Lee Carroll Kryon on “The Humanization of God”

The Humanization of God

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Saturday, 16 July, 2011  at Totowa, New Jersey  (posted 6 September, 2011)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So I return again with a message about perception. The shift that is going on now within this planet, at the moment, is about you. It’s about communicating. For that which is inside you called your Higher-Self, which remains unidentifiable, simply cannot be defined properly in three dimensions. So it’s often misunderstood.

It is time for all to hear this message, even though there will be pieces and parts of it you may not understand. The box that you are in is a survival box in three dimensions. It’s all you know. So you will base all things you see and make decisions only upon that which you think you know. In fact, for you to base things on that which you don’t know, is impossible – yet we ask you to try.

Multidimensional things are difficult for humanity to ponder. If you step outside the paradigm you were born in and the reality you have survived in, it would be a confusing experience. How then, can we ask you to think in ways that are beyond what you know or have experienced?

The energy on this planet is changing. You might say the toolbox of the Lightworker is being enhanced. So the new toolbox is the key to having the ability to do what I am saying is now possible, and to start thinking in a multidimensional way even without knowing that that’s what you’re doing. You see, part of the toolbox is new help. It starts with the increased intuition of the old soul.

Let us begin, therefore, with an affirmation, a statement of intent for understanding. As you sit before Spirit in a group like this, or alone and listening or reading as some of you are now, ask for a dispensation of wisdom: “Dear Spirit, help me to understand at a multidimensional level the concepts that are being presented.” For if you can enhance your wisdom, it will increase communication between the two sides of the veil.

The Humanization of God

I’m going to title this channelling so that my partner will not. I don’t always title them, for labeling items is something done for 3D reasons. In your reality, you want a label for the message you’re about to hear. So I’ll give it to you, just as a dichotomous exercise. Its title will be, “The Humanization of God.”

to read more, go to:    http://spiritlibrary.com/kryon/the-humanization-of-god

Science & Spirituality

My Take: Science and spirituality should be friends

Editor’s Note: Deepak Chopra is founder of the Chopra Foundation and a senior scientist at the Gallup Organization. He has authored over 60 books, including The Soul of Leadership, which The Wall Street Journal called one of five best business books about careers.

By Deepak Chopra, Special to CNN

For most people, science deserves its reputation for being opposed to religion.

I’m not thinking of the rather noisy campaign by a handful of die-hard atheists to demote and ridicule faith.

I’m thinking instead of Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution has proved victorious over the Book of Genesis and its story of God creating the universe in seven days. Since then, God has been found wanting when measured against facts and data. With no data to support the existence of God, there is also no reason for religion and science to close the gap between them.

Yet the gap has indeed been closing.

Religion and spirituality didn’t go away just because organized religion has been losing its hold, as suggested by showing decades of  declining church attendance in the U.S. and Western Europe.

Despite the noisy atheists, two trends in spirituality and science have started to converge. One is the trend to seek God outside the church. This has given rise to a kind of spirituality based on personal experience, with an openness to accept Eastern traditions like meditation and yoga as legitimate ways to expand one’s consciousness.

If God is to be found anywhere, it is inside the consciousness of each person. Even in the Christian West we have the assurance of Jesus that the kingdom of heaven is within, while the Old Testament declares, “Be still and know that I am God.”

The other trend is a growing interest by scientists in questions about consciousness


Spirituality & Evolution


Professor of Neuroscience and Novelist, Princeton University

Is Spirituality a Byproduct of Evolution?

Posted: 8/5/11 08:16 AM ET

Homo sapiens evolved to be socially intelligent. Over millions of years, perhaps more, the primate brain evolved special machinery to allow us to think socially, to build abstract concepts of each other’s minds and to react emotionally to each other in a way that more or less maintains the social web. In one theory that is gaining greater acceptance, the social machinery in the human brain is the direct cause of spirituality. Spirituality is the human brain doing exactly what it is exquisitely well evolved to do. It is the functioning of our social intelligence.

If spiders could ever become super intelligent, they might see the world through the metaphor of a web. They might talk about sticky strands of thought. They might envision a universe pulled out of a spinneret. They might judge beauty by radial symmetry. Looking at the moon, they might see a web-in-the-moon instead of a man-in-the-moon. The natural talent of humans is to spin metaphors of minds and intentions, and that is how we evaluate almost everything around us. We understand and react to the world through our social capability. It defines us more than any other trait. Even language is a refinement of social communication. We are truly Homo socialis.

to read more, go to:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-graziano/spirituality-as-byproduct-of-evolution_b_918801.html

Gregg Braden on Spirituality & Science

The Wisdom of a Spirituality-Based Science

Posted: 06/ 5/11 11:17 AM ET

During the last years of the Cold War, I had a front row seat as a senior systems designer in the defense industry to one of the most frightening times in the history of the world, and the thinking that led to it. During the last years of the most potentially lethal, yet undeclared, war in human history, the superpowers of the United States and the former Soviet Union did something that seems unthinkable to any rationally minded person today. They spent the time, energy, and human resources to develop and stockpile somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000 nuclear weapons — a combined arsenal with the power to microwave the Earth, and everything on it, many times over.

The rationale for such an extreme effort stems from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world for the last 300 years or so, since the beginning of the scientific era. It’s based in the false assumptions of scientific thinking that suggest we’re somehow separate from the Earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon relentless struggle and survival of the strongest

to read the whole article go to:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gregg-braden/spirituality-science_b_871483.html