Maui, Hawaii earthquake 6/21

Moderate earthquake below the South-Western part of Maui, Hawaii (June 21, 2013)

Last update: June 21, 2013 at 10:38 am by By

Update 10:38 UTC : Most earthquakes on the Hawaii archipelago are occurring below the big island because of active volcanism.

Update 10:36 UTC : A little sorry for our earlier mistake where we wrote Mauna Kea instead of Haleakala.

Update 10:32 UTC : The expected maximum shaking (USGS theoretical mapping) is MMI IV or light shaking in the foothills of the Haleakala volacano

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Update 10:21 UTC : The depth pf 10.8 km means that this earthquake was probably triggered by the weight of the Haleakala volcano.

Initially this earthquake was reported to the north of Oahu and Mauii but was adapted a little earlier to the foothills of the Haleakala  dormant volcano.

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4km (2mi) WSW of Waikapu, Hawaii
7km (4mi) SW of Wailuku, Hawaii
9km (6mi) SW of Kahului, Hawaii
10km (6mi) NW of Kihei, Hawaii
145km (90mi) ESE of Honolulu, Hawaii

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4

Local Time (conversion only below land) : Unknown

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-21 10:04:11

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 25.9 km
