen on the news in obvious cases, but there will much that is not noted.  Some of this can be related to the one-sidedness of the media.  Some can be related to the fact that small movements in the beginning are not seen as having any real significance.  The myopia of the powers that want to be is becoming ever more pronounced.  The financial markets will ride something of a roller coaster this week, but should end basically on a high note as some double-talk announcement is made concerning an issues related to fuel and the environments.  Also the weather will turn wicked in some areas.  There will be unexpected bursts of weather conditions that are out of season, even frightening.  There is more flow within the mantle of the Earth.  It is as though the liquid core is becoming somewhat unbalanced.  This can lead to some unusual effects on the surface and in the seas.  Look for an individual to be arising possibly in the Mid to Far East who is going to have some promises of some kind of salvation, perhaps not reported just yet, but rumored in the social media.  There will be more UFO activity, much caught on camera, and there is the possibility if bot this week, but soon, of some kind of message coming to the Earth from the Galaxy.  Look for more talk of diseases.  Interestingly, none will be linked to the obvious culprits – GMO’s, vaccines, pollution, etc.  It is well to look to local farmers for your produce.  That one time extra-Galactic energy is beginning to exert more of a pull on the planets as a whole and on the Sun in particular.  There can be some weird events relative to planetary motion and solar activity.

It is time for all to be in touch with Gaia, to offer her your support, and to be connected with her at all times.

Miracle? UFO? or Both?


By Jakob Marschner on May 25, 2013

For 2 minutes 39 seconds in the evening of May 24, locals and pilgrims saw a bright light hovering over Apparition Hill. Captured by professional photographers, the light moved, rose into the sky, then stopped and disappeared behind the hill. “We knew it was a miracle” they say.

strange light appeared moved moving hovering apparition hill podbrdo medjugorje may maggio 24 2013

The last in a sequence of 8 images released by Innovattivo whose photographers captured the moving light on May 24

Marketing professionals Mario Gerussi and Nadir Cukurija from the Bosnian company Innovattivo were in Medjugorje to take photos for one of their clients. But in the evening of May 24, their cameras caught something else.

“Suddenly, at the site of Our Lady’s apparitions, a bright light appeared which literally hovered over the place for a while. Then it began to move and to rise into the sky, then it stopped and disappeared behind Apparition Hill” Mario Gerussi tells the Bosnian blog site Kapetan.

mysterious moving light moved hovered moving hovering apparition hill podbrdo medjugorje may maggio 24 2013

Mario Gerussi

The phenomenon lasted for exactly 159 seconds from 9.18.51 until 9.21.30 pm, little more than half an hour before visionary Ivan Dragicevic had a public apparition at the foot of the hill, by The Blue Cross.

“We were on the roof with mounted cameras aimed at the hotel where we were shooting. The light appeared by itself, we knew it was a miraculous phenomenon we captured. It lasted only two minutes and I can quite honestly claim that the photographic equipment was in perfect condition and that we have done nothing to stage this spectacular event” Gerussi says.

mysterious moving hovering hovered moved light apparition hill podbrdo medjugorje may maggio 24 2013

An earlier photo from the sequence, with the light below the horizon. Photo: Innovattivo

His partner Nadir Cukurija notes that the moving light was seen by many people.

“We are particularly happy that we were not alone to see the mysterious light. It was noticed by many citizens of Medjugorje who silently and respectfully observed the movement of the light” he tells Kapetan.

“We have high resolution photos that we will gladly submit to any kind of analysis. What you need is to contact Innovattivo. Our team will be happy if the experts can determine the origin of the mysterious light in order to reach a scientifically based conclusion” Nadir Cukurija says.

from:    http://www.medjugorjetoday.tv/9382/strange-light-moved-over-apparition-hill/

UFO’s, Nuclear Missles, & Cover-ups

May 7, 2013, 8:17 a.m. ET

UFOs Disabling Nuclear Missiles: Former Senator Says Veterans’ Testimony is the “Smoking Gun” Confirming a U.S. Government Cover-up

WASHINGTON, May 7, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The following was released today by Robert Hastings:

In an interview with ABC News/Yahoo! News last Friday, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) said statements by U.S. Air Force nuclear missile launch officers–regarding mysterious aerial objects interfering with the functionality of American ICBMs–make clear that top government officials are lying to the public when they claim to have no knowledge of national security-related UFO incidents.

Gravel first gained national recognition in 1971, by placing the still-classified Pentagon Papers–which documented U.S. government malfeasance during the Vietnam War–into the public record.

Gravel said the revelations by former/retired Captains Robert Salas, Bruce Fenstermacher, and David Schindele, as well as retired Security Policeman Sgt. David Scott, are “the smoking gun of the whole issue” of government secrecy on UFOs.

The interview may be viewed at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/power-players-abc-news/former-sen-mike-grave l-says-white-house-suppressing-112957111.html?vp=1.

On September 27, 2010, Captain Salas co-hosted the “UFOs and Nukes” press conference with noted researcher Robert Hastings, during which seven USAF veterans revealed ongoing UFO activity at U.S. nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era. That media event was extensively and favorably covered by hundreds of news organizations worldwide, including CNN, which streamed the proceedings live.

The full-length video of the press conference appears at http://www.ufohastings.com/.

The latest testimony–about UFOs knocking ICBMs offline–was heard by Senator Gravel and five other former members of congress at the “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” organized by Stephen Bassett at the National Press Club last week.

Hastings decided not to participate in that event, saying, “It’s unfortunate that Bassett chose to mingle the highly credible testimony of the missile launch officers, and the missile security guard, with questionable claims made by some of the other witnesses at the hearing. That is counter-productive if one is attempting to educate the public about the UFO reality and undercuts the legitimacy of the Disclosure process that he supposedly wants to bring about.”

Hastings has interviewed over 140 U.S. military veterans regarding their involvement in nukes-related UFO incidents over the years. His summary of their tape recorded accounts may be found in UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, which is available at his website, www.ufohastings.com, for $23.95. (Scalpers resell it at Amazon for $85 and up.)

“An advanced, outside third party has been tampering with American and Russian nukes,” Hastings says.

CONTACT: Robert Hastings, ufohastings@aol.com

SOURCE Robert Hastings

/Web site: http://www.ufohastings.com

from:    http://online.wsj.com/article/PR-CO-20130507-908600.html

On UFO’s & Montana

A Letter To The Montana Wilderness Association

Before reading this letter, I advise everyone to watch this video:

May 15, 2013

From: Richard O’Connor, M.D.

Dear Montana Wilderness Association,

My name is Richard O’Connor, M.D. My wife and I have for many years been financial contributors to the MWA. We both very much appreciate and support the work done by the MWA in its goal of preserving the wild and natural qualities which contribute to the beauty of Montana.

I am writing this letter in an attempt to draw the MWA’s attention to a matter that I believe could have very important implications with regard to how we will produce the prodigious amounts of energy which will be required to maintain human civilization into the future. We can all agree that the coal, oil, and gas industries which presently remain indispensible to the production of our current energy needs also together comprise, by far, the greatest source of threat to the integrity of Montana’s wild places. Just yesterday I saw an announcement from the Mauna Loa atmospheric observatory that measured atmospheric CO2 levels have now risen to 400 ppm for the first time in recorded history, yet there is no end in sight, no other energy technology, which holds promise to completely replace fossil fuels as the primary energy source of our civilization. This should be a matter of grave concern to all of us, and I am certain this is the case for those who provide the leadership of the MWA.

My goal in writing this letter is to introduce to the MWA a new awareness which I hope will spur a call to action. The “new awareness” of which I speak is that of the UFO. I believe that the UFO may hold the key to the discovery of a revolutionary new energy technology which could, in the very near future, lead to breakthroughs which might completely replace fossil fuels as the energy source of mankind’s future. In order for this to happen, we, all of us, must first come to realize that the UFO phenomenon is real, it is ongoing, and it is extremely unlikely that these manufactured craft are utilizing any form of fossil fuel to produce the energy required to arrive here. A significant number of civilian pilots, military pilots, FAA employees, CIA “whistleblowers”, and private citizens both from the U.S. and from other countries have recently come forward who have explained their first-hand experiences with the UFO phenomenon, thus making the argument that “there is no evidence of the existence of UFOs” increasingly indefensible. Ironically, the burden of proof seems to now be shifting towards non-believers. We can now know with a high degree of certainty that the UFO phenomenon is real, and the “Extraterrestrial Hypothesis” is the “least objectionable hypothesis” which explains their frequent observances in Earth’s atmosphere.

Am I a believer in “conspiracy theories”? When it comes to the UFO, my answer is an unqualified “yes”. I have but only the slightest lingering doubt that the real existence of UFOs has been covered-up by our nation’s military for well over 6 decades and counting. Over that time, just what the U.S. military has learned about the operation of UFOs, and specifically about how they produce the energy required to arrive here we cannot know for certain, but I feel that it is imperative that we discover the answer to this question in the very near future. There can be little doubt that those “in the know” have already undertaken a serious scientific study of the UFO in pursuing their own perceived interests of our national security, but their definition of “national security” very likely differs markedly from my, and likely the MWA’s, definition of national security. My definition of national security would definitely include the preservation of Montana’s wild places, and this is a goal that cannot and will not be accomplished under our current fossil-fuels-for-energy paradigm.

What I hope to accomplish in writing this letter to the MWA is to encourage the MWA to become the world’s first major environmental organization to formulate and publicize a public statement which would include the following points:

1. It is very likely that the UFO phenomenon is real. This statement is supported by abundant witness testimony provided by dozens of reliable and highly credible people, NASA astronauts Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper being but two examples among many.

2. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the real existence of UFOs, which are very likely of interplanetary origin, has been deliberately and methodically covered-up by our nation’s military. CIA agent Chase Brandon, and more recently another individual previously employed by the CIA, have gone on the record in stating that the Roswell UFO crash did happen, and a UFO disc was recovered by our U.S. military in July of 1947. Strong evidence also indicates that an intact UFO was recovered by our nation’s military near Kingman, AZ in 1953.

3. There can be no question that our nation’s military would have undertaken an in-depth study of the energy and propulsion systems of these, and possibly other, recovered UFO craft through highly compartmented, “black” projects (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects) which are known to exist and are carried out in our national laboratories (Los Alamos, Sandia, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories, among others).

4. It is every U.S. citizen’s right to know the results of any scientific studies of UFO energy and propulsion systems which have been financed by all of us.

5. Any results of such studies which might be applicable to the development of revolutionary energy technologies must be made immediately available to the wider scientific community in an effort to determine their possible applications toward solving our current energy conundrum and obviating the need for combusting hydrocarbons to produce the energy we require.

It is my hope that the MWA will muster the foresight and the courage to take such a public stance in supporting a “truth out” movement regarding the UFO, thus providing an example to other environmental organizations around the country that will soon follow suit. Believe me when I say that there is a plethora of solid witness testimony which would be considered satisfactory evidence in any courtroom in this country, and which will be considered by any reasonable person to be adequate evidence to support the contention that the UFO phenomenon is real. The MWA, the Sierra Club, and The Nature Conservancy, all to which my wife and I financially contribute, can go on fighting what will be a losing battle with the coal, oil, and gas industries, or each can “step out of the box” which currently constrains the conversation. Instead, let us open up a whole new conversation about another topic, the UFO, which may potentially fulfill the role of replacing any and all currently proposed but inadequate-to-the-task energy “solutions” which threaten, and which will eventually annihilate, Montana’s wild places.

We seem to be living in an age of “coming out”. People, and nations, are feeling the need to “come out” to relieve themselves of long-carried burdens which weigh heavily upon their spirits and inhibit their social, spiritual, and intellectual development. The UFO is just such a burden carried by our U.S. military, and perhaps a very few individuals in mainstream government who have had a “need to know”. With a push from an informed citizenry, a momentum may be established which will result in our military finally unburdening itself of this heavy load, the UFO, which it determined so long ago it must carry in the interest of our nation’s security. Let us help them open up this conversation. Montana’s wild places, and indeed Earth’s entire biosphere, are in desperate need of a new and revolutionary energy solution. The UFO may provide that solution, but we cannot and will not know this unless we demand to hear the truth.

I can guarantee that this topic is going to eventually explode into our reality, and I believe that it is the responsibility of all environmental organizations which are truly interested in finding a way out of our current energy conundrum to help light that fuse. I would be most happy to work with the MWA in developing a statement which incorporates the points listed above, and I await the MWA’s response to this proposal. The MWA may publish this letter on its website, and I encourage this action.

This path has the potential to lead to a meaningful and much needed revolutionary energy solution which will relegate coal, oil, and natural gas only to the production of manufactured graphene, plastics, paints, and other myriad applications which future generations of Americans will need. Let us not continue the practice of combusting these hydrocarbons and throwing their pollutants into our atmosphere. Instead, let us turn our attention toward the UFO and determine just what it may have to teach us.

Richard O’Connor, M.D.

from:    http://cropcirclesresearchfoundation.org/a-letter-to-the-montana-wilderness-association/

UFO SIghtings — UK ANd Dallas

As always, do your research!

Check it out here:


This is what Gregg had to say:

Mass UFO Sightings In Texas And UK

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Last updated on October 22, 2012 at 12:06 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

In the past 24 hours, mass UFO sighting videos were uploaded to YouTube.  The first one was uploaded on October 20, 2012 and occurred in Mansfield, UK while the second video was uploaded on October 21, 2012 and was recorded the previous day from a car near downtown, Dallas, Texas.

Mass UFO Sightings In Texas And UK | in5d Alternative News | in5d.com |

There were no additional comments from the person who video recorded the Mansfield UFO, but the person who recorded the Texas UFO stated the following.  When asked where the video was recorded, the YouTube user by the name of Raul_Molinar stated, “Downtown 30 y 35 como a las 7pm.  I was traveling west on I 30.” When asked who recorded the video, Raul stated, “I did yesterday COMO VAN A SER AVIONES?? Veanlo bien.”  “How could they be airplanes?  I saw them clearly.”)


Info on Area 51 to be Revealed September 22?

UFO ‘Secrets’ To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum

Posted: 09/01/2012 6:20 am Updated: 09/02/2012 4:43 am


In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum.

That’s the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22.

The secrets haven’t yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that’s part of the museum’s ongoing Area 51 lecture series.

Watch this promo for the upcoming UFO lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum.

“We looked at bringing in some people to talk about extraterrestrials and UFOs,” said museum CEO and executive director Allan Palmer, a highly decorated former Air Force and Navy combat jet fighter.

“We wanted to concentrate on people who had personal stories and exposure to what they thought were real UFOs from the military side, because they might have just a little more credibility than your average Joe,” Palmer told The Huffington Post.

Four of the participants had previous American military security clearances:

Ret. Army Col. John Alexander: Former military insider who created Advanced Theoretical Physics — a group of top-level government officials and scientists brought together to study UFOs.

Ret. Air Force Col. Charles Halt: Former base commander of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England and vital eyewitness to the amazing UFO-related events at Rendlesham Forest in December 1980, where he believed the observed UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin.

Ret. Air Force Col. William Coleman: Former USAF bomber pilot, chief of Air Force public information and producer of NBC’s “Project UFO” series.

Ret. Air Force Col. Robert Friend: Former director of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book from 1958 to 1963.

The fifth guest at the museum’s upcoming UFO lecture is former U.K. UFO desk officer Nick Pope.


What’s going to be different about this one-time lecture compared to previous gatherings where military personnel have stepped forward to reveal details about personal UFO experiences?

“One of the things that is different is that you have high credibility vetted sources,” Alexander told HuffPost. “What you’re getting from this panel are people who have worked with the military, all of whom certainly agree that UFOs are real, and I think most of them would say it ought to be researched.

“Here, you’re getting a small number [of participants], but high credibility people.”

At the Sept. 22 lecture, Pope will speak of the similarities between how the U.K. and U.S. governments had similar UFO study groups and why both countries officially got out of the UFO business.

“In both instances, the bottom line was that we wanted Joe Sixpack off our backs. Strip out all the mistaken sightings of weather balloons and dump all the crazies, and we might just have something worth looking at,” Pope told HuffPost in an e-mail.

“But you can’t do that in a public UFO project, because it’s a kook magnet,” he said. “The trick is to highlight all the crazy stuff in the media, so the subject becomes a joke, pull the plug, then run the whole thing covertly. Now I’m not saying this is exactly what happened, but if an Air Force pilot sees something unusual and it’s tracked on military radar, does anyone seriously think we wouldn’t be interested?”

While none of the participants of the upcoming lecture have offered a preview of any UFO revelation, Pope promises to disclose “some hitherto unrevealed secrets of the British government’s UFO project.”

This isn’t the first time the Las Vegas museum has offered a provocative UFO presentation.

Back in March of this year, the Smithsonian venue opened its doors to an ongoing exhibit called “Area 51: Myth or Reality,” providing a comprehensive look at the historic records of the most secret military installation in the country.

Among the many items displayed are materials presented as “Authentic Alien Artifact” — samples of small objects originating from an alleged UFO crash in Russia.

for the slideshow, go to:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/01/ufo-secrets-revealed_n_1843040.html?utm_hp_ref=ufo


Glastonbury Tor Portal

Is there a Portal on Glastonbury Tor?

The small Somerset town of Glastonbury, like its sister centre the Hebridean Isle of Iona, has enjoyed a celebrity status for some time now. Still a Mecca for those seeking spiritual insight, magic or other worldly dimensionality and, of course, host to the most famous and enduring music festival of them all. So how did it all come about, this self nominating of exceptionalness, a special place in England above most all others?

  Part of the answer lies with those naughty monks of the Abbey who in 1191 declared that they had found the bones of King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere – or phonetic ‘Queen of Air’ as the alchemical phonetic of the (Dan) Green Language prefer to call her. Given that these figures are more fantasy than real, we can confidently surmise that they didn’t really find such bones at all, but it didn’t stop them relocating and burying them in the Abbey’s chancery in 1278 in front of reigning and certainly for real King Edward and his Queen Eleanor at the time. This little incident added to the forthcoming consolidation of Grail Romance that was bolstered by equal assertions that no less than Jesus’ uncle Joseph (he of Arimathea) had arrived at Glastonbury bringing with him the Holy thorn legend upon Wearyall Hill. People, apparently, aren’t all weary of this tale.

Only recently Glastonbury Abbey have now added to their tourist literature that legend says Joseph also brought the youngster Jesus here and they built an old wattle church now buried underneath the existing Mary chapel. Tying in anything loosely Jesus-like with Arthur – possibly greedily claiming both legendary figures – spawned the Grail stuff even more and so, hey presto, Glastonbury conceals the Grail, no less, down Chalice Well. Well, many thousands of us have popped our head down there in the hope that it could be that simple. No Grail – obviously, not, that simple.

Glastonbury Abbey claims both Jesus and King Arthur

Many people are unaware of a fine book that was written in 1932 by a fellow called John Cowper Powys (1872-19630) a Derbyshire born author and lecturer who passed away before Glastonbury really took off big time. The book was called ‘A Glastonbury Romance’ and for many hits the nail on the head as valid and timelessly today as it did then. Described as ‘an epic novel of terrific cumulative force and lyrical intensity’ the work weaving the ancient with the modern probes the effect of this mystical and spiritual history upon the residents of the town. The longest undivided novel in English, the 1120 pages book muses over the possibilities upon the table – not Arthur’s Round one entirely – that Glastonbury could become a place of pilgrimage, just as easily an experimental socialist commune, or simpler still, a modern industrial town.

Well, today it appears to be a nation divided, with standardised Christians on the one hand and the new age (surely Old age by now) mystics. It certainly reaps the tourist benefits from either side, with the historical Jesus figure stuck in the middle owing to Glastonbury being the first point of Christianity in England and, of course, the lad’s cup so sought after by those on a Quest. John Michel’s 1972 book ‘City of Revelation’ mapping out the sacred geometry of Glastonbury Abbey seemed to contribute to both camps.

‘A Glastonbury Romance’

Back in 1970 the first ever Glasto festival only drew 1,500 attendants but today it draws some 180,000 over three days, praise the endurance of farmer Micheal Eavis who once declared during the 90s that he made a 3m clear profit each year.  Unavoidably, the festival and its original association with travellers and hippies and their drug habits have left a scar in the town and modern day sociology will bear out that it harbours more than its fair share of drug addicts and alcoholics. A lot of the hippies stayed and still stay. It reminds one a little of how in 1978 hordes of Scotland football fans went to the World Cup in Argentina and, running out of money, simply didn’t come back, hence the abundance of Scottish surnames in many families in towns near Cordoba!

There is another facet and feature caught up in the tug of war of Christianity and the mystical within Glastonbury with both sides vying for its ownership and it is that pyramidical shaped natural hill the Tor which also has a dependency on legend and myth for its celebrity status. Modern day magicians and Pagans complicate things even a bit further by introducing a schism amongst their occultists informing us that the energy harnessed upon the Tor can be utilised for either good or bad. You can just imagine a patient line of queuing and at odds sorcerers awaiting their turn! It’s equally funny and serious then, in this respect, when in 2005 a Dalek, those lunatic pepper-pot enemy of the time travelling fictional Dr Who, was stolen from an exhibition staged at nearby Wookey Hole Caves and deposited at the top of the Tor as if to claim it as its territory on behalf of malefaction. A manifestation brought about by the Collective Unconscious perhaps?

The Negative Tor – a cosmic icon lays claim

Two years later the South face of the Tower was covered in paint and graffiti by sympathisers of the voluntary run organisation Fathers4Justice. Negativity struck again when in 2010 the Holy Thorn was vandalised, hacked down leaving only its roots, the most likely culprits acting on behalf of those owed money by the owner of the land upon which the Thorn bloomed, having been sent to prison bankrupt owing the same figure as Michael Eavis’ annual profit. Another deficit came the following April when the Glastonbury Anglican Annual Pilgrimage, whereby 2,000 visit and ascend the Tor, and has been running since 1924, was scrapped due to soaring petrol costs, its future now in doubt.

High up on the Tor stands the Christian claim to the hill , the tower the remnants of a St Michaels church destroyed by an earthquake in 1275, the symbol of the Christian Prince of Peace meant to supplant all previous Pagan, and earlier Druidic, ownership of their own sacred hill. Should we ask, would the Christian god have destroyed his own church by his own act? Oh well. The most famous legend concerning the Tor, upon whom many a visitors have had a variety of weird experiences, is that in its ‘faery hill’ aspect it conceals the entrance to the underworld kingdom of Gwyn Ap Nudd, this beginning to touch on the hypothesis that Glastonbury is dimensional, which will please the many who claim UFO sightings there, including one previous Mayor of the town who one night witnessed what he himself called a ‘spaceship’ when he saw a reddish orange light appear above the Tor before sinking into the summit, more akin faerie activity than UFO. However, the suggestion that the Gwyn Ap Nudd legend is a reminiscence of a long forgotten potential dimensional opening based on the hill, currently referred to as a ‘portal’, may indeed be Glastonbury’s best bet for a genuine claim of the paranormal. With this is mind, or possibly Mind, although any such portal would be ancient, an interesting photo was taken only five years back by a local resident on one of his many daily walks.

Glastonbury Tor, Entrance to another dimension? 

On February 2007 at precisely 4.33pm on a bright day Mike Chenery was walking up Orchard Lane when his attention was drawn to the fact that all the singing birds that were about had suddenly stopped their song. This stillness and suspension is reminiscent of what occurs at the time of a solar eclipse when birds become temporarily disorientated. He was then at a gate that provides a vantage point view of one of the un-arched sides of the tower. Casually looking up at the top of the desolate Tor he saw a dazzling white ‘something’ that, in his own words, ‘glided’ a short distance from within the tower.

At first it showed itself as linear, long and very narrow, but then moved its perspective to face his direction as he stood watching it from his distance and in doing so it widened rather like at first being a door seen sideways on and then full frontal. As he always carries a camera with him on his regular and numerous jaunts and excursions, he only just found the time to take a picture on his digital camera and then the apparition that had only lasted seconds, simply ‘popped off’!  Kinder critics will naturally say that the photo shows some blemish associated either internally or externally with his camera, harsh cynics living in their left brain hemisphere all their life will and have inevitably harangued him with cries of ‘Photoshop!’ The photograph nevertheless remains intriguingly genuine and has never been exposed as fake. It wouldn’t be either, if, by absolute chance and serendipity, Mike has been presented with an authentic pic of a portal briefly opening, and it is as simple as that.  Check out his ‘The Spectre on Glastonbury Tor’ on YouTube.

A Portal opens?    (alongside)   

Enlargement  (Copyright Mike Chenery)

I have related some of my own Tor experiences in an earlier World Mysteries feature ‘Glastonbury Tor – Did a Portal open on 26/02/07?’ that date back as far as 1984 whereupon my first ascension –  at 11.30 at night October 30th – I was met within moments with a silent silver flash only feet above my head, soon after followed by a brief bombardment on each slope by what I can best describe as grey ping-pong balls!  I have visited the Tor many times since, in all seasons and all times of day, but from 2005-2011 I found myself unable to ascend beyond a specific point, actually ‘stuck’ and unable to go any further, filled with an immense and unaccountable fear wanting me to turn back, this being perhaps the most puzzling episode of my life to date. In July 2010 a lady correspondent sent me a still night image taken from the webcam which defies cries of conventional camera flare to show a strange insignia at precisely the spot I would get stuck, the correspondent unaware of it being my troublesome location.


to read the rest of the article, go to the source:    http://blog.world-mysteries.com/mystic-places/is-there-a-portal-on-glastonbury-tor/

Nazca Lines — FYI

Nazca Lines: Mysterious Geoglyphs in Peru

Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor
Date: 14 August 2012

The Nazca (also spelled Nasca) Lines are geoglyphs located in an arid coastal area of Peru that cover an estimated 170 square miles (450 square kilometers).

Scratched on the ground, they number in the thousands and depict creatures from both the natural world and the human imagination. They include animals such as the spider, hummingbird, monkey, lizard, pelican and even a killer whale. Also depicted are plants, trees, flowers and oddly shaped fantastic figures. Also illustrated are geometric motifs such as wavy lines, triangles, spirals and rectangles.

Nazca Lines resembling a humming bird, as viewed from a plane.
The animal mounds were found in a region famous for a series of ancient geolyphs, called the Nazca Lines, which are now considered a World Heritage Site in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. Here, Nazca Lines resembling a humming bird, as viewed from a plane.
CREDIT: tr3gin | Shutterstock

How old are they?

The vast majority of the lines date from 200 BC to 500 AD, to a time when a people referred to as the Nazca inhabited the region. The earliest lines, created with piled up stones, date as far back as 500 BC.

Who made them?

The Nazca people were an ancient prehistoric culture that was successful in using engineering techniques to bring underground water to the surface for irrigation. Some of the theories regarding the purpose of the lines connect them to this need for water.

One of their largest settlements is Cahuachi, a place of ceremony that overlooks some of the lines. It contains more than 40 mounds, including pyramids made of adobe.

When were they “discovered”?

Peruvian archaeologist Toribio Mejia Xesspe was the first to study and report the Nazca Lines in detail after coming across them, on foot, in 1927. In the 1930s as air traffic in the area increased, the lines became better known, eventually attracting a steady stream of tourists.

It’s often stated that the lines can only be seen from the air; however, this is a myth. A 2007 study that looked at 1,500 drawings in the Palpa region found that “each and every geoglyph” can be spotted from the ground.

Theories and significance

The purpose of the lines continues to elude researchers and remains a matter of conjecture. Ancient Nazca culture was prehistoric, which means they left no written records.

One idea is that they are linked to the heavens with some of the lines representing constellations in the night sky. Another idea is that the lines play a role in pilgrimage, with one walking across them to reach a sacred place such as Cahuachi and its adobe pyramids. Yet another idea is that the lines are connected with water, something vital to life yet hard to get in the desert, and may have played a part in water-based rituals.

In the absence of a firm archaeological conclusion a number of fringe theories have popped up, such as the idea that the Nazca people used balloons to observe the lines from up high, something which there is no archaeological evidence for.

— Owen Jarus

from:    http://www.livescience.com/22370-nazca-lines.html

Voter Fraud vs. UFO Sightings

UFO Sightings Are 3,615 Times More Common than Voter Fraud

By: Life’s Little Mysteries Staff
Date: 06 July 2012
A UFO, or flying saucer, above a dark city and under a full moon.
A UFO, or flying saucer, above a dark city and under a full moon.
CREDIT: oorka | Shutterstock

People are 3,615 times more likely to report a UFO sighting than they are to commit in-person voter impersonation, according to national data.

The striking statistic has surfaced at the same time as the news that a new voter ID law in Pennsylvania could render nearly 10 percent of the state’s residents ineligible to vote in the presidential election this fall.

National UFO Reporting Center records show there were 47,000 reports of UFO sightings between 2000 and 2010. During the same period, just 13 people were convicted of impersonating someone else in order to vote in their name, according to research by Justin Levitt, associate professor of law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. [UFO Quiz: What’s Really Out There]

Mother Jones assembled the numbers in order to fact-check claims by many Republican lawmakers that their states are facing rampant voter fraud.

Since 2011, 24 voting restrictions have passed in 17 states. This fall, new laws could affect more than 5 million voters in states representing 179 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, Mother Jones reports. Studies indicate low-income and minority voters are most often disenfranchised by laws requiring voters to have government-issued photo IDs. For example, 25 percent of voting-age African-Americans don’t have valid IDs.

Following Mother Jones’ lead, Comedy Central’s Indecision blog rounded up a few more national statistics to help put the 13 confirmed cases of voter impersonation into perspective:

Each year, 15 Americans are crushed to death by their furniture or televisions. Fourteen are injured by exploding toilets, and 100 are accidentally set on fire by their doctors during surgery. And Americans are 3 million times more likely to have a favorable view of North Korea than to commit voter fraud.

from:    http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/2656-ufo-sightings-3-615-times-common-voter-fraud.html