The Verdict is In — We are Suicidal(???). Really!!!

Desmet and Malone strike again: No one’s killing us; we’re a suicidal society

A new Desmet and Malone effort is afoot to blame the desperate people of the world, also known as the “society,” for its ills rather than blaming the dominant, exploitive elites — the ruling class, the wealthy, and powerful, the global predators. These elites have dominated us through their varied institutions and governments since the dawn of civilization.

Malone introduces us to Desmet’s latest column as, “Another excellent insight from Dr. Mattias Desmet.” The title of Desmet’s column is “Suicidal Society.” Not long ago, Desmetfollowed by Malone, was putting the blame  on our self-induced “mass formation.” We criticized it as a way of distracting people from the growing global totalitarianism caused by global leadership, not by self-deluded masses of people. Malone expanded Desmet’s self-induced mass formation concept into a self-induced “mass psychosis.” For the moment, at least, they have dropped mass formation and mass psychosis and instead blame the folks for having a mass death wish. This death wish leads to self-destructive “rituals” that are suicidal.

Even the war in Ukraine is mentioned as one of the products of our societal suicidality. It’s not the military-industrial complex which leads us ultimately back to the global bankers, the global CEOs, and all the other members of the time-honored ruling class. No, it’s the people being driven by a ritualistic suicidal impulse.

Does this mean that the tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians ultimately killed themselves? Desmet does not say it outright, but that is precisely where his logic leads us.

The key point in Desmet’s bizarre rant occurs when he finally mentions in passing the subject of the “elite” — the very people he warned me not to criticize because it would end up harming me. Here is Desmet’s only mention of the elite in his new Substack:

How did we come to this point? Is there an elite who used propaganda to make us think like this? There is much more than that.

In Desmet’s own self-destructive manner, he gives away his goal — distracting us from the elite or the global governing class. So, what is the “much more than that” which is afflicting us? Unbelievably, according to Desmet, we are afflicted by our own ritualistic OCD! Really. Thus, Desmet’s final paragraph declares:

The entire madness of totalitarianism, with its limitless proliferation of bureaucratic rules, which in the end suffocates the entire society and proves extremely lethal, exactly boils down to this: it represents the return, in an excessive way, of a repressed Truth: the human being is a symbolic being, a being which needs rituals.

Psychoanalyst Desmet is telling us that the miseries inflicted on humanity by totalitarianism are due to our own need for “rituals.” We are being exploited and even killed because of our own obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

There has been an increase in depression and suicidality since COVID. But for Desmet, the suicidality is not caused by the imposition of COVID and COVID-jabs upon the people, or the crushing of our economies and societies by the global elite. It is not caused by inflation and high interest rates, manipulated by the bankers, which make it hard for families to feed themselves and to put a roof over their heads. It’s not caused by outrageously destructive attempts of the globalists to crush our constitutional democracies. Desmet does note that many of these dreadful events are taking place, but as he makes clear, the people who are trying to run the world, the elite, are practically irrelevant. It’s always problems with ourselves, which eliminates the risk that we will identify and fight the oppressors.

So, what happened that made us all so suicidal that we control the elites and make them kill us? Desmet repeats what he has said before ⏤ our plight is caused by a “mechanistic society” which has driven people into isolation and loneliness. This appears at first like a watered-down version of Marxism, where the inevitable materialistic development of capitalism leads to the alienation of the working class and the need for a dictatorship of the proletariat.

But Desmet is probably not a Marxist. He is simply doing the job of keeping our eyes off the genuine issues in our lives — in this case, the growing global oppression that seeks to destroy both us and our constitutional government and other national governments. He wants us to blame ourselves and our reactions to a “mechanistic world” for our own plight. Note that it’s not an oppressive world, but a ‘mechanistic world” that harmed us. At all costs, Desmet wants us to stop blaming anyone with global power, the elites.

Desmet does lay some blame on “governments” and “states” for responding to the people’s suicidality by creating the opportunity for them to kill themselves through government-sponsored euthanasia, wars, and generally self-destructive behavior. This ideological twist might seem confusing, but it’s not. Blaming “the government” is the latest thing because the globalists, above all else, want to crush all the independent states in the world on their way to flattening and dominating Earth. People already distrust their own governments. The globalists, in fact, are trying to take over or take down all of our governments.

This is the way our world ends — by blaming the people, and maybe their governments, while the global predators, also known as the elite or the governing class, take us over or take us down.

I have one last question for Desmet and for Malone who so eagerly promotes him. How did we the people get the government to kill so many of us with the genetic jabs for COVID? The Desmet answer is we the people have become so vulnerable, so suicidally helpless, that we bring it on ourselves. He mentions that this vulnerability makes us susceptible to propaganda, but he will not blame globally-controlled media and medical and scientific institutions that terrorized people into submitting to the jabs. He will not blame the globally organized threats to doctors, globally inspired psychological pressures such as telling children they must have their shots or they will infect and kill grandma, and finally, globally inflicted mandates that forced tens of millions to take the shots or lose their jobs, their schooling, their travel rights, and their place in society.

The many people who took the vaccines and died — up to two million in the U.S. — were not trying to die but instead were trying to stay alive and to maintain their livelihoods. They had been systematically terrified of the pandemic and told that they would lose their lives, as well as their livelihood and their place in society if they did not go along. They were so eager to live that it took a fake pandemic and fake “vaccines” to set the stage for their being killed, wounded, and genetically injured by the jabs.

Did the government suggest to the supposedly “suicidal” people that the vaccines were an easy method to kill themselves? No. Instead, the CDC and FDA continue to claim that there are no known deaths from the vaccines, none whatsoever. This confirms the truth. The people are not suicidal; their rulers are murderous.

Peter R. Breggin Primary Author


Hey Man, It’s Not My Fault!

Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder

Well, gosh, this is kind of embarrassing. For approximately the last two and a half years, I have been documenting, analyzing, and occasionally satirizing the so-called “New Normal,” i.e., the new, pathologized, official ideology that has been rolled out all across the planet by the global-capitalist ruling classes under the pretext of combating an apocalyptic pandemic … or at least that’s what I thought was going on.

As it turns out, I was totally wrong.

Apparently, the global-capitalist ruling establishment (or “GloboCap,” as I often refer to the unaccountable, supranational network of global corporations, banks, governments, and non-governmental governing entities that unaccountably govern our world) has not been rolling out a new official ideology, or pathologized form of totalitarianism, or not intentionally in any event.

No one has been methodically gaslighting anyone, or terrorizing anyone with propaganda, or censoring or segregating anyone, or coercing anyone to get needlessly “vaccinated” with any sort of dangerous experimental drugs, or consciously conspiring with anyone to do anything.

Everyone has simply been suffering from Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder!

I know, you probably find this hard to believe, especially because I have been making precisely the opposite case for over two years now, but I saw it on the Alex Jones show! Mattias Desmet, a professor from Belgium, and “the world’s leading expert” on this new disorder, explained it all in meticulous detail.

According to Desmet, the way this disorder works is, people feel “lonely and isolated,” which makes them feel angry, but they don’t have anything or anyone to unleash their anger on, so they form a mass and hypnotize each other, and invent a new fanatical ideology that they all fanatically hypnotically believe in, which, at that point, their rulers, who are also hypnotized, have no choice but to go full-totalitarian, and hypnotize everyone even more, because that is what the hypnotized mass demands, so that they can finally unleash their anger on someone, i.e., those who have managed to avoid being hypnotized (one assumes with some special anti-hypnosis technology, but I don’t think Professor Desmet explained that part).

And, OK, before you hypnosis deniers start sending me emails denying the power of hypnosis to totally totalitarianize society, listen to Professor Desmet explain how surgeons in Belgium are routinely performing open-heart surgery on hypnotized patients without any anesthetic whatsoever! They just saw right through their breastbones with a sternum saw, ratchet open their rib cages with a sternal retractor, and start slicing into the patients’ hearts … and these patients don’t even flinch or anything! He has witnessed this with his own two eyes!

Or, all right, it seems he hasn’t actually witnessed this with his own two eyes. It seems he was actually just lying when he said that, which he confessed to in a lengthy Facebook post (after people pointed out that he had lied) in which he publicly wondered why he had lied, and then rationalized his lie with various excuses, and posted several misleading links in an attempt to suggest that he hadn’t actually lied, despite the fact that he had just admitted he did, and just generally tried to muddy the waters with a lot of awkward psychobabble.

But I don’t mean to cast aspersions. Professor Desmet is, after all, “the world’s leading expert” on “Mass Formation Psychosis” or simply “Mass Formation” or whatever you want to call this fairy tale that he and others have been peddling, not just on clown shows like Alex Jones’, but to massive audiences like Tucker Carlson’s …

Seriously now, I have been aware of Desmet’s theory for some time, but I had mostly held my tongue about it because (a) I considered it relatively harmless, and (b) I’m generally reluctant to tear another vocal opponent of the New Normal a new asshole. We get enough of that from the New Normal “fact checkers.” However, unfortunately, this “mass hypnosis” gibberish has gained enough traction that it has now become dangerous, so I need to do a little new-asshole-tearing. (Fanatical fans of Professor Desmet will probably want to navigate away at this point.)

Ready? OK, here we go.

What we’ve been experiencing for the past two and a half years — and arguably the last six and a half years — is not the result of “mass hypnosis.” The global-capitalist ruling establishment is destabilizing and restructuring societies, globally. The people that staged and published this photograph in January 2020 and lied to the masses about the Covid death rate (i.e., 3.4%) a few months later were not mass-hypnotized. They knew what they were doing.

Likewise, the people who went New Normal (i.e., the vast majority of most societies) were not “mass hypnotized” or in some kind of trance. They were simply looking out for themselves by conforming to the new official “reality.” This is standard behavior in totalitarian systems, and cults, and even non-totalitarian systems. I explained it this way in a recent interview …

“Totalitarianism can be imposed on any society if the government, or whatever structure rules it, controls the essential elements of power (i.e., the military, the police, the media, the culture industry, etc.). Once the transition to totalitarianism begins, you can count on roughly two thirds of the society either embracing it or acquiescing to it, not because they are in some vulnerable psychological state, but rather because they correctly perceive which way the wind is blowing and they don’t want to challenge the totalitarian regime and be punished for doing so. They are not hypnotized or under any other kind of spell. It’s pure survival instinct. … Not to put too fine a point on it, but most people are either perfectly content to conform to whatever type of society those in power impose on them as long as their basic needs are met, or they are not content [to do so], but they are cowards, so they stand by in silence. I don’t mean that as a judgment or an insult. Cowardice and the ability to abandon one’s principles (or not having any principles in the first place) are very positive traits to have if your goal is survival. When a society goes totalitarian or is otherwise occupied and radically transformed, it’s the rebels and dissidents who get lined up against the wall and shot, not the cowards and collaborators.”

I realize how harsh that sounds. It’s meant to, and at the same time, it isn’t. We are, all of us, capable of such cowardice and betrayal of our fundamental principles, given the right set of circumstances. Everyone has a breaking point. If you haven’t experienced yours yet … well, I hope you never do.

The point is, we are dealing with questions of power, not a psychological condition. Desmet’s theory pathologizes the political essence of totalitarianism, just like the official New Normal narrative pathologizes and displaces its political character, rendering it immune to political opposition, and rendering its opponents “conspiracy theorists,” or “paranoid,” or otherwise divorced from “reality,” thus stripping us of political legitimacy.

In this “Mass Formation” fairy tale, the political conflict disappears. The totalitarian system and those who resist it are replaced by a psychiatrist and a psychiatric patient. In this story, there is no one and nothing to fight. We just need to find a “cure” or a “treatment” for this bizarre new psychiatric disorder that keeps causing the masses to hypnotize each other and invent some new fanatical totalitarian ideology in order to alleviate the pent-up frustration caused by their loneliness and isolation by unleashing their rage on unhypnotized persons!

Or whatever … maybe I don’t understand the nuances of “Mass Formation” theory. I’m not a professional psychologist or anything. I’m sure one or two of Professor Desmet’s fans will be happy to explain it all to me, if they’re not too busy undergoing open-heart surgery without anesthetic. I wouldn’t want to interfere with that!

CJ Hopkins
September 11, 2022
Photos: InfoWars; Twitter; FOX News; The Guardian

DISCLAIMER: The preceding essay is entirely the work of our in-house satirist and self-appointed political pundit, CJ Hopkins, and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Consent Factory, Inc., or its staff, or any of its agents, subsidiaries, or assigns. If, for whatever inexplicable reason, you appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to support it, please go to his Substack page, or his Patreon page, or send a contribution to his PayPal account, so that maybe he’ll stop coming around our offices trying to hit our staff up for money. Alternatively, you could purchase his satirical dystopian sci-fi novel, Zone 23, or Volumes I, II, and III of his Consent Factory Essays, or any of his subversive stage plays, which won some awards in Great Britain and Australia. If you do not appreciate Mr. Hopkins’ work and would like to write him an abusive email, feel free to contact him directly.
