Some Bits of Advice

“Your goodness must have some edge to it—else it is none.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

1.) Put less energy into fixing breaks and more energy into breaking fixes

“There is no riskier risk than refusing to risk at all.” ~Jen Sincero

This one’s tricky. I’m not saying don’t heal. I’m not saying don’t lick your wounds. I’m saying make it priority two or three, not one. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing yourself in a tiny comfort zone.

The only way your comfort zone gets bigger is by taking risks. Breaking your fixes is calculated risk taking. Whether your fix is an addiction, an outdated belief, a cultural conditioning, or a political/religious indoctrination, when you focus more on breaking fixes, you are being proactive about getting the horse of your life in front of the cart of your unreasonable (and often unfounded) expectations.

Look at it like a cycle of health and self-improvement. Break your fix, let the risky adventure break you (hero’s journey), fix your breaks, then get back to breaking your fixes. In order to achieve wise and holistic interdependence (cosmic heroism) you’ll need courageous and risky independence (personal heroism) to break yourself away from the comfortable but stagnant codependence (fear).

2.) Embarrass yourself as quickly as possible

“Passion is the result of action, not the cause of it.” ~Mark Manson

Before you can get better at something you have to suck at it first. Forget about talent. Forget about luck. Talent and luck pale in comparison to perseverance. Sure, they might help you get better faster, but they are out of your hands. So it’s better not to even waste your energy on them in the first place. Focus on what you can control, and that’s self-improvement.

Self-improvement takes practice. And practice means action. It might even mean looking like a fool. So be it. Embarrass yourself. Make mistakes as soon as you can. Free yourself to write, paint, produce, sculpt or play the worst thing ever created. Don’t fear failure. Embrace it. Own it. Learn from it. Then recreate from the vital knowledge gleaned from your plethora of mistakes.

If you avoid failure, embarrassment and fear, then you will never create anything meaningful. So go all in. Fail fast. Embarrass yourself as quickly as possible. Make glorious mistakes. Samuel Beckett said it best: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”

3.) Use philosophy as a chisel for the hardened beliefs within you

“Philosophical thinking that doesn’t do violence to one’s settled mind is no philosophical thinking at all.” ~Rebecca Goldstein

Philosophy helps you discover that everything is connected despite what you’ve been taught.

Questioning what you think you know diminishes the broadcast of the codependent ego so that you can tune into the broadcast of the interdependent whole.

If wisdom is what you’re seeking, then the interdependent whole is a good place to start. If your goal is to get out of the rat race, to transcend the stagnant status quo and to overcome the default setting, then questioning what you’ve been taught is a good first step.

Rather than importing wholesale whatever framework for life the codependent status quo programmed and conditioned you to accept, use philosophy (the art of questioning all things) to discover how everything is connected to everything else.

Using philosophy as a chisel is self-actualizing. It deconstructs meaning. It interrogates worldviews. It is proactively self-improving.

It teaches you how to be relentless in your questioning, how to be ruthless in your circumspection, and how to self-overcome so as not to be overwhelmed by the tribe. More importantly, it will help you discover your most authentic self by providing a flexible yet fierce way of being and becoming human in the world.

4.) You’ll reap no evolution if you don’t sow a little revolution

“The revolution begins at home. If you overthrow yourself again and again, you might earn the right to help overthrow the rest of us.” ~Rob Brezsny

Humans may not agree on much. But one thing most of us can agree on is that we all hope for a healthy and progressive evolution for our species.

The problem is that most of us live in profoundly sick societies. Societies that pollute the air they need to breathe, the water they need to drink, the food they need to eat, and the minds they need to co-evolve with.

Any system that forces its people to breathe polluted air, drink polluted water, eat polluted food and then reinforces its people (whether through brainwashing, political propaganda, or cultural conditioning) to continue doing all the things that causes that pollution is a profoundly sick society. As Krishnamurti wisely put it, “It’s no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

So what can you do about it? For starters, educate yourself. Honor the golden rule, the nonaggression principle, and the 7th generation principle. In the face of a profoundly sick society this might mean sowing a little revolution.

Next, if you’re really feeling courageous, dare yourself to become David against the Goliath of the state. Become Heracles against the Hydra of the war machine. Become a well-armed lamb contesting all votes. Become lionhearted despite all cowards.

But before any of that, you must check yourself. You must become free. Becoming free is the most revolutionary act you can take. You must be free in order to gain the courage necessary to create the kind of change that leads to a healthy and progressive evolution for our species.

5.) Your “love and light” could use a little tough love and darkness

“These mountains that you’re carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”~Najwa Zebian

Happiness is overrated. “Good vibes only” is just plain lazy. Get out from underneath the burden of needing to be happy all the time. That’s too much weight to be carrying around. Take it easy on yourself.

Forcing yourself to be positive and happy all the time is just an ego trap set up by the scared-shitless part of you that doesn’t want to face the shitty parts of life. That’s blatant repression.

Stop demonizing sadness. You cannot be happy all the time. Happiness, like sadness, is a passing storm across the sky of the Self. Some storms are refreshing and invigorating, like happiness. Some are painful and rough, like sadness. Both can be overwhelming. But both are merely information. They just happen to be information that you “feel.”

As far as information goes, pain and sadness will teach you more than comfort and happiness ever could. Use that information to make yourself healthier. Use it to create meaning. Happiness will become a convenient bi-product of your self-improvement. The best you can do is hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. And nothing prepares you for the worst better than the vital information gleaned from pain and sadness.

6.) Don’t allow your life to become overly domesticated:

“Society tames the wolf into a dog. And man is the most domesticated animal of them all.” ~Nietzsche

Get away from the zoo-mentality, the menagerie of madness. Let your mind out of its steel cage. Crucify any routine that kills your dreams. Nail it to a cross and fill your winecup with its blood. Play more. Dare more. Adventure more. Trust more. Love more. Domesticate less!

Problems arise from excess. Excessive culture. Excessive domestication. Excessive control. Excessive tidiness. Excessive pacification. When anything becomes excessive it smothers wildness. It smothers freedom. It smothers the soul.

Learn to be nourished by solitude rather than defeated by it. The wild is the greatest teacher in the world. Meditation in solitude is a sacred strategy that helps bring balance between nature and the human soul. Let the interconnected cosmos teach you the difference between healthy and unhealthy through a “language older than words (Derrick Jensen).”

So get out there. Get off your overly-domesticated ass. There’s nothing stopping you, but you. There’s an entire world to explore. There are wild places calling out to your heart. It’s a call to adventure. It’s a hero’s journey.

Life is too short not to feel your deepest darkest wildness howling inside you. I implore you: don’t just become another domesticated dog. Discover the wolf hidden inside you.

As Nietzsche profoundly stated, “Truth as Circe. Error has turned animals into men; might truth be capable of turning man into an animal again?”

7.) Kill your old self and bury the body in the back yard

“Unless you are constantly practicing it, this dying and being reborn, you are only a guest on this dark planet earth.” ~Goethe

The art of healthy ego-annihilation: question thyself, destroy thyself, rebirth thyself.

Why is all this killing and rebirthing necessary for self-improvement (or spiritual development)? You kill your codependent self so that your independent self can emerge with the courage to become an interdependent force of nature. In other words: your ability to adapt and overcome is directly proportional to your ability to self-overcome.

Sometimes the only way to discover that the “door to your jailcell has always been open” is to lose the mindset that conditioned you into thinking that you were trapped. The trapped mindset is also the fear-based mindset. It’s the indoctrinated mindset. In short: it’s your codependent self. Kill it, as soon as possible. Learn from it. Then “bury” it in your muscle memory (back yard).

Learn to do this again and again and it becomes a healthy cycle of self-overcoming that can lead to profound self-improvement and deep enlightenment. With enough practice, this questioning yourself, destroying yourself and rebirthing yourself will come as easily as your body sheds its skin.

8.) Love dangerously

“Healthy, strong individuals seek self-expansion by experimenting and by living dangerously. The good life is ever changing, challenging, devoid of regret, intense, creative and risky.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche

What is loving dangerously?

Loving dangerously is loving without hope. It’s loving courageously, vulnerably, honestly. Which is likely to hurt. Therefore, loving dangerously is being open-hearted enough to be okay with having your heart broken. In fact, it’s about becoming adept at adapting to heart break. It’s about overcoming the slings and arrows of life and becoming resilient, robust, and antifragile because of heartbreak.

On a long enough timeline heartbreak is inevitable anyway. So, you might as well get better at adapting to it, at learning from it, at transforming it into something that can make you stronger. Taking risks, loving dangerously, loving vulnerably with your heart on your sleeve… That’s true courage.

Loving dangerously is loving without an agenda. It’s being a true hopeless romantic rather than just talking out your ass about it (like hopeful or hopefool romantics do). It’s allowing others to love the way they must love. It’s letting go of your ego’s attachment to love. It’s loving at the edge of the human condition: fallible, uncertain, hungry, in a frenzy.

Paraphrasing Samuel Becket: Ever loving. Ever broken hearted. No matter. Love again. Break your heart open again. Break it better… That’s loving dangerously.

Life is short. Love is risky. Courage is uncomfortable. But more of life comes from love laid open and bare than love closed-up and made invulnerable in vain. So, take the leap into the dangerous and vulnerable waters of love. There is adventure to be had. As Rumi suggested, “Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be.”


Voice Reveals Personality

How Your Voice Instantly Betrays Your Personality
We often say that we understand the nature of someone as soon as we hear him speak. Indeed, according to a new study published in the online resource «PLoS One», something like that can happen since it takes less than a second to figure out the personality of a person based only on his voice.
It is known that the voice transmits sensitive signals that betray gender, age, and even the physical condition or certain personality traits. However Dr Phil McAleer and his colleagues from the University of Glasgow decided to find out if we can get an immediate impression by a person’s voice.
The voice experiment
In order to give an answer to their question, the researchers recorded 64 people reading a text. Then they isolated the word ‘hello‘, which was used during the next phase of the experiment when 320 people were asked to listen to this recording and rate the voices they heard on a scale from 1 to 9 concerning 10 different personality traits including reliability, dominance and attractiveness. “We were surprised by how similar the answers of the 320 volunteers were,” noted Dr. McAleer. “On a scale in which 0 corresponded to the lack of a personality trait and 1 – to the full association with this trait, the final score for all the 10 traits reached 0.92, which means that most volunteers agreed to a large extent on how each voice represented each personality trait.”
Evolutionary explanation
It makes sense that decisions about one’s personality are taken so quickly, notes Dr. McAleer. “There’s an evolutionary explanation for this: we all want to know quickly whether we can trust someone in order to know if we should approach him, or rather run away. It would be a big waste of time if we were taking too long to come to this conclusion.” The impression we make on others through our voice – even through a voice recording lasting just 390 mm of a second – seems to be defined by different factors: for example, the tone of voice of a person affects how reliable he shows. “A person who raises his voice seems more reliable,” says Dr. McAleer.
‘Manageable’ aspects of voice
In accordance with the researcher, it is possible to change some aspects of our voice. “There is, for example, a rumor that Margaret Thatcher and Queen Elizabeth were trained to make their voices sound more dominant.” However, some other aspects of one’s voice are less “manageable”. For example, the shape of the vocal tract significantly affects how dominant the voice sounds.
The research team hopes that the results of the study can be used to create an artificial voice that could help persons who lost their own due to a medical problem and make the voices of navigation systems and robots more attractive. “It may also be used by companies in choosing the best candidate for certain job positions. For example, no one would want a call center employee with a voice that shows unreliability,” concludes Dr. McAleer.

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Pluto Effects on Personality

Which Pluto Generation Are You?
Which Pluto Generation Are You?

Last updated on August 14, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News




by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.

Because of Pluto’s elliptical orbit that on occasion, runs inside the orbit of Neptune, it will stay in any given sign from 13 to 30 years.

With the exception of possibly Pluto in Cancer, it is highly unlikey that a parent and child will share the same generational energy.

Back in 2008, during the banking collapse, I released a video called, “Banking Collapse Announces the Beginning of the Because of Pluto's elliptical orbit that on occasion, runs inside the orbit of Neptune, it will stay in any given sign from 13 to 30 years.Golden Age” and a lot of people didn’t see the big picture on how the collapse of all of these banks was actually a blessing because they were too tied up in 3rd dimensional thinking and could not envision a world without money, which means they can only envision a world where they’re forever being an economic slave to the system.

My mother (born at the end of Pluto in Cancer) has a hard time with this concept and you’ll find that people who were born with Pluto in Cancer or the early years of Pluto in Leo on their birth charts are pretty much set in their ways. The Pluto in Cancer generation were born between May 26, 1914 through June 14, 1939 and the Pluto in Leo generation were born between June 14, 1939 through August 19, 1957.  I’m not saying it’s everyone, because all generations are waking up right now, but when you’re talking about the Pluto in Cancer generation, they generally are more set in their ways than the Pluto in Leo generation.

The Pluto in Leo generation brought us rock n’ roll, the hippie movement and peaceful protests against government tyranny and oppression but many of them ended up conforming to society and are now the leaders of the banking industry or are politicians or are leaders of the mainstream media and are the ones responsible for keeping us suppressed as a society.

Also keep in mind that many of the people toward the end of the Pluto in Leo generation have a lot of the same Which Pluto Generation Are You? | In5D.comenergies as the Pluto in Virgo generation.  These are the “Make love, not war” flower children who led many protests and radically changed the way of thinking for many people.  Unfortunately, the hippie movement was too disorganized and despite having the best of intentions, it fell to the wayside only to be revived in a more organized fashion, right now.  Many of these people who were born in the latter part of the Pluto in Leo generation stand true to their values and refuse to comply to a society that is not in harmony with humanity’s best interests.

Many of the Pluto in Virgo children of the 1960’s can remember the feeling of the energies of the “Summer of Love” that was planted by the Pluto in Leo generation but were too young to understand what it meant.

The Pluto in Virgo generation have many of the trailblazers who began questioning the system and were the first generation who truly began looking outside the box and all of the subsequent generations afterwards, which includes Pluto in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn will be the beneficiaries of the Pluto in Virgo generation.  If you look at many of the leaders within this spiritual and metaphysical genre, you’ll find an extremely high percentage of people that have Pluto in Virgo, myself included, and from the Pluto in Virgo generation moving forward, we’re all here to make a huge difference in this world and we will all be considered the founding mothers and fathers who led future generations into the Golden Age.

We are the generations who dared to be different in such a radical way, that we didn’t conform to society… society conformed to us.

With the seed planted, all of the subsequent generations following Pluto in Virgo will be known as the people who Which Pluto Generation Are You? | In5D.comforever changed our society from one that is ruled by tyranny and oppression to one that works in humanity’s best interests.  Those in power are trying to do their best to keep these generations distracted through cell phones, video games, television, etc… but at some point, it will just “click” within these generations that they’re here for a much greater purpose.

The Pluto in Libra energy is centered around partnerships and relationships, and many of these children born into this generation experienced parental divorces.  The children are known as the Gen-X kids and unlike their parents who divorced during this time period, they are more likely to find balance within their relationships once they settle on finding a lifelong partner.  Many of these kids either excelled in the arts and music or have an affinity for either.

This is the time when a new breed of children started incarnating to this planet.

Many of these people are known as being the indigo children and the crystal children and while we, as parents, may not understand their obsessions for texting, planking, batmanning, etc… these are the children who are rebelling in their own ways.  They are more apt to work things out on their own rather than receiving help from others and this is a blessing because it teaches them how to problem solve at an early age.

The Pluto in Scorpio generation is a good example of this. Many of these kids will hit the “Dark Night of the Soul” at an early age, which is a blessing.  At some point, it will seem that life couldn’t possibly get any worse than it is Which Pluto Generation Are You? | In5D.comfor these kids, but they’ll learn a lot from these experiences and will exponentially grow as spiritual beings from it. There is a good chance that many of the Pluto in Scorpio generation will experience the Dark Night of the Soul around the same time that their parents are experiencing it.

The Pluto in Sagittarius generation is very philosophical and rebellious. They seek action and abhor boredom. This is the generation that will take current ideas and turn them into something so amazingly unfathomable that it will completely change life as we know it. From this generation, we are going to see many new ideas and inventions from kids who have limited educations in any given areas of life, yet are able to figure things out without the need of a formal education.  In other words, it will seem as though their minds are wired a little bit differently as they are able to access both hemispheres of the brain with relative ease.

The Pluto in Capricorn generation were born with the energies of complete restoration and will take that which was created to control humanity and turn it into something that is in humanity’s best interests.  They were born into the energy of being controlled and find it very discordant to their demeanor. With this energy locked into their cellular DNA, they will use it to further the ideas from the Pluto in Sagittarius generation and turn something that was previously thought of as being amazingly unfathomable into some well beyond that!

The systems of control are all on the verge of collapse.  These systems are being run by the Pluto in Cancer and the Pluto in Leo generations and as they pass on to the other side, they will be replaced with more radically positive people from the subsequent generations who are more willing to work in humanity’s best interests than in the name of greed, power and control.

We are already seeing this in the mainstream media as the Washington Post was recently sold to the founder and chief executive of Amazon.  Perhaps the Washington Post will become the first newspaper to refuse publishing state sponsored propaganda?  It will be interesting to see how this plays out!

As we all transit through Pluto in Capricorn, we are going to see monumental changes in religion, money and politics as all of these systems will collapse because they are not in harmony with humanity’s best interests.  The current system is broken beyond repair and it’s time to replace it with something that works in best interests of humanity, not against them.

While Pluto is in Capricorn, we’re going to continue to see an awakening in exponential numbers, but it’s from this point forward whether we create the change we want to see or whether we allow those who have kept us living in tyranny and oppression to make that decision for us.

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.


Human Design by Randy Richmond

Human Design

Story by: Randy Richmond

The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. As a tool that thousands are using, your Human Design chart reveals an optimal way for you to operate in the world as yourself. It’s like discovering the laws of physics, but at a personal and interpersonal level.

Unlike astrology, derived from only one calculation, Human Design uses two calculations thereby illuminating both the conscious and unconscious aspects of your being. For many years psychologists have been searching to define the unconscious, as clearly over time they’ve discovered people have “hidden” parts. We ourselves know that as we move through life, more and more people have commented about aspects about ourselves that we’re not aware of. Over time we’ve come to accept these aspects of ourselves even though we have no conscious access to how they operate. Your personalized chart reveals your unconscious nature, which is keyed at a point in your fetal development, as well as your conscious nature, which begins at the moment of your birth.

Taking these two data points, your conscious birthday (the one you’ve been celebrating since you were born) and your unconscious birthday (approximately three months earlier), a chart is drawn up showing the specific planetary imprinting at those times. One could ask, “Why should I care where the planets were when I was born?” In the grand scheme of things, it actually turns out to be quite significant.

Neutrinos, as one of the most frequently occurring sub-atomic particles, are penetrating us all the time. Created in the stars themselves, these neutrinos have mass. Because of that they are endowed with the ability to transfer information from the various objects they are penetrating. It’s like when the white car scrapes the red car in the parking lot; each drives off with paint from the other. Thus, the movement of neutrinos throughout our Solar System and its planets creates an informational landscape that is specific at each moment of the day as delineated by the planets’ positions. The database that is created from your two birthdays shows the exact planetary snapshot of those two crucial moments in your history.

For millennium the position of the planets has been tracked using the 360° of the zodiacal wheel. Unlike astrology, which is focused on the relationships between objects on the outside (i.e. their mathematical relationship to each other), Human Design brings the information from the outside, inside and into the body. As a new science, Human Design has established the relationship between the zodiacal wheel and another ancient study, the 64 hexagrams of the I’ Ching, which are also related to the 64 codons of our DNA. Thus, through the synthesis of ancient methods with current sub-atomic particle physics and modern genetics, Human Design shows us our unique individual place in the larger whole. Like acupuncture, which relates primal elements to meridians in the body, these 64 hexagrams relate specifically to the Nine Centers depicted in the bodygraph, as illustrated below.

 photo CentersNamed.jpg

Distributed throughout the Nine Centers, these hexagrams (or “gates”) in pairs create the channels in the bodygraph connecting centers in specific configurations. When planetary imprinting activates both gates at either end of a channel, the result is called “definition.” This is very recognizable in the bodygraph, as the centers on either end of that channel, as well as the channel itself, are now colored in. Transferring both your specific conscious and unconscious data to the bodygraph creates your individualized template. The energetic system represented by the bodygraph is comprised of Nine Centers or “hubs,” each representing a particular aspect of what it means to be human. Like DNA, which determines our differentiation, the way these centers are defined shows your uniqueness or how you are differentiated from others. Four of these centers are motors and therefore the source of our energy.

The Head Center is where we find the mental pressure of inspiration that fuels the conceptualizing of the mind.

The Ajna Center, as an awareness center, is the conceptualizing system that makes sense, understands, or knows what
the inspiration from the Head Center is all about.

The Throat Centeris metamorphic taking those concepts and turning them into language and thereby creating our
ability to articulate. When this center is connected to one of the four motors through definition, physical manifestation
i.e. to act rather than just speak, is possible.

The Splenic Centerhouses our immune system. As our primary awareness center, it is focused on our survival
and serves to protect us.

Our identity and direction in life come from the G Center. Guiding us along the line of our geometry in life, it is both
movement and love.

The Heart Center(also known as the Ego Center) is responsible for establishing the vitality of communities in the world, which takes courage and will power. As one of the four motors, it is a powerful source of what drives tribal life on the material plane.

As the prime motor of the body, the Sacral Center, generates life itself as a response mechanism.

The Solar Plexus Center has two aspects. As a motor, it drives our human life and its cyclical process, as well as our sexuality. But it also contains the chemistry of our emotional system, which we interpret and live out as a wave that goes from hope to pain and back again.

The other pressure center in the body, the Root Center, is a physical pressure system. As a motor, it produces adrenaline and stress hormones that fuel our survival, sexuality, and the life force itself.

Four blood types that have evolved over time in humanity. Interestingly enough, Human Design has validated that at the genetic imprint level, there are also four types of human beings. There are specific strategies for the individual types in Human Design.

Since Human Design deals directly with our energetic systems, we begin by seeing that the four types fall into two categories: energy types and non-energy types. Together they are what makes the world operate in harmony, as each needs the other, neither being better or worse, but each essential for humanity’s development. The energy types come from two possible configurations within the bodygraph:

  • Any time the Sacral Center is defined (colored in), one is a Generator type
  • When one of the three other motors (Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center) is connected to the Throat Center through definition, one is a Manifestor type.

Individuals with either of these configurations are endowed with a consistent energy source, which becomes a driving force in their life.

The other two types of human beings are part of the non-energy category.

  • One is the Projector, whose definition configuration can range from the very simple to complex. The Heart Center, Solar Plexus, or Root Center may be defined, but not to the throat. The Sacral Center is not defined.
  • Someone with none of the centers defined is a Reflector.

Each of the four types has a specific strategy to follow that will eliminate the resistance in their life. Though there are only four strategies, each is within the context of the uniqueness of each individual’s chart.

GENERATORS: Life is about the Right Work

Want to know themselves; self knowledge; discover inner world; “know thyself”Wait to Respond, life is a response. Go to bed when you are exhausted.
Get a job; it’s about their life’s work.Can respond moment to moment.Can respond to anything. THEME: frustration. Can feel stuck or trapped.

MANIFESTORS: Looking for the Right Life

Wants to know the outside world, the resistance field, what has been in their way, what has been opposing them. Go to bed before you are tired.
Get them to ask “who do my actions impact?” They often don’t realize nor are they conscious of it. Anything they have or want, they have to go and get “it” as it doesn’t come to them; they must “do it”
Informing let’s them take advantage or have an advantage in the situation Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Need to know the outer world THEME: Anger

PROJECTORS: Looking for the Right Life to live

“Who is the Other? How do they impact me?”Don’t be the first to speak. Go to bed before you’re tired – read, watch television.
Need their own space to get away from the sacral buzz, especially when sleeping They are the natural students of mankind; need to study in detail. Need the details
Knows who the other is and whether or not the other is for them; they just recognize it Looking for a life; into the secret of life
Looks for recognition and in turn recognize the other. Who they are. THEME : exhaustion and bitterness
Annoyed at wasted energy The first conservationists Can be “cheap” and over control resources

REFLECTORS: Looking for the Right Place to be

“Who are they?” – conditioned by the environment not by an individual “How am I?-  not “Who am I?” – they are the place not the person
They are the barometers of society – the weather report. THEME: disappointment

Design of Forms:
All forms have a design and activations consistent with the bodygraph. There are cross-specie connections between humans and mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and plants. All of these bring their own frequency of conditioning to our human process and we to theirs. We create hybrid plants, breed animals, and are beginning to clone our own species.

Splenic fear of:
18 – Authority
28 – Death
32 – Failure
50 – Responsibility
44 – The Past
57 – Tomorrow
48 – Inadequacy

Mental anxiety over:
47 – Futility
24 – Ignorance
4 – Chaos
11 – Darkness
43 – Rejection
17 – Challenge

Emotional nervousness about:
30 – Fate
55 – Emptiness
49 – Nature
6 – Intimacy
37 – Tradition
22 – Silence
36 – Inadequacy

Seven Gates of Love:
41 – Love of dreams
58 – Love of perfection
40 – Love of work
28 – Love of life
44 – Love of talent
10 – Love of self
55 – Love of loving

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Randy RichmondRandy Richmond
Is the Chairman of the Human Design Standards Board (from 2000), and is the Registrar of the International Human Design School in charge of certification of new Human Design analysts. Randy was educated privately in the Human Design System by Ra Uru Hu in 1999 and has continued his education in all the classes taught by Ra since that time. Randy has worked in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction for 35 years. He uses the Human Design System to tailor recovery strategies with the unique definition of the individual chart. (see He is the author of Side by Side, a synthesis of the 12 Step Programs and a Course in Miracles. He is an Egyptologist with the University of Arizona and a life member of Mensa.
