Yesterday, you’ll recall, I blogged about my high octane speculation, or perhaps one might even call it a high octane suspicion, that the human trafficking scandals that have erupted in almost every country of the west and which have spilled over into other countries, might be a large component of what I have been calling a hidden system of finance. And as China, Russia, and other nations of the BRICSA bloc have been buying up bullion, and negotiated bi-lateral currency and trading agreements, something else has been happening, quietly, and far from the attentions of the lamestream presstitutes of the corporate controlled globaloney media. And no, I’m not talking about the efforts of Germany or other countries to repatriate, and get an accurate audit, of their gold reserves on deposit in foreign central banks.
I’m talking about the quiet “revolt of the states” taking place in the USSA.
The Empire of the United States is in a bit of an economic quandry, for it doesn’t make much that other people want to buy any more. Agriculture remains one of the USSA’s primary non-military exports, but much of that food supply is now tainted with GMO products, and the growing revolt against them around the world might conceivably dent that in the future. Other than this, America doesn’t export much that other people want to buy. If one has a few billion dollars of pocket change laying around, then one might want to buy an aircraft carrier, but increasingly, with new and much less expensive Russian missile technologies about to come into operational use, these big behemoths might end up being nothing but “missile magnets,” as a US Navy friend of mine put it to me once during a recent conversation. Tanks? Well, Germany has an equivalent one, so why feed your hard earned defense dollars to the American beast when you can feed it to the smaller German beast? And for that matter, Russia has a better tank than either the USSA or Germany. They probably aren’t selling, but at least you can try.
What about energy? Natural gas and such? Well, the USSA’s sanctions game with Russia has as its unstated and hidden goal the sale of energy to Europe, a nice way to keep those pesky Frenchmen and Germans under the American thumb. The problem there is, it’s more expensive than getting it from Russia, and the Germans are, understandably, not too happy about that. Even Frau Merkel woke up from her multicultural slumber long enough to tell her lackey, Mr. Junker, to express some profound displeasure. Go back to sleep now, Angela. All is well, Europe continues to crumble.
Aircraft? Well, sure, for a few tens of millions, one might want to buy an F-35. Trouble is, its performance is far below what was touted making it an expensive waste. How about a very expensive Aegis class missile frigate? The problem there is, obsolescent Russian Sukhoi fighters appear to be able to turn them off, completely. What about a nice Patriot anti-missile system? The problem there is, the new class of Russian ICBMs can defeat it, since they can change flight paths even in the descent stage, as can their 24 MIRVed warheads. But fortunately, the never-to-be-trusted-always-Byzantinely-scheming-Russians aren’t selling that on the open market. (“Park it in my back yard, guys. Thanks!”)
As all this is happening, I recently blogged about the Pentagram study that acknowledged that, yes, since 9/11, everyone in the world has pretty much had it with the USSA’s unipolarism. Their solution? Double down: more arms, more militarization of the American economy, and, of course, more surveillance of Americans.
Perhaps the Pentagram’s study was motivated by the growing revolt of American states against the cultural and political swamp of psychopathy that Washington, District of Cesspool, has become. It’s a story we’ve covered here before: more and more state legislatures are passing resolutions recognizing bullion as legal Constitutional tender. Texas took an even bigger, bolder step, by creating a state bullion depository, a move which was followed by discussions of similar measures in Utah.
Now, Arizona joins, according to this article shared by Mr. B.H. (copy and paste into your browser):
The backing of the USSA’s Federal Reserve notes is, of course, nothing but American military power. And if that military power is increasingly looking like a “risky” investment to foreign nations, then the dollar’s days as a reserve currency are numbered. And some American states are seeing this, and acting. Hence, the Pentagram’s recent study might be casting a nervous glance, not on foreign violence, or even random domestic violence, but at the growing movement of quiet revolt in the states themselves.
… it makes one think, just for a moment, that it was a shame General Beauregard didn’t march into Washington, as some of his subordinate commanders urged him to do after the First Battle of Bull Run, but in any case, with all the new and abhorrent human trafficking going on, one wonders if, in fact, the South really did win…
“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” –Gloria Steinem
Are you tired of floating around in that pink goop of the Matrix? Are you ready to slough off the illusion like it was an old hat? Has the White Rabbit been too fast for you so far? If you are reading this article, you are here to wake up. Here are five ways to slow that white rabbit down so you can catch up.
1) Money is a hoax
“The Western worldview says, in essence, that technological progress is the highest value and that we were born to consume, to endlessly use and discard natural recourses, other species, gadgets, toys, and often, each other. The most highly prized freedom is the right to shop. It’s a world of commodities, not entities, and economic expansion is the primary measure of progress. Competition, taking, and hoarding are higher values than cooperation, sharing, and gifting. Profits are valued over people, money over meaning, entitlement over justice, “us” over “them.” This is the most dangerous addiction in the world, not only because of its impact on humanity but because it is rapidly undermining the natural systems that sustain the biosphere.” –Bill Plotkin
It is not the more evolved aspect of ourselves that tricks us into thinking that we need money to survive; it’s the less evolved aspect of ourselves that does the tricking. With our advanced technologies we imagine that we know the way the world works, when, for the most part, we have forgotten how everything is connected.
Until we can relearn “a language older than words,” and once again engage in a healthy dialogue with nature and the cosmos, we will continue to be tricked by the less evolved aspects of ourselves. The more awareness we bring to this extremely complicated cognitive dissonance, the more possible it will be to achieve an ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable world.
As it stands, however, the Federal Reserve is a house of cards guarded by a red herring. Money is the opiate of the masses, and the masses are too busy spending it on worthless crap to get to know each other as healthy individuals, let alone as a healthy community. We have become Pavlov Dogs, and money is our dinner bell. But money was never meant to be horded, or even amassed, it was meant to circulate as a way of uplifting the community. And yet here we are, hoarding and amassing, while our communities are in unhealthy disarray. It’s high time we abandoned the force-fed shibboleth that having more money makes us better people. It doesn’t. Being healthy, compassionate and moral is what makes us better people. 2) Debt is fiction
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” –John Adams
Unfortunately our nation has been enslaved by debt. Our current system is not an economic system at all, but an ecocidal system; an intrinsic obsolescence of conspicuous consumption. It’s a grave misfortune that efficiency, sustainability, and preservation are the enemies of our socioeconomic system. This has got to be the most bizarre delusion in the history of human thought, a retarded Ponzi scheme en masse.
But it’s difficult to get people to understand something when money, and especially debt, prevents them from understanding it. Instead of ownership, give us strategic access. Instead of equity, give us equality. Instead of one-track-minded profit, give us open-minded people. Instead of unsustainable monetary-based economics, give us a sustainable resource-based economy, which is basically the scientific method applied to ecological and social concerns.
As tough as it is to hear, nature is a dictatorship. We can either listen to it and fall into harmony or deny it and suffer. Ask yourself this question by Fleet & Lasn: “When the economic system fails, will we know how to behave, how to act, how to appreciate, how to value, how to survive, how to be and how to love in a world that no longer defines relations by money?”
3) Media is manipulation
“Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.” –Noam Chomsky
Media has always been an effective method for manipulating people. We are social creatures who are also psychological creatures. This combination makes us unwittingly vulnerable to the power of suggestion. As it stands, media has been our Achilles Heel. These days the “news” we receive from corporate media is more likely to be disinformation. Skepticism is a must when reading or viewing the information provided by these outlets.
The key: Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Analyze the Kool Aide before you swallow it. Even then, be prepared to vomit it back up at the first sign of deception. Remain circumspect and question all authority. They don’t have our best interest at heart. They only want our money, and to remain powerful. Like Wendell Berry wrote in the Unsettling of America, “People whose governing habit is the relinquishment of power, competence, and responsibility, make excellent spenders. They are the ideal consumers. By inducing in them little panics of boredom, powerlessness, sexual failure, mortality, paranoia, they can be made to buy virtually anything that is “attractively packaged.””
We are slowly becoming more aware of corporate media lying to us. But they know we know they’re lying to us. And we know they know we know they’re lying to us. With enough inertia, this debacle of a process just continues until we are eventually lying to ourselves. And here we are. Like the great Baruch Spinoza once surmised, “The supreme mystery of despotism, its prop and stay, is to keep men in a state of deception, and cloak the fear by which they must be held in check, so that they will fight for their servitude as if for salvation.” And here we are, unless we decide to wake up.
4) Government is a corporation
“The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.” –Thomas Jefferson
Here’s the thing: we do not live in a democracy, and we probably never really have. A prestigious Princeton study recently concluded that we live in an oligarchy: rule by a few individuals. And these individuals just so happen to be plutocrats, making this particular flavor of oligarchy a plutocracy: rule by the rich.
The problem is that money itself has become an immoral agent within an otherwise amoral system that praises itself as moral. Ask yourself: do you wish to live out harried lives of nine-to-five slavery, giving up your days to heartless corporations that don’t give a damn about anything except making money, or do you wish to live a happy life of loving compassion, doing what you enjoy, in spite of plutocracy, oligarchy, and tyranny?
The Occupy Movement succeeded in shifting the tenor and shape of debate in the world, but we must not rest on our laurels. Trickle-down economics DOES NOT WORK! Austerity economics DOES NOT WORK! Corporations are NOT people. Money does NOT equal speech. It’s a trap. If we don’t get big money out of politics then everything we want to do will be hopeless. We need to be smarter with our mobilization tactics for the change and allocation of power within our society. So far the security and surveillance state has boxed us in, like the great MLK Jr. said, “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.”
THE SECRET OF OZ — All About the Yellow Brick Road & $$$$
The world economy is doomed to spiral downwards until we do 2 things: outlaw government borrowing; 2. outlaw fractional reserve lending. Banks should only be allowed to lend out money they actually have and nations do not have to run up a “National Debt”. Remember: It’s not what backs the money, it’s who controls its quantity.
here is the link:
Soooooo, here we are in the new Baktun. It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining and I just finished eating breakfast and paying my bills. Yes my friends, I don’t know if you got the memo, but Money didn’t disappear into the ethers on the solstice. Credit cards, banks, currency and the stock market are still doing their dance.
But don’t be sad, because it’s time to take it to the next level. Everyone found out that Money isn’t based on gold a few years ago, so the jig is up! They are printing Money like newspapers and yet inflation is not rising…because who cares right? It’s not based on anything material, so it’s a free for all! This is what the “money people” have known for years.
Whether we like it or not, all of us are still in relationship with Money. And in the year of the water snake, it’s ON.
That’s right spiritual people with big hearts, it’s time for you to be rich. So say goodbye to every negative story you have about Money, because your time has come.
The spiritual community is well known for its disdain of the material, and doomsday predictions, but from everything I am seeing and hearing, in the year of the snake, we are gonna rock it financially.
But there’s only one way that can happen. We need to make Money the most loving experience of our lives. We need to stop telling every negative story and just go ahead and fall in love with Money.
Eeeeeeeww, I hear you saying, but yes, Money needs our love. Money is tired of doing bad things, it told me.
We have a real opportunity to bring the vibration of Money into love. Think of the possibilities. If the consciousness of Money were based in love, the ENTIRE WORLD would transform. Money would be a force of peace and balance. Behind our backs it would thinking of all the ways it could be loving and adoring of us, it would bend over backwards for our benefit, because that’s what love does. It can’t help itself!
If you want an irrigation system for your perma-perfect backyard or extra cash flow to help empower those in true poverty, then a love drunk Money is just what you need.
I can say that one miracle after another has happened this year with my beloved Money, and that came after a lot of praying, questioning, clearing, working and learning. I went deep to the core of the earth, the heart of the sky and the depth of my being. And then I fell in love, and we (Money and I) started this delicious love affair…but there’s more.
I’ve been in this scene long enough to know that true devotees will not touch anything that is not love. An open hearted awake person will leave money in the dust, will chastise it, throw it away and punish it if it doesn’t feel good. But the spiritual community has too many great visions, ideas and love for the world for them not to flourish. It drives me crazy that all that heart and creativity gets stopped short due to lack of funds. That just won’t do in the new world.
With money on our sides, there’s nothing we can’t do.
So, it’s time to love money until it becomes a passionate relationship, one you are proud of, and one you hold sacred. You may have to face deep darkness to open to this relationship, or just simply throw in the towel and give into Love.
My friends, there are laws to wealth and love, do you want to play a bigger game? Do you want your heart and money to be as One, in Love, and in community for a better world?
I do. For so many reasons, I really, really do.
Here’s a small exercise. Take this moment to feel deep gratitude for money, feel into the heart of life and how it wants to give to you, and let money go right into that feeling. Shake off any negative feelings or reactions and re-commit to loving. Believe that you are ready and deserve it all.
“While boasting of our noble deeds, we are careful to control the ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system, we havenationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.”
– Horace Greeley
Have you ever wondered why the vast majority of hard working people on this planet does not make enough earnings to have a reasonable standard of living without being in debt? Our personal debt is modern version of slavery*.
* Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was institutionally recognized by many societies; in more recent times slavery has been outlawed in most societies but continues through the practices of debt bondage, indentured servitude, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage. [ Wikipedia ]
For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.
In 1950, the ratio of the average executive’s paycheck to the average worker’s paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.
Some famous quotes regarding money and central banking:
“Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” — Thomas Jefferson
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” – James Madison
“The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is, perhaps, the most, astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint, and un-mint the modern ledger-entry currency.” — Major L.L.B. Angus
“Banking was conceived in iniquity, and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen, they will create enough deposits, to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.” — Sir Josiah Stamp, (President of the Bank of England in the 1920′s, the second richest man in Britain)
“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” — President James A. Garfield
“Those who create and issue money and credit direct the policies of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” — Sir. Reginald McKenna, former President of the Midland Bank of England
“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value— zero.” — Voltair (1694 – 1778)
“Give me the power to issue a nation’s money, then I do not care who makes the law.” – Anselm Rothschild
“Money confers social and political power, naturally. Those who have more of it than others use their wealth to dominate or control other human beings who have little or none. But money also gives power to a secret self, enabling it to pursue its own self-gratification in a singular fashion… “Money, therefore, contains a continuous illusion of immortal power – the psychic vehicle for defeating time itself by controlling the future. It is only an illusion; no mortal ever conquers time… “Thus, on a psychic plane, the Wall Street investor accomplishes what the alchemist could not – creating gold from dross, real wealth from mere paper, a living organism from raw numbers… To demystify the Federal Reserve, one first had to understand that money did not require religious faith or buried fantasies or impenetrable technicalities. Money was, above all, a political question – a matter of deliberate choices made by the state.” — William Greider,Secrets of the Temple, pp. 235, 236, 238, 242
The Money is an Illusion
By Dene McGriff
Over the centuries man has used many things for money – cattle, seashells, camels, coffee, jewels and precious metals. Before money, there was Barter – two people trading something the other wanted. Commodities and finally metals in the form of coins were introduced. Paper money originated with the goldsmith who gave receipts to wealthy citizens for storage and safekeeping. The goldsmiths realized that the receipt could be used in commerce since it could be redeemed in gold from the goldsmith. Thus, modern banking was born. Then they realized that the demands for redemption were relatively small so long as they kept a minimum in reserve. Thus fractional-reserve banking was born. If they kept ten or fifteen percent on hand, they would have enough to redeem any demands on the bank. For centuries, European privately owned banks would issue paper bank notes backed by gold reserves. The system was transferred to America. Gradually, the value was transferred to the demand deposits which were redeemable by personal drafts or checks and gold was all but forgotten.
During the 18th, 19th and early 20thCenturies, periodic failures plagued the banking industry. Experiments with fiat (paper) money always ended in inflation and devaluation of the currency. After the Civil War, the National Bank Act tried to regulate bank notes issued by state banks but the public at large had little confidence in this chaotic banking system. Then along comes the Federal Reserve Act in 1912 to restore order and public confidence in the monetary system.
Now when the Federal Reserve began, the paper money was backed by gold or silver up to a small portion of the face amount. The problem is that the fractional reserve tends to become smaller and smaller until it is reduced to nothing. And even to this day, fiat money is the way governments create money without taxation. It has nothing of tangible value to offset it so let the printing presses roll
The Alchemy of the Federal Reserve
Money is created out of absolutely nothing. Most texts teach that money is created first by someone making a deposit and then the bank waits for someone to come along and borrow it. That is not true. Money is created the instant it is borrowed. In other words, debt creates money. The government creates bonds (debt), gives them to the Fed which uses that debt to create money. There is no other value attached to it. It is the act of borrowing which causes it to spring into existence. “Banks are creating money based on a borrower’s promise to pay (the IOU)….Banks create money by ‘monetizing’ the private debts of businesses and individuals.” (I Bet You Thought, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, p. 19). Now I am going to quote from Griffin’s book to explain how the process works. Money creation is a circular concept and hard to grasp so please stay with me. Once you get it, it is absolutely shocking!
“The entire function of this machine is to convert debt into money. It’s just that simple. First, the Fed takes all the government bonds which the public does not buy and writes a check to Congress in exchange for them. (It acquires other debt obligations as well, but government bonds comprise most of its inventory.) There is no money to back up this check. These fiat dollars are created on the spot for that purpose. By calling those bonds “reserves,” the Fed then uses them as the base for creating 9 additional dollars for every dollar created for the bonds themselves. The money created for the bonds is spent by the government, whereas the money created on top of those bonds is the source of all the bank loans made to the nation’s businesses and individuals. The result of this process is the same as creating money on a printing press, but the illusion is based on an accounting trick rather than a printing trick. The bottom line is that Congress and the banking cartel have entered into a partnership in which the cartel has the privilege of collecting interest on money which it creates out of nothing, a perpetual override on money which it creates out of nothing, a perpetual override on every American dollar that exists in the world. Congress, on the other hand, has access to unlimited funding without having to tell the voters their taxes are being raised through the process of inflation. If you understand this paragraph, you understand the Federal Reserve System. (Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, p. 193)
“The federal government adds ink to a piece of paper, creates impressive designs around the edges, and calls it a bond or Treasury note. It is merely a promise to pay a specified sum at a specified interest on a specific date…this debt eventually becomes the foundation for almost the entire nation’s money supply. In reality, the government has created cash, but it doesn’t yet look like cash. To convert these IOUs into paper bills and checkbook money is the function of the Federal Reserve System.
An instrument of government debt is considered an asset because it is assumed the government will keep its promise to pay…so the Federal Reserve now has an ‘asset’ which can be used to offset a liability. It then creates liability by adding ink to yet another piece of paper…the “Federal Reserve Check”…
There is no money in any account to cover this check. Anyone else doing that would be sent to prison. It is legal for the Fed, however, because Congress wants the money, and this is the easiest way to get it…The process is mysteriously wrapped up in the banking system…The Federal Reserve check is then deposited in one of the Federal Reserve Banks…
These checks become the means by which the first wave of fiat money floods into the economy. (For detail, please see Griffin, pp195-197)
These Federal Reserve Checks become commercial bank deposits.
On Aug 10th, 2011, the stock market dropped over 500 points again after having gone up 450 the day before and down 640 the day before that. What is this all about? Why so much confusion? Where is it going? Is America on that long slide down to “third world-dom”? Is China taking over as top dog?
I have been writing on the economy for quite a few years now. I called the housing bubble back in 2004, the derivatives problem which led to the crash in 2008 and the continuing deflation (depression) the entire world is experiencing. So what is the problem? Is it the US debt? Does it have anything to do with the US? Will America be destroyed? I would use the analogy of attacking a Chihuahua with a baseball bat – one swipe and he’s a goner. Ever try and attack an elephant with a baseball bat? The elephant will probably survive just fine but the attacker may not. America may have problems but they are nothing compared to the rest of the world. Bottom line is that we are much more able to absorb the blows than they are.
What is the Problem?
Let’s start with today. Is the problem the credit downgrade of the U.S. by Standard and Poor’s? No, in fact Treasury sales are better than ever (the markets aren’t that stupid) and long term interest rates continue to drop. No, it is Europe and specifically France. France has been supporting Greece and there isn’t enough money there to save them. The stronger nations of Europe have been trying to save the weaker PIGIES (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) but France and England are not far behind. Does this floundering European Union sound like the burgeoning power that will rule the world one day as some Christians think? They can hardly agree on anything. The EEC is a joke and it is disintegrating before our eyes.
So, you say, China holds all the cards and yes they have a pretty good hand. But I have news for you, China has 1.5 billion problems: an aging population with fewer women (since baby girls were often eliminated), not to mention the logistics of providing fresh food and water, housing and other services for huge population. Corruption and cronyism, demography and regional inequities will overwhelm and destabilize the new Asian miracle. The same might be said to a slightly lesser extent for India.
So who does that leave on top? You guessed it. As we have said in the past, there is only one nation known as prophetic Babylon which matches this picture: apostate Christian, the great consumer nation, the greatest military power, and a friend of Israel (at least for now). So the economic demise of America/Babylon may be greatly exaggerated. Let’s look at the facts as to why America is nowhere near falling into oblivion.
There is a tremendous amount of debt all over the planet – corporate debt, government debt, local debt, personal debt, bank debt, not to mention the so-called unfunded liabilities (also an international problem) of retirement, medical care for the poor and elderly, unfunded pensions, etc. Nearly every country in the world is having the same problems that we are but it is much worse. The government “solution” is to print money (increase the money supply), both in cash and credit markets and just spend, spend, spend. Debt is parlayed and expanded in the form of derivatives. One would think that since the 2008 meltdown fiasco we learned our lesson, but we haven’t and the derivative debts continue to grow exponentially. The world is awash in funny money – fiat currency with no backing, but rather than causing hyperinflation, we see deflation which is the financial enema solution to excess liquidity. Dead broke businesses, banks and factories go out of business and local governments and countries default (just don’t pay their debt). The irony is that the world knows that America will never default and that is why the dollar is golden – even if they have to tax and take away nearly every dollar earned. Nations flock to buy US Treasuries. They can’t get enough even when they make nothing on them. Those are the facts.
So in this article, we want to look at the debt ceiling crisis, why there isn’t enough money in the world to bail out the PIGIES, what will be the result of this failure and where we are headed as individuals.
From a prophetic point of view, we see that America will not decline commercially. Up until the very end America will be the leading economic and military power. However this doesn’t mean all goes well for you and me. All of the crashes and bailouts have been at our expense. More on that in a minute – the $16 trillion heist! The long term trend is that the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer and the middle income will continue to slip into poverty. Right now, I am making one sixth of what I made twenty years ago. I have three grown children and all are struggling to keep their heads above water.
The middle class is shrinking and here are stats to prove it.
83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.
61 percent of Americans “always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.
66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans.
36 percent of Americans say that they don’t contribute anything to retirement savings.
A staggering 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.
24 percent of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.
Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.
Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975.
For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.
In 1950, the ratio of the average executive’s paycheck to the average worker’s paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.
As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets.
The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.
Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008.
In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector.
The top 1 percent of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America’s corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago.
In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.
More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.
the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.
This is what American workers now must compete against: in China a garment worker makes approximately 86 cents an hour and in Cambodia a garment worker makes approximately 22 cents an hour.
Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 – the highest rate in 20 years.
Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.
The top 10 percent of Americans now earn around 50 percent of our national income.
So what are the prospects for your future? Not very good. I know you don’t like to hear this but all of the bailouts have occurred at your expense. Let’s talk about the bailouts and stimulus. Who caused the crisis to begin with? We all now know that it was the banks and their reckless derivatives. Who got bailed out? How much money did you receive? Nothing? I didn’t either. Imagine that. But read on. It gets much worse for us little peeps even though America will continue to prosper.
The Bailout and Dismantling of Europe
Look at Europe. Greece already received $153 billion and now the Eurozone and IMF are providing another $152 billion. Where does that money come from and who benefits? It comes from tax payers. The bailout doesn’t go to the Greek government. It is just passing through to pay the banks to pay the 14% interest they already owe on their $476 billion in original debt! This guarantees another default which will filter back through the banking system in Europe, the US and other countries. Greece is very small potatoes. It is 38th in size, $318 billion in 2010, whereas Italy is 10th and Spain 13th in size with a total economy of nearly $3 trillion. Looking at it another way, the chart on the right shows the size of country debt by GDP. We hear about the PIGIES all the time (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain), but look at the other countries that are in equally bad condition. Countries like the UK, France and Germany are the ones providing the loans to the PIGIES, but when the PIGIES default, who will cover those countries? One guess is allowed. Guess who will be left to save them all?
Analysts know that Italy and Spain are close to default and will soon be followed by England and France. It isn’t a matter of the amount of debt. Japan and the U.S. have shown that they can and will pay it back. It is whether they can finance the debt and at what price. The U.S. and Germany finance their debt for practically nothing (in the 2 percent range) whereas the PIGIES are paying all time highs of 14 to 30 percent. These are holes they can’t dig out of and as one country after another defaults, Europe will be torn apart. But will the Euro die? Probably not. Once the PIGIES drop out of the EU, then the EU will survive. The PIGIES however are doomed because they won’t be able to finance their debt. I would like to emphasize at this point that Europe and the rest of the world will look, perhaps grudgingly, to America to save them and establish order.
America and the Debt Crisis – Smoke and Mirrors!
America has a debt problem, no doubt about that and neither party faced it. The so-called $4 trillion in cuts are not cuts at all. It is not a cut in spending but a cut in the increase. The deficit was slated to double from $14 to $28 trillion over a ten year period. The agreement was to cut that increase in debt back to only $10 trillion. The graph on the left shows the growth in the national debt through 2020 at that rate.
It shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this is not sustainable. One lesson we should have all learned from the recent debt ceiling debate, is that if the rating agencies downgrade the US economy, we pay a higher interest rate on our debt. Let’s look at some round numbers for a moment. If we say that our national debt is $14 trillion and we pay 2 percent on that debt that makes our debt payment a mere $280 billion and everyone agrees that is okay. That represents about 8 percent of the total Federal budget. Historically, we paid 8 percent on our national debt. That would quadruple the amount spent on debt. You do the math. What would the debt payment be at 8 percent on a $24 trillion deficit? The more you tax, the more you grow government, the more of the GDP allocated to government, the smaller the productive economy and the higher the tax rate to pay for this massive debt. This is why some legislators are screaming about debt and wanting a balanced budget! The “compromise” reached by Democrats and Republicans did not limit spending but merely the size of the increase in deficit spending.
So what does this mean? Bottom line it means massive tax increases if the administration has its way or massive cuts in government programs such as the military, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Education.
The question you all may have is how did we get into this situation?Where has all the money gone? What about the stimulus and bailouts? According to Bloomberg News in 2008, the total bank bailout amounted to $8.5 trillion. According to the first audit ever done in the 99 year history of the Federal Reserve, they loaned over $16 trillion to US and foreign banks. Now think about it, the federal banking system is run by a private banking cartel called “The Federal Reserve” which oversees our financial system made up of dollars – those little greenbacks that are backed by the “full faith and credit of the United States of America.” We’ve heard those words before but what do they really mean? “We the people” are the ones backing these huge loans. Please read this article about the “Greatest Bank Robbery”. For more information on the Federal Reserve, please see the article I wrote some years ago [ Modern Alchemy: The Money Illusion ].
Some of you may think that I am contradicting myself. How can I say America is strong when it is destroying itself? There are two answers to this question. First, America is still golden to the rest of the world. In spite of the downgrade in the credit rating, interest rates have gone down rather than up and the world is flocking to buy our debt. Second, it would appear that the long term plan is to destroy all fiat currency and come up with some kind of digital world currency in order to help establish the New World Order. It is also impoverishing those of us in the middle while the rich seem to grow richer.
Where do We Go from Here?
I would remind Christians that the book of Revelation clearly indicates that there will be an increasing gap between the rich and the poor, a subject I explored in great detail in the chapter on the four horses of the apocalypse. Please see the section on the black horse. Most Christians are also familiar with the absolute control the Antichrist establishes by requiring everyone to take the Mark of the Beast in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13:13-17) so the end of the age will have not only a one world government but a one world economy – talk about going global!
There is some truth to the debt crisis, but like most crisis in America this is manufactured, apparently designed to rob from the tax payers. We are not a PIGIE. We do not have the tremendous population pressure experienced by China or India, pressures that will eventually tear them apart and stall their miracle economies. America still has tremendous natural resources and a population that is being molded into a patriotic frenzy that highlights America’s “Manifest Destiny” to save the world (whether they want saving or not). There will soon be another Middle East war in Israel, a defense treaty with Israel, followed by a more massive civilization conflict between the Islamic and post-Christian worlds and the ultimate rise again of China and the powers to the East as armies mass for the final conflict in the battle of Armageddon. We know the sequence of events.
Meanwhile, don’t trust in your 401K’s, your IRAs, pensions, investment or even gold. The world is having birth pangs and a new era is about to begin. Unfortunately, the Laodicean Church will be found Lukewarm and asleep in their “blessed rapture hope” of escape. We are closer than we think and it is no coincidence that the year 2012 finds prominence throughout the world, and, as you will soon see, even in the sacred Scriptures. Doug is about to present some earth shattering revelations. Now is the time to not look to Mammon or anything in this world for our salvation, but to get out of the little box that has programmed our minds and open our hearts and minds to fresh revelation that God desperately wants to share with us – that generation spoken of in Daniel 12 that has a “need to know” what is coming down and why. This is the generation of destiny, of sacrifice and of glory. We need to humble ourselves before Him and present ourselves a holy sacrifice and let Him speak to us and reveal His purposes to us.
Conscious Media Network has been approached by a representative of global leaders and financiers from 130 nations to broadcast a statement about a new global economic restructuring arising in 2012.
The statement is delivered via a video-taped interview with a layperson on behalf of the consortium that has been working behind the scenes, on the problem of the unsustainable global economy for the past 8 years. The party who drafted this statement has stated, in response to conspiracy concerns, that “The usual suspects are not the suspects” and that the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.
This announcement is to serve as the introduction of a New Global Economic Structure that will begin surfacing in 2012. Those involved in this plan are calling it the “greatest humanitarian effort” in modern history. It will be for each of us to determine over time if this is a truthful statement.
CMN is serving as a neutral party for this broadcast and what it claims, as the economic consortium does not wish to break this news through mainstream media at this time. Please give this your serious attention, as it may be heralding a new way of conducting commerce on the planet that will effect us all well into our future. It will be through our understanding and acceptance that this will happen.
A portion of this plan does include a dissolution of debt in a carefully considered and planned way. The plan itself is paradigm shattering, and only hinted at in this video-taped statement.
What are Ithaca Hours? Ithaca Hours is a local currency system that promotes local economic strength and community self-reliance in ways which will support economic and social justice, ecology, community participation and human aspirations in and around Ithaca, New York. Ithaca Hours help to keep money local, building the Ithaca economy. It also builds community pride and connections. Over 900 participants publicly accept Ithaca HOURS for goods and services. Additionally some local employers and employees have agreed to pay or receive partial wages in Ithaca Hours, further continuing our goal of keeping money local. for more information, go to: and, from the founder: Ithaca HOUR Factsheet
Since 1991, over $110,000 of Ithaca HOURS (11,000 HOURS at $10.00 per HOUR) have been issued. Six denominations: 2 HRS, 1 HR, 1/2 HR, 1/4 HR, 1/8 HR, 1/10 HR. Includes a commemorative HOUR, the first paper money in the U.S. to honor an African-American.
Thousands of people, including 500 businesses, have earned and spent HOURS.
They have made millions of dollars value of trades with HOURS, representing hundreds of job-equivalents at $20,000 each.
HOURS are thus real money– local tender rather than legal tender, backed by real people, real labor, skills and tools.
Most HOURS have been issued as payments to those who agree to be published backers of HOURS, listed in our bimonthly directory HOUR Town. Every year they may send the coupon again to receive a bonus payment– which gradually and carefully increases the HOUR supply.
11% of HOURS are issued as grants to community organizations. Over 100 nonprofits have received grants totalling over 1,500 HOURS ($15,000) since we began.
5% of HOURS may be issued to the system itself, primarily for paying for printing HOURS.
Loans of HOURS are made with NO INTEREST CHARGED. These have ranged $50- $30,000 value.
HOURS are legal. Professor Lewis Solomon of George Washington University has written a book titled “Rethinking Our Centralized Monetary System: the Case for a System of Local Currencies” (Praeger, 1996) which is an extensive case law study of the legality of local currency. IRS and FED officials have been contacted by media, and repeatedly have said there is no prohibition of local currency, as long as it does not look like dollars, as long as denominations are at least $1.00 value, and if it is regarded as taxable income.
HOURS are protected against counterfeit. They are multicolored, with serial numbers. The 1995 Quarter HOUR and 1997 Eighth HOUR use thermal ink, invented in Ithaca, which disappears briefly when touched or photocopied. The 1993 Two HOUR note is printed on locally-made watermarked 100% cattail paper, with matching serial numbers front and back. The 1996 Half HOUR is 100% handmade hemp paper. Our District Attorney has declared HOURS a financial instrument, protected by law from counterfeit.
HOURS expand the local money supply
HOURS promote and expand local shopping, with an endless multiplier
HOURS double the local minimum wage to $10.00, benefitting not only workers but businesses as well, who find new and loyal customers.
HOURS enable shoppers to afford premium prices for locally-crafted goods and for locally-grown organic food.
HOURS help start new businesses and jobs
HOURS reduce dependence on imports and transport fuels
HOURS make grants to nonprofit community organizations
Wealth School: A Blessing of Wealth and Well-Being
Posted: 1/9/12 08:03 AM ET
Wealth is a difficult word these days because it seems we have been witnessing an abuse of our financial resources. Nevertheless, ourexperience of wealth goes way beyond money alone.
What does wealth mean for you, deep down? What is your intention for wealth now? Yes, you have basic needs to cover, possibly fewer than you think.
Wealth speaks to me of expansion, and not just in financial terms. Does more money translate to greater happiness and fulfilment? Does security in life come from having a good pension entitlement? What is the more, the expansion that truly counts for you?
Psychologist Daniel Gilbert in his TED talk asks Why are we happy? and suggests we are often mistaken about what makes us happy, including financially.
What is your vision for wealth in 2012? What is your vision for expansion and fulfilment? Do you enjoy the wealth of friendship you would like? Are you following a vocation that is true to your heart? Are you in tune with your spiritual values? Do you enjoy inner peace and serenity, or do you suffer nagging doubts and anxiety? Do you wake up in the morning, refreshed from a good night’s sleep and greet the day with joy and enthusiasm?
A basic message of Christmas is that wherever we may find ourselves, in the equivalent of a lowly stable perhaps, we can start afresh. Each day offers the possibility of a new beginning, a new way of looking at what is in front of us, of seeing clearly the opportunity present.
This blessing I hope may help to awaken you to a new vision for today, a vision in which you count in the wealth and expansion of your life.
Spirit of Divine Love, we bring ourselves forward into the generous consciousness of your loving and Light with our gratitude for all of the many blessings that we enjoy and that enrich us.We offer ourselves for your guidance and infinite wisdom
to comfort, reassure and show us our best ways ahead.
We appreciate your gifts to us, our natural talents and qualities,
the skills and strengths we have developed so far
and those we have yet to master.
We know that as we give, so we also receive,
that we are One with all of your creation,
celebrating the contribution that comes from our own divine essence.
Please show us the way, your way
that we may more fully enrich the world around us
and in so doing,
expand the boundaries of our own wealth experience.
In each moment when we stop to take account
may we know your presence more fully
and know ourselves as one with your magnificence.
We accept and receive your blessings
as we share our blessings with others.
Baruch Bashan — The Blessings Already Are
If you are anything like me, you may be feeling some uncertainty about the coming year. Try these three steps to realize your greater wealth and well-being:
1. Forgive: Any time you are feeling out of balance or a sense of lack, forgive yourself for forgetting that you are Divine. Forgive yourself for the judgements you may be making that cause you to feel separate, alone or lonely. You are never alone.
2. Be grateful: Count your blessings, even and especially the small ones. The little things count. Remember then. In the evening, write down a minimum of 5 things you have appreciated during the day.
3. Bless: Bless your day, your night, the neighbor and those who would in some way offend you. Wish well whoever is around you, whoever you may pass in the street. Bless your work, your projects, your computer, the hands that type on its keyboard, those who read what you have written — including yourself. Bless your world with a smile — you never know who might benefit from such a simple gesture. Be creative with your blessings — there is no limit to the goodness you can extend as you expand your wealth and well-being in 2012.
You do not have to be a saint or a savior to extend blessings. You may wish to bless others silently with your thoughts of goodwill. Your actions of caring and thoughtfulness may communicate blessings. The skills and talents you express at work are an expression of your blessings. The touch of a warm hand, a comforting arm to hold, a gentle smile all speak of blessings.
Through your forgiving, gratitude and blessing you might find greater stability and contentment within the changes that are happening around us. What is more, you may find that the changes themselves produce greater blessings than you could ever have imagined.
May 2012 bless you with many opportunities to expand beyond your former limits of wealth and well-being and into the greater appreciation of who you truly are.
Welcome to the on-line version of Sacred Economics. This is a book that explores, on a social, political, and personal level, the transition in money and economy that is upon us today. With the agreement of the publisher,EVOLVER EDITIONS/North Atlantic Books, I am making the full text available on line one chapter at a time over a period of about six months. By the end of 2011, the complete book will be on this website.
I am doing so, first, in order that this information can spread as widely as possible in a time of mounting crisis; secondly, to align the book with the spirit of the gift that lies at the heart of a sacred economy; and third, because it no longer feels right to attempt to profit through creating an artificial scarcity of things, like digital content, that are fundamentally abundant.
Of course, the book is also available in print, through your local bookstore or online, and in ebook versions at online booksellers. I also intend, again with the bold agreement of the publisher, to make a you-choose-the-price ebook available on my website.
Why serialize the book rather than putting the whole text up at once? First, I wrote the book to be read linearly – it is very much a book, not a website. Secondly, I would like to use this serialized version of the book as a way to deepen the conversation around it by responding to readers’ comments, chapter by chapter. It will be as if we are reading it together. Over time, the sum of the text plus the comments and responses will constitute a larger, cocreated, book.