The following is excerpted from the book Energy Speaks by Lee Harris, published by New World Library.
This planet needs as many of you as possible to create the consciousness shift now occurring. And how you feel it! It can feel beautiful, wonderful, joyous, humorous, light, fun. It can also feel torturous and wretched. The shift involves a whole spectrum of emotional states. And in order for consciousness to evolve, this full spectrum must be experienced. You are experiencing the spectrum at various levels of awareness, but the whole shebang, as it were, must be gone through consciously so that the shift can be completed.
This is what you all want.
Your work as lightworkers will challenge you. Oh yes, very much so. Lightworkers need to be at the top of the wave and surfing it, scouting ahead so that everyone behind can swim in clear waters. When we say “behind,” we would suggest that you not get caught up in status. A lightworker is no better — or less — than a human being who is not actively working with the light. It is just how it is. You are no less or more important than the next person. You are a unity of souls. And every soul has their crucial role to play. So be mindful when you judge, for in judging you temporarily separate yourself from your expanded human family.
Competition between lightworkers is being cleared and eliminated at this time; it is one of the final arenas where battles need to cease for this evolutionary shift to occur. As lightworkers, you will sometimes compare yourselves to others. Good. Do it. Experience how it feels, but do it consciously and with awareness so that you may become free of it.
Judging yourself for such comparison and competition will not free you. Being aware of this dynamic as it arises in you will help to do so, for you can then experience the emotions intuitively, intelligently, and honestly — as a way to quicken your growth. You will be able to facilitate the movement of these dark feelings from within yourself. They are part of you. They are part of the world. They are not to be feared. They are simply to be allowed passage through you, for you do not need to harbor them anymore.
You need not see yourself as moving up the levels any faster than your fellow lightworkers, racing against them. You are simply at various stages of focus, discovery, and the implementation of your gifts. Imagine if everyone were at the same place — standing on the same rung of the ladder. Progress would be impeded. How would humanity as a group be able to move forward?
What Do You Believe About Your Power?
Recognizing and owning your personal power is one of the most important steps you will ever take as a lightworker — and a defining moment in your development.
Personal power is not easy for human souls to embrace, for it is not easily embraced in the world. Many of you wrestle with the profound responsibility that standing in your own power demands. It is contained in nature, however. Parts of the world that have been heavily abused by man still hold power. Where a rain forest has been destroyed, there is still great regenerative power in the land. That power cannot be denied. It cannot be permanently stripped.
Whether denied or admitted, it is the same with the human soul. A soul has great power and arrives in human form charged with that power. The experience of life can convince the soul to minimize this power or to give it away. And this perceived lack or loss of power can lead a soul to try to regain it through the domination or abuse of others and the attempt to take power from others. Of course, we say “attempt” because you can take nothing from another soul. Just as you cannot really give yourself or your power away, either.
It is all a matter of beliefs.
And as you know, beliefs are powerful. Beliefs can imprison or free you. Beliefs, along with the thoughts and ideas derived from them, can convince you of anything. Where your personal power is concerned, you have choices to make on a daily basis — about accepting it, allowing it, expressing it, and directing it — and you will continue to have to make those choices on an ongoing basis. What do you believe about your power? What must you believe about your power in order to operate at your full capacity?
As your consciousness rises, pay close attention to your beliefs, for they are a crucial key to your expansion.
A Consciousness Shift
You have within you a jigsaw puzzle. It is all there. All the pieces are there — beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, experiences, desires, dreams, purpose, destiny, and more. Your outer life offers manifestations of this inner jigsaw puzzle, allowing you to see the picture that is keen to emerge at this time in your life. As it does, you can put the pieces together — and move them around as you wish — so that your jigsaw puzzle becomes whole once more. So many jigsaw puzzles — so many lives — have been incomplete for too long. This incomplete picture can feel like a drain of your power and energy.
The reason why some of you are finding this time so hard is precisely because you are shifting — growing and transforming in profound ways. And in the flux of change, the jigsaw pieces can sometimes seem scattered to the wind. Yes, much has been said and written about a period of great change that was imminent, but the difference is that this awaited shift is happening now.
Right now.
This period of time has long been designated for a shift in consciousness affecting the earth for many years to come. We speak to you now of personal power because that is what is required to navigate this challenging period. Do not feel that you are a victim of the energetic change occurring. Oh no. Remember, you chose this. We say this to you with caring and affection, for we understand how difficult it can be as a human being when you experience pain, heartbreak, uncertainty, or the fear that arises when stepping into the unknown. It can be challenging to maintain your understanding of the larger truth of what is going on, both in your own life and in the world at large. But do choose to remember. Remembering brings you back to the seat of your power and brings greater ease to your life experience.
Allowing Judgment and Fear to Fall Away
You are very powerful intuitively, but you are also afraid of the strength of your intuitive power. It is not surprising. Your intuition is an agent of change. Allowing the subtle and overt truths told by your intuition into your life more consistently will cause energetic shifts in your body. It will cause you to feel different and to see the world differently — but that is wonderful. It will make you more whole. It will make you stronger. Do not fear your intuitive power, for it is already so. You are only asking us to say this to you as a reminder, because you know it yourself…and you
feel it.
Allowing Judgment and Fear to Fall Away
Remember, time is so important. It is your ally. This is why we speak to you of releasing judgment. Do not judge yourself for not being where your soul knows you should be. It is important to move step-by-step, to integrate every piece of your journey. What satisfaction would you feel in going from being a disassembled jigsaw puzzle to a completed one in the blink of an eye? Who does that? Those who do that do not find a great deal of satisfaction. The joy of a jigsaw puzzle is the piecing together so you create the whole picture. It is a fascinating game, full of stops and starts, sometimes maddeningly complex and sometimes a breeze. There is satisfaction when the whole picture is complete, yes, but the piecing together — that is the discovery process of life. That is where the energy lies.
You all have so much to give. Your hearts give out so much love to the world. This is true even of those who doubt it. You have no idea how much love you share each day. Some of you judge yourselves for not giving enough, and some of you judge yourselves for giving too much, as you question your motivation for giving. Some of you judge yourselves for not being able to know if you are giving or not, because you’re not sure of the impact your giving is having. Trust us. You are all giving so much.
Now receiving — here is an even trickier area. This is the area that many of you would deny. Layers of conditioning cloud your relationship with receiving. Who am I to receive more? What have I done to deserve it? However, receiving is where more giving becomes possible. Really. You all deserve so much.
We feel you now, and you are the most beautiful, wonderful, giving soul. If we could only somehow allow you to see that for a moment, we would be so happy. You are divine.
Now is the time for you to remember. Remember. Remember. Remember. Aren’t we boring? We could say “remember” to you constantly because it is all we want you to do: to remember how much light you are already giving out to the world. Stop working at it. Instead, work at developing your connection to all that is. Work at doing whatever makes you feel closer to the God within you — this source of power and love within all of you. Do whatever you feel inclined to do. Far be it from us to tell you what to do. We would never do that. We hope you would never take anything we say as prescription. We only ask you to remember that you are already doing the work.
So much judgment comes in for you — you fear that you are not fulfilling your purpose, you think you are not completing your mission, you worry that you are not there yet. Tell the mind to quiet down so the soul can relax. The soul may very well know where you are going, and you can tell the soul if you need a little while so that you can reach that place in your own time. You will be no good to anyone if you jump there too fast. You will certainly be no good to yourself; you would be thrown off-balance. You are a lightworker, yes, but you do not need that disruption. You do not need to become exhausted and weary on your sacred journey.
from: http://realitysandwich.com/323914/you-are-a-lightworker/