The top twelve TED talks coming soon from Obama, Merck, Kim Jong-Un, Tyson Foods and other leaders in humanitarian thinking (satire)
![]() by Mike Adams, the Health Range |
(NaturalNews) You may have heard by now that the much-ballyhooed “TED” group is censoring scientists who discuss consciousness. The idea that you are a conscious being with free will is apparently just too much for the TED organization to stomach. They prefer to be stuck in the materialism view of reality that took hold in the late 1800’s and still dominates so-called “scientific” thinking today.
That “flat Earth” view of modern science includes delusional ideas like the body is a biological battleground that should be carpet-bombed with chemicals to restore health (the pharma “science” view), no animals have consciousness of any kind, all humans are “biological robots” with no free will and are therefore not responsible for their own actions (“victimization” science), nothing exists beyond what we can see or detect with instruments — there is no spirit, no “mind,” no connection between anything, and the universe is not holistic in any way whatsoever, etc.
With all this in mind (ha!), I’d like to share TED’s next twelve talks to be released to the public. I received this super-secret list from a super-secret TED insider who, just like TED’s “science advisory board,” doesn’t want his name made public for fear of being asked to explain himself.
So here’s the list of the top 12 future TED talks coming soon:
Top 12 upcoming TED talks
1. Why GMOs are so good for the planet (and how to raise the IQs of children by adding glyphosate to sugary breakfast cereals). Talk by Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant.
2. Trust your government. Why the centralization of power is good for humanity. Talk by Kim Jong-Un, dictator of North Korea, where TED’s science advisory board resides.
3. Why all children need to be put on psychiatric drugs to make them happier. Talk by Merck scientists.
4. Animal abuse is okay because animals don’t have awareness. Talk by the president of Tyson Foods, Inc.
5. War is peace. Talk by Barack Obama, with a special introduction by John Kerry called, “Violence is compassion when committed by a Nobel Peace Prize winner.”
6. How chemical additives in foods make children smarter and more successful. Talk by the Grocery Manufacturers of America president Pamela G. Bailey.
7. How the surveillance state protects your freedom (and why government needs to read your emails). Talk by U.S. Gen. Keith Alexander.
8. Keeping the lower class impoverished is good for society. Talk by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke.
9. Why mercury in vaccines is good for children: Mercury as an “essential nutrient.” Talk by former head of the CDC (now V.P. of global vaccines for Merck) Dr. Julie Gerberding.
10. Why toxic chemicals in the environment are good for you and your children. Talk by American Chemistry Counsel president Cal Dooley.
11. Monoculture feeds the world. Why pesticides, herbicides and glyphosate will save humanity and make everyone smile. Talk by Dr. Henry Miller, with a free pack of genetically modified seeds for all attendees.
12. Why the suppression of free energy technology is good for humanity: The joys of fossil fuels. Talk by British Petroleum director Bob Dudley.
Don’t miss these exciting talks by our world’s thought leaders as filtered through the TED censorship machine! These are, after all, ideas with spreading, sort of like Human Papillomavirus making the rounds at a college fraternity…