Moving Into The Shift

Slipping Into The Cosmos

Slipping Into The Cosmos30th May 2014

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The Shift Is On

You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, much less classify.

Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting people in different ways, and most may not be fully aware of what’s going on.

While world events can make us feel so disempowered and degraded, something else is urging us on. It’s very strong, subtle and beautifully powerful. The energetic and information supply line we’re receiving is a huge boost, but more than that there’s a connectivity we’re each experiencing, a sense of not just awareness, but a collective desire to help bring about a shift in the world to which we’re being subjected. What we’re experiencing is deeply coupled with this innate hunger to be connected to each other, and to the wonderful spiritual and vibrational sources with which we’re aligned.

Intuitive connectivity with kindred souls, Gaia, and ultimately the wonderful, overarching Cosmic Universal Reality is what our hearts crave, however one may perceive or even explain it. Huge forces are at play and we’re in the midst of and participants in this changeover. Hence some of the forces you may be sensing.

Ear To The Ground

This is how the native Americans knew what was coming. Listen to the earth. She resonates. She does not lie. She is constant and trustworthy. She is honest, and when she shrugs there’s a purpose.

Such should be our attitude toward all true natural resources, both physical and spiritual. As well as our interactive relationship with these marvelous sources. This is a time to connect with what is trustworthy – family, true friends and trusted sources, and the true understandings we’re being given. Much of this is intuitive but it’s nevertheless just as, if not more, profound.

Listening is key to our spiritual strength. The encouragement available is almost overwhelming when you tap into it. Without that sense of trust and grounding we’re going to feel “lost at sea” and very confused and disoriented. Dig into it.

Forget The Past – Now Is All That Matters

If you’re suffering from personal condemnation from past failures or unconscious living,  you’re not alone. None of us are up to the perfection level we innately sense should be our standard. However, it’s not meant to be that way. Nothing is expecting perfection or “attainment” of any sort. We are encased spirits in human form attempting to grasp the Universe. Parts of us get it, and other parts are digging their heels in. This conflict is our predicament and challenge.

It’s apparently meant to be part of our growing process.

We can only assume these events to be so because this is what we experience.  While we realize we’re living in a contrived matrix of deceit, our rooting and budding within this earthbound form is a very natural process. As we grow, we leave previous forms behind. Letting these go can be a dilemma but it’s actually quite simple.

Let them go. Release them. New awarenesses and awakenings are budding and that’s all that matters. While we can always learn from the past, we must not be condemned by it. Time is a river, and it moves on, just as you are not the same person dipping your foot in the river now as you were before, nor is the river the same. It moves on.

All is in flux.

The Practical Application

While this all may seem somewhat esoteric, it’s not completely. The decisions we make, as well as personal resolutions, are what determine our current reality. Our next decision is based upon our current understanding. That’s how we grow.

When we find ourselves awakened in a hostile environment it’s only natural to want to escape. When we’re confronted with untruths that beg to be addressed, we do so naturally. Not to offend, but to inform. As well as stand our conscious ground.

It’s not always easy, I know that. My point is that to respond consciously is being true to our response-ability. It’s that simple. Those who do so will see their lives directed accordingly. Those who don’t also will – but with a much less enlightened outcome.

We Each Are The Difference

When you look at society today it’s important to realize it’s an accumulation of social and spiritual cause and effect. All built on individual responses. This of course explains the mass media; mass educational indoctrination drastically affects our current populace. Our separation from it also does.

We need to break free from these accumulated influences. And have confidence in doing so. There are lot of psycho-spiritual influences working on each of us, and they’re important to identify, but more importantly shun their current and after-effects. We are free conscious being here having an experience. Learn from everything, deal with what needs to be dealt with, but most of all we must affirm our absolute freedom.

Slip on by to the other side. It’s a fun ride. Unhook the hinderances and let it go!

Give it a go; now’s the time to do it as the winds pick up. Leave unneeded baggage behind now. You’ll be glad you did.

Much love, Zen


Jim Self on Higher Self

What’s the Difference Between Your Higher Self and Your Soul?

What’s the difference between your Higher Self and Your Soul?

It’s a really great question that all of us have asked in one way or another. In our spiritual journey we each are exposed to many terms; some easily understood, others confusing and still others that are seemingly contadictory. I hope this little article will help clarify things for you. Of course, this is my observation and opinion. Please don’t believe me. See if what you read resonates with you. You are the only one that matters here.

Your Higher Self is, in simple terms, the highest aspect of you that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you still continues to move around in the third dimension. Anchoring the wisdom of the Higher Self into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose.

Your Soul, on the other hand, had an enormous role in deciding upon and designing what you experience in this lifetime. Your Soul wanted to experience a certain set of experiences so it put in place a plan and process where it could – through you. A simple, silly example: your Soul wanted to know what it would be like to experience the feeling of embarrassment in a female body. So the Soul placed parts of its own consciousness in you,  as a female body, and you went out into this third dimension to experience the game plan that the Soul wished to have. You were born into a family of graceful dancers, yet you were clumsy and awkward and fell down a lot. You surrounded yourself with very simple, third-dimensional children and you had a creative mind but no filter, so you said things that put you in, well, embarrassing situations. As an adult you liked to party, and many mornings found yourself squirming and explaining your actions of the night before.

In the process of these wonderful experiences your Soul created for you, you always have free will. And so you go about choosing and creating many other components of this life-game that are in addition to what the Soul’s desires have been. You take dance lessons, learn to think before you speak and to pace yourself at parties. You become more masterful and soon the embarrassing situations no longer happen so frequently. Your Soul is satisfied in this one experience. Of course, your Soul has many, many, many experiences it wants to experience through you in this lifetime.

This amazing time of Shift is adding to how you experience both your Higher Self and your Soul. As you begin to remember yourself and return to higher levels of consciousness, aspects of you and the Higher Self are going to merge very rapidly. As you begin to experience yourself as the merged Higher Self, greater levels of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that the Higher Self IS begin to be who you are.

Simultaneously, your Soul plays an enormous role in all that is. Your Soul plays much more in the non-physical realm of consciousness which is gigantically vaster than the physical. It’s as if the concept and reality of physicalness is a grain of sand on a beach. Everything else is non-physical. But we humans only know what we know, so obviously physicality is the whole universe. Right? (Not even close, but we don’t know that yet). As you complete the agreements you made with your Soul (i.e. experiencing and mastering embarrassment) the veils between you and the Soul become thinner and transparent. Soon you and your Soul are one and the creation process becomes vast and beyond third dimensional limitations.

As you intentionally awaken and merge with you Higher Self and Soul during this Shift, you are doing something that has never been done before. According to Archangels Michael, Metatron, Zadkiel, Uriel and Master Kuthumi, those who are intentionally and with great attention focused upon their personal evolution become full aware of the consciousness of the Soul as it plays in the physical. You also begin to build a bridge back to the heart of Creator. This bridge is referred to in various texts as the “Monad.” The Monad is the bridging element of the Soul that has conscious awareness in the non-physical.

You are in the process, as you go through these evolutionary steps, of becoming one with the Higher Self, as well as becoming one with the physicalness of the Soul. You also are beginning to access the Monad and the non-physical universe; the Mother/Father Creator.

This is a new adventure, new territory. And the archangels and masters are very, very please and in awe of what YOU are accomplishing. You are big and significant. You are important.


An author and teacher, Roxane has been offering tools for developing intuition and Personal Power to individuals, businesses and women’s groups since 1994. Following a successful career as an art director of two large corporations and as manager of her own design firm, she trained as a Life Coach and Mastering Alchemy teacher.

Roxane’s seminars include: Spiritual Abilities and Tools for Intuition, Personal Eenrgy Management and Female Alchemy.  She also has been feature don television, radio and in national publications both in the US and Australia. She is the co-founder of Mastering Alchemy and presents this work with Jim Self.

Jim Self Featured on the Virtual Light Broadcast many times since 2009, Jim is often introduced as a teacher’s teacher and a  healer. He has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and higher dimensional energy management tools throughout North America since 1980. As an author of What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Jim’s Spectrum column includes excerpts from this book, his free tele-classes, seminars and his third upcoming book.

Since childhood, Jim has had a conscious awareness and ability to remember his experiences within the sleep state. Over the last ten years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy programs are co-creations of these relationships.

Jim walks with a foot in both worlds. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became the Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy. As an entrepreneur, he has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current Board Chairman of a third.


Lightworkers Unite!!!

2014 Galactic Call To Arms‏

Last updated on January 3, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Michellle Walling, CHLC

Calling all Lightworkers, Warriors, Lighthouses, and Grounders! The time is finally upon us to spring into action! This is the time we have all been waiting for. It is time to suit up to perform the greatest feat ever in our Universe. We have heard these words before and we have all shown up to hear them once again. This time our suit of armor is our power to stand together as one and to voice our manifestation intention to bring the New Earth into our reality.

Before now, Lightworkers have had varied roles in preparation for 2014. Some have been Warriors of the truth- exposing and fighting the government lies, false flag attacks, and depopulation agendas. Some have been great bearers of light, standing tall like Lighthouses, attracting those who chose to awaken in order to help them grow their own light within. Some have focused on grounding the healing energies coming to us from the Great Central Sun of Alcyone into the planet You're right.  Maybe I should just accept things the way they are... said no truth seeker ever.and into the grid system. Some of us have worked on a little of everything. All of us have been so passionate about what we are doing that we have been focused on what we thought was right and it has sometimes caused rifts between us as to where the most focus should be.

Light Warriors relentlessly uncovered and exposed horrible things happening on this planet, continuously focusing on death disease and destruction.  Some of them got a little frustrated with other Lightworkers who they felt just weren’t doing enough exposing and focusing on the darkness. Some of the Lighthouses faulted the Warriors for focusing too much on what we do not want to see on the planet. The Grounders got lost in nature and bliss, not caring what the warriors and lighthouses were doing, for it felt so good to be home.

All groups of lightworkers were needed to get us to where we are now. One group is not any more important than another group. The planet has been run for thousands of years by a group of fallen Anunnaki (we will call them the Fallen A’s) that have wanted to control planet Earth in order to keep it for themselves. The big difference in the Fallen A’s in control and the lightworkers in human form is the Fallen A’s worked together as a group with one single goal in mind- complete service to self control of the planet via mind control, chemical weapons, financial monarchy, and depopulation.

We now see how the lightworkers have been divided and most of the division was caused by New Age disinformation propaganda and paid “schills” who tried to discredit everything that would bring us together. For the past several years, tricksters made their way into channeled messages to being that one bit of misinformation that would make us all begin to discredit and question what is really happening. This includes the timeline agenda of 2012 and any timeline agenda after that, for the event will happen when we make it happen. Many Lightworkers were interfered with using off world technology that affected our brains and our physical bodies in general.

We are the multidimensional beings of the light that we have been waiting for

We all have a higher aspect of ourselves somewhere out there in spaceships, on another planet, or sitting in the Universe shining brightly as a star. Our souls are too big to move down into the third dimensional denseness- it is too compact, so we had to send sparks of ourselves. We have a soul family in the macrocosm that is reflected in the microcosm here on the planet as incarnated humans. We also have spirit guides and angels with us from our soul family helping us along this difficult path. We have aspects from our monad that are from the “past” and the “future” that are being healed and are merging with us in the “now” here on the planet, in our spiritual bodies. Our army is immense, and we have all been trying to figure out what it is we are supposed to do to end this battle with these dis-compassionate Fallen A’s once and for all. It is time to unite all aspects of ourselves and to call upon our Galactic family to spring into action.

The term “we are the ones we have been waiting for” may have been a little confusing in the past. It seems to infer that as multidimensional beings incarnated into human form, that the human for will be the one to once and for all bring the Fallen A’s down through peaceful protest and through peaceful non-compliance. While this is partly true, we haven’t seen the big shift yet as to how we can truly stop adhering to governmental control and guidelines since they control every aspect of living. Many have tried to start new financial systems that will break free of the shackles and cause the financial collapse in the U.S.- however it seems to keep running on thin air. We have all been waiting for the one big thing to occur that will allow us to stand in our power in order to take back our freedom.

People of planet earth, we cannot take down this Fallen A government and financial tyrannist sect just as humans. We must merge with our higher existence- thus the term “ascension” was coined and we  have been doing our “work” to prepare ourselves for the shifts in vibration that we have been experiencing. So to further explain the term “we are the ones we have been waiting for”, we must understand that we have to call on our Galactic family- our space brothers and sisters, the ascended masters, the aspects of our monads in the past and the future, our spirit guides and angels, and whatever other terms we use for our higher beings and the oneness. They are all us, we are all of them. They are patiently waiting on us to do this because they can only interfere to a certain point in keeping with Universal Law in order to keep the planet from being blown up without our free will request for assistance.

We incarnated into physical form to be able to use our free will to voice our desire to end the tyranny and control of this planet. That is what we all came here to do, and we can accomplish this in 2014.

Earth is being showered by pulses of galactic high vibrational energy from Source to Alcyone to our sun

In the latter part of December and the beginning of the New Year, the bursts coming to Earth from our sun have risen from an estimated 50 per day to over 500 per day. The Fallen A’s have no idea of the immense power of this energy because they cannot experience it. They are like robots on auto pilot and are not attuned to the changes, even though they have been told what is coming. They do know something is really, really wrong and they are showing their confusion with every move they make.

The end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 was the final clearing and preparation for the way showers to stand in their remembrance of this task and of the power that they all hold together. Yes, this could have been achieved earlier, however, it has been a tricky awakening and our galactic family had a bit of housekeeping to do. The top hierarchy of the Fallen A’s are being rounded up and are standing “trial” in front of galactic councils and will be accountable for what they have done. Their puppets are left with broken strings and have lost their energetic connection to the negative emotional pool of energies that have been farmed from the Noosphere. They are flopping around like fish out of water and are basically hanging themselves.

Yes, the U.S. economy will collapse eventually, but it is time to bring it down with the help of our family in order to make the smooth transition into the higher vibrations of the New Earth rather than simply watching the Fallen A’s painfully hang themselves while intentionally taking out as many humans as possible in the process. Too many people are suffering and the situation has gotten to the point of disaster with Fukushima and chemtrails.  Their sick and twisted goal has even included helping the financial collapse before our very eyes the hard way- making millions suffer and starve in the process.

Although it truly has seemed hopeless, there is a solution, and it is in place. Our galactic family has the technology to pass to us that can clean up the environmental disasters. They have a sound financial system ready to implement that can be run by the people that will eventually turn into a bartering system. There are many people on the planet qualified to form councils of elders that can be voted in and out in according to the people’s wishes. The mainstream media can be freed and the rest of humanity can learn in a blink of an eye what has been done to them. Holistic healthcare practitioners can begin to heal people and big pharma will quickly be a thing of the past. The oil and gas companies will rush into manufacturing of free energy devices and the automobile industry will begin to bring forth the most exciting free energy cars of all time. We can correct our soils and grow organic food once again. Our water will be safe to drink right out of the tap. The whole world really can change very rapidly if we want it to.

All we have to do is ask. We are in essence giving ourselves and our Galactic family permission to move forward. By asking, we are exercising our free will.

Many people are still trying to get used to the concept that we can co- create our reality. They are disillusioned by focusing on what is in front of their eyes. Even some lightworkers are lost in depression or have closed the curtains to the outside world because it was too frightening for their kind hearts to handle. There has been an erroneous statement spread like wildfire that “no one is coming to save us”.  Does this statement really feel right? There are millions of UFO’s cloaked all over the planet! Many are showing themselves to us and there are more videos than ever available in the internet and even on mainstream media in other countries outside of the U.S..

We have been led down a rabbit hole in thinking we have to win this battle do this as humans with our hands tied behind our backs.  The suffering is over. We must be the ones to ask, or command our aspects of us and our galactic family to end this now. The command had to come from the human heart. The spokes on the wheels have aligned in the cosmos and the door has opened for us to be heard.

The way we will free the planet is with a form of affirmation- prayer, meditation, or intention; whatever form you use for manifestation. Ground, invoke the light, and ASK YOUR HIGHER ESSENCE TO HELP HUMANITY MOVE FORWARD WITH THE DEMISE OF SYSTEM AND THE HEALING OF THE DAMAGE DONE TO THE PLANET. Verbalize or write it down and burn it.  You are masters, you know how to do this and you know what will have the most power. We do not have to all meditate at the same “time” for the ritual that we are performing is in alignment with our higher selves in the now. Do it whenever you feel you are ready and do it as much as you feel you need to. We have already won the battle in the now.

We The Masters will now manifest ourselves into the New Earth and we will celebrate the ease with which we will pass along a thousand years or more of peace and prosperity to our lineage, and we will become ambassadors in the Cosmos. From the now, we will heal our past and our future selves. We will teach how to free other planets from domination and control and how to live in peace and love. We will reunite with our galactic families within our consciousness and will use our Stargate codes within our bodies to travel the Universe, all while existing as a light bodied human here on planet Earth. We are multidimensional, multivibrational beings, and it is time to explore our wholeness again.

It may or may not be time for the spaceships to land for full disclosure. Would you want to land in this chaos? It really is not necessary now, for the majority of the human population would probably handle it out of fear. The ground crew is in place- we are here. We need space to be free to be who we are and to expand into it. Our Galactic family can help to give us the last push we need to get there, allowing us fight fire with fire. Go within your heart and unlock the key to your power. Use the voice within to shout out to the Universe- “WE ARE AWAKE, AND WE ARE FREE”!

About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive.


The Group through Steve Rother 10/15

Greetings from Home.

You Are Beautiful Imperfections

Greetings, I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

I am here to settle everybody down for a moment and to give you a big old smile—one of my smiles…there you go. You think it is amusing that I am sitting up here talking in this funny voice, smiling and acting silly, but do you know what I am doing? I am settling the energy because if you just close your eyes for a minute and reach out in front of you energetically, you can almost feel the level of the energy in the room. A lot of you felt it when you first came in today and some of you went back out and came back in again a couple of times to acclimate to the energy. You know, it is becoming real. That is the nice part about it because for a long time this could not be part of your reality. You see, it exists in the smaller worlds when you are children. But when you start to become adults you do not re-member that you can feel the energy of the room; you do not even think that you can even feel the hearts of others people, but you can. When the Keeper was really small, his parents were religious and they kept taking him to church all the time and he wanted to be a preacher at some point so he kept asking, “How do I get there? How can I be the best that I can be?” They just kept saying, “Be good. Be good. Just be good no matter what.” Well, what is actually good? He was very confused about that until he was caught being bad then he understood a bit more. Sometimes you need the polarity to see where your boundaries are and there is nothing wrong with that, dear ones. You are on the Earth for a reason. Number one: You are not expected to be perfect, did you know that? In other words, you cannot be perfect even if you tried to be. That is part of the rules on planet Earth. There is only imperfection here. Perfection is at Home. When you come to Earth you divide all your perfection into different dimensional levels just so you can play and pretend to be perfect. Now we are going to ask you to shine your light on all your beautiful imperfections because that is truly the light from Home that you brought. That is the essence of the flavor of light that you give it.

We Are the Ice Cream – You Are the Flavors

The Collective Heart of Humanity

We gave a channel that was very interesting to me because it was straight from my heart and it was all about ice cream. Oh yes, ice cream on your planet is very popular and for a lot of different reasons. Not only does it taste good, it is sweet and always puts a smile on your face but it always offers a bunch of choices, does it not? You can choose this flavor or that flavor,  and eat ice cream so many different ways … in a cone, in a milkshake, or a banana split. Well, that is the way we put it because it kind of expresses who we are. You see, at Home we do not have to deal with the egos or the physical bubbles of biology that you do. We are the light; we are the ice cream and you are the many flavors. You are all expected to bring it through to the best of your individual flavor. The light is the same light coming through all these beautiful rays; each one of you flavors this light in the most exquisite way. Well, that is the light out there that you are now starting to sense when you feel the energy in the room. Although you are experiencing that, there is much more than that now. There are people all over the planet who have been thinking that they have been in charge, but are realizing this is no longer the case. Many of them are people you have elected to run your governments and put in important positions to run things for you. They think they are in charge so they do the best they can because most of them are working from their heart, too. You have to understand that even if you disagree with someone, it does not mean that they are not working from their heart. It just means they are not communicating with both their heart and head, so they are up against the energy in the room. You see, it was not as important before because not everyone could feel it. Now you all are feeling everyone else’s energy. Your technologies certainly have something to do with it, because youcan all pull out a cell phone now and pull up all kinds of things very quickly on the internet. You could not do before, and you are no longer limited in the way you used to be. That energy in the room is not the energy in the room anymore, for it is the energy on planet Earth. Everybody is feeling it and trying to figure out where the resistance is, and where the path of least resistance is.  It is the collective heart on planet Earth; it is the one heart of planet Earth, of humanity.

Harmony: The Third Wave of Empowerment.

Re-member, dear ones, a few months ago we gave you a message about the third wave of empowerment. We have been talking about the first and second waves of empowerment for many years. The first wave of empowerment was learning how to follow the leader, to actually follow someone that could lead you into something better. It took a long time for humans to learn how to do that. Then the second wave of empowerment was learning how to follow yourself, which is infinitely more difficult than following somebody else because it means you have to build up your trust levels and learn to enforce your healthy boundaries. It was very important to learn and you have done well over the last 60 years on Earth. Now you are in the third wave of empowerment and it is causing all kinds of problems on Earth. The third wave is harmony. Look around  and you can see what is going on in your governments and what is taking place economically; you are having a hard time with polarity there. The more you try to come together, the more you want to go completely apart from each other. This is a natural reaction to the removal of the energy in the room, because now there is no reason not to harmonize. So many people have built up all their belief systems: “I have to do this, I have to do that, I have to do this. I have to oppose this, I have to be opposite of that. I have to be polarized.” Now there is a third pole, which means it is not simply black and white any more. You have a third position here where you can tap into your own higher self, which is why we call it triality. This third position allows you to have a new pole. It does not have to be black and white any more. Now you can experience all the beautiful colors of the rainbow, and choose any one of those expressions because you do not have to be only this way or that way. It can now be this way and this way, yet so many of you are having difficulties.

Harmonic Hearts: The Energy in the Room

When you turn on the news and watch all the challenges that the planet is going through, if you look closely you will see that they are all changing because of the energy in the room. Is that not interesting? You almost went to war a couple of weeks ago. A couple of weeks ago you were just that close, but what changed it? Again, the energy in the room. So many of you held it in your heart that new ways were found, new possibilities broke through that were not even there in the beginning. Now you have everybody coming forward trying to save the day. It is really so beautiful, but we know you do not trust them all and you think most of them are playing games. The truth of the matter is that everybody on this planet is trying to do the best they can. All you need to do is to pay attention to the energy in the room because that is the marker—that is your space where you can know where things are right or wrong for you. You are the only one that matters, you know. Ahh, you did not think that. You have been thinking about everyone else all around you. “How can I make life comfortable for them?” Now it is going to be about you because this is the grounding of the new energy and the new light. This is the beauty of the energy in the room. The energy on planet Earth has changed; there are no more secrets. Many of your world’s leaders are having all kinds of problems with that one, but that is all right because there is no black and white, there is no polarity. There is not even right or wrong in the way you have always thought about it.

Back in the days when the Keeper was really young, he was taken to church and told to be good. Why was he told to be good? God watches everything and keeps score, and the Keeper was told that very clearly. At the end of the year if you do not have enough brownie points, you are not going to get any Christmas presents or some other thing they told you about for not being good. Now you go by the energy in the room instead, because you have collective hearts that are matching all over the place. We tell you that it used to be quite possible for people to put something over on the general public, but it does not work that way anymore. Now all of you are learning new forms of communication that will be coming through the heart completely. Everything must be completely open, because in the times of no more secrets it is not possible to hold anything back. You are all becoming what you call psychic. Now we do not really like that word, because it is actually your spirit coming through your physical body in a beautiful way. It is the same way we communicate at Home all the time, which is why you know so deep in your heart it is beautiful and it is truth. All of you now can start working with this energy. Even though there are 7 billion people on this planet, do not ever forget that you are one of them. You are not simply one seven-billionth of the planet, but you are much more than that because you hold the energy in the room. When world leaders are going in one direction and they say, “We do not care what happens. We do not care who finds out. We do not care what takes place, we are just going to do it anyway.” It will not be possible anymore, which is just what happened. You averted war on your planet and it was not anybody’s plan to do that; you did that within your hearts. You should be very proud of yourselves because all of the machinery was gearing up to go to war. It was going to happen on your planet again and they did not need any more excused, but the energy in the room changed it. They were not able to make it work. How beautiful is that? You are starting to take charge of your own reality. Planet Earth is turning into a place for conscious creators and we are so proud of you.

I am going to step aside and bring in Em while we still have a little time left. Because I get so excited, sometimes it is hard for me to step aside sometimes. But you see, we do not deal with the egos the same way you do, so Em is just happy as a pear back here…I do not know how happy a pear gets, but he is happy. He does not care whether I am speaking with my tones or whether he is speaking, because we are of the same heart. Even though all of you have to carry around these heavy egos, which are very difficult to carry, know that they are necessary on Earth. However, the ego keeps you from seeing another’s heart. So if you just pay attention to the energy in the room, your lives will become easier—you will see the way to go and find that path of least resistance in the most beautiful way. Now I will step aside for just a moment and bring in Em.

Balancing the Male/Female Energy

Well, greetings. I am eM. We had a laugh stuck way down inside and we needed to let it out. He did not want to let it out, so I just went ahead and let it out anyway. Welcome everybody. I am so joyed to be with you because you are balancing your energies. We tell you it is so exciting for us to watch from this perspective, because what has happened is that you have been polarized in so many ways on Earth. It is how you have been allowed to play the game and, therefore, you have been able to find confidence by having an energy already set. Now you have taken these in polarity and called this one male and this one female and you get so stuck in those energies that it is very difficult for you to balance sexual energy on your planet but you are doing such a marvelous job of it. You see, I am balancing what we call male/female energy. Now I do not have to live on Earth so it is easy for me, much different from many of you because it is a constant balance to be able to do that. It has been a very long time on Earth where you have been trying to balance this energy. Now you have been in the swing of the male energy for quite some time and what most of you do not re-member is that there were times when the feminine was also in charge. However, we had just as many problems so it is about a balance. It is no longer about polarity, and because you are losing the polarity you can start balancing the sexual energy between all of you. That is opening up all kinds of possibilities.

It was only recently that we asked an expert to come into the LightMaster group and educate some of the LightMasters about what transgender was all about, because you are not familiar with your full sexual expressions on planet Earth. You are only familiar with the polarized versions which you needed to build your history. Now it is changing and there are so many beautiful ways to experience love on planet Earth. Love is love is love, and there are no more rules. It is that simple. Now what is taking place is that you are saying, “Okay, I do not always have to be in this relationship or that relationship.” And we are telling you not to measure your sexuality by your relationships but by your energy, by who you are. Can you find your own restrictions with your sexual energy beliefs? Well, sure, you all have them in some way. You all have learned your set of rules on planet Earth with which you must live by in order to balance all of these beautiful negative and positive polarized energies. Now all of you have access to a much deeper love and connection to your own spirit, for your spirit does not know polarity. When you come here and pretend to be a man or a woman, it simply means that you are taking the spiritual energy from Home and running it through a filter which only shows a small part of it. It is not until you become balanced in all areas that you will be able to hold more of your own spirit in its completeness and uniqueness. It is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, because  in a field of polarity success has always been determined by repetition. “Oh, you did something wonderfully. That is great.” Is this success? No. Not until you repeat it several times. Once you learn to do something this way, you have learned to do it over and over and over again. Then it turns into a belief system, which is what we call “BS.” This gets more of you in difficulties than you could possibly imagine. You have always used them because they are very successful, but you are also eliminating all of the other possibilities. Now that is changing and we tell you there will be reactions to the balance of male/female energies.


A depolarization is also happening that will allow all of you to harmonize in new ways. Again, it is not easy. The moment you try to depolarize, all those polarized beings stand up and say, “Wait a minute. This is my truth, this is the way it has always been, and this is the way I am going to keep it.” That is human nature so be patient not only with yourselves, but with all of the creatures on Earth. You are changing and you are changing the light as it comes from Home and you express it with your beautiful flavors of ice cream, as Elrah calls it. You are flavoring the light; that is also what you do at Home and we recognize your light. We see you; we know you have been placed here specifically because of your gifts. Now what we are asking you to do is to take off all of the protection that you have placed there so you can have a comfortable life and start being who you really are. There is no explanation needed for the truth. You do not ever need to describe or defend your emotions to anyone. They are your truth. You may not always like them, or you may wish you could shift them from time to time, but we ask you to just be who you are. Experience all the good, the bad, the ugly and every other part of it because it is the whole concept of your human experience. You are on a search for beauty on planet Earth. All of you are looking around trying to find the beauty you know from Home and occasionally you find a piece of it. When you do, we light up from Home and we say, “Look! He found beauty. Is that not marvelous?” And everyone smiles and lights your path for you. Reach out and find that beauty; it is all around you and part of who you are now.

Re-seeding Planet Earth with New Light Forms

We wish to add one more thing now, for we have spoken of a very important event that is taking place on planet Earth. It actually began around January this year. You see, you have gone through a massive portal, dear ones, through the 12-12-12 all the way through December 21st and you have emerged into a new world, one that you are acclimating a little bit at a time and finding your new comfort zones in this new world. It is quite different from what you have seen before. Part of the reason is that many of the things that have been placed in your path to mark your way and give you confidence have recently been removed. Many of you have been able to see your reflection. You have called yourself a psychologist, or a healer, or maybe even a reader. Those words do not work anymore. You are much larger than all of those reflections that you have been looking for in the universe around you. So, many of you have panicked because your reflection is not there anymore. One of the things that took place at this time is that there was a protective shield around Earth which has been there for millions of years—not thousands. It was actually emanating from planet Earth through the pyramids on Earth. There was a pyramidal grid which created a very light magnetic shield around the Earth, which kept many of the meteors and comets from destroying your planet and from interrupting your flow and evolution of life on planet Earth. It has been very successful, for there are many asteroids and rocks out there that have been aimed very directly at your planet that have not hit it. Earlier this year that protective shield has been removed because you are no longer in need of it the same way that you were. What we are telling you is that a miracle is happening every day now. You are now receiving many of these comets, asteroids, and specks of dust from outer space that you did not receive before. Although you have always received some to a small degree,  this year it has grown dramatically and you will see even more the rest of this year more. Why? Because of the simple reason that you are being re-seeded. Planet Earth is starting a whole new cycle of life and these are the seeds of life that are being replanted.

When the Keeper turned on the news this morning, he saw that global warming has now been proven. There is no doubt in scientific minds anywhere that global warming has been caused by humans. We tell you, dear ones, it is absolutely true. We also tell you that you can change it and you have already turned the corner. Now like a massive freight train moving in one direction, if you decide to take a right turn it will take some time and that is what is taking place now. All of humanity is adjusting and starting to shift to the new energies. Every time you see a meteor come in or you hear a story that yesterday a meteor exploded over this country or that one celebrate, because it means that the new seeds of light are being planted and changing all of Earth.

Now, your scientists and biologists absolutely disagree with what I am saying.. Planet Earth, according to them, is still on a dying cycle. You are losing species at a rapid rate right now, but this is why we are re-planting it for you. Now it will take time for these seeds of light to develop, but you are the ones that chose to be here during this change of the cycle. You did not wish to wipe out Earth and start over again as you have done before. You wanted to stay here in these bodies and walk through this consciously. We could not be prouder of you, for you have made it much easier already than you have ever dreamt. We tell you this because a couple of things have happened in recent days and more are to come. One of them is that you had a massive earthquake in a part of your world that you call Afghanistan or Pakistan, but it basically formed a new island. This island is not expected to be here very long because it will be receding into the ocean soon, but it will be here long enough. The tectonic plates have simply moved around one other, and during that time where these energies been building up there has been a stress on Earth that all of you have tied into. All of you have found life a little more difficult because of the stress the Earth has been going through. We look at the horrible things that have happened and you try to send your energy. But also celebrate Earth, because she has just released a tremendous amount of tension and she is re-setting a lot of energy. Now, why did the new island come up? Well, the island is a very small island. It is only about 30 inches high and about 60 meters across which will be settling back down, but it has made it to the surface to collect stardust.

The ISON Comet Seeds the Earth with Stardust

You have a particular comet that is coming, which you know about  we have even spoken of it previously. It is now expected to reach you on November 28th 2013, which in the United States is the day you call Thanksgiving day. This comet is going to pass near Earth as it has done before but it will sprinkle so much stardust on Earth that the re-seeding process may actually be visible  and some may see the stardust coming down out of the atmosphere. That dust carries life. These are the star seedings of the planet Earth in the new cycle, in the new Earth, the one that was to die but you changed your minds. You awoke from the dream and took your charge as conscious creators and here you are, walking around on the new Earth saying, “Why is not everything the same? Why do I feel depressed? Why can I not see my light?” You have no idea how much you have already done. You have already won the game, dear ones. We know it does not feel like that.  We know it is difficult for many of you just to survive, but you have no idea what was previously to happen. More than 90% of planet Earth would have been completely wiped out and it would have been very similar to what you know as Mars today. Yet, here you are ready to walk into this next phase of life. Walk into it with your eyes open. Celebrate it at every opportunity, for you are the greatest angels that have ever lived. It is our honor to be here speaking to you and help you to re-member who you are and what you came to Earth to bring, because now is the time. Re-member the energy in the room and when you turn on the news and see some world events, think about the energy in the room. Will the energy of humanity allow that to happen? Know that your voice and your heart make a huge difference on planet Earth. It is not a numbers game, it is an energetic game. As you learn to connect your hearts even quicker through the aid of technologies—you do not need the technologies, they are simply teaching you how to use it…how to use your own hearts to create a world of consciousness on planet Earth. You are magnificent…every one of you and we hope you feel that magnificence and that specialness and uniqueness that all of you carry. You are spirits from Home pretending to be humans but we know who you are and we are here just to remind you.

It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Enjoy this comet that is coming and play well together.


The group



Delores Cannon on transformation

Transformation: Choosing Consciousness

July 9, 2013

Multiple-shots-of-Earth feature

When I have lectured about Earth and the people who inhabit it attaining transformation and moving to a higher dimension, there is one thing that bothered me: the people who were “left behind” on the Old Earth, and those who evolved and moved to the New Earth.

Multiple-shots-of-EarthI have talked and written about transformation and the theory of parallel universes and lives that are created by our thoughts and decisions. One theory I have raised is any time an individual has to make a decision, they usually have more than once choice or option. They have to decide one way or another. This is what I call “coming to a crossroad.”

Each time we make a decision another universe or dimension is instantly created, so the other choice can also become a reality, and another “you” can come into existence. We are not aware of these other parts of “us,” but nonetheless, transformation is taking place. These newly created selves are all just as real as the present lives we are focused (16)

It is up to the people of Earth, both the Old Earth that is driven by karma, and the New Earth, which is free of attachments, to make a choice. One Earth will go in one direction, and the other Earth in another. Choosing higher consciousness empowers a single individual’s transformation and has the power to change entire worlds for the better.

Transformation A star is bornThe energy to inspire transformation is growing stronger. It is physically affecting our bodies. Our frequency and vibration is being altered. I believe it is ultimately up to us what we choose and decide, and which Earth we gravitate toward by using our free will.

The choice for transformation is ours, and all possible worlds are waiting to be explored.

Dolores Cannon


Jim Self on 2013 Changes

Questions for Jim – Are We In the Eye of the Storm of the Shift?

posted 29 August, 2013

Jim Self, a leader in the field of spiritual development, founder of Mastering Alchemy, international speaker and author, answers questions about the Shift in Consciousness that we are experiencing.






August 25th Peace Portal

“Twin” Star of David Star Tetrahedron Merkaba August 25th 2013: Peace Portal~



On August 25th there will be the second “twin” Star of David or Star Tetahedron configuration.
What this offers us, should we choose to take it, is another opportunity to connect to our *heart* space and spend time in sacred space with a feeling of intentionality. Time to active, which means time to tune in to our hearts and use our energetic power to hold space for peace, to embody peace through our actions, thoughts and words.
Anchor it.
Tune in.
Feel it.
Bring Spirit into Matter, light into form, through your intention, through your HEART. It is the Gateway >>>
And just know that you won’t be the only one doing this. Just know that I will be holding the space with you and many many other circles and communities and individual hearts all around the planet will be tuning in too. 
WE >>> Let’s call in/embody/feel the love and anchor in the balance of feminine and masculine energies.
As above so below.  
A window of synchronicity, an opportunity for entrainment.
Then…hold steady a feeling~vision of  >>>peace <<< for our planet.

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights for this auspicious day and a call to align our thoughts and hearts in holding space for love.
Featuring the always wonderful  Dipali Desai  from her Celestial Space Astrology:
“On August 25th, 2013 (EST) we arrive to the ‘twin’ or second ‘Star Gateway’ also known in astrology as the Star of David aspect (or a Grand Sextile aspect). These star gateways are important opportunities for major shifts in Consciousness to to expand beyond fear-based limitations of the past. The energy is ripe and fertile with potential to embrace a greater union of Spirit and Matter or Heart and Mind and or Sacred Masculine and Feminine within the heart energy space.”
“It is wise to contemplate where we are now after the first initial gateway and shift and the experiences that have transpired since then. And then where we are headed while consciously utilizing the potential of this second auspicious energy.”
“With transiting Jupiter in Cancer just finishing up being a part of a powerfully intensified ‘T-square’ aspect with Uranus and Pluto, there has been major re-working and big transitions going on up until now.  It’s like moving from densely packed energy to something old shattering, moving us into a wide open space thus there is room for new energy and possibilities to emerge within Consciousness on a individual and collective level.”
“We have been prepared to open and become ready to receive with effortlessness and grace now. Venus in Libra makes an Opposition to Uranus in Aries retrograde, while making a tense aspect to Pluto in Capricorn retrograde. This signifies a time where unrest, conflict and discord rises up to be cleansed and purged within individuals, relationships and groups and the collective. This Second Star Gateway includes the vibration of “Restoring Peace and Harmony.”
“This second gateway in Consciousness builds on the first which occurred on July 29th, 2013…It is a magnificent opportunity to activate ‘effortless manifestation’ seed of light within us and on the planet. Remember, there is earth element involved with this Twin Aspect Star Gateway on August 25th, 2013 and with that helps us bring the non-visible into the physical body and dimension.”

Gemma Bayly via MYSTIC MAMMA


“Here is a simple overview:
“In sacred geometry, the six pointed star is known as Star Tetrahedron and Spiritually, it is called a Mer (rotating light) Ka (Soul or Spirit) (Ba) Physical Body.  We have the opportunity to bring into greater alignment our body, mind, heart into relationship with Soul.
“The Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon is an esoteric symbol. In India, the six pointed star has been associating with Shiva/Shakti interconnection or Divine Masculine/Feminine in harmony and union. When the triangles merge with each other to form the shape of a hexagon, it can be seen as a state of manifestation. Star of David is an unusual alignment that opens a gateway into Consciousness.
“The “Star Gateway, Grand Sextile or Star of David aspect” begins building up 1 week prior to to and becomes exact on August 25th, 2013. On Eastern Standard Timezone, consider the energy building by 11:00 am EST as the Moon enters Taurus. — Check for your local day and time to be sure when it starts for you.
“From my perspective, when experiencing such major Astrological and energetic configurations, it is more about the entire experience than exact one moment or time since linear time really does not exist in higher dimensions…What is really important is our ‘intention.‘ That carries more weight since a  clear intention directs our energy rather than worrying about the exact time of the aspect.”


ART: l’S

“Astrological Point of view: Two Grand Trines form a Star of David Aspect as well as in total configuration a Grand Sextile aspect, and for the second time in Earth and Water elements.
1st Grand Trine: (Earth element)
  • Sun/Mercury in Virgo
  • Moon in Taurus
  • Pluto in Capricorn Retrograde
2nd Grand Trine: (Water element)
  • Jupiter in Cancer
  • Saturn in Scorpio
  • Chiron in Pisces retrograde /Neptune in Pisces retrograde
“Since this  is the second of the ‘Twin’ Star Gateways and equally as potent as the first, we want to bear in mind that it is helpful to consciously work with the potentials happening now. There may be a myriad of emotions and feelings surfacing now and some what having more space to emerge than before. I do sense there is potential for clarity too as old debris at this stage has been cleared.
“The union of sacred masculine and feminine energy is possible, even if it is to the next level or degree that is appropriate for each individual on their path.
“There is a strong possibility that ‘details’ slowly begin presenting themselves for new possibilities. The plan or stages begin to reveal themselves about how to take a ‘seed’ inspiration or idea and implement it to fruition with utmost fluidity.
“The harmony between Earth and Water is felt and experienced through feelings and sensations. There is wonderful opportunity for greater balance within the Sacred Feminine and Masculine through the heart energetic center. Imagine when these two energies are in harmony and peace with one another.
We can feel the gratitude for the blessings being bestowed upon us now. It’s possible to see old symbolic seeds we planted long while back, slowly come into manifestation.  We must remain in integrity and alignment and joining the August 25th will help each maintain this state of Consciousness to receive higher Spiritual Energy, beauty and harmony given forth from the Universe.”
 © Copyright 2013 ~Dipali Desai All Rights Reserved
So on this day, I encourage you to drop into your *heart* space and send out a beam of love, a beam of peace, a beam of *light* with intentionality for the good of all~~~
I am aware of several visualizations for peace going around, and many groups gathering on this day. Some are trying to go “viral” suggesting specific visualizations at specific times. As always I encourage to just take/use what resonates with YOU. Create your own moment. Remember it’s not the words, it’s the feeling, so just access your own heart and tune in! Let’s each in our own unique way hold a space for >>>peace<<< on the planet~~~


Sounds from Inner Earth

Check this out:
Citizens of Shambala are releasing powerful vibrating energy. It sounds like a extreme combined energy of healing mantra sounds. On the surface the Tibetan monks that are meditating in this cave of the spirits for a long time are saying that this started to happen only recently. They also were saying that the spirits telepathically transmitted to them that something major is going to happen soon. The Earth is ringing like a bell more and more recently. Its all happening guys.

No human interference in the audio file. You can download the original file Russian scientists recorded on:

The good part is that we are not alone in this major planetary shift and I’m sure that people of Shamballa will do their best to protect all life on Earth when time comes.



Here is the link to the youtube video:


Up Your Energy, Change your Frequency

Moving Into A New Reality
Moving Into A New Reality

Last updated on August 2, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative Newss




Get ready for a ‘touchy-feely’ summer, as the cosmos shines a spotlight on our deeper sensory Self. We have at this particular time the healing balm of compassion and strong ‘Water’ element to dissolve the past. Any remaining emotional attachment chords to the past hold us entangled in the dying 3D Matrix. This summer is the perfect opportunity to cut all emotional chords and entanglement with residual grief, sadness, loss and disappointment. Set yourself free!

In order to keep up with the new operating system, we need to ‘let go’ of all the rules and principles we learned as children…they no longer apply. We are moving into a new reality that functions completely different than the one we are used to. Time does not exist in the new operating system. Our solar system has migrated into the Galactic Photon Band of gamma frequency where time collapsed into the eternal Now!

Humanity has reached a choice-point…the transition from 3D into 5D will take place between 2013 and 2015. We can choose to do nothing, and wait on the sidelines…or we can jump in now and pave the way for the Souls behind us. We can be the Trailblazers and Wayshowers, or the rear guard. It all comes down to this simple choice…are you going to be actively involved or passively waiting for the transition to complete?

The longer you wait, the less you will have to work with. The old 3D Operating System is collapsing and breaking apart, falling by the wayside. It has become unsustainable and will not support humanity going forward. Do you want to hang onto a sinking ship? Or take the leap into the 5D quantum field that operates in unity consciousness?

Each global shift leading up to 2015 will become more and more difficult to assimilate if you choose to ‘do nothing’ and wait. Each global shift increases the planetary frequency and bumps up into a higher level of consciousness. If you passively wait, the world around you will elevate way beyond your capacity to comprehend the new operating system. Your recovery time could be overwhelming and drastic!

I started my transition into the 5D hologram in 2006…listening to Spiritual guidance step-by-step as I discovered how the new 5D Operating System works. Through trial and error, I’ve adapted to the different rhythms and principles that govern the 5D realm. This process requires balancing opposites and radically increasing our energy frequency. The 5D realm flows in a circular spiral, unlike the 3D system of straight line sequencing in time. This is just one of many adaptations we must shift into.

The next global shift is coming in September, so take this Summer to prepare and position yourself into the 5D realm. Spirit is calling you to take action now…to be the highest version of yourself with fearless integrity! Choose what is for your highest good, not what the ego desires. Take this time to strengthen your Spiritual Practice, start your morning with meditation and conscious intentions. Focus only on things that elevate you into 5D Quantum Living! Invest in your future…you are worth it!


Meg Benedicte
Birthing a New Earth Paradigm at


Emerging into a New Paradigm

Accelerating Our Collective Emergence into a New Paradigm

accelerating24th May 2013

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

While a few hundred years ago there were a handful of luminaries shining their light on the waters of human conscious awareness, today there are thousands upon thousands. I remember 7 years ago I had to practically go on a wild goose chase to “find the others” and now I see so many awakened intentional evolutionaries that it’s truly inspiring and hope-inducing.

The continuing emergence of a global consciousness — zeroed in on balance, harmony, and coherence with all living systems (which includes each other, nature and beyond) — within an increasingly-growing number of people is almost surreal. The shift has/is happening so fast, perhaps in order to match the unparalleled destruction that has been happening to the one habitable home we have, and to the physical/mental/emotional/spiritual well-being of humanity.

These points of positive emergence should bring us great hope about the future and inspire us to help anchor in the new paradigm because we are all in this thing called Life together, without exception! Sure, we can focus on all the terrifying and devastating things that are still happening on the planet and in society but if we’re perpetually locked in on those things we will develop a tunnel-like awareness where we only see the state of the world as getting worse and worse, turning us into cynical and depressed clouds of negativity. Ignoring either the constructive or destructive things occurring is unhelpful in creating a bright future for humanity. Our individual actions collectively decide our fate.

Are we going to leave the fate of humanity in the hands of a few narcissistic and maladjusted manipulators or will we say enough is enough and put things back in alignment with the environment, reason and unity?  Let’s help promote the realization that Earth is everyone’s home, a place which we can make into a paradise instead of letting it become a hellscape because of actions that completely disregard the fine mesh and web of all life – plant, animal, and otherwise.

Current control systems keep us tired, disinterested, and shallow-minded for the most part. Some say that there is a war on expanded and liberated consciousness while others state that culture is a fabricated illusion we are drawn into in order to keep us away from ever becoming truly egalitarian and free to enjoy the full liberation and richness life has to offer. What is apparent as the daytime sun is that various individuals and groups hold beliefs that they wish to instill on individuals and on society as a whole which will only work to keep us in the stone age of consciousness if those beliefs are not in alignment with Truth.

How can we figure out what truth is? Truth never creates or perpetuates problems. It only solves, dissolves, and removes problems. The truth has always existed but we haven’t always been aware of it, as history shows time and time again. The truth is still the truth even if it’s rejected or not understood. The real truth is what it is despite our opinions and beliefs about it.

A great deal of people who have gone with the sands of time believed very strongly that the sun revolved around the earth yet this was not the truth. Just because the majority of people believed in it didn’t make the sun start revolving around the earth. We can take this and apply it to all the various things in society that are out of alignment with Truth…sometimes applying to things we don’t even consciously realize are falsehoods because the grooves of those illusions have been dug so deep for so long.

Now that we are past the infamous shift date of 21st December 2012, we have to look no further than right now in order to usher and anchor in a new paradigm that has as its foundation the fundamental understanding of interconnectedness being the nature of everything in existence. Through this understanding we can build up a new way of living and experiencing this world of ours that isn’t new at all yet since we’ve become so disconnected from the wider horizon of Reality it might as well be a new beginning.

Let’s reclaim what it means to be human. Let’s rediscover and intimately experience the multi-dimensionality of being. The only barrier to entry is our belief that we can’t create an upgraded reality for ourselves. Let’s immerse ourselves in the sea of possibility and become intentional evolutionaries. Today is the first day of the rest of your life… let it be the beginning of a life with more compassion, reason, understanding and love.
