Latest Message fr/The Hathors via Tom Kenyon

A Stream from the Higher Worlds

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.

In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity.

As your world enters an ever-larger Chaotic Node there is a corresponding increase in hostility and antagonism. Indeed, this emotional toxicity is so pervasive it can affect even the most spiritually advanced among you.

Before we get to the instructions on how to use this meditation, we would like to address a very important but complex concept. For the sake of brevity, we will do so in as short a space as possible.

Dimensional Tendencies

Whenever you enter a strong emotional response and its corresponding thought forms you have entered a specific dimension of consciousness. This is a vibratory field of energy that exists independently of you and is co-created by all sentient beings who are experiencing the same emotions and thought forms—including yourself.

Let us take two emotions as an example: anger and hatred. From our perspective your collective is experiencing an extreme polarization. If you experience anger at something that has occurred (as you perceive it), the neurochemical reality of your body changes. If this anger response escalates into hatred then you have entered a very toxic dimensional reality, and due to the nature of the interconnectedness of dimensional realities you will be sharing the same energetic with all beings who are in the same energetic and emotion.

We want to be very precise in how we address this. There is nothing wrong with anger. Indeed, at times anger is the correct response to a situation. It sets a needed boundary. When, however, anger escalates into hatred it becomes a toxic poison to your psycho-spiritual nature.

By the term Dimensional Tendencies, we mean that all human beings (and many animals as well) have perceptual and emotional habits that are deeply ingrained—thus the term Tendency.
These tendencies can lead you into habitual emotional responses such as depression, hostility or hatred—just to name three “negative” emotional dimensions from the cornucopia of human experience.

The challenge with Dimensional Tendencies is that they can color your life with thought forms and emotional responses that are not of your conscious creation, but rather they are driven by forces (i.e., habits) in your unconscious mind.

Some Dimensional Tendencies—such as the tendency to loving kindness, compassion and self-love—are positive in their effects. We will have more to say about this in future messages, but we wish to focus, now, on the negative impact of Dimensional Tendencies so that you can be aware of these in yourself.

Dimensional Tendencies are also meme-like and in that sense they can be contagious. If someone is caught up in hatred, for example, anyone with a Dimensional Tendency to hatred—whatever the reason might be—will be prone to be stirred by hatred as well.

From our perspective your world has become venomous and is overflowing with emotional and spiritual toxicity. The purpose of this sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds, is to assist you in a most vital task as we view it, which is to purify yourself of your own deeply held emotional and spiritual toxicity.

These impressions come to you from every negative experience of your life (as well as all other lifetimes). The culminated history of your life/lives is encoded into the cellular memory of your body and mind and/or your energy field. This sound meditation utilizes the sound of a stream as well as sound codes that we (the Hathors) generated from the realms of light and the voice of Mary Magdalen, who also brings forth sound codes she has created from the realms of light. This orchestration of these elements to gently and profoundly release deeply held psycho-spiritual and emotional toxicity was created to assist you.

This meditation has two aspects, the personal and the collective. We wish to address the personal use first.

How to Work with This Sound Meditation

There are two ways of working with this sound meditation: passively or actively.

The passive method is for when you are too exhausted to focus your attention. In this instance you simply listen to the sounds and the music, letting it take you wherever.

The active form of listening is the most powerful way to work with this meditation.

Imagine that there is a diamond at your crown, at the top of your head. You do not have to see this; just imagine it in whatever ways seem natural to you.

As you hear the sound of the stream, sense, feel and imagine a crystal clear stream of liquid white light entering your body from the diamond at the crown of your head. Allow this stream of light to flow downward from your head through your entire body, allowing the stream to exit from the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.

Imagine that this stream of light is flowing through every organ of your body, every cell and tissue, even through the very atoms that comprise your body. You may find it helpful to relax into your exhales, letting each exhale be more relaxed than the one before it. The central idea is to relax into the stream and the sound codes. They will do the work. You just relax and give the stream and sounds permission to move through ever-deeper levels of your being.

The meditation itself is 8 minutes 44 seconds in length. If you have the space and time to do so, you could listen to it multiple times, back-to-back for deeper purification, release and healing. Working with this sound meditation on a regular basis will assist you, especially if you alternate it with the Aetherium that we gave earlier.

Using this Meditation to Benefit the Collective

For those of you who feel aligned with imparting to the collective a calming purifying energy field, we invite you to use this meditation not only for yourself but also for the elevation of all humanity and for the benefit of all sentient beings—since all sentient beings experience benefit or harm from human emotions and thought forms.

The use of this meditation for the collective is not a substitute for working with it for yourself. This is because you cannot give what you do not have. You must maintain some level of calmness and clarity without toxic elements if you are to serve the collective this way.

Having said that here are the instructions for the use of this meditation for the benefit of the collective consciousness.

Imagine the Earth in front of you in whatever ways feel natural. The perspective may be that you are close or at a great distance. It does not matter. Imagine that a large diamond sits at the North Pole. As the sound of the stream begins, allow a stream of clear white light to descend from the diamond through the central axis of the Earth, flowing through and out the South Pole. Allow the stream and the sound codes to move outward throughout the entire planet imparting a calming and purifying effect.

After you have completed the meditation, either for yourself or for the world, we suggest you rest for a few minutes, if possible, in order to let the subtle energetics settle into your body and mind. This will have very beneficial effects. So our suggestion is not to rush out of the meditation too quickly.

The World Sound Meditation

We are calling for a world sound meditation using A Stream from the Higher Worlds as a means to introduce into the collective a calming and purifying effect as a direct antidote to the venomous psycho-spiritual toxicity that is moving like a plague on your planet.

The nexus point of this mediation will be in New York on October 2 at an event called The Inner Streams: Worlds of Healing. The group that will have gathered for this one-day event will spend the last thirty minutes in the World Meditation we described above.

During this sound meditation an extended version of A Stream from the Higher Worlds will be played, and we (the Hathors) will alternate with Mary Magdalen to sing on top of these sound codes. This triad of sonic and psychic forces will strike the energetic of calm planetary purification and healing.

The reason Mary Magdalen has joined us in this is due to a simple and compelling fact. The domination and subservience of women must come to an end. The feminine must be raised in balance to the masculine. The alchemical iconographic symbolism of the full Moon must be in balance to the Sun. This refers to the internal symbolism of the psyche and not to astronomical objects.

The energetic of this first striking will last for twenty-four hours. This means you can fully participate in the first energetic anytime within the first twenty-four-hour period from wherever you are.

The second harmonic will last for forty days. If you feel the deep calling to serve the higher good in this way (and have the fortitude to do so) we would ask that you engage the world meditation, whenever possible within your schedule, in that forty-day period.

Do not forget, however, in this forty-day period to engage this meditation for yourself first. In other words, clear yourself before you engage this meditation for the world.

The third striking is for those of you who are Adepts and Initiates or for those of you who are on the threshold of becoming one. You will know and sense through the power of gnosis (direct knowing) when it would be advantageous for you to engage the World Meditation.

For some of you this action will continue for many months or years. More details about the timing of the World Meditation are given below, including a link to the sound meditation itself.

We hold within the highest realms of our being, which includes the Aethos—the non-dual realms of our collective realization—and within the realms of our deepest hearts that this action will benefit you and all living beings upon your planet.

We bow to you, the co-creators of your destiny.

May the light of your own higher realizations illuminate your way.
The Hathors
August 15, 2016


Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

I think the Hathors’ instructions on how to work with this unusual sound meditation are clear and straightforward. Having listened to it multiple times now, I think it is more effective if you make it the sole focus of your attention. Avoid the temptation to multitask on this one!

I have also found that listening to this sonic piece multiple times, in one listening session, takes it to much deeper levels of cleansing and purification. One of the paradoxes of this sound mediation is that although its purification can be quite deep, it does so in a deeply relaxing and nurturing manner.

When I was first approached by the Hathors to bring forward this sound meditation so close to their release of The Aetherium, I balked a bit. But then they informed me that it would be a synergetic co-creation between them and Mary Magdalen. Intrigued, I asked for more details and was told that the purpose of A Stream from the Higher Worlds was to gently cleanse and purify the body/mind from deeply held toxicity and emotional negativity by imparting unique energetics from the “higher realms of light.” They also told me that Magdalen would direct the recording process.

As far as the recording itself is concerned…the stream in the background was recorded at a remote location on Orcas Island where I often experience nature spirits. The main voice you hear is that of Magdalen, while the surrounding voices are those of the Hathors. The core of this evolutionary catalyst is actually from a short sound meditation that was recorded during The Spiral of Ascension workshop in 2015. For me this fascinating weaving of sound creates openings in my energy field for higher dimensional energies that are both purifying and healing.

While I found the meditation to be truly profound, I was stupefied by the Hathors’ and Magdalen’s request to call for a World Sound Meditation during the one-day event on October 2nd at Symphony Space in New York City titled Inner Streams: Worlds of Healing.

When I chose to create this event—many months ago—I felt there would be some very potent and healing energies released for the benefit of those who attended the New York workshop. But I never ever imagined that the Hathors would ask to add their energy to this event, much less M (as I refer to Magdalen), or for their combined energetic to be extended to the world.

Upon further dialogue, it became clear that both the Hathors and M are of the opinion that our world is so wracked with negativity and hostility, we are on the verge of self-destruction. They are thus joining forces—so to speak—to introduce a purifying and healing energetic into the human collective. This is being done for the benefit of all sentient beings on Earth, not just human. It is not an energy that is to be imposed upon humanity, rather it is an energetic of purification, release and healing that all persons can draw upon. I consider this to be a very important aspect of the World Sound Meditation. As in past global meditations directed by the Hathors, nothing is being imposed on the collective or on any individual. Rather a field of purifying and healing energy is being emanated throughout the world. All beings are free to draw this beneficial energetic into themselves or not.

In their message the Hathors addressed M’s participation in this highly unusual sound meditation, but I would like to add a few things to the mix. Many of the problems our world is facing are a direct result of the patriarchy and its domination of the feminine in all levels of existence—from the economic and social treatment of women to their perceived inferiority in many (if not most) of the world’s major religions and spiritual traditions.

At a symbolic level the Earth is our Mother, and as a collective, humanity is raping her.

Our oceans are increasingly toxic and the very fabric of our ecosystem is on the verge of collapse as reported by a growing number of the world’s ecological scientists. While many of the physical challenges to the continuation of life upon our planet are driven by physical processes created by mankind, there is a subtler force at work here. I would call it the philosophical/religious and symbolic devaluing of the feminine principle in all its many forms.

It is not, however, just the biological expression of the feminine that is so devalued and in some cases outwardly attacked. The internal and psychological expressions of the feminine are also suspect in our current patriarchal worldview. By this I am referring to the feminine part of our human psychology, which Carl Jung referred to as the anima. The anima (internal feminine) dwells in both women and men, just as the internal male, or animus, also lives in every man and woman. These are dynamic forces that affect our choice-making as humans in very real ways.

In my opinion, until the internal anima and animus are brought into balance within our human psychology we will continue to make unbalanced choices that disregard or denigrate the feminine aspect. This antagonism against both the outer and inner feminine affects us as well as other life forms in perilous ways.

Both women and the planet are suffering from our cultural over-emphasis of the animus (male principle), which is firmly rooted in our dominant philosophies, religions and socio-economic systems. But it is not just women who suffer from this imbalance. Men also suffer because we are denied a whole range of human potentials such as depth of feelings and intuitive knowledge.

For those readers unfamiliar with “the” Mary Magdalen that will be adding her spiritual weight to the upcoming World Sound Meditation, I suggest you take a look at the Mary Magdalen Section of our website to get a feel for who this powerful feminine presence is. This Magdalen is not the prostitute of the New Testament that many Christians believe her to be.

If you are interested in more details about the ecological crisis facing our planet as well as some fascinating information about the ascension process in relation to what are called “operations of increasing order” go to the Articles section and click on The Spiral of Ascension—Class Handouts.

Returning to the sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds is a subtle weaving of potent energetics for personal purification and healing, but it is also for the human collective when engaged with that purpose in mind.

Instructions for The World Sound Meditation on October 2nd 2016

The World Sound Mediation will begin on October 2nd 2016 at 8:00PM EDST or at Midnight between October 2nd and 3rd GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). (Check the World Time Clock to determine the exact time in your area.) The group in New York will be in meditation for 30 minutes. During this period, an extended version of A Stream from the Higher Worlds will be played as I channel sounds from the Hathors and Magdalen. The energetic from New York will move quickly throughout the planet, and it will last for twenty-four hours, which means you do not have to meditate with the gathering in New York when we engage the global mediation. You can do it anytime within this twenty-four-hour period and still fully participate in its intended outcome, which is to introduce a gentle, purifying and healing energetic into the human collective.

If you choose to join the World Sound Meditation during this twenty-four-hour window, I suggest you listen to it twice for yourself according to the instructions given by the Hathors under the section sub-titled How to Work with this Meditation. Then listen to it two times for the collective—as directed by the Hathors above, in the section titled Using this Meditation to Benefit the Collective. After you have gone through the meditation four times—two for yourself and two for the world—rest for a few minutes (or longer if you have the time) to let the subtle energetics settle into your body/mind. Please do not listen to the meditation from our website but download it onto your computer.

At the level of consciousness where the World Sound Meditation unfolds, there is no separation between us in time or space, so you can fully participate wherever you live or whatever your individual circumstances may be. As you engage the sound mediation, you will enter a sphere of being that transcends the limitations of our embodied existence. For those of you who will be joining us in this World Sound Meditation from afar, I extend to you my deepest appreciation and acknowledgement.

Finally, I think I should mention an important aspect of this rare occurrence.  As some of you who have worked with me know, I often get a sense of the energetic before an event takes place. Based upon my psychic perceptions of this gathering in New York on October 2, I feel that when the Hathors and Magdalen conjoin their energies, both during the event and the World Sound Meditation, they will release a potent energy-field that will be a profound and life-changing experience for those who are physically in the room.

In other words, if you have the space and resources to get to this event in New York, I would seriously consider it.

For more information about the event, click here or go to the Calendar at

Click here to listen to and/or download A Stream from the Higher Worlds. You will then be taken to the Listening Agreement page. After agreeing to the terms of usage, you will have complete access to all of the audio files in the Listening section for your personal use only.

©2016 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved
You may make copies of this message and share it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter its content in any manner, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. Do note that the sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds, as well as all audio files in the Listening section may not be replicated or posted on any Internet website as it is copyrighted intellectual property.


Latest Hathor Message fr/Tom Kenyon


A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Your world is entering a period of immense destabilization.

In past messages we have referred to Chaotic Nodes as unexpected catalytic and chaotic changes. We have also noted in past communications that multiple Chaotic Nodes are emerging, and their interaction is what we are referring in this message as destabilization.

(see a previous Hathor message titled Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality).

This destabilization of your world is occurring at the ecological, social and individual levels of existence.

Let’s begin with the ecological issues.

Your planetary environment is, essentially, being poisoned. The acidification of your oceans, the overuse of pesticides, chemical agents and fossil fuels are all interacting to create an ecological Chaotic Node of immense proportions. Indeed, a growing number of your scientists are saying that your Earth is entering the beginning stages of a “6th mass extinction.”

We will turn our attention to the ramifications of these issues in a moment but let us address the other two levels first.

At a social level your world is entering a highly volatile and destabilizing state. This is a complex situation but addressing the most rudimentary levels we would say you are witnessing a clash of cultural values as well as the impact of both climate change and war on migrations of human populations, some of which are being caused by circumstances and some of which are being manipulated by power brokers behind the scenes.

The third level is the individual—you—the one reading this message.

This is also a complex situation and there are several levels involved. One of these levels has to do with the poisoning of your planet’s environment that we mentioned earlier. And as a result of climate change and deforestation, new forms of bacteria and viruses are being spread globally.

These microforms of life are not inert. They are living intelligences that evolve, and they are evolving very rapidly in ways that will make your current medical methodologies for dealing with them ineffective.

A second challenge to your individual stability has to do with the magnetic shifts and dimensional alterations that are unfolding on your planet. Because your nervous system operates according to the principles of bio-electromagnetism, the neural networks in your nervous systems are being challenged by these shifts and alterations. Some of you, especially those who are energetically sensitive, will be prone to this more than others. But increasingly, no one will be exempt.

Communications between human beings will get more challenging—to be gracious about it.

What may surprise you is that some of these challenges will arise in close friendships and intimate relationships. You may find that seemingly insignificant external events can set off tsunamis of emotional responses.

There are two primary reasons for this phenomenon.

The first has to do with the destabilization of your nervous system making it more prone to losing its center. And the second level has to do with the process of catalytic evolution that you are undergoing as a human being at this point in time. What we mean by this is what has been hidden is being revealed. The deepest catacombs of your subconscious are being turned over like a plow cutting through a field. This is essentially a very disturbing state to deal with especially for those of you who think of yourselves as spiritual beings.

If you are of the opinion that being a spiritual being requires that you always be in a state of bliss and happiness then you will find this purification process deeply disturbing, but it is—quite frankly—required for individual evolution and liberation from the restrictions imposed by your religions and confining histories. It is also necessary for humanity, as a whole, to face and transform its own shadow material (i.e., unresolved emotional issues and destructive belief patterns) if humankind is to survive.

In past messages we have said that a course of action could be changed in the 11th hour. By this we were referring to a metaphor meaning that in the last hour before an irrevocable shift occurs it is possible to change an outcome.

We are still of this opinion, but you are well past the 11th hour. You are at one minute before midnight, metaphorically speaking, of course.

What this means is that massive changes will have to occur in a very short period of time if you are collectively to avoid the 6th mass extinction.

As the ecological and social aspects of this destabilization process are so complex, we wish to confine our comments to practical suggestions for you.

One marker, evolutionarily speaking for transition states between dimensions as a human being, is the growing perception that life is a dream. If this occurs for you, you will experience your life and the events of your life as having a dreamlike insubstantial quality. You will still have to deal with the realities of your physical existence, but there will be an increasing sense that your physical existence has an unreal quality about it.

We do realize that in many of our messages we have sounded like a broken record, repeating ourselves again and again especially when referring to coherent states of emotion like happiness, joy and/or appreciation. This has to do with physics and neuropsychology. Coherent states of emotion are an antidote to the destabilization of your nervous system caused by the various factors that we mentioned previously.

There are many ways to accomplish this task of bringing coherency to your nervous system. For one, we suggest you work with the sound meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds (see Tom’s comments below) on a regular basis as a means to introduce this type of coherent emotion into your nervous system.

Another way to create more coherency is to introduce more joy into your life, which is indeed paradoxical for many of you. Very few cultures underwrite the necessity for joy as a value. Sacrifice, martyrdom and self-forgetting are what seem to be valued most in many societies, but from our perspective these are the greatest errors, at least from the perspective of spiritual evolution.

We are very sensitive to the fact that many of you reading this message may be dealing with this paradox (i.e., how to create more joy your life) in very direct and challenging ways.

Our advice, like all advice, should be “taken with a grain of salt.” This is simply our perspective on this particular challenge. Having stated this caveat, our suggestion is to cleave away from your life the thought forms of self-sacrifice and martyrdom. Find more ways to discover joy even in the smallest things. It does not matter how small they are.

And finally, find the courage to speak your truth to those closest to you. This type of truth speaking and self-revealing is, in our opinion, critical for your successful transition through the current and on-going period of global destabilization.


Moving into the Holographic Universe

Passage Into The Holographic Universe

by Tom Kenyon

It weighs about three pounds, yet is so densely packed that it contains more connections than the number of stars in the known universe. If anything qualifies as magic, it would be this micro‑universe. It simultaneously controls such a vast array of tasks that it puts the most advanced computers to shame. It bends light into recognizable images and translates sounds into language and meaning. And in an extraordinary magical transformation, it changes biology into the experience of mind. This wizard is, of course…your brain.

It has been fairly well established by brain researchers that we use only a small portion of our brain’s immense potential. I compare this to having a state‑of‑the‑art video camera with stereo sound and using it to take Kodak-type snapshots.

There are various reasons for this “less than optimal” use of our abilities. For one, it has to do with the ways we are educated.

The Education of Limitation

Our current methods of education are still largely based on methods from the Industrial age – -reading, writing and arithmetic. Unfortunately, this way of educating does not prepare children for the demands of the 21st century, nor does it stimulate the brain’s unused potentials. You see, our brain does not switch on new brain cells until there is a stimulus from the environment‑either internal or external.

Research clearly shows that the critical time for brain development is the first two years, followed by a second period of five years. And yet, most children are left to their own devices during the most critical formative time of their nervous systems.

Then these children enter an outmoded educational system that stifles curiosity and discourages independent thinking. Most of us are the products of such “education.”

There is another reason we use so little of our potential brainpower.

The Corpus Callosum

Neurologically, our brain is split down the middle. In some very real ways, we have two brains inside our heads. And these two brains experience the world in very different ways. While one part of our brain can talk, the other side is mute.

The left hemisphere (for most people) is verbal. It talks. It creates and interprets language. It performs this extraordinary feat through two small areas of densely packed neurons in the neocortex. These areas usually sit on the left side of the head around the ear. If these areas are damaged, one can lose the ability to speak and/or understand language.

The left side also perceives the world in a logical sequential way. It likes to have everything in its place.

The right side of the neocortex, however, sees things differently. For one, it does not speak. For another, it is not particularly logical. It is quite comfortable with paradox, the gray areas of experience. It is also at ease with things being out of sequence. It can spot the hidden patterns in things that seem out of place. In normal states of functioning, there is a certain level of coordination between our left and right sides. And what allows us to coordinate these two perceptual worlds into one whole world of perception is a thick band of nerve fibers in the central area of the brain called the corpus callosum. The more neurological connections presumably in the corpus callosum, the more communication there is between the right and left hemispheres. And co‑ordination between the two hemispheres allows one to think both cognitively and intuitively at the same time.

There are very practical reasons for using both sides of the brain. Back in the ’60s, an employee of a Swiss watchmaker discovered a new way to tell time – the digital clock. Excitedly he took his invention to his superiors. They dismissed it. “This isn’t a clock,” they said. “It doesn’t even have any moving parts!” Their tunnel vision was caused by over dominance of the left hemisphere. They could not see outside their box. The digital watch was just too much out of the pattern they expected to see. A small company called Texas Instruments picked up the patent and the rest is history. Switzerland is no longer the watch capital of the world.

As we enter an ever more complex world, we will need to develop greater intelligence and creativity to cope with it.

Since the 1980s I have been intrigued with the use of sound and altered states of awareness to increase brain activity and intelligence. Under the auspices of Acoustic Brain Research, which I founded, I even created a series of audiotapes called Mind Gymnastiks. They are used to this day by hundreds of people to increase brain performance.

As I continued to explore the use of altered states of consciousness to increase intelligence and creativity, I was struck by similarities in people’s experiences. It was common to report a sense of connectedness between themselves and life in general. Some even used the phrase “the web of life,” as if all beings were somehow interconnected in ways that defied logical thinking. These insights were, of course, shared throughout history by many mystics and “explorers of mind” including indigenous peoples. A look at the descriptions left by these explorers of mind shows this quite clearly.

While the mystical description of interconnectedness has a long history, stretching back thousands upon thousands of years, a scientific description of interconnectedness has only emerged within the last thirty or forty. It has been birthed from the science of holography, and is referred to as the Holographic Universe.

The Holographic Enigma

Today, holograms are quite common, but back in the 1970s when I saw my first hologram in San Francisco, they were very rare. I remember walking into the small darkened room of the Haight Holo‑Art Gallery and having my mind blown. The photos seemed to float out of their frames in midair. As I walked around the strange apparitions I could look into the crevices of the images and see things I could have never seen in a normal photograph. Intrigued, I began to study the physics of holograms. A fascinating illogical world started to emerge. As bizarre as it may seem, you can cut off any part of a hologram and the entire hologram can be seen in the piece! How on earth could this be? Well you see, holograms are made by exposing film to lasers, and lasers are comprised of coherent light. Every photon is lined up with every other photon. This is very different from everyday light in which photons are much more helter‑skelter. Every photon, so to speak, listens to its own drummer. But in lasers, there is only one drummer and all photons follow its rhythm and direction.

The methodology used to create holograms doesn’t really concern us here, so I won’t go into it. Besides most people could care less. They just like looking at the strange photos.

Now as I said, you can cut off any part of a hologram and you will see the entire hologram in that tiny piece. Every fragment of the hologram carries the entire image. Another way of saying it is that the macrocosm of the photo is held within the microcosm of every piece.

This is starting to sound more and more like the descriptions of mystics. When persons enter deeply profound altered states of awareness, there is often a universal experience of interconnectedness. And this seems to occur regardless of the context (or dogma) favored by the individual.

A Meeting in the Park

I recall an unexpected experience with the holographic universe in my twenties. At the time, I was walking through a park near my house. It was dusk and I was overcome by a deep sense of calm. To this day, I have no idea what set it off. I had just been studying for one of my classes at the university, and had decided to take a walk.

As I climbed a small hill, I could see a river of cars on the street below. Their headlights were lit, and in the dimming light they looked like a kind of moving Christmas tree.

Suddenly I could sense the drivers in a way that defied logic. I felt their hopes, their desires, their dreams, and their fears. Many were heading home after work. Some would come home to an empty house, some to their waiting families. As my heart swelled from the enormity of the perception, I also noticed that the air was filled with some kind of energy. These types of experiences were new to me back then, and I had no language to describe it. But it felt like love. It felt like every atom of the world was shimmering with love, and in some inexplicable way that love was trying to reach out to everyone, to all beings. It was reaching out to me, to the strangers driving home in their cars, to the birds in the trees, even to the field mice in the grass, and to the crickets chirping in the twilight darkness.

This went on for about an hour, I think. And then the feelings of interconnectedness began to fade. I walked back home, still under the sense of calm that had started the whole thing. But my mind was stirring. How on earth could something like love be in the very atoms of the universe?

I was pondering this when I came to a very odd threshold. I happened to be standing in the dark underneath a large oak branch. The other side of the tree was bathed in light from a street lamp.

I was in the dark, and the other side was in light. The moment felt eerie, as if somehow the mythic world and this one had temporarily met. As I crossed over from the dark into the light, I distinctly heard a voice speak to me – “You can never go back.” I was stunned. I looked to see if someone was standing beside me because the voice was so vividly real. There was no one there. I walked home in silence.

I have since come to know that odd all‑encompassing love to be quite real. The ancient Greeks called it agape, or divine love. It continually emanates to all beings from every corner of the universe. For those who have eyes to see, it can be seen. For those who have ears to hear, it can be heard. But most of us never enter the deeper states of awareness where it can be experienced directly.

Now let me be clear here. That last paragraph is my own opinion based upon thirty‑some years of personal experience with altered states of consciousness. As an explorer of consciousness, that is my experience and my belief. But it is just a belief. It happens to be shared by other Argonauts of the Mind, but it is certainly not a scientific fact or even a premise. There’s no way to measure love, and measurement is the benchmark of science. Without quantification there can be no scientific inquiry.

I have belabored this point because I am in tricky territory. I am straddling the world of science and the world of mysticism. I do believe that science and mysticism will one day fully meet each other, but the methodologies are so different between the two, it requires a different kind of approach than we are used to.

But regardless of what the synthesis between science and mysticism finally looks like, we can, I think, look at some common territory.

My experience, mentioned above, was a classic mystical encounter. Practitioners of virtually every spiritual tradition on the planet have reported it. Even though the descriptions are often quite different, the essential insights of these diverse traditions are the same – there is an essential interconnectedness between life and the cosmos. How this interconnectedness is interpreted varies according to the spiritual tradition, but interconnectedness shows up in virtually all types of mystical experience.

In his book, The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot discusses the scientific basis for this type of mystical experience. It is great reading, and I strongly suggest it to anyone who is interested in such things. If the theory is correct, we are all part of the universal hologram, an indispensable piece to the cosmic puzzle. Not only this, but because we are holographic by nature, the whole cosmos is inside us. This is indeed one of the fundamental teachings of most Perennial Philosophies and mystical traditions. In some inexplicable way we carry the cosmos within us. And the exploration of one’s own consciousness eventually takes one into the cosmic realms of existence. We are like mobius strips. On one side of the strip we are isolated individuated primate humans. Yet at the same time we exist on the other side of the strip as well. On that side of things we are part of the whole. We are One with all life and the entire cosmos is inside us.

Such things seem illogical to our usual ways of thinking. But in altered states of consciousness, we can dip our toes into a different kind of world, a world of extraordinary paradox.

I suppose it is because I have worked so extensively in the area of brain research, but I think that a lot of mystical revelation (like interconnectedness) is triggered by changes in brain state.

I recall many years ago when I started getting EEG readings of subjects listening to Wave Form (a recording I created under Acoustic Brain Research). Many of these persons had profound non‑ordinary experiences including sensations of floating, moving through space and yes, feelings of interconnectedness. Now this part was not surprising, but where the brain showed the response was most intriguing. It was at a point on the top of the head. This one area showed massive increases in theta, more than any other areas in the brain. And this point just happened to correspond to the crown chakra in yoga, what is sometimes called the thousand‑petaled lotus. This chakra is associated with the transpersonal or universal states of consciousness.

This was intriguing. And I spent part of my time over the next few years looking at how such a response could be replicated consistently. Eventually I came to the conclusion that such responses are part of a larger brain patterning, and are related to the person’s psychology and values. In other words, while some persons listened to Wave Form and traversed the universe others just got really relaxed. And some just went to sleep!

I recall an incident with a cardiac specialist once who listened to Wave Form for the first time. His cohorts had urged him to listen to it since they were considering the possibility of using it in their outpatients’ stress management program. The skeptical doctor donned a pair of headphones and sat back in his executive chair. He reported being bored at first, then kind of dozing off, but not really going to sleep. Then he heard the distinct sound of a locomotive. Wondering how in the heck a locomotive could be in his office, he struggled to open his eyes. To his amazement, the sound of the locomotive was actually the sound of his snoring!

Virtually everyone who listened to Wave Form demonstrated that it was highly effective at generating profound altered states of mind, but the content varied widely depending upon the individual.

Another part of the mystery, in regards to brain function, came into focus when I came across the recently published work of Andrew Newberg, M.D., author of Why God Won’t Go Away. Using advanced neurological monitoring devices, Dr. Newberg was able to identify an area of the brain that seemed to be crucial in mystical experience. He and his associates looked at brain activity in various meditators. Some were Christian mystics, some were yogis, some Buddhists, etc. Dr. Newberg collected meditators like some people collect baseball cards. He gave each subject a button. When they touched into the deepest state of meditation they were familiar with, they would push it.

This marker would be set against the “real‑time” readings of the brain to see if there were any commonalities in brain states. And there was. Regardless of the tradition, spiritual lineage or methods of meditation used, the same area responded.

This common point in the brain was identified as the orientation area. This neurological center is responsible for orienting us in space. When we walk across the room, for instance, the orientation area co-ordinates sensory information to help us avoid bumping into things. During such moments the orientation area is very busy routing sensory signals. Its cells are very active.

But during states of meditation, the orientation area went to sleep! Its cells were simply not processing sensory information. It was, in other words, no longer attending to the perception of external space.

I think that this radical shift in the orientation area is probably due to a shift in attention. By design, meditation is a process of attending to internal space. One lets the perception of external space drop away. And what’s left are experiences from the source of internal space itself – the mind.

I had mentioned earlier that diverse mystical traditions universally report experiences of interconnectedness. And such feelings are often accompanied by changes in perceived space.

The phenomenon of perceiving the holographic universe (or mystical interconnectedness) seems to be intimately connected with changes in perceived space – and time, for that matter.

Meditators also universally report the feeling that time becomes profoundly altered during their inner journeys. One client, for instance, experienced the birth, evolution and death of the entire universe with its attending sense of endless time. When she opened her eyes and looked at her watch, however, only about fifteen minutes had passed.

There are indeed fascinating non‑ordinary perceptions that often occur during periods of deep meditation. And one of these concerns the perception of non‑corporeal intelligences, sometimes called energy beings.

In Western culture, such things are deemed non‑sense, and in a way they are non‑sensory. One cannot perceive them with the five senses. Rather they are, more often than not, perceived directly through the internal senses of the mind.

Many cultures and spiritual traditions talk about these unusual beings. Indigenous cultures, for instance, are quite clear that these beings are real and that they can be interacted with.

Many Christians believe in angels and these too, are energy beings. In fact I have had experiences with so many angels over the years, I take them rather matter of factly.

Now it may seem like a long leap from the holographic universe or interconnectedness to disembodied beings. And one can, in fact, experience interconnectedness without ever running into one.

Infinite Pool, the CD

But it was an energy being who turned up in meditation one day, and told me that it was possible to accelerate evolution of the holographic brain through sound.

This energy‑being turned out to be an akul, a being known as an “ancient one” by Egyptian alchemists. These beings are extraordinarily evolved and this particular akul taught me how to use sound patterns in new ways.

My opinion on the matter, having interacted with energy beings from numerous lineages and cultures, is that some of them have invaluable information to share with those willing to listen. My test for validity is whether their suggestions have practical value or not. In the case of this akul, I immediately recognized the consummate level of knowledge he demonstrated. And after recording the program in all its complexity, I was even more convinced that this was something of extreme value.

The other thirteen voices are those of another group of beings I have been working with for several years now. Known as the Hathors, they are masters of sound and love. When I first encountered them, in meditation, I had already been working in the area of sound for over a decade. But their knowledge far surpassed my own, and they opened new vistas I never even imagined. For the last few years, my group of mentors has grown to thirteen, and the other voices you hear on the recording are them singing “through” me.

These voices create complex standing wave patterns within the brain. As a result, exceedingly intricate geometries are created within these standing wave patterns. This is, for all intents and purposes, sacred geometry in action. The effects of these geometries are multi-dimensional in nature (meaning that several dimensions of consciousness are accessed simultaneously, depending upon the development and awareness of the listener). It’s hard to describe unless you actually hear it, but I’ll give it a try. Imagine sensing, inside your head, an ever‑oscillating field of sacred geometry. Sometimes you sense a circle of light, sometimes another geometry. Each point on a geometric shape emits a tone. As the tones switch on, the corresponding areas of the brain associated with those points are activated in ways that are quite unusual.

In addition to this, complex imagery arises, seeming to float inside the head. These images flow from one’s own inner world and are natural expressions of multi‑dimensional consciousness.

I believe that the development of multi‑dimensional consciousness is one of our next natural evolutionary steps and one that can be self‑generated. In other words, we don’t have to wait for others to develop this capacity; we can attain this for ourselves. There’s good reason to do this – the development of multidimensional awareness increases both intelligence and creativity.

In a more esoteric arena, the cultivation of multidimensionality, allows one to “track” several states of consciousness simultaneously. Esoteric knowledge is much more effectively retrieved and utilized by a mind that is capable of multiple awarenesses at the same time.

Multi‑dimensional consciousness is sometimes referred to as the holographic universe, and the portal to this universe is through your own brain.

Through this doorway, you can visit worlds and gain insights you never imagined possible. Indeed, after experimenting with this program for the last six months, I am convinced that it will prove to be an invaluable tool for those wanting to access the brain’s extraordinary potentials.


The Hathors On Angelic Beings via Tom Kenyon

On the Nature of Angels

In this message we wish to discuss our perspective regarding the nature of angels.

This has nothing to do with religion. Rather it has to do with interdimensional reality.

For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.

Angels of the Spiritual Realms

These ephemeral beings are electromagnetic fields of intelligence, some of which have form that is recognizable and some of which do not. These electromagnetic fields of intelligence interact with human beings in unique ways, and the expectations and beliefs of any given human have a lot to do with the nature of the experience. In other words, the belief system of the human being greatly affects what is experienced.

Angels from the spiritual realms take many different forms and while some of them have energy fields that give the impression that they have wings, many of them do not.

These types of angels are created beings. They are force fields of intelligence that are sent out into the ethers, into the cosmos, to do the bidding or to take the action of their creator.

This creator can take the form of what might be referred to as a god, goddess, demigod or demigoddess, an interdimensional being, an alien intelligence, or even a human being. These types of angels have no free will of their own. They are created for the sole purpose of a particular intention.

In most cases an angel will continue on its mission with single-mindedness until the energy that created it is no longer able to sustain it. In some very rare instances these angelic beings can gain a level of self-awareness and an ability to make personal choices separate from the being that created them or gave them birth. This is a very rare occurrence, but it does exist.

Within this category of angels, you have a host of beings with many different intentions.

The focus of this message is on angels who have a life-affirming and positive intent.

Angels Within

A second category of angels may best be described as electromagnetic fields of intelligence that exist solely within the human body. These are force fields of intelligence created through the emotions and beliefs of the individual human. They are subtle energetic forces that move through the human body in response to beliefs and emotions.

One of the great abilities you possess as a human being is to create angelic forces within your body through the use of positive intent and positive emotion. We will return to this most important topic in a moment.

Alien Intelligences

This third category of angels is not angelic at all, but it is a misinterpretation.

It occurs when a human being encounters an alien intelligence. This type of encounter can be misinterpreted as having been an interaction with an angel. Many of your spiritual and religious traditions have stories about encounters with angelic beings, or gods/goddesses who were, in truth, simply more advanced alien civilizations.

Our reason for discussing the topic of angels is two-fold.

Thought, Fear and Change

The first reason is a practical one having to do with your spiritual survival through the massive changes taking place upon your Earth. In its simplest form we would say that the rapid changes upon your Earth are creating a reflexive fear.

With few exceptions human beings, by nature, distrust change.  And when there is as much change occurring as is taking place upon your planet this natural fear response escalates, and this releases in your body damaging electromagnetic fields of intelligence.

So as a counter to this we will discuss the creation of positive consequences within your human biology through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.

Your sciences of psychoneuroimmunology, or the study of how thought and emotion affect your immune systems—as well as the newly emerging science of epigenetics, which studies how thought and emotion affect your DNA—are increasingly clear on the chemical and molecular agents responsible.

But we would like to take this a step further by suggesting that you actually create quantum field effects in the universe of your body through the thoughts and feelings you generate.

It is here that we come to a fork in the road.

Due to the escalation of chaotic forces in your world, a growing number of human beings are experiencing increased feelings of fear, anxiety, hostility, and impoverishment. The list goes on, and it would be easy, if you were so inclined, to substantiate your belief that you live in an increasingly dangerous and threatening world.

On the one hand this is a correct assessment, but if you remain in this island of perceptual reality you will create damaging effects, biologically speaking, within your body.

The trick, if there is one, is to counter this perception with personal periods of renewal and solace. By this we mean creating ways to release biologically positive consequences through the creation of subatomic angelic forms.

How this is accomplished is quite complex. But in its simplest form, whenever you create positive thoughts and positive feelings you create biologically positive subatomic angels that move through the universe of your body. These force fields create quantum field effects that switch on positive biological responses thereby reducing the affects of stress.

In addition to purposefully creating positive thoughts and feelings, we believe a beneficial resource for you can be found in the last sound meditation we gave, called A Bridge between the Worlds.  Simply listening to this sound meditation for twelve minutes, which is how long it lasts, once or twice a day can make a big difference in how you feel. (Note: A link to this sound meditation appears at the end of this message.)

We feel it is vitally important that you consciously release biologically positive force fields in your body on a regular basis to counteract the escalating madness that is swirling around you.

We would refer you here to an earlier message called Ecstasy and the Heart, as this information may prove helpful to you.

Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.

You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.

You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.

We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.

We will be creating a nexus point on September 5, 2015. And through a global meditation we will be calling forth these many diverse and life affirming angelic forms into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.

Let us be clear what we mean by this.

If human consciousness elevates itself to a higher level than it is currently manifesting, then it deserves to survive. If it does not elevate itself then humanity, as you know it, will not survive this passage. It is a collective cosmic intelligence test you are now facing on many levels.

Our creation of this nexus point, around which these positive electromagnetic fields of intelligence can move together as a coherent force, is an unusual proposition.

This is because the creators of these angels come from many different spiritual, alien and interdimensional sources.  These “angelic beings” rarely interact with each other, and yet we are calling them to the Table of Destiny for the sake of humanity and all life upon this planet.

This nexus point will occur on September 5, 2015, in the last half hour of an event in Manhattan called In the Company of Angels. The meditation will begin at 5:30PM and end at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time (US) or 9:30PM – 10:00PM GMT. (For the specific time in your area, you can use an online Time Converter or the World Time Clock.)

This sound meditation will be recorded and posted on our website after the event, and if this sound piece resonates with you we ask that you listen to it on an on-going basis. In other words this is not a one-time meditation, but it is being created to be a continuous field of coherent energy that you will strengthen every time you listen to it.

If you are unable to be in New York physically for the sound meditation and wish to attune yourself to the nexus point that is being formed, we suggest that you listen to A Bridge Between the Worlds during the time frame of the meditation in New York. During this period, place your awareness at your crown chakra at the top of your head. Listen to the meditation three times, and then give yourself at least 30 minutes of rest before moving into outer activity.  (Note: A link to this sound piece appears at the end of this message. Please download this sound piece onto your computer before the event rather than listening to it from our server.)

If you choose to join us in this nexus point meditation from afar, we welcome you. And know that at this level of consciousness, separation by physical distance is not a constraint.

The Hathors
June 21, 2015

The link to the Bridge Meditation is in the source below:


Latest fr/Hathors Through Tom Kenyon

The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Entering into higher dimensions of consciousness requires a fundamental shift in perceived time and space.

This is a crucial shift in perception that we wish to address using a theoretical perspective and a practical technique, which includes the use of a sound meditation we have created for this purpose.

The Theory

There are many ways to view higher dimensions. What we wish to share is a basic schematic of how we view dimensions and the challenges you face as you transit into higher dimensional reality.

Your embodied biological reality (i.e., your physical body) is anchored in the third and fourth dimensions of consciousness as we view it.

You are quite familiar with the third dimensionality of your world. Your nervous system is keenly tuned to this reality. Your brain/mind/body complex is synchronized to the physical reality of your world. Your very biological survival depends upon your navigation of the space around you. Furthermore your body, mind and consciousness are anchored in your perception of time.

Your higher dimensional levels of consciousness, however, are not bound by these constraints. They are free of spatial and time-oriented restrictions. This is due to the fact that your higher dimensional bodies have no mass or physicality and are thus unaffected by gravitational fields.

Time is greatly affected by gravitational fields. Furthermore, your perception of time is affected by conditioning. The combination of gravitational fields and social conditioning has resulted in most human beings finding themselves marooned in the constraints of space and time.

Pragmatically speaking, your experience of “reality” is a result of the vibratory level you identify with. When you identify with higher dimensions of consciousness you are freed from the constraints of space and time, and you operate in a more fluid reality.

When you identify solely with your biological reality you are, for all intents and purposes, trapped in space and time.

In this message we will be presenting a method for you to shift your personal identity from the constraints of perceived time and space to the freedom of higher dimensions while also living your day-to-day life in a civilization and dimensional reality that is bound by these constraints (i.e., space and time).

But before imparting this method we need to delve into the theory a little bit further.

As we view it, time is the fourth dimension. For us space and time are intimately related. Your scientists have confirmed Einstein’s theory that large objects with mass generate gravitational fields, which alter both space and time.

For us the fifth dimension is the first dimension of consciousness outside the constraints of space and time (i.e., the third and fourth dimensions.) And beings in the fifth dimension have no mass and are therefore not subject to the effects of gravitational fields.

While the fifth dimension has no physicality per se, it does have form, or objects. But from your perspective, forms in the fifth dimension seem ephemeral—having no substance or reality.

When you enter the fifth dimension you will still experience yourself as having a form (i.e., a body). And things in the fifth dimension will appear to you as solid as the forms you experience in your current reality. But your experience of space will be much more fluid, and time as a reference point will not exist.

There are those who say that all of your problems will be magically and instantaneously solved when you enter into higher dimensions. This is not our experience. It is just that the challenges are different. The opportunities are also different, because you are not confined by the limitations of space and time as you experience them in your current embodied reality. This gives you greater opportunities for creativity and what we call “dimensional evolution.”

Dimensional evolution is the development of the ability to be aware of, and operate within, multiple dimensions simultaneously. The journey to this state of mastery can indeed be a long and convoluted one, because it involves living in a specific dimensional reality through direct experience. For instance, your current embodied life is—from the standpoint of dimensional evolution—an opportunity to master the third and fourth dimensions. It is also an opportunity to experience higher dimensions while simultaneously living an embodied existence. A life lived in this manner rapidly accelerates dimensional evolution, and this message is coded with multiple levels of information for those of you that have entered this radical way of being.

From our perspective, you possess a form that is human-like up through the ninth dimension. Each successive dimension of consciousness is subtler (less dense) than the one before it. For those who enter the tenth dimension, form, as you know it, disappears completely, and you become more geometric in nature.

When we enter the tenth dimension we become spheres. We are not the spheres that show up in photographs that some people refer to as orbs. True orbs, as opposed to photographic artifacts or hoaxes, are interdimensional beings that have spherical geometry. And if you look more closely these spheres will reveal complex labyrinths inside. The spherical nature of interdimensional beings is a commonality, and many different types of beings have this geometric form.

When we enter the tenth dimension some of us become what we call the Aethos, which we have discussed in other messages.

But let us turn our attention back to you. Collectively humanity is being rapidly drawn into the fifth dimension. This is an inevitable evolutionary shift, one fraught with both danger and opportunity, and we wish now to discuss a few of the challenges facing you as you make this transition.

For the purposes of this discussion we would like to divide these challenges into three broad categories: 1) naturally occurring challenges to transitions in consciousness, 2) manmade influences and 3) alien interference.

Naturally Occurring Challenges

Transitions into higher dimensions are problematic due to radical differences in perception between beings that are gravity bound and those that are not. In other words, at the threshold between your third and fourth dimensional reality and your fifth dimensional reality you are faced with a “wall” of perceptual differences.

Indeed some individuals who experience fifth dimensional reality think they are losing their minds. This is because perceived space and time are temporarily suspended. Perception is more fluid in the higher dimensions, and when you enter these dimensions you stand outside of your own life. It’s as if you are disconnected from the realities and demands of your earthly existence, which can create immense relief or immense distress depending upon your personal psychology.

When your consciousness shifts into the fifth dimension your personal identity changes. You simply cannot identify with your earthly existence in the ways you are used to. This challenge, from our perspective, is actually the most difficult when you first enter the fifth dimension. Transiting from the fifth into higher dimensions is inherently easier because you are already used to the disappearance of space and time as limitations.

Transiting into the fifth dimension (and higher) requires finesse on your part if you are to accomplish the task of living your day-to-day life while accommodating this expanded reality.

One of the future abilities of humanity, collectively speaking, will be the ability to live in third and fourth dimensions—meaning space and time as you currently know them—while simultaneously living in the fifth dimension where space and time are not experienced as constraints.

This dual reality will offer humanity immense creative insights and abilities, but as with most progressions this is a bell-curve. And most likely many of you reading this message are further ahead in this transition than the bulk of humanity. This may leave you feeling like a stranger living in a strange land.

Manmade Influences

Your transition from third and fourth dimensional reality into the fifth and higher is made all the more difficult by manmade or cultural influences.

From the standpoint of dimensional evolution the edifice of your entire civilization is founded upon an illusion. The illusion is that your world is solid and that space and time are unyielding realities that cannot be affected by your consciousness.

While you are biologically compelled to attend to the demands of the third and forth dimensions in your everyday life, paying attention to perceived space and time is different from believing that they are the only reality.

Your territorial-based philosophical, religious and political systems thrive upon and depend upon the perpetuation of this illusion. But in our opinion, the house of cards that you call human civilization will eventually collapse and radically evolve as more and more individuals free themselves from living confined lives that are solely oriented to lower dimensional realities.

Let us turn our attention now to other influences that can, and are, negatively impacting your transition into higher dimensional realities.

Your eco-system is in a downward spiral making it more and more challenging for biological organisms to survive. This is creating immense stress for all animal and plant life including humans. Some of the threats to your ecosystem are cosmic in nature such as solar activity as well as gamma and other forms of radiation from deep space. Some of the threats come from changes in the Earth itself, but much of the degradation of your ecosystem is manmade, including—but certainly not limited to—carbon emissions and the acidification of your oceans.

We will not take the time or space (a private joke) to discuss this further as it is very complex. But anyone who believes that everything is fine with the ecological reality of your planet is in denial.

This leads us to the power brokers, those who empower themselves by disempowering others. We are referring, in this instance, to corporate entities that disseminate misinformation about the ecosystem so that they can perpetuate their income at the expense of your planet’s life forms.

This is an intelligence test for humanity, and if you do not collectively wake up and see that you have been manipulated and taken advantage of by the power brokers—both seen and unseen—your ecosystem will continue to degrade, and you will be confronted with a future not worth living.

Alien Interference

Part of what we call alien interference is genetic in nature and has to do with early genetic tampering by the Annunaki. This alien civilization created what is essentially a slave race for the purpose of mining gold, which they desperately needed to reinforce the energetics of their dwindling atmosphere. A genetic experiment was undertaken in which early primates on earth were genetically altered by the Annunaki to serve as workers, as slaves, for the purpose of mining. Thus, built into the very genetic coding of your biology is a deeply engrained tendency to be subservient and to worship what you perceive to be “divine beings.”

Early humans perceived the Annunaki (and many other galactic and intergalactic travelers) as gods, but these beings were simply so technologically advanced their mere presence and actions seemed like magic to less evolved minds.

The transition point from the constraints of third and fourth dimensional existence into the greater freedom of the fifth dimension and beyond can create an emotional challenge. This is due to the fact that the immense freedom experienced in higher dimensional reality can be temporarily disorienting. This type of disorientation is caused by two factors 1) the disappearance of perceived space and time as reference points and 2) the Annunaki manipulation.

If you have not freed yourself from the Annunaki genetic template of subservience and worship, your experience of the higher dimensions can be contaminated.

This is due to the simple truth that there are a multitude of interdimensional beings, alien and otherwise, who will be happy to fill in the gap—who will feed on your subservience to their will and glory in your worship.

If this is your choice then this will be your reality. We have no judgment as to whether you choose this or not, but we do think that such a choice would be unfortunate.

The nexus of our message is one of personal empowerment and freedom, so we caution you as you enter into the fifth and higher dimensional realities to avoid alien implanted delusions that there are other beings you should bow down to. Honor them if they are honorable, yes. Bow down to anyone? Never!

Death and the Fifth Dimension

When you shift your identify into the fifth dimension your personal history in this life seems like a dream. This is because you have transcended the sensory anchors of your embodied life, and all of your history and all the histories of this universe are experienced as dream-like.

During certain states of profoundly expanded consciousness, this dream-like nature of life can be experienced directly. But for most human beings this experience only emerges through the passage you call death.

There are two types of death we wish to discuss. The first type of death is the psychological and spiritual metamorphosis that occurs when you shift into fifth dimensional reality. This can often feel like a type of death because your habitual orientation to the sensory-based realities of your life disappears. Who are you? What is the meaning of your life? These fundamental existential questions are profoundly affected by transitions into fifth and higher dimensional realities.

And so for those of you reading this who are transiting into the fifth dimension—or higher—we say to you, do not be dismayed by the feelings of your demise. Your feelings of your impending death may be arising within you as a result of your transition into higher dimensional reality and not a harbinger of your physical death.

The second type of death we wish to discuss is the death of your biological reality (i.e., your physical body). At the final completion of the death process you will no longer receive sensory input from your external world, and your experience of space and time (as you currently experience them) will be obliterated. This can be quite disorienting if you are not prepared. It can also be quite exhilarating if you understand the nature of what is happening.

If you fully and completely identify yourself solely as a biological organism the moment of your death can be frightening. If, however, you have already tasted the freedom of fifth dimensional reality or higher your transition through death will be easier.

At the completion of your biological death, from our experience and perspective, you will be confronted with three portals. The first is a tunnel of light. The second is a portal opened through the energetics of a guru or savior. And the third is a portal, or tunnel, that leads into darkness.

The tunnel of light is generated from the pranic tube that runs through the center of your body, which runs from your perineum to your crown, and it is a tunnel-like or tube-like channel. At the moment of death, your consciousness moves upward through this tunnel that opens into another dimension of consciousness through your crown chakra.

On the other side of this tunnel is a bright light, and you may find yourself sensing that you are on a bridge crossing over a stream or a river. On the other side of the bridge will be those persons of your previous life, the lifetime you have just ended. You may sense those who have died before you, including pets you have had, because the animal spirits also dwell in this realm. If there are incomplete relationships or issues still to be resolved with these persons or beings, you may feel a yearning to enter this light, and by doing so you re-enter the wheel of birth and death, and you will reincarnate—most likely on Earth.

The second portal is created by the personal will of a guru or savior. Entering this portal will lead you into the vibratory field of the guru or savior that you have a deep personal connection to. And for those of you on this path, entering this dimension of consciousness will be the completion of a profound desire to be with this being. Our caution here is that you will be entering a realm defined not only by the evolutionary attainment of your guru or savior but also by his or her limitations.

The third portal opens into darkness. And entering this portal leads you into the Void, the creatrix from which all things arise. If you choose this portal and have prepared yourself to deal with this level of freedom you will be freed to explore other dimensions of this cosmos and beyond, meaning states of being that transcend all physical phenomena. In this realm of existence you can become an explorer of other realities as you so choose.

Some individuals swoon when confronted with the vastness of the Void. They rush into choosing a new reality rather than taking their time to rest in the potential of all things. We have addressed this in a previous message called Transition States.

We have no judgment as to which portal you enter through the dimensional shift you call death. But we think it is beneficial for you to know what awaits you beforehand so that you can prepare yourself for the choices that you will be compelled to make on the other side of your earthly experience.

Death is not an ending. It is merely the completion of one journey through space and time. Death is a harbinger of new potential realities, and you will create these realities through the choices you made during your life as well as through the choices you make at the moment of your death.

We will now turn our attention to a simple method for training your consciousness to enter higher dimensions and to enter the freedom of your transcendent reality—unconstrained by the limitations of perceived space and time. This method is based on the use of a simple sound meditation to explore the freedom of consciousness that arises when you shift your self-identity to higher dimensions.

As you experiment with this threshold of consciousness, which we call the Fifth Perspective, we caution you to avoid the temptation of escapism. We are offering this method, not as a means to escape the realities of your embodied existence, rather we are offering it as a means to enhance and enrich your experience of life by giving you access to the fifth dimension and beyond.

Higher dimensional realities, unconfined by the constraints of perceived space and time, conjoined with the realities of your biological existence creates a potent catalyst for dimensional evolution, and in our opinion this is to be celebrated rather than avoided.

For those of you reading this who are, in fact, at the brink of your physical death this sound meditation can assist you to enter a more gracious passage.

The Fifth Perspective

The Fifth Perspective is quite simply the recognition that you are unconstrained by space or time. It is a foyer or an entrance into the fifth dimension and from there into higher dimensions as well.

It is a direct perception, not just a thought or an idea. It is a visceral experience generated through the activation of your right cerebral hemisphere’s ability for spatial mastery.

When you enter into an expanded sense of spaciousness through direct experience, a shift in consciousness occurs. You become a witness to the dream-like nature of your life, your history and all phenomena around you. This sense of freedom, this transcendence of perceived space and time, can allow you to deal with the realities of your embodied existence in more creative and resourceful ways, and this is why we are imparting this method.

As we cautioned you earlier, this is not meant to be a form of escapism. But there is indeed a temptation in the Fifth Perspective we need to address more clearly before proceeding.

When you enter the Fifth Perspective, which is the transcendence of perceived space and time, everything about your life and the world around you seems dream-like. You are detached from it all, and it may seem to you as if your day-to-day life is like a dance in which you have no interest.

If you remain in the Fifth Perspective without engaging the realities of your embodied life you will enter a bubble, but in terms of dimensional evolution you will not be benefitted by such an escape.

We can imagine that remaining in the bubble of the Fifth Perspective would be the best choice for some individuals in very rare instances. But for most persons the Fifth Perspective is best used as a springboard into deeper insight and creativity.

When you work with the sound meditation, you will be training your brain/mind to enter the Fifth Perspective. The spatial nature of the sound patterns will create a response in your brain/mind/body that opens a doorway into the Fifth Perspective, and eventually you will find yourself in an expanded state of awareness. The more you work with the sound meditation the stronger this ability becomes. Ultimately you graduate to a place where you can enter the Fifth Perspective in the midst of your daily activities—and this is the goal.

When you are confronted by a difficult situation in your life and are able to simultaneously reside in the Fifth Perspective, the pressure of the situation decreases. This is due to the fact that your consciousness is less bound by the circumstances. You have a little “wiggle room,” so to speak, and within that inner freedom new creative insights and problem solving abilities will spontaneously arise within you.

The Meditation

We call this meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds. It stimulates a mental state that allows you to experience the freedom of the Fifth Perspective.

We suggest you listen to this sound meditation with earphones or ear buds so the acoustic information is routed more directly into your brain without the presence of other sounds in the environment.

As you begin listening you simply recall the feeling of being surrounded by an immense space. It is the feeling of being surrounded by space that activates your brain’s right hemispheric abilities. Thinking about being surrounded by a large space will not activate this potential. You must kinesthetically feel or sense yourself surrounded by a large space.

If you are an advanced explorer of consciousness you can deepen the experience by sensing that there is no barrier between the external space around you and the internal space of your body. In other words, the boundary of your body temporarily disappears, and there is nothing but space. You simply hold this state of mind as you listen to the sound meditation. When your mind wanders you bring it back to an awareness of space and the sounds you are hearing. When the meditation is complete we suggest you take a few moments to sense what is happening within you.

When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.

The Hathors
April 20, 2015

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

This sound meditation (A Bridge Between the Worlds) is about 12 minutes in length. But as you begin to experiment with the method of listening to the sounds while entering into the Fifth Perspective (i.e., the feeling of spaciousness), don’t feel that you need to meditate on this sound piece for its full duration. Some people will find that a few minutes are all they can “handle,” and if you are one of these persons I would say to just slowly extend the time according to your comfort zone.

Paradoxically some people will wish that the sound meditation could be longer. If you are one of these individuals, I would just hit the repeat button as often as you desire—up to a point. If you stop doing the things in your life that need to be done, like the laundry and dishes, I think you may have gone overboard and need to reel yourself back in a bit. It’s all about balance.

A link to this audio file appears at the end of my comments.

It is not advisable to listen to this sound-piece or experiment with the Fifth Perspective in situations requiring alertness such as driving a car or operating machinery since the combination of the two is quite mind altering.

Those of you who have listened to The Elevatron will notice strong similarities, and I suggest you read the previous Hathor message, Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and Dismantling of 3 D Reality, to get a sense of what this fundamental harmonic is about.

A Technical Note: For those of you curious about the technical differences between the two sound meditations, A Bridge Between the Worlds is an extended version of The Elevatron with a contoured EQ to enhance its inherently calming effects. Having worked with the meditation in multiple settings, I feel this sound piece is quite effective as an aid to attain the Fifth Perspective.

In this message the Hathors refer to two of their previous messages, The Aethos and Transition States. I think reading both of these would be beneficial, especially Transition States. If you click on the underlined titles above, it will take you to the messages or you can go to the Hathor section of the website ( and look them up by their titles.

Experienced Explorers of the Mind will be able to enter into the Fifth Perspective quite easily. If you are new to the exploration of your inner worlds, the Fifth Perspective may seem a bit foreign since it stands in such stark contrast to most people’s everyday perception of reality. But the Fifth Perspective is fundamentally a brain skill, a way to activate the spatial intelligence of your brain’s right hemisphere.

And it is through the agency of your right brain that you will be able to explore the vastness of inner space. While the outcome of this brain skill is a seemingly exotic state of mind, like any brain skill it can be developed. It just takes time and experience with the method.

Every time you work with the sound meditation, as the Hathors suggest, you will be building new neurological circuits in your brain that will eventually allow you to enter the Fifth Perspective and transcend space and time with true mastery—even if you have never ever tried anything like this before.

The secret is repetition. The more you work with the Fifth Perspective in conjunction with the sound meditation, the more effective your brain will become at producing this unusual and resourceful state of mind.

Click here to listen to and/or download the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds.


Latest Hathor Message through To Kenyon


A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Earth’s passage through the summer Solstice of 2013 was an energetic marker for the beginning of a new Chaotic Node.

As your planet undergoes increased climate change, you will see further increases in meteorological novelty and unusual interactions between storm fronts. What used to be called 100-year storms will happen more frequently. These types of storms are outer manifestations of Chaotic Nodes and the escalation of chaos arising from seemingly unrelated levels of existence.

While you have already experienced several Chaotic Nodes since 2011, you are at the beginning of another major crescendo in chaotic events. While this particular Chaotic Node will accelerate climatic and geological changes, as well as social unrest, it is your personal psychological and emotional level that may well be the most affected.

You can expect to see a pronounced increase in emotional instability and psychological imbalances among your fellow humans (perhaps including yourself). The collective social challenges of this will be profound.

For an Initiate, meaning one on the journey to higher states of consciousness, this particular Chaotic Node is, and will continue to be, both extremely challenging and full of possibilities. The challenge has to do with the nature of this unique Chaotic Node, which drives to the surface of your conscious awareness deep-seated emotional toxicity.

One of the challenges that spiritually inclined persons are experiencing, and will continue to experience for some time, is the deep recognition that they have unresolved issues and deep-seated hostilities that may not fit very well with their self-image. Indeed this is a time when self-images will be shattered.

You are seeing this unfold at the international level with governments, and you will see it unfold through all levels of society. But for many it will be the shattering of personal self-image that will be the most difficult to contend with.

What we wish to convey is that your negativity, your toxicity, your despair and your hopelessness—if they are indeed present—need not be a negation of you. Rather they can be portals into the deep unconscious, to the very bedrock of human subconscious intent.

In the process of self-liberation, you must deal with this negativity in yourself regardless of the methods you may use to free yourself.

The Orchidium

We now wish to impart a method for infusing yourself with light and life-enhancing energy. We introduce the method at this time because it will take great fortitude and personal energy to work through this particular Chaotic Node as well as the ones coming to you in the future.  We call this the Orchidium.

It is a very simple method that involves a biological metaphor and image. The greatest obstacle and the greatest difficulty with the Orchidium is its simplicity. Human beings tend to make things more complex than they need to be when it comes to this type of work.

In its essence the Orchidium is a means for you to draw into your KA (your energy body), as well as your physical body, high levels of spiritual light and life-enhancing energy—what the Yogis call prana and what the Daoists/Taoists call chi.

In this method you imagine that there is an orchid-like flower in your navel. The central root of this imaginary flower is hollow and is anchored or rooted at a point in front of your backbone, directly opposite your navel. This area is known to Daoists/Taoists as the Ming-Ma (or Seat of Life).

It is from the Seat of Life that subtle energy is distributed to your subtle energy body and also to the organs of your physical body. This type of subtle energy has a very deeply nourishing and rejuvenating effect.

When you hold an image of the Orchidium, you imagine that the stamen is extended out in front of you from the center of your navel. (Note: Stamens are the pollen producing reproductive organs of a flower. They consist of a stalk called a filament and an anther that produces the pollen.) When you create the Orchidium via your imagination, the stamen protrudes from the center of the blossom. For reference purposes, a photograph of a flower with its stamen appears elsewhere in this message.

By its nature the Orchidium draws into itself and then back into the Ming-Ma, spiritual-light and subtle energy from the cosmos.

To engage the Orchidium, all you need do is to imagine this flower in whatever ways makes sense to you so that its blossom is open, and the central root is hollow extending from the navel back into the Ming-Ma. It is crucial for you to understand that the Orchidum draws these celestial energies to you by itself, by its own nature and without you having to do anything.

There is no relationship between the flow of subtle energy into the Orchidium and your breath. Once you activate the flow of celestial energies to the Orchidium, they will flow automatically and unobstructed until you stop them.

Sensitive individuals will soon discover that they can sense the flow of cosmic energies into the stamen of the Orchidium itself, but success does not depend on this level of sensitivity. This type of awareness is simply a refinement. What is important is to feel and sense the flow of spiritual-light and energy down the central root, the hollow tube, from the Orchidum (in your navel) to your Ming-Ma and then to enjoy the flow of life-force throughout your subtle and physical bodies as you wish.

We suggest you experiment with this in five-minute intervals so that you become familiar with how the Orchidium works for you and also to avoid over-stimulation.

It is possible to bring too much celestial energy into your system, which is why we suggest five minutes at a time. Five minutes once a day is all that is required to familiarize yourself with the Orchidum and its potentials.

Once you understand how the Orchidium works for you and how much celestial energy you can comfortably bring into yourself, you can experiment with longer sessions if you wish.

After each Orchidium session we strongly suggest you imagine the Orchidium closing so that the blossom is not open. This is for the purpose of self-protection when you enter into the world. Until you have learned how to separate life-positive energies from the life-negative energies that surround you, we suggest you engage this strategy of protection.

Adding the Aethos

While you can engage the Orchidium without any sound or music, in the beginning stages you may find the Aethos Sound Meditation very helpful. This is because the pulsations within this sound piece facilitate the movement of celestial energies within the Orchidium root, which connects into your Ming-Ma.

As you listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation, when engaging the Orchidium, pay special attention to the hollow channel, the root, which runs from the Orchidim into your Ming-Ma. The sonic pulsations within the Aethos will amplify the flow of celestial energies into this channel.

Philosophical and Religious Obstructions

While the method of engaging the Orchidium is simple, the consequences in terms of your life-force and your capacity to hold spiritual light are quite complex.

There is another complexity here but it has to do with your belief systems. If you do not rise above these limited beliefs, you will constrain the flow of celestial energies.

You live in a cosmos of exquisite unimaginable beauty, spiritual-light, consciousness and energy. You are an heir to all of these treasures, and each of them imparts to you powers of consciousness—yet you are cut off from your birthright by many of your philosophies and religions.

Any religion that teaches that you have been separated from the celestial light-filled realms because you have a physical body is an obstruction to the truth of your being—as we view it. Any religion that says that you are separated from the heavenly worlds and their treasures through the sin of your birth is also, in our view, an obstruction.

Those philosophies that propose that you are merely a physical being with no dimensions of consciousness transcendent to time and space are, in our view,  obstructions as well.

For the sake of experimenting with the Orchidium we suggest you temporarily suspend these beliefs. See for yourself how well the Orchidium works when you actually suspend these limiting thought-forms. After working with the Orchidium in this manner (sans limiting beliefs) you might even choose to leave those beliefs and thought-forms permanently behind you altogether.

When working with the Orchidium we suggest the following thought-forms:

1) Imagine that you are a part of, and heir to, all the treasures of the cosmos—the highest realms of light and the most-subtle life-enhancing energies.

2) Imagine that the Orchidium effortlessly draws into you these treasures whenever you choose to open the blossom.

3) Through the Orchidium, you can experience the transformation of your subtle energy body and the vital organs of your physical body.

Use this enhanced energy and life-force (as well as the light-force) to sustain you as you move through this potent Chaotic Node and the ones to follow.

The Hathors
June 27, 2013


Latest Hathor Message from Tom Kenyon

Duality and the Triune Force

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.

This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.

Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.

Our message deals with a strategy for navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization. Indeed you may have already discovered that in some of your social circles there is a type of hostility and polarized views of situations.

The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force.

It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.

The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them.  This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act.

You may encounter someone and feel drawn to him or her, and the depth or intensity of the attraction may cause you to delete other information about the person. Likewise as situations arise around you, whether they be social, political or religious, you may likewise find yourself drawn to these situations without other information that would be helpful in determining if a given situation was “right” for you or not.

The same holds true for repulsion. You may find yourself repulsed by someone, or a situation, and likewise, identify with the repulsion, thereby cutting yourself off from other information that might be helpful.

The Triune Force

If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.

It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.

If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.

But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.

Likewise, if you are repulsed by a person or situation the Triune Force allows you to “float above” and dis-identify with the repulsion, and while you are in this dis-identification you are free to see other levels involved. It could be that this person or situation is toxic to you, or it could be that this person or situation is a mirror reflecting back to you something you do not like in yourself.

By momentarily suspending your identification with either attraction or repulsion you are able to see more clearly and access information about the person or situation from an expanded perspective.

Knowledge is power, and the Triune Force gives you access to the innate powers of clarity.  So our suggestion in this time of increased human polarization and Time Acceleration is to watch yourself. When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.

As you enter more deeply into the polarization phase of planetary assent, the Triune Force can greatly assist you as you pass through this difficult period of increased personal, interpersonal and collective conflict.

The Hathors
July 1, 2012


Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

Perception is indeed relative to the perceiver. And this relativity of perception is no more apparent, I think, than in our relationships with each other.

Furthermore, it has been my observation for some time now (i.e., the last several months or so) that the polarization of human relationships is on the rise.

There have, of course, always been differences of opinions. And conflicts between persons and nations are hardly anything new. History is strewn with incidents of ruinous and disastrous encounters between individual people, as well as between religions and cultures.

But what the Hathors are addressing here is an increase in polarized perceptions and beliefs between individuals.

It is their opinion that this disturbing increase in polarization is occurring as a result of the energetics we are all going through (i.e. the changes in our sun as well as pulses of accelerated evolution from the Central Sun of our galaxy and from deep space) and the fact that we are undergoing the extreme effects of Time Acceleration.

At the end of the session, Judi asked them how long they thought this period of increased polarization would continue. Their response was that it was difficult to pin down exact time coordinates, but their sense was that this extreme polarization of human perception would continue for at least eighteen months to two years, if not longer. And furthermore, they expected the intensity of polarization to increase, not decrease during this period. Judi also asked about the strangeness of the polarization experience and inquired if they had any further elaboration to offer. They said that part of the difficulty we humans are experiencing is the fact that the intensity of planetary and galactic energetics is so extreme, they often short-circuit cognitive processing. As a result, people can become even more erratic and irrational than usual.

If their perceptions and predictions are accurate then it would seem prudent to find some masterful way to get through such a period of increased interpersonal, cultural and religious discord.

The Triune Force

In my opinion, the idea of the Triune Force is Hathorian-simplicity at its finest.

If you tend to imagine things visually, think of a triangle. Put the force of attraction at the far left corner and the force of repulsion at the far right. The point of the triangle above the two corners is the perspective of the Triune Force. Through this perspective we can look down and see or sense things that we might not see or sense when we are caught up in the throws of attraction or repulsion.

The triangle is just a metaphor, of course. What you are actually doing is rising up in awareness so that you are no longer enchanted by the force of attraction or the force of repulsion. From this state of non-identification with either state (attraction or repulsion) you can better sense information that might be helpful to your decision making process.

There is a shift in our thinking process required to engage the Triune Force, and that shift is simply to step away from self-identification.

Instead of rushing in and doing the normal human thing, which is to identify with our attractions or repulsions, we temporarily intervene in our own automatic responses for the purpose of gaining valuable information.

The type of information that we can access when we are in a state of non-identification is qualitatively different from the types of information that we access when we are caught up in the intensity of the moment.

In addition to stopping the process of self-identification, the Hathors suggest a shift in spatial perspective as another step to engage the Triune Force:

“When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.

If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.”

If you have developed spatial abilities you will be able to imagine yourself floating up above the situation or interaction and observe yourself being attracted or repulsed. This spatial separation of an “observer” part from the “responder” part can be quite helpful in suspending the pattern of identifying with your responses (i.e., attraction or repulsion). But if you don’t have this type of spatial ability, it will be difficult for you to do this.

If you are unable to “float above the situation or person” that you are responding to, don’t worry about it. The primary action required to engage the Triune Force is simply to stop your own process of self-identification so that you can sense new types of information about the situation or person.

To be human is to have attractions and repulsions. It is just part of the human-mammalian equation. All animals have an innate biological response that moves toward something (attraction) or away from it (repulsion). And the Hathors are not suggesting that we eliminate this type of biological response. They are simply saying that when we temporarily suspend our self-identification with those responses, doors open in consciousness (metaphorically speaking). New insights and understanding become accessible to us, and with that knowledge we can create and co-create with greater mastery.

If, however, we are caught up in the excitement of attraction or the fear of repulsion, then we often fail to see or sense “red flags” or other crucial information about the person or situation.

How many “negative” relationships and/or situations might we have all avoided had we been able to “see” those things we were blind to in the moment of intense attraction (or in some cases, repulsion)?

I think there is a personal discipline required to engage this method. And it necessitates that we avoid the emotional intoxication that takes place when we are really caught up in a strong attraction or repulsion.

And as with many aspects of our emotional lives, this is sometimes easier said than done.

But I think the emotional discipline is well worth the effort. If nothing else, it will lead us to deeper psychological insight, and this is a good thing.

In addition, however, engaging the Triune Force can help us as creators and co-creators by giving us access to higher levels of information regarding whom or what we might be contemplating a co-creation with.

I ended that last sentence, by the way, with a preposition on purpose. Prepositions establish relationships between words, just like the force of attraction or repulsion establishes a relationship between people. While some grammarians disagree about the correctness of ending a sentence with a preposition, others point out that it is sometimes necessary. Thus, it seems to me, along with many other lovers of language, that the preposition rule is actually a myth. Some myths are slow to die. In this regard, the preposition myth has been a tenacious one, guarded, as it has been, by the dogma of unyielding grammarians.

My comment here is not so much about grammar as it is about the syntax of our lives. By the syntax of our lives I mean the order and relationships of our experiences—as we hold them to be. When syntax (order) is altered in a sentence or in our lives, a gap in perception can occur and through that gap new meanings and new worlds of perception can be birthed.

Many of us have been held captive by another myth—the myth that we cannot and should not create (or re-create) our lives in the ways we desire them to be.

In this context, the Triune Force is fundamentally a method for altering the syntax (order) of both our perception and our mental/emotional lives. Through the gap (or portal) that appears when syntax is altered, we are more able to glimpse new possibilities.

Tom Kenyon 

© 2012 Tom Kenyon  All Rights Reserved

You may copy and distribute this message in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.

Hathors through Tom Kenyon on Light, Solar Activity, etc.

Entering the Solar Storms

Note: This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible” second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By its nature, the KA can draw to itself and then into the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.

As we indicated in an earlier message on January 3, 2011, you have been entering a period of increased solar activity for some time. We strongly urge that you read that message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, in order to understand the deeper levels of what we will be discussing.

You are now entering a more heightened period of solar and galactic activity in which the magnetosphere of your Earth is being struck by erratic and increasingly strong streams of solar energy.

You will be seeing an ever-increasing number of solar flares and fluctuations that are highly unusual. These fluctuations in the sun are being driven by internal forces, as well as by streams of energy from the central sun of your galaxy. Adding to this complexity of interactions are high intensity streams of energy from deep space. The magnetic field of your sun is being affected, and in point of fact, it is being twisted, contorted, and all of this is having an effect upon the magnetic field of your Earth and the magnetic fields of your bodies. With increased solar activity of this type, you will see an ever-increasing intensity of weather anomalies, as well as increased earthquake and volcanic activity.

The focus of our message here is not on the physical aspects but the emotional and spiritual aspects of this solar activity. As we said in our message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, these types of solar fluctuations increase emotional volatility and irrational behavior. Many of you are, no doubt, finding yourselves irritable for no particular reason. Sleep disturbances are also a common aspect of this change in solar activity.

As you enter this heightened solar storm phase we have two suggestions that will allow you to navigate through these increased levels of energy. The first is the simplest and is thoroughly discussed in our message, Partaking From the Solar Winds, so we will not discuss it here. A second method allows you to soothe your physical body through the water element. We are referring here to another previous message, called Medicines of Light. In this method you charge water with intentionality from your BA or Celestial Soul. The original message dealt with protecting yourself from viruses, bacteria, and radioactivity. We would refer you to that message so you understand the method clearly.

In this use of the Medicine of Light, you will charge the water with the intention of soothing your physical body, so that it is able to adjust to the erratic nature of the solar energies more efficiently and with greater grace. An ideal time to create this type of Medicine of Light is just before going to sleep. Then the Medicine of Light, through the water element, will communicate with the intracellular and intercellular fluids of your body, which will impart a calming and balancing effect.

Introducing this Medicine of Light before your rest cycle will have a very beneficial affect upon you while resting and during the next cycle of activity. We are saying “rest cycle” rather than sleep because for many of you, sleep is a highly questionable activity, as it is increasingly disturbed or disrupted. We suggest during these resting cycles you let go of your attachment to sleep as you have known it. As you become more at peace with the situation, you will find that you can regenerate yourself in shorter periods of deep relaxation.

When you awaken at night, or whenever you are resting, we suggest you use the method we suggested inPartaking from the Solar Winds to charge your KA body. Since you are awake you might as well take this opportunity to charge your KA.

As you work with this you will find that you can regenerate and re-energize yourself in shorter periods of time than you have been able to in the past.

There is a third method we would like to offer those of you who have an advanced understanding of your KA.


Your KA body interpenetrates your physical body and is the same shape and size as your physical form. There is no part of your physical body that is outside of your KA, and by its very nature when you charge your KA body with energy, the overflow of excess energy goes into the organs of your physical body, which increases your health and vitality.

Your KA body is composed of innumerable particles of etheric light, and within this body of light there are nexus points. These nexus points within your KA link to the mitochondria of your cells. Mitochondria are the energy producers, the power plants of your cells. There are varying numbers of mitochondria depending on the type of cell, and these organelles appear in the cytoplasm outside the cell nucleus. The only cells that do not have a nucleus are your red blood cells.

It is possible to bring your awareness into this level of your body so that you are aware of your mitochondria and can sense the wormholes into your KA. These wormholes are intracellular portals into the higher vibratory nature and reality of your KA. By opening these portals through intention you can greatly affect the flow of excess energy from your KA into your physical body.

This allows your physical body to more easily attune itself to the more rapid vibratory reality of your KA. It is through your KA that you ascend into higher vibratory realities. Through the portals of your mitochondria you can assist your physical body to adapt more easily to this rapid acceleration.

We now wish to turn our attention to the emotional quandary of your situation. By its very nature, both the acceleration of time and the increase of vibratory realities purge your unconscious mind.

As we said previously, you will note a general increase in emotional volatility and impulsive irrational behavior. If you are not experiencing these effects yourself, you have, no doubt, noted this occurring among your fellow humans.

You are living in a paradoxical duality. As the old energetic realities fall apart, new energetic realities are being birthed. But it is human nature for people to be attached to the way things used to be, to the ways they expect. Yet much of the way things have been is coming to an end. The world as you have known it, is ending. And a new world is being birthed.

The Quandary of the Human Heart

One of the greatest casualties in this process is the human heart. We recognize and sense a deep sadness and despair in the collective human heart. Part of this is due to the disintegration of realities and your attachments to them. After all, what do you build your dreams on when the foundations of your world are crumbling?

Another aspect of this difficulty in the heart has to do with the toxic nature of your planet’s emotional atmosphere. As the solar energies increase, the tensions between polarities become ever more apparent. The polarization of human consciousness between those who would imprison and those who would free the human spirit are becoming clearer and clearer.

We would offer two suggestions as a means to deal with these challenges to your heart.

It is through your heart that new realities are birthed—by this, we mean realities worth living. Our first suggestion may seem overly simplistic, and yet as is often the case, the simplest things are frequently the most powerful. However you do this is not important. What is important is that you create an emotional antidote in yourself to the toxic poisoning of your planet’s emotional atmosphere.

As hatred and intolerance increase, you must find a passage through this darkness. The simplest and most efficient way we know is for you to find the smallest things in your life that you appreciate, and to take a few moments to dwell on these feelings of appreciation throughout your day. It does not matter how small these feelings of appreciation may be. From the tiniest seeds of appreciation great things can arise. The vibratory state of appreciation, or gratitude, is an extraordinary antidote to emotional poisoning. We strongly suggest you cultivate this ally as you move through this next cycle of solar storms.

Finally, we are offering a sound meditation based on the heart chakra. This is from a previous Hathor Intensive. The first phase of this sound meditation rotates and activates energies within the heart chakra for the purpose of clearing. The second phase of the meditation is calming and nurturing. We believe you will find this sound meditation to be another helpful ally.

As you enter this new phase of solar storms understand that they are extraordinary opportunities for evolutionary advancement. They are also, paradoxically, fraught with dangers for devolution due to their intense nature. If you resist the energies of acceleration, you will experience great difficulties in this passage. If you embrace these energies and master them—finding a way to navigate through them with appreciation and a good dose of humor—you will find greater freedom. This freedom of which we speak is a freedom of the human spirit, mind and heart. It resides in a level of consciousness untouched by the dualities of your earthly existence.

The Hathors
April 1, 2012


The Hathors through Tom Kenyon on Chaotic Nodes


A Hathor Message through Tom Kenyon

Your planet is entering a critical transition state, characterized by a multiplicity of Chaotic Nodes.

In our previous communications we have discussed the changes taking place on your Earth in the context of a single Chaotic Node. But from our viewpoint, multiple Chaotic Nodes are now emerging. These complex interacting nodes involve such things as radical weather anomalies, increases in earthquake and volcanic activity, critical challenges to the planet’s eco-systems, challenges to agriculture and food sources, as well as political and economic volatility.

In addition to these planetary Chaotic Nodes, the sun of your solar system is entering a greater level of volatility and unpredictability as well. It is entering into multiple Chaotic Nodes itself, driven by its own internal cycles, but also greatly impacted, as we have said in previous messages, by the galactic center.

The physical challenges you will face in the near future are many, but our message at this time does not concern the physical dimension of these difficulties. These changes, and their resulting challenges, will be apparent to anyone who looks beneath the surface of current events.

Our focus in this communication is on the emotional and spiritual crisis you are facing.

When a system enters multiple Chaotic Nodes there is increased stress on those elements or beings that reside in the vibratory level of existence where the Chaotic Nodes are taking place.

Let us speak to this for a moment in terms other than human existence. From our experience, other dimensions of consciousness and existence are also experiencing their own version of multiple Chaotic Nodes. Thus, the energetic challenges you are facing are not limited just to Earth, but extend to all dimensions of consciousness and all beings, including non-corporeal (energy beings without bodies), who are related to Earth and this galaxy.

But let us come down to Earth, to the nexus point of your existence in time and space.

As we said earlier, beings living in a realm of existence undergoing multiple Chaotic Nodes will be inevitably stressed by increases in chaotic events.

As chaotic elements within planetary weather patterns increase, as challenges to agriculture multiply, and as economic problems grow, there will be an increase in global human anxiety.

This type of anxiety tends to center around physical survival, and while anxiety about survival can drive human beings into a type of madness and irrationality, there is something more insidious and hidden in the current transition state you are now entering.

This hidden danger has to do with thought forms perpetuated by some of your major religions and spiritual traditions. These thought forms and belief systems maintain the notion that there is a separation between the physical and the interdimensional (spiritual) aspects of your existence. The physical world is viewed as tainted; nature is seen as something to be subdued and dominated (as opposed to co-creating with the natural world), and in essence, the world is viewed as something to be escaped from.

We do not share this belief. Our experience is that consciousness is one continuum from the highest vibrations of light into the lowest vibrations of matter and that the very atoms and subatomic particles that comprise your world are, by their very nature, sacred – if by sacred you mean related to the whole.

As the stresses generated by multiple Chaotic Nodes increase, there will be a tendency for many humans to enter delusional and dissociative states of consciousness.

Those who adhere to the thought form that there is an eternal schism between the realms of matter and those of spirit will be most prone to this aberration in consciousness. And as stresses increase, due to the complex interaction of multiple Chaotic Nodes, there will be a marked tendency for some of these individuals to be separated further and further from the realities of the physical dimension. This type of communal dissociation will be further driven by religious and spiritual thought forms regarding “the End Times,” “the Day of Judgment,” and the “Purification of Earth.” This delusional state of mind will become a type of collective mental/emotional virus as whole groups of individuals succumb to stress and overwhelm as they struggle to deal with the global effects of multiple Chaotic Nodes.


Lines in the Sand

From our perspective, a line is being drawn in the sands of human consciousness. And this line is nothing less than the demarcation between those who uphold the schism between matter and spirit as perpetuated by the world’s major religions and those who don’t.

What side of this line you stand on will determine to a great extent what you are open to, in terms of planetary and personal transformation.

All Initiates must determine for themselves, what is true and not true, especially when it comes to this religiously perpetuated schism between matter and spirit. And by Initiates, we simply mean those who strive to live upward in consciousness, regardless of the method or spiritual traditions they follow.


The Path of the Heart

From our perspective, the threshold for an Initiate from the lower vibrational worlds into the upper worlds is, first and foremost, through the heart. This transit of consciousness is essentially an inner journey from the lower chakras to the higher chakras. It is only when an Initiate both transcends and transforms his or her personal fixation on security, sex and power that the upward spiral opens. And the entrance into this upward spiral of consciousness occurs when the heart chakra becomes energetically open and permeable.

The paradox and the difficulty is that you live in a dualistic universe, and virtually any action you take is met by a counter-force. This paradox and difficulty is like a metaphorical grain of sand in an oyster; it is irritating. But through the process of self-evolution, the irritation (i.e. duality) becomes a pearl, and paradoxically, something of value emerges from that which was problematic. But each Initiate must create this pearl of self-transformation for him or herself. No religion, no master, no teacher or guru can do it for you.

It may sound too simplistic but, in our experience, the greatest evolutionary catalyst, and the greatest vibratory field of safety to bridge transition states (such as the one you are collectively entering), is through the heart, your heart.

Let us be more specific here. As the number of Chaotic Nodes increases, the challenges to mental and emotional stability will multiply. And as a result, increasing numbers of individuals will enter irrational states of consciousness. There will be a tendency for these individuals to act out in self-destructive ways. And because you are connected to all life on this planet, you will be affected to some extent by the emotional turmoil of others.

Thus it would be of great benefit to you as an Initiate, to cultivate a coherent emotional state, something you return to again and again, reinforcing what we call a positive attractor.

Then it will be as if you have an energetic bubble of coherency around you. You will be able to see clearly and respond to the dualistic world you live in, yet your vibratory essence will remain protected from the increasing levels of chaos and irrationality of others. How you do this is your choice. There are many ways to accomplish this. We will simply offer two.

The first is the most basic and fundamental but is the foundation for the more advanced. We are well aware that many persons reading these messages are new to this type of information, while others are very advanced, which is why we are offering two techniques.


The Basic Technique

This first method is for those unfamiliar with the vastness of their own inner consciousness. It is simple but highly effective.

We recommend you regularly cultivate this coherent state in the garden of your mind.

To accomplish this, you simply reside in the feelings of appreciation or gratitude, without any reason to do so. In other words, you are not looking to something in your environment or your life to feel appreciation or gratitude for. You simply enter into this vibratory state for no other reason other than choosing to do so.

This vibratory state creates a coherency in your body and mind, and it is a type of mental/emotional upliftment that acts as a counter-balance to the downward spiral many humans will be experiencing.

We recommend that you enter this emotional state several times a day. Just a minute or two is all that is needed, but by entering into this vibratory state throughout the day, you train your brain/mind/body to enter into a coherent state at will. And this will be a very helpful and important mind-skill as you enter further into this planetary transition state (i.e. the emergence of multiple Chaotic Nodes).

One reason we say that this mind-skill will be helpful to you is due to the inherent effects of multiple Chaotic Nodes.

Many of you will find greater opportunities for frustration in your daily life. This is because actions taken will increasingly not lead to the result anticipated. Even those of you who are intellectually gifted and masters of manifestation may find blocks and unanticipated hindrances, due to no causation on your part, but rather due to the actions or inactions of others, as well as unanticipated problems caused by the increase of chaotic events in the world around you. Thus, when you find yourself at your wit’s end, so to speak, if you have cultivated the positive attractor of appreciation or gratitude you can use it to intervene into your own emotional turmoil, for if you succumb to your own emotional stress the contagion of mass hysteria is more likely to reach you.

Think of this simple technique as a lifesaver. It’s something passive, you just rest in it, and it creates a vibratory field that by its very nature protects your emotional and spiritual essence.


The Advanced Technique

The second technique we wish to share is for those of you who are more experienced with your inner worlds.

We discussed the first part of this method in a previous message called Ecstasy and the Heart.

The technique involves focusing on the physical heart, not the heart chakra, and while focusing your attention on the physical heart you enter into the state of appreciation or gratitude (just as with the simple method we gave earlier).

The effect of holding your awareness in the physical heart while experiencing appreciation or gratitude creates bliss or ecstasy if you hold the two together long enough.

Once you enter bliss or ecstasy you become aware of the space between the atoms of your body and your environment. This is a shift of mental attention and is based on the quantum reality that physical matter is over 99% space.

Obviously, you do not perceive this space between the atoms of your body and your immediate environment through your physical senses due to the limitations of your nervous system. But the non-local aspect of your consciousness that is unfettered by the limitations of your physical reality can experience this space.

The final stage of this technique involves a shifting of attention. As you become aware of this space in your body and the space around you, you perform a paradoxical feat of consciousness. You send the appreciation and gratitude you are experiencing, both to the space within your body and to the space around you, as well to the particles of matter that comprise your body and the world around you.

This “holding” of both space and matter in the vibratory realm of appreciation or gratitude will eventually reveal your nature as both an embodied and un-embodied being—as a being living through a physical body or form and simultaneously as a consciousness unbounded by form. If you persist with this method, it will eventually open a miraculous doorway for you, a doorway that leads to profound insights regarding the nature of ascension.

In regard to choosing which method to use, we suggest you begin where you are.

The first method, though simple, is highly effective at protecting you from the contagion of human irrationality and will lift you upward into the currents of the upward spiral, even as those around you spiral downward.

When you feel you are ready, you can explore the advanced method. This is not a marathon race to see who can get to the advanced method the quickest.

The only thing that is required is that you reside in appreciation or gratitude as often as possible without causation. This simple vibratory realm will be a great ally to you as you pass through the current planetary transition state.

Another ally to you in this transition is a meditation we gave in one of our previous communications. We call it The Crystal Palace Within, and we encourage you to experiment with it. If it speaks to you, use it often for it connects you to the wisdom of Gaia (Earth) and enlivens a central conduit for the higher realms of your existence known to your science as your pineal gland and known to us as the jewel in the head.

(For those of you planning to join us for the World Meditation on November 11th of this year (11/11/11), we ask that you work with The Crystal Palace Meditation as often as is convenient, to prepare you for the next Dimensional Attunement, which will be used during the World Meditation.)

This Dimensional Attunement will be a sound meditation created to transmit light into the pituitary gland, the master regulator of your endocrine system. We will be giving instructions on how to use this sound meditation on your own and for use during the world meditation on 11/11/11.

We will post the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement (sound meditation) in the Sound Gifts section of the website at the end of September or the beginning of October.



As we said at the beginning of this message, you are entering a critical transition state. For those unfamiliar with our previous message entitled Transition States of Consciousness, we strongly suggest that you take a look at this communication.

Your Earth is entering a perilous period in its upward movement. Many aspects of your reality will be changing right before your eyes, more rapidly than you could ever have imagined.

Due to the acceleration of time, the transformation of your civilization will increase exponentially. Your word “transformation” literally means moving beyond form, thus the structures of your reality (meaning the thought forms and beliefs as well as the external realities of your life) will be undergoing rapid change.

A greater fluidity of consciousness is required. Protection of your vibratory essence is vital. You are entering harrowing times and yet in this complexity there are immense opportunities for your own personal evolution.

We believe that there will be a greater polarization between people as the Chaotic Nodes increase in number and intensity. And yet even in the midst of that polarization, if your heart/mind is open you will have moments of deep communion with others, even strangers, whenever you look into the eyes of another human being who recognizes the sacredness of this moment, the sacredness of life, and the sacredness of this Earth.

Our thoughts and blessings are with you.

The Hathors
August 12, 2011



Tom Kenyon on Boundaries

On the Nature of Boundaries

by Tom Kenyon

Awhile back, at one of my workshops, a woman approached me quite upset.

She had been having lunch with other participants in the seminar and the topic of trust had come up. She admitted to the group that she had trouble trusting others. Her new-found friends began to immediately offer ways to help her.

One suggested affirmations like “I fully and completely trust the universe.” Another offered a visualization exercise to see herself as a flower of light fully open to the world. A third offered her a private healing session at half price. Everyone at the table seemed to agree that if she trusted enough, the universe would mirror itself back to her that way.

In other words, she should be trusting to everyone and then they would act in a trustworthy way. This person, new to personal growth, left the group quite dismayed. She found me in a hallway between sessions and asked if she could run something by me.

“What do you think?” she asked. “Can I trust the universe?”

“Trust the universe to do what?” I asked.

She blinked and proceeded with her line of thought. “They say I need to trust more”

“Trust whom,” I asked.


“Rubbish,” I said.

She blinked again and a slight smile came across her face.

“Tell me,” I asked. “Who in your life, right now, do you find trouble trusting?”

“My boyfriend,” she responded without a moment’s hesitation.

“And what has he done?” I asked.

“Well he says he loves me, but he has cheated on me twice. I wonder if I can trust him.” ”

How did it feel when you found him cheating?” I asked. “It hurt.”

“I think that your natural gut-wisdom is telling you to put up a boundary to protect yourself.”

“But is it spiritual?” she asked, truly perplexed.

As a psychotherapist it has been my observation, for some time now, that much in the New Age is psychologically dysfunctional. I had an engineer friend who referred to these New Age “truisms” as NABS, or New Age Bullshit. They are like those little snacks you eat at cocktail parties. They fill you up for a bit, and give the illusion of nutrition, but they are empty calories.I think that one of the NABS currently in vogue is the notion that one should let down one’s guard and be fully and completely open. As a therapist I think this idea is potentially dangerous and here’s why.We have many levels to ourselves. At one level, the transpersonal, we may be spirit, unbounded by time and space, but at another level we are mammals, like dogs, and cats, whales, dolphins and monkeys, to name a few. We have biology. And our psychological health depends upon balancing our transpersonal (out-of-time) aspects of “self” with our personal (bound by time) aspects.At the level of our biology, our body wisdom understands quite clearly the need for boundaries. Every cell has a cell wall that keeps out the world. Any cell that lets down its guard is quickly going to perish. The cellular walls set a boundary for the cellular processes inside to continue. The walls also keep out toxic invaders like viruses, bacteria and other biochemical demons.

The message? Without boundaries, there is no life.

However, the cellular walls also have little openings to the world. These portals are guarded, but if the cell senses that a visitor is beneficial, it will open the molecular doors. If the visitor is toxic, however, the doors remain closed. Among the beneficial visitors are things like oxygen and nutrition. Without these “life messengers” the cells will eventually die. The precarious forces within our animal bodies responsible for continuing life depend upon a balance between boundaries and openness.

In other words, at a cellular level, our biology has an innate wisdom to distinguish between something toxic and something life-enhancing. Biological systems set up boundaries between themselves and that which is toxic while, at the same time, they open themselves to that which brings increased life.

In the psychological realm the same principle holds true. There are situations and people that are life-enhancing and others that are toxic. The psychological task for mental and spiritual health is to distinguish between toxic people and those that are healthy. Unfortunately, while our bodies naturally create healthy boundaries, we have to learn how to create both mental and emotional boundaries between us and the world. For many of us, growing up in dysfunctional families, the skills of compassionate boundary making were never taught.

And what do I mean by compassionate boundary making? Well to explain this, I think I probably need to discuss “judgment” and “discrimination.” They are not the same thing. And this will lead us directly to the woman’s question at the beginning, “Is it spiritual to set a boundary?”

Quite simply, discrimination is assessing the apparent truth of a situation while judgment is placing a value upon the situation as “good” or “bad.” For instance, back to the young woman and her quandary about her “two-timing” boyfriend. His actions hurt her, or to be “psycho-politically correct,” she allowed herself to be hurt by his actions.

That he did this twice and might do it again is discrimination. It is logic, simple logic. This is discrimination, the act of discriminating apparent truth from bullshit. There is no judgment in this, just observation. She has observed his behavior and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that he might (probably will) do it again. If she wishes to avoid getting hurt again, she would do well to set up an emotional boundary and to become detached from his advances. This is discrimination in action.

This is different from judgment. If she were to decide that he was a “shiftless and worthless bastard,” for instance, she would be placing a value judgment on him. Discrimination, by nature, is neutral; it is not emotionally charged. It is simply a mental recognition about a reality. There is no blame or judgment in this, simply observation.

Compassionate Boundary Making first requires a discriminating look at the situation. One must clearly see the situation the way it is without romanticizing and without trying to make it into something it isn’t. If the person or situation is not healthy for you, you remove yourself. Period. End of sentence.

In the process of removing yourself from the situation you resist the temptation to judge the person or situation, as “good” or “bad.” Even though you might not understand his or her motives, and even though you might feel hurt by the situation, you give yourself and the “offender” the gift of spaciousness to do what they need to do — with one clear limitation, so long as it does not impinge on you.

I love what a southern grandmother once told a friend of mine, “Your rights end where my nose begins.” How beautifully direct and pragmatic that statement is!

One psychological task facing all of us is to distinguish between what is healthy and unhealthy. Psychological maturity requires that we act on our own behalf to separate ourselves from that which damages us. How we separate ourselves from those things that are toxic is a matter of personal style more than anything else.

As Paul Simon said in one of his songs, “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover,” there are many ways to separate ourselves from toxic situations and people.

For those of us striving to be more conscious in our actions, and perhaps, more spiritual, the task requires compassion as well. But compassion does not mean becoming a “door mat” for someone to walk all over you. Rather compassion means creating a mental and emotional space in yourself to allow other people to be themselves, even if you don’t understand or agree with them. Compassion does not, however, mean that we let others intrude into our emotional space. That is submission, which is not the same thing.As we grow in psychological and spiritual strength, we may find that we are no longer comfortable with certain persons or situations. What seemed to be nourishing or at least neutral, is now perceived as toxic. This sometimes happens with family members, spouses and friends. I am noticing that, for many of us, this phenomenon looks like it is increasing. Perhaps it is because things are speeding up and more seems to be happening in less time. Perhaps it is simply the price of self-evolution.As we pass over a line in ourselves from unconscious to conscious (I should probably say semi-conscious, to be more exact), we may find ourselves having to set boundaries with past relationships. This can be very challenging to say the least. For those of us caught in this dilemma, I suggest the Way of the White Cloud.The Way of the White Cloud is to see all things and all situations as essentially devoid of substance. What appears to be very real at the moment becomes only a memory. The apparent solidity of things and the gravity of a situation is actually a mirage, an illusion. Buddhists call this samsara. And we are caught up in it by virtue of having an embodiment. The art of living, from this viewpoint, is to live and take action without getting caught up in the snares of the illusion.


When clients get stuck in interpersonal conflict, I sometimes have them imagine going into the future, maybe a hundred years and look back at the situation. In almost every case the charge is dissolved. The hostility gives way to a recognition of impermanence. Why, the “wisdom mind” asks, should we get caught up in this when it is so insignificant from the vantage of expanded vision? In the realms of samsara, nothing is permanent. All is transient, like white clouds. By becoming aware of this truth, we see that we are all in the same boat, so to speak, the boat of samsara, or illusion.

It may look like someone or something has “the upper hand” at the moment, but that is true, only from one perspective. We all suffer, both the dominators and dominated, because we are, all of us, time-locked into time and space. We are also free and open, for a part of us is both unbounded pure consciousness and luminous light. This pure consciousness and luminous light may or may not be directly experienced by us, but it is there, nonetheless, like the clear sky hidden by clouds. Our clouds of obscuration, those thoughts, feelings and patterns of behavior that hold us in the samsaric lies of limitation come and go, like the clouds. But the clear sky is always there.

The spiritual task, for those of us desiring to live with more compassion, regardless of the lineages or traditions we follow, is to penetrate this level of ourselves, the place of pure mind and unbounded light. For the gift of this is that we become suffused with a direct knowledge of the relativity of all things. We can afford to be gracious in our dealings with ourselves and others because we recognize that things are not what they appear to be. The act of compassionate boundary making comes out of our luminous and unbounded nature.

Even though we may have been “hurt” by a particular situation or person, from the view of the transpersonal, all of this is like clouds, in one moment vividly real and in the next moment, gone. This spaciousness allows us to let others be without the need to judge, defile, or seek revenge.

For the young woman mentioned earlier, making a compassionate boundary with her boyfriend might look like her telling him three things: first, that based on his past behavior she has concluded that she cannot trust him; second, she is leaving him; and three, she holds him no ill-will. She goes on with her life and he goes on with his.

Now, this does not mean that the desire for judgment, defilement or revenge doesn’t arise in our minds especially when we perceive being hurt by another. But the spiritual discipline of not indulging these thoughts, feelings, and fantasies is a powerful niyama, (Sanskrit, meaning constraint or control). Niyamas, such as the attempt to remain harmless to oneself and others, strengthen both the soul and personal will. Besides reducing interpersonal stress, compassionate boundary making affords us real insight into the state of our own psychology.

What I mean by this is that for some of us, it may be a challenge to let someone “off the hook” who has harmed us in some way. But if it is anyone who is let “off the hook” it is ourselves, since the desire for revenge or retribution on another is an emotional and spiritual poison.

And so, to the woman I mentioned at the beginning, I would say “yes.” To set a boundary between ourselves and another can be spiritual. How it is done makes it “spiritual” or not. If the “spiritual life” is an attempt to live with an awareness of the sacredness of life, then compassionate boundary making is, in fact, aspiritual act. To set an appropriate boundary is necessary for all biological life. It is also a requirement for mental and emotional health, and I would venture to say for the “spiritual life” as well.

To say “no” to ourselves or another can sometimes be the most courageous and powerful act imaginable. And sometimes, saying “no” to someone is more “loving”(i.e., caring) than saying “yes.”

There is another piece in relation to boundary making: detachment. Finding your truth and acting on it regardless of how others might react is the benchmark of personal sovereignty. Such action requires the ability to create and hold boundaries. I am reminded in this of a story.

One day the immortal yogi, Babaji, was meditating in a forest with his chelas (disciples) up in the Himalayas. A man stumbled upon them and recognizing the great yogi, he begged to become a disciple.

Babaji refused and told the man to leave. Instead, the man followed the group wherever they went. Finally, Babaji threw rocks at him and told him to go way.

The man, distraught, told Babaji that if he, a great yogi, did not accept him as a disciple, he would cast himself off the nearby cliffs. Calmly, Babaji told him he didn’t care what he did. With these words, the man threw himself to his death on the rocks below.

Babaji went down the side of the mountain and brought the man back to life. Having dissolved immense negative karma, the man was accepted as a disciple.

Gurus are notoriously irascible. They follow impulses that we can hardly even imagine. At the very least, this is a story about spiritual boundaries. Hopefully in our journey to wholeness none of us will have to jump off a cliff; but all of us will, no doubt, have to set boundaries from time to time.

May all of us find ways to be more compassionate in our boundary making. And may we find the strength to open and say yes, when we mean yes, and the courage to say no, when we mean no. End. .

from: .