The Traveler’s Diary – July 31, 2024

About that fellow, yes there is energy from the Pleiades and we are honored to have them as our friends and compatriots.  People receive their messages according to how they are tuned to the energy.  You rare tuned more to our energy and he is tuned to theirs.  This is a composite.  Not one thing is the answer, but it is a whole collage which is why things at times turn out differently than expected.  We cannot know the whole cloth without being part of it all, and even as we are part of the whole, we as one are not the whole, hence things must be taken in a group way, and then the various strands are worked out with the dominant ones being those that show themselves the most.

Right now, the movement display on your planet is being set out.  We cannot see how it will turnout. Yes, he feels there is no election, but we cannot see that strand as being the dominant one yet. Yes, it is a strand even as the election is a strand, but we are seeing much violence happening before that all takes place.  The intervening events will determine in many ways what will be occurring later one

It is time to step back and allow nut in yours stepping back and in your allowing, always set your sights on the greater good as the possible outcome. 

Hmm, perhaps we should just say as the outcome, because the higher good for all is what we are hoping for, even as you do. 

There are many elements from all over at work within your dimension.  Call them angels or devils as you will, but they are elements as we see them, and they pull and push your world according to their intention.  Unfortunately, it seems that those you might consider negative or dark are the ones who push the hardest.  It is that they are the loudest, and as such more people who are inclined to that side are listening and acting

We cry at the evils happening right now on your planet.  They are ….  We cannot think of a word in your vocabulary to accurately describe the evil that is going on on so many levels, but we see also that there is a …. Rising up of other forces.  Many who were too tired or too oblivious to stake a stand are moving now. 

There is much to happen through this month and the next.  Pay attention your inner promptings, your inner meditations for that will bring clarity in this terrible morass that is brewing.

It is time for all to be strong and determined and set on the ways of the good and of love.  Love is stronger than ever anyone anticipated.