Noticing Things Are Not Quite The Same?

How long has the Mandela Effect been around?

Written by July 3, 2016

csl2016jul2What are your earliest Mandela Effect memories?

The Mandela Effect demonstrates that facts and histories can change, and not everyone remembers things the same way. I’ve received emails from people writing, “I’ve noticed these changes for years, but only just now found out thousands of other people are noticing the same changes,” which gets me wondering how long the Mandela Effect has been around.

Different people pay attention to different things, so we’ll not all be equally impressed by the same changes in history, and sometimes it takes a while before we notice something strange is going on–and has been going on for a long time. There is a tendency once we start noticing something–such as that history sometimes changes–we start seeing examples of it more often. I’ve also noticed that being with others who also notice reality shifting tends to increase our awareness of it. What’s changed since the Mandela Effect became a popular meme is that collectively we now have a mental “File” to label such incidents with, other than ‘we must have been mistaken; that’s so weird.’ Now people like George Clooney and Julia Roberts and Gwen Stefani DO have something to refer to other than “that’s so weird,” when they notice, as they recently did, that the ending of the song, “We are the champions” by Queen has changed. 

My preferred explanation for all this is that we are observing quantum phenomena on the macroscopic scale, and there is no ‘von Neumann cut’ where we can start disregarding quantum effects. Quantum discontinuities can (and do) occur at every level.

Bigger than Mandela

One of the main reasons the “Mandela Effect” is grabbing peoples’ attention is that it is bigger than Mandela. The “Mandela Effect” shows those of us who’ve experienced it that facts change, and histories change. Not everyone remembers things the same way, and sometimes we also notice things change from what we remembered, and then change back again–sometimes flip-flopping more than once or twice.

No Return to Classical Reality

We can look to quantum physics for an explanation as to what is going on when we find more examples of the Mandela Effect. Rather than there being some imaginary line of demarcation where quantum weirdness no longer occurs, some physicists now suggest that quantum logic might hold true at all levels. Rather than ignoring such troublesome quantum phenomena as superposition of states and entanglement by sweeping them under the von Neumann cut, we instead need to consider the possibility that sometimes we will see macroscopic evidence of quantum phenomena in our daily lives.

No Conspiracy Required

The existence of alternate pasts was predicted by scientists such as Stephen Hawking, who has sought evidence of vibratory signatures of many possible ‘big bangs,’ for example. If and when you ever personally experience the presence of multiple possible pasts, such as some college students witnessed first-hand when looking at their own hand-written journal notes about where they were and what they were doing when the Challenger space shuttle exploded–then you might reconsider the notion of a news media or government conspiracy.

CERN came along after the fact, from the standpoint that first nations peoples have long described oral histories about how these same sorts of things (so-called “Mandela Effect”) have been happening since the dawn of time. We can see evidence of the Mandela Effect in years before we heard of it, when we remember times such as I recall having happened to me back in the 1970s, when I wanted to hear a song that I’d been hearing a lot on the radio. I couldn’t find the song any more, and it was as if it had completely disappeared without a trace. Then, many months later, I did hear the song being announced by a radio station as ‘likely to be a big hit’ as they bragged they were amongst one of the first stations able to play it. I heard this and thought to myself, “What!?! This song was being played almost nonstop by many stations earlier this year!” So if you’ve ever seen a movie or TV show or heard a song or read a book before it came out, you’ve had an earlier experience with the Mandela Effect. 

Quantum Mechanics Forbids a Single History

Thomas Kuhn wrote that a paradigm defines “the practices that define a scientific discipline at a certain point in time.”  When we notice that there is a strong possibility we are witnessing macroscopic signs of quantum phenomena as some of us recognize that we’ve been experiencing ‘glitches’ and shifts in reality for years, it becomes clear that rather than a conspiracy, we’re dealing with a radical re-visioning of reality. Thomas Kuhn described how there are four basic ways that a new paradigm influences the scientific process, because paradigms dictate: what is studied and researched, what types of questions are asked, the exact structure of the questions asked, and how research results are interpreted. Thanks to the work of physicists such as Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog suggesting back in 2006 that we might live in a “top down” universe which prohibits single histories, people are increasingly becoming more familiar with the idea that we exist in a superposition of states–such as in a holographic multiverse, where we can sometimes experience various other possible realities. Nature magazine reported Thomas Hertog stating,

“Quantum mechanics forbids a single history.”

casablanca-sceneFinding Early Historical Examples

We can find early examples of the Mandela Effect easily enough, by searching through books, newspapers, magazines and research papers with keywords such as “misremembered,” “collective misremembering,” “famously misremembered,” and “historical misremembering.” We can ask elders what kinds of “mis-rememberings” were common in their youth, to hear such examples as differences in historical dates or names, or differences in what people at the same event had heard someone say, for example. We can thus find such examples as a change in dialogue in the 1942 movie Casablanca to “Play it again, Sam,” a phrase which currently is not spoken in the film.

Mandela Effect’s Invitation to Us

The Mandela Effect is inviting us to enter into a new Quantum Age, which also happens to be a new age of awareness of our true identity as Consciousness. People have an opportunity now to become aware that we are not our bodies nor our thoughts nor our feelings–but rather, our true selves and true identities are the observers of our bodies, thoughts and feelings. And as we become aware of this to the point we increasingly observe evidence of this (through witnessing alternate realities and alternate histories), we gain the ability to recognize the primacy of consciousness as creator of experience. I strongly recommend everyone develop a habit of asking, “How good can it get?” in every situation, in order to help ensure best possible experiences–for truly this remarkably unlikely universe can become even more fine-tuned than we’ve yet experienced.

You can see the YouTube summary of this blog post here:


Lucid Dreaming & Consciousness

Lucid Dreaming as a Gateway to Spiritual Awakening

Lucid Dreaming Gate to Spiritual Awakening

24th June 2016

By Frank M. Wanderer, Ph.D.

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad.

You are awake, you are concentrating your attention to reading, and you are aware of your environment as well. You can see the furniture of your room, you can hear the call of the birds from the nearby forest. You are also aware of your thoughts and emotions. How can anyone claim that you are asleep at this very moment?

Naturally, you – just like everyone else – sleeps at night. Yes, sometimes you see dreams while you sleep, but right now it is daytime, you are awake. So how could you see dreams?

You Imagine a Whole World Around Yourself

I believe that you do not only sleep at night, but also during the daytime. I believe that in your present state of consciousness, your greatest illusion is that you think you are awake. I believe that in your present existence, your greatest illusion is when you think that you are alert. What I see is that in your present state of consciousness you are asleep, and at present you are dreaming, and what you see and hear are all parts of your dream.

Your nighttime sleep is only different from your daytime sleep in that in the night your dreams are less active. During the day, you imagine a whole world around you, and you play an active role in that dream. Your personal history takes place in that world, and identifying with that world shapes your personal identity.

At present, you are dreaming that as a part of your personal history you are reading these lines while identifying with the role of the spiritual seeker, and you are outraged by what you are actually reading.

The question may arise, ‘Why do I claim that you are asleep and dreaming now?’. Well, from the state of consciousness I call Alertness, I can see that mostly, you are asleep, you believe yourself to be a separate self, you are a captive of the works of your mind.

You Are Not Present

What is the evidence for me to say that you are now asleep and, as a citizen of a dreamland, you are dreaming that you are awake?

It is because you are not present. To be present means that you are fully alert, attentive, and conscious in the present moment. Whatever you do, you do that fully consciously, you focus your entire attention on that particular activity.

Do you feel free to declare that you are present in every moment of your life?

What does it mean to be awake? It has happened to all of us that we have come under the spell of a moment, at some time during our life. A beautiful landscape, a sunset, a beautiful piece of art, the rhythm of music enchanted us. It may even happen that we are just lost in the silence of a peaceful moment. The identification with the forms and shapes loosens a little bit for a short while, and in that instant, we may experience an entirely different state of Consciousness.

You Live in a Separate World

How deep you sleep may depend on how realistic you find your dreams, how much you identify with your identity embedded in your personal history. The less alert you are, and the deeper you submerge into your dreams, the more isolated, solitary and individualistic you will become.

Liberation Through Lucid Living - Consciousness Within the DreamEvery sleeper –including you– has a separate world, only those who exist in the state of Conscious Alertness (the true Lucid Dreaming) have a common, shared reality. All those different and separate worlds are created by the mind, which generates the state of separateness: the Ego, which appears as the focus of our identification with our thoughts and emotions. Thus everybody has a separate identity, personal history, individual world view and methods of action.

Sometimes suffering alarms you from your sleep, but then you hasten to return to it, and start a new dream, a new objective in life, new ideals, passion, ambition that confirms your connection with your identity, rooted in your personal history.

The Reasons of Your Sleep

The reason of you sleeping is that you are not alert, only awake. Only one dimension of Alertness is present in you. Although you are able to focus your attention on your internal emotions and your environment, in your present state of Consciousness you are still powerfully identified with your mind and its functions.

You are therefore drifting on the stormy ocean of your thoughts and emotions day by day, and the space necessary for the emergence of a contemplating Witness is missing from you. You still identify with your thoughts and emotions. These generate the dreams of the Mind, in which you live as a separate self, and try to find the ways of safely navigating your life on the stormy sea.

Longing for Freedom

In this separate state of Consciousness, the lack of Alertness may appear as a desire for freedom. This desire emerges from your real self, as your mind remembers its origins. This atavistic memory of the ancient past is the quiet attraction that will eventually take you back to Silence.

This deep desire will only cease if you become alert again, that is, you will not be awake but also alert. Then the Consciousness awakens to its own existence in the human form you at present call yourself.

Only giving up the struggle with the thoughts and emotions and the recognition of the futility of insisting on them will bring you the real freedom, The freedom of independence of the functions of the mind.

Alertness, the awakened Consciousness, the world of internal silence are all beyond the functions of the mind. If you wish to reach beyond the identification with your thoughts and emotions, if you recognize the functions of the mind and the intensity of your identification with them loosens, you may become alert again, in the quiet, pure space of Consciousness.

In this way, the third dimension of Alertness, that is, the contemplating Consciousness, appears in your life. This the original state of our existence, the pure Consciousness, the state of the witnessing Presence.

This article was excerpted from the new book by Frank M. Wanderer, Ego – Alertness – Consciousness: The Path to Your Spiritual Home.


Going Within Is More Important Now Than Ever

There is so much stuff out there nowadays that the only conclusion one can come to is confusion, and confusion is not a conclusion.  It is the result of an Illusion.  This Illusion is being perpetrated and perpetuated by those things and people around us that are looking to control by taking your power- the media, the electronics, the food, the pollution, the misery, the derision.  Look around and it is pretty much patently obvious that the world as it is right now is on the edge.

The planet, beautiful Gaia, is crying, and people are not listening, not respecting, not opening.  So she is moving, and that brings in weather related events.  Areas need to be cleansed.  People need to be awakened.  But on the other hand, there are those who wish to create their own weather events and destroy the life for their own agendas.

There is a climax in the offing, and it is approaching ore quickly than one might wish, but there it is.

What can you do?  Go within.  Use your intuition.  Look from the eyes of the heart.  If something seems wrong, then it probably is.  Trust your gut.  If something looks wrong, it probably is.  Observe the signs.  If it does not seem right to take that road, turn around.  If people you know seem somewhat strange, it is time for a new gathering.

Open to the energies of the Universal Consciousness that are all around you and turn away from the illusions that are being touted as THE reality.  They have power over you only if you so choose.


On Consciousness & What’s Real

Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

Choose Your Reality Artwork Contact by Ira Ratry Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

14th November 2014

By Lisa Young

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

What would life be like if you could choose between two completely different experiences of reality in every moment?

Just like Neo in the movie “The Matrix” having to choose between taking the red pill or the blue pill; Imagine if each choice moved you into a different consciousness which brought you a vastly different reality.

How would you choose between the two? How would you discern which “reality” you were focused on in any given moment?

This is not just a story line from a cool science fiction movie. It is happening on the Earth right now. It is our planetary reality, a unique cosmic moment in time on our beautiful and beloved planet. TWO realities, TWO paradigms, TWO consciousness’, and in a sense, TWO Earths, are residing simultaneously but in different dimensions and frequencies. And we have the chance to experience it first hand consciously in every second. We are choosing the red or blue pill, or between these 2 realities, constantly, with our thoughts, intentions and where we choose to focus.

What Are These 2 Realities?

Let’s say the “red pill” is the old reality which has been the dominant consciousness on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. This consciousness is based on frequencies and beliefs of fear, scarcity, competition, unworthiness and greed. We all know it very well and can still watch it express itself in our movies, on the news, in government, business, and in the policies of separation and fear present in all of our outmoded systems and structures of life.

The other “blue pill” we can choose is a new consciousness that is aligned with the entire Universe and the Divine Order of Creation. It is a consciousness of Love, Infinite Abundance, Divine Truth, Compassion for all, and a knowing of our Oneness. It holds the remembrance of who we really are and why we choose to come to this planet at this time. It is the Essence of all Life.

So, how do you discern which reality you are presently living in?

Notice How You Are Feeling

If you are feeling and vibrating in love, gratitude, truth, joy, possibility, and trust, you are in the “new” consciousness. If you find that you feel all is possible more frequently, and that you are supported in being yourself on the planet, you are in the “blue”, Universal Consciousness. If you are finding that you are often in a “Flow” and things seem to align for you with greater ease, you are in the New. If you find you are feeling trust in yourself and trust in the Universe, God to create the life you truly want, you are operating in the “new.

If you are feeling or speaking from fear, lack, worry, lots of stress and limitation, you are aligned with the old consciousness on the planet. This is where still a majority of the collective lives and vibrates, so it has a very strong magnetic and familiar pull to it. And perhaps even a comfortable familiarity in the pain. There is no judgement around where each of us is “living” in any given moment. This is ultimately about
awareness and choice to create every moment of your life as you would like it to be. This is the opportunity to truly harness the new consciousness in a powerful way and become your full, empowered and magnificent Self.

How do you move into this New Reality?

Choose the Reality You Want to Live In

This seems too simplified but it is actually the key. YOU are a creator of your life, and as a creator, your choices determine the direction of your life. In your meditation, prayers, thoughts, consciously choose to align with the new source consciousness that is permeating the planet. Ask your spirit family and guides to assist you in living more in this reality. Find meditations and music, friends and new thought that support you in this new alignment.

Become Conscious of Your Thoughts

Notice if your thoughts are ones taking you into places of hope, excitement, empowerment and love, or into feelings of fear and limitation. Catch your thoughts and ask to shift them into more positive energies and focus. Notice again. Catch and shift the limiting thought into a thought that feels expansive, free, joyful or at least hopeful. Practice shifting thoughts. It is a training and in time your mind begins to move into a new groove. Over time you lay new neural pathways that vibrate in self love, self-trust, possibility, and abundance.

Watch Your Words

Words are incredibly powerful. The old adage from 12 step of “fake it till you make it” works. Say what you want to feel and believe. Even if you are not quite there yet and even if you can’t fully feel it. Say it anyway. For example, rather than talk about the money you do not have, say: “I am opening to the infinite abundance that is flowing towards me now in ways I cannot even imagine.” And take a long, slow deep breath. Say it again. Say it to your friends and family. Watch it open up channels of support you never dreamed possible.

Quiet Your Mind

This is a tricky proposition for most people. The mind has run the show for a LONG time and can put up a bit of a freak show at first. Practice sitting for 10 minutes a day and just breathing very slow, taking long deep breaths. Inhale, “quiet and peace”, exhale out “all thought”. Say this to yourself. Breathe again. And again. Feel your body slow down. As your body settles, your mind will often follow with practice. Put your hand on your heart as you breath. This will help bring your focus out of your mind and into your Heart. Imagine that your hand is breathing.

Connect to Source/Divine Creator/Universe

The new consciousness is pure Source consciousness. We are made of this consciousness and energy. Yet, to align with it in its purest state it helps to connect directly to Source at the Center of the Universe. Depending on whatever word resonates for you, it is connecting directly to God, Divine Creator or the Intelligence of the Universe that is pure, direct and in perfect alignment with You. You may find some helpful guided meditations on my website under the “enlighten” section.

Follow Your Joy and Your Heart

What makes you sing? What inspires you? What makes you feel most like your real self? Alive? Follow wherever this leads. Listen to the whisperings of your Soul for in this lay your purpose and your happiness. This new consciousness aligns perfectly with who you really are and assist you in remembering it.

Move Toward Higher-Frequency People

Once you set the intention to align with the new consciousness, and follow the above steps, you will begin to notice when you are around someone who lives more from this reality as well. You will feel a resonance that is uplifting and possibly even exciting. You may find that you are drawn to certain activities, articles, music, and even movies that seem to be also aligning with and bringing in new expression of this Christ Consciousness. You will begin to recognize it showing itself all over the planet.

It is an extraordinary time to be alive on Earth offering a unique opportunity and experience in a physical form. How often are we alive on a planet that is undergoing massive transformation and upgrade? This time offers unprecedented options for huge consciousness expansion and awakening for all beings.

Somewhere along the way we decided we wanted to be here.

Let’s choose the Reality that allows us to thoroughly enjoy the journey.

With Great Love, Lisa

Experience Source and Raise Your Vibration

Here is a powerful and short musical meditation created by my talented friends, Dominique Lacroix and Frits Evelein, with specific frequencies and visuals to assist you in Connecting to Source and Raising Your Vibration. Relax into it, take some deep breaths and open into a deeper connection with Source and the Divine Creator.

  • Main image by Ira Ratry.
  • Video courtesy of Zero Universal.
  • from:

Interview Lilou with Drunvalo Melchisedek


From Lilou Mace and “Juicy Living” (About 1 hour)

On October 28th 2011 Drunvalo and Lilou Mace got together for a virtual conversation to talk about everything under the Sun – including the end of the Mayan Calendar. For approximately one hour Drunvalo goes all over the map. He starts out with the Mayans, their prophecies, and presents us with heretofore undisclosed facts that call into question everything we think we know about their traditions and their culture. Later on in the conversation, the talk leans toward the Reptilians, the Greys, and the forces whose influence has kept us under quarantine for thousands of years. As we touch the hem of Unity Consciousness, Drunvalo reminds us that the dark ones are as much a part of the Ascension Process as those of us who work with the Light. In the last segment, the nature of our reality and the fact that we are awakening to visions of a new and better world leads Drunvalo into a discussion of the Single Eye of the Heart. By the time he and Lilou finish up your mind will not only be blown, you will have a much clearer sense of what’s happening on this planet and a better connection to the idea that the “End of Time” is not so much about dates and times – it’s more about the fact that the time has come for all of us to wake up.

To tune in, click here:

Part I Mayan and 12/21/12 (27+ Minutes)

Part II Reptilians, ITs and ETs (20+ Minutes)

Part III Nature of reality and our participation (10+ Minutes)


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