Poisons Out There

13 Mass Public Poisons
13 Mass Public Poisons

Last updated on September 20, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News




by Jon David Miller

We are being poisoned. This mass public poisoning has been going on for over a century, and it has been gradually increasing. You and those you care about are being harmed almost continuously. We are being abused with multiple poisons in small doses on purpose.

The more of us that become aware of some of the most common ways this is happening, the better chance we have of reducing or ending exposure to at least some of the poisons.


This highly toxic chemical warfare agent has been added to public water supplies since about 1910 as a disinfectant. The now common health problems of circulatory disease and cancer became widespread only after the masses started being chlorinated regularly. Drinking it, bathing in it, breathing it and soaking it up in our showers, and consuming it in most food and beverage products made with city water, makes chlorine one of the most common public poisons.


The fluoride added to municipal water and dental care products is not really good for your teeth. It is a cancer causing, apathy inducing, intelligence reducing chemical, a waste product of aluminum and phosphate manufacturing. It was accumulating at production plants in the 1940s and ruining local ground water.

The industry first tried to get rid of excess stocks of fluoride by marketing it as rat poison, but not enough was sold. Then in the 1950s they concocted the scheme of convincing the American Dental Association to recommend it be added to public water supplies and oral care products to harden teeth. In the long run, it actually makes teeth brittle and mottled, while diminishing people’s IQ, minimizing active interests and shortening lives.


Aluminum has long been used in cookware and food service material. As people learned of its toxicity, they started abandoning aluminum pans and avoiding heating food wrapped in foil.

Extremely fine particles of it are the main component of the “chemtrail” sprays disseminated over virtually all areas in North America under the rationale of “geo-engineering” to counter “global warming”. Since the concern about global warming from carbon emissions due to human activity is fraudulently promoted to expand control of the population, this widespread chemical spraying is really being done for other reasons, from weather manipulation to public poisoning. The bizarre streaks often sprayed in the sky by aircraft are not normal jet contrails.


Aluminum is another neurotoxin that reduces intelligence and memory. It is considered a major contributor to early senility and dementia.

Mercury & Vaccinations

For the millions of us that received “silver” dental fillings, long term mercury contamination is likely. That highly toxic heavy metal was an ingredient in the amalgam. Mercury is also used in the thimerosal preservative in most vaccines, including those given to children, even infants.


Mercury is another neurotoxin and is blamed for the incredible rise in the numbers of autistic children, many of whom are radically changed within a few days of vaccination.

Vaccinations and flu shots do not really protect us from infections. Rather they are seriously harmful, especially to the infants that receive an overwhelming mixed vaccination cocktail. Further, vaccines are sometimes contaminated with rogue viruses, and are a debilitating stress to the human immune system.

Pharma Drugs

The approval of pharmaceutical medicines by a government agency does not mean that they are safe to take. 13 Mass Public Poisons | In5D.comMany of them have terrible side effects, often blocking biological systems and fostering long-term illness. Then additional drugs are prescribed. Many of the routine medications today are psychotropic, further reducing intelligence and enthusiasm.

Radioactive Fallout

Radioactivity emanating from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, as well as from leaks at other nuke facilities, the depleted uranium ammunition used by the military, the radioactive metals such as barium and thorium in the chemtrail sprays, and the lingering particles from the nuclear testing of the 1950s and 1960s, is another major contributor to the cancer epidemic.


The artificial sweetener aspartame is promoted as an ingredient in diet products for weight loss and diabetes. In addition to worsening each of those conditions, it is a terrible neurotoxin. It turns to methanol (toxic wood alcohol) and formaldehyde in the body, impairing the brain, weakening eyesight, damaging the pancreas and liver, and making some people crazy. Why was this poison ever approved for consumption?

Aspartame is now added to even regular chewing gum, as well as to flavored water. Read labels for ingredients to avoid this poison.



Monosodium Glutamate is used as a flavor enhancer. It is both an “excitotoxin” that stresses cells, and a neurotoxin bothering the brain and nerves. It diminishes intelligence, can cause bloating and digestive distress, and may harm the heart as well.


Bisphenol Acetate is an estrogen mimicker that is permitted to be in food service and household plastics, including plastic water bottles. This and similar plasticizers such as Bisphenol Sulfone (BPS) are causing sexual imbalances and alterations and cancers of the breast and sex organs.


This toxic herbicide and other harmful chemicals used in agriculture will not simply wash off of the produce.

Glyphosate is reported to be a factor in both infertility and cancer. Most other agri-chemicals are also debilitating. Glyphosate and other runoff chemicals are commonly found in drinking water as well.


Genetically Modified Organisms, usually used in concert with agricultural chemicals, include the common food crops corn, soybeans, canola oil and sugar beets. In the United States, nearly all of each of these widely consumed foods are genetically modified, much of the milk and dairy items contain BgH growth hormone, and most meat animals’ feed contains GMOs, with no indication on labels.


Genetically altered foods are hard on the digestive system, and usually damaging to cells and organs.


Electromagnetic fields from cell phones, computers, televisions, “smart meters”, transmission wires and towers, etc., are seriously weakening and impairing health in people, animals and plants. The more you have EMF frequencies in proximity, the greater the damage. Use a cell phone sparingly and switch ears often if holding it near the head.

Why Are We Being Poisoned?

We are being systematically POISONED ON PURPOSE, and need to raise awareness about it enough to get it STOPPED.

Why are we being massively exposed to a range of serious poisons while being falsely told that they are not harmful or even good for us? The elite power controllers do this:

* To foster apathy
* To weaken resistance
* To reduce intelligence
* To increase susceptibility to entrainment and hypnosis
* To experiment on an ignorant populace
* To test longevity methods for their benefit
* To develop distracting and incapacitating health problems
* To generate business for the medical industry
* To foster infertility and infanticide
* To cause people to die younger
* To reduce the population
* To eliminate independent small farmers and businesses
* To control food production, weather, land and resources
* To profitably (cheaply) dispose of industrial waste
* To make maximum profits
* To fully control this world
* To secure lasting tyranny

This has been done gradually, stealthily and incrementally.

from:     http://in5d.com/13-mass-public-poisons.html

More on Vaccinations

Time for a Wake Up Call – The Vaccination Hoax Debunked!

12th November 2012

By Raluca Schachter

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. – Dr. James A. Shannon. National Institutes of Health

Are you scared when you’re told you have to vaccinate your child with 49 doses in 14 vaccines before age 6? Or are you scared at the idea of not vaccinating and so “exposing” your child to serious illnesses? Are you scared about the school threatening you that if you don’t vaccinate you can’t enroll your child?

FEAR. That’s what all these pro-vaccine campaigns are based on. As a parent, what’s the biggest scare of all? When your child gets sick with a serious disease and you feel responsible for that. As you see, vaccine supporters couldn’t go wrong with this and developed a dogma that’s been bought over and over again over the years by people. The magic insurance policy to solve it all.

So, even if your child gets sick, at least you know you did everything you could for his/her health and vaccinated, right? But what if the very vaccination is able to cause the illness in the first place??

Could The Vaccine Hoax Be Over?

An extraordinary  paper published by a courageous doctor and investigative medical researcher has dug the dirt on 30 years of secret official transcripts of meetings of UK government vaccine committees and the supposedly independent medical “experts” sitting on them with their drug industry connections.

The 45 page paper with detailed evidence can be downloaded here: The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds?

The author, Dr Lucija Tomljenovic writes:

Here I present the documentation which appears to show that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)  made continuous efforts to withhold critical data on severe adverse reactions and contraindications to vaccinations to both parents and health practitioners in order to reach overall vaccination rates which they deemed were necessary for “herd immunity”, a concept which with regards to vaccination, and contrary to prevalent beliefs, does not rest on solid scientific evidence as will be explained. As a result of such vaccination policy promoted by the JCVI and the UK Department of Health (DH),many children have been vaccinated without their parents being disclosed the critical information about demonstrated risks of serious adverse reactions, one that the JCVI appeared to have been fully aware of. It would also appear that, by withholding this information, the JCVI/DH neglected the right of individuals to make an informed consent concerning vaccination. By doing so, the JCVI/DH may have violated not only International Guidelines for Medical Ethics (i.e., Helsinki Declaration and the International Code of Medical Ethics) [2] but also, their own Code of Practice.

The transcripts of the JCVI meetings also show that some of the Committee members had extensive ties to pharmaceutical companies and that the JCVI frequently co-operated with vaccine manufacturers on strategies aimed at boosting vaccine uptake. Some of the meetings at which such controversial items were discussed were not intended to be publicly available, as the transcripts were only released later, through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI). These particular meetings are denoted in the transcripts as “commercial in confidence”, and reveal a clear and disturbing lack of transparency, as some of the information was removed from the text (i.e., the names of the participants) prior to transcript release under the FOI section at the JCVI website (for example, JCVI CSM/DH (Committee on the Safety of Medicines/Department of Health) Joint Committee on Adverse Reactions Minutes 1986-1992).

Information AGAINST vaccination is incredibly vast, believe it or not. Updated, most reliable sources and scientific data, as well as more and more medical doctors bring strong evidence about how harmful and unnecessary vaccination is.

A short summary of the most important arguments that support NON-VACCINATION:

  • Vaccines contain a combination of at least 39 different highly toxic metals, cancer causing substances, toxic chemicals, live and genetically modified viruses, bacteria, contaminated serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic de-contaminants and adjuvants, untested antibiotics, none of which can be injected without causing any harm. Vaccine contaminants have included bovine (cow), avian (chicken) and monkey viruses and bacteria such as streptococcus in the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine [Pediatrics, Vol. 75, No. 2, Feb 1985] and Serratia marcesens in the influenza vaccines [2004 influenza season].
  • There is no scientific study to determine whether vaccines have really prevented diseases. Rather disease graphs show vaccines have been introduced at the end of epidemics when the disease was already in its last stages. In case of Small Pox the vaccine actually caused a great spurt in the incidence of disease before public outcry led to its withdrawal.
  • There are no long-term studies on vaccine safety. Very short-term tests are carried out where the vaccinated subjects are checked against another group who are given another vaccine. Technically the tests should be carried out against a non-vaccinated group. No one really knows what protocols are followed at such industry based or industry sponsored trials.
  • The mercury, aluminum and live viruses in vaccines may be behind the huge epidemic of autism (1 in 110 in the USA), a fact that has been admitted by the US Vaccine Court. About 83 suspected cases of vaccines causing autism have been awarded compensation.
  • Both the Small Pox and the Oral Polio Vaccine are made from monkey serum. This serum has helped many monkey viruses to enter the human blood stream. Out of these, the only researched virus, SV 40, has been found to be cancerous. These viruses continue to be in the vaccines. The presence of SV 40 in various human cancers has been demonstrated. Today it is known that the virus is being passed on to future generations as its presence in the mother’s milk and human sperms has been established.
  • The number of polio cases was declining before the widespread administration of the Salk vaccine.  Cases which had previously been reported as polio are now reported as meningitis. The risk of contracting polio from the live virus vaccine is greater than the risk of acquiring the disease from naturally occurring viruses.
  • Many doctors argue that diseases during childhood are due to the body exercising its immune system. Suppressing these diseases causes the immune system to remain undeveloped causing the various autoimmune disorders in adults like diabetes and arthritis that have become epidemics today.
  • Vaccines suppress the natural immunity and the body does not have natural antibodies anymore. The mother’s milk therefore does not contain natural antibodies and can no longer protect the child against illnesses.
  • In the USA vaccine adverse effects are recorded and the Government offers compensation of millions of dollars to victims (the most recent case in its Vaccine Court may have received upto $200 million in damages). The courts in the USA have paid nearly $ 2 billion in damages so far.
  • Vaccines try to create humoral (blood related immunity) whereas it has been found that immunity is developed at various levels: humoral, cellular, and organ specific. We still do not know enough about the human immune system and therefore should not interfere with it.
  • In addition to childhood vaccination, new “hypes” like the Swine FluBird FluGardasil for HPV virus and the annual flu vaccine are continuing the to damage people’s health all throughout their life. Yves Thomas, the head of the National Influenza Centre in Geneva said that, “The debate and the arguments that surrounded the A(H1N1) influenza virus two years ago have sharpened public mistrust toward the seasonal flu vaccine.” In 2010, the World Health Organisation (WHO) was accused of dramatizing worldwide influenza cases in order to result in much higher vaccine sales since many countries had signed contracts with a stipulation to automatically buy vaccines when the WHO gave the highest alert level.

A Few Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Don’t let yourself intimidated by medical doctors, they are NOT Gods and they surely are misinformed, many of them are corrupted or don’t want to acknowledge the dangers of vaccines. Most schools will offer you a waiver if you ask for one. There is NO law that can deny you that. Exemptions are typically for people who have compromised immune systems, allergies to the components used in vaccinations, or strongly held objections. All states but West Virginia and Mississippi allow religious exemptions, and twenty states allow parents to cite personal or philosophical objections. Get yourself educated on the matter, it’s about the life of your child!

ASK QUESTIONS like these:

1. What are the serious negative health effects that these vaccines can generate? Are the risks worth the benefits?

2. Dr. Michel Odent has linked asthma to the whooping cough vaccine. Have you read his research? What do you think?

3. Professor Wakefield (UK) has linked autism and Chrones disease to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine. What do you think? What evidence do you have to back up your opinions?

4. Why is the same dose of vaccines given to a two month old as for a 5 year old?

5. Are you aware that Japan changed the start time for vaccinating from 3 months to two years and straight away their SIDS rate plummeted?

6. Do you believe in herd immunity? If so, how is it that 98% of U.S.A. children are vaccinated yet they still have outbreaks of these diseases?

7. Most diseases were already 90% gone before any vaccines were introduced.  If this is so, how can vaccines be applauded for diseases ceasing, especially when there were no vaccines for some diseases like bubonic plague and scarlet fever?

8. How can the Tetanus vaccine induce immunity, when contracting the disease naturally does not give immunity?

9. If the so-called diphtheria vaccine, which is in fact a toxoid, works against the toxin produced by the bacteria, and not against the bacteria itself, then how did this “vaccine” help in the decline in diphtheria?




from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2012/11/12/time-for-a-wake-up-call-the-vaccination-hoax-debunked/