Travelers’ Message July 15, 2024

Know that we are seeing much in the way of cosmic turmoil on all levels.  There will be some surprises in your politics, and there will be upheavals —- things unexpected.  No one will be able to predict the outcome because in these cases, the strings are being pulled by others that those who think they are in control.  This is very much a wait and see time because the upheavals on your planet are merely indicative of upheavals on the larger cosmic level. 

There have been many disturbances cosmologically that are raining down throughout the galaxies.  Yes, this is not just limited to your planet, but to a larger system and systemic world.  It is as those all the gears on the clocks throughout the universe are being programmed to a new frequency, a new mode of ticking away . And there will be much made of things happening that cannot be understood and much made of trivial explanations by the media who are trying to use what they do not understand to keep the narrative that they have (had) shaped (for them) going.  Unfortunately, those who are their narrative creators are in a state of flux for they no longer understand what is going on.

What does this mean for you there on this planet?  It means the coming forth of many conflicting narratives.  Moreover the stories will change almost on a daily basis.  There will be upheavals in those cities who have taken in the foreigners.  Know that that was a very bad policy for it had the makings of revolution.  Be grateful that it has only gone so far.  The plan was to bring in more and more until the revolution was inevitable and the outcome was set.  Now their proposed outcome cannot be predicted for the time is too early.  This will end up with many of those self proclaimed leaders falling down and coming apart.  They will be spinning tales that are baseless, and the fact that these things are baseless will be coming forth more and more until they will find themselves dealing with a kind of incongruity that even they can no longer believe.

They are only secure in their power as long as those around them kowtow, and they are only secure so long as their dictums are put forth by the media.  Ah, the media, it is dying a painful death and revolution is in the air —- on every level.  Revolution in itself does not have to be bloody, but revolution in itself must bring about change.  There are up front revolutions and revolutions behind the surface, and these are the revolutions that have been fomenting for quite some time now.

There comes a time when things are too much, when the plate is tipped too far, and people realize that in order to keep things (even), it is necessary to change position and no longer allow themselves to be blinded by the lies of those in power. 

These days are pivotal and there is much in the air.  You will see changes happening, not because they have been designed, but because they have to.  They have to because the force and energy of the cosmos is shifting, and with those shifts, old ways fall apart.