Miracles & Manifestation

(It is always good to remind ourselves that miracles do happen.  IN this case, it is important to focus and let it go to the Universe.  I guess that sounds a lot like trust, but then, a little trust can be helpful.  Enjoy the story:)

This past spring I made a road trip to Sedona Arizona and stayed in Sedona for a week.  I did the trip on a low budget and I stayed in a campground outside of town for the entire week.  I also kept my eating budget low by stocking a cooler with food purchased from a grocery store and not dining out at resturants at all.

As I was going back and forth through town on my way to the hikes that I was doing and the events that I was going to I noticed there was a lot of really nice restaurants.  One of them caught my attention.  It was called Paleo Grill and it specialized grilled meat and vegetables.  Which made my mouth water and sounded really really good to me.

So I thought myself, maybe I could go to dinner one night while I’m here.  Anyway, it’s near the end of the trip and I hadn’t gone out to dinner yet.  On that day I was out on a very big all-day hike of a mountain outside of town and I’m up near the top of the mountain and I’m heading my way down and I thought, ‘You know maybe I should go to dinner tonight because there are not that many nights left and this is the best night for me to go to the dinner.’

But there was a little problem, I had been invited to a pool party at the campground that evening (ya, the campground had a pool) and I really wanted to go to it.  But I didn’t think I had enough time.  I was going to get back to the trailhead pretty late.  And I didn’t think I was going to have time to have a sit-down dinner in town and still make it to the pool party.

But I decided that tonight was the night for the dinner and I started talking out loud to the universe.  I said… I really want to go out and have a dinner of grilled meat and vegetables.  I’ve been trying to be frugal but I can afford to go out to dinner one night and I certainly deserve to have the dinner.  I felt a little guilty because I was trying to go vegetarian.  And this wasn’t going to be vegetarian so I said to the Universe…  Yeah, I’m trying to go vegetarian and this is going to be meat.  But there’s really no right or wrong or good or bad, the world is not going to come to an end if I enjoy one meal of grilled steak or something.  So that’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to have a beautiful grilled meal tonight.  But I’ve got a problem.  If I stop in town for a sit-down meal I’m probably not going to make it to the pool party and I really want to go to the pool party.  So how can I have my dinner and get to the pool party also?  Is there a way?

And that was it.  I just told the Universe I was going to allow myself to have a nice grilled meal and that I was going to leave it up to the universe to make it happen.

So I continue on my merry way down the mountain and eventually I make back to the trailhead.  It’s about 6:00pm and as I take my last steps to the trailhead and look around there’s only one other vehicle other than my own in the parking lot.  It’s a big motorhome and as I walk past the motorhome and cross the parking lot I see a guy sitting at a picnic table cooking something on a grill and with a glass of wine in his hand.  So I give him a big hearty hello, wave, and smile and he waves back.  And I begin to unpack my stuff into my car.

Then something caught my attention and I turned around and there was a woman walking over to the picnic table with a wine glass in her hand.  So I gave her a smile and wave and a hello.  And she smiles and says hello back and then she pauses and says Would you like to have a glass of wine with us.  I paused and thought that this might be the moment I’d been wishing for, this might be the solution that Universe is going to deliver to me.  So even though I don’t really like wine that much I decided to go with the flow and said as enthusiastically as I could muster Heck yeah, I’d love to have some wine.  And then I walked over there and we introduced ourselves.

It turns out they were a French family on a road trip of America and we chat for a little while and then they look at me and they say Our dinner of grilled steak and corn and French bread is ready.  Would you like to stay and have dinner with us? So a big shit eating grin came across my face because this was it and I said Heck yeah! I’d be delighted to have dinner with you.

So I had this great dinner there with this French family and their young daughter came out and we just chatted and had a great time — in a beautiful park-like outdoor setting to boot.  The dinner lasted for 30 or 40 minutes and I bid my farewell and I drove back to the campground and I made it back in time to catch the end of the pool party.

So my complete desires were fulfilled.  And almost instantly.  In the very first moment that the universe could have delivered the solution, it was there.  The Universe brought the dinner to me at the trailhead and it upped the ante and said to itself we’re going to do better than that.  We’re going to do better than you having dinner by yourself in a restaurant in town.  We’re going to bring the dinner to you in the form of a delightful French family in a beautiful outdoor setting.  And then you’ll have enough time to get back to your pool party.

The Take Away

Do you see the magic in this?  And do you see the deliberate creation techniques that I employed to make this manifestation appear?

Number one, I affirmed my desire out loud and I did it fairly passionately.  Number two, I identified and released anything that I could think of that would block me receiving the fulfillment of this desire.  And number three, I didn’t assume it wasn’t possible and I didn’t worry about how it could happen — I just trusted that universe would figure out how to make it happen.

That’s it!  I hope you found this story helpful.

from:    http://divine-cosmos.net/manifestation-story1.htm

Invite In Your Desires!

The Means to Fulfill Your Desires

desiresAA Gabriel – All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.

It begins with letting go. When you know in your heart that all your needs will be abundantly met, you can release the part of you that wants acquisition. You will now be free to discover the true desires in your heart. True desires have qualities that are fulfilled when the desires have been manifested. If the desire is for money, there is a quality that your heart seeks to have fulfilled — a sense of safety, an abundant lifestyle, or perhaps, simply freedom from worry.

Becoming aware of these qualities allows you to take action to gain these first, which will then allow the material form to manifest in a form which is in your highest good. The first step after discovering the qualities you seek, is always to ask for what you want, making sure you clearly state the qualities you are seeking to have. The Angelic Dimensions stand ready to assist you in the process of gaining all you desire in your life. Clarity is key.


It is truly God’s Plan to have all beings live in a state of abundant joy and freedom from fears: people living with peace, harmony and love in the world as well as within their families.  These qualities are not too much to ask for in your prayers because they are the natural state of balance in God’s world.  Your prayers you offer in order to attain them opens your mind and heart to fulfillment in your personal life.

It is also vital to be in the company of like-minded souls who believe that miracles are not only possible, they are also willing to have them manifest in their own lives. It is clear that in some situations in the world, only a miracle of divine proportions can create a solution. With enough people believing miracles are possible, there is no doubt that creative solutions, which are beyond the mind’s ability to understand at this time, will occur.

Begin now to allow miracles to manifest in your world. Be the first one to ask for Divine Intervention, and to share your belief with others, so that all may live in a new level of conscious awareness and abundant joy.

Those desires in your heart are there to remind you that miracles happen, and God provides you the ways to have all the good you desire in your life. Know that you are blessed and profoundly loved.

Call on the Divine Presence and the Angels, then allow the desires of your heart to be fulfilled.

Remember, you would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel © 2019

from:   https://www.shiftfrequency.com/the-means-to-fulfill-your-desires/#more-118880

How Ladybugs Got Their Name

  • Ladybug
  1. The legend goes something like this: During the Middle Ages, the crops in Europe were being devastated by pests, so the farmers began praying to the Blessed Lady, the Virgin Mary, for help. Lo and behold… ladybugs began to appear in the fields, and the crops were saved.

    The farmers believed the black and red beetles were sent by the Virgin Mary, and so they began calling them lady beetles. The ladybug’s red color is thought to represent Mary’s cloak, and the black spots represent her sorrows

from:    http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2015/06/26/ladybug-facts.aspx?e_cid=20150626Z1_PetsNL_art_1&utm_source=petsnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150626Z1&et_cid=DM77743&et_rid=1008014543

Miracles, Synchronicity, & Scientific American

A Miracle in Scientific American

The following originally appeared on The New and Ancient Story.

In the latest issue of Scientific American, Michael Shermer describes an amazing and beautiful synchronicity that happened the day of his wedding, just this summer. I hope you read the article, but to summarize, an old non-functioning radio that had belonged to his bride’s beloved grandfather mysteriously started playing a love song as the ceremony was about to commence, only to go silent again the next day.

The miracle I refer to is not the event itself, but rather the fact that it is recounted in the pages of a top science magazine by Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine and a long-time upholder of scientific orthodoxy. His humility and courage in publicly revealing an experience that has, in his words, shaken his core beliefs is exemplary. That this revelation seems to contradict his aggressively argued position of many years makes it little short of miraculous.

Let me be clear what I mean by scientific orthodoxy. It consists of three beliefs: (1) that the dominant institutions of science, and the consensus of scientists, offer a description of reality that is basically correct; (2) that the implicit metaphysical assumptions underpinning the Scientific Method are true, and (3) that the Scientific Method should enjoy a privileged status among all ways to knowledge; that it is the royal road to truth.

The event that Michael Shermer describes would, to most people, indicate that belief #1 above is faulty: that science offers nowhere near a complete description of reality. One might easily conclude that people can communicate from beyond the grave by influencing electronics, or that in moments of heightened emotion meaningful coincidences occur that reflect a layer of causality that is normally invisible to us. But I would like to focus on another element of Shermer’s piece.

As Shermer is abundantly aware, the stunning synchronicity he experienced on his wedding proves nothing about the nature of reality. He says that if anyone else had reported this event to him, he would have explained it away as a random electrical anomaly that, because of its timing, took on emotional significance. By the Law of Large numbers, he says, one would expect occasional coincidences like this, which, because they are preferentially remembered and reported, seem more common than they are. One might easily say, as some of the commenters did, that it was nothing more than perhaps some wires expanding on what might have been a hot, humid day, completing a circuit.

Only this and nothing more.

But as Michael Shermer perceptively notes, the existence of such explanations is irrelevant to the feeling quality of the experience. It “rocked me back on my heels,” he said; it brought him and his bride into a state of awe and gratitude. In the moment, his bride, also a firm nonbeliever in anything supernatural, knew, “My grandfather is here with us. I am not alone.”

How did she know it, and why was he rocked back on his heels? It wasn’t because they, in the moment, reevaluated a data set and, in light of a single piece of evidence, came to a rational decision to change their beliefs. They were following another way of knowing, one that is quite different from the evidentiary reasoning and hypothesis testing of the Scientific Method. In that moment, they knew something. That kind of knowing is inherently subjective, impossible to translate into objective evidence, because it depends on the totality of the circumstances surrounding it.

Revealingly, Shermer says the experience has shaken his skepticism to the core. But as one of the commenters observed, skepticism isn’t a belief system, it is a process of, as skeptic.com puts it, “employing or calling for statements of fact to prove or disprove claims.” Is it, though? Critics of self-described skeptics point out that what they accept as evidence encodes their own hidden biases as well as their faith in the integrity of the institutions of knowledge production, and that they unwittingly practice the same credulity and closed-mindedness of which they accuse their targets. But these criticisms do not reach to the heart of skepticism: they say, merely, that skeptics practice it imperfectly. When Shermer says his skepticism has been shaken to the core, perhaps he doesn’t mean that his doubts about the usual targets of self-described skeptics – supernatural and paranormal claims – have been shaken. Perhaps what was shaken is his faith in the primacy of a way of knowing: the one that underlies skepticism and the Scientific Method.

It wasn’t a testable hypothesis proven through replicable experiments that rocked Michael Shermer’s world. It was an experience, immediate, subjective, and unreproducible by any normal means.

Certainly, Michael Shermer would not discard scientific reasoning in light of his experience. Nor would I. The challenge is to hold different paths to knowledge alongside each other, to stand in paradox, until one day, perhaps, a hidden unity is revealed. Some of the commenters on line, admonishing the author via various mechanistic explanations, seemed not to understand that the significance of the experience had nothing to do with the absence of a physical mechanism to explain the radio turning on. It was the synchronicity of the event, the timing, the circumstances.

One might think it marvelous if any physical explanation (per accepted physics) could be eliminated, proving that consciousness after death, or perhaps telekinesis, exists after all. One might think it marvelous to expand the realm of known forces and the entities that can wield them. But for me, there is a possibility far more marvelous, beyond a mere extension of the existing catalog of physical phenomena. It is that the causal mechanism – whether a departed spirit or a heat-and-humidity-induced completion of a circuit – is merely the means through which a deeper truth becomes manifest: that the universe, and the events of our lives, possess intelligence, consciousness, purpose. We are not the sole repositories of these qualities, surveying an alien universe of force and mass. We are at home in the universe.

Note that I am not proclaiming here a divinity external to matter that is the source of this aforesaid intelligence, purpose, etc. The usual critique of Cartesian dualism would then apply: if spirit interacts with matter, it isn’t external to matter; it is, rather, an extension of physics that leaves its key metaphysical assumptions intact. I am saying, rather, that these qualities are inherent in the world. Shermer doesn’t say out loud that his experience causes him to doubt that the universe is an impersonal jumble of generic particles governed by mathematical laws, in which there is no meaning except what we project and no intelligence except what we impose, nor does his experience “prove” anything to the contrary; however, his account bears unto the reader a quality of awe, that comes primarily from the experience itself, and only secondarily, if at all, from any reconsideration of physics it might inspire. Properly, he relegates the implications for scientific inquiry to the last paragraph: “We need to keep an open mind,” is basically what he says.

That this spontaneous and numinous experience happened to one of the world’s most prominent debunkers of such experiences may, like the dot of yin in the fullness of yang, portend a fundamental transition. Perhaps it signals the unraveling of the epistemologic hegemony of science, not to be soon replaced with another knowledge system that merely extends its explanatory devices, but leading, rather, to a time of unknowing, a time of paradox and contradiction. As Shermer concludes, “We should not shut the doors of perception when they may be opened to us to marvel in the mysterious.”

from:    http://realitysandwich.com/223907/a-miracle-in-scientific-american/

Miracle? UFO? or Both?


By Jakob Marschner on May 25, 2013

For 2 minutes 39 seconds in the evening of May 24, locals and pilgrims saw a bright light hovering over Apparition Hill. Captured by professional photographers, the light moved, rose into the sky, then stopped and disappeared behind the hill. “We knew it was a miracle” they say.

strange light appeared moved moving hovering apparition hill podbrdo medjugorje may maggio 24 2013

The last in a sequence of 8 images released by Innovattivo whose photographers captured the moving light on May 24

Marketing professionals Mario Gerussi and Nadir Cukurija from the Bosnian company Innovattivo were in Medjugorje to take photos for one of their clients. But in the evening of May 24, their cameras caught something else.

“Suddenly, at the site of Our Lady’s apparitions, a bright light appeared which literally hovered over the place for a while. Then it began to move and to rise into the sky, then it stopped and disappeared behind Apparition Hill” Mario Gerussi tells the Bosnian blog site Kapetan.

mysterious moving light moved hovered moving hovering apparition hill podbrdo medjugorje may maggio 24 2013

Mario Gerussi

The phenomenon lasted for exactly 159 seconds from 9.18.51 until 9.21.30 pm, little more than half an hour before visionary Ivan Dragicevic had a public apparition at the foot of the hill, by The Blue Cross.

“We were on the roof with mounted cameras aimed at the hotel where we were shooting. The light appeared by itself, we knew it was a miraculous phenomenon we captured. It lasted only two minutes and I can quite honestly claim that the photographic equipment was in perfect condition and that we have done nothing to stage this spectacular event” Gerussi says.

mysterious moving hovering hovered moved light apparition hill podbrdo medjugorje may maggio 24 2013

An earlier photo from the sequence, with the light below the horizon. Photo: Innovattivo

His partner Nadir Cukurija notes that the moving light was seen by many people.

“We are particularly happy that we were not alone to see the mysterious light. It was noticed by many citizens of Medjugorje who silently and respectfully observed the movement of the light” he tells Kapetan.

“We have high resolution photos that we will gladly submit to any kind of analysis. What you need is to contact Innovattivo. Our team will be happy if the experts can determine the origin of the mysterious light in order to reach a scientifically based conclusion” Nadir Cukurija says.

from:    http://www.medjugorjetoday.tv/9382/strange-light-moved-over-apparition-hill/

Mary Apparition at Shrine in Wisconsin Drawing Crowds

Church Wrestles With Growth of Wisconsin Shrine to Mary

Wisconsin Mary Shrine

First Posted: 10/22/11 11:43 AM ET Updated: 10/22/11 12:21 PM ET

By Judy Keen
USA Today

CHAMPION, Wis. (RNS) Philip and Barbara Hesselbein came to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help to pray for a grandson who has an inoperable brain tumor.

Darlene Searcy prayed for her family and for herself; she has cancer.

Mary Spakowicz, who also has cancer, came “because God will hear me here.”

The afflicted and the faithful have long made pilgrimages to the quiet country site where Belgian immigrant Adele Brise said in 1859 that she saw the Virgin Mary three times. For the past few years, maybe 30 or 50 people had trickled in daily to visit the chapel, Brise’s grave and the candlelit crypt that marks the site of the apparition.

That changed in December, when Bishop David Ricken of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Green Bay certified after investigations by three theologians that Brise had indeed seen a beautiful lady in white who said she was the “queen of heaven.”

That made the shrine, which is a mile from the unincorporated town of Champion, the only official site in the United States where Mary is said to have appeared.

Now there’s a steady flow of traffic into the recently enlarged gravel parking lot. Cars, vans and buses bring 500 people — and often many more — here daily. License plates from Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois and Indiana were spotted one recent weekday.

A new building houses much-needed restrooms.

A former boarding school on the site is being refurbished to house two priests recently assigned full time to the shrine.

“I knew that there would be some increase in interest” after he certified Brise’s vision, Ricken says. “I wasn’t sure how wide it would be, how broad it would be.”

Our Lady of Good Help attracts far fewer visitors than international Marian shrines such as France’s Lourdes, which draws 5 million a year, or Mexico’s Our Lady of Guadalupe, which has double that.

Still, Ricken expects the number of visitors to continue to rise and says the diocese is trying to figure out how to accommodate them without losing “the simplicity of that beautiful shrine and the peace of the place.”

The farming area around the shrine is changing already.

“If the rumors are right, it’s going to look like downtown Chicago pretty soon,” says Louie Gomand, who owns a farm adjacent to the shrine.

A farm stand on his property sells vegetables and water to visitors. A sunflower costs 50 cents and a gourd 35 cents. A handwritten sign reads “bus specials.” There’s a lot more traffic, he says, but he has no complaints.

Neither does Kelli Vissers, 34. She and her husband, David, 38, own two buildings in Champion. “Since the shrine happened” in December, “the traffic has quadrupled through here,” she says.

They have converted a small trailer into the mobile On the Way Cafe. Kelli Vissers said she hopes to cater meals for tourists and turn one of the buildings into a bed-and-breakfast and the other into a full-scale cafe.

to read more, go to:    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/22/wisconsin-mary-shrine_n_1025986.html