UFO’s over Volcano Popocatepetl

Fleet of UFOs and Orbs Seen Over Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico On Dec 2013, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 5, 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico
Live Cam 1: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/popocatepetl.html
Live Cam 2: http://www.cenapred.unam.mx/popo/UltimaImagenVolcanI.html

These UFO videos were recorded directly from the live volcano cam. Many volcanos around the world have been suspected of being entrances to alien bases, even a few in the US, but this volcano has something most of those don’t have…several live cams from different directions! This is an important tech tool in revealing the existence of aliens. SCW

from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/12/fleet-of-ufos-and-orbs-seen-over.html
 from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/12/fleet-of-ufos-and-orbs-seen-over.html

San Antonio UFO 11/8/13

San Antonio, Texas Has UFO Sighting That Makes It Onto Local TV News, Nov 8, 2013.

Date of sighting: November 8, 2013
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA
News 4 States:
News report – UFO’s in San Antonio. There have been two different sightings on two different days this week. It was captured on video by a man shot Sunday night near the Castroville Road on the West Side. It shows orbs of light hovering in the sky for nearly thirty minutes. A day later another woman spotted colorful lights over the Leon Valley area. Both believe they witnessed UFO’s. “It was scary,” said Irene Trujillo. “But it was awesome too at the same time. Because you’re like seeing something; not knowing if you’re going to get zapped.” A representative for Joint Base San Antonio says it wasn’t any of their aircraft.
Many people will jump to the false conclusion these red orbs are Chinese lanterns. I live in Taiwan and see them a lot. Lanterns only burn for 2-3 minutes. A very short time. Here in Taiwan we have a Lantern Festival and I have lit them and let them fly off. No lantern could glow longer than 3-5 minutes. No lantern could FLY and GLOW for 30 freaking minutes as these UFOs did. So lanterns are ruled out. Scott C. Waring-UFO Sightings Daily
from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/11/san-antonio-texas-has-ufo-sighting-that.html

Bakersfield, CA UFO

Mysterious glowing UFO in the sky seen in Bakersfield for the past two nights Oct 29, 2013, -VIDEO- UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  October 28 and 29 of 2013
Location of sighting: Bakersfield, California, USA
This mysterious UFO appeared and was tracked by an amateur astronomer in Bakersfield, CA yesterday. The object came low over the city and moved around, then suddenly shot of at high speeds.  Its good to see the news taking this subject seriously. Bakersfield also had simiar sighings of similar craft back in Dec of 2012. If you live in Bakersfield or have seen a similar UFO, please tell us about it in comments below. SCW
from;     http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/10/mysterious-glowing-ufo-in-sky-seen-in.html

Vatican Stores UFO Info

Vatican Hides Alien Information From Public, UFO Sighting News.

In May 2008, Funes gave an interview to the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper saying that the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials posed no problems to Catholic theology. The conference itself was officially convened by the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences, chaired by its religious leader Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, and was held on private Vatican grounds from November 6-10. Together with Funes’ 2008 interview and subsequent public comments by him, the conference demonstrates a welcome openness by the Vatican on the possibility and implications of extraterrestrial life.  The Vatican’s openness to discussion of extraterrestrial life is no accident. It is part of an openness policy secretly adopted by the United Nations in February 2008. In fact, the Vatican is playing a leading role in preparing the world for extraterrestrial disclosure.

from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/10/vatican-hides-alien-information-from.html

Iceland UFO Sighting

UFO Sighting Over Iceland Landing In Public Neighborhood, Live Cam Footage, Sept 29, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 29, 2013
Location of sighting: Akureyri, Iceland
This UFO was caught on live cam of Akureyri, Iceland last week. The glowing UFO shows up from the clouds and then slowly descends until it lands in an area that appears to be a housing area. This particular live cam takes still images ever few seconds so yes its normal.
Something that bothers me is that the name Akureyri…its from the “friendship case.” What I’m saying is that in Rocca Pia, Italy there was a group of aliens that met with locals back in the 1960s-1970s. They called themselves the W56 and sometimes by the name Akrij, which sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the city name Akureyri. Was it this alien group which founded this city long ago to hide yet another underground alien base? Click here to view that sighting. SCW
from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/10/ufo-sighting-over-capital-of-iceland.html

UFO’s & the International Space Station

UFO Fleet Near the International Space Station In ESA Photo, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2013
Date of photo: Unknown
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit, near ISS
Photo URL: http://www.esa.int/images/s119e010500,5.jpg
A great discovery by Streetcap1 of Youtube. In this photo taken by the ESA (European Space Agency) we can see three disk-like UFOs with humps in their middle. When you add light to the photo, you see there are actually six small disks and they are flying in pairs. A rare catch finding UFOs in an ESA photo. They usually edit each photo really well, often better than NASA does. Before you scream fake, go to the ESA link above and have a look. Then add light to it. Close the photo, then open again and add more light to it. SCW


from:   http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/10/ufo-fleet-near-international-space.html

Are you a Starseed?


Star Seeds
Star Seeds

Last updated on September 21, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News




Are you a starseed? Starseeds (or ‘lightbeings’) is a term used to describe human beings who believe they originated as extraterrestrial life from other worlds or planets, and arrived to Earth through birth or as a walk-in to an existing human body.

Persons calling themselves star seeds find that they share in common feelings of isolation or aloneness, as though they don’t quite fit in to Earth institutions and current events. It is estimated that 65 percent of starseeds are women and that about about one-fourth of these have unusual blood types. In surveys with people thought to be Star People (starseeds), the Science Channel reports that nearly half reported near-death experience and seventy-five percent had out-of-body experience. Nearly all of them say they feel tremendous urgency to fulfill a mission.

Starseeds are defined as evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy who have come to Earth with the specific mission of assisting its people to achieve a higher level of civilization.

In reports based on surveys, starseeds (also “beings of light”) incarnate into human lifeforms and suffer the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and life-purpose as Earth humans do. Starseeds differ in a theory that their genes contain alien DNA, and are encoded to awaken them and their awareness at a planned time.

The awakening process experienced by starseeds is described as either a gradual series of realizations over time, or an abrupt and dramatic awakening of consciousness. Through the awakening process, starseeds regain their memories about their past, their origins and their missions. An increase in intuition, psychic ability, and the sense of a more universal “self” that transcends mortal identity are also commonly reported experiences.

Some star people speak of communication via telepathy with beings not of this world, either physical or non-physical. Elevated awareness claims that communication or memories recall extraterrestrial or multidimensional life, such as “beings of light” (lightbeings).

Persons who identify themselves and others as starseeds share a belief that life exists on other planets. Most believe they have lived on other planets, and many account having experiences that they claim are memories of life on other worlds. The concepts of star ships, spaceships, intergalactic travel, psychic phenomena and sentient life forms in other galaxies come naturally and seem logical to them.


Characteristics and Traits of a Starseed

* Descriptions and comparisons of traits shared by starseeds:
* Feeling like a “stranger in a strange land”
* Compelling eyes; unique and striking physical appearance
* Lower than normal body temperature and low blood pressure
* Sharp hearing
* Little sleep requirements
* A strong sense that Earth is not their home
* Visitations by benevolent and luminescent beings with human-appearance
* Was an unexpected child
* Unusual abilities considered paranormal by peers
* Have “flying” dreams
* Extreme sensitivy to electricity and electromagnetic fields
* Feelings that their biological mother and father are not their real parents
* Ongoing longing for some other home
* Had unseen companions as a child
* A deep knowing their home is someone among the stars
* Often starry-eyed romantics
* Often notice they glance at a clock when it’s 11:11

from:    http://in5d.com/star-seeds.html

Crystal Kids, Indigos, UFO’s

Letter from 3rd Grade Teacher

UFOs  Teacher writes, “I’m going to tell you something that will open a door to what you’re doing with ufos. First of all I want to say you are doing a great job with your information, but I want to let you know that you’re closer than you think. I’m just going to give you the quick version…
I’m a 3rd grade teacher at a public school and I’ve been teaching for the past 16 years. After the year 2000, kids started acting differently. A few years ago I started getting the kids born after the year 2000 who are even stranger. These kids are different; the indigo/crystal child concept is true.’

They are purportedly the next level in human evolution. They are very intelligent and have super powers. The Indigo Child may see auras as lights or colors around other people. And show an uncanny ability to sense dishonesty. They are often mislabeled with psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they are medicated, the Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts and warrior energy.

About 1/3 of each class is crystal and channel what you call spirits. However, as you will soon be finding out, that is just a blanket term. Many are what you term extraterrestrials, and many can take human form. These kids call them brothers from the stars. They are under orders to keep it secret from all unless they are spiritually awakened. If an adult comes to them to question them, they will check with their spirit and ask them if it’s o.k. to spill the information. If the “spirit” says its O.K., then they will talk to you. Otherwise, they will act as if they don’t know what you’re talking about.

That’s a quick rundown…. you must understand the work you are doing is strictly the 3-d version of ufos. These kids are working with the 5-d version and some even higher. Some of the kids speak directly to the UFOs. They can call them in during broad daylight and especially at night.

It does not matter where you are–country, city, suburbs…they will show up anywhere. I have seen them fly just a few hundred feet above the city.

They will also “call them in” for the “ones who do not understand”—- which is you and the older generations. In other terms — the ones who are still living the 3D world. The ufos will show themselves to you in order to help awaken you to their presence among us.

The ufo — or the team in the UFO will then determine if the earth people have a high enough vibration to accept the sighting. If so, then they will make a showing. This all happens within seconds. The ufos use what you know as “esp.” to communicate with the kids. However-the beings in the ufo always know what we are doing and thinking. Just as an example—my dad who is 70 is a white collar conservative. All he cares about is money and show. He does not believe in UFOs, etc… Thus the ufos do not show themselves to him yet, but they say they will later.

Whereas we see them almost every clear night and sometimes even flying under the clouds.

However, this is just the beginning!! If the kids trust you spiritually, then they will work with you and tell you their future mission. And believe me~~it’s coming up sooner than you think. I will just give you a quick clue– they say they will be “rebuilding humanity”.

Good luck to you and you are doing a great job!

Sincerely, 3rd Grade teacher

ps–I don’t care what you do with this information, for the children were told that it is now time to publicly release it. However, I want to remain publicly anonymous, for I could lose my teaching job over it.

from:    http://www.newrealities.com/index.php/articles-on-ufos/item/2984-letter-from-3rd-grade-teacher

Disney Does UFO’s

Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary & Disney Agenda

Last updated on August 7, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News


This documentary was only broadcast once in five US states in March of 1995, then it was shelved and never broadcast again. This version is the complete uncut feature, recorded to VHS video when it was first broadcast on celestial tv. I converted this to HD as the quality was very poor, and VHS tape degrades very quickly.

VHS tape degrades very quickly.

(NOTE:    Again, use your discretion and do your research)

The Disney Agenda

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

One must question the motivation behind Disney releasing what basically boils down to a disclosure video and why most of the population has not seen this video.

The following videos expose the Disney agenda and contain graphic subliminal images, so please use discretion when viewing.

THE following are the links for the various videos:

Alien Encounters: From New Tomorowland

Illuminati Walt Disney Corruption:

Sexual Images in Disney FLicks:


Walt Disney was a 33rd degree freemason. At this level of freemasonry, there is a motto, “ordo ab chao” which means “order out of chaos”.

On September 30, 1995, Walt Disney merged with ABC to become the world’s most powerful media and entertainment company. At the time of the original airing of the UFO video, Walt Disney had not merged with ABC.

Zionist Michael Dammann Eisner was the CEO of Disney (from 1984 to 2005) during the time of the merger.

When the Millennium exhibition of Walt Disney opened at the Epcot Center in Florida on October 1st, 2000, it cost a total of $8 million. Israel contributed $1.8 million as the exhibition shows how Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, which conditions the minds of millions of Disney’s visitors regarding Israel’s claim to Jerusalem.

Zionist Bob Iger is the current CEO of Disney.

Disney owns the following:

Disney Media Networks, a company whose holdings include:

The ABC Television Network: ABC Entertainment, ABC Daytime, ABC News, ESPN on ABC, ABC Television, ABC Kids, and Touchstone Television.

Production & Distribution Companies: Walt Disney Television, Walt Disney Television Animation, BVS entertainment, ABC Studios, Walt Disney Television, Disney-ABC Domestic Television.

Cable Networks: ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic, ESPNEWS, ESPN PPV, ESPN Deportes, ESPNU, ESPNHD, ESPN2 HD, ESPNEWSHD and ESPNUHD, Disney Channel HD, Toon Disney, SOAPnet, ABC Family Channel, A&E Television Networks (37.5% equity; includes A&E, the History Channel, the Biography Channel, History en español, Military History Channel, Crime & Investigation Network, A&E HD, The History Channel HD), Lifetime Entertainment Services (50% equity; includes Lifetime Television, Lifetime Movie Network, Lifetime Real Women).

International Channels: ESPN International, ESPN Classic Sport Europe, ESPN Latin America, ESPN Asia, Jetix Europe, Jetix Latin America, Jetix Canada, Jetix Israel, International Disney Channels, History International.

The ABC Television Network has 226 affiliated stations reaching 99 percent of all U.S. television households. The company owns and operates ten ABC television stations in the nation’s top markets.

Programming: Good Morning America, World News with Charles Gibson, World News Now, 20/20, Primetime, This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Sportscenter/Monday Night Football, ESPNplus, Playhouse Disney, Jetix, ABC Kids.

Through its majority ownership stake in Citadel Broadcasting Corporation, Disney owns 277 radio stations in the United States.

Programming: ESPN Radio, ESPN Deportes Radio, Radio Disney, Lifetime Radio for women (50% equity), ABC Music Radio, ABC Radio Networks: Imus in the Morning, The Mark Levin Show, Morning Joe, The Tom Joyner Show.

Magazines: Family Fun, ESPN the Magazine, Jetix Magazine, Wondertime Magazine, Bassmaster Magazine and Disney Adventures

Music: Disney Music Group distributes music and motion picture soundtracks under its four labels: Walt Disney Records, Hollywood Records, Buena Vista Records, Lyric Street Records, Disney Music Publishing Worldwide.

Books: Disney Publishing, a subsidiary of the Company, owns Hyperion Books, Hyperion Books for Children, Disney Press, Disney Editions, Disney Adventures, Disney Fairies, Disney Digital Books, Mirimax, ESPN books, ABC Daytime Press, Hyperion East, Hyperion Audiobooks, Volo, Jump at the Sun, Disney Libri (Italy), Disney Hachette JV (France).

Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache was quoted as saying, “You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House. You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable. What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can’t criticize Israel…

If Zionists run the mainstream media, then what are the probabilities that the news you’re receiving is “fair and unbiased”? Is it possible that there is an agenda behind the news that is being reported?

One must question the intent behind Disney releasing a UFO documentary. What did they serve to gain and why was the documentary only shown in 5 US cities? In this writer’s opinion, it all boils down to “order out of chaos”. The controllers are most happy when we are either fighting amongst ourselves or are distracted enough through various “programming” that we are unable to see their agendas. By not releasing this video in full, it shows that there was something that either did not fit within their agenda or possibly exposed something we were not intended to see. Another possibility is that it would expedite the UFO disclosure movement, which continues to be suppressed in the United States to this day.

As the alternative news media continues to expose the mainstream media conglomerates, newspaper subscriptions and television viewing continues to plummet. While we may never truly know the answers to why Disney “pulled the plug” on the UFO documentary, it still gives us further reason to question the ulterior motives behind their decisions.

from:     http://in5d.com/lost-disney-ufo-documentary-agenda.html