UFO Over Australia

Commercial Pilot Take Photo Of UFO Over Australia, April 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Actual photo taken by pilot, April 2014. Click to enlarge.

Date of sighting: April 2014
Location of sighting: Caloundra, Queensland, Australia
Source: http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/news/self-confessed-sceptic-snaps-photo-of-ufo-over-cal/2234704/

Sunshine Coast Daily News States:
A COMMERCIAL pilot with more than 30 years’ experience has been left scratching his head over mysterious lights he saw over Caloundra on Good Friday. The pilot, who does not want to be identified, said he had never seen anything through the cockpit window that compared to the experience. It has the self-confessed “world’s greatest sceptic” questioning everything he believes about UFOs. The Pelican Waters man was admiring the sky with friends about 8pm last Friday when they first saw two coloured lights in the sky. He said they reminded him of Chinese lanterns, rising high into the sky and heading south and then east. Then a third warm-orange glow appeared and suddenly changed direction, tracked north-east and quickly disappeared. “We were looking for an identifier; a beacon or strobe light but there wasn’t any,” he said. “I thought it had the characteristics of an object that could fly and I was curious as to what the lights were.”

from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/04/commercial-pilot-take-photo-of-ufo-over.html

UFO’s Over D.C.

Glowing UFOs Over Washington DC, March 31, 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 31, 2014
Location of sighting: Washington, DC, USA
Method recorded: Live Cams
Lazlo recorded these UFOs over Washington DC this week and he used a live cam to do it. Live cams enable UFO researches to be everywhere at once and to record it. Try it sometime. SCW
ColourUFO of Youtube states:
You can see in my video how they Test fly this UFOs. You can see 5- 6 UFOs flying formations over the Washington Capital
from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/04/glowing-ufos-over-washington-dc-march.html
Here is another video from the same source:

UFO Hotspots

America’s top 2013 UFO hotspots revealed

Posted on Saturday, 8 March, 2014

MUFON receives thousands of reports each year. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Gerhard Uhlhorn

The states of Vermont, Arizona and Maine were home to the most sightings per capita last year.

UFO reports are still coming in thick and fast according to 2013’s MUFON ( Mutual UFO Network ) data which has since been turned in to a series of maps by the team at “Outer Places”.

More than 6,500 sightings were reported last year in the US, with Texas (462) and California (814) recording the most number of UFOs during that period.

In terms of sightings per 100,000 people however it was Arizona (4.02) and Maine (3.87) that were declared the country’s two busiest UFO hotspots.

The results of the study ( Courtesy of Outerplaces.com ) can be viewed below. ( Click to enlarge )

Source: Washington Post

from:    http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/263457/americas-top-2013-ufo-hotspots-revealed

UFO Fleet Flyby the ISS

Massive Fleet Caught By International Space Station Live Cam, VIDEO, March 10, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 10, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit viewed from ISS
Method Viewed: NASA space station live cam
Watch as a colorful fleet of UFOs is seen from the space station live cam this week. The UFOs actually change colors as they move. This fleet is following two lone UFOs far out ahead of them all. It looks like the fleet was caught leaving the dark side of the Earth just as the ISS came into view. This is one rare and amazingly beautiful event. SCW
from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/03/massive-fleet-caught-by-international.html

UFO’s Around the Sun

Cube Returns To Earths Sun With Fleet Of Orbs, March 3, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 3, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
A lot of people assume these videos are fake…and that is 100% wrong. They are real. I can confirm it myself and have many time over. These UFO are massive in scale. As a matter of fact, I am looking at the cube UFO right now using my iPhone app called SOHO Viewer and yes…its there! I will take a screenshot and post it below. The cube can be found labeled LASCO C2 on 2014/03/03 23:24. This video below was made by Myunhauzen74 of Youtube and he…never…lies about these UFOs. There is nothing to lie about…because they are there! If you call him a lier, then you are calling me a lier and should not be on this site at all. I don’t take such accusations lightly. These UFOs were first announced to the world back in early 2012 by Russian scientists who stated that there were UFOs as big as our moon and Earth itself shooting around at high speeds and often making sudden right turns without slowing down. Now NASA photos do confirm there are anomalies that are orbiting our sun. One of them is a cube…but today the cube is accompanied by a fleet of orbs. SCW
screenshot above taken directly from official NASA app today on my iPhone 5s.
Video is best in FULL SCREEN MODE with HD settings.

Posted by at

from:   http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/03/cube-returns-to-earths-sun-with-fleet.html

Snowden Docs REport UFO’s

Leaked document confirms report linking Edward Snowden to UFOs, Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2014
Source: Edward Snowden documents
URL: http://www.examiner.com/article/leaked-document-confirms-2013-examiner-report-linking-edward-snowden-to-ufos
Examiner States:
In a stunning development published on February 24, 2014, the Intercept has released three UFO images as part of a 50-slide PowerPoint presentation from what it describes as the Edward Snowden archives of secret files allegedly stolen from the NSA. Publication of “The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations” now offers independent third-party evidence linking the self-styled surveillance program whistleblower to UFOs in support of claims that first appeared in an internationally syndicated news article released over seven months earlier. (Click Here to read more at source).

Posted by at

from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/03/leaked-document-confirms-report-linking.html

James Gilliland on Coming Changes

The Event, Bankster Suicides And The Return Of The Anunnaki

by James Gilliland

It has been a while and it is time for an update. A major portal has been opened on Maui, the heart chakra of the planet. There have been 20 others. The Earth now is being flooded with light and higher dimensional light beings. Yes, this includes their light ships as well. These higher civilizations (which we will refer to as the greater family of man rather than ET which has been given a fearful twist by Hollywood, the disinformation campaigns, etc.) is appearing globally, keeping the UFO reporting centers extremely busy. I might add some of the UFO reporting centers are not operating from the highest integrity as many know the ongoing UFO activity at ECETI has virtually been ignored. This is a precursor to what many call the EVENT.

The Event

The timing of the event is tied into critical mass, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is now foreseen as spring or early summer. This is not coming without challenges. Whenever a higher consciousness and energy enters a system due to sympathetic resonance, the lower consciousness and energy must rise to meet it. This creates chaos, yet chaos is the letting go of the old paradigm in order for the new paradigm to take its place. The intellect and the ego must surrender to the heart. The heart is your soul connection and the soul is the path to God/Creator/Spirit. Sometimes a little prayer and some sleep work the best in adjusting to these new energies.

Bankster “Suicides”

Many ask about the death of so many top level bankers. The banking system is corrupt, riddled with fraud beyond belief. The treasury has been robbed repeatedly, keeping the manufactured lack and enslavement through dependency going. This is coming down. Some bankers know too much and they have been removed, do to cooperation with global investigative authorities. Other banksters can’t live with what they have done and know the hammer is about to fall. Only 8 (suicides) have reached the press, yet the true numbers are close to 20 and this will continue.

Beyond the Controllers Control

This entire economic system is not frequency specific to the evolution of humanity and the Earth.  It is completely out of alignment with Unity Consciousness and Universal Law. There are forces beyond the Fallen Anunnaki, the regenerate ETs, and demonic realms which were virtually unchecked in the past. These are forces beyond the Illuminati, their major corporations and their treasonous political puppet whores. There is a grand awakening on a soul level which was not factored in, nor was there awareness of the source of this grand awakening.

The Parasitic Removal

The benevolent Annunaki, the bearded Gods of old and the council of 12 now mostly women are back and there is a grand recall, and reconciliation of the fallen ones left to oversee. They are standing before the councils in extreme embarrassment for what they have done outside of Universal Law. The Andromedan, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Lyrian, Sirian and Orion Councils of light are also coming into play ending the prime directive hands off program of the past. The controllers, parasites and predators (Regenerate ETs, Demonics, Etc…) who have hijacked the Earth’s evolution are being removed, not so gracefully I might add. This is happening for those with eyes to see. The physical effects of this are soon to follow.


We can all do our parts here on Earth by practicing love and kindness, setting boundaries with those who are not and holding space. We can pray to our representative of Source and welcome the benevolent beings, the beautiful many asking for their assistance in our own personal awakening and healing as well as the Earth’s awakening and healing. Stop participating in anything that is enslaving or harmful to humanity and the Earth. Let the beast consume itself as the prophecies foretold.

There is an old Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good.” This should apply to our foreign policy as well. We need to be careful of calling for democracy. Democracy means the corporations can move in and exploit the people trading one tyrant for corporate tyranny. The republic is a better model with a strong constitution, for the people and by the people. This is something that was forgotten in America, along with its Bill of Rights.

This spring, the people will remember. They will come to realize the source of their pain suffering, the war and disease profiteers, the genocidal psychopaths behind the veil of ignorance. Those veils and masks are coming down.

Be well, Godspeed, walk with courage and impeccable integrity. There is no security or future without it.

James Gilliland


In5D Addendum: In addition to James’ mind-blowing material, Freeman Fly added that the banksters are looking for some kind of “technological advancements to save their souls or to spare themselves through this.”

In recent news, an article entitled, “Beyond Cern: Now physicists prepare to construct the even Larger Hadron Collider” shows how there is a desire to create an even larger portal into other dimensions, which is discussed in the above video.

James stated that “The Event” would most likely occur between March and July of 2014.

“They’ve been telling us that between March and July, everything is gonna get turned around. There is going to be massive change on every level: social, economic and physical as we go through this shift. The good news is, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Between now and 2016, we’re going to undergo some incredible changes. Chaos is a good thing. It means that the old system is breaking down. We need to be aware that chaos is part of the process and it means that something new is coming in to take its place.”

from:    http://in5d.com/the-event-bankster-suicides-anunnaki-return.html

January UFO’s in Japan

UFOs Over Japan On First Week Of 2014, VIDEOs, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: First week of Jan 2014
Location of sighting: Japan
Source:  http://sonotaco.jp
These UFOs were caught in the sky over Japan on the first week of 2014. Sure they have a little resemblance to meteors however if you look carefully you will notice that often the objects tail disappears completely giving us a visual of the actual craft. Sometimes alien craft do not need to cloak…they just change the appearance of the UFO to make it look like a natural phenomenon…that not so natural after all. SCW


from:    http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2014/01/ufos-over-japan-on-first-week-of-2014.html

Tokyo UFO’s

Five White Disk UFOs Appear Over Tokyo Japan On Dec 25, 2013, Recorded By Japanese Journalist, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.


Above photo shows three UFOs all in same position.

Date of sighting: December 25, 2013
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan
Source: http://otakei.otakuma.net/archives/2013122505.html

For forty minutes these five UFOs appeared to hover over Tokyo on Christmas day. It happened at 4pm and you can see Mount Fuji in the distance. The source leads you to a news article in Japan where the writer…a news reporter heard about the UFOs and ran out to his balcony to view it and record it for himself. The UFOs all are in the same position…meaning they are almost horizontal but their left side tiles up about 20-30 degrees. This exact positioning of all the UFOs tells us they are piloted by intelligent beings. Perhaps even coming from a cloaked exit in the volcano Mount Fuji.  SCW

Check out the link below for the videos.

from:  http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/2013/12/five-white-disk-ufos-appear-over-tokyo.html

ET Crafts Behind the Moon?

Whistleblower: Massive Extraterrestrial Crafts Hiding Behind Moon

Last updated on December 12, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.


A government whistleblower recently stated that officials are baffled as to why numerous extraterrestrial crafts have docked themselves on the opposite side of the moon.

Dr. Eric Norton, an outside consultant for the NSA and NASA for the past 12 years, was hired to track various object in space including meteors, comets, etc.. but recently has been following a number of unidentified aircrafts that were heading towards Earth.

On January 22, 2012, Dr. Norton was called to the MacDonald Observatory in Texas and saw  “massive, three dimensional black structures in space, in straight line formation advancing in the direction of planet Earth.  The object seemed to be emitting  some sort of force field that deflected space particles from touching their surface, almost like the magnetic field around the earth.  The objects were getting so close that, with our telescopes, we could see the structural features of these things in high detail. They were shaped as a three dimensional “L” shaped craft.  By January 2013, the objects had been tracked to about 200,000 miles past the planet Mars.  Once they reached this point, almost instantaneously, the object vanished from our telescope lenses as if they had activated some sort of invisibility shield at the flick of the switch.  I knew that the upper echelons of government were worried about these things because I was under a constant 24/7 guard by Secret Service agents.  For nearly the entire year of 2013, we watched the skies in disbelief.  We didn’t know what was going on or where these things were.  According to my calculations, these things would have been so close to us by now that we would have no problem seeing them in the night sky had they stayed visible to us.  We didn’t know if they were still coming or had left the solar system.”

Dr. Norton was sent home and was awaiting additional order, if needed, but had not heard anything else about this situation for approximately 6 months.  Upon all of the commotion around the government shutdown as well as the shutdown of numerous space monitoring programs, Dr. Norton finally made a call to a close friend who he worked with confidentially who told Norton that “the objects reappeared and had repositioned themselves behind the moon”  in a circular type of alignment, which allowed them to dock to the backside of the moon in order to remain invisible to skywatchers.

Norton added that the blackout of all space monitoring programs was essential in “keeping the lid on what had happened.”

“We don’t know what they are, what they are doing or what they’re going to do.  We do know that there have already been fluctuations in Earth’s gravity field and the gravity field which links the moon to the Earth.”

According to Dr. Norton, if this information were to be revealed to the masses, it would cause a breakdown of all religions as well as the “breakdown of society, itself”.

It is this writers opinion that our society is ready to acknowledge the existence of other forms of life other than what is already on our planet.  The biggest fears would be from those who have kept us living as economic slaves for millennia through subservience, control and conformity as their illusion of their fiat currency falls apart.  They will continue to grasp on to this illusion for as long as possible while keeping the rest of us in the proverbial dark until the last possible second in order to maintain their illusion of power.

If the extraterrestrials are changing the magnetic waves in the gravitational field of this planet, it could have implications on what that might do to our brains and more specifically, what we are capable of doing.

For example, a slight change in the magnetic field may affect the Schumann Resonance where the frequencies are more derived from pure love or as some may call it, “Christ Consciousness“.  It may also open up our minds to their fullest collective capacity where we all have instantaneous abilities, such as telekinesis, ESP and other psychic or metaphysical abilities.

The Earth is currently undergoing a magnetic pole shift, which has not occurred in at least 700,000 years on this planet, so perhaps this visitation has something to do with that?

Many people believe that the moon is a large satellite, so the possibility remains that those who placed it here have returned.

While much of this is speculation, no one truly knows who they are or why they are on the moon.  Only time will tell!

from:     http://in5d.com/massive-extraterrestrial-crafts-hiding-behind-moon.html