“Very Unusual” Repeated Radio Signals Detected From Galaxy 1.5 Billion Light Years Away

- The Facts:A team using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, or CHIME, has announced the detection of 13 new radio signals from space, including an especially rare repeating burst. Only one other repeating fast radio burst was known to exist.
- Reflect On:Could this be from alien life in our galaxy or distant galaxies? Do we not already have evidence of ET life based on the extensive testimonies and declassified documents?
Astronomers have once against detected a set of strange signals coming from a distant galaxy 1.5 billion light years away. The signals have been picked up by a telescope in Canada, and the nature and precise origin of the radio waves is completely unknown.
Scientists recorded 13 fast radio bursts, commonly known as FRBs, these are essentially extremely powerful energetic emissions that can be measured by the technology we have produced here on Earth. These blasts only last a few milliseconds on average, which makes the need for computer analysis of them necessary in order to make any sense of them. While we are unsure of where exactly these signals come from, scientists have been cataloging them for quite some time now, but a lot is still unknown.
What makes this recent detection so special is the fact that among the 13 FBRs was a very unusual repeating signal that came from the same source, approximately 1.5 billion light years away. Such a repeating signal has only been reported once before, which makes this particular detection more mysterious, and quite historical.
Knowing that there is another suggests that there could be more out there. And with more repeaters and more sources available to study, we maybe be able to understand these cosmic puzzles – where they’re from and what causes them.” (source)
The detection came from the CHIME observatory in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, which consists of four 100-metre-long, semi-cylindrical antennas, which scan the entire northern sky each day.
“We have discovered a second repeater and its properties are very similar to the first repeater, this tells us more about the properties of repeaters as a population ” said Shriharsh Tendulkar of McGill University, Canada.
“This tells us more about the properties of repeaters as a population.”
Again, this is only the second time a “repeater” has been found, and although we don’t really know what that means, Tedulkar emphasized that the structure of this repeater is very similar to the previous one, the only other one to be detected.
The team has published their new findings in the journal Nature.
Next Steps?
Right now, the next step is for the researchers is to understand whether the repeating FBRs and single FBRs are from different sources. Where do they come from? What objects are they coming from? Are they related in some sort of way to each other?
We are trying to figure these things out, so that’s really exciting
By the sounds of it, obviously scientists have no clue where these are coming from at this point, and what exactly is sending them, but that’s all part of the fun.
There is a lot of fun in the not knowing. You keep adding more information, but as in all sciences, whenever you solve on mystery, it always opens up three more. – Shami Chatterjee, a senior researcher at the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science who was not involved in the latest discoveries
The radio waves get twisted as they travel through space and can scatter or be absorbed by gas and plasma. The team believes that all 13 bursts likely originated from dense, turbulent regions inside of their host galaxies, particularly areas with a lot of violent activity, such as near dense supernova remnants or close to black holes.
Could They Be Alien?
There is also the possibility that perhaps, these could be signs of extraterrestrial life, but this is common with any-type of mainstream science article contemplating the idea, they completely ignore the fact that there is already “abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visited us for a very long time.” – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Ex NASA Astronaut and Princeton physics professor. (Source)
“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes, or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re [extraterrestrials] here shows us that they found a way.”(source)– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.
Whether these signals do or do not originate from extraterrestrial life, in my opinion, is irrelevant when talking about the alien subject. We already know they exist and have been in contact with them, the question is why do we still explore these signals as somehow pertaining to alien life when the more fascinating fact is that they already exist and we know that?
The Takeaway
As human beings, we are born curious, it’s simply in our nature. From the moment of our first breath, we become explorers and discoverers, full of curiosity and wonder. This natural state also represents humanity, and throughout history, all we have done is explore and discover.
Unfortunately today, things have changed. We are no longer living in an environment that’s conducive to what we are naturally built to do. Instead of following our hearts and curiosity, we are all put on the same path, into the same system, and encouraged to become “a productive member of society” by entering into the workforce in order to pay bills and put food on the table.
The truth is, we have much greater potential than that, and as a collective we can create a human experience where everybody can truly thrive. Just imagine what we’d do if we chose to provide everybody with their basic needs, and if we unhooked ourselves from the dependency of a very small group of people and the corporations they run. What if we used a model of cooperation, and love and instead of being taught to compete in the game of ‘survival of the fittest.’
Many still don’t see how this is possible, or how a moneyless/workless society is possible, but if it was achieved, we would go back to what we naturally do, explore and discover.
Today, the gifts of exploration and discovery have been replaced with limitation and brainwashing. Fortunately, humanity is waking up. It’s quite clear that there’s a massive shift in consciousness taking place right now, and we are becoming more aware of is not only happening right in front of us in our world, but how much potential we actually have. If you don’ think the world can change, it simply means your mind and perception is limited to one small viewpoint.
The search for extraterrestrial life perhaps represents our desire to discover and explore. Space is the next frontier, and most likely not the final one. The realization that we are not alone leaves no aspect of humanity untouched, and it will allow us to learn more about ourselves, as well as the nature of reality, human consciousness, the soul, and much more.
These radio signal detections do nothing but open the minds of the masses even more, in what seems to be a speedy process to acclimatize the human mind to the idea that there is much more out here than just us.