Time and Entanglement


Physics team entangles photons that never coexisted in time

May 28, 2013 by Bob Yirka report
Physics team entangles photons that never coexisted in time
Time line diagram. (I) Birth of photons 1 and 2, (II) detection of photon 1, (III) birth of photons 3 and 4, (IV) Bell projection of photons 2 and 3, (V) detection of photon 4. Credit: Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 210403 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.210403
(Phys.org) —Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have succeeded in causing entanglement swapping between photons that never coexisted in time. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the team explains how their experiment proves true an entanglement phenomenon first described by researchers last year at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

The idea seems not just counterintuitive, but impossible—that could be entangled that never existed at the same time—but that’s just what the team in Germany, led by Joachim von Zanthier, suggested. In this new effort, the team in Israel, led by Hagai Eisenberg, has proven it’s possible by actually doing it.

is, of course, where the quantum states of two particles are linked—what happens to one happens to the other regardless of the distance between them. This new work shows that they can be linked via time as well.

To prove it, the researchers first used a laser to cause entanglement between a pair of photons, P1, P2. They then measured the of P1, which was immediately followed by the entangling of another pair of photons, P3, P4. This was followed by measuring P2 and P3 simultaneously and causing them to become entangled with one another—a process known as projective measurement. Then, P4 was measured. Measuring P1 caused its demise of course—before P4 was born—but the measurement of P4 showed that it had become entangled with P1 nevertheless, if only for a very short period of time.

The researchers suggest that the outcome of their experiment shows that entanglement is not a truly physical property, at least not in a tangible sense. To say that two photons are entangled, they write, doesn’t mean they have to exist at the same time. It shows that quantum events don’t always have a parallel in the observable world.

Being able to entangle particles that don’t exist at the same time opens up the door to new for building ultra-secure networks—communications could occur between physical locations, for example, that never actually sent an encrypted key directly to one another. It could also perhaps lead to new developments by researchers hoping to create a true quantum computer.

More information: Entanglement Swapping between Photons that have Never Coexisted, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 210403 (2013) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.210403

The role of the timing and order of quantum measurements is not just a fundamental question of quantum mechanics, but also a puzzling one. Any part of a quantum system that has finished evolving can be measured immediately or saved for later, without affecting the final results, regardless of the continued evolution of the rest of the system. In addition, the nonlocality of quantum mechanics, as manifested by entanglement, does not apply only to particles with spacelike separation, but also to particles with timelike separation. In order to demonstrate these principles, we generated and fully characterized an entangled pair of photons that have never coexisted. Using entanglement swapping between two temporally separated photon pairs, we entangle one photon from the first pair with another photon from the second pair. The first photon was detected even before the other was created. The observed two-photon state demonstrates that entanglement can be shared between timelike separated quantum systems.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-05-physics-team-entangles-photons-coexisted.html#jCp

Julia Griffin on Moving Forward Now

The Bridge In Time

The Bridge In Time

Story by: Julia Griffin

For months, I’ve felt the bridge in time, the elusive strands of energy between the Piscean and Aquarian Age. The turning between ages is like a wheel; the spokes turn and open in the space between ages, offering a dispensation of light.  When we are between two ages, there is a great deal of light and less physical energy due to the oscillation between the two worlds.  A Precession of Ages likely doubles or triples this gift of light.

Many of us felt disappointment when the energy shifted around the solstice. While “heaven on earth” did not miraculously appear, many of us felt the impetus of a new energy.  No one could deny that the world is touched by change.

Personally, I perceived a significant increase in light and a substantial shift in the energy on the winter solstice. The earth is changing too. The fairytale beauty of blossoming pear and peach
trees lingers outdoors, in ridiculous cold, accompanied by flowers that shouldn’t bloom for months. Some days they are covered in ice but continue their blooming without a pause.

Perhaps, we’re a bit like the flowers. We move forward with self-expression and the sharing of light, then backwards with the return of winter and dormancy, like an intricate dance. Sometimes, the beautiful energy fills us with joy and spontaneous direction. Other times, it’s impossible to do anything besides rest. (I never thought my sofa would become so familiar.) It’s exhausting and exciting all at once.

Like my plants blossoming with their strange timing in the season, the energy seems to have an odd time warp quality. Some desires come into fruition by merely speaking them, and other desires take a tremendous amount of focus, arriving unexpectedly but months after the initial projection. A series of events can arrive full-blown in a single day, or it can take a long time for the beginning of movement with spaces between the necessary actions. Time appears to slow down and speed up in particular patterns during the day.

When talking with my gifted friends, we noted a few recent changes. Additional meditation, exercise and focus are needed to retain a calm nature. Our practices, which were natural and enjoyable, now come first with the change brought by the new energies. When it’s secondary, we find it more difficult when dealing with emotions or other people. Establishing a relationship with the universe can take more work.

We’ve also lost our ability of merging and remaining invisible in crowds. People look deeply in our eyes or bump into us with a clear desire to convey connection or hostility. Of course, becoming visible to others in everyday life is somewhat humorous. How did we expect to remain disguised, knowing that truth exposes everything during the time of the apocalypse?

Apocalypse means revelation of hidden truth, and it appears in governments, global finances, relationships, conversation and within the self.  The act of becoming more intuitive makes our inner dialog, agenda and subconscious patterns become obvious to ourselves and others. The term “subconscious patterns” refers the repetition of emotions and events that evoke a lower response in life or physical reality. (As we clear our inner patterns, we actually clear many negative patterns in the outer world.) As we see the truth within ourselves, the truth must appear in the outer world.

Light composes the substance that we seek, but light also illuminates the darkness, bringing shadows to the surface. For seekers who’ve experienced the outpouring of light, the opening of the heart, we already know how light stirs the substance of our lives. It can cause tiredness, re-evaluating relationships, and changing jobs or careers.

Certainly, experiences with light open the heart and move us toward love, but the shift can feel baffling and confusing. While in the midst of group conscious awakening, we’re watching the reconfiguration of the world.

There’s turmoil in the outer world. It’s easy to feel the fear of the population at large or see lovely landscapes when connected into the heart. At this time, the universe supports change, but those – who understand positive energy – must direct it.

When we sit in deep connection with the light and see a better world for ourselves and others, we are creating it. Most of us understand that our light is important. We know that we’re here on a quest to learn more about co-creation and bring love into the world, a world with less duality and negativity. Every day, we learn more.

Here are a few tips:

Stay with the light. Reflect on the heart often. (In individual practice, meditation is used to listen to the heart. We learn to associate a rhythm, feeling and sensation with ideas associated with the pulse of the heart. We also make an effort in listening and acting on repetitive intuition, which is information linking us to the soul.)

  1. Understand how you co-create. Direct the force during the meditation.
  2. Conscious co-creation connects you with other people. It also teaches you about the thoughts and feelings used in creating your current reality. Observe it.
  3. The veil is thin. Many emotional feelings come from others, not the self. Practice detaching from the sea of mass consciousness by connecting to the light or focusing on happiness.
  4. Ask for a vision of your higher reality. Asking questions directs the heart toward truth.
  5. Project calm and peace whenever possible.
  6. With the alteration taking place in only 3 or 4 months, our bodies are not accustomed to the changing energies so we may feel tired or lack energy periodically.  Rest when tired. Save projects for times of inspiration and power. (It slows down the process to push when tired.) Don’t use reserves of energy.
  7. If you have super-powers (and you know who you are), let go of the people who drain you. Use your gifts. The world needs you.
  8. Reflect on the beauty of this time and the inherent opportunity for mastery.
  9. Focus on the important practices, which give light and energy in abundance


from:    http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/april-2013-the-firewalk-issue/the-bridge-in-time/

Jim Self on Clairvoyance

Developing Your Clairvoyance

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Friday, 22 February, 2013

Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly with your inner eye. Many people regard clairvoyance with some ambivalence: either they dismiss it as a clever “parlor trick,” developed from an ability to read subtle body language and facial expressions, or they view it with a measure of awe, as some “magical gift” that’s only attainable if you happen to be the seventh son of a seventh son, for example.

The fact is we are all clairvoyant. Recognizing and developing your intuitive abilities has many practical, down-to-earth uses in one’s life. In today’s culture, we have access to more information than ever before. Much of it is true for someone, but it may not be accurate for you. Understanding and utilizing your intuitive abilities to discern your truth from that which is not true for you lead to a greater awareness of your own internal skills and abilities.

Employing your intuitive abilities is like having software that filters your incoming email and places those pieces you’re not interested in, or don’t resonate with, in the junk folder. This handy piece of software is already available to you. It came s standard equipment, bundled with your hard drive. The art is remembering it, turning that software back on, and using it.

“But wait a minute,” you say. “I don’t need intuition or clairvoyance. My information comes from reliable sources—magazines, the Internet, friends and family, and books. They wouldn’t mislead me.” Well, most likely that’s correct.

They may not intentionally mislead you, but their truth may not be yours. When you utilize your intuitive abilities, whether that ability is clairvoyance, telepathy or clairaudience, you will recognize whether the information given to you is aligned with your greater good long before you become entangled with it. Wouldn’t your life be a whole lot easier if you had that skill? This skill already exists within you … it’s just been hiding under a belief system that isn’t yours! And it is not that difficult to access.

You already are intuitive

Let us give you some additional examples of how this valuable ability may benefit you:

  • · You will find yourself in present time versus in the future or past. Because you are operating in present time you are clearly able to see your options, as well as the appropriate response for each situation in which you find yourself.
  • · This clarity will increase your general awareness.
  • · You will begin to walk through life with Presence and Certainty. This doesn’t mean in arrogance. This is a gentle, pervasive knowing that you are in management of your life.
  • · You will find doubt and fear begin to disappear, and your ability to take charge of your business life and personal life will increase very quickly.
  • · The games that you play with others, such as judgment, victim, intimidation, control, blame, competition, etc., begin to end.
  • · You begin to recognize and change the beliefs that you have allowed to dominate and operate in your life. Have you ever said that you sound just like your mother or father? Where do you think you learned to respond that way? Precisely! When you turn on your ability to intuitively see these energy patterns, they begin to change.

Intuition is as natural as breathing or eating. By making it a part of your conscious mode of operation, you will become more aligned with who you are. Someone once said, “Make thine eye single and you will see the light (your truth).” He was talking about clearing out all the noise that keeps you from experiencing your natural spiritual abilities, and then deliberately using them to see your own truth.

Once we have cleared out some of this noise (i.e., the untrue beliefs), we begin to see the “light.” In other words, the light of truth (our own truth) soon becomes what we live by and what we allow to guide our decisions. The twists and turns of life become easier and less dramatic or stressful, because that inner guidance system within us is once again being utilized. It provides us with the direction to take this turn or that.

Opening to and developing your intuition and other spiritual abilities will allow you to see and experience yourself more completely. You will also discover how Capable you are.

Chapter 22 – Developing Your Clairvoyance – Excerpted from “What Do You Mean the Third Dimension Is Going Away?

Universal Copyright 2012 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author and www.masteringalchemy.com is included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.
from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/jim-self/developing-your-clairvoyance

THe Group through Steve Rother on Time

Smile Your Way Home ~ Harmonizing the Fabric of Time

Steve Rother
a message from The Group channeled by Steve Rother
Friday, 15 February, 2013

From Steve: This was by far “our” best attempt at explaining the two important points that the Keeper of Time wants us to know about our new relationship to time. Each time he says it a bit differently, but this time it flowed evenly and smoothly. He is now beginning to give me deeper information about the new time that will be surfacing soon in the Direct Light series.

Elrah stepped in at an uncharacteristic second position as it was important for him to “have your hearts at the end.” as he puts it. Elrah seems to be adjusting to this close human contact quite well. In fact he is looking forward to telling everyone his own secrets in the next Direct Light when he reveals “The Truth about Rhythm.” In this message, he speaks of the importance of what I have learned to first tolerate, and then love. That is Elrah’s smile. At times he does it so fast that I feel like my face is going to crack and fall off. Then, as I am sitting with this silly grin on my face in front of live cameras, he even has the audacity to show me that no one is smiling back at me. Hum.. Just when I think he is doing it to embarrass me, he makes a noise or says something short, usually only a few words, not always making sense. That is how he changes the rhythm in that situation and in that instant everyone smiles back.

He wanted to have the last position this time so that he could send you off with his rhythm of the heart. If you have a strong rhythm for the month, you’ll enjoy each moment in the moment. Elrah represents the strong connection that we have with each other. You know, the one that we have all pretended was not there so we could play the game of pretending to be a human. Now the game is changing and it’s time to re-member that connection.

With that in mind, I’m OK with sitting on the stage looking foolish. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve been doing it for many years now. You think I would get used to it, or at least good at it by now.

If there is a chance that he can activate a single spirit from Home by me holding this silly grin, then I’m up for it. Turns out Elrah says that I’m just re-membering how to smile my way home.

Have a great month and keep the rhythm!
Big hugs and gentle nudges

Greetings, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time.

A New Relationship to Time

I am here in the first place for normally Elrah takes the first place and I have to follow up and pick up all his little pieces that he leaves laying all over the place and try to make sense out of it for you. Today I thought I would come over first and leave all sorts of pieces laying around for him. So, we will see how that works but the reason I wanted to come in first is to tell you all something you started to understand on a very deep level. The whole illusion that you call time is in very specific areas of your existence on Earth. It has helped you greatly to see yourselves as beings on a timeline. It has allowed you so many possibilities for you to see yourself as a spirit pretending to be the human. Not easy and most of the time you were up against challenges with time because you have always believed time to be finite – in other words there is only a specific amount of time. Well, we tell you your relationship to time has now changed and that is the difficult part to understand. It will take some time for all of it to filter into your beings and into your new set of regulations for all of you have your own little set of rules that you go by. You all have your own set of definitions that you are there and it has worked quite well for you so it will continue in that manner; however, you are now starting to see everything from a different perspective for you can actually see more of what you have called time.

There is no challenge with that because there is truly only one piece of it. You see the shadows on both sides of time but you see that as what you call the future and what you call the past for those are the shadows of the only imprint of time that is available anywhere throughout the universe and that is now…right in this moment. Without this moment, without the other parts of it nothing exists for it is only reflections in both of those directions. Now, the challenge has been for most of humans have been controlled quite a bit by your reflections in both of those directions. Most of you have wanted something.

Positive = Future Negative = Past

So when humans have something of value, they place it in their future. If we ask you to all close your eyes for just a moment and go back 12 years from now, just go back 12 years in your own life and pull up an image. Do not call it good or bad, just call it on a scale of 1-5, where is your energy? Good. Now, clear that energy for just a moment and step back into your body. Now close your eyes again and go into the future 12 years. Test your energy, where is it? How do you gauge it? The vast majority of you are going to hide your joy in your future and you hide your pain in your past. That has been the normal part of all of humanity so when you are in the present moment, you still have these strings going to what you are trying to accomplish in the future and what you have experienced in the past and what you are not quite aware of yet is that all of the rules have changed very suddenly. You are still playing the same game because it is the game that you are accustomed to playing and that you have been playing all along. Now, the rules have changed and you are going to find that you do not have the reflection in the future the same way and the past can be much more malleable. Humanity has always considered the past to be something certain and very finite in existence. Dear ones, it is only a memory and if those memories are going to control your life, you can change those memories. Humans can harmonize on the timeline in the present moment.

Harmonizing the Fabric of Time.

It is very easy. Most harmonize in every moment. As you walk into a room full of people the first thing you do is to feel everybody’s energy and harmonize it. You do that by finding a part of yourself in their reflection. That is the connection that all of you have naturally. So, when you are bringing this in and harmonizing in that way, it takes an effort for most of you. That effort comes because of your belief systems about who you are and who you have been. That is your present and the present moment is the only moment that you have. What is taking place now is that humanity will be able to bring all of it into a singular present moment. The energy imprint that this experience leaves on the fabric of time. It will still take some adjustments to utilize. Most systems on planet Earth are still gained and still regulated to measure finite time. Well, time is not finite and never was, therefore human keeping of time will need regular adjustments.

The Call

You will learn more about these yourselves for in this moment is your call. That is the time that you have been called to Earth. This is the part that you have been called for…right now. You are thinking, “Well, when I take all these courses, when I master this, I will step into my work, I will make something available and I will make a difference on the planet.” And dear ones, that is now. That is not in the future; it never was in the future. You placed it there along with many other hopes. Now we say, all humans will change their relationship to their future and past. This is the beginning of altering the expression if linear time on Earth. This will change the marking of time on Earth. This will change much of the illusion of the rigidity of time as it has been defined on this planet so far. We have given exercises and opportunities to bend time and to start playing with it and start making it a little more malleable. The first thing is an understanding and belief system of it. It’s very simple. If you believe you can alter time, you will. And if we tell you that time is not alterable that would even be better because the moment we tell you that you cannot do something, humans will do it. And do it quite well.

The truth is that humanity is learning to look at time differently and that is the beautiful part. There is no time, yes, I have to say it, like the present. There is nothing other than this piece and although humans have divided much of their energy between the past, present and future, they will no longer place them in the same sentence. Humanity will also find out how easy it is to change when the past and future are accessed in the moment. Many walk around with emotional scar tissue which helps to define them. They will not lose their identity; they will only lose how they use it in each moment. They fall into a reactionary lifetime rather than a purposeful action. This is often the result of an imbalance in the importance of the present moment. It is very common on Earth to simply react to everything coming in, rather than to set ones own pace.

Circular Time

Dear ones, you are the greatest angels that have ever lived and you are now in place to make a difference on planet Earth. We will show you only small parts of this as you become aware of them. Watch for them because they will come in slow increments in the beginning. If you miss one or do not grasp each moment and it slips into your past, let it go. You have no control over it but if it is in disharmony, you can change it even though it has gone into your past. Now how do you change the future? You do not need to change the future; you change the future by clearing your energy in the now moment. That is the concept of circular time. I will not spend a great deal of energy on it at this moment, but I will simply say that the energy of what humans call their past, actually creates the fabric of their future. It is a large circle. The fabric of the past and those unresolved issues circle around and recreate the same problems over and over and over on your planet. It is the reason you have the same challenges with different people. Have you not found that interesting? We tell you that all humans learn from repetition. That is how time actually works and that is the beautiful part for now, as you are releasing those parts of your past that have claimed you so dearly, you will find it much easier. Now that you have passed through the portal, you will find it much easier to release those strings that have controlled your life in many ways.

Let’s say that you have a disharmony in your life. You have a confrontation with someone who is very dear to you for example. You say something that is very hurtful, walk away and do not talk to one another for 5 years. We tell you that the pain of what you said to that person is hurting you the whole time – every moment of every day – because you have not reconciled and harmonized that time imprint. Now, does it mean that you must harmonize with every being and every person? Oh no, of course not. That is not what Earth is all about. It is about diversity. We know that you are going to have places where you are going to have challenges as you call them. Sometimes it is actually your challenges that define and bring out the spirit of Home in all of you and it is done very well over the past several years. Now, what is taking place is that your Earth is changing. You have created this opportunity to step into the future and to claim your present now. Do not wait for tomorrow, dear ones, it will not come in the way that you think. If you hold on to your old belief systems in the past, you will also be thwarted form grounding your energy in the most beautiful time stamp in this moment. So, we ask you to be aware of this. You have a habit here on Earth of walking to each other and saying, “Hi. How are you?” Well I am not going to say, “Hi. How are you?” I am going to say, “Hi. How is your time stamp? How are you doing in this moment? How is your spirit adapting to that physical body in this moment only?” It is perfectly fine to say, “Oh, my girdle is too tight,” or whatever it is. For we are sure you are going to have some sort of reaction. But the reason we ask you that is to bring you into awareness of it for that is when you can use it in alignment with your power. That is when it will empower humans and that is as it should be.

Repetition is at the Base of Linear Time

Now, I wish to mention one other piece before I step aside and let my brother come in. I will also tell you that there are cycles. Humanity is going through cycles on many levels including the one you see before you that you call your reality. These cycles are what Elrah calls rhythms. The easiest way to explain that is to compare this with a random pattern on the carpet here right in front of me. I can find one spot where the pattern is different than the rest, but if it is truly a random pattern, that pattern will repeat itself in other places. That is the way the universe is built. It consists of multiples of many things. Over the next 7 months, all of Earth is going to have an opportunity to collectively shift the planet. You are teetering on many of these arguments and many of these challenges on Earth right now. But we tell you that a simple harmonizing technique will work for many of you. I will turn this over to my brother now for he is graciously waiting for me to speak and that is unusual. I will leave you for the moment, but know that I love you dearly and I know each and every one of you from the heart of who you are and I could not be prouder of the beautiful beings that are walking in consciousness on Earth. You are changing this planet with every breath you take and we are cheering you on from this side of the veil in a way that you have never known. Excellent job.

I am the Keeper of Time.
Enter Elrah

Greetings, I’m Elrah of Rhythmic service

Smile Your Way Home

Okay, let me tell you what is going on here because I am here to talk with you about something very important to me and it really is important for all of you. It is not that long ago that the Keeper himself basically pushed us into telling a few stories – writing a narrative about what the whole thing that you call life was about. He wrote a book and put the book out. I was in the book! It was one of the first times I was in an Earth book. He actually called me by name and all. But then I told him, “You know, I want to write my own book. Can I write my own book?” It is called, “Smile Your Way Home.” Smile Your Way Home. Why would I call it Smile Your Way Home? Because every time you smile the spirit leaks through you and brings all of humanity a little higher. So I am going to give you a little effort, a little work to show you how it works because all of you can do it and you do it quite well most of the time so it is not a problem. It is very simple. Ready? Here it comes. (Elrah flashes his infamous “Elrah Smile”) Gotcha! You all smiled back, even those of your reading this. Well, you see how the mirror works. When you shine the energy from Home it comes back to you.
“Well, what am I going to do, just walk around and smile at people? That does not make sense to me. How am I going to use this in some way?”

Dear ones, there are times when you walk past a person on the street and look over and see their soul. It may only be for a split second. It may just be that their eyes lit up and suddenly revealed to you their true self…who they are. In the past this has caused fear. And if you turn around and make contact with them and they look up at you, they see your soul the same way. Although it only happens for a brief moment, it is enough to help you re-member who you are and it is enough to help you imprint the memories of Home because that is what you are doing when you touch these people. You are reminding them of how you know them from Home and which part of you they currently are.

Sneaky Healers

So here is a simple technique. It is a smile, it is a sneaky smile – some of you are sneaky healers anyway. Some of you do not pretend to be healers. You just walk around healing people anyway, so this is a perfect place to do it. The smile. Well, sometimes you can do this and do a whole smile for people – and sometimes you cannot. Sometimes you have to sneak it in a little bit. Sometimes you have to look over at the last minute and give a quick smile. Whatever it is, when you see that energy coming from Home through another person, when you see their eyes light up, when you see their heart, their pulse and they make a rhythm, you have an opportunity to make that connection. Dear ones, you are at the stage in your history of planet Earth where you have gone through this whole contraction in order to get through this portal you have just gone through. How was the contraction? Contraction is very simple…throw yourself into fear and you contract. It is real simple. When you get scared on planet Earth, you pull your energy field very tight around your body and hold it there because it is almost like you are afraid of losing it in some way. You bring it to your body but it makes it very difficult for you to interact with other people. You actually have less eye contact on Earth when there is a lot of fear on Earth. Well, what was the fear? Well, the fear is a little bit about economics. It was one of the easiest ways to spread a wave of fear on planet Earth, to pull the rug out from under some of you, to pull the rug out from under a lot of you just so you can kind of rework your systems to exist in the new vibrations, the higher vibrations of the new planet Earth.

Now you are starting to do well with it so you are starting to climb out of this global economic problem. Well, good for you. It is the first time that all of you have experienced it. We tell you that you have been thinking of your economies as quite different from your personal lives but they are not. The truth is that everybody is invested in everybody else. You cannot go to war on this planet the same way that you have been going to war for very long because those people you go to war for own a lot of the property that you now have here. That is perfect! It is a perfect way to blend the energy. It cannot be done anymore. It is going to work out quite well and yes, we tell you that a lot of your governments and many of your organizations and a lot of the economies of the world are going to have to flex a little bit and get the new pace of the new energy. Humanity is at the stage where you are going to start building again because building is not in the proposition when you pull your energy field around you. All you are thinking about is this moment, now, you are not thinking about where you are going to go or what you really want to do and how you want to set it forward. So right now, what is taking place is that all of humanity is starting to stretch out. You are right on the brink of what we would call an economic recovery. We are not economists and we do not really care about your economies of the world; however, it was able to send a fear shock through all planet Earth and you pulled your energy fields in and you made it through the portal quite well. Now it is time to lose the fear. It is time to start doing something and to start setting things forward. I told this to you before and I will tell it to you now, there is not a greater time on Earth to start something. Any project, any business, anything you want to do will find the wind at your back if you start it in this energy.

Now the biggest problem that you had on planet Earth has been that all of you have been trying to define yourselves so clearly. It is very difficult because when you start to open up energetically, you feel everything and everyone. You start giving too much of yourself, start spreading yourself too thin, you get exhausted and pretty soon you got a problem. So you start defining yourself and you say, “My energy field only goes to here. I am not responsible for…” That is wonderful because now that you define yourself, you can lose the boundaries all together. They do not need to be there. You can look at the person sitting in front of you and see what part of you they are. Did you ever think of that? Now you have a chance because over the next 7 months, there is a teetering balance. You go back into polarity f like your governments, especially the one here in the United States. It is so funny to watch one side fight over here and the other side fight over there and it all stretches into polarity. Well, somewhere you are going to meet in the middle. It is just a game you have been playing. Now it is time to start working with that. So when you start looking at how you are alike with the people and the energies around you rather than how you are different, you can define yourself the same way. It has always been that you define yourself differently. You look at that person and say, “Oh, that person…well, I have something better than they do. I have something I am working with here…” and you define yourself that way. Now it is time to define yourself the other way. How can you be a part of a rather large family that is making a huge difference on this planet right now?

A Tapestry of Love

It is not always easy, dear ones. That is why we call it, smile your way Home. All you have to do is to connect with a few other spirits on the planet every single day and spread your energy. That way you weave a tapestry of love that cannot be beat. It is very magical indeed and you are in the perfect position to do this now. This is the time to really look at your harmony, to really look at the people around you and all the other energies – the people that are working with you, the people that are working against you, even what you call your enemies. Humans need to move away from all this polarity very quickly now because it is going to make a big difference on planet Earth and you are going to build something that will last. It is not going to work the same way it did before, even your economic systems are not going to work the same way they did before. You are welcome, thank you. Good job. You do not need to go through that same problem again. Now, what is going to take place is that it is up to you. So are you going to let the spirit come through you? Are you going to smile with those eyes and plant seeds of light in everything you see? Or are you going to put your stare down and say, “I do not know who I am. I am not valuable enough. I do not know if I have anything to offer. So I am not going to look into others eyes?” Go for it. Now you can make a difference in the smallest ways because if enough of you do it – if only five thousand of you do this over the next 7 months – you are going to change the planet so fast it is going to be really beautiful. You are going to start making Home with a capital H right where you are and we are here to help you. Do not ever think you are alone, dear ones. You could not be even if you tried and we would appreciate it if you would stop trying so hard. Sometimes you try to be separate so much, you sit there and say, “Spirit, touch me. Feel me. Make me feel you. Make me understand what part of spirit I am.” And spirit is standing there telling you the same thing. In reality, you are the ones. You are the creators. Dare to step forward and see yourself in a new light and above all, do not forget to smile your way Home. It is the most beautiful part of being a human. I love you more than you know. I am with you always.

I close now with one little word that came from the story of the Lemurians who simply wanted to pat each other on the back all the time. They came up with a word that they used for hello and goodbye and it is Espavo. It means,
“Thank you for taking your power.” Espavo, dear ones. I am Elrah of rhythmic service.


The group

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from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/lightworker/beacons-of-light/smile-your-way-home-harmonizing-the-fabric-of-time

Time, Alan Alda, & The Sixth Grade

What Is Time? Alan Alda Contest Seeks Answer For Sixth-Graders

December 11, 2012
Image Credit: Photos.com

Lawrence LeBlond for redOrbit.com – Your Universe Online

Alan Alda, 76, an actor who is best known for his portrayal of Capt. Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce on the television show MASH, has also long been involved in science, playing a key role in the founding of the Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University, where he is a visiting professor. Alda last year kicked of a whirlwind contest by asking a simple question: “What is a flame?

That question heralded the responses of more than 800 people, trying to explain a complex phenomenon in terms that would be easily comprehensible for an 11-year-old student. The query did not come about by chance, but had been kicking around inside Alda’s head since he was that 11-year-old boy wondering what a flame was and how it worked. The inspiration for the question, and the contest, derived from a disappointing encounter he had with a teacher all those years ago.

“I was 11 and I was curious. I had been thinking for days about the flame at the end of a candle. Finally, I took the problem to my teacher. ‘What’s a flame?’ I asked her. ‘What’s going on in there?’ There was a slight pause and she said, ‘It’s oxidation.’ She didn’t seem to think there was much else to say,” he wrote in a guest editorial in the journal Science in March.

Alda said the encounter was discouraging, and after decades of letting it sit in his mind, he decided it was time to get to the bottom of the flame conundrum.

After the huge success of that contest, which employed the minds of 6,000 11-year-old judges, Alda is up to it again. This time, he is asking “What is time?”

However, this year’s query had not come from a previous personal experience from Alda’s collective. Instead, the question was picked from more than 300 submissions by 11-year-olds across the country. The “What is time?” question comes from Sydney Allison, a sixth-grader at Gromm Elementary School in Reno, Nevada.

Entries for this year’s conundrum can be submitted until March 1, 2013. The winner will receive a trophy, a trip to the 2013 World Science Festival in NY and the satisfaction of educating not only sixth-graders, but the general public.

“This contest probably gives people the impression that it’s a teaching tool for kids,” Alda told Frank Eltman of the Associated Press. “That’s a happy by-product, but it really is a tool for scientists to take a complex question and explain it in a way the rest of us can understand.”

Alda, who has also been the longtime host of Scientific American Frontiers on PBS, said it is vital for society to have a better understanding of science, and said it’s up to scientists to better explain their work in layman’s terms.

“There’s hardly an issue we deal with today that isn’t affected by science,” Alda said. “I’ve even heard from a number of people in Congress that they often don’t understand what scientists are talking about when they go to Washington to testify, and these are the people who make the decisions about funding and policy.”

He said he has been confronted by many scientists who acknowledge they need to do a better job communicating.

“We see misinformation about scientific facts on a daily basis,” added Alda. “Sometimes you know so much about something you assume everybody else is as familiar as you are and you tend to speak in shorthand. Even other scientists may not understand what you are talking about if they are not an expert in your field.”

from:   http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/1112746111/alan-alda-what-is-time-121112/

Quantum Entanglement May Jump Time

Weird! Quantum Entanglement Can Reach into the Past

Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 30 April 2012 Time: 09:42 AM ET
Scientists have entangled particles in such a way that a future decision can affect the past states of the particles.
Scientists have entangled particles in such a way that a future decision can affect the past states of the particles.
CREDIT: Jon Heras, Equinox Graphics Ltd.

Spooky quantum entanglement just got spookier.

Entanglement is a weird statewhere two particles remain intimately connected, even when separated over vast distances, like two die that must always show the same numbers when rolled. For the first time, scientists have entangled particles after they’ve been measured and may no longer even exist.

If that sounds baffling, even the researchers agree it’s a bit “radical,” in a paper reporting the experiment published online April 22 in the journal Nature Physics.

“Whether these two particles are entangled or separable has been decided after they have been measured,” write the researchers, led by Xiao-song Ma of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the University of Vienna.

Essentially, the scientists showed that future actions may influence past events, at least when it comes to the messy, mind-bending world of quantum physics.

In the quantum world, things behave differently than they do in the real, macroscopic world we can see and touch around us. In fact, when quantum entanglement was first predicted by the theory of quantum mechanics, Albert Einstein expressed his distaste for the idea, calling it “spooky action at a distance.”

The researchers, taking entanglement a step further than ever before, started with two sets of light particles, called photons.

The basic setup goes like this:

Both pairs of photons are entangled, so that the two particles in the first set are entangled with each other, and the two particles in the second set are entangled with each other. Then, one photon from each pair is sent to a person named Victor. Of the two particles that are left behind, one goes to Bob, and the other goes to Alice.

But now, Victor has control over Alice and Bob’s particles. If he decides to entangle the two photons he has, then Alice and Bob’s photons, each entangled with one of Victor’s, also become entangled with each other. And Victor can choose to take this action at any time, even after Bob and Alice may have measured, changed or destroyed their photons.

“The fantastic new thing is that this decision to entangle two photons can be done at a much later time,” said research co-author Anton Zeilinger, also of the University of Vienna. “They may no longer exist.”

Such an experiment had first been predicted by physicist Asher Peres in 2000, but had not been realized until now.

“The way you entangle them is to send them onto a half-silvered mirror,” Zeilinger told LiveScience. “It reflects half of the photons, and transmits half. If you send two photons, one to the right and one to the left, then each of the two photons have forgotten where they come from. They lose their identities and become entangled.”

Zeilinger said the technique could one day be used to communicate between superfast quantum computers, which rely on entanglement to store information. Such a machine has not yet been created, but experiments like this are a step toward that goal, the researchers say.

“The idea is to create two particle pairs, send one to one computer, the other to another,” Zeilinger said.”Then if these two photons are entangled, the computers could use them to exchange information.”

from:    http://www.livescience.com/19975-spooky-quantum-entanglement.html


Kryon through Lee Carroll on Energetic Shifts, etc.

The Recalibration of The Universe

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Friday, 27 January, 2012  at Patagonia  (posted 4 April, 2012)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There is so much I want to tell you, but again, we start softly. We honor the energy in the room. We create a bubble around us of wisdom, so those who wish to hear will do so. We speak to many, not just those in the room. I want you to honor this moment, for it’s for you. This is not idle information. This information has a profound, Human stamp on it. It means that whatever I’m telling you, you have created. I’m aware that this message is being given in two languages [Spanish and English]. The information is complex, yet simple. So we need you to listen to understand concepts prepared in advance for you by those on this side of the veil who know who you are.

There is a shift going on in this planet. If you are indeed an old soul, it is affecting you, and each of you has a different affectation. That is to say, each one of you will have a different way of responding to the energy. Old souls have something very interesting. They may be old souls, but that means that each of them has a vastly different experience of lives. So each of you is going to react separately and uniquely to the energy of the planet’s shift. However, all of you are feeling something interesting. It’s an enhancement of your wisdom and knowledge, and the feeling that the energy on the planet is moving in a direction that is toward your consciousness and not away from it.

This is the fourth channel in a series called “The Recalibration of Humanity.” We’ve talked about how Humans are recalibrating, how Gaia is recalibrating and even how your DNA is recalibrating. Now there’s one that you didn’t expect – how the Universe is recalibrating. It’s a difficult premise that I bring forward to you today, for it has concepts outside of three dimensions. And so I will go slow.


We start with the very predictions of the energy you are in. Let us say that you have a racetrack with cars on it. Picture a track that is very large… really large. Let us say that it takes years for the drivers to race around the track. They get tired. Sometimes they will get out of the car and put a new driver in. Sometimes the new driver will get tired and the older driver will come back and get in again. So the race cars are filled with some experienced drivers and some not. As they go around the track, it might take them years to go around just one time.

Let us say that there is a difficult portion of the track, one that is filled with holes. Some don’t see them and the newest drivers fall into the holes. The older drivers know to go around. Now in your three-dimensional perception, it is not difficult for you to imagine such a thing. But this is a metaphor of time.

The track represents your 3D concept of time, except you think it is a straight road. It is not. It is in a circle. Unaware of the circle, now pretend for a moment you’re one of the drivers in the cars. Also, let us say that you’ve been around the track many times. The new driver may think the track is straight and unending, for it disappears into the horizon. But as the old soul, you know that the track is really huge and the curve just can’t be seen, much like the curvature of the earth. So as an old soul driver, you know where the difficult places in the track are. You also realize in this metaphor that as you drive forward and look out the front of your car, you are looking at a future and the past at the same time. This is one of the premises that a three-dimensional mind cannot grasp – that as you change the future, you are also driving over and changing the past. That premise alone explains how the predictions for 2012 can happen at all.

But 2012 is simply one of the difficult places in the track, and the ancients knew it was coming. They could prophecy a problem ahead on the track because it’s part of the circle. It’s well known in time, and those who might give a name to it would call it fractal time. In past Human history, some of the difficult parts had actually created the termination of humanity. Some have resulted in a start-over of humanity. The energy that you are in now had a duality in its potential. You could have started over or you could start something the planet had never seen before.

Twenty-two years ago, we told you this: “Get ready for shift,” we said. “Get ready for the weather to change,” we said. Those things have now come about. They came about not because Kryon or the prophets said they would, but instead because of old souls who saw the difficulty coming. They had gone around the circle of time before and knew where the issues were. It was “known” territory.

The most difficult thing I can tell you for you to conceive of is this: As you steer around these difficulties and move forward on the track, you change the energy of the entire track. Therefore, you change the past as you move toward the future. This is not an easy concept to understand; however, it explains so much to the linear mind of how these things can be. For in your 3D perception, you believe that your experience in the future is going to be a product of what took place in the past. You only go in one direction and your expectations alone are in a straight line. All you have is your experience in the past – and it’s not good enough.

As you change the track, you change the rules of the track. So what I wish to say that is simplified is that there is a new paradigm ahead of you. Old souls will see it first, and they will plant the seeds for the rest of humanity. The young people will see it, for they have it in their Akashic inheritance. Slowly, Human nature itself will change and move into a new way of thinking where you’re not guided only by the experience of things that took place in what you think is your past. It’s an amazing potential. You are not the only planet who has experienced this. However, you are the only planet in your galaxy that is experiencing it now.

The Bigger Picture

Now I’m going to say things that are esoterically unbelievable. Your galaxy knows what’s happening here on Earth. I’m not talking about life forms in your galaxy. I’m talking about the very physics of what you think lays there as the “rules.” The Universe is cooperating with your shift – expected it – for this is why you came.

Now it gets difficult to explain. You think physics is simply the rules of the way things work? Let me ask you a question: How do you explain what astronomers have named “intelligent design”? Against all odds, the Universe was created for life. Physics is supposed to be random, following rules that are random. Yet it didn’t happen that way. The better the instruments got of the astronomer, the more they realized there had to be intelligence in the design. How do you explain that? All they know is the math. What you see before you, which you call your galaxy, is equivalent to rolling a six on the dice 10,000 times in a row! And it makes no sense, since it isn’t random and it doesn’t follow the bell-shaped curve of nature. That is why they are saying what they are saying.

There had to be a guiding force of creation. Does that change your mind about physics or about what you see before you? So I will start to tell you how actual physics is beginning to cooperate with you. This time fractal has been known for a long time, and you could have gone many ways. In other words, you had many potentials of consciousness. Look at the prophecies of the ancients. They said you were going to have a world war. They said you were going to have termination. Many spiritual systems called for the end of the world where your souls would be collected. Many systems would have you believe a certain way so that you would be prepared and none of those things happened. Does that tell you a little bit about the shift before you? A different paradigm of thinking is coming. These paradigms will deal with problems you have that are currently seen as “unsolvable”. So let us start with some unbelievable things.

The Magnetics of the Solar System

Now, my partner, I want you to go slow for both yourself and the translator. Twenty-two years ago, we told you the magnetic field of the earth was critical to your consciousness. Magnetics is a quantum energy. So is gravity, and so is light. You are surrounded by a quantum field, and that is the magnetic field of the earth. We said if Human consciousness is going to change, magnetics will change. It has to. It has to be a complement to what you are doing. It has to posture itself to receive what you are doing. How can the consciousness of this planet expand when the magnetics stay the same? It can’t. So the magnetics must move.

So it started with an actual shift of the magnetic lay lines of your planet, and that’s now recorded history and something I predicted more than 20 years ago. Now your compasses show you that all I spoke about is now here. Your magnetics has moved greatly since 1989.

Now, there has to be more. What else do you think could change the magnetics of your entire planet? It has to recalibrate, and in order for it to do so, it’s going to need help. Your solar system is the engine of magnetic change for this planet. If you know anything about how the solar system works and the energies of it, then this will start to make sense.

In your solar system, the core is the sun. It sends out what is called the solar wind, which is almost entirely magnetic. It’s a magnetic energy that literally blasts out from the sun and contains only what was generated from the sun. That magnetic energy has a name – the heliosphere. It “blows” that magnetic wind against the magnetics of your own earth, and that changes your planet.

For if the energy is always the same on Earth, then very little will ever change. For those who wish to get technical, you might say the magnetics of the sun blows against the magnetics of the earth and you will have two interacting magnetic fields. This creates something called inductance, which is a mystery to science. It’s the “soup” of overlapping magnetic fields that allows for energy exchange of information and amplification without a power source. It’s well used on Earth, but the attributes are seen as mysterious.

So here’s what’s going to happen. Watch for changes in your sun. You may call them solar storms, but they’re just a recalibration for you, and they will worry you. This is because there are many sensitive electronics on and around the planet, and these instruments will react. You count on the magnetic field of your planet to remain the same, but it can’t remain the same when there is a giant solar storm happening. Certain kinds of communications will be disrupted. Perhaps even the power grid could be interrupted.

Watch the sun, for it is in the process of shift. It is happening through intelligent design, the love of God and the Creator, changing things for your consciousness. It is a new way of thinking that is developing, literally touching the very DNA field of each Human. This changes the information within the DNA and allows the Human Being to capture and enhance attributes of a new reality it never had before.

Now I get even more physical: Something has been on the way for a very long time. The magnetics of your solar system itself is changing. So here’s the challenge: Go find that fact. You’ll see it, literally, as your solar system moves through space. It intersects certain attributes of space and this is changing some of the magnetics, which then becomes different from the way they ever were before. This then changes the sun. Do you see the cycle? One enhances the other in a fractal of circular reality. Your movement around the center changes your solar system. The solar system’s new position changes the sun’s attributes. The sun’s attributes are sent to the planet via the heliosphere and this affects your DNA.

Now, the intellectuals will say, “Well, this does not make sense. Those processes ready to impact the earth have been on the way for eons, ready to intersect your solar system. So they haven’t ‘just happened.’ In other words, this would have happened no matter what. It didn’t matter if you were in a consciousness shift or not.”

I accept this argument, but with explanation. Let us say in the 1600s, there was a spaceship that came by the planet broadcasting music, a radio transmission of music to the planet. Now let me ask you this: Was the transmission real? Yes, I just told you it was. Was the music beautiful and real? Yes. Had the spaceship been on its way for a long time? Yes. How many people on the planet heard the music? And the answer is: None of them! This is because the radio receiver had not been invented yet.

But in this example, the spaceship had always been on its way. Do you see the metaphor? The magnetic changes would have happened anyway, but if the earth had not been ready, then no person would have heard any music. There would be no reaction and Humans would be the same as they always have, if there even would be Humans at all – for some say that you were on your way to destroying yourselves yet again.

You are changing the past by changing the future. You are rearranging the energy of your solar system and also something else. This is hard for you to conceive, dear ones, but we give it to you anyway: Very, very far away from you, things are changing. You don’t believe it because they’re too far away for you to consider, and in three dimensions, things that are far away are not part of your bubble of reality. However, they’re in a quantum state with you.

The entire galaxy revolves as one plate, in a very counter-intuitive way. The stars and the constellations do not orbit within the rules of Newtonian physics that you are used to seeing all around you in your own solar system. For the stars and clusters in your galaxy, distance from the center does not matter. All the stars rotate as one. This is because the galaxy is entangled with the middle of itself. In that state, there is no time or distance. The change of consciousness on this planet has changed the center of the galaxy. This is because what happens here, dear one, is “known” by the center.

It’s interesting to us what your reaction to all this is scientifically. You saw that the “creative event” of your Universe is missing some energy in order for it to have formed as it did. In addition, the unusual way the galaxy rotates, as I just stated, was also noted. So you have calculated that for all this to be in place, there has to be missing 3D matter, and you have given it a name – dark matter. How funny! Did you ever think that there could be a multidimensional effect going on that you now can observe and calculate – that has immense power, but can’t be seen? It’s not “matter” at all and it’s not 3D. It’s quantum energy.

Let me tell you something about physics. Yet again, I’ll make it simple. Everything your scientists have seen in physics happens in pairs. At the moment, there are four laws of physics in your three-dimensional paradigm. They represent two pairs of energy types. Eventually, there will be six. At the center of your galaxy is what you call a black hole, but it is not a single thing. It is a duality. There is no such thing as “singularity”. You might say it’s one energy with two parts – a weak and a strong quantum force. And the strangest thing is it knows who you are. It is the creator engine. It’s different in other galaxies than this one. It’s unique.

The very physics of your galaxy is postured by what you do here. The astronomers can look into the cosmos and they will discover different physics in different galaxies. Could it be that there’s something going on in the other galaxies like this one? I’m not going to answer that.

Different Thinking

Dear Human Being, this is bigger than you think. Old soul, this is bigger than you think. This is why we plead for you to stay on this planet and to change your cellular structure, to mine your Akash and start looking inside. In other words, do not take the past and project it to your future reality, for you are able to do things now that you were never able to do before. Gaia is cooperating. The Universe is cooperating and Lightworkers are moving into a manifestation paradigm.

Personally for your own body, many of you are getting younger instead of older. You are creating solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable. You were told today that your population is expanding at a rate of at least a billion souls every decade. So what does your past tell you the problem will be? It will be global explosion of humanity. The result, you feel, will be lack of food and water, overcrowding and starvation. That is what your past tells you will happen.

Let me tell you what the assumption is, dear Human Being. The assumption to create this conclusion is that Human Beings are simply too dense to notice it and have no idea what to do to change it. That’s the old perception, based on an old Human nature. Watch what happens. Watch…what…happens. You’re going to figure it out and there will be elegant solutions to unsolvable problems of the past.

In almost every field of science, this is coming. It will help Human Beings live longer and healthier without war. There’ll come a time when there won’t even be terrorism, dear ones. Oh, there will be unbalance, Human Being. That comes with life. But not country against country, not spiritual group against spiritual group.

This is what you are planting seeds for now, and the Universe knows who you are. Your galaxy resounds with your victory! Death has no sting. I will tell you this: You’re all involved for eons to come here. Old souls are starting to manifest the new reality. I have no clock. I cannot tell you how long this is going to take. But you’ve had 18 earth years to make a big difference, for that is the energy we see.

Recalibration of Systems and New Sight

By the way, what happens to the solar system when the magnetics shift? Now you start to see where astrology will begin to shift as well. There are those who will start to apply the quantum filter to astrology. It’s happening now. What is your quantum sign? It’s different than the three-dimensional sign. Oh, there’ll come a day, dear ones, in science, where the scientists will be able to apply what I will call a quantum filter to alter what they see. This will be a filter developed for telescopes that involves a super-cooling of the filter itself. Astronomers will be able to look out into the cosmos and, for the first time, see quantum attributes.

The first thing they’ll notice is two things in the center of the galaxy, not one. The next thing will be the colors around the Human Being. And science will start a whole new section called “The Study of the Human Auric Energy.” All of these are coming.

How long will all this take? That is up to you. Meanwhile, plant the seeds of understanding, of peacefulness, of appreciation and of love. Become slow to anger, slow to create drama. Take on the attributes of the masters, and that is what your abilities are changing to right now. Soften in all things. Look at each other differently.

There’ll come a time when there’s no war. Those in this room and those listening will know I’m right. Watch for these things in your science. When they happen, remember this day when I told you how it really works.

Blessed is the Human Being who has understood this message as personal for themselves, not about the cosmos. It’s about the inner being and the journey of the soul – and the Universe within.

And so it is.


The information is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits its sale in any form except by the publisher.

Lee Carroll

from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/kryon/channelings/the-recalibration-of-the-universe

CC Treadway on Spherical Time


By CC Treadway

In the beginning of time there was you. And in the end of time there will also be you.

This is what my Higher Self says at the beginning of every channeling.

Here we are, in 2012, at the beginning and end of time as we know it.

And what is a human life with no time?

I have often pondered this question to myself over the years. The Mayan Calendar has made it very popular to think of life without time, and yet it is not so easy to wrap our heads around this abstract concept! But, little by little, spherical time starts to take over, and the experience is felt in the body and heart, and trickles up to the mind.


I can’t explain it to you in any sort of technical way, and perhaps physics masters could really break it down. But let me tell you what I have been told, and what I have experienced of spherical time/space. Perhaps I can distill 5 years of channeling into one simple article.

We sit in the center of the universe.


We are the center of the universe.

We are the center of life in a holographic experience.

The universe around us, in space, exists spherically, spirally within a sphere that is Breathing.

The breath of God breathes Love, we are breathing in the Breath of God.

Within this sphere are time conglomerates of desires, experiences and memories. Some ours, some other’s, some in the land of myth, some our own consciousness having another life experience, some aspects of our monadic energy having a life experience. If we keep breathing in and out within the sphere, we become One, again and again. And then, on the exhale, we bring our focal point back to the individuated consciousness of I. Each time we expand our consciousness to be in the One, and then back into the individuated focal point of I, we bring more life into our Now. I would call this navigating spherical space, rather than learning over linear time.

There is then a gap to be bridged in the psyche of the human being, who exists linearly, in order to reconcile this paradigm shift. The bridge exists in the experience of expanding and contracting the consciousness through spherical space. The bridging of this gap can take some….time. Our larger God consciousness must fuse with the smaller human consciousness until it is seamless.

Within spherical space are these desires as I mentioned; we gravitate towards, and attract into our field, the desires that are the strongest. Some of these desires are what we want consciously, some turn out to be what we want unconsciously (which sometimes feels like the opposite of desire!) This is why it is so important to align with the Divine in ourselves, so that the Love of God can fill the unconscious places with light, helping us to attract what we really want, who we really are.

In this practice of breathing with God, a magical thing occurs. Our divine spark, through the law of attraction, magnetizes our soul family, our monadic family first in the energetic realms, then in the physical. Like magnets, the members of the soul family rush towards each other.

In this consistent alignment and surrender with our God self, we are inevitably united with our larger self. The physical unification process begins. And these remarkable aspects of our self can be hugged and kissed, just as we have always dreamed. Sigh.

The Love Affair with Creator continues.

I know this to be true in my life. There is nothing so healing, so uplifting, than to be surrounded by soul family. The individual consciousness then becomes part of the collective consciousness of the soul family and we begin to grow together as One. At first this is disorienting because the limited path of realizing our own dreams is challenged by the larger force of the group energy field. But, over time, this is also reconciled, as we find our place that fits in the community.

Spherical time, I am told, has linear time within it. This is good news. We can still use good old fashioned linear time to create and live when needed, but then there is this whole other force that is working for us while we sleep: The combined energy of the soul family with the Breath of God. There is a common intention, and I am finding it overrules my individual intention much of the time. The group intention is aligned with God, and this is a good thing. The individual self will welcome the larger force of the Divine and surrender to it willingly, especially because so many positive things happen as a result. If a soul family is committed to their higher growth, to the higher growth of humanity, it is safe to sink into it and trust.

At the beginning of time there was you. And at the end of time there will also be you.

Each day I meditate upon this, each day my understanding grows.


About CC Treadway

CC Treadway


CC Treadway, founder of Treadway Esoteric, is a healer, channel, sound healer and multidisciplinary artist.

To sign up for a free monthly newsletter, access educational tools and learn more about CC’s work and events, visit www.treadwayesoteric.com.

from:    http://www.spiritofmaat.com/feb12/spherical_time.html

Rotational Rate of Earth & TIme

Clifford E Carnicom
Jul 23 2003
Edited Jul 24 2003

Y Axis is the Difference in Time Between TA1 and UTC
TA1 is based upon atomic time. UTC is based upon the rotational speed of the earth.
X Axis is the Julian Day Number. Data begins on May 15 1976 and ends on Jul 23 2003
Source of Data : U.S. Naval Observatory

Research has been underway for several months to investigate a hypothesis that has been been forwarded to me for evaluation. The source of these propositions will remain unidentified at this time. The hypothesis purports the onset of major geophysical changes and life extinction cycles in the foreseeable and upcoming decades. The impact upon the earth and life from such events is extraordinary and beyond the realm of consideration for many people. There is also a claim of a connection between the aerosol operations and the anticipated geophysical events, and this has formed the basis for the research that is being presented herein. Additional hypotheses are under investigation, (e.g., biological and pharmaceutical) but they will not be be discussed at this point. No judgement on the veracity of these claims is being made, however, certain leads of investigation are being followed to see if they hold up to scrutiny and logic.

ONE such claim being made is that there exists a connection between the anticipated geophysical changes, the rotational rate of the earth and the aerosol operations. It has been stated that there is an attempt to use the aerosols to increase the rotational speed of the earth. This increase is viewed as an offsetting mechanism to the geophysical events which it is claimed will occur. At first response, it might appear that such a claim defies the realms of physical possibility, however, honest research does not allow such a presumption without an adequate investigation. It is also to be understood that no claim of benevolence to the general human population accompanies this description of geophysical manipulation.

There is a well known line by Mr. Carl Sagan, to the effect that, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Such is the case here. In my examination of this hypothesis, it appears to me that the central issue of examination drives toward the issue of TIME. If one were to claim that the rotational speed of the earth can be artificially affected, then a closer examination of time should reveal whether that claim has any merit. This would be the case regardless of the role, or non-role, of the aerosol operations. The rationale for this investigation is that TIME has historically evolved as an expression of that very same rotational rate of the earth. It is only with the more recent introduction of time based upon atomic standards that the issue of time has become murkier. Time is not so steady as many of us might presume, and there are now many different ways by which it can be measured. This discussion will be confined to three of these standards of time: TA1 (Atomic time), UT (based on the rotational rate of the earth) and UTC (UT adjusted periodically to keep pace with atomic time).

Small differences in time must now be considered to examine the questions which are before us. The geophysical effects of such small changes must also be considered in the future; initial research indicates that small changes in time (i.e., rotation rate) may lead to significant geophysical stress forces and their release. It also appears that our state of knowledge of earth rotational rate changes and geophysical correlations is quite inadequate.

There is, first of all, a fairly well established recent history that shows the rotational rate of the earth has been slowing down1,2,3. This rate is stated from numerous sources to be on the order of 0.7 to 0.9 seconds per year, and it seems to have held fairly steady since approximately 1900. In the interest of completeness, a graph4 depicting the history back to 1620 does show a period of increased rotational rate in contradiction to the more recent trend. To make matters additionally confusing, most sources that attribute a geophysical process of tidal actions to the slow down speak on the order of milliseconds per century, as opposed to a fraction of a second per year11. The same sources also do not appear to address the contradictions raised by the graphed data extending back to 1620. So there does appear to be many questions as to magnitude and rotational rate increase and decrease that must remain unanswered at this point.

The more immediate question is to ask whether or not it is conceivable that the aerosol operations are affecting the rotational rate of the earth. If this is the case, one would look for variance in the data beginning approximately 4 1/2 years ago as a potential indicator. The data that we should look at is the difference between atomic time (TA1) and the time based upon the rotational rate of the earth (UT). Although it required some labor to extract the data, this information is available from the United States Naval Observatory. In addition, the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) also becomes an important source of information. The graph of this difference expresses any unusual changes that may be taking place with respect to the rotational rate of the earth.

This graph is presented above for your review, and there are some intriguing findings that are to be mentioned.

1. The most recent leap second added to bring UTC (based upon rotational rate of the earth) in closer accordance with atomic time (TA1) occurred on Dec 31 1998. The lack of leap seconds (at the anticipated rate loss of approximately 0.8 seconds year) since that time is very much out of character with the preceding historical data set spanning more than 25 years. This indicates to us that the earth’s rotational rate must have actually increased in more recent years relative to the historical record. As a point of observation only, the aerosol operations are generally understood to have begun at a global level at the close of 1998 and beginning of 1999.

2. The post 1999 change is in contradiction to the numerous sources that claim a fairly steady rotational rate decrease on the order of 0.7 to 0.9 seconds per year.

3. No explanation can be found at this time by IERS as to the abrupt change in leap second additions (decline of) at the beginning of 1999. There have been no leap seconds added since Dec 31 1998, and this is at variance with the regular history preceding this announcement and as shown on the graph from the US Naval Observatory data. It would appear that a leap second addition is inevitable in the near future, after a lapse of 4 1/2 years.

4. The rate of decline (slope) shown within the graph also shows itself to be unique within the time period covered, from 1976 to 2003. The decline (slope) post 1999 is considerably less than that which has preceded.

5. The “stair -step” behavior of the decline rate since 1999 is a most interesting feature of the data. There are 4 periods (and the beginning of a fifth), fairly regularly spaced, where the rotational rate decline temporarily levels off. This pattern also does not appear within the general data set, and it does indicate the possibility of a disturbing mechanism (artificial or otherwise) to the rotation rate.

“Stair Step” Pattern Visible in Post 1999 Series
Y Axis is the Difference in Time Between TA1 and UTC
TA1 is based upon atomic time. UTC is based upon the rotational speed of the earth.
X Axis is the Julian Day Number. Data begins on Jan 01 1999 and ends on Jul 23 2003
Source of Data : U.S. Naval Observatory

6. The long term predictions issued by the IERS for the period of 1997 – 2007 indicated that approximately 7 leap seconds were anticipated to be added within the period from 1999 to 2007. However, NO leap seconds have been added (as of this date), i.e., a period of 4 1/2 years have elapsed without any additions. This is out of character with the historical record as well as at odds with the last known predictions of the worldwide time standard service.

7. Curiously, the long term time prediction service of the U.S. Naval Observatory has apparently been discontinued, at least to the public. This is apparently the case with IERS also, as no updates past 1999 for long term predictions have been found. The question is, WHY? Why would a fundamental geophysical service that is important to many human endeavors be eliminated?

8. A statistical test between the means of the daily differences (leap seconds excluded) between the post Jan 01 1999 data and the pre Jan 01 1999 data is significant at the 99.9999+% level12. This test demonstrates that the data after Jan 01 1999 is highly anomalous relative to the previous history. The slope ratio between the two data sets is on the order of 1 to 3, with the post Jan 01 1999 data decreasing at a rate of 1/3 the pre Jan 01 1999 data.
(N1 = 8245, Mean1 = -.00201 secs. / day, sigma1 = .000701; N2 = 1633, Mean2 = -.00067 secs. / day, sigma2 = .000501 : Z = 91.4)

9. If attempts have been made to decrease the rotational rate decline, an analysis of the data would suggest that it may have been only momentarily successful and delaying; a more deeply entrenched geophysical process appears to reign.

In an effort to monitor this issue, this researcher has developed independent time standards. Astronomic occultation observations have been and are being conducted8,9,10, and a digital time standard has been established. The expected error in the astronomic observations is approximately 0.5 seconds, and the digital time reference system has an expected error of approximately 0.2 seconds per month. The insertion of leap seconds can likely be detected independently with these reference frames in place. The difference between UT1 (atomic time) and UTC (based upon rotational rate of the earth and adjusted within tolerance of atomic time) continues to be available to a high level of precision through the U.S. Naval Observatory, and can be monitored by the public.

If one now considers the possibility that the earth’s rotation rate can be artifically affected, the next important step is to ask what physical mechanism can conceivably accomplish this. This will undoubtedly lead toward advanced studies in physics, and at this point I can only make a suggestion as to where such research might lead. The source behind the hypothesis being discussed has stated only that methods of resonance involving sub-atomic particles are the basis of the physical mechanism; no additional specific or detailed information is available.

Any hypothesis that merits serious consideration must stand the tests of cross-examination and hopefully is tenable within the laws of physics and science that we have adopted in this time and place. In an effort to conclude the current discussion and yet prompt the reader with an avenue for further work, I would like to mention the following area of physics which holds some promise for the consideration of resonance as a physical mechanism.

I have acquainted myself with a sub-discipline of physics that is termed “nuclear magnetic resonance”, and it appears to be worthy of additional effort. Nuclear magnetic resonance has developed to become a highly significant branch of modern physics, and is most commonly known within the medical community. The fundamental principle behind nuclear magnetic resonance, as I understand it, is this:

Certain atomic particles, when subjected to radio frequency energy in the presence of a magnetic field, will absorb that energy to cause variations in their sub-atomic spin rates, i.e., the angular rate of rotation of that particle. Energy absorption will occur at resonance if the proper frequencies are used in conjunction with a particular magnetic field strength5,6,7. (Note : the source states that nuclear magnetic resonance is only ancillary to the primary mechanisms which operate at a broader level and with variable energy forms beyond that of radio frequencies).

This principle is clearly under the domain of quantum physics, and as such much work lies before us to fairly evaluate the viability of such a mechanism to operate at a geophysical level. Readers with knowledge of the 4 1/2 years of research embedded within this site may recognize why such a mechanism is to be considered in all seriousness. The apparent anomalies with the earth rotational data, as they have been described above, provide a further impetus for the deeper study ahead of us.

Clifford E Carnicom
Jul 23 2003
Edited Jul 24 2003

for references and source, go to:    http://www.carnicominstitute.org/articles/time1.htm

Jim Self on Moving Through DImensions

2012 – What Do You Mean the 3rd Dimension Is Going Away?

  • By Jim Self


As 2012 approaches there is an increasing urgency to this message because we’re all, literally, running out of time to play in the third dimension.

In simple terms, the habit of thinking and feeling and behaving that we know of as the third dimension is going away. Everyone is shifting into a fourth dimensional consciousness and experience, and then into a fifth dimensional consciousness and experience.

However, most people on the planet are not prepared for this Shift. But it is happening nonetheless, and for those who are unaware of what’s going on it will not be an easy or comfortable experience.

Yet this can be a wonderful, enjoyable time as well. With some basic information about what the Shift is, and what “dimensions” are, and with simple tools to help manage our thoughts and feelings, everyonehas the ability to evolve their consciousness and move gracefully and joyfully into these higher vibrational realms.

If you don’t know what dimensions are, you are not alone. Most people playing the game of life as we know it in the third dimension are playing without a “rule book” that would explain what the game really is and how one can play it successfully.

This article provides these basic, missing rules. It explains what the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions are, and why they are the most important consideration of your life right now.

If you can understand the structure and play of these dimensions, you can begin to move fluidly through the unprecedented changes of this Shift without fear, without effort, without the tension and anxiety that is, for the most part, the daily habit of our lives.

So, first of all, let me define what dimensions are not.

Dimensions are not places or locations, and they are not a linear progression – 3, 4, 5, 6 – stacked up like pancakes.  And the 3rddimension, or the 4th dimension, is not the chair you’re sitting in, or the walls that surround you, or even the Earth itself. That is form, which exists predominantly in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, and which will still be very much part of the play in the 4th dimension when the 3rd dimension is no longer an option.

In general, dimensions are states of consciousness available to anyone who vibrates in resonance with the specific frequencies and opportunities available within each dimension.

In a way, you could think of each dimension as a different game with a different set of rules as to what is possible and not possible for the beings that choose to play and create there.

So what is the 3rd Dimension?

The third dimension (3D) is a box of rigid beliefs, more or less, with a relatively inflexible set of rules and limitations. Most of us have been playing this game for lifetimes, so we tend to think it is the only game available to us.  But nothing could be further from the truth.  One of the rigid 3D beliefs that structure our lives – our thinking and feeling and actions – is linear time.

Linear time is an optional belief and structure that let’s us “live” an experience of past and a future… and then we die.  Because this belief is the default assumption of mass 3D consciousness, and events seem to validate the belief, most of us think and act as if it’s true.

But now we are all waking up from the illusion of this ubiquitous belief. And as you become more conscious, you realize that time in 3D is actually a time loop. What you experience in “the past” is pretty much what you put your attention on now, and you project that reality into “the future,” and therefore you experience it over and over again.

So the structure of time is quite specific (and limiting) in the 3rd dimension, but your experience of time is quite different (and empowering) as you move into higher dimensions.

Everything in a 3D consciousness is also very conditional. The concept of, for example, ‘unconditional love,’ does not exist in the 3rd dimension. If you experience ‘unconditional love’ or ‘unconditional peace’ you have actually moved into a fourth dimensional (4D) consciousness.

You see, in the earth experience now, we have access to both 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness, but most of us rarely step out of the well-grooved habits of 3D thinking and feeling.

The 3rd dimension also offers no possibility of choice. We don’t chooseour thoughts, feelings, and actions in every moment (that’s a skill of 4D and 5D), instead we react from unconscious beliefs and training to the people and situations that pop up in our space.

Duality provides another rigid structure for 3D experience. Up/down. Left/right. Should/shouldn’t. Since the fall of Atlantis 12,500 years ago, we have become very fearful as a way of life, and in that fear we have learned to narrowly define good and bad, right and wrong, etc. Unconscious judgment permeates 3D thinking.

Moreover, we perceive our 3D experience predominantly with the left hemisphere of the brain, home of the rational mind, and so we use only about 5 to 10 percent of the brain’s capacity to play the 3D game. Most of us suspect the rest of our brain must do something but have no idea what it actually does and how it functions.

In fact, what the rest of the brain enables us to do is function in the higher 4th and 5th dimensions, and beyond.

We already have the potential, all the necessary equipment and wiring, right now, to be fully conscious in all these dimensions. But our habits of thinking and feeling, grooved over many lifetimes, dumbs= us down and limit us to 3D experience.  Our left-brain, rational mind only knows what it knows, and doesn’t know what it doesn’t know, and it works tirelessly to keep us within a thin range of objective 3D thinking and possibilities.  And we, for the most part, have gone along for the ride. But no longer.

The increasing light energies and frequencies of the Shift are rewiring our brains to allow us access to a much wider range of information and possibility than is available in the 3rd dimension.  These light energies are preparing us for 4D and 5D experience, even as they are clearing the rigid 3D “rules” from our consciousness.

So what is the 4th Dimension?

The “rules” of 4th dimensional consciousness provide an enhanced sense of ease, possibility, and capability than the structures of the 3rddimension.

Time in 4D, for example, is always present time. The focus is only ever this moment, what is happening right now. Our bodies already know only this present time; they can’t know ‘yesterday’ or ‘tomorrow,’ and as conscious beings in our natural alignment in the higher 4th dimension, we function absolutely in this “Now” of present time awareness and attention. When our attention point becomes present time awareness, choice becomes possible again. We can observe any and all events with a sense of detachment, merely as information to consider, and from that still, uncluttered platform we are then, and only then, free to choose our response. In the higher 4thdimension we become response-able.

A concept and possibility known as paradox also becomes available in the present time of 4D consciousness. Paradox simply means that what was true just a moment ago may not be true right now. And what was false a moment ago may no longer be false. Instead of applying rigid, pre-existing definitions to any experience, we choose our preferred version and vibration in every moment.

So as we move into 4D consciousness in present time, with the power of choice and response-ability, and the flexibility of paradox, the ability to alter the game to enhance our happiness and wellbeing becomes available.

Interestingly, 4D consciousness will not be a long-term option after the Shift clears away the rigid structures of 3D consciousness.

The 4th dimension is serving as an essential, but short-lived, stepping stone or vibrational platform from which we will all move into 5th dimensional consciousness. 5D is the target for Earth and all her inhabitants. The archangels have said the entire consciousness of Earth will be a fifth dimensional consciousness by the year 2015.

But although the 5th  dimension is the target, the experience of the 4th dimension is essential.  We cannot enter 5D directly from 4D. All mental and emotional baggage from the 3rd dimension must be left at the door to the 4th  dimension, and we can only enter the 5thdimension after we have become masterful of our thoughts and feelings in the 4th dimension.

Some assembly is required.

So what is the 5th Dimension?

The 5th dimension operates, to a great extent, in a completely differently fashion from the 3rd and 4th dimensions.

Time in 5D is instantaneous time, meaning that everything (all possibilities) occurs in the same place at the same moment. In 5D, you focus your attention and the answer or experience is given to you exactly when and where you focus.

Ask and you shall receive.

In 5D, you don’t have to move or go anywhere for your answers or experiences; everything comes to you easily and effortlessly based upon the attention point and vibration you choose to hold in every moment.

When you are vibrating in 5D consciousness, you don’t create with form as you do in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, you create with light and light patterns and light frequencies. You apply sound and color and geometric shapes. You consciously interact with the Creator and all the Beings of Light.

In this heightened consciousness, the rational mind plays a very minimal role. It returns to a small, specific focus it was intended to have, namely the wellbeing of the physical body.

But before we can move into our vibrational home that is 5D consciousness, we must first become masterful of the vibrations and possibilities of 4D consciousness. This is the focus of the Shift for most people as we head into the ever-accelerating events of 2012.

So how do you become masterful in 4D consciousness?

The Tools of 4D Present Time

As I mentioned, 4D is the ‘right now’ of ‘present time.’ But present time actually has four different levels.

In 2010, we all stepped into the third level. As we move 2012, we will step into the fourth, and final, level. In that level, when you think, ‘I would like an apple,’ the apple is going to appear in your hand. Usually when I say that people get very excited. And it is exciting. However … there is a however.

The vast majority of people on this planet are not prepared to be the masters of their every thought, feeling, and action in every moment. But there’s no option. It’s a required, baseline skill of higher 4D and 5D consciousness.

One of the reasons the 3rd dimension was created was to provide a “playground” in which we each can practice and hone the vibration of our thoughts and feelings. To accomplish this, the 3D playground has a time buffer. Instead of ‘instant manifestation’ there is a time lag between the thought we think and the manifestation or experience of that thought.  For the most part, we are very sloppy with this buffer.

Instead of focusing on what we want, and allowing this to unfold over time, we spew anger, frustration, boredom, worry, anxiety, blame, guilt, fear – all kinds of lower, disharmonic thoughts and feelings. We behave as if we can think and feel anything with impunity because we do not see the instantaneous results of our thinking.

But no longer. As 3D linear time is collapsing into a single point of present time, the time buffer is collapsing too. We have less opportunity to practice being aware of our mental and emotional habits before what we think is what we get. This is a very big deal.

Fortunately, some simple energy tools can help you manage your thoughts and emotions in every moment so that you can be prepared for the unprecedented opportunity and challenge of living and creating in present time in the higher dimensions.

These basic energy tools are available for free on our websitewww.masteringalchemy .com but let me explain a few of them here by way of example.

to read more, go to:    http://lightworker.com/Spectrum//articles/551/1/2012—What-Do-You-Mean-the-3rd-Dimension-Is-Going-Away/Page1.html