ER Editor: For an interesting portrait of globalist billionaire and Soros pal Nicolas Berggruen, we recommend this piece by France Inter titled Nicolas Berggruen, le milliardaire qui chuchote à l’oreille de l’Europe. (Nicolas Berggruen, the billionaire who whispers in the ear of Europe.)
The 2020 Election: Bourgeois Democracy Meets Global Governance
The old one is of course George Soros, who needs no introduction. He has no doubt that the world should be one big Open Society – in a word, globalization – in which borders and nation States dissolve into a kaleidoscopic mix of cultural identities in which major decisions are taken by brilliant financial oligarchs like himself.
The younger one is Nicolas Berggruen, the dashing 59-year-old Paris-born son of a leading German-Jewish art collector. Nicolas enjoys double U.S.-German citizenship and membership in the Council on Foreign Relations, the NYU Commission on Global Citizenship, the Brookings International Advisory Council, the Leadership Council at Harvard Kennedy School‘s Center for Public Leadership, the World Economic Forum – and on and on. He helped get Emmanuel Macron elected President of France and has friendly relations with Ursula von der Leyen, head of the European Union Commission.
The billionaire has his own “think and action tank”, the Berggruen Institute, to promote his interests which center on “global governance”. He is particularly interested in technological ways to shape and guide the world of the future. The future for Berggruen belongs to digitalization and above all transhumanism. In a short video, he muses over whether or not the digital age makes us “less human”.
The Transition Integrity Project
So it has been easy to arouse near panic in the Washington establishment and beyond over the notion that Trump might not be dislodged by the November 2020 election. Fear is being spread less that Trump might win the election (too unthinkable to contemplate) than that he will lose the election but refuse to budge. This possibility received a big boost from a unique social event organized by Professor Rosa Brooks of Georgetown University, a leading champion of women’s participation in the National Security State, and historian Nils Gilman, a head researcher at the Berggruen Institute. This well-connected pair easily enlisted dozens of power pointers to take part in what the Boston Globe called “a Washington version of Dungeons and Dragons”, on the model of Pentagon planners who form teams to imagine what the US and Russia might do in a nuclear war confrontation. They named their fun and games the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), clearly suggesting that the “integrity” of the anticipated transition from Trump to Biden was their main concern. Only a few of the 67 participants have been identified: anti-Trump Republican Michael Steele, Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff John Podesta, David Frum (ghost writer of President George W. Bush’s “Axis of Evil” speech), and neoconservative political analyst William Kristol.
On August 3, the TIP issued its report, entitled “Preventing a Disrupted Presidential Election and Transition”. This report summarized the results of the make-believe gaming scenarios, which provided imaginary support to the growing liberal Democratic hypothesis that Donald Trump is determined to steal the November election….
The exercise comprised four scenarios: (1) an ambiguous voting result, (2) clear Biden victory, (3) clear Trump win, (4) narrow Biden win. The game was played by teams, primarily “Team Biden” and “Team Trump”, but it is pretty clear that none of the players were pro-Trump, including the players on “Team Trump”. But the games claimed to show how Trump supporters would react in these circumstances
Nobody Dares Lose
A particularly alarming and disturbingly credible assumption of the TIP game is that, in this election, neither side is prepared to accept defeat.
… The United States can currently be seen to be regressing to just such a degree of mutual hatred and distrust.
…As for postal balloting, it should be conceivable that Trump’s misgivings are justified. …
It becomes clearer and clearer that hatred of Trump has reached such a pitch, that for the Democratic establishment and its hangers-on, defeating Trump at the polls is not enough. They are practically inciting him to contest the election. Then they can have something more exciting and decisive: a genuine regime change.
Preparing for Regime Change
The classic regime change scenario involves a contested elections, mass street demonstrations including civil disobedience and finally, military intervention.
So, to start with, the gamers posit an authoritarian leader who won’t step down. That’s Trump.
Next, “a show of numbers in the streets – and actions in the streets – may be decisive factors in determining what the public perceives as a just and legitimate outcome.”
…” Certain of these grassroots organizations – MoveOn and Black Lives Matter – have enjoyed financial support from George Soros.
Whose Coup?
“During the exercises,” the report notes, “winning ‘the narrative’ emerged as a potentially decisive factor. Either side can expand or contract the ‘margin of contestation’ if they succeed in substantially changing how key decision makers and the public view the ‘facts’, the risks of action or inaction, or external events such as civil unrest.” Winning the narrative appears to be a main purpose of the TIP, and it was quickly seconded in its efforts by top Democrats.
The Bottom Line
Meanwhile, Americans can listen to the extravagant rhetoric of the two enemy camps, calling on them to choose between alleged “authoritarian white supremacy” (grossly exaggerated) and “radical Marxist socialism” (totally false) while offering absolutely nothing in terms of coherent public policy of benefit to the American people and the world. The politicians claw to cling to ineffective office, while the future is being planned elsewhere.
Policy will be designed by the global governors, for instance at the next meeting in Davos of the World Economic Forum which, according to its founder and chairman Klaus Schwab, will lay out the “Great Reset” agenda for the Fourth Industrial Revolution that is destined to reshape all our lives.
Nicolas Berggruen will be there with his ideas. So will other billionaires. They will not be “conspiring”, but rather laying plans for what they consider best for the world. There is no political system enabling us to influence or even fully understand the projects they will sponsor. Surely these projects deserve to be sharply debated. But the politicians supposedly representing us are somewhere else, fighting furiously with each other over contrived issues.
The Electoral College is not the most fatal flaw in American democracy. Rather, it’s the monopoly of political discourse by a Two Party System fueled essentially by personal ambition, taking its cues from lobbies, the military industrial complex, Wall Street and the Global Governors.
Diana Johnstone lives in Paris. Her latest book is Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher (Clarity Press, 2020).
(Republished from Consortium News by permission of author or representative)
To read the full article, and it is definitely worth a read, go to the following link: https://www.europereloaded.com/the-2020-election-bourgeois-democracy-meets-global-governance/