July 4th False Flags????

Multiple False Flag Set Up: “Perfect Storm” on Fourth Say Feds

by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner

They’re drooling over this one. All the scenarios they’ve been working on converge very neatly if they pull what they’re threatening “might happen” this Fourth of July weekend.

If you listen to these two so-called warnings by these insiders you’ll hear the same talking points carefully repeated but all based on vague suppositions and strangely weak and no doubt made up facts and statistics. The “ex” CIA guy goes so far as to say he won’t be surprised if next week they’ll be sitting there talking about an attack that happened over the weekend, although they both reference “multiple attacks”, a type of false flag spree we’ve long discussed as a potential tool to ramp up the police state.


Here’s a few of the clear objectives of their multi-pronged plan based on their own words and actions leading up to this weekend:

–Their on-going idea is to further inflate the image of domestic as well as worldwide terror, while furthering their police state clampdown. This would ramp it up big time. Even if nothing happens, they get this same reaction as well as more forces in place and evaluate America and the world’s reactions.

–False flags are being exposed continually and awareness has grown exponentially. The official story of 9/11 has been completely debunked and staged so-called terror events have become almost ludicrous to a massively growing amount of people worldwide. They likely feel they need to shore up public sentiment in the favor of the terror narrative.

–Displacing any kind of patriotic celebration, the biggest of which is the 4th of July celebrating America’s independence, with one of terror is a social engineering traumatic mind control trick. They often do these during Christmas for the same purpose. They’ve already accomplished must of this just through propaganda: message: independence equals terror.

–The Feds are establishing more “command centers” around the county – “just in case” of course. Those will be permanent and there will be a lot more in addition to their fusion centers and military outposts already in place.

— Ramp up the big bad common enemy meme by demonizing Islam, generating more backing for their entire middle east war and genocide campaigns.

–Syria is being fingered as the source for this “radicalization” via the internet, and again we’re supposed to just take their word for it. The move on Syria is on and they need to make sure Americans are on board.

— Keep an eye on this “radicalization” via the internet talking point as it’s their latest term and fear mongering axe to grind in order to establish draconian controls over the web and further suppress the free flow of real information. Notice it’s all based on vagaries and hype.

–Oh, that’s right, Jade Helm just happens to be starting in just over a week. What a coincidence. Maybe after something drastic happens Americans will stop bitching about their rights being taken away and homes and towns invaded and guns confiscated — after all, ISIS is behind every rock and tree recruiting and building bombs. Mustn’t leave any protection or pressure cookers lying around that could be used by the enemy.

What insanity. May the Americans catch on for once that they’re being played!

From FOX News, of course…

FBI setting up command centers to monitor terrorist threats over July 4 weekend

The FBI is establishing command centers around the country to monitor any potential terrorist threats around the July 4 weekend, a federal law enforcement source told Fox News.

The source said while there is no specific, credible threat surrounding the holiday, its symbolic nature offers a potential target for terror groups like ISIS. Authorities are particularly concerned about soft targets like shopping malls and other areas where there are large gatherings of people and rather light security, according to the source.

Information from local, state and federal law enforcement agencies will be sent to the command centers so officials can gauge the threat level and respond quickly.

Another law enforcement source told Fox the FBI’s strategy has shifted toward getting ISIS supporters off the streets as soon as possible, given that it’s hard to predict when one might go operational. This could include arresting individuals on lesser charges and then building a broader case once that person is in custody. Source

Here’s the CBS story with the other stooge talking with CFR reps disguised as newspeople:

Stay alert, but don’t fear or react irrationally if something does happen, now or at any time. There has been a long lead up to all of this so I’m assuming you’ve made conscious preparations.

I’m not predicting anything, they are. I just want to lay out what drives these psychopaths so you’ll be better prepared.

Be well. When we call them out on their plans it can head things off at the pass, but nothing’s guaranteed in a world gone haywire.

Love, Zen


from:    http://www.zengardner.com/multiple-false-flag-set-perfect-storm-fourth-say-feds/

BBC Documentary Power of Nightmares

from:   http://www.wanttoknow.info/powerofnightmares 

The Power of Nightmares

This highly revealing BBC documentary digs deep into the roots of the war on terror, only to find that much of the widespread fear in the post-9/11 world has been fabricated by those in power for their own interests. The intrepid BBC team presents highly informative interviews with experts and top officials in combating terrorism who raise serious questions about who is behind all of the fear-mongering. These experts and riveting footage also show how the media have been manipulated to support secret power agendas.

This eye-opening documentary shows that, especially after 9/11, fear has been used widely in the media to manipulate the public into giving up civil liberties and turning over power to elite groups with their own hidden agendas. The Power of Nightmares clearly demonstrates that the nightmare vision of a powerful, united terrorist organization waiting to strike our societies is largely an illusion. Wherever the BBC team looked for al-Qaeda, from the mountains of Afghanistan to the sleeper cells in America, they found that we are chasing a phantom enemy. For all citizens who care about the future of our world, this is a must-watch video.
View Free: All Three Parts of the BBC Documentary Power of Nightmares

Each episode is one hour. Part 3 is the most revealing. A 22-minute summary is also available.

For 22 minutes of the best excerpts from this three-hour documentary, click here

For a high quality version of part three of Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear, click here.

Click here to watch and read reviews of Power of Nightmares on archive.org.

Click here to watch all three episodes Power of Nightmares on Google Video.

For the downloaded copy of an excellent review of Power of Nightmares in the Los Angeles Timesclick here.

For a full written transcript of each part of Power of Nightmares: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

For transcripts, audio and video downloads, and other excellent information on the series, click here.

To order all three parts of Power of Nightmares on one DVD, click here.

Another excellent, highly revealing BBC/Adam Curtis documentary, Century of the Self, delves into the history of mass propaganda and its power to shape public perception. Click here to purchase. Click here to watch it free.