The Benefits of Quiet Sitting

20 Ways Sitting in Silence Can Transform Your Life

by Elle

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by Samuel McCree

Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu

For over two years I spent one out of every four weeks in silence. At the time I was living at a Zen Monastery and every month we would have a week-long silent retreat.

During this retreat we sat meditation in silence, ate in silence, worked in silence, and only communicated through hand gestures and written notes.

At first living like this was hard, but over time I learned to grow to appreciate silence. By the time I left I learned that silence was my friend and teacher.

What did silence teach me?

1. Satisfaction

I used to think I needed to watch TV every night. But at monastery I went without and discovered I didn’t need it.

Silence taught me to be happy with less. Pick something that’s weighing you down and let it go. Your life will thank you.

2. Expression

When you can only talk by writing a note, you only say what’s important. Before the monastery I talked a lot but said little.

Silence taught me that a few simple words well spoken have more power than hours of chatter. Think of one simple thing you can say that would help someone feel better and say it.

3. Appreciation

Being able to speak makes life easy, but when I couldn’t talk I learned how much I relied on others.

Silence taught me to appreciate the value of relating to others. The next time you see your friends or family, try to really listen. Deep listening expresses deep appreciation.

4. Attention

Several times at my first retreat I thought my phone was vibrating. But then I would remember I didn’t have my phone. It showed me how my phone divided my attention.

Silence taught me how important it is to let go of distractions. The next time you are with someone you care about, try turning off your phone and putting it away. It will make paying attention easier.

5. Thoughts

I once sat a retreat next door to a construction project. What amazed me was how easily my thoughts drowned out the noise. I realized if my thoughts were this loud, I’d better make them as wise as possible.

Silence taught me the importance of shaping my thinking. Take time each day to notice your thoughts and let go of thoughts that don’t serve you.

6. Nature

Because I sat retreat in every season, I know that the sound of wind in fall is different than it is in winter.

Silence taught me to notice nature. Take a short walk outside in silence and you’ll discover the wisdom and peace that nature has to offer.

7. Body

During retreat I noticed that whenever I got lost in thought, I lost track of my body. And when I focused on my body, my thoughts would calm down.

Silence taught me to be in my body. Close your eyes and ask, “What sensations do I feel in my hand?” Learning to feel your body can calm your troubled mind.

8. Overstimulation

Whenever I went into town after retreat, the world seemed so loud and fast. I came to realize how much our senses have to process most of the time.

Silence taught me the importance of reducing the stimulation. Enjoy some quiet time everyday. The less you see and hear, the more settled your mind can become.

9. Sound

People would come to the monastery and remark how quiet it was. But living at the monastery I knew all the noises, from frogs, to owls, to the sound of sandals on the sidewalk.

Silence taught me that the world is a rich texture of sounds. Sit in front of your house and close your eyes. You’ll be amazed at what you hear if you listen long enough.

10. Humanity

During retreat I was surrounded by imperfect people who were doing their best. Some were happy, some were sad, but all were wonderfully human.

Silence taught me that people display great beauty. Find a good spot to people watch with an open heart. What you see may inspire you.

11. Space

For a long time anytime something difficult came up, I would just distract myself. But retreat taught me that if I avoided something it would never go away.

Silence taught me that space helps me face hard times. The next time you face something difficult, pause and honor whatever’s arising.

12. Love

I used to think love was this big thing. But in retreat I found that I felt love for so many things.

Silence taught me that love can be simple. Think of someone you haven’t said I love you to recently and tell them.

13. Courage

I used to think courage was about facing danger, but during retreat I realized that real courage is about facing yourself.

Silence taught me the courage it takes to be still. When we stop moving everything we’re running from catches up. The next time you are afraid, stop and wait for it to pass. There is immense courage inside your heart.

14. Perseverance

Every retreat reminded me that speaking is easy, but staying quiet is hard.

Silence isn’t flashy, but it has an immense power to endure. The next time someone doubts you, instead of disagreeing, silently vow not to give up. Action is speaks volumes.

15. Faith

I often ask for reassurance or feedback. But living is silence meant I had to trust my instincts.

Silence taught me to have faith in myself. The next time you begin to feel anxious, sit in silence and see if you can find the space of deep faith that lives in your heart.

16. Honesty

I used to lie so I wouldn’t have to explain myself. But when I couldn’t talk I began to notice this impulse and how much it degraded my integrity.

Silence taught me the importance of telling the truth. Notice times where you tell little lies and try telling the truth instead. It isn’t always easy but it’s the first step to trusting ourselves and others. 

17. Gratitude 

During retreat I didn’t have a lot of comforts. It helped me see how much I took for granted and how much I had to be grateful for.

At the end of every day sit in silence and ask yourself what am I grateful for. You’ll be amazed at the blessings you discover.

18. Simplicity

I used to love drama and conflict. But at retreat I found I was happier when I kept it simple.

Silence taught me that simplicity and joy are close companions. Pick one space in your home you could simplify. Keep it simple for one month and enjoy the ease it offers your life.

19. Connection

I used to think I had to talk in order to feel connected. I realized during retreat that I can feel connected just by being near people I care about.

Silence taught me that words can get in the way. Do something in silence with someone you love. It will be awkward at first but eventually you will see what it means just to be in someone presence.

20. Truth

I studied philosophy in college and I thought I could read about truth. But retreat taught me that truth is found in silence.

Silence has taught me a deeper truth than words ever could. Sit in silence once a week and feel the truth in your heart. It’s there whether you can express it in words or not.


Happy Kids & Spirituality

Study Suggests That Spirituality Is Key To Kids’ Happiness

A professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan, and his colleagues Ben Coleman and Judi Wallace have conducted a study which suggests that spirituality is key to children’s happiness.(1) Over the past few years, scientists have been able to measure the affect of positive emotions and feelings of joy within our biology, so it is key to find out what best produces these feelings within us.

Just to be clear, they define spirituality as internal characteristics, an inner belief system that a person relies on for strength and comfort. Understanding happiness has been subjected to large amounts of research for a number of years. This particular one suggests that the processes that influence happiness are not guided by external factors, but internal characteristics and qualities.

320 children aged 8-12 were assessed to examine the relationship between spirituality and happiness, from both public and private schools. You can read the full abstract and study for methods used here. The study concluded that children’s spirituality,  not their religious practices (e.g., attending church, praying, and meditating), was strongly linked to their happiness. The results parallel studies of adult happiness and suggest strategies to enhance happiness in children.

The authors found that the children who said they were more spiritual were happier. In particular, the personal (i.e. meaning and value in one’s own life) and communal (i.e. quality and depth of inter-personal relationships) aspects of spirituality were strong predictors of children’s happiness. Spirituality explained up to 27 percent of the differences in happiness levels among children.

Researchers have identified many ways in which spirituality enhances and promotes subjective well-being. One of these ways of enhancing well-being is to increase personal meaning in one’s life. Spirituality may produce a sense of meaning that is worth living or dying for.

“If spirituality enhances happiness by increasing personal meaning, this may suggest strategies to enhance happiness. For example, strategies aimed at enhancing personal meaning in children’s lives may promote happiness. Future studies could have children engage in activities that might promote personal meaning. For example, children might volunteer to help others or record their contributions to the community in a journal. Then changes in happiness and personal meaning before and after these activities could be compared. If personal meaning is critical to happiness, one might see that these activities particularly enhances happiness for those children who showed increases in personal meaning” (1)

Again, spirituality is not just another ‘thing’ to latch on to, in the context of this article it refers to an inner belief system that a person relies on for strength and comfort.

If we look at the planet today, from the day we are born we are bombarded with marketing, advertising, television and more; our wants and desires are literally programmed into us. We constantly seek external factors for self satisfaction and happiness (i.e., money), but after we acquire these external characteristics we instantly move on to something else outside of us in order to feel happy or fulfilled. This is a result of the mass conditioning we are exposed to throughout our lives.

Have you ever wondered why a majority of people on the planet want and desire the same thing? They want money, cars, clothes and a big house. What happens when nobody wants these things anymore? What happens when nobody truly has a desire to acquire materialistic gains? What happens to an individual when they come to the understanding that nothing external can bring us joy? It’s a process of great transformation, awakening and realization. It’s a path towards true fulfillment. It forces one to look within themselves for a feeling they could once only receive temporarily, from ‘things’ outside of themselves. It also forces one to create a new experience, one that can provide a better experience, one that resonates more with our internal being.

As we grow up, we pay no attention to our inner voice, neglecting it and pushing it to the side. We seem to always be following instructions. This internal voice is the key to joy, it’s your intuition, your belief systems, your heart. Many of us haven’t even had the time to develop or listen to it, many of us don’t even know how because we are told what to believe, how to live our lives and what makes us happy. We are not given the opportunity to examine and explore these things on our own, through our own inner guidance.

Constantly looking for happiness and fulfillment outside of ourselves, or having a certain external criteria for achieving a state of happiness keeps us in a cycle of depression, and sadness because these things can never provide us with real feelings of fulfillment and joy. We are always feeling that something is lacking, and that we need to acquire something to make it better.  Sure, they may provide something temporary, but in order to vibe in the energetic frequency of joy more often you will have to find it within yourself, something many of us continue to do, and something that is not easy.

I do not believe that one needs to be,  or even can be in a constant  joyful state. There is also a neutral state of peace which can be perceived as a state of sadness by some. This is  our natural state, an observer state.

Because we’ve been programmed and conditioned to seek fulfillment outside of ourselves for most of our lives, this process is extremely difficult and hard. A while ago now, I realized that nothing external on the planet could really make me ‘happy,’ that I would have to find joy in just being, existing, and having the opportunity to experience this life on this planet at this time. When nothing truly outside of yourself can provide you with joy, you will be hurled towards self discovery, but only when truly nothing outside of yourself does the trick anymore. It can be a dark place at first, but if you find yourself going through this process remember that nothing is wrong with you, and you are on the correct path. It’s perfectly normal to not be able to find joy from anything in the external world, it doesn’t mean you are depressed or not ‘normal.’ Pretty soon you will learn to find joy from the simple gift of being able to experience life. It just means that you have outgrown this experience, and you seek something new, something different, and something that fulfills your soul as apposed to your mind.

I don’t want to make it seem like completely nothing outside of myself provides me with joy. There is love, relationships with other individuals, friends, beautiful planet Earth, sports and more. But these are all feelings that come from within, and cannot be produced by materialistic gains. These are empirical experiences producing these feelings, the joy that comes from the simplicity of EXPERIENCING life, rather than acquiring. These are indeed spiritual experiences.

Next time you are feeling down ask yourself, is this feeling coming from a place where you feel you are lacking something? Because the truth is, all you need is within you, and it has been there all along.


Tasks for Moving Forward

A Spiritual To Do List While You’re Still Here

Updated November 1, 2014 by in5d Alternative News

by Moac Mikaela
guest writer for

Another portal has opened and another eclipse has passed. Some of us have moved on, some of us are still here. What happened during the eclipse was, of course and again, very much in our hearts with manifestation just beginning for some of us. We put a lot of expectations on our five senses. This is the moment when our 6th and beyond senses can be expected. Can you feel the love yet?

The Numbers

This eclipse of transformation occurred on 10/23/2014
1+0+2+3+2+0+1+4= 13

The Number 4 by Joanne Walmsley

Positively, 4 is the ‘stabilizer’ and can undertake difficult or unpleasant tasks, faithful friend, capacity for focused will and self-sacrifice, aware and accepting. Negatively, 4 relates to a lack of convention and conviction, the inability to adapt, clumsiness, laziness and dullness. 4 is the number of fate, so it must be remembered that there will be many things that happen over which you have no control. Hard work is the experience of the 4 vibration, as ideas are manifested into practical reality. 4 maintains order, system and routine to make their dreams a reality. This vibration is to do with energy, harmony and co-operation and it is the ‘door to illumination’ or ‘initiation’.

These are the very attributes that embody the solar eclipse we just came through. So it was appropriate that the eclipse be on this day of the Gregorian calendar.

Another portal has opened and another eclipse has passed. Some of us have moved on, some of us are still here. What happened during the eclipse was, of course and again, very much in our hearts with manifestation just beginning for some of us. We put a lot of expectations on our five senses. This is the moment when our 6th and beyond senses can be expected. Can you feel the love yet?

We are still here. Why?

So you’ve raised your vibration, meditated and prayed. You’ve done everything in your power to hold your light high and bright. You’ve even had a few spiritual encounters that filled you with joy and yearning for that familiar feeling of “home.” You’ve stayed positive, transmuted dark energy, invoked the violet flame, spoken your truth without judgment, respected the paths and personal free will of everyone you’ve encountered. You’ve done it all and you still haven’t been taken up on a ship, haven’t ascended to another planet, haven’t SEEN a disclosure with your eyes. Your guides are telling you to wait for that moment that is “not so far from your shores”. You’ve done the spiritual work and you even feel and live differently. But you are still here with one question that often rings: “Why, after all this work put in, are we still here with war energy surrounding us?

It can be one of three things:

1. You still have karma to transmute

You may still have some clearing to do. With this ascension process it is sometimes challenging to know when you have reached a point where you are no longer driven by your ego. We sometimes gain a piece of enlightening information and feel the need to run and try to warn the world. Or sometimes, we want to say things like, “ I don’t have an ego” and “Well, my vibration is higher than yours” or “No, you are wrong because…”  If you find yourself saying things like this, you may still have some clearing and soul integration to do.

This doesn’t mean you need to catch up with anyone or that you are behind in some kind of race. To understand Oneness, you understand that ultimately, we are all on the same level. We all have fragmented pieces that need to be put back together before we are ready for the blast that full consciousness will provide.

There is a point in the awakening experience when you realize that everyone is on their own path and you don’t necessarily have to save them from themselves, government, religion, subservience etc.  It is important to use discernment for situations like these. Accessing your guides, or even the Universal mind is the easiest way for you to find out when you should relay information to others. Your guides are available to let you know when to shine some light on another soul. Gaining access to the Universal mind is just one way to view your Akashic records.

If you need to know how to get in touch with this innate part of yourself, there are many articles here on In5D that have helped many and can help you, too.  As mentioned in many previous articles on In5D, it is of the utmost importance to keep your light high and brightly shining. Now, it is very important to be listening to everything and everyone around you because you will be receiving information about what next step to take in your life by way of signs, symbols, and synchronicities tailored to your experience. So, if this is where you are, don’t fret. The clearing process is an intricate one but just know that you will rise to the proper vibration according to your soul’s plan in perfect timing.

2. You are not ascending in this lifetime

Those who are not ascending in this lifetime are not damned. This category most likely includes people who aren’t reading articles such as these. But maybe you are wondering why your brother or sister or mother or father are no longer matching your particular vibration; why new things may be resonating with you but not with a family member or friend. They are either not at that point in their awakening yet or they are simply not ascending to higher vibrations in this particular paradigm. If you encounter a loved one who is not accepting of the information that you want to give them, let them be; especially if they have an adverse reaction to what you are saying. Leave them knowing that one day they will understand what you mean, and keep them in your heart.

3. You are part of the ground crew to be way showers for the newly awakened after the grand event

Those of you who fall into this category, congratulations on the integration of your energies! We are the ones who will be guiding the rest of humanity into the new age upon Terra after the grand event and whatever remaining cleansing she must go through in order to fully integrate her new form. On a soul level, we all figured that we would be able to handle being in this dense paradigm with our vibrations so high. Do not feel bad if it seems too much to handle.

By now, you may have be conversing with your guides on a daily basis. They are available to help ease the pains and tensions of the vast amounts of cleansing and renewing energies coming through the atmosphere. These energies may leave you feeling tired, drained, sometimes hopeless, depressed and alone. Know that of course you are never alone. There is a now moment where the likes of this category come together on a grand scale in order to fully integrate the energies. This work is being done, as we speak, in our hearts, while we sleep and sometimes during daydreaming and meditation. Beyond that, there will be a time where we will be able to all come together on a physical level to shine as One for a certain occasion. Please use discernment and stay in touch with your Higher Self in order to know what your next step is. This is especially true if you feel like you’ve been at a stand still waiting for something to come into your awareness so you can finally move forward out of the rut that you have been in. Keep shining. I know you keep hearing this but seriously, keep shining. In the face of low vibration send love. Maybe you can’t see anything happening but again, use discernment and ask your guides to reassure you of the spiritual progress you are making in your personal life, in the life of humanity, and within and upon the face of Terra.

This work is being done, as we speak, in our hearts, while we sleep and sometimes during daydreaming and meditation. Beyond that, there will be a time where we will be able to all come together on a physical level to shine as One for a certain occasion. Please use discernment and stay in touch with your Higher Self in order to know what your next step is. This is especially true if you feel like you’ve been at a stand still waiting for something to come into your awareness so you can finally move forward out of the rut that you have been in. Keep shining. I know you keep hearing this but seriously, keep shining. In the face of low vibration send love. Maybe you can’t see anything happening but again, use discernment and ask your guides to reassure you of the spiritual progress you are making in your personal life, in the life of humanity, and within and upon the face of Terra.

Where our Spiritual Masters have left us

Some Spiritual Masters are beginning to make their exit. Dolores Cannon, Masaru Emoto, Steve Nelson are a few who have recently passed. The passing of these people leave a door open for more humans to speak out about what resonates with them. Where it took the Masters decades to reach their level, with the influx of energies upon the planet at present, we are now able to gain higher levels at a quicker rate than ever before. This is because the old cycle has ended which, joined together with the paradigm of time slipping away quickly and surely, means things are happening and appearing in a multi-dimensional manner which we can not fully comprehend right now until the moment we become fully conscious of our full and true potential. This is the now moment to take what these Masters have taught us and expand the scope of our knowledge and understanding. These who have passed on are comparable to Jesus. They came, lived and learned, did their work with humble reverence and ascended through the process of death. This is to show that yes we all can be like Jesus. He is neither above nor below us.  This is something he was trying to show the world by his life experience on this planet. He is in essence as always, our brother.

A new paradigm has appeared

This awareness is here to offer another beginning to integrating these new energies that have recently washed upon our 4D planet during last week’s eclipse. It may seem as if there is a time limit to get everything done spiritually but there is not. Something that should be understood about the Creator is that it does not operate solely on a time schedule and it does not judge itself even when it is appearing to judge itself and others while in human form. The Creator, the Universe, our Source would not let any part of itself blow up, disintegrate into the vacuum of space, or be left behind. Is this not true for you as well? Would you leave your child in a burning building just because he has misbehaved a few times? Having to clear karma is not a punishment therefore reincarnating is not a punishment. It is just another cycle of clearing for whatever level that soul happens to vibrate with.

Suggestive To Do List

Live Unlimited

To view the Creator as only wrathful, or as holier than thou, as one who doesn’t condone sexual freedom, as one who only wants you to do things one religious way is to view it from a limited scope of perception. You are not limited to what you have learned here in this particular paradigm. Most of what you have learned in school unfortunately has been created by beings that were simply part of the Divine Grand Plan. These beings are known as archons, malevolent Anunnakis, reptilians, greys, members of the Illuminati, among a whole host of other names.

Yes. These groups have performed acts that have appeared less than loving in the eyes of the awakened and awakening, although many of us on this planet have in some way or another  been hurt by these forces. In this now moment it should be known that these are not our enemies at all. If those bad things hadn’t happened in your life, you may not have been woken up to realize your true self. These things will be confirmed at the moment full consciousness is finally established. ALL THINGS COME TO THE LIGHT EVENTUALLY. Even souls that live lives of darkness come to the light because they originally came from the light. Those beings that have been malevolent are moving forward in their own evolution. They and their minions will be energetically transported to another planet comparable to Earth to finish out their karmic cycle. Terra now continues to shake off the remnants of that old cycle. Use discernment. All can be confirmed with the one you believe in; the one that is guiding you. You all have the ability to tap into the Akashic records because they are very much in your DNA. When you live unlimited, you may find life a little easier to bear and more full of surprises than you’ve ever seen.

PLAY with your gifts

The recent energies that entered our atmosphere have activated deep within our DNA many inherent spiritual gifts that we all have. Things such as mental telepathy, discernment, teleportation, aura reading, omniscience, omnipresence, interdimensional travel, time traveling, and transmutation among others, are available now to play with and enhance within our beings. It is very important to play (sounds a little silly huh?). The more we play the easier the energies flow in our favor and the more we have a good time and don’t focus on the heaviness of still being here. This is a time for inner and outer listening. Our attention is needed at this time because a lot of things we’ve been intending are beginning to manifest before our eyes. Also we are being given answers by the quiet still voice (which we all have) that is pointing us in the direction of what we have been asking for in our lives.

Know that all is Light

In this new paradigm, good and bad is not defined. This is not to say we can do what we want without consequences. We can do what we want as long as it does not interfere with Universal Law. That being said, there is no difference between good and bad because what is perceived as bad is that which shakes us up and in turn pushes us toward the Light. Everything comes from the Light and to the Light everything always returns.

Talk to strangers!

We are taught as children to not talk to strangers. If we shouldn’t talk to strangers, how can we make friends? Of course again discernment is always necessary when choosing who and who not to talk to. At this moment a lot of people are needing healing through physical contact; whether that be with words, a hug, a smile, or a note that says “Everything is perfectly well”. When you see someone in need of Light and Love, even if you do it in your heart, give them the Light and Love you would want someone to give you if you were feeling down. And technically, no one is a stranger because we are part of a Universal Oneness that can never be truly disconnected.

Question everything

As Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling have said in previous articles, QUESTION EVERYTHING. Some readers may wonder why these Teachers sometimes focus on reptilians and black magic. They are shining Light on an aspect of our evolution (darkness) that many are too scared to touch on. Something admirable about the Teachers is that they question everything and consider all angles of creation. That being said, question everything! Question your religion that you were raised under. Question this article! Question what  you see on the news and what your friends tell you. Question science, question government, question your professors, question questions! We no longer have to fear what we don’t understand. Instead try something new and question what you don’t understand.

Accept and respect

This is the now moment for integration of our beliefs. No one belief is fully correct nor fully incorrect. Therefore, it is wise to accept and integrate any beliefs/religions that come across your path. For example, if you identify with Christianity, and a Muslim or Buddhist comes to you in a peaceful manner speaking about their beliefs, even if you don’t agree, it is best to just listen and take the meat and throw away the bones however it resonates with you. Often, if you give someone that respect, you will most likely be given the same respect if you choose to speak to them about your beliefs.

This solar eclipse caused a great surge of energy to enter the atmosphere. It caused the deepest, oldest, most buried issues to make their way to the surface for more healing. Though it may not seem like it, this is just the beginning of the fabulous life you’ve been attracting to you. Keep your Light high and bright. Meditate (there are so many ways to do this), speak your truth,  Love as you would like to be Loved and Celebrate! This is a learning and growing experience for you and Source because you ARE Source. This means you are multi-dimensional and Lovingly unlimited. And so it is because we are One. Namaste 😉


More on the Pineal Gland

Raising Your Vibration – How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland

How To Crack Open Your Pineal Gland - Raising Your Vibration8th September 2014

By Joshua Eagle

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In order for us to tap into our deepest states of intuition, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment, it is necessary to unlock and activate our brain’s Pineal Gland. Commonly referred to by ancient cultures and mystics as “the third eye,” our pineal gland sits in the center of our brain between our right and left hemispheres and is responsible for producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.

Yet, the pineal gland wasn’t bestowed the name “third eye” for just any random reason. Rather, when dissected from the brain, it is found that the pineal gland actually contains photoreceptors just like our own two seeing eyes and is activated by light transmitted through our two eyes. This sunlight transmitted through our eyes stimulates the pineal gland’s production of serotonin and further works to strengthen the gland’s ability to break free of specific harmful chemicals that can encrust it. As well, the pineal gland is also stimulated by darkness, in which the gland responds by producing melatonin to help induce us into sleep.

Sun -> Serotonin

Moon -> Melatonin

Decalcify and Detoxify Your Pineal Gland

As a result of our natural biological make up, the pineal gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier and therefore does not have an extra line of defense against harmful toxins that enter the bloodstream. Specific toxins, such as synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium, are specifically shown to have an affinity for the pineal gland, weakening its abilities to produce our neurotransmitters and receive photons of light from the sun, moon and stars.

However, it is important to distinguish the difference between synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium versus organic fluoride and organic calcium. If received from plant sources, such as vegetables and other organic foods, calcium and fluoride are healthy essential minerals. Yet, when fluoride and calcium are synthetically manufactured through industrial processing and added to tap water, vitamin supplements, toothpastes, fortified cereals and various other products, these synthetic minerals are shown to have detrimental affects to the pineal gland as well as numerous other organs of the body.

Before beginning to activate one’s pineal gland, it is to necessary to remove the toxic chemicals that prevent it from working, such as synthetic fluoride, synthetic calcium, pharmaceutical medications and other toxins mentioned above. If you are drinking tap water, then look to replace this with purer and safer options, such as natural spring water, well water, reverse osmosis water, or carbon-filtered water. From there, one can work to remove any vitamin supplements, mineral fortified foods and toothpastes containing added fluoride or calcium. Last but not least, one can take five minutes out of their day to install a carbon shower filter which works to remove chlorine, fluoride, used toilet paper particles and other impurities from tap water that can enter our bodies through the skin, pores and lungs when we shower.

How to Activate Your Pineal Gland

After one has begun removing the impurities that prevent the pineal gland from being activated, they can start implementing practices that work to stimulate and grow their pineal gland’s functioning and abilities. A great practice that one can do throughout their life is that of meditating. The act of meditating works to stimulate the chakra system of our brain and body that’s responsible for conducting and generating life-force energy. Meditating specifically guides bioelectric and zero-point energy to the pineal gland allowing for greater states of clarity and intuition to come into our conscious life.

After meditation, a more advanced exercise modality which works to activate the pineal gland as well as all of the body’s chakra points is that of Kundalini Yoga. The Kundalini which rests coiled in the lowest chakra of our spine is a transducer of energy which rises farther up the spine through the practice until finally reaching the pineal gland/third eye chakra. Upon activating the Kundalini and growing its pathway to the pineal gland, one is able to merge the photon celestial energy of the sun and cosmos with that of the physical body which roots to the Earth. Being that the bones of our skeletal system are technically piezoelectric crystals at the core, the Kundalini energy rises and flows through the crystal bones of the spine, activating the 33 vertebrae points one by one until reaching the crown and pineal gland energy points at the top levels of the upper spine.

Nutrition for Your Pineal Gland

In the food category, numerous options are available for accelerating and detoxifying our brain’s pineal gland. As a foundation, one should look to comprise the percentage of foods in their diet to a highest degree of organic plants and animals as possible. Eating organic adds a buffer to protect oneself from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s and other harmful chemical laden substances that can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Foods that specifically support and activate the pineal gland are tumeric (tea and raw), cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, wild harvested spring water, reishi mushroom tea, grass juices, beets, apple cider vinegar and others. Supplements one can use to help detoxify and activate the pineal gland are zeolite tinctures, bentonite clay, organic MSM powder and ormus gold. Begin activating your pineal gland today and tap into levels of your higher self that lay dormant, calling to be awakened.


Importance of Affirmations

The power of I AM in healing, forgiving and moving through difficult situations

(NaturalNews) Humans are a gifted, blessed species with a level of spiritual free will that often goes unused in modern day society. It’s easy to feel doubt, to feel less than capable, letting time pass us by.

But humans have more power than they are led to believe. The great I AM pulsates through everything with confident divinity. Every passing moment, a person’s reality is created by a magical and synergistic blend of beliefs, intentions, thoughts and actions. Negative experiences from the past can skew one’s future reality by distorting their beliefs. The beliefs humans carry around initiate the trajectory for what may or may not come into their future reality. To let go of the old and embrace the new requires one to let go of past experiences, adopting a new mindset of hope.

As world-class rock band Rush puts it, “The future disappears into memory, with only a moment between. Forever dwells in that moment; hope is what remains to be seen.”

Subconscious affirmations guide our world view and what we attract

Each person’s subconscious mind holds a culmination of affirmations that play quietly, over and over inside their head. These thoughts make the person feel a certain way, influencing how they see the world around them. These affirmations may be negative or positive and may stay with a person, as long as they let these deep embedded thoughts remain a part of them. These affirmations are often derived from past experiences, or they may be stored because the person holds tight to the opinions of other people.

What we do to others, we do to ourselves

Every action that we engage in, every word that we breathe, every intention that we conjure, is sent out into time and space in our waking universe. What we do to others, what we do to the planet, is what we ultimately do to ourselves. This is how the human race is connected. When one gossips about others, they are only bringing more gossip upon themselves, into their reality, perpetuating a cycle of negative emotions. When one hurts another, the victim can choose to forgive, effectively ending the cycle of pain. This is why it’s important for humans to be mindful for what they ask into their lives, treating each one of their own thoughts and actions with caution and reverence. The golden rule applies: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The power of I AM and I CAN in healing, forgiveness, and accomplishment

Two of the most powerful affirmations in the universe are the phrases “I AM,” and “I CAN.” These simple phrases can be turned into guiding principles that strengthen a person’s ability to heal, to mend relationships, to forgive, to move through difficult times.

A person defines who they are by consciously declaring the I AM’s in their life. With concentrated, precision-thought and mindful meditation, positive I AM’s can transform a person’s life, by opening up new doors, opportunities and relationships. Reality can change for anyone willing to move boldly in faith.

I CAN is a similar powerful set of guiding beliefs. What is the human race capable of if they embrace the power of I AM and I CAN positively? How do humans limit their own ability to learn and grow by holding onto negative affirmations and bitter accord?

As Rush so eloquently puts it, “The treasure of a life, is the measure of love and respect — the way you live, the gifts that you give.”

What are you telling yourself each day? I AM? I CAN?

How do you treat others?

What are you telling the universe to bring into your existence?

TEmporal Lobe Epilepsy & Religious Experience

Image credit: Andrew Mason

The temporal lobe gateway

Posted on Friday, 4 July, 2014 |
Columnist: Dan Green

The argument that temporal lobe epilepsy is the cause of hallucinations mistakenly viewed as paranormal, is not a new one having being announced and concluded a great many times over the last decade, closing the book on ghostly apparitions, UFO’s and their abductees, Near-Death and Out-of- body experiences dismissed as quirks in neurology producing mere fantasy. Those who have had any of the above experiences, in turn, prefer to look the other way on hard evidence produced by neurology and make an unnecessary enemy of science, leaving us with two factions equally dismissive of their opponent and awarding sole validity to their own point of view, and this is where all previous confrontations have ended. In this Blog I hope to show that there is room for both opinions to be correct.

What we refer to as hallucinations are quite spontaneous, happening autonomously and suiting themselves as to when they appear, where, and for however long or short. Although some can be brought on through deliberate techniques as in the case of the various holy men living out their experiences in darkened caves and solitude, others are encountered in situations involving sleep deprivation lasting into days, mental exhaustion that is coupled with emotional or physical stress, or simply weariness and monotony such as can be experienced by polar or desert expedition personnel, sailors at sea for weeks on end subjected to the monotony of only blue sky and sea, and high altitude pilots who have no option other than to encounter inescapable hours of empty skies.

Some meditational practices can bring about a vivid experience and shamanic practices such as drumming and dancing may slip you into a trance like state, and of course there is the more deliberate experimentation with drugs that we know will activate hallucinations. This we come to be expect, and barely raises an eyebrow, but it when we venture into the realms of otherworldly, ghostly and alien apparitions then controversy appears. Mention the religious visions attributed to great people in history from Paul on the road to Damascus, Moses, the prophet Mohammed and Jean of Arc, and almost in an instant we will hear the cry ‘temporal lobe epilepsy’. I first heard the term back in the cinema during the 1973 screening of William Blatty’s exceptionally scary movie ‘The Exorcist’ adapted from his paperback of the same name, Blatty himself personally interested in whether demoniac possession was a reality or could be explained by mental illness.

The suspected possessed young girl Regan was thought by the neurologists to have a lesion in her temporal lobe causing her to have seizures of which EEG scans showed no such problem. The temporal lobe is located roughly below the ears and at the back of the head and is one of four major lobes of the cerebral cortex. It retains visual memories and storage of new ones, comprehends language, processes sensory input, and deals with emotions.

Although we have been told much about the symptoms, there are few known causes of what causes epilepsy in this lobe other than brain injury, infection, stroke or a tumour on the brain, often the agency remains completely unknown. All this sounds, quite rightly, rather clinical and belonging exclusively the interest of medical practitioners and neurologists, but it equally now belongs to the hundreds of thousands of people across the globe who have had unexpected and unwished for close encounters with either or both visual and auditory hallucinations that have either changed or at least influenced their lives, only for our current understanding of science to casually dismiss and demystify the experiences as ‘unreal’ in any way, best perceived as either illusionary or delusionary brain glitch. And yet they happen.

One of the champions against the case of TLE being responsible for the capabilities of hallucinations being delusional only, is neuropsychiatrist and neurophysiologist Dr Peter Fenwick , without doubt an outstanding and foremost researcher into near death experiences – over 300 – and epilepsy, and President of two organisations, the Horizon Research Foundation supporting study into end of life experiences, and the British branch of the International Association of Near-death studies. I contacted Peter in about 1992 in the days of ‘snail mail’ when I thought it would be to his advantage to have his attention drawn to the then living American Robert Monroe of Virginia whose classic 1971 book ‘Journeys out of the body,’ based on his many own, credits him with popularisation of the term ‘out-of-body experiences’. Monroe, as an explorer of human consciousness, went on to achieve a world-wide recognition before his death in 1995 at the age of 79.

Fenwick, himself now aged 79, argues against the TLE explanation being forcibly attached to those who have had religious visions and that this ‘owes more to the enthusiasm of the authors than to the true scientific understanding’. Regarding studies made by those who conclude TLE is the simple answer, Fenwick states that the conclusion has always been made by researchers neither dealing with epilepsy on a daily basis nor having a full understanding of the features of seizure in epilepsy, adding that owing to all epilepsy being confusional, no seizure can present with both the clarity and narrative near death experience style.

The work of American ‘near-death’ researcher medical doctor Melvin Morse tells us that God is already present in our brain and that within this small organism we have a direct line to God, a device he places in the right temporal lobe allowing us to access the Akashic Records. USA author, editor and columnist in the fields of science and mathematics, Clifford Pickover of the Thomas J. Watson Research Centre, HQ for IBM research, kindly referred me to a lengthy quote from psychologist William James (1842-1910) arguing that religious states are not less profound simply because they can be induced by mental anomalies; ‘Even more perhaps than other kinds of genius, religious leaders have been subject to abnormal psychical visitations. Invariably they have been creatures of exalted emotional sensitivity liable to obsessions and fixed ideas; and frequently they have fallen into trances, heard voices, seen visions, and presented all sorts of peculiarities which are ordinarily classed as pathological.

Often, moreover, these pathological features have helped to give them their religious authority and influence. To plead the organic causation of a religious state of mind in refutation of its claim to possess superior spiritual value is quite illogical and arbitrary. Because if that were the case, none of our thoughts and feelings, not even our scientific doctrines, not even our dis-beliefs, could retain any value as revelations of the truth, for every one of them without exception flows from the state of the possessor’s body at the time. Saint Paul certainly once had an epileptoid, if not an epileptic seizure, but there is not a single one of our states of mind, high or low, healthy or morbid, that has not some sort of organic processes as its condition.’

What I find key to the temporal lobe assertion is the fact that not all who have its form of epilepsy experience the ecstatic, mystical or religious seizure, which only ever occurs in the minority. The hypothetical ‘get out’ clause for this is perhaps those who do, already have a predisposed belief towards religion or metaphysics, or even that the seizure stimulates those particular parts of the brain serving to mediate religious feeling. Canadian neurologist Michael Persinger, he of the ‘God Helmet’, has clearly demonstrated that if TLE is purposely triggered by pulsing magnetic fields, it will produce hallucinations in a sitting subject. Might this be because the temporal lobe, a potential and intended direct line to the Beyond has been tampered with unnaturally? Would it be more natural to utilise this ‘portal’ in the brain with the ebb and flow of the earth’s own magnetic field? Is this what the temporal lobe was designed to conceal, a passage to Paradise?

In July 2012 Enrico Facco and Christian Agrillo, both of the University of Padova in Italy, at the Department of Neurosciences and Department of General Psychology respectively, wrote their well-balanced paper ‘Near-death experiences between science and prejudice’ in which they emphasise the need for a ’proper assessment’ based on a) available scientific interpretations b) telling facts from hypotheses and c) epistemological aspects and related scientific prejudices, consequently stating that ‘most if not all interpretations remain only speculation, or, at best, clues of the possible brain mechanisms triggering them; some of the results seem questionable or even odd, taking into account other well-known clinical facts’, one such example being how in cardiac arrest there is no time for an experience of tunnel vision from retinal dysfunction. After rolling out the case perfectly, both authors are fair minded enough to announce ‘ NDE’s are an intriguing and relevant phenomenon, the nature of which is still under debate.’

Having looked at some researchers viewpoints concerning this neurology v. metaphysics argument, I will now dare to present my own, courtesy of my usual aide both the Collective Unconscious and the Mother Tongue. Each of us will possess in the region of 100 billion neurons we call nerve cells, each cell with its own thousands of dendrites, receptors for the chemical-electrical messages from other neurons’ axons across the synapses. Any picture of a dendrite will clearly show you a tree and therefore it is no surprise that the word means ‘tree-like’. This brings me on to a few observations of my own. Firstly I cannot have omitted noticing that pictures of angels usually portray them with halo’s or, more correctly, aureoles, the circle of light or brightness around the head of a holy person. My suspicion is that these aureoles – or subtle laminating, radiating aura – are in fact suggesting the warning sign ‘aura’ of an epileptic seizure.

Next, I have spotted that if we use the arrived at acronym of temporal lobe epilepsy, TLE, it is a phonetic for ‘tele’, a word that as a prefix means ‘transmission over a distance,’ ‘across’ and ‘distant’, the very descriptive terms that suggest an experience through a temporal lobe epileptic seizure. Clearly, you are being taken to a ‘somewhere’ else. Even in the very word ‘temporal’ we can find the anagram ‘portal’’, and the Latin word ‘temporal’ itself means ‘Temple’, a building dedicated to religious ceremonies or worship. Is it just a coincidence that the one day in the year when a supposed gateway opens, both physical and supernatural worlds are closest and magical things could happen, is called ‘All Hallow’s Eve’, a phonetic ‘Hallow’s’ as in the ‘halluc’ (halloose’) of ‘hallucination’?

Let us now return to the dendrite. In the biblical account of the Garden of Eden, both Adam and Eve are expulsed out of this paradise with the stern warning after their curiousity in investigating the Tree of Knowledge, or the knowledge of good and evil. In order to have them banished a cherubim guard wielding a sword is installed. Genesis 3;24 informs us, ‘After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.’ We can view this scenario in a modern day neurological sense where we see the tree of life as a dendrite capable of communicating information – knowledge. It makes me wonder if the synapse, the structure that enables neurons to signal other cells, refers to ‘original sin’ (syn), the word ends in ‘apse’, the architecture usually found at the end of an aisle or choir in a church.

Renaissance Italian painter, sculptor and architect Michelangelo, (who by synchronicity has ‘angel’, a cherub, in his name) held to be one of the greatest living artist of all time, painted his ‘The fall and expulsion from Garden of Eden’ in 1509. We see the cherubim strike out at Adam, but where has this master painter – or his Collective Unconscious – aimed the blow? It meets Adam’s head at below the ear level at the back of the head – the temporal lobe! Does this canvass, hanging in Cappella Sistina in the Vatican, tell us that that the seat of all knowledge, from which Adam was banned from accessing, is the area of the temporal lobe? Is this why religious visions emanate from it, that it is, in fact, a truly paradisiacal location?

The cerebrum, which makes up most of the brain, is divided by a longitudinal fissure into the two hemispheres that each contain five discreet lobes including the temporal. The word ‘cerebrum’ embodies the phonetic ‘cherub’ (‘cereb’), the plural of which, the cherubim, patrol the temporal lobe Garden of Eden. Across many continents the widespread practice, of trepanning, where a hole is drilled or scraped into the human skull to treat health problems, can be traced back as far back as the Neolithic period when attempts to excite and open up the potentiality of an area of the brain were explored, the majority of these probable surgical operations were carried out at the right temporal lobe.

With the help of the Mother Tongue, looking at the word ‘epilepsy’ from Old French epilepsie, from Late Latin epilepsia, from the Greek epilambanein, we find the key section is the word ‘pile’ hidden within ‘epilepsy’. Brain cells working together communicate by means of electrical signals and on occasion an abnormal charge from a group of cells result in a seizure, the type depending upon the part of the brain where the abnormal charge arose. In 1929 the German psychiatrist Hans Berger first demonstrated that the electrical impulse of the brain could be recorded, it continuously generating electrical current. Now we leap to Voltaic pile, a source of direct current consisting of a number of alternating discs of two different metals separated by acid-moistened pads, forming primary cells (generating electricity) connected in the series. ‘Pile’ = Pyl, and onto ‘Pylon’, a word from the Greek ‘Pulon’, a Gateway, from ‘pule’, a gate.

A Gateway in the world of computing is a link that enables information to be exchanged between one computer network and another, in our epileptic seizure scenario a transmission, a communication during the moment of loss of consciousness. Within the word ‘epilambanein’ we find ‘lamb’, ‘The Lamb of God’ often referred to in describing Jesus, but we are going to look at the lambda, the meeting of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures of the skull, the brain’s outer layer the cerebral cortex. The Greek letter Lambda is used as a symbol for wavelength in physics and mathematics and in certain photosensitive epilepsies exposure to particular light wavelengths can be a trigger. Wave forms, a disturbance or oscillation propagated from point to point in a medium or space, described in general by mathematical specification of its amplitude, velocity, frequency and phase, project millions of miles into space bouncing off planets and stars, returning to earth. Are, in a sense, individuals snatched away undergoing temporal lobe seizure also traversing this distant trip?

Suture parts of the skull, by their appearance, strongly resemble riven terrain, cracked open fissures affected by earthquake – the simulated brain ‘tremors’ felt during epileptic seizure. The word ‘Epilepsy’ contains ‘lep, phonetic ‘leap’, an abrupt or precipitous passage (the shift of consciousness) or transition. Let us look at Tonic-Clonic seizures, a type of generalised disturbance that affects the entire brain. We find ‘tonic’ in the word ‘diatonic’, the tones and intervals – interval is a term used between successive seizures – of the natural scale in music as all music is constructed of vibration, frequency and wavelength, all terms used in epilepsy as the body vibrates, there are frequency in seizures and all vibrations take wave forms. It is interesting to note that the role of music is now being thought to be a therapy for epilepsy – three-quarters of suffers saw a 50% fall in seizures after hearing Mozart’s piano duet K448. The ‘Clonic’ in Tonic-Clonic, we find in ‘Cyclonic’ from Cyclone; stormy often destructive weather, a kind of centrifuge – centrifugal in physiology equals transmitting impulses away from the central nervous system. Seizures can be cyclic, or reoccurring.

The original religion of Tibet was the belief known as Bon of which there are still isolated monasteries existing there. A major god in the Bon pantheon was Za, with his stormy and destructive weather replete with lightning bolts (notice how they resemble a dendrite) and hailstones, who was responsible for causing epilepsy. Although Bon monks today teach a very similar understanding to Buddhist teaching, there is one significant difference in ritual – Whilst Buddhists will walk clockwise around a sanctuary, stupa or Mani wall, the Bon adherent will walk anti-clockwise. Tellingly, in meteorology the cyclone – a tropical atmospheric disturbance (our Tonic-Clonic seizure ) – is characterised by air masses circulating rapidly, clockwise in the Southern and anti-clockwise in the Northern. Little wonder that changes in air pressure, barometric changes in temperature, dark skies, thunder or bright sunlight and humidity are known to act as triggers in epileptic seizure.

To offer my conclusion, for all the admirable hard evidence tried and tested by neurology which is indisputable, I feel the danger is that neurologists are throwing the baby out with the bath water. By arrangement of a strategic series of patterns, colours and images, or by manipulating the style in which an object is lit, within one tenth of a second we can produce a standard parlour trick optical illusion to fool the brain into seeing something that isn’t there. Even though we go into the exercise knowing that this is what we are going to do, the brain allows itself to be deceived. If this is also the case with it allowing an area of itself – the temporal lobe – to display ‘hallucinations’ on tap as in Persinger’s experimentation, then the mistake we will make is our own optical illusion, the view being that this Gateway is only fit (pun intended) for malfunctioning an electromagnetic spirituality with no real substance.

Article Copyright© Dan Green – reproduced with permission.


Observation and Reality Change

Want to Change Your Reality? Just Switch the Channel…

The holographic mind

By Meg Benedicte

During this extraordinary year of transformation, our planet is morphing from the dying, outdated 3D model of Duality into an alternative 5D paradigm of Unity Consciousness. This is often met with perplexing confusion, as the human mind attempts to grasp how it is possible for a planet to change so dramatically. But once we understand the complex workings of the universe it is easier to not only comprehend but actively get involved.

There is much debate between scientists and spiritual scholars about the origin of creation and the role that living consciousness plays. Similar to the chicken vs. egg argument…does the mind evolve from matter (thoughts as biochemical reactions in the brain), or does matter evolve from mind (spirit creating matter).

My experience supports the narrative that “creation arises from consciousness”…it is the source where ideas originate. All visions, intentions, artistic expression, and imagination are ignited from the trans-material consciousness called “Spirit‟. It is the creative spark of our physical world of matter.

In Quantum Physics everything in nature exists simultaneously as separate particles that also have a wave function. Based on the “Observer Effect‟, the small atoms in our physical world are influenced by the presence of our conscious mind. Particle-waves function as possible probabilities until observed by a conscious mind, whereby the exchange would collapse the wave-function and form a particle. The quantum field exists in a state of waves probabilities (virtual particles), as possible holograms of potential outcomes.

So how does this work? Our brain operates much like a computer or television, creating our material world from a holographic array of frequencies converted into a solid image. Just as a hologram functions as a lens, encoding and decoding frequencies, our brain similarly transforms incoming frequencies into our sensory perception of reality. Therefore, our personal reality is determined by the frequencies selected…like channel surfing from the couch.

In the quantum field our brain animates our external world like the engine of a movie projector – creating a holographic reality by running snapshot “freeze frames‟ of observed perception (images) together similar to a movie film. The consciousness streaming through our mind becomes the “creator‟ of time and space of our physical experience, not the other way around!

When our brain switches channels, we experience a shift in our perceived reality. It may materialize in an “Aha” Moment, or more dramatically, like relocating to a new city or country, or changing careers. In this manner, our brain not only switched channels, it jumped timelines. The human brain ‘receiver’ is selecting one slice of holographic reality from an infinite kaleidoscope of slices.

In a way, our Universe works like sliced bread and in any moment we are selecting one of the slices. With this knowledge, we can consciously choose our slice of reality from the vast quantum field by refining and raising our brainwave frequencies and intentioned focus. We are not stuck in a dark, dismal world. That is just one of infinite slices accessible to us. We have the ability to switch channels any moment we desire with our mind’s consciousness, just like clicking your remote to a new channel.

The human brain has a complex network of microtubules transmitting photon packets of “light consciousness‟ in a quantum field of order (coherence). The human brain ‘receiver’ converts the photon waves of data from the quantum fluctuations into our holographic reality. Our ability to tap into this universal intelligence depends on the strength of our body’s superradiance, our capacity for cellular metabolism of photon light and our brain’s reception of a wider-range of higher frequencies

It is our personal ‘energy signature’ that magnetizes a select range of information within the quantum field. During altered states of meditation our brain relaxes and expands to larger numbers of wave-lengths in the Zero Point Field, opening our mind to awaken to new thought, visions and perceptions.

It is very empowering to know we can choose our slice of reality, the hologram that we live in. At this time in history, we have the opportunity to jump tracks onto the parallel slice of 5D Earth, onto the 5D timeline. All we need to do is elevate our brainwave frequencies higher into the 5D range so that our brain can lock onto that channel of reality.

The only obstacle to switching channels is our ego fear and doubt. For the ego mind wants to stay in 3D Polarity to feed on emotional charge. It will resist our decision to switch timelines to the 5D hologram. But we have the solution – during conscious meditation our focused intention and visions will raise the brain into higher frequencies (25 hertz and higher) that are beyond the reach of the ego mind. It is in the non-polarized Still Point that we select the new channel of 5D Earthly reality from the universal superhologram.

Not only can we switch channels to the new 5D Earth but we can alter our reality in numerous ways. Our mind is open to an infinite array of options at any given moment. If something is not going the way we envisioned, we can lock our focus on another solution and switch to that channel. There are infinite possibilities! All we have to do is free up our mind and open to the vast quantum field of infinite solutions…and change our lives forever!

Copyright (c) 2014 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


Bringing Together Right & Left Brain

Integrating the Left and Right Brain

Those of us alive on the planet during this unique time in human history have truly chosen an exciting time to exist.  We live during a time where many ancient prophecies are upon us and where the rate of the expansion and acceleration of consciousness is increasing exponentially; a time of apocalypse if you will.  The word apocalypse finds it’s origin in the Greek language meaning to uncover, reveal, or disclose.  Apocalypse is the perfect description for the current shift happening.

Previously hidden knowledge, spiritual concepts, and energy technologies are being revealed throughout the collective consciousness.  Generally speaking what are considered ‘new age’ ideas to some, are more accurately ancient knowledge, sciences, and understandings.  Our ancestors, wherever they may find origin, seemed to have a more intimate and activated relationship with the world and the universe than most of us are accustomed to today.  Finally the time has come for us to re-connect with this knowledge.  Traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many schools of herbalism are becoming widely practiced again.  Meditation, astral travel, lucid dreaming, and higher dimensions are becoming common terms in many circles and we are re-discovering and developing new technologies for transportation, power, and permaculture.  Yet, this precious cosmic knowledge presents our modern logical minds with a dilemma at times.

Throughout our lives our educational system, the tone of our culture, our politics, and the role of modern sciences and technology in our world can lead to a greatly developed logical and analytical mind while at times systematically de-activating our intuitive mind.  At the moment of planetary shift, we are still the product of colonization, the dark ages, and the long-term suppression of knowledge.  It seems we are in a place of choosing between the logical experience and the intuitive one; to choose either thinking or feeling, but not both.  In this way, we are at risk of going from one state of imbalance to another.  Therefore, as seekers of expanded consciousness, it is especially important in our left-brained culture to honor a balancing of both aspects of our dualistic brains.  We must understand that we need not accept every piece of information that comes our way if it doesn’t register with us both intuitively and logically.

Luckily, in roughly the past 30-40 years we have seen a gradual increase in scientific research and logical analysis of concepts that have previously fallen into the category of imaginary or unexplainable phenomena.  A primary cause for this lapse in understanding could be that the scientific field is actually in some ways not caught up to the level of knowledge being disseminated.  For instance, certain energies we speak of such as those of the various layers of the auric field may be or may have been too fine to be sensed by the instruments currently available for research.  Take also for example the major reigning theories in the field of physics.  For a long time Newtonian physics held that we lived in a material world of solid physical objects.  We now understand that everything we perceive is an expression of vibration in a virtual hologram.  The beauty of scientific thought in it’s regularity and insistence on process is also it’s weakness in progression.  A quantum leap in understanding in one field such as physics, may reveal a lapse within the perspectives of other fields which could take a very significant amount of time to catch up.  To also consider the role of corporate and governmental investment in the suppression of certain technologies being available would be another article entirely.

When we consider the revolutionizing of the scientific process, visionaries in the scientific fields such as Einstein and Tesla come to mind.  Upon examination, both were individuals who applied passion, excitement, and intuition to their airtight scientific processes and thereby originated concepts and technologies that completely changed, and are still changing the world.  We can take a lesson from this in our personal life.

Thinking again to our upbringing and education we will see that for many of us, if we spoke of other dimensional phenomena or responded to our intuitions as children, we were quickly taught by adults in our lives that this was silly.  Our experiences were dismissed or ignored.  This follows through in our education to a far greater degree.  The focus of institutional education is on information recall, retention, conformity, etc.  Many students are still lucky enough to receive small amounts of training in art, music, and creative fields, yet we are also often told that we can expect no future in these things, and are more encouraged in fields of science, business, technology, or mathematics.  While there is nothing wrong with these fields in and of themselves, the philosophy behind our training as youth is heavily imbalanced toward the value of information over free-thinking and conformity over expression.  Because of this conditioning, there is extra work to be done and many parts of our minds and abilities are yet to be fully explored and integrated.

Take for example the western scientific view of herbalism as compared to a traditional system of herbalism.  From a purely logical viewpoint, the value of any one plant as a medicinal substance would be analyzed in a very methodical way.  Trials would be done, constituents of the plant would be chemically analyzed, and conclusions would be reached as to the efficacy, safety, or suggested use of that plant or it’s constituents.  In an intuitive system of herbalism, a plant may be connected with as opposed to analyzed.  It will be understood and considered according not only to how it acts physically as a medicine, but also according to it’s energetic qualities.

In many herbal medicine systems plants are described as having ‘cooling’ or ‘heating’ properties or they may be described as ‘dampening’ or ‘drying’.  These terms are describing the essence or the feeling of that plant.  In traditional plant medicine of indigenous peoples throughout the world, the spirit inherent in a plant is communicated with as an autonomous expression of consciousness, a being.  In cases like these, patient and practitioner alike generally have a strong belief in the potency of the plant based on systematic experience and based on intuition.  This type of medicine can have astonishing results.  Is this merely the placebo effect?  Is the placebo effect not merely further proof that the feelings and intuition guide the outcomes of our perceived reality?  We can see where the line between the logical mind the intuitive mind becomes blurred.  In this blurry zone is a very powerful place of meeting and integration.  Certainly we will find that this distinction becomes more and more difficult to make as we continue on our path of conscious evolution.

Our brilliance and expansion does not happen with the exclusive expression of a part of ourselves accompanied by the complete denial of another.  The miracles of expansion, discovery, and expression are born when we learn to honor and integrate both dualistic expressions of the self in this dualistic dimensionality.  Integrating the “I think” self and the “I feel” self makes way for the “I know” self.  And from the space of knowingness all expansion, brilliance, and creation comes.


Laura Weber is a staff writer for The Mind Unleashed, a visual artist, and energetic healer living in New York City, New York. Somewhat of a modern renaissance woman, her art and healing work focuses in vibration, plant medicine, water alchemy, and awakening the creator consciousness in all people. To read other work by Laura visit


Selenite – Versatile Crystal

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite

Last updated on February 4, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

If you are looking for one of the most versatile metaphysical stones that can help you cleanse your aura, clear all energy blockages, bring 5th dimensional energy into a 3rd dimensional matter and MUCH more, then selenite is for you!

Selenite is an element of creation. Intensifying the light frequency, the resurgence of Selenite enhances our consciousness. Returning to this energetic element and tool now, at this point in history, enables us to create and intensify new seeds of consciousness.

Selenite is extremely sensitive, and acts just like “liquid light” from the angelic realm and universe. The crystals’ striations (fine parallel grooves and narrow bands) are the pathways for the illuminated substance of Spirit. Selenite vibrates more on the spiritual level than on the physical, and resides on the threshold between pure white light and physical matter.

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite |

This crystal is capable of displaying total transparency, and is the very essence of dreams and visions. Selenite builds and acts as the bridge to merge the highest frequencies of light with the most subtle levels of form. It’s so sensitive, selenite will fracture or break around extreme negative thoughts.

Healing Properties of Selenite

The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite | In5D.comSelenite has a direct effect on the emotional body. However, unlike stones that soothe and calm the emotions, selenite activates the aspect of our nature connected to our true spiritual feeling and path.

These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control. Selenite is water soluble and will dissolve if left in liquid. This important characteristic is also a great metaphor of the inherent power of the crystal to melt away exaggerated emotions with the stabilizing light force of your “true nature and feeling”.

Selenite has a variety of specific transformational qualities:

•Brings the fifth dimensional light into third dimensional matter.
•Quickly opens balances and activates any chakra and is especial good with the third eye, crown chakra, and the soul star chakra above the head. It’s the most powerful clearing stone for the upper chakras.
•Cleanses the aura.
•Clears and energize all the glands of the body.
•Clears all blockages in the energy field.
•Cuts cords of dysfunctional energy from the etheric body.
•Ideal for purification and energetic cleansing, which makes it a perfect tool for healers.
•Directs high frequency energy into the body, stimulating spiritual, physical and emotional healing.
•Opens the inner self to the spiritual world.
•Magnifies the energy of what ever is placed on it many times over (including other crystals).
•Adds positive intentions into the energy body.
•Elevates the frequency of physical matter and lowers the frequency of light, enabling a new substance to bring spirit into matter.
•Acts as a tool for enlightenment as it heralds the link between spirit and matter.

You can check out some of these videos:  (note, Selenite will melt, so if you choose to use it in bathing, it will start to get smaller)



On Mindful Living

Why 2014 Will Be The Year Of Mindful Living

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted: 01/02/2014 9:06 am EST  |  Updated: 01/02/2014 2:38 pm EST

Meditation Class

Mindfulness, it seems, is having a moment. 2013 saw a significant spike of interest in holistic health and mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation (not to mention a number of celebrities and CEOs hopping on the mindfulness bandwagon) and it’s a trend that will likely continue to gain momentum in 2014.

“What the culture is craving is a sense of ease and reflection, of not needing to be stimulated or entertained or going after something constantly,” Soren Gordhamer, founder of the Wisdom 2.0 conference, told the New York Times. “Nobody’s kicking out technology, but we have to regain our connection to others and to nature or else everybody loses.”

Here are five reasons that mindfulness will change the world this upcoming year.

Trendspotters are going all in for 2014.


According to JWT Worldwide, one of the world’s largest marketing communications brands, 2014 will be characterized by a movement toward mindful living. A number of the items on JWT’s “100 Things to Watch for in 2014” list reflect a growing interest in mindfulness — that is, the cultivation of a focused awareness on the present moment — and mindful living was named one of 10 trends that will shape the world in 2014 and beyond.

“Mindfulness is part of a much larger trend we’ve been observing called mindful living,” Ann Mack, director of trendspotting at JWT, told the Huffington Post. “It’s kind of a counter-trend to the past decade of overly stimulated, ADD-afflicted, tech-saturated culture that we’ve been living in. What was once the domain of the spiritual set has filtered into the mainstream as more people are drawn to this idea of shutting out distractions and focusing on the moment.”

Related trends forecasted on JWT’s 2014 list include “survival of the focused,” “rage against the machine” — a movement characterized by a fear and resentment of technology, and desire for more human experiences — and mindfulness in the classroom.

But just because mindfulness has been labeled a trend, don’t expect the movement to fizzle out any time soon.

“[Mindful living] has staying power, because our world is only going to become more saturated with technology, and therefore people have to find ways to counteract that,” says Mack. “We’re reassessing our relationship with technology. Over the last decade, we’ve allowed technology to rule us. Now we’re trying to be more mindful in the way we use technology and find more balance.”

People are Googling it like crazy.


It’s a movement that began gaining steam in 2013, making headlines around the web — from Rupert Murdoch’s announcement that he was taking up Transcendental Meditation to the University of Wisconsin’s groundbreaking finding that mindfulness meditation actually alters gene expression in the body — and searches for the term soared on Google (see chart below).

Major corporations are getting on board.

meditation office

Silicon Valley may be at least partially responsible for turning mindfulness from a niche New Age practice to a pop culture buzzword. In November, a New York Times Magazine cover story profiled the “hunger to get centered” and influx of mindfulness practices in the tech world and beyond.

“It seems counterintuitive, since technology is perhaps the biggest driver of mindlessness and distraction… but the drive to mindfulness is becoming more prominent in places were tech immersion is more prominent,” says Mack. “A lot of Silicon Valley companies, for instance, are banning technology during meetings in an effort to reign in focus.”

Google even offers its employees a program called Search Inside Yourself (SIY), a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence training program. Chade-Meng Tan, the program’s founder and author of “Search Inside Yourself,” told the Huffington Post that mindfulness can help build compassion, which can be beneficial to not only individuals and community, but also to corporate bottom lines.

“The one thing [that all companies should be doing] is promoting the awareness that compassion can and will be good for success and profits,” said Tan.

Leaders are identifying themselves with it.

oprah winfrey

A number of high-powered executives — from LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner to the late Steve Jobs to Oprah — have touted meditation as their secret to success. Even several years ago, you’d never expect to hear a billionaire hedge fund founder admit to meditating daily, but it’s becoming a lot more common.

“Meditation more than anything in my life was the biggest ingredient of whatever success I’ve had,” Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio claimed, while Oprah has said that meditation helps her to create her best work and best life.

Science has proven it’s worth the hype.

mindfulness study

Mounting research on the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness has contributed to and helped to legitimize this growing interest in meditative practice. Recent studies have linked mindfulness with emotional stability and improved sleep, increased focus and memory, enhanced creativity, and lower stress levels, among a host of other positive health outcomes.

