Selacia on TIme

Working with Time Distortions

The winds of change have shifted this month, allowing more forward movement and a reprieve from October’s erratic energies. If you’re not yet feeling like it’s smooth sailing, one reason is the time distortion we’re experiencing.

Clock time can tell you one thing, yet your own inner sense of time may have you feeling either behind time or urgently wanting to be ahead. The overall effect can be a sense that you aren’t quite in tune with where you need to be. You may simply want to stop the merry-go-round of time altogether!

You really cannot stop the march of time, of course, but there is plenty that you can do to keep your equilibrium. In fact, in this last stretch of 2014, it is essential that you discover how to make friends with time and change.

Divine Changemakers and Time

Your empowerment as a divine changemaker is integrally linked to mastery of the two connected energies of time and change. Empowerment, after all, is experienced as you become practiced navigating life’s fluctuations – increasingly finding your center and an inner place of calm regardless of circumstances. Only in a state of calm can you effectively meet the next surprise or challenge and respond in the highest way. Only by being present and in your heart can you have clarity about what you face and wisdom to know how to meet what you see.

3 Reminders about Time

Here are three reminders about time. Keep these in mind during this hectic season in order to have more inner peace.

First, realize there indeed is clock time and there are many practical reasons for synchronizing clocks – like to meet your friend for dinner or arrive at the airport before your plane departs.

Second, clock time is a linear measurement. You are a quantum being, so don’t measure your potentials by clocks – think bigger. Apply a quantum perspective to the hour you have before a meeting, allowing a vast reservoir of creativity to bubble up into your consciousness – doing in one hour what could have taken you all morning.

Third, consider the cycle or season. This time each year, holidays and end-of-year deadlines can distort the sense of time. There is often a flurry of activity, everyone around you busy with something, perhaps excited, and seeming in a rush. This comes with a palpable feeling and it can be catching!

3 Tips to Master Time

Here are three ways to master time in these moments. Work with these daily between now and the end of 2014 to become more resourced creating the life of your dreams!

First, do your best to ground and center several times a day. If you aren’t sure if you are grounded, you probably aren’t. Sitting or standing, focus on your heart and a line of red energy running down your body into the sacred Earth.

Second, when you consider timed activities, decide that you will approach the clock in a quantum way – this means you are both practical and respectful of self and others and also means you refuse to let your creativity be enslaved by time. You remember that your creativity and inner wisdom sourced from spirit come in unbounded ways!

Third, you remain mindful of pack mentality and the tendency to get caught up in the season’s senseless rushing. If something is truly urgent, of course, then apply your best efforts to attend to it with high importance. Remember, however, that many things really aren’t that big a deal!

Taking Hold of the Current Energetic Shifts

Most likely you are feeling a bit restless and uncertain as April begins – not knowing how the month’s intense energies will play out in your life.

To be sure, as I’ve been writing about on Facebook recently, April’s energies can leave even the most grounded person unglued and in a state of ongoing disquiet. Two eclipses in one month – any time – will catalyze a roller coaster ride. In April, though, with the additional rare grand cross planetary configuration building for decades, it may feel more like an upside-down wild mouse ride.

Here are some suggestions for moving through this cycle with more ease and fewer missteps you will need to address later. If you did not see my last article with specifics on April’s wild ride – including dates of eclipses and the grand cross – please see the Archive on the home page of

Use Uncertainty as a Gift

No one likes to be uncertain, unable to figure out current and future happenstance. It’s in our conditioning to want to know what’s up and where we are headed. When we feel like the road in front of us has a huge fog bank spreading out in all directions and obscuring our view, we can panic. There are gifts, though, described here.

Gift One. Consider the blessings of the fog bank. Yes, there are some. One gift is that the voice of uncertainty within you can catalyze your next big leap forward!

How? If you pay attention with consciousness to this voice, it can catalyze a deeper questioning within. This can give you an expanded understanding of what is not working in your life, and help you to see new remedies not visible before.

Gift Two. Here’s another gift. Uncertainty you feel in April can be a signal from your intuition to steer clear of something not in your highest good. Perhaps you have had intuitive hunches for months about a decision or potential action, but you misread them as signs the timing just wasn’t yet right. April could be the month, however when you finally have clarity with a long-term view – indicating that your planned action would not get you where you want to go.

Keep in mind, of course, that uncertainty is sometimes your ego. That’s different and you want to learn to discern the difference. Feeling uncertain with ego running your mind and emotional responses can lead to a circling of unproductive thoughts that keep you stuck and afraid to take action.

If you discover this happening, there is a solution. You can break the circle by overriding this self-created loop and taking action on what is in front of you – one thing at a time. This is how you take back your power.

Here’s an interesting dynamic to note. It is human nature to feel uncertain when things suddenly and sometimes unexpectedly change. The energies of April are catalyzing these kinds of changes.

Some of what will be occurring may throw you off guard, even if it has no direct impact on you. It’s simply unsettling to know that so much is happening so fast around the world or to people you know – things that you did not expect to happen.

Likewise, some of what will be occurring will in fact be welcome news, evoking feelings like you might have when the sun comes out after a long gloomy winter. An outer world example could be hearing that a loved one you haven’t seen for years is coming across the country on an unplanned business trip. You love the idea of spending time with him or her, but the unexpected visit means that your already full schedule needs to be adjusted.

Gift Three. Here’s a third gift. April’s wild ride of energies can feel like your undoing or you can approach it with an open mind and a willingness to shift old methods. Consider, then, how you can be more allowing and in the moment with what shows up. Become mindful of when you are in your head and intellectualizing solutions – and invite spirit to help you let go.

Life is an evolving process that you can only truly appreciate from your heart space. Your rational mind cannot make sense of the quantum eternal realms, but it will try to figure things out and control every detail. Enjoy more peace with a heart focus. Your gift is shifting to a new fueling system that is heart centered.

There are many things you simply cannot know in advance. Some things, however, are constant and eternal – you can count on them to exist when you get to future points in time. Among these: your true nature is divine, you are light, and you exist as a multidimensional being. You can forget these things, but at each juncture, they are intrinsic to who you really are. No one can take them away and you cannot lose them. Trust this.

selacia_min_400About the Author

Selacia, internationally acclaimed author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, is an intuitive healer and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening.


Council of 12 Through Selacia on Energies of 2012

Prepare for 2012’s Energies

a message from The Council of 12 channeled by Selacia
Friday, 2 September, 2011  (posted 7 September, 2011)

No one really knows exactly how the energies of 2012 will unfold. To be sure, though, 2012  will come with unique challenges and an unprecedented acceleration of revolutionary change. The sense of urgency in the air, building for the last few years, will grow.

Most likely you are feeling more anxious now and you have more questions that don’t seem to have answers. Regardless of what you think will unfold in 2012, you know deep within your bones that you and humanity are at a crucial crossroads. You know that much needs to change within people and within society – otherwise the light-filled reality you want to inhabit cannot come into being. You understand, of course, that you are an integral part of the mix and that your own spiritual transformation is vital.

You know that there is nothing ordinary about this juncture. You can sense this even if you don’t watch the news and even if you pay no attention to the plethora of prophecies about 2012. Since you reside within such extraordinary moments of time, how can you best prepare for what’s coming next?

Tips for 2012 Preparation

The following are some guidelines to help you prepare for the changes of 2012. You can work with these ideas now and as 2012 unfolds. Begin your preparations early so that you can move through the chaos with more ease. You then will be more peaceful – helping yourself and others. Do not underestimate the potency of one peaceful person in a family, work environment, or other group. You can and do make a difference by generating peace.

Become friends with change. As a divine changemaker your role during these pivotal times is to be at the forefront of society’s changes. Your task is to master the art of consciously facing and moving through change, being the example, and showing others how to do the same. To do this, you must learn to become more comfortable with change. To be where you are right now on your spiritual path, you had to open your mind to view change in a radically different way. Compared with some other people in your circle, therefore, you likely have an easier time with some of the changes occurring now. The next step is to embrace change as though it was a true friend. That is more challenging but you are encoded to do it. You know at your core that the most progress happens in times of greatest change. Inquire within daily to discover how you can lighten up about the changes that you encounter.

Update your relationships. As you move into increasingly chaotic energies it becomes more vital to keep your relationships up to date. Reevaluate them now and regularly over this coming year. Consider how you can improve your communications – including words you say and feelings you express. How consciously you communicate with others will determine the quality of the relationship and how well it serves you. Space is important too. Consider whether your relationships allow you and others enough space. Respecting your own and another’s space is a key ingredient in a successful relationship. To weather the ups and downs of these times, you will need more alone time, more contemplation time, and more breathing room than before. When you come together with someone, you want to be present and a good listener and to feel that same response from the other person. Regularly explore the dynamics of your relationships, inviting your intuitively guided reason to show you needed adjustments. Strive to be as genuine as you can as much of the time as you can – with everyone.

Calm your mind and body. This is easier said than done when you are facing a constant stream of stressful events and unknowns. Most likely you have learned a number of methods for coping with stress – like meditation, breathing, and shifting your focus away from worry. You may work with at least one such tool regularly, and yet with today’s level of chaos, you can still feel anxious. Having power over your own mind and emotions will become an essential skill in 2012 and beyond. As a divine changemaker, you are learning to master life’s turbulent waters and find the calm. You can calm yourself like no one else can. When your calm state comes from within, generated by your own internal shifting, you connect with an unshakeable peace. No drug can give you this. No other person or thing can give you this. The parade of change in 2012 will give you ample opportunities to further master how you respond to chaos. Set your intent now that you will be an ongoing voice of grounded reason and calmness. Invite your higher wisdom to give you daily guidance and help in mastering this light-filled way of being.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved *
