Human Shadow on Mars?

Just a note here —  Do your research.

Human Shadow Seen On Mars In Rover Photo, NASA Source! Jan 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Photo:
Photo set:
Date of photo: 9-26-2012
Camera: Navcam: Left A (NAV_LEFT_A) onboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 50
Time: 13:59:04 UTC

This came in the email this morning. Someone who wants to remain nameless has found a shadow of a human-like being messing with the Mars Curiosity rover. The person has no helmet and their short hair is visible and in high detail. The person has on air tanks on their back and a suit that covers most of the body except the hair. This leaves us with three confusing thoughts.

1st Is this proof that the rover is on Earth and not Mars and humans are cleaning it off and performing maintenance?

2nd Is this proof that humans are living on Mars in abandoned alien bases? (i.e. Gary Mckinnon hacker said he found such evidence on US govt computers).

3rd Is this proof that alien are messing with the rovers?

What we do know is that this is a real situation that NASA will not talk about, so its up to the public to find this evidence and bring it to the attention of the rest of us. SCW

Cats on Mars???

Ancient Cat Statue Found On Mars In Curiosity Photo, NASA Source, Jan 9, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 9, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo:

Check out this animal statue on Mars found by the Curiosity Rover. At first, because its covered in Mars dust and tipped over, we don’t notice it. UFOovni2012 of Youtube however did see it and alerted the UFO research community right away. I admit its hard to see some things unless we add color or lines so our eyes can adjust to the textures of the photo. The object doesn’t seem to be made of rock, but like most artefacts found on Mars, is made of a 3D printed, layered material. This kind of printing allows its tech be be printed within it during its construction. Just like they are trying to do today here. SCW

A New Face on Mars

Alien Face Discovered By Mars Rover Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Someone at discovered this face above so I thought I better confirm it there and check out the original NASA photo. It is there and then some. What I mean is I found a lot of faces smaller that this one, but it does confirm there were statues or monuments in this area long ago. Take a look at the other faces I found near it (below photos). Other faces I didn’t include because of low detail.
I found something else that was overlooked. Some hieroglyphics were carved into one of the stones. I had to add a lot of light to the photo to even notice it, but it is there. There are two symbols, a straight line over a square. The photos of this are below, both before the light is added and after, then a close up of the symbols. Please have a look at the guys UFO site at the link above. It looks very informative. SCW