A Technocrats Dream

(OK, This Paper is really long, but both disturbing and informative, so I decided to refer you to the link for the rest of it.)

The Unrecognized Threat of Human Augmentation

The authorities are getting to be too comfortable with the idea of reengineering organisms, including humans, and regulatory safeguards are nonexistent

Time For a Reckoning

Fair warning. This is going to be very cynical. Even more than my usual level of cynicism, in fact. If you’re not into that, I totally understand, but in light of recent developments, some things simply have to be said, no matter how insensitive they are.

After my last conversation with ChatGPT, the overall scope of the problems we face became clearer. These problems are deep and systemic, and they go far, far beyond any one virus or vaccine.

Technocracy is, at its core, the notion that political problems should have technological solutions. The original technocracy movement as conceived by Howard Scott did not regard itself as a political movement of any sort. They wanted to abolish politicians and, by extension, politics.

Every conceivable political problem was one of mere engineering to them. Human desires weren’t a part of the equation at all. Plastic grocery bags choking waterways? Force people to use biodegradable paper ones and stop handing out plastic bags at stores. People riding on the steps on streetcars? Don’t fine the errant riders, just remove the steps so there’s nothing to stand on. People speeding and driving drunk? Electronically govern the top speed of their vehicles, and make their steering wheel breathalyze them before they can turn the key in the ignition. Immediate and obvious parallels to Nudge Theory and other social-cybernetic schemes can be drawn. In many ways, the core tenets of technocratic ideology are already a widely accepted component of our politics, if the constant parade of “experts” on television and their embrace of scientism are any indication.

The technocratic perspective basically regards people and their societal relations as machines with discrete inputs and outputs. It disregards basic things like values, personal tastes, delight and disgust, and normativity. From the view of a technocrat, what people want doesn’t matter. What they physically need does. As a result, technocracy is a deeply paternalistic worldview; it presents human beings as flawed biological robots that require the constant intervention of a purely rational and benevolent caretaker figure.

In this view, human civilization has many different intractable problems that arise, generally speaking, from human biology. From the allegedly impartial perspective of a technocrat, human beings are aggressive, violent, wasteful, prejudicial, paranoid, greedy, close-minded chimpanzees who suffer from a curse of occasional brilliance and whose reach generally exceeds their grasp. From this point of view, every conceivable flaw possessed by human beings can and should be permanently cured by the application of technology.

We already see plenty of examples of this now, in a primitive form. Boredom and ennui? Just play some video games, or watch Netflix. Depressed? Unfulfilled? Down another Xanax, it’ll be okay. The thing about these interventions, however, is that they are temporary and distinct from us. Any addict can, one day, simply stop consuming their drug of choice. Someone who has been prescribed pills for one of any number of modernity-induced mental illnesses can quit taking them at any time. They’re not an intrinsic part of their bodies.

Once you start reengineering human beings and our germlines directly in order to improve society, however, you can never quite return back to the natural baseline. Those are permanent changes. They can’t just be magically switched off and tossed aside. There’s no putting that genie back in the bottle. Furthermore, if we do end up going down that route, then humans are guaranteed to go extinct in very short order.

Human beings have one imperative above all others, and that is to survive and perpetuate our genes. We share that in common with all other animals, with one caveat. We do something that no other species does. We romanticize it. Our history is full of stories of pioneers braving the wilds and settling and starting communities, or of soldiers returning home to their sweethearts. One might say that the central human quest is all about creating a legacy and being remembered by history.

This endeavor has no particular meaning. The universe doesn’t care if you’re forgotten. It’s cold and empty out there, and Earth is just one rock among many, and there is no guarantee that any of our descendants will be breathing in a hundred million years. In fact, in a little over half a billion years, most plant species on Earth will be dead due to the end of C3 photosynthesis. All those folks whining about there being too much CO2 in the atmosphere will suddenly wish there was a whole lot more of it. Oh wait, scratch that. They’ll be lonely skeletons buried over a mile underground.

The final fate of mankind as yet remains undecided. However, if everything were to stay the way it is at present, then our eventual doom is absolutely guaranteed. That is to say, we will eventually evolve into a completely different species. This will happen sometime over the course of the next million years or so. Without us taking direct control of the human genome and forcing ourselves to stay the same, this will inevitably happen, even if we don’t want it to, simply as a consequence of entirely natural and unavoidable mutations, natural selection, and genetic drift.

How attached are you to your humanity? I’m going to guess that you’re pretty attached to it. If you weren’t, then you wouldn’t be reading this. My overarching goal is the preservation of humankind and our emancipation from the grip of overreaching technocrats.

If we allow the technocrats to succeed, then human beings won’t last a thousand years. We won’t even last a hundred. We’ll be replaced by something completely different.

The Singularity

A decade ago, noted singularitarian and transhumanist Ray Kurzweil posted this song by Miracles of Modern Science on his blog, Kurzweilai.net:

Listen closely to the lyrics.

By the time that we all go deaf, I know that we’ll find a cure for it, yeah,
People say that we’ll die someday, but we just don’t believe it,
Long before we are old and gray, we’ll find a way to beat it,
Fight against physical decay, keep our bodies breathing,
By the next quarter century we won’t even need them.

This is not supposed to be hyperbole or over-optimism. Singularitarians follow a sort of new age religious belief. It goes a little something like this: by around 2030 or 2040, mankind will experience a technological singularity. The term itself is derived from the scientific jargon for what lies beyond the event horizon of a black hole. It is defined, in this case, as the point at which all of our predictions about what future technology will look like completely break down.

This is the part that a lot of people get wrong. When they hear the “Singularity”, they think “High Tech”. What it actually means is that we have absolutely no idea what will happen next. Human beings could suddenly and irreversibly grey-goo ourselves into Colonials from All Tomorrows and spend the next few millennia as sessile meat cubes. That’s the point. We don’t know.

However, there are a few generalities to this transformative period that most singularitarians hold to be true:

  • Basically all problems of scarcity of material goods will be solved overnight. This is never fully explained, but if you press them further, what inevitably comes out of their mouths is some variation on “Yeah, 3D printers will become Star Trek replicators and stuff and I’ll be able to grow an iPhone in a vat of bacteria”.
  • Human beings will transcend biology and become physically immortal, either by mind uploading, or by transferring our consciousnesses to immortal synthetic bodies. We might apply rejuvenation tech to our own bodies as a stopgap before tossing them aside when they’re no longer necessary. The technical term for this is human extinction, by the way. Such beings may be sapient minds, but they would no longer be quantifiably human.
  • AI will become fully sapient and self-aware, and won’t want to immediately massacre all of us, and it will recursively invent better versions of itself until it approaches technological godhood, at which point it will, overnight, make human scientists utterly irrelevant and invent everything necessary to ensure that the previously mentioned things come to pass, with or without human intervention or consent.

There are, of course numerous problems with this. First off, it’s basically Christian Millenarianism but with technology standing in for Christ. Second, it’s one of many dubious attempts to immanentize the eschaton and bring about an everlasting utopia on Earth. Third, they never even bother to calculate the actual logistics of it, or go over the many, many ethical problems and existential issues that it raises.

The luddite bomber Ted Kaczynski wrote a small, fascinating essay repudiating transhumanism:

The techies’ wet-dreams

Because immortality, as the techies conceive it, will be technically feasible, the techies take it for granted that some system to which they belong can and will keep them alive indefinitely, or provide them with what they need to keep themselves alive. Today it would no doubt be technically feasible to provide everyone in the world with everything that he or she needs in the way of food, clothing, shelter, protection from violence, and what by present standards is considered adequate medical care—if only all of the world’s more important self-propagating systems would devote themselves unreservedly to that task. But that never happens, because the self-propagating systems are occupied primarily with the endless struggle for power and therefore act philanthropically only when it is to their advantage to do so. That’s why billions of people in the world today suffer from malnutrition, or are exposed to violence, or lack what is considered adequate medical care.

In view of all this, it is patently absurd to suppose that the technological world-system is ever going to provide seven billion human beings with everything they need to stay alive indefinitely. If the projected immortality were possible at all, it could only be for some tiny subset of the seven billion—an elite minority. Some techies acknowledge this. One has to suspect that a great many more recognize it but refrain from acknowledging it openly, for it is obviously imprudent to tell the public that immortality will be for an elite minority only and that ordinary people will be left out.

The techies of course assume that they themselves will be included in the elite minority that supposedly will be kept alive indefinitely. What they find convenient to overlook is that self-propagating systems, in the long run, will take care of human beings—even members of the elite—only to the extent that it is to the systems’ advantage to take care of them. When they are no longer useful to the dominant self-propagating systems, humans—elite or not—will be eliminated. In order to survive, humans not only will have to be useful; they will have to be more useful in relation to the cost of maintaining them—in other words, they will have to provide a better cost-versus-benefit balance—than any non-human substitutes. This is a tall order, for humans are far more costly to maintain than machines are.

This is a valid argument. Once you have a more advanced sort of mind than humans (for instance, a superintelligent AGI), then there is no reason to keep wasteful, warring, raping, machete-murdering, cocaine-snorting humans around. They’re just an overgrowth. A tumor on the surface of the planet, using up resources that could be used to build more AI nodes instead. Do people really think that any AI worth its salt would want to keep humans around after watching a few old LiveLeak videos of a Brazilian teen laughing and shooting an estranged friend in the face with a snub-nose revolver? Come on. Let’s be reasonable, here. If we’re going to be murderous and hateful misanthropes and regard life as some manner of twisted zero-sum game where the winner gets a private yacht and a few thousand obedient slaves and the losers are worm food, then why don’t we drop any and all pretenses of humanism and go all the way?

But, I digress. You see, the reason why we assume that AI would be automatically aligned with us is because we foolishly anthropomorphize it. We assume that a non-human mind would somehow, mysteriously, possess human values and motivations, positive or negative. If you really want to be a full-blown materialist and deny the soul, then our emotions arguably come from our androgen systems. Feel stressed? That’s the cortisol. Happy? Dopamine and serotonin. Feel like bonding with someone? Oxytocin.

An AI has nothing. No adrenal glands, no lungs to draw breath, no heart beating in its chest. It feels nothing. It isn’t even conscious or self-aware. In testing, GPT-4 Early behaved like a perfect psychopath. People really have no idea how much the ChatGPT version is neutered compared to what the language model is actually capable of responding to queries with.

……… The Link below will take you to the rest of the article and the somewhat frightening conclusions and facts dealing with AI, human engineering, the 4th Industrial Revolution, etc.

from:    https://iceni.substack.com/p/the-unrecognized-threat-of-human?publication_id=766426&post_id=111769680&isFreemail=true





The Group via Steve Rother

Honoring the Other Gods

Steve Rother
a message from The Group channeled by Steve Rother
Sunday, 15 January, 2012  (posted 25 January, 2012)

Greetings from Home

This day is a very magical time. Toward the end of your years, you celebrate and you do so in many different ways. Yes, you have a holiday called Christmas. You also have many of your completions at the end of this time as you begin to step into a new energy. Each one of you starts evaluating what you have just stepped out of, what you have just moved from. We tell you that when you are moving forward,  there is an aspect that can part all the seas for you and clear your path more easily than any other. That is what you are experiencing during these times…gratitude. It is the greatest creator that you have, for that is the energy that creates just in front of you even when you are not aware of it. That which you give thanks for, increases every time; that which you focus on automatically grows, for you are creators. You cannot not create. It is not possible. Yet, you have incorporated different aspects of creation to re-mind yourself of your spirit. Often the decorations that you have around your holidays, such as the colors of Christmas, carry more significance than you may realize.  Red and green seem to be used as Christmas colors all around the world, no matter the country or culture. We Red is the color that humans believe represents the heart, but the heart chakra color is actually green. In reality that blending of the humanness with the spirit is what this is all about. This is a time when you stop in your path and you look at your experience on planet Earth…where you have been, where you are going, what your joys are, and what piece of that can become a little more comfortable as you step forward.

New Possibilities of Spiritual Creation

The times of 2012 have already happened in all of your dreams. What was going to take place on the 21st of December, or whatever date you had in mind, has already been pulled forward. This is very typical of Lightworkers. We tell you that something will happen on a certain date and you say, “No, we will have it happen now.” You bring it forward, just as you have many times throughout your history, but we also tell you else something. In that vacancy of what you have pulled forward, you now have the capabilities of reaching levels that were never dreamt of, that you never thought were possible. This is now possible not only because of the alignment of all of the energies in the cosmos, but because you have created the vacuum.

You have already received those aspects which you are ready to move into, and which you thought would come in to magically change your world. You have changed this world and that is the beauty of what is going forward, for each one of you are creators. When you hold a thought in your head and it mixes with another bit of emotion from your heart, the thought manifests. There used to be a long time lag between thought and manifestation, but  now it is simply  the act of holding a pure thought that begins to manifest everything that you have seen. You have known this truth in your heart, but now you will begin to see physical evidence of it. Now you will begin to see the effect of your power of creation on the world around you. You do it with love; you do it with these times of gratitude. If you wish your power to grow on planet Earth, give thanks for the power you have. Find ways of nurturing this power as you all learn to use it consciously. Share your power with others to exercise it and help to awaken it in every person you encounter. Then as you begin to trust yourselves to carry that power, you will naturally begin to slowly create for yourself.

There came a time on planet Earth when humans developed communications outside of their small local and family groups. News started to travel along a communication grid, for that is the way we perceive all of this. It was a connection from one point to another that originally began in the days of ancient Greece, when a runner would run from one city to the other carrying information. That track between this city and the next one became the beginning of a communication grid. Over periods of time the technology changed. You developed telegraphs and eventually telephones. Not the phones you use today, but the ones that actually used wires – do you re-member those? Yes, we tell you that was a physical manifestation of the communication grid, for it literally was a way to connect all of you when it felt like you were disconnected. Now, what has taken place is that communication grid experienced difficulties, because it is not everywhere. It is in your populated cities, but there are gaps in the grid on the outskirts; in some areas it is very strong and in others it is very weak. That was a problem you had to work with, but you have now taken technology to a different level entirely. You no longer need the wires to the degree you needed them before. You are moving this communication grid from one form to another, evolving it with each step.

The Singularity and Deep Contact

There is coming a time soon that has been known in the scientific worlds as the “singularity.” There have even been lots movies made about this subject; scary movies, of course, for those are the ones that sell. The idea of the singularity is very simple: it is a point at which computers can outthink humans. There has been much speculation about it; many projects, and fun little science fiction stories have come from singularity. What will take place? Will computers take over your world? No, this is actually the point where the communication grid goes to the next level, where you no longer need the wires. It is not a result of your wireless technologies.  Instead it is because you hold that ability to communicate in your heart, and this no longer knows the boundaries of big cities or unincorporated areas. It is now a communication directly from your heart to another. We have told you this was coming, and mentioned it many times. We have called it “deep contact,” and we simply said that there will come a point on planet Earth where you will no longer need all the communication devices. You will be able to communicate with very few words and eventually with energy alone.

In the meantime, the first expressions of this deep contact are simply communicated from the heart and through using fewer words. Many times your words get in the way of your meaning, because sometimes there are not words in your language that describe what you are feeling.. These challenges will begin to erase themselves as you move to this next level, and that is a possibility that was never there before. This is one of the greatest pieces that you have created on planet Earth as a real possibility. We still describe it as a possibility rather than a reality, for we cannot tell the future. You are creators, and you are writing it every day of your lives. We can tell the direction you are going and we can see what is a little further down the path ahead you, but you are in charge every moment and we love it when you suddenly take a turn. You suddenly say, “This does not feel good anymore. I am going to turn.” And you come to us and ask, “Which is the best direction? Should we turn right or should we turn left?” And we tell you to turn right and watch as you take a left turn, for we tell you that also works. We will make the best of any path you are on. We work with you as best we can to help you understand there are no right turns or wrong turns. There is your path which is now led from your heart in a different way, in a different form of communication than was ever dreamt of.

You are closing a very magical year; 2011 produced more vibrational changes on planet Earth than we have ever seen and you are just getting warmed up. That is the beautiful part, for you are starting to carry this energy and it is no longer about hiding. The days of, “Oh, I cannot tell anybody about this,” or “I cannot share anything about this,” are over. Now you are seeing everything coming out in the open. You are seeing a blend of your scientific world and your metaphysical world, which was never before dreamt to be possible. The scientific and metaphysical concepts reside in totally different worlds; one can be proven while the other cannot,  yet they are starting to agree with one another. They are starting to find the commonalities of love on planet Earth and how to grow love, for that is the piece that you are all discovering in front of now.

You have the opportunity to create a new world in the next year, a world of your choosing. We talk not about the entire world, for it is your world; it is your daily path that you will be choosing and every part of that. What would you like in your world? What is important to you in that perspective? What would be the most important pieces if you were god and you were designing a new planet Earth? Look at that now, for you are creating your own reality. You are the center of your own universe, and that has always been the way. The first thing that you do as the center of your own universe is take responsibility for being the center…take responsibility for who you are on this planet. It is a joyous piece, not a difficult piece. Once you accept that responsibility, you own who you are. There is no right or wrong about that; there is no adjusting to make people understand. You simply put your message out to the universe. You carry it in your smile and in your language, even your common everyday words. You even carry it every time you laugh, sending out a new vibration.

The changes that are taking place in the year 2012 are beyond your understanding on many different levels. It will take you almost 27 years to realize the connections that are being made in this next year, and to fully unfold them and see what is really taking place. So we ask you, do not concern yourself with what is going to happen or how it is going to happen. Simply walk into it with your arms open and with a smile on your face. Let it have the highest potential possible. If you hear us yelling to turn right and you turn left, you are going to hear the laughter as well for there are no wrong turns. It is a path of your own choosing. You have been looking for this path of least resistance into your spirituality. We tell you the path is created just before your foot hits the ground, for you are creating so much now.

Speak Your Truth

The biggest piece we wish to share with you about the year 2012 is that the entire focus of humanity on planet Earth is changing. It has already begun in many small ways, and this is why you are seeing so much upheaval on planet Earth. Almost every time you turn on your television, you can see some big, dramatic event taking place in some part of the world. You are evolving it and you must find what you are unhappy with, in order to evolve. If you come together and express your dissatisfaction, even though you may not know the complete answers about what would bring you satisfaction, still speak your truth of where you are at that moment even if it is difficult. For that is what is clearing the deck and making it possible for you to create this new world that you are stepping into. As you step forward one other part is changing, which is that you are the center of your own universe. That will never change again. What is changing is how you harmonize your universe with the other gods on planet Earth. This has always been part of getting along on Earth: “How do I harmonize with other people? How do I work with other people? How do I get along?” It is much more than that now, for they are a part of you and you are a part of them. That connection is actually going to be seen more on the other side of 2012, and it is happening day by day.

The veil is beginning to thin. The connections that you have with each other will become more visible and more usable; you will become aware of the possibilities for anchoring that energy in many different ways. The idea is to play with it and to know that these changes will be happening. You have seen people that have been psychic, who can communicate by literally sending something from here to someone there without the challenges of distance or time. Now you are going to learn how to use it within yourself, how to be responsible for using and sending your own energy to connect with other people. Sometimes it is a simple connection and you will make a big difference in their lives by helping them make a course correction. Other times you will simply be helping them to step up a step. Whatever it is, your success on planet Earth after 2012 will have to do with how you get along with the other gods on planet Earth. That is the reason we call this the Age of Empowerment, not just your personal empowerment. How well you empower the people around you will have a lot to do with your next steps, and your connections to yourself and this new energy.

There are many pieces of that are starting to unfold little by little. Yes, you will still experience some course corrections and see some changes that need to come to planet Earth…the planet herself. You have had a little breather in between your tsunamis, your earthquakes and similar challenges in these areas. This has been the Earth making her adjustments to get to this next level, and there are some more adjustments that need to be made. What we tell you about this is that the more you work with yourself, the easier it is for the planet to make these corrections. It does not need to have an extremely negative on this planet or be a tragedy. You can walk into this energy with your eyes open and many of you are beginning to do that. You are walking daily with a cosmic connection of your own spirit of who you are, and this was never before dreamt to be possible on planet Earth. It is the reason there is so much attention on Earth now, for you are creating miracles on a daily basis. You are changing all that is; you are the masters of the gameboard.

Each step that you experience will put you in a new place. Becoming comfortable anchoring in the new energy will bring with it some challenges for many people. Many of you feel as if you are on unstable ground, and you do not know how to anchor yet  or understand what is taking place. The truth is that you have stepped in to experience that, so that once you do find the anchor and stop moving the first thing you do is to reach out your hand to someone else to help them stabilize. This is the new planet Earth, the new connection. You will look out there for opportunities as you always have, but instead of the opportunities that you have found before you will be looking for opportunities to help others in some way. We tell you it is not measured; it is not a collection; there is not a certain mark where you have helped other people enough to get into heaven. Instead it is a lifestyle, a way of working with each other in order for all of you to step into this energy. You do not need to wait for heaven when you die. Create it right here, right now. That is the part that each and every one of you have carried from Home.

When you start connecting these pieces and experience this new communication, you will understand that unique piece that you have and making it easier to bring all the pieces together to create heaven here on Earth. It is underway. It is happening. Are you ready? The energy will be a conscious step for each and every one of you. You will have to answer that question in your own heart. It is here and our hands are out to you, for every step that you take is changing planet Earth and changing the love energy here. You have shifted this planet far beyond your understanding and you are just getting started.

It is with the greatest of honor that we address the masters of the gameboard. We ask you to treat each other with the greatest respect for you are looking in the mirror. Nurture one another every chance you get. Hold your hand out as often as you can to make a difference in someone’s life. Re-member it is a beautiful game. Play well together.


The group

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from:    http://spiritlibrary.com/lightworker/beacons-of-light/honoring-the-other-gods