Going Between Lives

7,000 Souls Recall Their ‘Life’ Between Lives During Regression Hypnosisby Alanna Ketler

Certified Master Hypnotherapist Michael Newton developed a technique to regress his clients back in time to recall memories from their past lives. During this process he stumbled upon a discovery of enormous proportions.

He was able to bring the souls back to the place where they go before their next life — a life between lives. Out of 7,000 regressions, a large majority had eerily similar recollections of a place that many of them called “home.”

One of the most fascinating aspects of Newton’s work was that it didn’t matter who he was working with or what their previously held beliefs were in regards to the concept of “a soul” or reincarnation — in fact, many didn’t believe in these concepts at all.

After coming out of a session, many of these people were changed forever. They were able to recount some of their past lives and feel and clearly see the relationship those previous lives had to their current life.

The Life Between Lives

In the world of hypnotherapy, past-life regression is almost common, but what’s unique about Newton’s work is his ability to get his subjects to recall memories from being in the womb, and then from before that point as well, to the place between each life.

This was a place where, often, all of the soul family was waiting and welcoming with open arms. Many of the subjects were often surprised to see who was there as some of these people had provided a challenging experience for them in their previous lives.

According to Newton, the hypnotic responses from his subjects in regards to the afterlife provided credible information because of the consistency in their reports. Often the subjects would even use the same words and graphic depictions of where they were and what they were seeing.

Newton had no reason to feel that anyone had a motive to fake their stories, and treated each case as if he was hearing the information for the first time.

In other words, he was not suggesting words or ideas to them, but rather giving them the freedom to express these lives on their own. The similarities between the subjects was quite astounding.

Some of these similarities included:

  • People’s memories of the initial activities of the soul just after final death on earth parallel the recollections of people returning from a near-death experience (NDE).
  • Souls are generally anxious to move away from the earth after death, and in many cases may stay a few days for their funeral.
  • Most souls initially pass through a tunnel towards the light of heaven.
  • The appearances of physical structures or other familiarities from Earth on the entry of the soul into heaven are intended to ease their transition.
  • Souls have the capability of projecting former life forms in communication with other souls.
  • Immediately after their death on earth, souls are met initially in heaven by their spirit guides or someone with whom they were close in their previous life. They meet others that were important to them previously.
  • Spirit guides continue their protective role in heaven.
  • Communication in heaven is done through telepathy.
  • A private form of consciousness between spirits exists through touch.
  • Ghosts are spirits who have chosen to remain within the earth plane, generally with a high degree of discontent. They can be dealt with by various means, such as exorcism, to get them to stop interfering with human beings.
  • Souls who were unable to turn aside a human impulse to harm others will go into seclusion upon entering the spirit world and remain for quite a while. The following reincarnation may be as a victim in a karmic cycle of justice.
  • An arriving soul can enter a place of healing as part of the restoration of the soul after a lifetime on earth.
  • A life review is conducted, first with spirit guides and later with a Council of Elders.
  • Souls travel to their initial destination in heaven through a large staging area.
  • Souls proceed to their cluster, consisting of small groups of soul energy that appear like a cluster of transparent bubbles or translucent bulbs. They contain entities who often shared past lives with the arriving spirit.
  • Group placement is determined by soul level.
  • Secondary groups have some contact with a primary group.
  • Opportunity for socialization and travel exist for souls living in their group.
  • Once a soul group is formed no new members are added.
  • Souls are grouped with others of similar characteristics.
  • At higher levels of soul evolution more independence takes place from group activities.
  • Spirit lights demonstrate color that correlates with a soul’s state of spiritual evolution.
  • The spirit world resembles one great schoolhouse with a multitude of classrooms under the direction of teacher-souls who monitor progress.
  • All souls have a personal guide who may be with them for thousands of years and many lives.
  • Junior guides are often assigned as well, later in the development of a soul.
  • Guides can appear as humans as well as spirits.
  • Most souls in the world today are in an early stage of development.
  • Spirits can experience two lives on earth at the same time.
  • A dormant part of our soul remains in heaven during incarnations.
  • Souls learn the techniques of the creation of physical items by thought, starting with simple assignments.
  • Souls incarnate on worlds other than the Earth.
  • The evolution of souls can continue way beyond the level where incarnation takes place.
  • Souls are reincarnating more frequently in recent centuries, and today would have roughly two lives during the past century.
  • Souls are not required to reincarnate but considerable pressure is brought to bear by spirit guides when the time is considered right.
  • Souls go to a place of life selection in order to examine alternative lives to lead.
  • There is a tendency for spirits to reincarnate in the same geographical area they were in during past lives.
  • The effort required to overcome a physical disability accelerates spiritual evolution.
  • Souls learn prior to a new incarnation to recognize future earthly signs from other souls they may encounter on earth with whom they have been close in the spirit world.
  • Souls leave heaven to enter the body of an infant through a tunnel.
  • The physical shock of birth is greater than that of death.
  • Souls can arrive in the infant’s body anytime before, during or slightly after the moment of birth.

Again, not only is this level of similarity and detail fascinating, but many of the thousands of people who were put under this hypnosis had no previous belief of reincarnation, the soul, or source consciousness. Their experiences here changed their minds.

In one instance a woman who had always faced challenges with her father in her current life saw that his soul had actually inhabited the body of the man who was the one who killed her in a past life.

She was able to see how the members of the soul family aren’t always who you might expect. Some people who have caused us the most grief may have been doing so for our soul’s best interest, in order to help us grow.

For some of us, this work may resonate on a deep level. I know for myself while watching a documentary on this subject called, Flipside: A Journey Into The Afterlife,  and hearing the people recount their previous lives or the place that was often described as “home,” no part of me doubted anything they were saying for even a second.

This information resonated to the very core of my being and just happens to go along quite nicely with my previously held beliefs in terms of reincarnation and the afterlife. Of course, we can never know for sure, but the topic of past lives and life after death is truly fascinating and can be fun to explore.

I highly recommend the book on this subject, Journey Of Souls: Case Studies Of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton himself. It goes into much more depth and provides transcripts of actual sessions with the hypnotized subjects.

from:    http://humansarefree.com/2018/08/7000-souls-recall-their-life-between.html

We Are Always

Quantum souls. Part one

Quantum souls. Part one

The following article is the first in a three-part series dealing with scientific evidence supporting the existence of souls and an afterlife. There may be excerpts from A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World (Outskirts Press, 2016) and The Quantum Afterlife (due out Fall of 2016).

  1. Science is not the word of … umm … god.
  2. Debunking the debunkers – there can be no proof, but there is scientific evidence, get over it.
  3. TBA

1: Science is not the word of …umm… god.

Ever since the death of my son on September 2, 2014, I have been struggling with the concept of the soul, and by extension the existence of an afterlife. I wish I could believe in it. I want to believe in it. But, as a scientist, I am the type that needs rational arguments to convince me, and it seemed that the soul was too abstract for my mind. I am not one to resort to blind faith to believe in the soul. I needed evidence.  I needed proof.

I was navigating the web one night, lost in despair, wanting nothing more than to be done with the pain, looking for this evidence – this proof – and I came upon a response from a Rabbi whose name I never did get. The Rabbi was responding to a young man who had lost his brother seven years earlier, who was looking for the same answers that I was.  The Rabbi stated that even if our deceased loved ones were cloned to perfect identical duplication, down to the precise memories of your life together, something would still be missing. That even though that replicate might have your loved one’s expressions and thoughts, voice and mannerisms, s/he would be missing the spark that is unique to your loved one. And, that, he said, is what soul is.

I read his response over and over again. I realized that the soul – our soul – is the who of a person, rather than the what of a person. That my son had really only left his physical existence, but that he was still there (here?), somewhere, and that we will at some point, in some form, be together again. That we still were. Then I became aware of my own soul, and the souls of others who had passed, and I began to feel a universal tug; and my entire outlook on life, death, and the universe changed forever.  I have walked between the worlds since, one foot in this physical, or Newtonian world, and one in the spirit realm, where quantum properties and characteristics are the norm.

I started to really pay attention to what other people were saying and doing, I began to thoroughly observe, with full sensory acceptance, how animals and plants interacted.  I had been a biologist for decades, but only now was I really seeing what life and death were.  And I was not alone.

With very few exceptions, the people I passively observed and actively interviewed said that they knew that there was something. The phrase life force was used quite a bit.  But when I asked them if they thought this was their soul, they would hesitate. Some answered yes outright but others did not want to get hung up on religious semantics. They didn’t want to associate this spiritual ideal with stringent religious dogma. Very few defined soul using scientific definitions.

Why, I wondered, are so few people doing research into this, our only truth? We are all born to die. Dying and death are the only absolutes and yet we would rather sweep the concept under the rug and belittle the idea that there is something that enters the body upon birth and leaves upon dying. I decided right then and there to devote the rest of my life to investigating and researching the existence of the soul and all that that entails. Because I am a scientist, I will use scientific methods.  It’s what I know and what I am comfortable with. But I also acknowledge that science is limited and limiting and as such is not the only way to investigate something.

Those of us who are conducting research into the realm of the beyond, other dimensions, soul’s journey, are blackballed from the rest of the scientific world. People would rather believe that I have lost my mind due to the trauma of losing my child then that I have been enlightened to what really happens upon dying.  The fact of the matter is that the reality lies between the two.  What is most interesting to me is that these same people who like to judge others, who place their own self-righteousness in place as some marker of truth and sanity, claim to believe, absolutely, in other theories and hypotheses which have not been proven, so why this particular bias? For them, it’s ok to know that atoms exist or that DNA is an absolute truth, when much of the science behind both shows only evidence of the existence, but never proof. Nothing in the universe is certain. Nothing.

It is highly probable that atoms and DNA exist. The evidence backs that up. But it is also highly probable that souls exist. The evidence is abundant on this theory as well.  My book, A Quantum Soul in a Newtonian World, goes into detail on this, as does its sequel, A Quantum Afterlife.

The nay-sayers will say that our thoughts and life energy are simply extensions of the mind, but they can’t define exactly what the mind is.  They say that it is all about impulses and sparks within the neurological network that makes up the brain, but they have no idea what that means either. No one does. Not fully. Not yet.

They say that we can prove thoughts and emotions as simple brain functions because we can record the changes in brainwaves as they occur. But when near death experiences occur, and complete cessation of brainwaves are recorded, and yet thoughts are still processed, they would rather believe that a dead brain can have hallucinations than that intelligent energy is somehow being transferred, as in a soul, from one dimension to another dimension.

They will not or cannot accept that there must be an energy, one that we cannot fully measure yet, that makes cells function and communicate, and that drives biological and chemical processes.  There is nothing supernatural about our souls. There is nothing religious about the existence of our true selves. There is really nothing scientific about our souls other than that science is an acceptable means for providing evidence of the possibility of the thing.

When the quantum sciences came along and challenged the cogs and wheels mentality of Newtonian thinkers, they once again were selective in placing limitations. But until the advent of the internet and social media, it was a very hush-hush thing shared only within the science world and only within closed circles. Now it’s not so easy to hide facts and evidence; and it is much easier to share information and experiences.

Through the quantum sciences, in particular quantum biology, evidence of the existence of the very small and non-linear – those things that surround us but are invisible and behave in seemingly magical ways – can be gleaned.

The idea that we are quantum beings having materialistic experiences is a challenging paradigm for us because we were born into a three dimensional linearly aligned physicality. And for too long, that physicality has been defined within the limitations of Newtonian Laws, or rather by the followers of those laws, often times  with their own interpretations – laws that place us as cogs and wheels in an enormous superficial machine with little room for forces beyond simple matter.

But we are not superficial machines that run on cogs and wheels. We are complex organisms made up of matter that is in turn made up of energy. Our physical bodies may fit neatly into Newton’s very limited world, but the force that drives these bodies, the intelligent energy that is behind thought and emotion, life and death, can only, for now, be explained through quantum science; and through the technologies we have not yet discovered or mastered.

Because of the nature of energy, we are very limited in our understanding of it, and so it becomes this magical thing that we either believe in or not… for now. But remember magic is simply science that has not yet been defined. Thus, anything that is too nebulous to understand, at the time, is labeled magic or philosophy.

We need to remember that at some point in history, in fact several points in history, everything we consider science now was considered magic then. By extension, everything that we consider magical now will be considered scientific in the future as technology evolves and understanding is gleaned. Even what we thought we understood, through scientific methodology, has changed. How many theories and hypotheses have been blown out of the water as we gain better insights?

We must remember that science is merely a human construct in and of itself. We fall under the excuse that magic is of gods, but science is of men. Not everyone believes in gods. Not everyone trusts the wisdoms of men.

We made science. We decided that magic and faith weren’t enough to go by so we created a system that would be more succinct and consistent, an attempt to even the playing field. But that succinctness and consistency is defined by us. We decide what succinct means.  We decide what consistent means. Humans created language. Then we fit our scientific ideals within those constructs. We are making this up as we go along.

Always, the various disciplines of science, regardless of type, focus or methodology, were developed through the minds, hands and hearts of humans using the tools available to us at the time- tools that we either discovered or created, like fire, hammers, and computers.

And, because science is a human construct, it is at the mercy of its creators. Just like magic. Like small gods giving birth to worlds, the creator and the created fused; and the philosophies grew with their followers. And so too did the limitations.

And yet everyone wants scientific proof of anything being espoused. Until they are given that proof, they label the entity as metaphysical, paranormal, or supernatural. But science is not about proof. It is about evidence. Science cannot prove anything because proof is subjective. The only person who can prove anything to me is me. Only I can decide if something is true or not. The evidence of the thing is objective. Evidence cannot buckle under opinion. It’s just data. Personal bias cannot sway evidence. It doesn’t matter what you think, the facts are just the facts.

Selective wiles and cyclical arguments are the hallmarks of close-minded, biased, judgmental people. Why do we care what fanatics from either extreme believe or do not believe? They are ignorant bullies who think that by using words bigger than the ones you use makes them superior and therefore they must be right. They may not be right.

We have been taught to think in terms of human experiences and not soul experiences. This is a necessity since we are in a physical form in a dimension that is based on time and space. Unfortunately, we get tangled up in this physicality and forget how to communicate that which is most important to our existence. Perhaps that’s part of the experience. We simply need to break through the static.

We are quantum souls living in a Newtonian world. Science is not the end all to be all, but it’s what we have so let’s use it responsibly recognizing the limitations.

from:   http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2016/07/03/quantum-souls-part-one/

Owning Your Power Now

How To Heal Past Life Programming

May 16, 2016 

How To Heal Past Life Programming

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.com

Have you ever been told that you were part of the cause for the fall in Atlantis? Do you feel that you may have played the role of the dark in a past life? If you are are one if these people, you may have negative past-life experiences that need to be healed. Coupled with today’s mind control programming and deep encoded past life experiences, the result is fear of falling into traps that will cause the same pattern of repeating mistakes.

Programming is carried in DNA

We are in the final stages of clearing and hidden guilt is one of the most prevalent energies that we have left to overcome. It keeps you from being able to forgive and love yourself wholly. Programming in today’s society is designed to make you feel like you are never good enough and that you cannot make decisions on your own. Programming in past lives is also encoded in your DNA and is coming forth at this time to be cleared. Gifted psychics can actually tune into your field to tap into these pictures and energies. Recognition and letting go through transmutation are the keys of clearing past life encoding.

Mind control and free will

The first thing to review is whether actions in a past life were a result of your own free will or out of out of power, control, or greed. Many were mind controlled at the time of Atlantis to do things that were not in the best interest of humanity. Mind control actually began back at the beginning of the Adam Kadmon version of the human body. At the time, the creators of man were using genetically modified as slaves to mine precious metals from the Earth. Many of the things that humans did in past lives were not of their own free will. When the laws of the Universe are broken, how can a person hold themselves accountable for their actions?

Others were mind controlled to believe that they were responsible for the demise of a civilization when they actually had nothing to do with it. They were given programming with sound and visualization including pictures of things that would make their soul carry this illusion with it from lifetime to lifetime. This would insure that they would be able to keep the human from processing the guilt involved, which allowed for control, especially in this lifetime. To complicate matters, some empaths are simply picking up on the collective guilt consciousness of humanity and were not even present on the planet at the time these atrocities were committed.

For the people who actually did contribute to the fall of civilizations, most of them were doing so by mind control. Since we are all connected humanity carries the guilt of “sin” within human consciousness. The ankh was extraterrestrial technology that could be used in mind control by amplifying sound and geometric codes into the body. It was like a microphone that amplified sound and energy. The ankh could be used in healing but it also was used in domination and control. Televisions carry this same mind control vibration through extremely low frequency waves amplified through the speakers.

How to transmute fear energies

Some people carry guilt and remorse for actions in past lives and don’t even realize what is causing the emotion in this lifetime. It is not necessary to remember everything about a past life in order to heal it. Our bodies serve as clues to problems buried deep inside by reacting to things which bring up emotions of fear. Every time a fear emotion arises it brings an opportunity to clear it. No matter what the reason may appear to be, it is most likely from a deep seated fear from another time. It may not even be yours, as many people came here to help heal others. Fear emotions include anger, jealousy, hatred, sadness, and guilt.

Simply acknowledge these emotions and allow them to run their course. Blocking them will cause problems in the physical body, which is another way the body serves us with an alert system. Crying is the most prevalent way these emotions can be transmuted. Women have an easier time with crying than men do, as programming has intended than men do not show their emotions. Thus some men resort to yelling within anger or on the opposite end of the spectrum praying in solitude with heartfelt intention. However, there is another way from a higher perspective that is available.

By vibrating your body to a higher frequency, anything that is not truth will fall away. None of these illusions are carried in your heart center. You can always find respite and solace inside of yourself. Everyone carries the pureness of the light of our Creator, and expanding this light within your body is like having a cool flame purify thoughts and negative programming.


It is imperative to let go of all preconceived notions of who you were in a past life because in our limited scope of vision we tend to place judgment on these lives. Someone who played a dark role for humanity is no less important that someone who carried the light. From a higher perspective, all had a part to play in the grand drama. All are derived from the one Creator and will return to the one Creator.

Now is the time for atonement (at-one-ment). This involves hearing the call that we are all ready to move on to the next level of experience; out of the denseness. As we bring in more of our soul particles into our bodies in order to raise our vibration, those particles must be cleared of any negative programming as well. This negative programming is from past lives that are actually all occurring within your monad’s experience at the same time outside of time and space in the now.

Coming into your power

Your emotional body is the clearing house and is part of an elaborate plan that was forgotten with incarnation. The clever use of the body and mind rather than falling victim to the emotion is what is termed “coming into your power”. It is important to give gratitude to your body for allowing it to be the vehicle through which you clear energies from your monad and propel your consciousness to a higher level in this incarnation.

The absolute truth of past lives requires viewing things from a heart perspective rather that a mind perspective. The bigger picture is in the heart and in this space you have a knowing of who you truly are and why things happened. Forgiving yourself  whether you have good reason or not will open the door to your heart. Forgiving another also helps in forgiving yourself as we are all connected.

Loving yourself for the divine being that you are will open space within your heart for more of you light to shine through. This is the basis for unconditional love, which will transform the world.

Why do others ignore the truth?

Many times we tend to judge those around us for not waking up to what is happening in the world. We fear that they will not be moving with us into a new reality. One mistake we can make is to think that all other people think like we do and need to be at a certain level. This causes unnecessary frustration that is self imposed.

The body was designed to work through emotions whether we are conscious of it or not. We have no idea what other people carry from another lifetime to be cleared. We also have no idea if another person is simply here to clear energies for other people. Furthermore we also have no idea of whether they are doing exactly what their higher selves planned to do by not waking up at this time.

Everyone will get to where they need to be when they need to be there, even if they missed a few chances here and there. They will catch up if they chose to move forward in this lifetime. The outside world is the biggest tool of distraction.

Lead by example

It is time to stop the focus on those around us in order to finalize the work on ourselves. The energy vibration of the planet now supports change. Heal yourself and make yourself whole within this physical body. When others see the change in us they will be curious as to what we are doing. We will have broken the spell and we can show them how.

Lead by example within the power of knowledge of what has happened to humanity by de-programming yourself first. You cannot put the oxygen mask on another person if you are unconscious. When you have rated your love for yourself as an eleven on a scale from one to ten, you will certainly serve as an example and will in turn help all of humanity do the same.


from:    http://in5d.com/how-to-heal-past-life-programming/

Opening Consciousness

10 Principles For The New Awareness

| September 28, 2015

10 Principles For The New Awareness

by Owen K Waters,

The New Reality brings with it a new and expanded vista of awareness. In order to operate successfully in the new environment, you have to apply the new principles which come with that expanded vision, with that greater vista of reality.

This empowers you to awaken to your expanded potential and to manifest it.

Metaphysics is a philosophy of being, a study of the underlying principles of existence. The holistic approach to metaphysics provides a philosophy based upon an integrated foundation of mind, body and spirit. This spirit-inclusive approach is essential in order to understand the wider vista of consciousness which the New Reality presents.

Without the spiritual component of metaphysical philosophy, the mysteries of life remain forever mysteries. Life did not evolve accidentally from a pool of prehistoric sludge; it was brought into being by the precise intention of the Creator. The key to understanding the grand design of life is, therefore, to seek to understand more about the workings of its designer.

If, for example, you had never seen a jet aircraft and, suddenly, one flew overhead, you might wonder if it was propelled by that loud noise that it makes. The real answer, however, can be better found in the designers’ office at the aircraft factory, and so it is with life. If you think about how the designer of the universe could have achieved something, then you will find answers much more quickly than if you wonder how such an ‘accident of evolution’ could have happened.

Why did the Creator create life as we know it? How did it go about that task? What are the underlying principles that we can learn from this? The greater vista of the New Reality enables us to clearly comprehend principles which, before, were mysteries.

Here are ten such principles which will help you appreciate the expanded vista of consciousness offered by the New Reality.

1. All is one.

Everything in Creation is an expression of Infinite Being. Infinite Being is the all-encompassing consciousness from which the universe was created. Everything in the universe is made of consciousness. We are all aspects of Infinite Being.

2. Transformation.

The world is experiencing a spiritual transformation of human consciousness. It may take many decades to complete, and, when it does, it will bring an end to global strife and suffering. This new era of civilization will be achieved by a widespread awareness of the underlying unity of all people. The world is changed when you bring about spiritual change within yourself. This occurs automatically as you constantly share who you are, and all that you have become, within the shared atmosphere of the global mind belt.

3. Purpose in life.

Just as each snowflake is unique, so is each person. Your primary purpose in life is to experience life from one individual, unique point of view. You are an expression of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from all possible viewpoints.

4. Reflectance.

Life reflects who you are – your beliefs, your thoughts and your feelings. This is the basic principle behind the teaching of karma and the fact that you reap what you sow by creating a pattern of thought that attracts like experience to itself. Reflectance is often delayed while your circumstances adjust to allow appropriate reflections to manifest.

5. Self-responsibility.

You create your own reality and take personal responsibility for it. Your life is a reflection of who you are and the experiences that you, as a soul, planned for this life.

6. Life after ‘death.’

From the point of view of your true, inner personality, passing away from the physical realm is like stepping out of a suit that you have worn for a while. The suit is not the real you. In your spirit body, you move into the spirit realm, which is a place of joy and healing. After meeting friends and relatives who have passed on before, you start work on resolving any issues which caused inner conflict in your physical life. You remember more about who you really are and experience a joyful reunion with the rest of your immediate and extended soul family.

7. Reincarnation.

Reincarnation exists to provide a variety of experience, so that life skills may be gained, and so that, while in a physical body, you can rediscover your spiritual source within.

8. Truth is everywhere.

The ultimate truth is to be found within, yet the study of a variety of sources of information helps you to reawaken and remember your inner truth.

9. Unconditional love.

Unconditional love and the acceptance of all life puts your awareness into a higher place, allowing understanding and compassion to develop. This love and acceptance of others is a recognition of the spiritual light within those people and is not dependent upon their outward behavior. Unconditional love also includes a general respect for the beliefs of others, regardless of how much they may, or may not, align with your own beliefs.

10. Inner connection and insight.

Inner connection with your spiritual source promotes spiritual transformation and the achievement of your true potential. Developing intuition, both in men and women, provides an essential insight into life’s experiences.

10 Principles For The New Awareness

Dolores Cannon & The Shift

Dolores Cannon: We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

Dolores Cannon: We Are Living In The Most Important Time In The History Of The Universe

by Jeff Roberts,

Dolores Cannon’s career has spanned over 4 decades, during which time she has worked with thousands of clients in regressive hypnotherapy sessions. With over 17 published books on the subject, Dolores Cannon can easily be considered one of the world’s most sought after professionals in the field. Popular subject matter touched upon in her numerous books includes: past lives, extra-terrestrials, life on other planets, energy healing, famous historic figures such as Nostradamus and Jesus, abductions, and more. According to Dolores, each book has the tendency to “bend the reader’s mind like a pretzel.”

One of her books, titled The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, is an ensemble of regressive hypnotherapy client sessions which narrates a “behind the scenes” look at Earth’s current paradigm shift. During the sessions, Dolores hypnotizes her clients, bringing them into the “super-conscious” brainwave state, one of the deepest trances one can experience. Dolores elaborated on her technique in an interview with The Edge:

“I developed my own technique down through the years. It’s not like any other hypnosis technique out there. We are able to contact what I call the greatest force there is, and it’s a source of all knowledge. I found the way to have it come through every single person that I work with, and I’ve worked with thousands of people.”

The results of her technique are astounding to say the least. Through the years Dolores began to notice a correlation among her client sessions, one that bridges the journey of the souls incarnating on the planet at this time.

“When you see thousands and thousands of clients, as I do as a therapist and a counselor, you begin to see a common thread going through many of the cases. Earlier on, it used to be that everybody would go back to a past life and I’d find some of the answers there, and then I’d explore the source of all knowledge to answer all of their questions and do the healing. Just in the last five years or so, I began to see clients who weren’t all going into a past life on Earth. I began to find they had never been on Earth before and that they had come here directly from God, from the Source, from other planets, other dimensions, where they were light beings. That’s the common thread that I have been finding, and that’s where I came up with the theory of the three waves of volunteers.”

Dolores’s theory proposes that a series of souls are traveling from other planets and dimensions to assist Earth at this time. Many of these souls, which are of a higher vibration than the resident Earth souls, are incarnating on the planet for the first time. She affirms that the souls that have spent many lifetimes reincarnating on Earth are stuck in a karmic cycle, repeating the same patterns of mistakes and lessons, which is ultimately leading to the destruction of the planet. Thus, there has been a calling for purer souls to come to Earth to cleanse and raise the planet’s vibration.

But now, inhabiting bodies, these people have no memory of why they came. “They come in and an amnesia descends on the person, losing the memory of why they are here. But this group has an energy that they have to project. It is a loving energy that will change the mindset here on Earth. It will change history, just them being here.”

Throughout her clients’ journeys, Dolores discovered that Earth is one of the densest planets in the entire universe. A soul that incarnates here is considered brave because life on Earth is a very challenging experience to come into, especially for souls coming from higher realms and planets of a higher vibration. Nevertheless, all of her clients have the same answer when asked about their reason for coming to Earth, they simply “heard the call.”

The Earth is going through a major transformation, one that Dolores’s clients state has never happened before. For the first time, an entire planet is shifting its vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many souls or groups of souls have experienced a shift like this in the past (i.e. the Mayans), but never has an entire planet shifted at once. Therefore, Dolores explains, the entire Universe has front row seats to one of the grandest shows ever seen. However, help is needed, because man has polluted the planet with a vibration so dense that it threatens the survival of the planet as a whole. Dolores reveals that if the planet blows itself up, it will reverberate throughout the universe affecting and disturbing all beings. Therefore, the call for help was made, and the souls quickly jumped on the wagon to assist.

In The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, Dolores elaborates on the three different classes of souls incarnating on Earth:

  1. The First Wave: Now in their late 40s to early 60s, these volunteers are disturbed by the violence, anger, and hate that they experience on Earth. They have had the hardest time adjusting to life as humans, and many of them try to commit suicide.
  2. The Second Wave: Now in their late 20s and 30s, these volunteers are more comfortable in bodies and are said to be beacons or channels of energy who can affect others just by being near them. Their mission of simply sharing their energy with others means they don’t have to do anything but just be.
  3. The Third Wave: The new children, many of whom are now teenagers, have all the knowledge needed to exist on the planet after the dimensional shift and transformation takes place. Their DNA is more advanced, and the greatest challenge they face is being misunderstood by humans as having a condition (ADHD) that needs to be medicated.

Interestingly, through her many client sessions Dolores has also written extensively on the lost civilization of Atlantis. She discovered that, like Atlantis, there have been numerous civilizations that have been destroyed in the past.

“Each time when people got to the point when they were using energy in the wrong way and couldn’t control it, they had to be stopped. And every time, everything would be reset on this planet. The civilization would go back to the primitive stages and start all over again. That’s why they don’t want to have it happen this time. They don’t want to start over with the planet and begin life for humanity one more time.

During a hypnotherapy session, a woman went back to Atlantis and was telling me the prime reason for Atlantis being destroyed. I was told that there were scientists at the time of Atlantis. There were others who were fooling around with what they called Dark Matter. I was told that this is the same thing scientists are doing now when they are fooling around with what we call Anti-Matter. They said we have to know this, because the scientists are doing the same thing now.

The Large Hadron Collider experiment in Switzerland is the same thing. They are messing around with Anti-Matter. The scientists who are now fooling around with the Collider experiment don’t have any idea what they are really doing, and it’s very dangerous.

If those experiments had continued at that time in Atlantis, it would have broken down the grid of the planet, causing an implosion of the Earth, and it would have reverberated to the point where it would have broken the grids down of the entire Universe. But they stopped it before it got to that point, but destruction took place.”

When asked about people’s criticism of her work, Dolores says she finds humor in people’s remarks stating she is a “great science fiction writer.”

“There’s no way on Earth I could make this stuff up. I have [17] books out there now, and all of it has come through the cases I have worked on with the average person just walking in off the street. I did not know these people until they came through the door of my office, from every walk of life you can imagine: CEOs of companies, professors of colleges, priests, shamans, and many ordinary people. I have not found anyone who has not had a past life. When I began writing The Convoluted Universe series, I wondered if anybody out there would be able to understand it, because I said that book is for people who want their minds bent like pretzels. People when they read it say, ‘I know this and I don’t know how I know it, but I know it and I know it’s true.’”

In the final segment of her interview with The Edge, Dolores was asked if there were any final thoughts she wanted to leave people with regarding the shift in consciousness.

“We are moving into a new frequency, a new dimension where it is going to be the New Earth, and it’s going to be extremely beautiful. They have described it in the books – the beautiful colors, that everything is total love.

We’re moving away from the negativity of the Old Earth, and it’s going to be a complete turnaround, beyond belief, and we’re all going there now. The New Earth is where it’s at. The Bible in the Book of Revelations talks about the New Heaven and the New Earth. That’s the same thing we’re having now. It’s just that St. John, when he had the vision on the Isle of Pathos, didn’t realize it was going to take another couple of thousand years before it was going to happen.

The most important thing is that we are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. They say even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, ‘I was there when this occurred.’ This is how important this is to the entire Universe. So, you’re living in a very wonderful time that will never be repeated again.”

For a fascinating read, check out Dolores’s book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth as well as her The Convoluted Universe series.

from:    http://in5d.com/cannon-most-important-time/

Soul-Net or Soul Catching

Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix?

by Makia Freeman

Contributor, ZenGardner.com

The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net

that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the global conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the global conspiracy rabbit hole ends. Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet? Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.

Why? Because the conspiracy is all about suppressing your idea of Who You Are. It’s about convincing you that you are nothing, no one. It’s about convincing you that you are just a biological machine, fit to serve as no more than a cog in a machine or as Pink Floyd put it just another brick in the wall. Mainstream science to this day still denies the existence of consciousness just because it can’t get a handle on it with the 5 senses. Its simplistic solution is to disregard anything it can’t measure.

There are many researchers who will be unable to contemplate this topic, or refuse to go there, because it clashes with their belief systems, such as religious belief systems (the afterlife is either Heaven or Hell, or 100 virgins, but not a soul net), scientific/materialistic belief systems (there is no such thing as a soul or consciousness) or various other belief systems (there are no such things as aliens or extraterrestrials, etc.). If you have read this far, you probably are ready to go beyond those belief systems, having realized they are set up to create a false dichotomy, and to limit and disempower you. You have probably also realized that the true manipulators at the helm of the conspiracy are non-physical entities, which various religions and cultures have referred to the Archons (in the Gnostic tradition), Djinn or Jinn (in Islam), Demons (in Christianity), the Mud Shadow (in the books of Carlos Castaneda) or by other names.

What is the Reincarnation Trap / Soul-Catching Net / Soul Net?

The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is. The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.

Remember also The Matrix series of films. Morpheus shows Neo the shocking truth that we are raised as a food source for the Controllers. He shows Neo a symbol of the battery. While this is a good symbol, a battery implies a storage of energy. In actuality, we act as generators of energy for the Archons, so a generator you see at a construction site might be a more accurate symbol.

However, because we are powerful beings, the Archons can’t just rely on force for all this. They need to trick us into giving them consent. How do they do that? How do they get us to go willingly into the soul net? With the trick of the white light …

The Soul Net Relies on the Trick of the White Light

We have been told through various sources that the white light at death is something to head towards. Hollywood films such as Ghost promote this. People who have experienced OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) mention it.

Yet what if, as David Icke, Wayne Bush and others have suggested, the white light at death – and light itself (in this context) – is the trick? What if light is the source of the deception? After all, the Illuminati and other Secret Societies worship Lucifer, the Light Bearer. Michael Tsarion talks about the occult weaponization of lightCameron Day talks about why he is no longer a lightworker, because of the false duality and the fake “light”. What if the New-Age talk of “light” is another trap? What if light is the source of the matrix prison planet? What if light is the mechanism for the soul net?

Sounds far out? It is, so let me now introduce the various sources, old and new, which are suggesting this concept. When independent sources, especially from different time periods, all come forth with the same idea, it’s a good sign that the information has validity.

ET Contactee Simon Parkes

Simon Parkes is an incredible modern day ET contactee. If you listen to his interviews it is clear he is a rational, level-headed man, who even holds a position in local government in England. Parkes states that alien intervention and genetic manipulation occurred earlier in humanity’s history, where our DNA was tampered with and our psychic abilities repressed. This was done so that no one could challenge the prison guards (the Archons). In presentations such the video above, Parkes also mentions the trick of the white light and the soul net.

WingMakers Neruda Interview #5

The WingMakers story is an astonishing creation, full of stories of humanity’s history, poetry, paintings and music, well worth checking out. To me, one of the most powerful of the stories – which are written as fiction but come across as completely factual – is the Neruda Interview #5, where we learn of how all of us humans – who are divine, infinite consciousness – came to be trapped inside physical bodies that die. The deception came about through the conspiring of 3 separate alien races (the Annunaki, the Serpent Race and the Marduk) who found a way to trick the Atlanteans (our ancient ancestors) to inhabit biological vessels (the human body). Part of the deception involves Anu, the reptilian king of the Annunaki, ruling over humanity as king, and setting up planes of existence to ensure we never get out – including the soul net reincarnation plane.

The World as “Maya” (Illusion)

A theme in Buddhism and Hinduism is that this world is Maya or illusion (i.e. the matrix). Another Buddhist teaching is that life contains suffering, and that reincarnation is an endless cycle of suffering (the wheel of Samsara) that can only be broken through spiritual practice (i.e. the raising of one’s consciousness). Although some people may see this as pessimistic, it exactly fits into what we know the grander conspiracy and the soul net. The millennia-old Tibetan Book of the Dead is an instruction manual for monks on how to prepare for the point of death and attain liberation by avoiding reincarnation.

Val Valerian

Val Valerian is a former CIA agent (real name John Grace) started writing about the idea of a soul net in the 1990s, before The Matrix trilogy of films. In his books he writes:

“It is they [Grey aliens] who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again… Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice… these entities view Earth as a big farm.”

— Val Valerian, Matrix II & Matrix V

Tanaath of the Silver Legion

Tanaath of the Silver Legion also talks about the existence of the soul net or reincarnation trap. She describes it as a holding pen designed to look like whatever the particular individual or soul would expect the afterlife to look like. For instance, if you were a Christian and expected to see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, you would see that; if you were a Muslim, you may see 100 virgins. She also makes reference to the fact that your memories are wiped before you are sent back to Earth to reincarnate

There are various other people who know of (or believe in) the existence of the soul net, such as Wes Penre, ET contactee Peggy KaneGregg Prescott of in5d.comGreg Calise and many others.

How interesting that soul netsoul harvest and soul trap are all magic card games, books or video games. The idea of a soul net is out in the public consciousness. The question remains: is enough of humanity ready to confront it and investigate it? Can enough people grasp the magnitude of the soul net – that forced reincarnation into a prison planet is the ultimate enslavement – and raise consciousness about it?

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/soul-catching-net-recycled-death-remain-matrix/

Leaving the Reincarnation Wheel

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

August 3, 2014

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com

We have all heard about the tunnel of light that our soul follows upon leaving the physical body, but what is the true meaning of the life review?  Why does a life review almost always involve having us continuously looping back into this 3rd dimensional reality and what can we do to stop these cycles of reincarnation?

Commonalities Within The Near Death Experience

Just about every person who has a near death experience will say that they didn’t want to come back to Earth and that the other side of the veil felt like “home”.  So, if everyone feels this content on the other side of the veil, then why do we keep coming back to this hellhole?

Just about every person who has a near death experience will say that they didn't want to come back to Earth and that the other side of the veil felt like "home". So, if everyone feels this content on the other side of the veil, then why do we keep coming back to this hellhole? As evidenced by thousands of near death experiences, there is a common theme that people experience upon leaving the physical body:

  • The initial “death”
  • The tunnel and the white light
  • The other side of the tunnel
  • Meeting “beings” including angels, guides, friends and family
  • Your life review
  • Getting sent back to earth
  • Lessons learned from the other side

The tunnel of light is so appealing because it gives us the opportunity to meet with loved ones have predeceased us.  The feeling of love is described as being magnified much more than anything we can humanly experience in this 3rd dimensional reality. In reality, the tunnel of light is a soul harvester that keeps recycling your soul along with the energy of your physical body upon reincarnation.


The Life Review

Part of this process involves a life review, where you see your life in a panoramic, 360 degree view of everything you did in this most recent incarnation. Then, you see your life from the perspective of everyone you met within your previous incarnation. You may see how you hurt someone's feeling when seeing your life from their perspective or you might see how much happiness you brought someone else after doing a kind deed for them without expecting anything in return. Part of this process involves a life review, where you see your life in a panoramic, 360 degree view of everything you did in this most recent incarnation.  Then, you see your life from the perspective of everyone you met within your previous incarnation. You may see how you hurt someone’s feeling when seeing your life from their perspective or you might see how much happiness you brought someone else after doing a kind deed for them without expecting anything in return.

Many times, you will be with a Source-like being who appears to be all-loving and will laugh with you at your life review, yet the same being will send you back into this 3rd dimensional reality after a life-review, despite how happy the person is to be on the other side of the veil.

Spirit Guides

We are all assigned spirit guides but who are they and ultimately, what is their main purpose?  Is it possible that they are merely representatives for those who have kept us looped within these perpetual cycles of incarnations?

According to the Wes Penre Papers:

I am not very keen on many of the ‘spirit guides’ who come and get you after you have departed from your body at body death; most of them are Sirian Helpers, such as non-physical Vegans and Grays. Be particularly on your guard if they tell you to follow them ‘into the light’ or ‘to the tunnel’, or go see relatives. If you choose to go with them, you will end up in the Sirian recycling system again with full amnesia, and then being shot down into a new body here on Earth.

I once had a dream where I was about to incarnate into this 3rd dimensional reality. I was placed in an elevator-like room, which represented the descending process to earth.  I remember being in this place many times beforehand but could not remember what I was supposed to do next.  I was on the top floor (the 14th floor which meant the 14th dimension?).  My memory was so badly erased that I couldn’t remember how to descend to Earth.  This is a test we receive on the other side to see if any memories were remembered and if so, then you would have to go back and have them cleared again.

There were other tests to see what I remembered but I can’t recall what they were.

These were the last fragmented memories of the other side before I was born.

It’s possible that there is an elevator-like area designed to erase all of your memories from previous lives and the other side of the veil.

Granted, there are some guides who volunteered to come here to truly guide you out of this cycle of reincarnation and chances are, if you’re reading this right now, your spirit guide is one of them.

Schumann Resonance

You may be thinking, "How is it possible for a Gray to show love by being a spirit guide?" Please keep in mind that they are using technologies beyond our comprehension in order to wipe out our previous life's memories. The Schumann Resonance on Earth has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years. Recently, the resonance has been rising as high as 8.15 cycles per second. You may be thinking, “How is it possible for a Gray to show love by being a spirit guide?”  Please keep in mind that they are using technologies beyond our comprehension in order to wipe out our previous life’s memories.  The Schumann Resonance on Earth has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years.  Recently, the resonance has been rising as high as 8.15 cycles per second.

You can find the daily Schumann Resonance here.  It is on a Russian website and is translated into English.  Just click the “Frequency” link on the left hand side of the page.

What if the tunnel of light was capable of creating a resonance of 1,000, 10,000 or even 1,000,000 cycles per second? What if the Grays were impervious to the Schumann Resonance or were programmed to appear as spirit guides, upon death of the physical vessel, to convince us to enter the tunnel of light?  At this point in time, you would feel immense love and would innately trust them, based on an artificial program designed to keep you trapped into the recycling system of reincarnation. Ultimately, it’s not love that one would feel; it’s just another artificial system of control to keep us locked in to this current system of negative energy.

Past Life Regression and Soul Groups

Through past life regressions, we know that all of our past lives are either stored within our cellular DNA and/or within our soul, yet we are unable to immediately retrieve these memories. When under hypnosis, you can remember the most minute details of a past life but once you come out of hypnosis, you have a hard time remembering what you had for dinner yesterday or who the last person was to call you. Does anyone else find this particularly odd? How is it possible to remember, in detail while under hypnosis, our past lives and why do we keep incarnating with the same cast of characters? Through past life regressions, we know that all of our past lives are either stored within our cellular DNA and/or within our soul, yet we are unable to immediately retrieve these memories.  When under hypnosis, you can remember the most minute details of a past life but once you come out of hypnosis, you have a hard time remembering what you had for dinner yesterday or who the last person was to call you.  Does anyone else find this particularly odd?  How is it possible to remember, in detail while under hypnosis, our past lives and why do we keep incarnating with the same cast of characters?

How To Exit The Reincarnation System

Just by having this knowledge upon death, you can to opt out of the reincarnation process without being persuaded to come back for having to repay negative karmic debts.  Many of those who have predeceased us have already bought into the system but if they have not yet reincarnated or have made a soul contract, then they may also be saved from having to do this, yet again.  It’s a truly a brilliant strategy by the archons to use the energy of love against us in order to keep us coming back as economic slaves to a system that feeds off of our energies.

Remember, “As above, so below”.  Just about everything we Upon death, we take what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your oversoul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your oversoul. If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it. have been taught is a lie, including why we need to constantly incarnate into a system of economic subservience.

Upon death, we take what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your oversoul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your oversoul.  If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it.

If you enter the tunnel of light, do not allow any council to convince you that you need to repay any karmic debt.  Any perceived karmic debt was part of what you decided to experience. This doesn’t mean that you should have no guilt for intentionally harming someone because ultimately, we should love everyone and respect everything.

If you do decide to come back to help this planet, do not agree to come back to this 3rd dimensional reality of systemic control through a “soul contract”.  Come back on your own terms, which includes the remembrances of all previous lives and everything you have learned throughout your incarnations as well as on the other side of the veil.

You could come back into a fifth dimensional version of Earth, but only choose this if you are certain that it is a version that is not under the control of the archonic system. You could also choose to come back as a non physical guide to the old 3rd dimensional system to help others, just as our guides have done.

Ultimately, your true peace will be found once you realize that YOU are SOURCE/CREATOR and you have the ability to create worlds and galaxies that are harmoniously filled with love outside of this system of control.

from:    http://in5d.com/how-to-exit-the-reincarnation-system/

Kryon on the Akash

The Elusive Akash

Lee Carroll
a message from Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll
Saturday, 10 August, 2013  (posted 3 October, 2013)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps away from his consciousness in a move that has been practiced for years. This is not an easy Human attribute, for yet again the Human wants to be in complete and total control over those things that are most pertinent to their survival.

One of them would be their consciousness, so the channelling that you see with him is a bit different than that of the past. We have said this before, that there is no takeover of the Human Being during this process. There is instead a meld, a partnership, and that is what you see. So as my partner steps aside, he is looking and watching everything that is taking place. He is even able to write it down later if need be. This is because we have a Human Being who is able to work with that sacred part of himself that is new and different. It’s a participation instead of a takeover.

What you see in this new way gives the ability for humanity to then participate intellectually and emotionally as the messages are given. This enhances the messages, for the Human who is in this channelled state is a translator. He is translator using the language he has and moving through a system that is located in the portal of the pineal.

The system is a multidimensional communication through a source that is in 3D [the pineal gland]. All of this is to say that what comes next, like so many other channels that we have given, is a combination of new information combined with things that we have stated before, but that have been spread over many channels. So now we coalesce these things into one message in order to bring forward a new concept.

The Human Akash

We want to speak more about the Human Being’s Akash. Now, you will notice that we seldom use the word Akashic Record. This is because the very semantics of the word record gives you a linear feeling of some kind of list, and we don’t want you to think that way. Not only that, but the Human Akash contains far more than a record of lifetimes. So this is where we are going to start today. We will go slowly so that any new concepts given will be explained correctly and well, so that you might understand them in their completeness.

What do you think about when we say Akash? We have named this channel The Elusive Akash, so we already make the statement of the attribute we are going to talk about. The Akash of the Human Being is a history of everything the Human Being has experienced on planet Earth. Now, there are more Akashic attributes inside you that go beyond humanism, but they are very well hidden and not the subject of tonight.

So you might say that most of what you have as we define the Human Akash is your direct experience on Earth. This Akash is also well hidden and it is elusive, but it shows itself all the time in ways that you don’t recognize. So we start here by describing how it can actually be inside you, yet you would not be unaware of it at all.

The Akashic Puzzle

Most Human Beings have no concept that they deal with the Akash every day. Most Humans aredriven by it, yet they never know it. So I want to set the stage by telling you right now that the Akash is not something that communicates with you in a traditional way. It’s not what you would expect. Let’s back up a moment and look at the overview.

The Akash is a system, dear ones, and it is beautiful. I sit in front of you knowing who is in the room and knowing about your lives, all of them. I know the puzzles you carry around today. I sit here as an advisor who has never been Human, watching you work a Human puzzle, which is amazing to me.

You are what you might call a soul group who are all specialists in biological being expression[Kryon’s description of a group who specializes in walking through multiple Human lifetimes]. The creative source, which is God, who has made the Universe, the galaxies and all that is has an elite grouping of specialists, and it’s you! You are part of the soup that is God who specializes in doing what you’re doing. It’s a difficult role, so only a few trillion are selected to do it.

If you want to know what’s at the core of your soul as a specialist, it’s love and compassion. That’s the core. It’s not always seen that way, but it’s there, and when you come into the earth, your mission is to give it away – to share it with the very energy of the planet. The Akash is a system that helps to drive Humans into situations of learning and solution.

The attribute of the piece of God that you are, stays on my side of the veil. You come into the planet as a biological being and hidden from you is who you really are as you try to make your way through a dark earth. Hidden from you is how you are trying to find the light that’s inside of your own cellular structure. You’ve got the hard work. All the masters who walked this earth tried to show you this Human God part and told you it was there. But it must be discovered.

Kryon has been here a long time. I’ve been here with you when we watched the grids being set when the earth was being formed. It was just like before, when we watched other planets in other places being formed, knowing that someday you’d be doing what you’re doing now, over and over and over. Certain group of you come in first, and then others of you come later. That’s the system. In this system, there is a real attribute of structure that honors consciousness, free choice and the concepts that we’re going to talk about right now. All this is to say that the Akash is not a mistake or a mystery or a system of chance. It’s a design, and it’s designed to help you.

The Akash is intrinsic. It’s there at the beginning and it came with you in your biology during your “awareness creation”. It is a part of you that can never go away, can never be erased, and you live with it every day. It is part of the system you’re born with, but it can be enhanced, understood, and changed to create your evolutionary process.

The Elusive Akash

Now, here is what makes this Akash elusive, dear ones. This system, this beautiful system, wants to be in your pocket as a help through your life all the time. But it responds almost completely to the Human free will attribute on the planet. If Humans decide that the planet should go backwards into darkness, the Akash behaves differently. If Humans decide that humanity will increase in Human consciousness, the light will begin to take over, and the Akash responds differently. So now you see that it’s dynamic, and not “set at birth”. It changes as you change. So the first thing is that it’s always moving.

It is so elusive! If I ask any of you, “Tell me about your past lives,” the chances are that even the most enlightened of you would say, “I’m not really sure. I may or may not have been here or there. I cannot seem to pick a separate lifetime out of the soup that is my consciousness. I have some strange memories, but I’m not positive that I might or might not have been this or that.” You’d be correct! So, why is the Akash to elusive?

The reason is this – listen carefully, for this is new information. The Akash is not a brain function. It is not where the synapse of memory occurs, so when you are trying to answer the Akashic question above, you are searching for these things in a structure of consciousness that works with common memory and synaptic attributes of the Human brain. The Akash is not in your brain, so you won’t get the memories you are looking for. Instead, the Akash is in your DNA. So, suddenly we have a situation where Akashic communication is very different. It’s not linear, and it’s not able to be remembered like your brain remembers anything. It won’t give you facts. It’s elusive! So how does itget to you?

DNA communicates to you and your consciousness in a different way than your brain does. We have described this in the past, and it is complex. But I’ll say it anyway: Information carried in your DNA has to get to your brain eventually in order for you to cognize it [become aware and believe it]. It then arrives in your consciousness and works a certain way, which we will describe next. It does so with what we call overlapping multidimensional fields. This is not a mystery of science, for in your electronics you have this type of communication all the time. DNA doesn’t talk to you in memory, synapse, structure or linearity. It talks to you in emotional concepts.

The process of overlapping multidimensional fields has a name in electronics, and it’s called inductance. It’s also the way that the sun transmits information and even astrological attributes through the sun’s heliosphere, into the magnetic grid of the planet through overlapping multidimensional fields. So this is natural, it’s happening all the time, and it’s fractal [has many repeating parts]. But it all happens at the basic DNA level. You have a field around your DNA that interacts with your consciousness through something we have called the “smart  body” or innate. So don’t over complicate this. Just know that the Akash is elusive because it does not allow you to remember as you normally remember things. It’s not traditional. It’s part of DNA communication.

How Does the Akashic System Affect a Human?

Let us speak of how it works, what the energy of it is today, and where it is headed. The Akash has what we would call drivers. Drivers are what communicate certain feelings about the Akash into your brain, and it allows you to sense something. It does not come as memory as we said and the Akashic system does not necessarily feature the communication of an individual past life. [That may come later with DNA awakening and processing]. Normal Akashic drivers do not broadcast to the brain who you were, where you were, or when you were. There are no names and no genders, even though you think you may know. What it does instead is to give you experiential, emotional concepts.

The Akashic drivers for humanity, at the moment, are the same ones that have existed for eons. The things that you will sense first from your Akash, that drive themselves into your consciousness, are survival instincts. They are about past experiences that created fear, drama and unfinished business. You know I’m right. What is it you sense, old soul? It’s what you’re afraid of. The Akash will deliver this to your consciousness, not as a remembrance of what happened, but as a survivalemotion of what happened.

These Akashic attributes are called drivers because they drive you into action, or in many cases, non-action. You feel something, and you won’t go there or do something because of what you feel. Is it intuition or Akashic remembrance? The concepts you receive are at the DNA level and they radiate to your brain and drive you through this exposure to the emotional part of your thinking. Why are these things such low energy? Why fear and drama? Why unfinished business and, yes, let’s call it what it is – guilt. Why? You are an old soul!

Don’t you deserve something better than this? We have given you the information before. The energy of what you have created on the planet drives Gaia’s consciousness and the efficiency of your DNA and the future of humanity. It represents your free will up to this point, and that’s changing.

The Recalibration of Personal Akash

Imagine an Akash that is realigning its drivers. What if instead of fear, drama and unfinished business, the Akash started to present something else to you? It will, dear ones, for this comes with new energy and the recalibration that is going on right now. It represents a change in Akash communication, because you are increasing your vibration. All of the cells in your body know what is going on in this a new era. You might ask right now, “Well, Kryon, does that mean that everyone’s Akash knows?” The answer is yes! The difference is whether the brain will allow it to be felt or not. Now, here is where the pineal comes in.

The brain also has its drivers, and some are spiritual drivers. You call them filters. Others call themfilters of belief. The brain allows things to be cognized [believed] or not, based upon past experience and commitment of “the way things work”. You are creating a new consciousness, and part of that is the allowance of the Akash to talk to it. Those in this room who are listening to this message and others who are listening and reading later may start to understand that as they increase the light of their awareness, they let in truth. It starts to change the communication of the Akash. The pineal works better, the filters are clearer, and the Akashic drivers start to change.

Much of humanity has filters that will not allow new spiritual thought. They are committed to their own box of belief and, therefore, the DNA may broadcast new information, but they are not “tuned to the station”. But humanity is enabled for the shift, even though they may not receive it yet. This is the beauty of the system of the old soul, for you have created a worldwide enablement that can be “seen” by each and every Human if they wish. Free choice is like that.

Now, in a moment, we’ll talk about one of the most powerful and common drivers and how it works. But first I want to tell you there are always exceptions to the rules, because these things I am telling you are not absolute for every single Human Being. There are always those who are different.

The reason is because your life’s path, what you came for and what you are doing on the planet in service to humanity is unique to you. It’s not generic to every soul. So as I give this information, it’s an overview, and that’s all I give you. So let’s talk about one of the profound exceptions to the common Akashic drivers, and this is where you’re going to start realizing what I’m saying is accurate, since you can actually see it.

The child prodigy is not driven by fear, drama or unfinished business. The child prodigy who plays the piano like a master when he is four is driven solely and completely by his craft. The painter who paints like a master when she is eight is being driven by her craft, and that’s all! The prodigy could care less about survival as long as they have their craft. It’s all consuming, very linear, and all they can think about.

This creates a puzzle in psychology where you will have a Human Being without the possibility of having any remembrance of a complex talent they never could have experienced in this life, yet it’s there. The puzzle for psychologists is: How could this be where it is not part of the brain’s remembrance? DNA is pushing it to the brain as fast as the brain will receive it. It’s the craft of many lives. Where do your hands go? How do you hold the brush? What are the notes on the keyboard? Do you remember the music? 

These are special cases, dear ones, but you see it often enough for you to know that it doesn’t fit with synapse and memory. That is the Akash at a multidimensional level, pushing something to the child that’s conceptual – art, music, poetry and sculpture. It takes lifetimes to make a master artist, and they will be born over and over, continuing with the craft that they had before. All they want to do is keep going with it.

That’s very different from your process, and the possibilities of all the things that I’ve talked about are reduced to one thing for them, the one focus for them, and you get to see it in a child prodigy. By the way, this is why so many artists are dysfunctional, for this continues and they are oblivious to survival reality, others around them, and are only interested in themselves and their craft.


The thing that drives most of humanity is one of the drivers you have labeled karma. Now, karma is much more than unfinished business. Karma is not punishment for past deeds, dear ones. That’s an attribute of judgment, which is not of God. Karma is sensing past experience and having an emotional response so that you will either do it again or stay away from it. Karma is powerful and most Humans feel it, but have no idea they are receiving a specific driver from the DNA’s Akash.

Karma doesn’t often even feature completion! Sometimes it’s a policeman becoming a policeman, or military men becoming military men again, or mothers becoming mothers. It’s a driver of remembrance of things both positive and negative. Sometimes it’s just emotion. Sometimes it drives someone into a classic mindset that is problematic.

You want to know that classic? It’s a classic issue that psychologists really have a hard time with. It’s hard to describe, but you know it exists when I describe it. Sometimes things that you sense from the DNA are not pleasant, but you remember them as who you are – and you can’t live without them. That’s karma.

There are Human Beings who come into life and who are convinced they don’t deserve to be here. If that is their consciousness, the DNA tries to cooperate with it. You knew that, right? Cellular structure takes cues from Human thought. Lack of self-worth will manifest itself with problems that create, you guessed it, more lack of self-worth. It also creates drama, and some people just can’t seem to get away from it.

The Human who is abused early in life has many choices. They probably created the puzzle to see if they can break the pattern (karma at its best). Sometimes, however, it just validates what they feel, that they shouldn’t be here. So that Human will often get out of one abusive relationship and move into another and another! Friends will look around and say, “What’s wrong with you? You keep making the same mistake!” At the Akashic level, they are responding to the same instructions over and over. It’s a victim comfort zone. Do you see this?

This is what the Akash does. It presents to you concepts of existence. It will make you afraid if you’ve been afraid before. If I told you, dear ones, that you had been killed because of your belief, you’d probably believe me. Old souls have been – most of them. If I asked you how many times it happened or where it happened, you’d be guessing. See what I’m saying? The Akash deals in concepts, not factual memories. It also gives you concepts that are invitations to change.

Past Lives in the Akash

Some interesting concepts are transmitted through the Akash. Let’s talk about past lives. Past lives carry the concepts into the Akash that are inherited [Akashic inheritance]. So, if you were a warrior and were killed in the battlefield, you may not like the smell of gun smoke. These things are passed to you in unusual ways. Some of you can stand in a battlefield and smell it! Some of you like it, since it’s the smell of victory and release – more concepts. But you know there’s something there and, dear ones, that’s a concept. It goes into your central sensory perception. That’s the Akash at its best. You’re not remembering as much as you are feeling something that exists to this day inside you.

The past life reader has to sort all this out. They have to linearize something that is not linear. It’s elusive, you see. Past life readers can sense the quantum field around you created by the DNA [The Merkabah]. This is where a good reader can help pull out individual lives in that “soup of concepts” that you would never be able to do. This explains how a good reader can help you with blocks and past experiences that you can’t seem to get yourself.

Now, the old soul has an added Akashic attribute. The old soul, the one who has been here by definition for thousands of years and lifetime after lifetime, has experienced just about everything there is to experience. So what do you think is in your Akash, old soul? I will tell you: It’s the same as everyone else’s – drama, fear and unfinished business, until now. The old soul has a storehouse of awakening lifetimes and that’s the difference. In the new energy, that is what the old soul is going to start remembering. So being an old soul up to this point didn’t hold near as much weight in the Akashic way as it does now.

Things are recalibrating. This is a recalibration of the Akash as well. It’s how you feel, what you do with it, and how it drives you to do things. The most interesting attribute within the old soul is that old souls feel they have things all figured out. Been there, done that. There’s nothing new and in that they have cognized and committed to a way of life, or what they think is a way of life, on planet Earth. It’s so interesting, and often totally wrong.

The Atlantis Syndrome

I gave the scenario before and I want to give it again just to preview this to you. I know it’s controversial to many of you. How many of you were on Atlantis? As the many hands go up, I say to you, “Really? Which Atlantis were you on?” You would then say, “Well, I was unaware that there was more than one!” There were far more than one, dear Human. Let me ask you, “What happened there?” Then you might say, “We had this advanced society and we were terminated because we did something wrong. This stays in our Akash and we know it.”

There are some concepts that you bring into your Akash that are extremely Human. I’m going to call one of them, “God, Gaia, and creative source of the Universe with a Human brain”. Humans apply their own intellectual process to everything that is God. The Greeks did it very well. They created their Gods to be above Humans, but their Gods were totally dysfunctional! They had all kinds of problems, complete with jealousy, hatred, vindictiveness and even incest! Their Gods didn’t like each other very much, just like Human families. They toyed with the Humans below just to irritate other Gods. There was judgment, anger and rage. That’s the mythology of the Greeks. They created Gods with Human attributes.

Well, of course, you’re way above that today. Instead, you’ve got one God who is love. But then somehow there was a war in heaven, and a fallen angel and anger and judgment and grief. The fallen angel is after your soul, of course, and so on and so on. Mythology continues. Dear ones, your societies have simply done the same thing the Greeks did, only it’s a little more modern. This all comes from the Akash, believe it or not. It’s a conceptual belief that consciousness is the same all over the Universe and, of course, its Human consciousness. You are really not aware of anything more intelligent than you are, so you don’t have any other concept for God.

In addition, you have the beautiful entity Gaia getting angry and striking you with lightning or drying up the ground so you can’t have crops for food. Do you see what I’m saying? How much energy goes into ceremony to help make Gaia content? Centuries of Humans did that. This comes, literally, from the old soul. The longer you’ve lived on the planet, the more you associate your consciousness of humanism with any other consciousness that you see in the Universe.

So why the Atlantis issue? Alright, I’ll explain it yet again, Lemurian. You got off that large mountain of Hawaii when it started to sink. It was your home for thousands of years – the highest mountain on Earth. It started to recede or sink as the bubble of magma began to vent itself through several of the volcanoes and release the pressure that had pushed it up. You had no idea if the whole mountain was going to disappear or perhaps even explode! So over many years, most of you took to the sea and escaped. When it stopped sinking, some stayed, and the peaks of the mountains became your current islands.

Do you know what Lemurians love to do and what is in their Akash to this day? Lemurians look for other islands to live on. It’s in the concepts of what they have in their DNA, which tell them that this is the way to live. It’s a concept of being and many Lemurians over history ended up on other islands. It felt like home. However, many islands are also volcanoes. Often, through the natural recourse of geology, volcanic activity and earthquakes would take place and the islands would go under. Did you know that was in your Akash, old soul?

So what do you think you did next, Lemurian, after another island sank? Most of you would escape – and look for another island! The next lifetime, you would look for still another island! It’s interesting, but it’s extremely Human, that when bad things happen, you blame something or someone somehow – usually yourself. That’s the old soul’s lack of self-worth that we have spoken of so often. So now you are guilty about it, and now you’ve got another consciousness going on that says the island did something to you. That’s the negative Gaia Effect that supposedly Gaia is angry. The real Gaia Effect is actually a beautiful cooperation with Human consciousness! But your Akash, which is very elusive, will give you a totally different concept.

So the old soul remembers Atlantis incorrectly. Atlantis is simply a generic name for any island you lived on that destroyed itself while you were on it. Most islands had a good reason why they were surrounded by water. As we said, many were volcanic. Sometimes they were in vulnerable places, easily covered by water through earthquake and flood. Sometimes it would be cyclical with the water cycle every 1500 to 2000 years. Count on a Lemurian to be there! Did you ever think of that? This is not to discount Atlantis itself, but to tell you that there were many of them and it sticks in your conceptual DNA as one big event.

As far as advanced technology, let me tell you what you “remember” as advanced technology. It’s not what you have today. It’s high-minded conscious thinking. That’s your high tech, because on an island you can get together like you did in Lemuria and raise the vibration of the land that you’re on. It’s not about machinery and blinking lights. It’s about a consciousness that could change physics.

The New Akashic Drivers

Turn the page with me for a minute. I now want to tell you about the new drivers of the Akash. They are compassionate actionlove and finished business. These are going to be the ones that are going to be broadcast from the old soul DNA to old soul brains. This will start a process of helping them think out of the box of traditional thought. Old souls will start to see that they are not victims of life. They belong here! Self-worth will increase, for it will know that Humans deserves to be here. It’s time!

This process will allow the Akash to speak to the brain and the innate body in higher concepts, those of compassion. Ask a surgeon about how Human Beings often keep themselves alive in a hospital for months just to see a grandchild graduate. Ask a doctor if he’s ever seen mind over matter. A doctor who works closely with death and dying will have amazing stories about how Human Beings can get up from their death beds when some of them decide they are worthy of being here. What do you think of spontaneous remission? This is the Human changing course.

The Results of New Consciousness and a Changing Akash

The Akash speaks to you through concepts. The new energy carries different survival drivers for the old soul. Into your brain will be delivered concepts where there is no more karma. It has been voided, as we told you more than 20 years ago [Kryon Book One]. We told you to drop karma, for it is not needed anymore. Go forward with Akashic energy that you create yourself for your future instead of a concept from the past.

Some of you are mystified and feel odd, because without the driver of karma you seem empty. Well, let me tell you, it’s time to understand what that feeling is. It means that you control your life! It means you’re not a victim of the circumstances that push and pull you around. You’ve dropped the old energy driver of karma and so now it’s time to create! That’s conceptual, and Human Beings who don’t get that message think there’s something wrong. Some liked the other feeling and equated it to “being normal”. It’s a recalibration. No more karma.

Past lives will not have the influence that they used to and the things that you used to remember about the past are starting to recalibrate. Now you will begin to remember success, love, compassion and results that come through high thinking. You are going to want these things again. Do you see where this is going? Imagine a Human Being who is driven only by positive things. Imagine a Human Being who is driven so completely by positive things that he/she will develop books and television shows and movies about positive things. Imagine how that might change what others see and feel. Imagine how the few can show something to the many, which might change the planet! Imagine the funding for these things being easy, because old souls with money see it, too!

Dear ones, you are going to start remembering, not old mythology, but the reality of God. You are part of the puzzle, and you now carry the solution. You deserve to be here and the more you awaken, the longer you are going to live. Consciousness awareness of a compassionate mind will extend life. You will never see an angry God in your compassionate mindset. You will never see the mythology of a creator who has judgment.

That never existed! It’s a Human thought placed upon God. Gaia will become your partner on Earth, not a frightening force you have to give offerings to any more than you would a Human partner. You will fall in love with Gaia. Do you see the differences? This is the elusive Akash, which is recalibrating itself to become a lot less elusive. This pushes Human Beings into a whole other consciousness of being. Then you start realizing that the masters of the planet all had it.

In closing, we ask you yet again: Who is your favorite master? Who? Put yourself with him or her right now. How do you feel? Your answer will be, “Relaxed, peaceful, safe, so good!” So I ask you again, what did they have that would allow you to feel this way? The answer is what you are learning to have for yourself; it’s peace where there is no 3D reason to have peace, calmness where there is no 3D reason for calmness, an awareness of beautiful, esoteric things that are out of the sight of those who only trust what their eyes can see.

It’s the love of God that becomes prominent in your life and completely voids the lies of victimization and fear. You are relaxed and treat others differently. The Akashic concepts of mastery are manifested in your daily life, and things that used to be a problem simply become parts of the challenge of Human living and not a survival issue felt at the core level or pushing your “buttons” of fear.

Some of you in this room and those reading needed to hear that last part and you know what I’m talking about. Isn’t it time to get rid of that old process? Why are you letting these things drive you into frustration? It’s making you older. You can let it go now. Say it out loud if you want to. Let your cells hear it! The catalyst to an enlightened planet is sitting in front of me. It’s the old soul who will allow these things to take place in their lives and live longer because of it.

There are those in the audience who have come for a healing. Let it be. Let it start now. Allow yourselves to get up from where you are knowing that it has begun. I want to tell you something that you may not be aware of: Every cell in your body knows what I’m talking about. They are all listening and cheering, if you’ll allow them to. You’re in charge of it all.

The brain is the great central station of the transit of consciousness energy. You are in control of what you will, and will not, allow into it. It’s time to allow a new Akash to speak to you of the glory and the majesty of the system that you helped create.

That is the message for the day. I am Kryon, in love with humanity –  and for good reason.

And so it is.


from:   http://spiritlibrary.com/kryon/the-elusive-akash

Accessing Past Lives

How to See Into Your Past Lives Using Multi-Level Awareness

HJ: Seeing into your past lives is not an ability that is limited to psychics, clairvoyants and other mystics.  It is actually a skill that you possess which simply needs to be developed just like any other thing in your life you wish to become proficient at such as a sport or creative activity.  We present below a powerful technique that you can use to begin to explore your own mind and soul history, known as past lives.

If you wish to practice this on your own, we recommend making a recording of yourself dictating the instructions and simply play this back at your convenience.  Make sure to leave extended pauses between commands to give yourself the time to explore and keep the pace relaxed.  The last thing you want to have happen is have a vision interrupted by more premature commands and guidance.

– Truth

Multi-Level Awareness

By William Swygard | Journal of Borderland Research

The following technique is not to be taken lightly, because it is the beginning of a mental-spiritual experience that will allow you to know yourself. By this it is meant that you, without the aid of a teacher or assistant of any kind — after a few preliminary exercises — can bring into your physical consciousness your entire past.

You can recall your incarnations on this planet, your experiences before you came to this planet; in fact, you can see for yourself everything you have experienced since your spirit was released from the Creator.

This designation, Multi-Level Awareness, is the correct nomenclature — a direct translation of its designation through more solar systems and galaxies than the present awareness of mankind on Earth understands.

This technique, Multi-Level Awareness, is simple. There is nothing you can add to it to make it work better or quicker. It works with everyone.

1. Make a person comfortable. Have the person remove his shoes and lie down. Clasp his legs, one at a time, just above the knee and manipulate your hands downward, stopping briefly at the knee to make certain the knee is relaxed. Then rub on down, to the ankle and bend the ankle; then massage the foot, and then the toes briefly and vigorously. Repeat this manipulation quickly. Next, place the palm of your hand on the person’s forehead, and with a little pressure move the skin of the forehead up and down and sideways for a few seconds. This relaxation process should not be overdone.

2. Ask the person to close his eyes. After a brief moment, ask him to become a few inches taller by allowing himself to stretching out through the bottom of his feet. Then, say to him, “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” When he says he has accomplished this, pause a few seconds and say, “Go back to normal size. Tell me as soon as you have done this.”

Ask him to repeat the exercise, only the second time ask him to become “a foot” taller. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” When he agrees, pause again and tell him to go back to normal size. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Repeat the foot tall routine again. Each time ask him to tell you when he has accomplished the exercise.

Now go to the other end of the body. “Become a few inches taller by extending yourself out through the top of your head. Tell me when you have done this.” Then back to normal size again. Then, do a foot taller three times through the head. Always ask him to tell you when he is done.

The next step requires further exercising. “Now, this time extend yourself through the head, face, body, arms, legs and feet. In other words, blow yourself up just like a balloon. Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Then go back to normal size. All of the time, throughout these exercises, be jovial and keep your voice firm and convincing, yet be ready to laugh, and keep the person going quickly and smoothly through these preliminaries. Once he has done them well, there is never a need to repeat them.

Next, tell him to blow up use like a balloon again, only much larger this time. When he tells you he has done this, ask him to go quickly and stand in front of the building where he lives. “Tell me when you are there.” As soon as he says so, start him talking. Ask him to see this and that, and to describe what he sees. Tell him to look for, one at a time, the door, door knob, windows, walkways, trees, shrubs, marks of any kind. After he sees and describes to you, these objects, tell him to “go quickly and stand on the roof of the building and look down into the road (or yard) in front. Tell me as soon as you are there.” Ask him to see and describe such objects as cars, trees, etc. When this is completed tell him to go about 500 feet up into the air and look down. (One in a hundred may object at this point but remind him quickly that he is still safe in the room.) Then repeat the request. “Tell me as soon as you are there.” Ask him to see what he can observe and report it to you. Keep him talking.

The person may tell you throughout this phase of outdoor work that he is “imagining things”, but remind, him gently that this is an exercise in awareness and continue, as if he had said nothing.

3. After he has described to you the things he sees from this advantage of altitude, ask him whether it is daytime or nighttime. When he tells you it is one or the other, ask him to tell you why he thinks so. He will say something like, “It is daytime because everything is light, and I can see just as if it were daylight, so it must be daytime.” Or, “It is sort of twilight, you know, just like after the sun has gone down.” If it is nighttime or twilight in his vision, ask him to make it daytime — bright as sunlight. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Then ask him to tell you why he thinks it is daytime. Keep him talking, talking all the time. If it was daytime to begin with, ask him to make it night; and then ask him why he thinks it is_night. Turn the days into nights and back again at least three t1mes, but be certain that you finish this phase by having it daytime — a very bright, sunny day.

Then quickly ask him, “Who is making it night and day?” Most will quickly answer, “I am!” If he hesitates more than ten seconds, ask him, “Are you making it night and day?” He will agree. It is very important that he understands that he is causing the change.

4. “Now, are you still high in the air?” The answer will be, “Yes.” “Please keep the scene very bright. Come back to earth in another lifetime that you lived many years ago. Come down quickly as you go back in time; bring your feet down quickly and firmly, but gently, and stand on the ground. Tell me as soon as you are there.”

The person is now experiencing a good vision of a previous life.

Remind him frequently to, “Look out through your eyes and listen through your ears.” Ask, “What are you wearing on the lower part of your body?” Wait for descriptions, but keep the person talking. The more talk the better he will see in the beginning. Insist that the person do only what you tell him to do and answer your questions; remembering to keep the questions in some semblance of chronological order. Move the person onward in time — skip a day, a week, month or year in his lifetime, but keep him moving and talking.

At the end of the lifetime, ask the person to go to an earlier lifetime by requesting, “Come down in an earlier lifetime — look down at your feet and tell me what you are wearing on them.”

At the end of the second or third lifetime you have run through ask him to “die” and follow through the death, asking, “What happens next?” (When you do not have specific questions.) No matter what he reports, do not question the validity. This is new material for people to understand.

After you have run a few people through several lifetimes you will understand that this material is valid. When he has run incidents between his lives, ask him to go back and find his present parents, from the first time he saw them until after he was born. Ask questions, questions, questions.

When you discontinue the running process at any time, ask the person, “Do you see any need to continue at this time?” Let him decide when to stop.

When you continue with this person at a later time, make him comfortable (but no need to rub), tell him to turn the lights on inside, and go quickly back to where he left off last time.

After three to five hours of “coaching” or assisting a person, he should be quite ready to run himself. It takes a person a little time to learn to ask himself questions. As soon as he can ask himself questions, he is ready to go alone. If he reports back to you that he is “stuck”, run him a little more, but make him ask the questions. Practice is of the essence. Soon an entire lifetime can be seen in a few minutes with all senses in force.

There are no wasted words in the above. Failure to succeed is failure to follow instructions. It is fun to run and to be run. Change off. The more you run, the better coach you become. Do a lot of both.

The article closes with an offer for two additional courses, offered at no charge: “As this technique of Multi-Level Awareness is mastered, write to the address below and receive at no charge, the technique, Multi-Plane Awareness. Upon completion of this, request Perfecting The Spirit. A stamped, self-addressed envelope would be appreciated in each case. Mastery of these three easy techniques will prove that mankind, his beliefs, ideals, goals and performances on this planet are obsolete. William Swygard, PO Box 3510, Miami, Florida, 33101″ — likewise, it is very likely that the offer in question is obsolete. However, used copies of three volumes of Mr. Swygard’s “Awareness Techniques” series are readily available on Amazon.com: Book 1 – Book 2 – Book 3

– See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/06/20/how-to-see-into-your-past-lives-using-multi-level-awareness/#sthash.XUpprRyd.dpuf

Tibetan Perspective on Mankind

The Brotherhood of Man: A Tibetan Perspective

Brotherhood 329th May 2013

By Ethan Indigo Smith

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The value of all that you know and all that you’ve been taught can be quickly be outweighed and forgot by your belief in and support for man-made national, racial, religious and cultural institutions. All wars root themselves in a bed of belief in and support for institutions, and in contrast, the hatred for and stigmatization of individuals within varying alternative institutions. All zealotry and loyalty begins in the feeling of being involved in an institutional family. People are convinced that they are part of an institutional family, an institution that presents itself as immortal.

In Tibet and the region, Buddhist lamas are known to reincarnate and return to their monasteries variously proving they are toddler reincarnates and the Dalai Lama is found through reincarnation tests.

To the profoundly compassionate Buddhists, heritage and family lineage is unimportant next to the compassionate brotherhood, at the monastery or wherever. Seeking to solve suffering with compassion is much more important than any other community, more important than your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your state, your country and whatever institution you might put before compassion.

The Buddha posited love and into four parts; love of self, love of others, love for the happiness of others and love for all beings in equanimity. You cannot love others without love of self and you cannot love at the higher level unless you love at the level preceding it. Loving compassion is true wisdom and the brotherhood of man is the only family one should be loyal to. All else is tribal impulses played by controlling institutions. The institutional apparatuses and apparitions which seek to inspire your enlistment are bogus. There is only the brotherhood of man.

You can see the disturbances caused by people within themselves and outside of themselves when their love is covered up by beliefs in alternatives to the brotherhood of man. Some people hate themselves, many people hate other people, many people hate the happiness of others… and some people just hate everything. Loving compassion elevates all whereas hatred of others, used by institutions, degrades all.

Our love, which can be equated to childlike innocence, gets covered up by traditions and training mechanisms, often through instigation of feelings of guilt. We do not lose our love it simply gets covered up by ignorance. We tend to think of ignorance as lack of knowledge, however normally ignorance stems from being full of incorrect ideas and misguided beliefs. Ignorance is usually full, not empty. Let go of your pride for your family and country and whatever institution gained your loyalty and share love for humanity.

Calculate which stage of love your heart stops at and push forward through the installed ignorance with a flaming sword of a peaceful warrior.

In Tibet and India the flaming sword signifies the weapon of the mind, yielded by the heart. The flaming sword cuts through layers of ignorance, through the training and institutionally supportive traditions layered on us. The flaming sword cuts away the extraneous and superfluous ignorance preventing us from loving ourselves, others, the happiness of others all things equally. Let go of your beliefs and false pride, grab your flaming sword and be a peaceful warrior.

If not now, when? Stop make believing.

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2013/05/29/the-brotherhood-of-man-a-tibetan-perspective/