G. Edward Griffin, author of
The Creature from Jekyll Island; A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, has responded by saying: “I enthusiastically support this bill because it could bring to light so many unconstitutional activities that we instinctively know are commonplace at the Fed but cannot prove. But I am concerned that the government may do what it usually does in such cases, which is that it investigates itself, takes so long to do so that the public eventually loses interest, eventually it publishes a 2,000 page book of meaningless minutia, and concludes that, aside from a few minor infractions of the law by low-level personnel, everything is fine.
So, I strongly urge Representative Massie and others with influence over this investigation to ensure that all the appointed members of the investigating committee once again declare allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and can prove that they are familiar with Article One that defines the limitations on the issuance of money. Another wise provision would be to require that no more than 50% of the appointees may be dependent on government funding as their primary livelihood income. Furthermore, all actions, documents, and substantive conversations between investigators and/or witnesses should be recorded and, within 24 hours of occurrence, published online for public access. There should be a hard deadline of no more than four months to produce and publish the unredacted findings of the committee. To make this meaningful, it also should include the clear statement that there can be no exceptions to this rule including the claim of national security, for the simple reason that full transparency in matters of this magnitude is essential for national security.
Many politicians will most likely not be willing to endorse such a proposal, but they are the same ones who will do nothing to seriously challenge the Federal Reserve power regardless of the disclosures of the committee. They are talkers, not doers. Their mission is to give us hope, but they will betray us eventually when they fail to support meaningful change. So, let’s not play political games any longer. Investigate, yes, But then eliminate! That’s our goal, and time to do so is running out!”
Summary by JW Williams from excerpts taken from JBS New American and Thomas Massie
Congressman Thomas Massie reintroduced H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2025, also known as “Audit the Fed.” The bill would require the Comptroller General to conduct a full examination of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Banks.
The American public deserves more insight into the practices of the Federal Reserve,” Rep. Massie said. “Behind closed doors, the Fed crafts monetary policies that devalue our currency, slow economic growth, and make life harder for the poor and middle class. The American people benefit when we work to increase government transparency.”
H.R. 24, titled the “Federal Reserve Transparency Act,” is cosponsored by 41 other representatives.
In a 2023 interview, Congressman Massie pointed out that if the Federal Reserve were audited, and its secret activities were revealed, it would likely be abolished.
In May 2024, Massie issued this press release that explains that the Federal Reserve is to blame for inflation:
“Americans are suffering under crippling inflation, and the Federal Reserve is to blame. During COVID, the Federal Reserve created trillions of dollars out of thin air and loaned it to the Treasury Department to enable unprecedented deficit spending. By monetizing the debt, the Federal Reserve devalued the dollar and enabled free money policies that caused the high inflation we see today.
Monetizing debt is a closely coordinated effort between the White House, Federal Reserve, Treasury Department, Congress, Big Banks, and Wall Street. Through this process, retirees see their savings evaporate due to the actions of a central bank pursuing inflationary policies that benefit the wealthy and connected. If we really want to reduce inflation, the most effective policy is to end the Federal Reserve.”
There was, in fact, a partial audit of the Federal Reserve in 2010, that revealed that the Fed gave over $16 trillion in secret bank bailouts during the Great Recession.
The Federal Reserve’s creation in 1913 remains one of the most egregious violations of the US Constitution. In addition to blatantly violating the Constitution by its very existence, the Fed has the ability to single-handedly manipulate the economy and devalue the US dollar.