Traveler’s Diary 3/17/25

Once again things are turning and churning.  It is as though the wheel has been turned and a new combinations coming up. This once includes more weather ‘anomalies’ along with more physical symptoms.  It is well to consider the response of the body to ehe environment — both physical and energetic – before getting panicky about things happening within.  You must remember that the body aligns with the environment, ii is physical, and it is motivated by the spiritual and the mental.  Now know the there is much power in the mental that can overwhelm the spiritual and the physical not because it is necessary stronger, but because of the attention that is being placed in t hat arena.  So, when you feel yourself being drawn into a strong consideration of what is going on in the body, it is well to sit back and see whether that consideration is a distraction or whether it is the body going into survival mode.  As a distraction what is happening is that there is an outside force at work on you and perhaps the whole of the humanity —- we thought to say ‘the physical’ because in most cases it is dealing with all the people in the physical world, and in fact, it can also be affecting the natural world, however in order to make things clearer and to bring focus back to the physicality we chose the other word, ‘physical;’. 

The physical as you know is but once facet of the individual and not necessary always the most…. Effective or…….. we are looking for a word and we cannot at this moment find it n your vocabulary however the physical has its place, but the determiner of the body is a team.  You need all the various elements, but at one time one element takes over and at another (time) a different one.  However the importance in this level, in this dimension is for the body to continue on, and therefore one thinks mainly of the physical, but as you have seen in spiritual….. and energetic healing, what can be done is that a new alignment of the physical can be achieved through dealing with the energy body. This body’s one of the layers of the person, can change the physicality if , and of course, this is is important, if it is so allowed for the physical motivator always is watching what is going on and at times will override what is best for the totality of the body/bodies.

We know this is off the subject a bit, but allow its to make an analogy with the weather.  When the environment, particularly the weather is being manipulated, then the alignment of the various areas of the environment is out of whack, and there can be extreme events that were not actually part o the real motivation of the weather.  These things can be caused by the atmospheric heaters that are in action all over the world.  As we have mentioned earlier, they have reached a point, a tipping point, at which these technological means will be thwarted by the earth, yes, but also by the actions of these terrible individuals.  They will be thwarted because things are so out of balance that they are toppling and can no longer be righted by technological means, so look for unexpected, (???) unexpected, (parts) of the earth to work towards righting the imbalance.  Know that this alway will (affect) humankind.  It is well to look for alternative remedies and keep them close at hand for they posses an energetic component that can help the body respond to the rocking and rolling..

We go.

Travellers’ Diary – September 12, 2024

Your concern about your elements yesterday was well taken, but you must renumber that much of the things that are affecting the physicality and mentality (and perhaps the spirituality) of people now is related to the electromagnetic pulses in the atmosphere.  There is much testing going on right now, and it (the testing being done) is somewhat cavalier in the sense that they have no proven pre-tests or articles or records that can determine what the effect of these things are going to be, and so they are throwing them, literally, at people at large. Some people are more susceptible than others, and you are one.  You need to realize that electric pulses and waves are going to … (be felt) by certain individuals who hold the right frequency or (vibration) to feel these waves, and those are the ones who will be targeted and whose reactions will be reported and put into the data. 

It is not clear whether or not these individuals who are running these tests, and know that they are in many cases, perhaps most cases maybe even all cases, being controlled and manipulated by others far above them and of much greater intelligence, if you will, or perhaps it is just a matter of their evil quotient.

  We are now working on many levels and are able to turn to those with whom we communicate because we have been joined unexpected by others who were previously neutral.  We think the this trend will be affecting your Earth and the people there, so expect there to be quite a shift in the opinion of the public.  This shift is not factored into the mathematics of the controllers so they will not be able to understand nor deal with it in a timely manner.  You see, they thought that they had everything so much in line that such blips in the matrix, if you will, could not happen, and that if any such aberration were noted, it would be merely a statistical error and not lead to anything in the long run.

That is where they miscalculated. 

As we said previously, this month is critical and not everything that is going on will be visible at this time on the surface.

There is much trouble in your aviation industry, so those who do choose to fly must act with their guides to choose wisely the air planes they ride. 

There is also much turmoil in your skies.  There is or are a number of astronomical events on the horizon the will literally shake things up on your Earth.

Oh, oh dear, oh dear.  We are praying for you as you should all be praying for the good and the light and the God that you choose for help in these situations.  Those who are walking the path of light – yes walking in steps of light – they are the ones who cannot be blinded by what is coming forth.

This is a time for strength, this is a time for belief, this is a time for courage.   Be strong, believe, be courageous, and in these ways, you will see the truth behind that actions that are coming forth, and you will make it through.

We apologize for the tone of this missive, but the times ahead will not be easy.

On Symptoms of Awakening

21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul

Last updated on May 16, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

by Christina Sarich

You can say it’s because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness. Personal changes of this magnitude can be difficult to recognize and to understand, but here are 21 traits of an awakening soul, a ‘sensitive’, or an ‘empath.’

1. Being in public places is sometimes overwhelming. Since our walls between self and other are dissolving, we haven’t really learned to distinguish between someone else’s energy and our own. If the general mood of the crowd is herd-like or negative, we can feel this acutely, and may feel like retreating into our own private space. When we have recharged our batteries with meditation, spending time in nature, far away from other people, or just sitting in quiet contemplation, we are ready to be with the masses again. In personal relationships, we often will feel someone else’s emotions as our own. It is important to have this higher sense of empathy, but we must learn to allow another person’s emotions while observing them and keeping our empathy, but, realizing that not all emotions belong to us. Social influence can dampen our own innate wisdom.

2. We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘a-ha’ moments and insights that can explain some of the most complex theories 21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseor phenomenon in the world. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time just ‘know.’ Adepts and sages often were given downloads of information from higher states of consciousness after meditating or being in the presence of a more conscious individual; this is happening for more people with more frequency. As we trust our intuition more often, it grows stronger. This is a time of ‘thinking’ with our hearts more than our heads. Our guts will no longer be ignored. Our dreams are becoming precognitive and eventually our conscious thoughts will be as well.

3. Watching television or most of main stream media, including newspapers and many Hollywood movies is very distasteful to us. The mindset that creates much, but not all, of the programming on television and in cinema is abhorrent. It commodifies people and promotes violence. It reduces our intelligence and numbs our natural empathetic response to someone in pain.

4. Lying to us is nearly impossible. We may not know exactly what truth you are withholding, but we can also tell (with our developing intuition and ESP skills) that something isn’t right. We also 21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseknow when you have other emotions, pain, love, etc. that you aren’t expressing. You’re an open book to us. We aren’t trained in counter-intelligence, we are just observant and knowing. While we may pick up on physical cues, we can look into your eyes and know what you are feeling.

5. We may pick up symptoms of your cold, just like men who get morning sickness when their wives are pregnant. Sympathy pains, whether emotional or physical, are something we experience often. We tend to absorb emotion through the solar plexus, considered the place we ‘stomach emotion’ so as we learn to strengthen this chakra center, we may sometimes develop digestive issues. Grounding to the earth can help to re-establish our emotional center. Walking barefoot is a great way to re-ground.

6. We tend to root for the underdog, those without voices, those who have been beaten down by the matrix, etc. We are very compassionate people, and these marginalized individuals often need more love. People can sense our loving hearts, so complete strangers will often tell us their life stories or approach us with their problems. While we don’t want to be a dumping ground for everyone’s issues, we are also a good ear for those working through their stuff.

7. If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn to us like flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at times.

8. Unfortunately, sensitives or empaths often turn to drug abuse or alcohol to block some of their emotions and to ‘protect’ themselves from feeling the pain of others.

9. We are all becoming healers. We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwivery, etc. are fields we often find ourselves in. We know that the collective needs to be healed, and so we try our best to offer healing in whatever form we are most drawn to. We also turn away from the ‘traditional’ forms of healing ourselves. Preferring natural foods, herbs, and holistic medicine as ways to cure every ailment.

10. We see the possibilities before others do. Just like when the church told Copernicus he was 21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databasewrong, and he stood by his heliocentric theory, we know what the masses refuse to believe. Our minds are light-years ahead.

11. We are creative. We sing, dance, paint, invent, or write. We have amazing imaginations.

12. We require more solitude than the average person.

13. We might get bored easily, but we are really good at entertaining ourselves.

14. We have a difficult time doing things we don’t want to do or don’t really enjoy. We really do believe life was meant to be an expression of joy. Why waste it doing something you hate? We aren’t lazy, we are discerning.

15. We are obsessed with bringing the truth to light. Like little children who say, “that’s not fair” we want to right the wrongs of the world, and we believe it often just takes education. We endeavor to explain the unexplainable and find answers to the deep questions of life. We are seekers, in the Campbellian paradigm. ‘The Hero With a Thousand Faces.”

16. We can’t keep track of time. Our imaginations often get away with us and a day can feel like a 21 Traits Of An Awakening Soul | | Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Databaseminute, a week, a day.

17. We abhor routine.

18. We often disagree with authority (for obvious reasons).

19. We will often be kind, but if you are egotistical or rude, we won’t spend much time with you or find an excuse to not hang out with people who are obsessed with themselves. We don’t ‘get’ people who are insensitive to other people’s feelings or points of view.

20. We may be vegan or vegetarian because we can sense a certain energy of the food we eat, like if an animal was slaughtered inhumanely. We don’t want to consume negative energy.

21. We wear our own emotions on our sleeves and have a hard time ‘pretending’ to be happy if we aren’t. We avoid confrontation, But will quietly go about changing the world in ways you can’t even see.

