October 14, 2020
Most regular readers of this site are well aware that there’s a debate going on about the real vs the stated purposes of the 5G rollout, and most are also probably aware that there are serious health and environmental impact concerns about the technology. As I’ve blogged about the subject on previous occasions, one thing that has always stood out to me was its potential for weaponization. After all, with antennae all over the landscape, it would be possible to convert the antennae in a region, or for that matter, over the whole country, into a very large phased array antennae system, for the purposes of multiwave interferometry in a particular place, and to use it in a variety of nasty ways, from induction of disease, to mind manipulation, “crowd control”, and worse. Some people even hypothesize that it could be used to vaporize bodies, though that would take an extraordinary amount of energy. But my point in raising these topics is to reinforce my point that there could very well be a hidden purpose to the whole thing.
With that as background, E.E. spotted the following article in RT and passed it along, and if even only a small percentage of it it true, then it’s still a “whopper doozie”:
The title of the article is disturbing enough, but the article itself, quoting the military, clearly states that the whole 5G project has a “dual use” capability, and that a component of this is to increase the “lethality” of the system:
The US military has partnered with more than a dozen companies for “large-scale experimentation” with 5G technology, including efforts to enhance the “lethality” of certain systems, in what’s slated to be a $600 million project.Dubbing 5G tech a “foundational enabler for all US defense modernization,” the Pentagon announced the massive research initiative on Thursday, which will hand hundreds of millions to 15 private contractors to conduct testing at five US military installations.
“Today, the Department of Defense announced $600 million in awards for 5G experimentation and testing at five US military test sites, representing the largest full-scale 5G tests for dual-use applications in the world,” the Pentagon said in a statement, adding that it would bring together experts from several industries and disciplines.
The article goes on to mention that the network is for “distributed command and control”, a curious statement but one which would synch quite well with the topic I blogged about yesterday, namely, the use of rockets as a logistical delivery system capable of landing supplies anywhere in the world within an hour, a system that I dubbed LOBSTER. It’s just the sort of distributed command and control system one would need (in addition to Global Satellite Positioning) to make such a system work.
But then there’s this:
One effort spearheaded by AT&T at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada will apply 5G to “distributed command and control” systems in order to “aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality,” enhancing communications for mobile command centers in combat scenarios.
Now, without even having to indulge in my high octane speculation about the system being a potential Very Large Phased Array capable of all sorts of nastiness from mind manipulation to literally shutting down biological systems by shutting down their organic “electrical network” – just think heart attacks here or (here it comes) respiratory difficulties – even without those things as lurking possibilities, one can easily see how such a “distributed command and control system” would enhance “lethality” of more conventional weapons.
But it’s that reference itself that disturbs; read it again:
One effort spearheaded by AT&T at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada will apply 5G to “distributed command and control” systems in order to “aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality,” enhancing communications for mobile command centers in combat scenarios. (Boldface emphasis added)
Just what-the-dickens is “cyberspace lethality”? Well I can think of a few things, such as using a phased array to bring down regions of the internet, or to interfere with hardware functioning, or even to broadcast “noise” or false data into computer networks to inhibit processing, and so on. But there’s that other potential, mentioned long ago by Lt. Col (US Army, Ret.) Tom Bearden, that signals can me modulated directly into computers remotely that can induce heart failure, and so on.
Even if these speculations are wrong, there’s one thing one should take away from this: 5G is not simply about the internet of things or faster speed or greater bandwidth. Underneath all the wonderful jonquils and daisies and snake oil that the commercials on TV right now are touting about the wonders of 5G, there’s a military component and purpose to it all. That should give everyone pause.
See you on the flip side…
from: https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/10/the-pentagram-and-5g/