Irrefutable proof that rare Siesta Key, Florida tornado was manmade
A rare tornado with a peculiar energy signature swept through Siesta Key, Florida on January 17th, 2016 raising questions on geoengineering and ulterior motives as to why this happened.
Local television meteorologists even stated that they had never seen such an odd signature to several tornadoes that were spawned in Sarasota County.
I was awake, working at 3AM when the tornado went through. Even though the tornado was 2-3 miles away from me, I could hear an odd howling sound in the atmosphere, perhaps from these waves that triggered the tornado on Siesta Key.
Many metaphysical circles have spoken about the portals and stargates being closed off. CERN has played a huge role in trying to open these stargates and portals in order for the malevolent extraterrestrial species to leave the planet but as of now, they remain trapped here.
In the metaphysical community, it is well-known that there is a major stargate here off of Siesta Key, Florida which is why Lisa Renee was one of our keynote speakers for our In5D Conference here in Sarasota in 2013. During the conference, she mentioned that her main reason for attending was to close a major portal residing off of the Siesta Key beach, prohibiting those who have enslaved humanity from escaping while preventing malevolent backup forces from entering.
It’s become apparent that CERN has failed to open up any stargates which would allow these malevolent forces to enter and exit. In a last ditch attempt to open a major earth portal, a manmade tornado was created off of the coast of Sarasota, Florida.
The irrefutable evidence is the energy signature to this tornado in conjunction to the time it passed through Sarasota.
The photo below shows the energy wave being emitted from Antarctica and extending northwards through the United States, in particular, right through the middle of Florida.
The event occurred at 8AM GMT, which is 3AM Eastern. The tornado hit around 3:15AM. Coincidence? I seriously doubt it.
Tornado warnings were issued as this energy signature hit Florida:
As I’ve outlined in the article, “Pyramid Of Death: Who REALLY Runs This World?“, there are a number of malevolent forces above the shadow governments of this world who are pulling all of the strings.
What we are seeing is a desperate attempt by those in power in trying to escape the same planet that they have imprisoned for thousands of years. This is a sign that the end of their tyrannical reign is nearly over as humanity is about to enter a new age of peace, prosperity, and abundance for all.
Disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 begins to demand supernatural explanations
By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) As the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 continues to absolutely baffle investigators, explanations for what might have happened to the flight have entered the realm of the supernatural. Astonishingly, the Washington Post is now reporting that smartphones of some passengers who boarded the flight are still active and connected to the ‘net even though the plane they were on has vanished.
As WashPost reports:
One of the most eerie rumors came after a few relatives said they were able to call the cellphones of their loved ones or find them on a Chinese instant messenger service called QQ that indicated that their phones were still somehow online.
A migrant worker in the room said that several other workers from his company were on the plane, including his brother-in-law. Among them, the QQ accounts of three still showed that they were online, he said Sunday afternoon.
Adding to the mystery, other relatives in the room said that when they dialed some passengers’ numbers, they seemed to get ringing tones on the other side even though the calls were not picked up.
Four mind-bending possibilities, none of which seem possible
This brings up the immediate bind-bending question of how electronic devices on a commercial flight that vanished still appear to be connected to the internet. The explanations for this defy everything we think we know about reality:
• Mind-bending possibility #1, the “kidnapped” explanation: The plane somehow landed somewhere without leaving a radar signature of any kind, all the passengers are being held hostage there (and are thus still alive), their mobile devices are somehow within cell tower range and yet for some reason have not been confiscated. (This explanation seems extremely unlikely.)
• Mind-bending possibility #2, the “Stargate” explanation: A teleportation portal of some kind exists in the skies, through which the plane inadvertently flew and was teleported somewhere else. Yet, astonishingly, electromagnetic signals can still make it through the portal, and the two sides of the portal remain in contact across the radio spectrum. (This explanation sounds like pure science fiction and also seems extremely unlikely, yet we must at least acknowledge that modern physics has already demonstrated the instantaneous teleportation of information across apparently infinite space due to the “non-locality” of entangled electrons as described in quantum theory.)
• Mind-bending possibility #3, the “failed search” explanation: This far more mundane explanation supposes that the massive, multi-day search for plane wreckage and debris simply hasn’t stumbled upon the correct location yet. The fact that airplane black boxes broadcast homing signals adds to the skepticism that this explanation holds any water, as it is extremely unlikely that the airplane’s black boxes could have been obliterated. Nevertheless, this explanation still seems far more believable than supernatural explanations.
• Mind-bending possibility #4, the “advanced military weapons” explanation: Some military entity, either human or non-human, was testing an advanced weapon capable of either instantly obliterating large airborne objects or teleporting them to another place (or dimension). This explanation seems incredibly far-fetched, but then again, barely a hundred years ago, so did the idea that machines could ever fly at all. Related to this is the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment which some believe caused a U.S. Navy ship to vanish and reappear.
We must first stick to mundane explanations until more searches can be conducted
As someone who is trained in the sciences, I remain very skeptical that Flight 370 vanished for supernatural reasons, yet its disappearance unquestionably defies all known conventional explanations so far.
The vanishing of aircraft over the ocean is not without precedent, either. According to historical records, the so-called “Bermuda Triangle” causes both ships and aircraft to vanish for reasons that defy apparent scientific explanation. While the disappearance of ships can theoretically be explained by underwater volcanoes emitting large quantities of gas that mix with ocean waters and cause ships to immediately lose bouyancy, there has never been any convincing scientific explanation behind the disappearance of the many aircraft there. Click here for a list of the top 10 mysteries of vanishing aircraft, including some lost in the Bermuda Triangle.
With each passing day that this search goes on without finding any debris from the fight, it is incredibly reasonable to at least entertain supernatural possibilities in the quest for answers. At some point, if no debris ever appears, we must expand our window of possibilities to include what military strategists refer to as “unknown unknowns.”
Metaphysical and psychic phenomena have long existed on the fringes of conventional science and academia. ESP, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis and Astral traveling have all been relegated to the back seat of mainstream, accepted belief systems in spite of an extensive mention of these practices down the ages, across myriad cultures. It has always been challenging for practitioners of the science to be validated by the prevailing status quo.
That however changed in 1995 when the CIA declassified a top secret program that had been training individuals in the esoteric science of ‘Remote Viewing’ in which, it was claimed, people were able to envision ongoing activities in distant places and future events.
Although reminiscent of a Sci-Fi yarn, Remote viewing was tested and deployed under rigorous scientific conditions to obtain data about foreign espionage activities, counter terrorism efforts, secret military bases abroad and hidden missiles. It recognized the inherent psychic potential in humans and attempted to harness these special faculties or ‘powers’ for the purposes of intelligence gathering, often of a vital nature.
The initial testing was done at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) where extensive investigations were carried out into the human mind’s capacity to transcend all bounds of time and space. SRI’s research was supported by the CIA and other government agencies for over two decades.
Russell Targ, Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann were the original founders of this once-secret program. Their task was to learn to understand psychic abilities, and to use these abilities to gather information about the Soviet Union during the Cold War. They found from years of experience that people can quickly learn to do remote viewing, and can frequently incorporate this direct knowing of the world — both present and future — into their lives.
They were the original ‘Psi Spies’ named after the title of Jim Marrs’ exhaustive study of the phenomenon. The project produced some remarkable results. Among them were detailed renderings of secret Soviet bases, the whereabouts of Red Brigade terrorism hostages in Italy, location of victims in the Israeli hostage crisis, locations of Scud missiles during the first Gulf War and even the impending attack on the Twin Towers in NY! (done by a private contractor and ignored until after the event). The program eventually came to be called ‘Operation Stargate’.
The initial media flurry (Ted Koppel’s Nightline, ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, etc.) that surrounded the declassification in 1995 uncovered some surprising details. The names that surfaced at the time were of Ingo Swann, who initially helmed the project, Dr.Russell Targ, Pat Price, Dr. Hal Puthoff, Joseph McMoneagle and others, an interesting group comprised of respected senior military personnel, path breaking scientists and academic luminaries. On ABC’s Nightline, one of the operatives, Joe McMoneagle was put to the test by none other than Ted Koppel. He was able to prove the authenticity of the system with flying colors.
Remote viewers can often contact, experience and describe a hidden object, or a remote natural or architectural site, based on the presence of a cooperative person at the distant location, or when given geographical coordinates, or some other target demarcation — which they call an ‘address’. Shape, form and color are described much more reliably than the target’s name, function, or other analytical information. In addition to vivid visual imagery, viewers sometimes describe associated feelings, sounds, smells and even electrical or magnetic fields. Blueprint accuracy has occasionally been achieved in these double-blind experiments, and reliability in a series can be as high as 80 per cent. Case Studies
In 1984 Targ organized a pair of successful 10,000-mile remote viewing experiments between Moscow and San Francisco with famed Russian healer Djuna Davitashvili. Djuna’s task was to describe where a colleague would be hiding in San Francisco. She had to focus her attention ten thousand miles to the west and two hours into the future to correctly describe his location. These experiments were performed under the auspices and control of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Djuna hit the mark on all counts and the experiment was declared a resounding success.
Ten years earlier, in 1974, Russell Targ and his colleague Hal Puthoff carried out a demonstration of psychic abilities for the CIA. Pat Price, a retired police commissioner, described the inside and outside of a secret Soviet weapons laboratory in the far reaches of Siberia — given only the geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude for a reference. (That is, with no on- site cooperation.) This trial was such a stunning success that they were forced to undergo a formal Congressional investigation to determine if there had been a breach in National Security. Of course, none was ever found, and the government supported them for another fifteen years.
Data from these formal and controlled SRI investigations were highly statistically significant (thousands of times greater than chance expectation), and have been published in the world’s most prestigious journals, such as Nature, The Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and The Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences. The twenty years of remote viewing research conducted for the CIA is outlined in ‘Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-local Consciousness and Spiritual Healing’, co-authored by Targ and Katra.
Recent research in areas as different as distant healing and quantum physics are in agreement with the oldest spiritual teachings of the sages of India, who taught that “separation is an illusion.” The powers we are discovering now are described by Rishis as ‘Siddhis’, or fruits of deep penance and arcane Yogic techniques, verbally transmitted, only known to inner circles.
The military and institutional exploitation of this timeless phenomenon is alarming. It is being harnessed by world governments in a game of cosmic brinkmanship, none of whom can possibly know the complete ramifications of unleashing such latently devastating forces without comprehending the holistic nature of the universe and interconnectedness of all life.
What is remarkable however, is the fact that the cat is out of the bag finally with regard to parapsychology, metaphysics and the occult. The so-called ‘mainstream’ has not only recognized the stunning potential of psychic energy but has gone so far as to harness it for territorial one-upmanship. The human race only needs to realize the vast reserves of raw power that it has at its disposal to effect profound and genuine transformation of the human condition on a global scale.
Image byWestern, courtesy of Creative Commons license.
(NOTE: As usual, use your discretion, do your research, and draw your own conclusions.)
The 2012 Olympics and Stargate London Symbology
Just in time for the 2012 Olympics, a RAINBOW energy appears to be illuminating London’s Stargate (Olympic) Park! The following is a photo essay exploring the art, architecture, and symbolism surrounding 2012’s cosmic games.
*For more detailed info on the symbolism surrounding the 2012 Olympics pleas listen to my recent radio interview on REVELATIONS radio with William Henry!
“Started in Greece, The Olympics feature the best athletes in the world competing in a wide range of sports every four years. Cities are turned into battlefields for the Gods, complete with stadiums and inspirational art and architecture to uplift the spirits of athlete and spectator alike. The Olympic parks are Cosmic Doorways.”
– Dr. Mark Gray
The 2012 Olympic Logo (ZION)
The 2012 Logo was designed by Wolff Olins. When unscrambled it appears to spell out ZION (SION). Iran has threatened to boycott the 2012 Olympics due to this logo.
The Olympic Stadium
The stadium is located at Marshgate Lane. The stadium kind of resembles a large U.F.O. (mother ship) topped with pyramids, inclusive of capstones! The capstones are the lights that illuminate the stadium and its occupants. The outside if the stadium is wrapped with a fabric that can be illuminated the colors of the RAINBOW. It is a giant RAINBOW ring!
Olympic Park Street Design
Courtesy Rick Clay (Cosmic Mind) R.I.P.
Meet Wenlock & Mandeville (2012 Mascots) The One Eyed RAINBOW Riding Aliens
The mascots (RAINBOW riding cyclops) are depicted emerging from a cosmic RAINBOW and illuminating the Olympic (Stargate) Park as well as it’s occupants. Wenlock and Mandeville have also been promoted through several short movie clips. Out Of The RAINBOW, Adventures On A RAINBOW, RAINBOW Rescue, & RAINBOW To The Games!
for more information, pictures, etc., go to:
oh, and fyi, here is an explanation of the symbolism behind Wenlock & Mandeville from
The two characters are named after Much Wenlock in Shropshire, the village that hosted a precursor to the Olympics in the 19th century, and Stoke Mandeville hospital, the birthplace of the Paralympic Games. Each mascot also sports a yellow light atop its head, as a reference to London’s black cabs, and the Olympic Rings get a nod via Wenlock’s bracelets.