What’s the Difference Between Brown and White Eggs?
04 February 2011 6:46 PM ET

I have plans to cook an egg quiche thing and enough cinnamon rolls for 10 people this weekend, so I’m going to need a lot of eggs. Normally I’m not too discerning with my egg selection — they all scramble just as well to me. But, standing in the grocery store, I froze. Should I buy brown eggs, or white? Is one variety better for eggy dishes, and the other better for baked goods?
I had no clue, and after spending a good five minutes scanning every letter of labeling on the various brands of eggs, I felt no more in the know. So I gave up. I picked up a carton of the cheaper white eggs, headed for the checkout and hoped for the best, or at least a less costly mistake.
to read more, go to: http://www.lifeslittlemysteries.com/difference-between-brown-white-eggs-1315/.