Never on My Watch! The Cabal’s Covid-19 Psyops, The Santa Claus Effect and Empowerment Resources

A Freedom Series by Steve Robertson
…. Before we begin please FORGET NOT THE WORDS OF:
DR. EDWARD L. BERNAYS, the Founding Father of Public Relations:
“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it…
…The conscious and intellectual manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
JOHN F. KENNEDY’S speech before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 (some two years before his assassination):
“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence —-on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of election, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations…
…Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, nor rumor printed, no secret revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”
NOW, As you read ahead I ask that you remember and always consider the following very important questions, ones that I pray will never unring from your mind or anyone’s consciousness.
… Do you want to live in a world where you don’t want to stand close to someone or dance with them, shake their hand or hug them, strike up a conversation, express your most heartfelt care for someone who’s lost a loved one, injured themselves and experienced a loss, reach out and tenderly hug them or wipe away their tears because you’re afraid of getting sick?
Do you want to live in a world where you see everyone as an enemy carrier of some illness that you’re afraid of getting sick from or are compelled and forbidden by draconian laws to show open and loving affection?
“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” – Benjamin Franklin
If you’re an adult or parent, what will you tell your friends, lover, spouse, children or grandchild about this turning point in history? I’m sorry, I acted like a coward and complied with the manipulating lies and propaganda that I was falsely fed and foolishly believed by authority figures whom I delusionally chose to believe had my best interest at heart.
Yes, I sort of sensed I was being manipulated and lied to and yet I forgot the axiom of following the money trail back to the criminals who would most profit from something like this.
“In every age, it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.” — Eugene Victor Debs, Voices of a People’s History of the United States
And yes, I acted like a coward, I never put up a fight for my basic freedoms, those of my family, my friends and neighbors, and that of humanity. Yes, I chose to comply with the cruel and indifferent orders of the Cabal/Deep State/Illuminate/Kazarian Mafia…etc… orders that stripped me of my basic constitutional rights and threatened me, my family, and my loved ones and instead I voluntarily choose to comply like one of the millions of other cattle who were herded into giving up their freedoms and liberties and resigned myself, all I loved, and cared about to poverty, confinement or a detainment/concentration camps? Yes, this is what I did.
“For PEOPLE to rule themselves in a REPUBLIC, they must have virtue; for a TYRANT to rule in a TYRANNY, he must use FEAR.”— William J. Federer
OR, Will you choose and will you help lead humanity to collectively awaken from this cowardice dream that presently allows misguided bullies to bioweapon humanity, engineer and inflict wars around the world, propagandize, imprison, endanger, victimize and/or harm ourselves, our families and/or the people of our world …WILL YOU/WE RISE-UP TO REALIE, PROCLAIM AND EXPRESS YOUR/OUR GREATEST HERO WITHIN AND BE KNOWN AS THE GLADIATORS OF THE HEART…WHO LIVED BY THE FAITH OF LOVING TRUTH AND CHOSE TO ACT IN TURN, WE WERE DESTINED TO BE, OUR TRUEST, MOST POWERFUL, SOVEREIGN AND LOVING SELF?
Let us all collectively and courageously rise up to proclaim, Never on My Watch, Never on My Shift …I WILL NEVER NOW AND FOREVER MORE allow any tyrant to bully, harm, oppress, and rob me, my family, or anyone, of their natural-born freedom to be their best and live their dreams come true…because I know in my heart of hearts that Love Will Prevail and that Love Will Always Win!
Now that I’ve stepped down off of my soapbox, let us face the glaring reality of the propagandized Covid-19 pandemic. Perhaps like yourself, and if you’ve been doing the research I have, you’ve watched and noted numerous Youtube videos with huge viewership numbers in the millions that differ substantially from that of the mainstream media’s narrative about how Covid-19 is playing out locally, within our state, nation, and world.
These videos are by smart, well-educated, thoughtfully articulate leaders and credible; various Doctors, Scientists, Nurses, Thought-leaders, Attorneys and more, who are attempting to get the word out/whistle-blow on the various aspects of fraud about the pandemic and non-sensical, irrational, incongruent realities about what is substantiated by hard facts and/or science that they’ve been educated, field-trained on and know to be true based on various medical scenarios and realities they’re dealing with, specifically regarding people’s health issues and the lies, wrongfully directives and protocols they are being forced to comply with and by higher supervising authorities.
In truth these brave and heroic people are putting everything on the line… their career, reputation, and the primary sources of income to boldly and courageously face this global Psyops and hoax to make sure the facts are known and with integrity, call things out as they really are, different from the false script they’re being forced to read. In other words, from the perspective of these heroic few and from their world view: rocks are hard and water is wet. In their world, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s likely a duck, rather than a cow.
Yes, like you, I’ve noted almost all of these whistleblowing videos have a common theme that traces things back to the old saying, follow the money and who benefits most. You see most people don’t know there is a massive chessboard game for power and control going on here. And the few who are aware of this, a very small percentage don’t understand know that this is a multi-layered chessboard game.
One related and important whistleblowing video that shows how the Cabal is calling the shots and playing a huge role in shaping the perverted perceptional lens of humanity is subconsciously been and remains programmed through the Music, TV, and Film industries run by Hollywood.
The documentary film “Out of Shadows” blew the lid off of the Cabal, the CIA, Hollywood, Sex Honey pots (like the Playboy mansion), and pedophilia rings around the world. This film went totally viral in a matter of days and exceeded several million views. Then, almost immediately, it was taken down by Youtube and later showed only a few hundred thousand views.
Another video that went viral and ran a similar course of events, that of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (an MIT graduate and Robert David Steele’s interview, an extremely well educated and articulate man who was running for state office in Massachusetts who then dared to talk about and call out the Cabal being centered in and bookended in Massachusetts by the institutions of Harvard and MIT.
He likely didn’t know, interestingly, that Dr. Edward Bernay’s, Founding Father of Public Relations, a clear Rothchild/Illuminati, etc… agent, lived in Boston. Remember Edwards’ quote from above? Yes, Dr. Shiva’s videos were also taken down along with so many more.
These videos are being taken down by the big and deadly-mind-manipulating-spiders/spider web of the Cabal: Youtube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, all mainstream media, and others who intentionally alter video viewership count numbers downwardly in order to minimize and perceptional bias the collective consciousness.
Ultimately, video takedowns or the manipulation the viewership counts is the way the Cabal attempts to diminish the credibility of such people/videos and thus slow down the progress of humanity waking up.
Yes, the above mentioned evil entities and the soulless trolls who work for them and who orchestrate these manipulating tactics are only an arm of much greater Villians who pull the black-magic strings on these puppets who attempt to implement the full-spectrum dominance of the Cabal. To understand more go to:
You see the Cabal, as I’ve written about so many times, wants people to stay dumb, remain asleep, to continue watching mindless TV programs or sporting events and be persistently distracted from ever thinking, especially critical thinking, enough to put their big boy or girl pants and deduce and/or more importantly realize …
Hey, what I’m watching now is drool bucket stupid, it is not helping, empowering, teaching me and/or inspiring me to be, do or have anything that I know is spiritually or morally right, good and for the betterment of humankind and so why, am I allowing myself and/or my precious children to watch brutally violent cage fighting, ice-hockey, boxing, vulgar and/or sexually explicit content of any kind…
…and if I was to take my attention off of this foolish content and/or note the commercials/sponsors that are paying to advertise on these type of shows and promise to myself I’ll never ever buy their products or services again, maybe even write that company’s President a letter about my thoughts…maybe then funding for these shows would dry up, they would go away and perhaps be replaced by life-affirming content that helped to inspire the human spirit.
“A filmmaker has the unrestricted privilege of haranguing an audience for two-hour stretches–the chance to influence public thinking for good or for evil…“It is, therefore, his responsibility to emphasize the positive qualities of humanity by showing the triumph of the individual over adversities.” – Frank Capra, legendary filmmaker of “Its A Wonderful Life.”
to read the rest, go to: