Drunvalo Melchizedek & Don Alejandro on the 9th Wave Shift

HIGH-SPEED, NINTH-WAVE, 4-D SHIFT (Video at Youtube)

With Don Alejandro and Drunvalo Melchizedek


It isn’t our practice to post videos on the main page of the magazine, but this is a media presentation that deserves headline status. What you are about to watch is approximately fifteen-minutes of information that is 100% relevant to where we find ourselves at the moment. It includes footage of Mayan Elder Don Alejandro reminding us where the heart lies. His words are reinforced by scientific data that points out the connection between the Earth’s Magnetic Field and the increase and intensification of Solar Flare activity coming off of the Sun. All of this is followed up with footage of Drunvalo explaining the physics and metaphysics of a polar shift. Time is flying, and as we all know ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, so give yourself fifteen minutes to absorb this uplifting and enlightening presentation on what it actually means to pass through the Eye of the Needle.

link to the video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrdaQbF4GPc

Summer Solstice Notes

Celebrating the Solstices

by Cayelin K Castell

The Solstices mark the time of year when the Sun is rising and setting as far south (Winter Solstice) or as far North as possible before changing direction. When the Sun rises at its southern extreme in the Northern Hemisphere we have Winter Solstice. When the Sun rises at its northern extreme we have Summer Solstice.

The Sun at the Winter Solstice reaches an ending or death, dying to the previous yearly cycle. The Winter Solstice is marked by the longest night of the year, the shortest day. This time marks the beginning when the days slowly begin to lengthen and the nights slowly grow shorter.

The Sun at Sumer Solstice is reaching a point of fullness or the mid-point of the Solar Cycle. The Summer Solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year and the turning point where the days slowly begin to shorten and the nights slowly begin to lengthen.

In the bigger picture, we are also ending a Great Year that has lasted nearly 26,000 years. That means this is time when we are witness to a new beginning of an entirely new 26,000 year cycle. The ending and beginning of a Great Year occurs over many years. We propose in Shamanic Astrology that it lasts at least 144 years as the processional cycle moves one degree every 72 years and these points are on at least some part of the Galactic Cross (the intersection of the plane of the Solar System with the plane of the Galaxy) for 72 years before and 72 years after the exact alignment.

to read more, go to:    http://shamanicastrology.com/articles/celebrating-the-solstices#more-1903

“The Second Coming” W.B. Yeats

One of my favorite poems:

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Nabro Volcano Eruption

Eritrea volcano eruption : NASA satellite image proves the eruption comes from historic Nabra volcano

Last update: June 13, 2011 at 4:24 pm by By Armand Vervaeck and James Daniell

Earthquake / Eruption summary : During the late afternoon and evening of June 12 2011, a series of moderate earthquakes struck the Afambo, Eritrea area. The moderate earthquakes were followed by 2 strong 5.7 earthquakes. Based on the earthquake pattern and the locations of the epicenter, volcano activity seemed imminent.

to read more go to:    http://earthquake-report.com/2011/06/12/unusual-series-of-moderate-volcanic-earthquakes-in-eritrea-and-ethiopia/

June 12-18

Overall Color for the Week:    Clear

There are many things that will be coming to the surface this week, and in all areas.  Much has been hidden, hinted at, and/or redirected.  The many facades around these things will come tumbling down.  This can lead to disruption, emotions, reactions, and re-evaluations.  Many of these are way overdue.  This is week when  the energies will attempt to bring what is happening on the Earth into sync with the changes that are going on in the Universe. There is much resistance to this, and you will see this all around you.  People that you know will step out of their usual patterns in an attempt to convince themselves and others that things are not changing, that things are staying the same, that there is no need to look at the world from a new perspective.  When they cannot convince themselves of this, the emotions will follow, and oftentimes, the blame. People do not like to admit they are wrong, and they will, therefore, look outside themselves for someone to pin it on. Unfortunately there are mirrors everywhere, and they tell us what it is that we are unwilling to see for ourselves. This will not be an easy week, however if you are alert to the energies and the possibilities, you will find, with time, that this week was crucial for you in being able to move forward in your own power and to find the success that you know is yours.  This week is characterized by clarity.  This is in all areas.  That means that you may just have to confront your own hidden truths and secrets.  Stay centered, stay grounded, and you will find this one of the best weeks of your life. Continue reading

May 15-21

Overall Color for the Week:  Rose Red

This is a week of changes and changing.  There will be little time for rest on any level as the Earth continues its movements.  Discoveries will be made concerning the shifts in the crust of the Earth that were heretofore unexpected. Moreover there will be information coming out concerning the magnetics of the earth and a change regarding them. These things will be amended as footnotes to newscasts, etc., but they will be picked up by many as more and more odd Earth events take place. Continue reading

Japan Earthquake Shifted Earth’s Axis

According to one USGS scientist, the recent earthquake off the northeastern coast of Japan has moved the large island’s coast by 8 feet and shifted the Earth’s axis of rotation by almost four inches (10 cm).

Other reports are stating while only about 1500 deaths have been officially acknowledged as of 36 hours after the quake the final death toll will likely be in the tens of thousands.

Source (CNN World News)

Update:  The USGS has released an earthquake dataset and browser-enabled Google Earth explorer plugin to view earthquake data in real-time.  Click here view. Interesting to see the plate movement arrows.  Looks like the Pacific plate is explanding!

New Themes

Some themes that are currently becoming more obvious:

1) Things Falling:    With all the shifts and changes going on all around, more and more things are falling out of place.  This is happening on all levels.  You may find that things seem literally to jump off shelves or move their position with no apparent cause.  Even more so, with the leakiness of the dimensions, you may be hearing things fall or move or shift, and yet, upon going to see what just happened, nothing has changed.  These are not creepy things, rather they are affirmations of the changes and the novelty that is currently entering the Earth’s field.  It has been on its way for some time and many people have been noticing it and reacting to it.  Right now, and as time goes forward, it will be increasingly hard to overlook.  IT will be making itself known also in the media.  You will see shifts of objects or unexpected plays of light behind commentators and in other live shows.    AS you notice these things, be secure in the knowledge as the process is in motion, and change is truly on the way.

2) Doors moving and opening:      Another thing that you will be seeing is that doors no longer stay in the position in which you left them.  They can creak and vibrate, even opening and closing on their own.  This will not be a large movement, but it will catch your attention.

3)  Where did it go?    I am sure everyone has been dealing with this right now — putting something down, going to find it, only to discover that it is not where you left or anywhere nearby.  Then sometime later, minutes, hours, even days, there it is again.  It makes you wonder if you are going crazy, if maybe you were just not observant enough, somehow overlooking it.  No, things are slipping through dimensions.  They do come back, but it can make you feel like you are losing it.

4) World Weariness:    More and more people are going to be finding that they can no longer deal with the energetic shifts and changes, and they will be looking for some way to transition.  This is a time in which many of those people will choose illness or accident in order to move on.  In some cases, their animals will be aware of this, and will precede them through the transition as a way of making it easier for the person.  There are many pets who have come into this turn of the wheel at this time and with these people to be their guardians, to take care of them, and to ease for them the transition.

5) Deja Vu and Synchronicity:    This is a time in which there will be a sense of rightness about so many novel experiences.  A sense of rightness that is so strong that it is familiar to you.   This is part of what is going on at this time.  Pieces are falling into place.  Over time, you have been instrumental in constructing many of these pieces, and at this time, they are clicking into their space.  As this happens, you get an overwhelming sense of deja vu.   And then, things will just begin to happen synchronistically.  It can leave you questioning just how did this come about, but it is all part of the swirling of the vibrations at this time.

6)  Changes in Relationships:    At this time, people and groups who are out of sync can no longer deny this incompatibility.  Many will try, and remain in their current situations, and that is fine.  We all have choices to make.  There are times when we are ready and times when we are not.

7)  Communities forming:    Yes, for all of those of you who have been hoping and looking, things will become easier in this area.  It is important to “feel out” the groups and individuals that you find attractive.  Analyze, think, journal, go into your heart center, and follow your intuition.  There are psyche sappers out there who are looking for followers.

8)  The Importance of  Intuition:    At this time, intuition is of great importance.  In this sense, intuition is the aligning of your personal consciousness with the Universal Consciousness of which it is part.  By so doing, many patterns and events will become clear to you, and you will begin to see beyond the merely obvious into the greater whole behind it all.  Trust your intuition.  Listen closely, and exercise it.  As time progresses, you will learn to distinguish the true voice of the heart based intuition versus desire.

9)  The Trickster:    In times when energies are shifting, changing, and swirling, this is when the Trickster can cause quite a bit of havoc.  The Trickster is the X factor that is waiting in the wings to throw a wrench into the works.  The Trickster is not malevolent, rather this one is merely someone who likes to play with events and things and has no care for any greater context or outcome.  So, be aware that the Trickster can pop up, and that awareness will assist in knowing the Trickster in whatever guise that crazy one might appear.

10)  In Your Face:     unfortunately, it is time now, and it is happening, that we are seeing that things we always knew but never wished to admit are right there, and we have to admit that they exist or choose to live in the illusion.