MUFON Reports Midwest Cylinders 6/28

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Midwest UFO `Cylinders’ Of June 28th – MUFON Reports

Hello Clockers and new visitors too. Today’s look at the latest MUFONreports had two of the last three (most recent) reports about high flying Cylinders over Indiana and Illinois yesterday; here’s the reports:

While smoking in the parking lot of my business, observed a large dull silver/gray cylinder flying at high altitude from E – W high in the sky. It was a nearly cloudless day, and I was with my co-owner, who also witnessed the craft. She went inside and grabbed binoculars – which I used to observe the craft in more detail. No wings, no tail, no contrail. A large cylinder, at least twice the size of a large jetliner, with rounded ends vs pointy nose and tail. Estimated altitude 30,000 ft. There was no sound, but from that altitude and distance, not surprising. We watched as the cylinder crossed the sky over Kokomo slightly to our North from East to West – a total of maybe two minutes – last seen heading over Burlington due West of Kokomo.

for reports of more sightings, including the Russina  Mothership of March 2011, go to:


UFO’s & American Presidents

fr/ Pravda

UFO for American presidents


UFO for American presidents. 44659.jpegMany U.S. presidents during their terms were seriously interested in UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence issues, and some of them even had a chance to make contact with aliens. We turn to the recently declassified archives of ufology. Let’s start with 1948, when President Harry S. Truman summoned his Assistant Robert Landry to the Oval Office.

to read more, and see comments, go to:

Australia’s UFO Files – Lost

Australia’s military loses its UFO X-Files?

Posted 2011/06/07 at 10:59 am EDT

CANBERRA, June 7, 2011 (Reuters) — Australia’s military has lost its X-Files, detailing sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, across the country, a newspaper report said on Tuesday.

After a two-month search in response to a newspaper Freedom of Information (FOI) request, which forces government officials to release documents of public interest, Australia’s Department of Defence had been unable to locate the files, the Sydney Morning Herald said.

“The files could not be located and Headquarters Air Command formally advised that this file is deemed lost,” the department’s FOI assistant director, Natalie Carpenter, told the paper. Defence officials could not be contacted by Reuters.

The only file Defence had been able to locate was a folder called: “Report on UFOs/Strange Occurrences and Phenomena in Woomera,” a military weapons testing range in the center of Australia’s vast outback, Carpenter said.

to read more go to:


UFO’s in California?

UFOs Spotted Over California?

Benjamin Radford, Life’s Little Mysteries Contributor
Date: 01 June 2011 Time: 04:40 PM ET

A short night-vision video posted on YouTube depicting three lights in the night sky over California has been getting attention on the Web. The video was allegedly recorded in Oakland a few days ago by someone using the handle “KevinMC360.”

Was it a UFO?

Almost certainly, since KevinMC360 was unable to identify the flying objects.

Was it an alien spacecraft?

Probably not. [See the video here]

to read more go to: