A new study published in Frontiers medical journal states that symptoms from wearing masks, including respiratory illnesses and other ailments, may have been misinterpreted as ‘long COVID’. Green Med Info added that it is also possible that mRNA-jab induced adverse effects have been misindentified as “Long Covid” symptoms, but it has not been studied.
.Summary by JW Williams
According to US News, symptoms of long COVID are wide-ranging, including shortness of breath, fatigue, fever, headaches, “brain fog” and other neurological problems. Their article claims that the condition is both difficult to diagnose and to treat. It also admits that experts warn, “people can get long COVID despite vaccination status or taking Paxlovid, so the measures aren’t guarantees against getting the condition.”
According to a study published by Frontiers, masks interfered with oxygen-uptake and carbon dioxide-release and can lead to mask-induced exhaustion-syndrome (MIES) and down-stream physio-metabolic dysfunctions. Several mask related symptoms may have been misinterpreted as Long COVID-19 symptoms.
The researchers who analyzed the data concluded, “Face mask side-effects must be assessed (risk-benefit) against the available evidence of their effectiveness against viral transmissions. In the absence of strong empirical evidence of effectiveness, mask wearing should not be mandated let alone enforced by law.”
Sayer Ji at Green Med Info wrote that mask mandates “should be backed by solid evidence, and should be balanced with the risks. [Note: it is also possible that mRNA-jab induced adverse effects have been misindentified as “Long Covid” symptoms; another vitally important area of research that has yet to make it through the highly guarded, censorship prone peer-review process.]”
Groundbreaking research indicates that most of what is believed about the purportedly deadly properties of viruses like influenza is, in fact, not evidence-based but myth.
Germ theory is an immensely powerful force on this planet, affecting everyday interactions from a handshake, all the way up the ladder to national vaccination agendas and global eradication campaigns.
But what if fundamental research on what exactly these ‘pathogens’ are, how they infect us, has not yet even been performed? What if much of what is assumed and believed about the danger of microbes, particularly viruses, has completely been undermined in light of radical new discoveries in microbiology?
The hyperbolic manner in which health policymakers and mainstream media pundits talk about it today, flu virus (or COVID-19) is an inexorably lethal force (note: viruses are obligiate parasites, at worst, with no inner motive force to actively “infect” others), against which all citizens, of all ages 6 months or older, need the annual influenza vaccine to protect themselves against, lest they (it is said) face deadly consequences. Worse, those who hold religious or philosophical objections, or who otherwise conscientiously object to vaccinating, are being characterized as doing harm to others by denying them herd immunity (a concept that has been completely debunked by a careful study of the evidence, or lack thereof). For instance, in the interview below Bill Gates tells Sanjay Gupta that he thinks non-vaccinators “kill children”:
But what if I told you that there isn’t even such a thing as “flu virus,” in the sense of a monolithic, disease vector existing outside of us, conceived as it is as the relationship of predator to prey?
First, consider that the highly authorative Cochrane collaboration acknowledges there are many different flu viruses that are not, in fact, influenza A — against which flu vaccines are targeted — but which nonetheless can contribute to symptoms identical to those attributed to influenza A:
“Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever, headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses). Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart. Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness. At best, vaccines might be effective against only Influenza A and B, which represent about 10% of all circulating viruses.” (Source: Cochrane Summaries).” [emphasis added]
This makes for a picture of complexity that powerfully undermines health policies that presuppose vaccination equates to bona fide immunity, and by implication, necessitates the herd collectively participate in the ritual of mass vaccination campaigns as a matter of life-or-death social necessity.
Even the use of the word “immunization” to describe vaccination is highly misleading. The moment the word is used, it already presupposes efficacy, and makes it appear as if non-vaccinators are anti-immunity, instead of what they actually are: pro-immunity (via clean air, food, water, and sunlight), but unwilling to subject themselves or their healthy children to “unavoidably unsafe” medical procedures with only theoretical benefits.
Why Flu Virus Doesn’t Exist (The Way We Were Told)
But the topic gets even more interesting when we consider the findings of a 2015 study entitled “Conserved and host-specific features of influenza virion architecture.” This was the first study ever to plumb the molecular depths of what influenza virus is actually composed of. Amazingly, given the long history of vaccine use and promotion, the full characterization of what proteins it contains, and where they are derived from, was never previously performed. How we invest billions of dollars annually into flu vaccines, and have created a global campaign to countermand a viral enemy, whose basic building blocks were not even known until a few years ago, is hard to understand. But it is true nonetheless.
The study abstract opens with this highly provocative line:
“Viruses use virions to spread between hosts, and virion composition is therefore the primary determinant of viral transmissibility and immunogenicity.” [emphasis added]
Influenza viral particles
Virion are also known as “viral particles,” and they are the means by which viral nucleic acids are able to move and ‘infect’ living organisms. Without the viral particle (taxi) to carry around the virus DNA (passenger), it would be harmless; in fact, viruses are often described as existing somewhere between living and inanimate objects for this reason: they do not produce their own energy, nor are transmissable without a living host. And so, in this first line, the authors are making it clear that virion composition is also the primary determinant in how or whether a virus is infectious (transmits) and what effects it will have in the immune system of the infected host.
This distinction is important because we often think of viruses as simply pathogenic strings of DNA or RNA. The irony, of course, is that the very things we attribute so much lethality to — viral nucleic acids — are not even alive, and can not infect an organism without all the other components (proteins, lipids, extra-viral nucleic acids) which are, technically, not viral in origin, participating in the process. And so, if the components that are non-viral are essential for the virus to cause harm, how can we continue to maintain that we are up against a monolithic disease entity “out there” who “infects” us, a passive victim? It’s fundamentally non-sensical, given these findings. It also clearly undermines the incessant, fear-based rhetoric those beholden to the pro-vaccine stance to coerce the masses into undergoing the largely faith-based rite of vaccination.
Let’s dive deeper into the study’s findings.
The next line of the abstract addresses the fact we opened this article with: namely, that there is great complexity involved at the level of the profound variability in virion composition:
“However, the virions of many viruses are complex and pleomorphic, making them difficult to analyze in detail”
But this problem of the great variability in the virion composition of influenza is exactly why the study was conducted. They explain:
“Here we address this by identifying and quantifying viral proteins with mass spectrometry, producing a complete and quantifiable model of the hundreds of viral and host-encoded proteins that make up the pleomorphic virions of influenza virus. We show that a conserved influenza virion architecture, which includes substantial quantities of host proteins as well as the viral protein NSI, is elaborated with abundant host-dependent features. As a result, influenza virions produced by mammalian and avian hosts have distinct protein compositions.”
In other words, they found that the flu virus is as much comprised of biological material from the host the virus ‘infects,’ as the viral genetic material of the virus per se.
How then, do we differentiate influenza virus as fully “other”? Given that it would not exist without “self” proteins, or those of other host animals like birds (avian) or insects, this would be impossible to do with any intellectual honesty intact.
There’s also the significant problem presented by flu vaccine production. Presently, human flu vaccine antigen is produced via insects and chicken eggs. This means that the virus particles extracted from these hosts would contain foreign proteins, and would therefore produce different and/or unpredictable immunological responses in humans than would be expected from human influenza viral particles. One possibility is that the dozens of foreign proteins found within avian influenza could theoretically produce antigens in humans that cross-react with self-structures resulting in autoimmunity. Safety testing, presently, does not test for these cross reactions. Clearly, this discovery opens up a pandora’s box of potential problems that have never sufficiently been analyzed, since it was never understood until now that “influenza” is so thoroughly dependent upon a host for its transmissability and immunogenecity.
Are Flu Viruses Really “Hijacked” Exosomes?
Lastly, the study identified something even more amazing:
“Finally, we note that influenza virions share an underlying protein composition with exosomes, suggesting that influenza virions form by subverting micro vesicle” production.”
What these researchers are talking about is the discovery that virion particles share stunning similarities to naturally occurring virus-like particles produced by all living cells called exosomes. Exosomes, like many viruses (i.e. enveloped viruses) are enclosed in a membrane, and are within the 50-100 nanometer size range that viruses are (20-400 nm). They also contain biologically active molecules, such as proteins and lipids, as well as information-containing ones like RNAs — exactly, or very similar, to the types of contents you find in viral particles.
Watch this basic video on exosomes to get a primer:
In light of this post-Germ Theory perspective, viruses could be described as pieces of information in search of chromosomes; not inherently “bad,” but, in fact, essential for mediating the genotype/phenotype relationship within organisms, who must adapt to ever-shifting environmental conditions in real-time in order to survive; something the glacial pace of genetic changes within the primary nucleotide sequences of our DNA cannot do (for instance, it may take ~ 100,000 years for a protein-coding gene sequence to change versus seconds for a protein-coding gene’s expression to be altered via modulation via viral or exosomal RNAs).
This does not mean they are “all good”, either. Sometimes, given many conditions outside their control, their messages could present challenges or misinformation to the cells to which they are exposed, which could result in a “disease symptom.” These disease symptoms are often if not invariably attempts by the body to self-regulate and ultimately improve and heal itself.
In other words, the virion composition of viruses appears to be the byproduct of the cell’s normal exosome (also known as microvesicle) production machinery and trafficking, albeit being influenced by influenza DNA. And like exosomes, viruses may be a means of extracellular communication between cells, instead of simply a pathological disease entity. This could explain why an accumulating body of research on the role of the virome in human health indicates that so-called infectious agents, including viruses like measles, confer significant health benefits. [see: the Health Benefits of Measles and The Healing Power of Germs?].
Other researchers have come to similar discoveries about the relationship between exosomes and viruses, sometimes describing viral hijacking of exosome pathways as a “Trojan horse” hypothesis. HIV may provide such an example.
Concluding Remarks
The remarkably recent discovery of the host-dependent nature of the influenza virus’ virion composition is really just the tip of an intellectual iceberg that has yet to fully emerge into the light of day, but is already “sinking” ships; paradigm ships, if you will.
One such paradigm is that germs are enemy combatants, and that viruses serve no fundamental role in our health, and should be eradicated from the earth with drugs and vaccines, if possible.
This belief, however, is untenable. With the discovery of the indispensable role of the microbiome, and the subpopulation of viruses within it — the virome — we have entered into an entirely new, ecologically-based view of the body and its environs that are fundamentally inseparable. Ironically, the only thing that influenza may be capable of killing is germ theory itself.
For an in-depth exploration of this, watch the lecture below on the virome. I promise, if you do so, you will no longer be able to uphold germ theory as a monolithic truth any longer. You may even start to understand how we might consider some viruses “our friends,” and why we may need viruses far more than they need us.
The New Biophysics: A Deep Dive into the Quantum Rabbit Hole of Esoteric Physiology
What if everything you were told about how the cells of your body get their energy was wrong? What if the body could tap the relatively limitless resources of the Sun directly? Even more astounding, what if the body could tap the infinite energy density of the quantum vacuum and even turn that energy into matter, as well as transform elements into one another? Welcome to the electrifying implications of the New Biophysics.
The energy needs of the human body have long been envisioned as dependent upon physical “fuel” being fed to the glucose-burning furnaces within the mitochondria of our cells. Indeed, our fixation on the caloric content of food reflects this outdated and fundamentally inaccurate concept. Calories are simply a measurement of the amount of heat given off when we internally incinerate food, which is a crude metric when we consider the complexity, elegance, and mystery of human metabolism.
Our bodies, in addition to utilizing ATP-based mechanisms of energy transfer, are capable of harnessing “free” energy directly from the sun through a variety of means, including water-, melanin-, and chlorophyll-mediated processes. No doubt, there are many other energy-generating processes at play yet to be discovered. But while examples of alternative energy sources based on EZ water or melanin may seem like a radical departure from conventional theories of cellular bioenergetics, they actually still aren’t radical enough to account for what is really going on.
The truth is that our bodies can access, accumulate, and put to work immense quantities of free energy, or energy that does not need to be extracted from physical substances such as food. The body has an even more direct, limitless source of energy that it can, and does, continually access—one that may finally explain accounts of humans living without food or water for prolonged periods of time. Recent experiments reveal that, despite long-standing assumptions that cytosol, the aqueous part of a cell’s cytoplasm, has zero electric fields, it actually contains an electric field strength as high as 15 million volts per meter.48 (For comparison, high-voltage power lines typically operate at 155,000 to 765,000 volts per meter.) Even more astounding is the fact that the inner membrane of a single mitochondrion has an electric field strength of 30 million volts,49 which is comparable to the electrical field generated by the flares coming off the surface of the sun or a thunderbolt.
But where does this immense energy come from? In order to answer this question, we’ll have to explore some of the most foundational discoveries of quantum physics. After all, all our bodies’ molecules are composed of atoms, whose fundamental structure lies at the sub-sub-sub-atomic level of the quantum of action, which means understanding human physiology and cellular bioenergetics will require at least a basic understanding of quantum physics.
In the New Biophysics, space is described as the quantum vacuum, unlike its more passive precursor of classical physics, where it is visualized as an empty and invisible container for physical things. The quantum vacuum is not a void but is instead teeming with zero-point energy, that is, the vibrational energy at baseline or ground state that remains present even when the system being observed from a classical perspective is at absolute zero and appears completely empty and motionless. In quantum field theory, estimates of the vacuum energy density within “empty space” range from infinity to the mass density of about 1096 kilograms per cubic meter (that’s a 10 with 96 zeros behind it!), which in practical terms is infinite. This is the reason American physicist Richard Feynman remarked that “one teacup of empty space contains enough energy to boil all the world’s oceans.” Similarly, Swiss physicist Nassim Haramein predicts that the zero-point vacuum energy contained within the volume of a single proton is equal to the mass of all protons in the observable universe.
Within this understanding of empty space, matter (in the form of virtual particles) is constantly popping in and out of existence within the quantum vacuum, similar to a foam coalescing and disappearing at the bottom of an immense waterfall of energy.
The New Biophysics of Energy Synthesis
The version of reality described by quantum field theory physics seemingly violates basic laws of thermodynamics, with its conservation of energy and matter, and completely contradicts the classic Newtonian, macroscopic experience of space and objects within which we live. Yet it is the best explanation for how forces and particles behave, with a wide range of modern technologies like laser systems, MRIs, and semiconductor devices owing their existence to it.
So, how does this relate to the New Biology? If quantum field theory is accurate, and a practically infinite source of energy is available to biological systems at any point in space, everything we have learned about how the cell works and what our bodies need to survive would need to be revised. Indeed, an entirely new field called quantum biology has sprung up in order to understand how these discoveries at the level of the quantum of action affect biological systems, from the most basic molecular building blocks of the cell all the way up to human physiology and the origin and nature of consciousness itself.
A concrete example of a biological system that harnesses energy from the quantum vacuum can be found in the wall-crawling gecko lizard, which can hang from ceilings and scale smooth surfaces like glass, seemingly boldly defying basic physical laws of gravity.
In quantum physics, there is a phenomenon known as the Casimir effect.50 By placing two uncharged metallic plates extremely close together (a few micrometers apart), without any external electromagnetic field present, the quantum vacuum energy draws the plates together from the wide range of electromagnetic frequencies in the energy density of the vacuum of space. The longer wavelengths are excluded from within the small opening between the plates, hence pushing the plates together from the outside in, proving the vacuum is full of “real” energy and can affect the objects in “real space.”
The gecko, it turns out, has extremely small Casimir-like plate structures at the end of its bulbous feet in the form of millions of microscopic hairs. When applied to a flat surface, these hairs harness the Casimir effect to help keep the gecko stuck to the wall. While there are other proposed contributing factors, such as electrostatic effects, the Casimir effect is believed to be a primary cause.
Using engineering principles of biomimicry, researchers at Stanford have harnessed the Casimir effect to create a “Spider-Man” suit that allows humans to crawl up buildings.51 The suit’s “gecko gloves,” capable of forming a strong bond with smooth surfaces and distributing large loads like the weight of the human body evenly, comprise a pad of independent tiles with progressive and degressive load-sharing elements, covered in synthetic adhesives that contain sawtooth-shaped polymer structures approximately the width of a human hair.52 So promising is this technology that applications of these pads are being explored on the robotic arms of spacecrafts in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The unusual, quantum-mechanical origin of the gecko’s superpower even makes sense from a conventionally minded evolutionary perspective. Should we really be surprised that after billions of years of trial and error, where even the slightest advantage has life-and-death consequences, living things would eschew a quantum free lunch? Indeed, the Casimir effect and other zero-point energy–harnessing processes are operative at the most fundamental building blocks of our biological architecture.
TO read more, go to the source: https://regenerateproject.com/the-new-biophysics-a-deep-dive-into-the-quantum-rabbit-hole-of-esoteric-physiology/
Sayer Ji – Chemotherapy often involves the injection of highly cytotoxic agents. As a result, veins can undergo great damage, inflammation, and pain. But nature has one remedy — sesame seed oil — that has been clinically proven to prevent and treat the condition.
One of the most common and painful side effects of intravenously administered chemotherapy is phlebitis (CIP), or inflammation of veins exposed to the these cytoxic agents. Estimates range, but it is possible that up to 70% of patients receiving conventional chemotherapy experience phlebitis of some degree,1 which not only causes great suffering but can also lead to thrombo-phlebitis, where the inflammation of the vein causes a blood clot to form and block one or more veins (embolism).
Remarkably, several studies have been published showing that topical sesame oil is effective at preventing CIP as well as for reducing pain severity.
The first clinical study,published in 2012, found that among 60 patients with colon or rectum cancer divided either into an intervention group or control, the group who received 10 drops of sesame oil applied twice daily for 14 days externally experience phlebitis only 10% of the time, versus 80% of the time in the control group. The researches concluded that,
external use of SO is effective, safe and well-tolerated for prophylaxis from Ph [phlebitis]. Therefore, it can be suggested as a selected prevention method for reducing the complication.”
The second study, published in 2019, also involved 60 colorectal cancer patients, but these were already diagnosed with chemotherapy-induced phlebitis (CIP). They were randomized into two groups.
Patients in the control group received, twice a day for seven consecutive days, a 5-min massage. Patients in the intervention group were given the same massage, but with 10 drops of sesame oil within the 10cm radius of the affected site. The pain severity was evaluated by the visual analog scale on the first, third, fifth, and seventh days of the intervention. The results were reported as follows:
Mean changes of the pain severity compared to the baseline were significant on the third (P?=?0.009), fifth (P?<?0.001), and seventh (P?<?0.001) days of the intervention in favor of the experimental group. Also, a significant reduction in the pain severity both in the experimental and control groups was observed during the seven days (F?=?720.66, Ptime?<?0.001); however, the decrease was more significant in the experimental group (F?=?21.46, P group?<?0.001).”
The researchers concluded:
Application of massage with sesame oil as a complementary method is effective in reducing the pain severity of patients with CIP.”
In short, the two clinical studies show that sesame seed oil can be used to both prevent and treat CIP safely and effectively.
1 Rahmani R. Effect of Topical TNG to Prevent From Phlebitis through Using Venous Catheter on Patients Who Were Under Chemotherapy Treatment [Dissertation] Iran: Bagiyatallah University of Medical Sciences; 2008. [Google Scholar]