Gang Violence in Denver

Shock Videos: Venezuelan Gangs with Guns Takeover Apartment Complexes in Colorado

Large groups of armed Venezuelan men, believed to be members of the Tren de Aragua (TDA) prison gang, have invaded entire apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, which is less than 10 miles from Denver. Denver is a Democrat-run ‘sanctuary city’ that has a population of 710,000 people. Denver has welcomed over 44,000 illegal aliens over the past two years and many are spilling over into neighboring cities and towns. The armed Venezuelan men have been alleged to have committed kidnapping, human trafficking, sex trafficking, home invasion robberies, carjackings and armed robberies of stores, including 3 gun shops. A 99-unit apartment house was shut down. A shootout reportedly left one man with life-threatening injuries.While Denver Police said that they were “not aware” of any apartment complexes being taken over by TDA, there are reports that a gang leader from TDA has given the “green light” to shoot police officers.






Video footage has emerged of armed criminal alien gang members freely moving about in a Colorado apartment complex in Aurora.

The footage, seen below, adds to the evidence that a violent Venezuelan prison gang even more hardcore than MS-13 has taken over in the Denver metropolitan area, including in Aurora.

The armed gang members seen above are believed to be part of the Tren de Aragua (TDA) gang, which, as previously reported, has seized several apartment complexes in the Aurora area.

Speaking with Fox News, Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky said that “without a doubt that there is sex trafficking now going on” in the area thanks to the gang’s presence.

“This is organized,” one former apartment dweller added. “They patrol the property with guns visibly, like they’re not trying to hide them. There’s no repercussion. These are ghosts.”

The former apartment dweller, a woman, just made it out of her overtaken apartment building on Wednesday thanks to help from Jurinsky and congressional candidate John Fabbricatore.

“I literally had to borrow from everybody I know to get into a new place,” she said. “And it’s every bit of money I had.”

Below is a video of a local resident complaining about how criminal aliens have taken over the Denver metropolitan area:



Part of the problem is that the police appear to be missing in action. When questioned by the New York Post, Denver police union boss Marc Sears claimed it’s “absolutely inaccurate” to say the gang is taking over the city.

“They’re not any different than any other documented gang that we have,” he claimed. “I can tell you that the officers, is there a concern about this quote-unquote ‘green light’ that they have on officers. Sure, there’s a concern about it, but in my opinion, as the union president, I feel that we have been green-lighted since 2020.”

By the “green light,” he meant reports that TDA members have been given a “green light” to open fire on the police.

Speaking with a local Fox News affiliate, the Denver Police added on Wednesday that they were “not aware” of any apartment complexes being taken over by TDA.

The female resident wasn’t surprised by this denial of reality.

“There’s no safety net for you because the police are not coming,” she said. “They say, ‘Stay inside and lock your doors.’ I have to work! I was paying rent. These people haven’t been paying rent at all. I’ve been paying rent every month for years.”

“I hope [the police] do something because they could have helped me get out. Literally. Their answer for me was, ‘You ever think about moving?’ That’s what they told me when I was like, and I started crying. There’s no help coming for any of us. The police have checked out. They’re not on our side,” she added.

Even Jurinsky wasn’t surprised by the police’s attitude.

“In the entire Denver metro area, it has been like pulling teeth to get anyone, the media, other elected officials, to get anyone to acknowledge the presence of this trend and to acknowledge that there is even a problem,” she said.

Read full article here…
